Blacks & Police

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* As a LEO, it’s always interesting when you see what people think law enforcement is vs. What the reality is.

For example, the idea every police officer is a sniper/marksman when the shit hits the fan. Reality is it’s a mission to get people to practice with their own pistol on their own time. Fitness is the same way.

Darren Wilson got dragged through the mud, but he seemed like he took policing seriously on all fronts.

There are a few problems with this, some of them self-inflicted and some not. First of all, you have to take black people in contact with the police as they are. If they were smarter and had better social skills then chances are they would not be contact with the police in the first place.

2nd, and this is much more controllable, is that “black pride” / machismo causes some of them to be defiant in the presence of authority- they just can’t bring themselves to be compliant and deferential to the hated po -lice.

Somewhere in between the two is the fact that at the time of their encounters with the popo, they may be under the influence of various mind altering substances so their already not very formidable intellect is further “blunted”.

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Jewish entitlement and Jewish populism

Philip Weiss writes: Last week’s Aspen Ideas Festival often seemed like a rightwing Jewish event. Accounts of the high-altitude leadership conclave included a lot of obnoxiously-chauvinist Jewish comments, notably this one from Leon Wieseltier, a contributing editor of the Atlantic (as reported by Jewish Insider at a gathering at the Aspen Chabad Jewish Community Center):

“If Merrick Garland is appointed to the Supreme Court, there will be four Jews on it. Eventually, there won’t be any goyim.” (laughter)

Anti-goyim-ism is par for the course. Though just think how people would respond if a non-Jewish public figure cracked, “there won’t be any Jews.”

The appearance of Secretary of State John Kerry at the festival was especially revealing (video and transcript). Watch his entourage as he walked into the tent. Power-journalist Jeffrey Goldberg officiously shepherded Kerry into the Festival, introducing him to a friend; then Walter Isaacson had a conversation with Kerry and made sure to give Goldberg the first question, which was more of a speech aimed at circumscribing US policy re Iran. Goldberg:

I’m not understanding the thought process that goes into the possible approval of the Boeing deal given what you think about Iran’s role in terrorism…

Other questions came from John Dickerson, Jane Harman and Richard Haass. So three of four questions to the secretary of state came from strong supporters of Israel.

David Brooks was there, the neoconservative NYT columnist who is gooey-eyed about Israel. So was Penny Pritzker, a liberal Zionist who served as an ambassador to the pro-Israel community for Barack Obama. While this report on the festival at Jewish Insider emphasized the number of undying neoconservatives:

The Paul E. Singer Foundation and Start-Up Nation Central hosted an evening reception and panel discussion on the sidelines of the Ideas Festival… Dan Senor moderated the discussion titled “The opportunity of life-changing innovation & the challenge of today’s populist politics.” Featured panelists included host of CBS’ Face the Nation John Dickerson, former CIA Director David Petraeus, Founder & President of Elliott Management Paul Singer, and CEO of Start-Up Nation Central Eugene Kandel — dubbed ‘Israel’s Larry Summers’ by Dan Senor….

[Dickerson said:] “I would argue the edginess [in this year’s election] has gone unaddressed for so many cycles, and people believe that their elections could be the vehicle to address their edginess, and they constantly kept getting disappointing results. So if you go through the drive-thru and ask for a ham sandwich and they hand you a cup of coffee, you’re irritated. They keep going through the drive-thru and they keep getting coffee.” Senor: “Especially irritating since for most people in this audience they’re Jewish.”

Jeffrey Goldberg made a circumcision joke; and there was this shtik about Jews in journalism:

Jeffrey Goldberg: “Oh, there are Jews in journalism?” David Rothkopf: “Yes, it’s the matzah ceiling, we’ve broken through.”

Rothkopf is editor of Foreign Policy, and his joke trivializes the role of American Jews in the establishment. We’re like the WASPs were in the establishment in the 1960s, except then there was more of a frank acknowledgment of the role– the best and the brightest, the Protestant Establishment, the Episcopacy, etc. This time round there’s a lot of evasion, because acknowledging the Jewish role, people think, could precipitate another Holocaust. Or at least get more people to label Jewish media figures on twitter, out of some impulse of resentment, rage, or criticism of the Jewish presence. Or maybe just irritation at Wieseltier and Rothkopf’s jokes.

It has always been my contention that honesty about the Jewish role in the establishment is not going to spark another Holocaust: because history doesn’t repeat itself, because people already know about that presence, and because Americans have a right to discuss the sociological character of elites, especially if those elites are influencing Middle East policy, as Jeffrey Goldberg, Paul Singer, Jane Harman, Penny Pritzker, David Brooks and Richard Haass are. David Rothkopf has pooh-poohed the role of the Israel lobby and doesn’t publish anti-Zionist writers at Foreign Policy; which is intellectual cowardice, because Rothkopf understands that Zionism is an anachronism, but is surely afraid of losing funding if he pushes such views. Emily Bazelon spoke at the conference; the Yale scholar who has admitted that she has a “Zionist core” only consults Jews on foreign policy questions, notably her friend Jeffrey Goldberg, justified the last Gaza slaughter, and says that Palestinians are by nature violent and vengeful. At Aspen, she appeared with Slate editor David Plotz, who has lamented the absence of a nonviolent Palestinian movement, thereby ignoring the brave weekly protests and the boycott campaign, even as he has looked the other way inside the occupation. What an entitled collection!

