LAT: As Japan’s population shrinks, bears and boars roam where schools and shrines once thrived

The news media love to push immigration on Japan, a proud country that wants to retain its heritage.

Japan is in better shape because of its decreasing population.

I wish America had this Japanese problem. We have way too many people in this country, way too many with low IQs.

The article claims there is no Japanese consensus about immigration but there is — the Japanese don’t want non-Japanese immigration.

Comment: “The pressure is on for Japan to destroy itself. But notice the Yen is strengthening after Brexit? The Yen is a safe currency. I wonder why it is, what with all those bears and boars.

Japan will clone Sumo wrestlers before they take any Indonesians or Pakistanis as citizens. They will ask their elderly to commit sepuku so as not to be a burden. They will do what it takes. And everyone knows it.”

Los Angeles Times:

All across Japan, aging villages such as Hara-izumi have been quietly hollowing out for years, even as urban areas have continued to grow modestly. But like a creaky wooden roller coaster that slows at the top of the climb before plunging into a terrifying, steep descent, Japan’s population crested around 2010 with 128 million people and has since lost about 900,000 residents, last year’s census confirmed.

Now, the country has begun a white-knuckle ride in which it will shed about one-third of its population — 40 million people — by 2060, experts predict. In 30 years, 39% of Japan’s population will be 65 or older…

Though demographers have long anticipated the transformation Japan is now facing, the country only now seems to be sobering up to the epic metamorphosis at hand.

Police and firefighters are grappling with the safety hazards of a growing number of vacant buildings. Transportation authorities are discussing which roads and bus lines are worth maintaining and cutting those they can no longer justify. Aging small-business owners and farmers are having trouble finding successors to take over their enterprises. Each year, the nation is shuttering 500 schools…

Ippei Torii, president of a nonprofit group called Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan, said leaders including Abe have clung to the idea of Japan as a mono-ethnic state, ignoring the presence of minority groups such as the Ainu in the north or the Ryukyu in Okinawa, not to mention Koreans.

Politicians, he added, have propagated the myth that foreigners commit crimes at a higher rate than Japanese and have suggested that more immigrants could make the country vulnerable to terrorism. Labor unions have also put up a fight.

“Look at nurses, they believe their income will be cut if we let in Filipinos and Indonesians,” said Katsuyuki Yakushiji, a sociologist at Toyo University in Tokyo. “They also say that these people can’t speak Japanese well and that could be risky. Yet, at the same time, they complain about severe overwork and say we need to add nurses.”

…“There’s still no consensus in Japanese society about immigration,” said Tang Yin, a Chinese scholar at the Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center. “But it’s easier for people to accept people who are educated here.”

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Paul Nehlen at Paul Ryan’s Mansion: ‘Tear Down Your Wall’ If You Won’t Build One for the Country

From Breitbart: JANESVILLE, WI— Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen held a press conference on Saturday in front of Paul Ryan’s border wall surrounding his Janesville mansion. Nehlen demanded that Ryan either build a wall to protect the American people or tear down his own wall that protects Ryan and his family.

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Rabbis Asking Tough Questions: Were Adam and Eve Black transgender refugees?

Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz writes: When God finally crafted the Human on the sixth day, the assumption for most students of the Bible is that Man was created first, and from him, Woman was created. This reading is widely accepted and has been taught for centuries, ignoring the other biblical version that they were created simultaneously and interconnected. While it is certainly true that a plain reading of these early biblical passages suggests that the dyad of man and woman was one of the most pertinent intentions of Creation, a closer textual analysis presents another more radical view: the view that identities of gender, sex, race, and ethnicity are not determined by nature but are largely developed as social constructs to make sense of the world. It would be blasphemous for one to apply one’s chosen construction of what is “normal” or “natural” to marginalize another. Doing so would be nothing short of challenging the full Divine potential of the first human who subsequently encapsulates all future human natures. Denying that any unique permutation was fully created in the image of God is akin to denying God…

How all this biblical material relates to contemporary events is of the utmost importance. I fear that today, with the lingering effects of racism, xenophobia, and the stigmatization of gay and trans people, humanity is still needlessly looking for reasons to divide itself. While I may not understand or approve the underlying reasons why each person chooses their particular lifestyle, as a Modern Orthodox pluralistic rabbi guided by the Torah, I feel it is my obligation to seek out those who are most vulnerable and advocate on their behalf. It is not enough to tolerate differences, but to cherish and nurture individuals so that they have the fortitude to go out into the world to live an actualized life. The raison d’être of the Torah is to enhance human dignity and freedom and never, God forbid, to diminish it.

Diversity is not something to push back against in the name of human uniformity. Rather, one of the vital acts we can do is reach out to someone struggling with their identity and give them the space to flourish. Too often, societies have pushed away those who grapple with their inner selves, even cutting them off from the broader world. Our post-modern globalized systems of interaction necessitate that the connection between humans is now weaker than ever. We can bring much kindness and justice back into the world, if we embrace the opportunity, indeed imperative, to support those who are suffering from marginalization and shaming. Indeed, it stems from our ancient mandate of giving aid to the stranger, giving succor to the weak, and being kind to all. And in doing so, we embrace the notion that all of us were contained in God’s first human creation. This makes each of us all equal yet –paradoxically — completely unique.


