Moving Right (And I Don’t Mean The GOP)

Yesterday, before the Dallas massacre, John Rivers tweeted: “Right now there are some young Black Men with mental problems who are being pushed over the edge into violence by the Media. Guarantee it.”

Today he tweets:

* I can’t stop Media from being Anti-White 24/7 & stirring up Black Violence. But every time they do I move to the right & I don’t mean GOP.

* The Whites who suffer when the Media creates these maelstroms of Black Violence are the Poor Whites. That’s what happened in my family.

* I want the Rich White Progressive Media to stop stirring up Anti-White Hate. They’re endangering my Friends & Family.

* On the rare occasion some White does something horrific to a Black, we hear about it for a decade & Whites feel bad.

* Meanwhile there are routine brutal killings and rapings of Whites by Blacks and our Media hide it.

* White Cucks only encourage Black Violence.
Get off your knees. Have some self-respect.


* If Whites got off their knees and stopped apologizing for who they are, Blacks would be better behaved.

* The more Whites grovel & cuck, the bolder & more aggressive Blacks get. Isn’t that obvious by now?

* ProgMedia doesn’t seem to care if I notice they’re Rich. Or White.
Or live in Gated Communities.

They mind when I notice they’re Jews, tho.

* And it’s infuriating to see Rich Left-Wing Jews in ProgMedia whip Black Mobs into a frenzy of Anti-White Hate and point them at my family.

* I’m willing to go back to not noticing if they would stop encouraging Anti-White Violence from Blacks. Tit for tat.

* I don’t think there’s a conspiracy. I think a lot of Rich Left-Wing Jews have no blue-collar family & no sympathy for most of White America.

* So when they stir up Black Violence it’s nobody they care about being targeted
It’s just some White Trash somewhere.

* I don’t believe in any Big Jewish Conspiracy. But I do think Left-Wing Jews in Media who push Anti-White Hate do put my family in danger.

* A lot of the Rich Whites who do the Anti-White Bean Counting are Jewish. Maybe they’d think twice if we counted the Jewish Beans, too.

* John Rivers tweets: “I’m glad that Jews get to have Jewish Pride and have a Jewish State. Now I want the same thing for my people.”

* It’s not a War on Cops.
It’s a War on White Cops. For being White.
The shooter said he was trying to kill Whites.

* Ethno-nationalism for me, but not for thee.
We see the game being played, and we’re done playing it.

DENNIS PRAGER TWEETS: “Left-wing cop-hate and left-wing white-hate fueled the Dallas massacre.”

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Micah Xavier Johnson Hated Whites

TMZ: Micah Xavier Johnson — the 25-year-old law enforcement confirms as the Dallas shooter — had involvement with a handful of pro-black and police watchdog groups.
Johnson’s social media accounts reveal he was a member of several Black Panther organizations, including The New Black Panther Party Houston Chapter.
Johnson also subscribed to a Facebook group called “The Black Matrix,” which aims to dismantle the system it believes “white societal elites” have put in place to “control the perceptions of its Black populations.”
Johnson — who served in the U.S. Army — had involvement with Facebook communities including “Filming Cops” and “Police The Police,” which describes itself as a platform for documenting and archiving police misconduct, brutality and abuse of authority.
Dallas PD Chief David Brown said before they took down Johnson he said he was angry about police brutality and wanted to kill white officers.

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Sally Kohn: This is what white people can do to support #BlackLivesMatter

Sally Kohn tweets this morning: “How’s about instead of blaming protest movements for violence against police, we blame policing for violence that necessitated protests?!?”

Washington Post today:

Sally Kohn is an essayist and a CNN political commentator.

Educate yourselves, put your bodies in the streets and help dismantle white supremacy

One year ago this coming Sunday, Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Mo. Since then, the collective anger and devastation of the black community has become a powerful national movement. Black Lives Matter has worked to transform everything from social media to social consciousness.

In his searing new book, “Between the World and Me,” Ta-Nehisi Coates implies that it’s not his job — or, by extension the job of other black voices or leaders — to coach white folks, let alone worry about their feelings. Which it’s not. The whole point is that we white people should be the ones thinking more about black people — their feelings, their experience and their reality, which can be dramatically different than our own. But at the same time, Coates concludes his text noting that structural racism won’t change until white people change.

There are already white people who want to change, and want to help spur change in their communities. Many people are reticent to speak out, for fear of misspeaking; others want to do something, but don’t know what to do. Instead of continuing to unconsciously reinforce structural racism in America, there are many white people who want to consciously help deconstruct and dismantle it. But how?

It is not up to Black Lives Matter, nor any movement led by and for communities of color, to make space for or articulate a vision for white people. The expectation that black leaders and movements should automatically do so is a subtle extension of the sort of white-centric entitlement that gives rise to the need for such movements in the first place. Then again, we haven’t exactly blazed a path to enlightenment and liberation so far on our own.

So I asked some of the leading voices and activists in Black Lives Matter to share their hopes, asks and even demands for white people in America today. Each echoed many of the same themes, encompassing both hopes and critiques. Here, in their own words, is what they said.

Like Caitlyn Jenner, Sally Kohn is not only brave but also beautiful.

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According to Wikipedia:

Kohn was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania to Donald Kohn, an engineer, and Melinda Kohn, a computer programmer.[4] Kohn’s mother introduced her to volunteering and community organizing at age 12, when they began volunteering together at a local domestic violence shelter.

