WP Op/Ed: For black Americans, this week was a nightmare. Does our country care?

An editor at the Washington Post, Christine Emba, writes:


I’m a black woman living in the United States of America, but I didn’t grow up with a pervasive sense of fear. I was taught that things were getting better — they’re always getting better. Look, we’ve moved past slavery, past Jim Crow. The civil rights movement worked!

Thinking back, perhaps my parents — like all black parents — were less convinced than I was, and rightly so. Immigrants from Nigeria, a pharmacist and a nurse, they were middle-class professionals obsessed with our educations and far more interested in pushing us to get ahead rather than in looking back.

Yet I still listened to them instruct my brother the day he received his driver’s license: Drive slow; don’t be outside at night; if you’re stopped by the police, always keep your hands in view; never raise your voice; don’t talk back; you’re not like everyone else; this country isn’t safe for you; you should always be on your guard.

And even as the younger, female child, I received my own warnings. Dress well; speak correctly; don’t ever give anyone cause to suspect you; know that you need to be twice as good as anyone else. The threat of bodily harm was reduced, but the implication that certain structures couldn’t be counted on to serve me, and that I would need to work harder than my white peers to stay safe, was not.

Despite all that, I assumed the best — sure, it’s unfair, sure, it’s limiting, but hey, we’ll eventually be able to stop worrying. After all, things are improving.

The problem is, they’re not.

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How Trump speaks

Byron York writes:

Donald Trump’s speech in Cincinnati Wednesday night astonished even those in the press corps and political world who have spent a long time watching Donald Trump speeches. As Trump talked and talked — the speech lasted 68 minutes — some took to Twitter to express amazement, and in some cases, outrage.

“Can anyone think of a speech by a major-party candidate to compare to Trump’s raving performance tonight in Cincy?” wrote Politico’s Glenn Thrush.

“This is the craziest speech I’ve ever heard since last night which was the craziest speech I’d ever heard,” wrote Commentary’s John Podhoretz, who had also watched Trump’s Tuesday speech in North Carolina.

“We shouldn’t be talking about anything but Clinton’s flagrant abuse of classified info but Trump wants to exercise his right to word vomit,” wrote Republican strategist and former Eric Cantor aide Rory Cooper…

The (far) bigger question is those 62 million voters. What do they hear? Mostly they hear what journalists want them to hear, if they’re even listening to that. And in Cincinnati, the media message was that Trump had given a speech about the Star of David tweet.

The New York Times’ headline was, “In a Defiant, Angry Speech, Donald Trump Defends Image Seen as Anti-Semitic.” The paper reported that “the bulk of Mr. Trump’s energy was spent on the Twitter post.” It might be hard for other observers to come away from the hour-plus performance convinced that the bulk of it was the four-and-a-half minutes spent on the tweet, but that is what the Times said.

The Washington Post’s headline was, “Trump says campaign shouldn’t have deleted image circulated by white supremacists.”

Given reporting like that, multiplied many times by other news outlets, it’s clear Trump faces an enormous, perhaps insurmountable obstacle in getting his message out. He clearly believes he is a great communicator, and he is in fact a very good one. But as a political speaker, Trump is so far outside the box that he has virtually overwhelmed the senses of those reporting and analyzing the news, making it difficult for some voters who haven’t actually seen him to get a clear picture of his appeal to supporters.

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Twitter Takes No Action As Calls For Cop-Killing Sweep Platform

Breitbart: There has been a deluge of anti-cop threats on Twitter, many of which calling for the mass murder of police officers.
Hatred towards police is nothing we haven’t seen on the timelines of Twitter before, but the past three days have brought an onslaught of highly violent calls to action. A search query for phrases such as “kill pigs” “kill police” and such pulls back thousands of posts. Many of these are blatant threats to all police, regardless of their relevance to past incidents.

The threats and incitement to violence seen below were all posted before the massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas. At the time of publication, all the tweets captured below remain on Twitter, and can be found via the site’s search function. In addition to screenshots, all tweets have also been archived.


The most disturbing tweet so far features an image of a policeman having their throat cut by a masked assassin. The man who tweeted it, who goes by the username “BlackNefertiti” has yet to be punished by Twitter, and his original tweet remains on the platform.


One of the above tweets comes from verified Twitter user Ben Baller (@benballer) who explains that he wishes to kill one hundred police officers whenever he hears the words “stop resisting”. He also went on to praise Christopher Dorner, the man who wrote a manifesto against police officers and went on to kill three of them, and a basketball coach, along with three others wounded.


Ben Baller, Kanye West’s personal jeweler and Twitter verified personality, is undoubtedly an influential member of Twitter, with over 437,000 users reading his tweets like the ones above. Nearly half a million people and counting will see him actively endorsing the execution of police officers.

Will Twitter ban Baller for his comments? Or even remove his “verified” checkmark? Non-progressives have had their blue mark removed for more spurious reasons, such as Breitbart Tech‘s own Milo Yiannopoulos. And in some cases, like Adam Baldwin’s, they have even been locked out of Twitter entirely — and that was for allegedly insulting tweets, not incitement to violence against police officers.

It wouldn’t be the first time the platform has turned a blind eye to incitement. In June, the platform was deluged with praise for Donald Trump’s would-be assassin. And as The Hill reported at the end of last month, death threats to Republican senators remained on the platform for weeks without removal.

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Paul Joseph Watson writes:


‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters responded to the sniper attack in Dallas by celebrating the murder of the five police officers who were gunned down in cold blood.
BLM sympathizers took to Twitter to express their joy at the carnage, with one commenting, “Y’all pigs got what was coming for y’all.”
“Next time a group wants to organize a police shoot, do like Dallas tonight, but have extra men/women to flank the Pigs!,” added another.
“Dude hell yeah someone is shooting pigs in dallas. Solidarity,” commented another user.
“DALLAS keep smoking dem pigs keep up the work,” remarked another.
Last night’s events in Dallas were as painfully predictable as they were tragic.
As I wrote almost a year ago after BLM supporters had plotted to bomb a police station in Ferguson, “Black Lives Matter cannot be described as anything other than a domestic terrorist organization.”

One had to look no further than the fact that the ideological guru behind ‘Black Lives Matter’ – the individual whom its founders cite as their inspiration – Assata Shakur – is a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ list.
BLM protesters have also repeatedly invoked violent rhetoric. During a march in New York, demonstrators chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!”

BLM agitators have also used the refrain “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!” on numerous occasions to promote violence against police officers.


Dallas 7-Eleven Store Looted By Black Lives Matter Protesters Who Taunted Cops After Massacre of Police Officers

Gateway Pundit: A Dallas 7-Eleven store was looted and a news crew threatened by Black Lives Matter protesters after the massacre of Dallas police officers Thursday night. Incredibly, the protesters were taunting police who were called to protect the store.

WFAA-TV reported from the 7-Eleven that their news crew was threatened by the protesters and had to move theor vehicles after protesters poured beer and alcohol on their cars.

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