At Aspen, Bazelon spoke at a panel on political trends, and disparaged US populism as demagogues making false promises to resentful masses. She did similar work lately in the New York Times Magazine, saying that Sanders was undermining trust in the U.S. system by calling it rigged with no ability to do anything about it.

I understand the Jewish tradition of being wary of populists. This is because Jews have, like it or not, been linked to western elites in the last 150 years; and populist resentment of those elites fed anti-Semitism and helped to create the Jewish question in Europe. The elite role became part of the Jewish condition: Jews led many modern professional trends in the 19th century, from banking to journalism to real estate to medicine, and that rise carried us out of the ghetto and fostered resentment, too. Today in America, wealthy Jews constitute an elite that is essential to Democratic Party/blue state fundraising: the Jewish role in political giving is “gigantic” and “shocking,” say these liberal experts. That philanthropy underpins the Jewish presence at the Aspen Ideas Festival and the power of the Israel lobby. Paul Singer the Aspen godfather funds gay causes and neoconservatives. Goldberg, the most important journalist on foreign policy questions in our country, served in the Israeli army and has maintained his career despite the false claims he published that paved the way for the Iraq War. David Brooks’s son also served in the Israeli army. The fact that there were no out anti-Zionists at the Aspen festival speaks to the fact that Israel is utterly dependent on an American Jewish elite that excommunicates critics of Israel.

Many Jews don’t care for elitism. Jewish history in the last 150 years reflects a struggle with that condition. The Jewish affinities toward socialism and Zionism were efforts to defuse elitism and the resentment it fostered. Theodor Herzl warned European leaders that Jews were forming a disaffected intellectual proletariat hanging around the stock markets in Vienna and Budapest, and they could foment revolution; and so he organized Jewish bankers to try and buy off European leaders for a chunk of Palestine for the Jews to emigrate to. Arthur Koestler, the Zionist intellectual, said that Jews were a “sick” race in Europe because they had lost a connection to the land. Call him self-hating, but one admirable thing Israel has done is create a Jewish working class: Jewish masons and electricians and bus drivers. No American Jewish family raises their child to aspire to be in the trades.

Bernie Sanders is in that other tradition of Jewish responses to elitism: socialism. His populist campaign was built on ideals of human equality and the dignity of the working class. Ethnocentric Jews tried to say that he was not a real Jew; and there was no room for his ideals at the Aspen Ideas Festival. There populism is derided as a false promise. And there is not a word of criticism of the Israel lobby. Read on.

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‘Islam has NOTHING to do with terrorism, just like Micah Johnson had NOTHING to do with #BLM, you ignorant racists.’


* Micah Johnson: “I wanted to kill white people.”

AG Lynch: “We may never know why you did this.” (Twitter)

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Haaretz: Under Trump, the Old anti-Semitism Is Making a Comeback

If a six-pointed star tweet is the Old anti-Semitism, then the Old anti-Semitism must not have been a big deal.

That can’t be right. So what exactly was the Old anti-Semitism? The Holocaust? So Trump’s tweet is just like the Holocaust? Yes, I see the obvious parallels.

I wonder if anyone is growing a tad tired of this Jewish paranoia?

John Rivers tweets: “I’m glad that Jews get to have Jewish Pride and have a Jewish State. Now I want the same thing for my people.”

Chemi Shalev writes: Even if you stipulate that you agree with Trump 100% that the Star of David ad is completely innocent, why is he so totally unresponsive to protests that have come from Jews and non-Jews alike, including Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives? Why is such a self-proclaimed lover of Jews allowing anti-Semitism to rear its head in the middle of his election campaign instead of nipping it in the bud so that it goes back under the rock from which it emerged? How is it rational for Trump to antagonize and alienate so many Jews for no good reason?
Perhaps it’s truly because he never apologizes and always hits back “ten times harder,” as Cohn taught him. Perhaps he thinks that standing tall against the media and refusing to bow to political correctness was, is and will forever be essential to his success. Perhaps he’s counted and then realized that there are far more racists than Jews, who aren’t going to vote for him anyway, because they can always a buy a Democrat like Clinton, as the ad states and as he once implied.
And perhaps, in a worst-case scenario, Trump is keeping the Jews in reserve as an emergency scapegoat, if his campaign doesn’t go well. It’s a long-standing tradition in American politics, though not one usually kept by mainstream candidates of the two big parties. From the manipulative Rothschild bankers of William Jennings Bryant in 1896, through the Bolshevik agents in the 1920’s, the international Jews who pushed Franklin Roosevelt to fight the Nazis and implement the Jew Deal in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Roy Cohn’s 1950’s communists, George Wallace’s liberals in the 1960’s, Jesse Jackson’s hymies in the 1980’s and Pat Buchanan’s neocon Israel-Firsters, pushing America into a war of civilizations in the 1990’s, anti-Semitism is always just around the corner, if anyone needs it. 