Kohn incited controversy when she wrote an article where she stated that she wants her daughter to grow up to be a lesbian, and that she is disappointed that her daughter has shown a romantic interest in boys.

Kohn met her partner, Sarah Hansen, at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2003. Hansen works as an activist and consultant. Hansen was the Executive Director of the Environmental Grantmakers Association from 1998 to 2005. They have a daughter (aged 5 in 2014), Willa Hansen-Kohn and live in Brooklyn, New York.

Daily Mail:

‘I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay too’: Lesbian CNN pundit admits she does not want her daughter, 6, to be straight and is ‘disappointed’ that she is already ‘boy crazy’
Sally Kohn is a political commentator for CNN, Fox News and MSNBC
She wrote in The Washington Post: ‘I’m gay. I want my kid to be gay, too’
‘When my daughter plays house with her stuffed koala bears as the mom and dad, we gently remind her that they could be a dad and dad’
Kohn says like most parents she wants daughter to follow in her footsteps
But suspects her daughter, 6, is straight as she is already ‘boy crazy’


A 37-year-old gay mom is set to spark controversy after she said she’d be disappointed if her six-year-old daughter wasn’t gay when she grows up.
Sally Kohn a political commentator who has appeared on CNN and MSNBC, describes herself as living in the ‘liberal bubble of Park Slope, Brooklyn, where ‘yuppies’ want their kids to be happy.
She said: ‘I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.’

In a lengthy essay in The Washington Post Kohn explained that, she, like most parents simply wants her child to follow in her footsteps.
She writes: ‘If we went to college, we want our kids to go to college. If we like sports, we want our kids to like sports. If we vote Democrat, of course we want our kids to vote Democrat.’
Kohn said: ‘When my daughter plays house with her stuffed koala bears as the mom and dad, we gently remind her that they could be a dad and dad.
‘Sometimes she changes her narrative. Sometimes she doesn’t. It’s her choice.’
‘Time will tell, but so far, it doesn’t look like my six-year-old daughter is gay. In fact, she’s boy crazy.’

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I Understand Why Many Blacks Hate Whites

I understand why people like Micah Xavier Johnson act as they do (shooting police because they enforce the white power structure). I understand why blacks have ambivalence if not hostility to white America. I understand that they want distinctive names and they don’t want to put white aka western values on a pedestal. I understand why they want to view OJ as innocent. I understand and respect their tendency to support their own. Jews and other members of tribes are the same way.

Group identity theory explains this. The stronger you are in your in-group identity, the more likely you are to have negative views of outsiders.

Why do many Jews have ambivalence about America? Because the stronger they are in their Jewish identity, the more likely they are to have negative views of outsiders.

Why do many asian-Americans have negative views of America? Because the more they identify with their racial identity, the more likely they are to have negative views of outsiders.

In short, the more diversity, the more conflict. The more diversity, the more division. A unified society is stronger than a divided society.

Ramzpaul tweets: “Nationalism will end discrimination. We can’t discriminate against you if you are in your own countries.”

John Rivers tweets: “This whole thing where Whites say well, we just have to act Super Universal and shame Blacks into acting like that – no. They never will. Some will, but most Blacks in America will always be Black first.
Yes, we get 5-10% to agree with us. But that’s it.”

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WP: ‘Dallas police chief David Brown has lost his son, former partner and brother to violence’

That’s a strange way of noting that his son murdered a police officer and then died in a shoot out.

Is he really the best man to lead the Dallas Police Department or is he an affirmative action hire over his head?

Only a woman (Theresa Vargas in this case for the WP) could write like this:

Few people understand loss better than David Brown, the Dallas police chief who stood before television cameras Friday morning and said, “We are heartbroken.”

Even before five police officers were killed during a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday where seven other people were wounded, Brown had become intimate with loss, pummeled by it, again and again, in his career and personal life.

Before this week, violence had already taken from him a former partner, a brother, a son.

When Brown was named police chief in 2010, he entered the position with a reputation of being an intense and introspective leader, according to a Dallas Morning News profile, which quoted him as telling a friend, “You know I’m a loner, man.” But if he was a quiet force, his personal pain was very public — and would become even more so after the son who bore his name killed a police officer and another man before being fatally shot more than a dozen times.

At the time, in June 2010, Brown was only seven weeks into his new position as chief and again spoke of heartache, this time in a statement to his own officers.

“The past few days have been very troubling and emotional for all of us,” he told his 3,600-member department, according to an article by The Guardian. “My family has not only lost a son, but a fellow police officer and a private citizen lost their lives at the hands of our son. That hurts so deeply I cannot adequately express the sadness I feel inside my heart.”

Brown’s son, who was also named David and was 27 years old at the time, had been reported earlier that day when his girlfriend called police to say he was having “a psychotic breakdown” and had hit her, according to media reports. Hours later, the younger Brown shot 23-year-old Jeremy McMillian as he drove with his girlfriend and two children in Lancaster, Tex., a suburb of Dallas. When a Lancaster police officer, 37-year-old Craig Shaw, responded to the shooting, the younger Brown shot and killed him, too…

In 1991, Brown’s younger brother Kelvin was killed by drug dealers. He doesn’t talk much about the loss, but he acknowledged that it remains a piece of him.

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