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WP: Trump’s vigorous defense of anti-Semitic image a ‘turning point’ for many Jews

It’s been a really scary week for Jews because of Donald Trump’s six-pointed star tweet. Really really scary.

The only thing that was more scary was the Holocaust.

For the first time, there are indications that many Jews are turning against Trump. Prior to this tweet, they were all solidly in his corner.


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I must admit I don’t get the whole Trump anti-Semitic deal.
What would be the point?
To get the David Duke vote?
How big can that be?
Finessing the situation while courting rich Jewish Republican donors?!
Also, the people complaining are bringing up amazingly insulting unsubtle stereotypes.
I would be more offended by the complainers.
I mean, Star of David on field of dollars.

* You won’t believe it but the Washington Post had a big article today about the effect the six pointed star business was having on the Jewish community: sleepless nights, anxiety over anti-semitism, fears that Trump was pandering to violent elements in American society, and so on. I’m not sure what journalists like Goldberg are expecting from Hillary’s presidency. Ponies again?

* Hillary has been doing interviews on TV today. She’d adopting the language of whiteness studies, saying stuff like us white people need to listen to the cries of African Americans. I saw her doing it during two interviews. Will our glorious leader capitalize on this opportunity or will it be squandered as he gets distracted by something else?

* There are so, so many ways to legitimately attack Trump; the man is a walking example of a target-rich environment. (I say this as someone who will probably end up voting for him.) Of all the things they could hit him with, the idea that he’s some kind of crypto-Nazi itching to punish Jews is easily the most preposterous.

Besides the fact that one of Trump’s daughters is Jewish, anybody who’s been a big shot in New York business circles for as long as Trump obviously has an extremely high comfort level with Jews — probably much higher than the average American. A Midwestern Lutheran whose dad fought the Nazis and who doesn’t have an anti-Jewish bone in his body would probably be far more uncomfortable in a synagogue than Donald Trump. Even out-and-proud Jew-hating Trump supporters can see this and will readily admit it. Hell, coming from New York, Trump would probably be comfortable visiting a mosque.

Washington Post: Donald Trump’s vigorous defense of an image widely regarded as anti-Semitic has alarmed many Jewish Americans, who are growing increasingly fearful that someone who could be the next president is willing to stoke the kinds of stereotypical attacks that have haunted Jews for generations around the world.

Rabbis and other Jewish community leaders point to a moment of reckoning following a Wednesday night appearance in which Trump, with his voice raised, defended the use of a six-point star, which resembled the Star of David, mounted over a pile of $100 bills as part of an attack against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The image previously appeared on a website popular with white supremacists.

“That was a turning point for many,” said Lisa Spies, a veteran Republican fundraising consultant and former staffer of the Republican Jewish Coalition. “It forced people to say, ‘I’m going to hold off right now,’ or to say, ‘I just can’t vote for this guy.’ ”

Added Bethany Mandel, a conservative writer who has gained attention for past criticisms of the ties between some Trump supporters and hate groups: “This past week has been really scary as a Jew in America.”

…To some Jewish clergy, the disregard for their feelings demonstrated by a presumptive major-party presidential nominee, combined with online messages from hate groups cheering him on, was a shocking development.

“He was defending it with such passion. Shouting and screaming and regretting the fact that it was taken off and replaced,” said Philip Scheim, a Toronto rabbi who is president of the Rabbinical Assembly, the New York-based international association of rabbis from Judaism’s Conservative movement. “Before, there was this subtle tinge of anti-Semitism. Once it’s pointed out clearly — somebody took it off his account and replaced it — even then, to still stand up for it, is kind of mind-boggling.”

The controversy has put the Republican Jewish Coalition, a prominent group of GOP donors and activists that endorsed Trump earlier this year, in a deeply uncomfortable position. While the episode has subsumed the candidate’s campaign, the RJC has remained largely quiet. The group did not respond to requests for comment.

Trump was criticized in December after he told an RJC meeting that he was a negotiator, “like you folks,” but that he felt the group was not going to support him “because I don’t want your money.”

Chemi Shalev, the U.S. editor for Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, criticized Trump in a fiery column Thursday, arguing that an apparent resurgence of anti-Semitism on the political right in the United States “will be disconcerting for many Israeli Jews, reminding them that support for Israel and animosity towards Jews are not mutually exclusive.”

Mandel, the conservative writer, tweeted about anti-Semitism among Trump’s supporters on the night he won the South Carolina primary in February, and she found herself deluged by hundreds of anti-Semitic tweets directed at her own account, she said. “Get back in the oven; the only good Jew is a dead Jew — it’s all Holocaust imagery,” Mandel said.

Since then, she has blocked tweets from a constant stream of people, some of whom seem to have researched her personal life, she said. The count as of Thursday: She has blocked 928 accounts.

Still, she grew more concerned than ever after Wednesday’s speech.

“I’ve been saying for the last year, I don’t think he’s anti-Semitic. I think he has anti-Semites that maybe work for him, among his supporters,” Mandel said. “After this week, I’m like, maybe he is.”

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