* I suppose that we can’t have opinions about what is normal or natural without automatically marginalizing someone or denying their imageness of God. This denies the capacity for humans to have common sense. Sounds like the writer is the one who is marginalizing and diminishing human potential. Not sure what he mean by Divine potential. The serpent tempted Eve with the possibility of having Divine potential. Is he talking about the same thing?

* Just when you thought there could not be any sillier ideas to be presented to the world, somebody posits an even sillier one. If this article had appeared on Purim I would have assumed the obvious, that it was satire. Alas, I fear that the author is actually serious and somehow impressed with his own cleverness. So on the sixth day, G-d created Adam and Steve in Gan Eden?

* If we are going to talk stupid, why not say that Adam was a transgender lesbian and Eve was a shy but gay man who decided to become a woman. They mastered artifical insemination and walla: a snake was born.

Embarrassed Adam and Eve re-wrote the book of Genesis to become a popular science fiction drama and never realized that it would take off.

Never realizing that they needed a copyright, they lost their shirts in trying to sue those people who took it from them without giving them a royalty and had to cover themselves with fig leaves.

Maybe someday we will see rabbis with brain transplants and then we can get better and more weird ideas for the future generations.

* Most if not almost all of Orthodoxy does not view his ordination as Orthodox nor his worldview/theology as anything resembling Orthodoxy. Taking a far left social justice agenda and trying to use the Torah to legitimize it doesn’t make it a Torah agenda. Orthodoxy is beautiful majestic and true, I hope Shmuly embraces that one day.

* This is just a fancy but abominable and purely political contrivance that tries to reverse engineer a definition of Hashem’s perfect wholeness.

And for what ? This darkness just generates pain, foments division, forestalls healing, and prevents progress toward people understanding the Torah’s relevance to humanity and His desire for the revelation of truth to the world through Israel.

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Where Will This Cop Killing Lead Us?

Steve Sailer writes: Shooting cops is not a self-interested scheme that will thus get worse and worse after today. It’s a suicide trip. It will burn out, eventually.

Nonetheless, the long term consequences of what our Administration, mainstream media, and prestigious NGOS have conjured up seem fairly predictable and depressing.

For example, go long on Dunkin’ Donuts stock. Cops will retreat to the donut shop just like they did during the liberal Warren Court Era of the 1960s. We’ve been down this path before.


* By only reporting the black victims the media turns 26% black victims into 100% black victims so black people think it’s just them being targeted thus sparking a violent reaction.

The media have blood on their hands.

* I wonder if the shooter was radicalized by something he read online.


* Where is Lee Atwater?

I suggest a pincer movement strategy

First, Trump makes Hillary the Black Lives Matter candidate in the manner of Willie Horton and Dukakis.

Second, like Nixon in 1968, he runs a positive campaign of ‘all lives matter.’

In Springfield, Illinois, Nixon said: “America [now] needs to be united more than any time since Lincoln.”

* I’m disappointed that the NYT is calling Jeronimo Yanez a “white” police officer.

* Policing isn’t a very dangerous job in America.

Read this.

In 2013, out of approximately 900,000 sworn officers, just 100 died from a job-related injury. That’s about 11.1 per 100,000, or a rate of 0.01%.

Policing doesn’t even make it into the top 10 most dangerous American professions. Logging has a fatality rate 11 times higher, at 127.8 per 100,000. Fishing: 117 per 100,000. Pilot/flight engineer: 53.4 per 100,000. It’s twice as dangerous to be a truck driver as a cop—at 22.1 per 100,000.

Another point to bear in mind is that not all officer fatalities are homicides. Out of the 100 deaths in 2013, 31 were shot, 11 were struck by a vehicle, 2 were stabbed, and 1 died in a “bomb-related incident.” Other causes of death were: aircraft accident (1), automobile accident (28), motorcycle accident (4), falling (6), drowning (2), electrocution (1), and job-related illness (13).

In America, workers experienced a workplace fatality rate of 3.3 per 100,000 (full-time workers).

If we assume roughly half of cop deaths are at hands of blacks (about half of all homicides in America are by blacks), then police fatality rate (at the hands of non-black killers) is 6.7 per 100,000. In comparison, US workers (of all professions) had a fatality rate of 3.3 per 100,000.

So if you were a cop handling exclusively non-black individuals, your chance of death would be about 2x that of some average American worker. Not especially dangerous at all.

* Someone at work today actually said that the protest last night was a “peaceful protest” until shooting broke out.

I so desperately wanted to point out that lots of things were peaceful until the violence broke out. Like the St Valentine’s Day Massacre and World War I.

I didn’t, because I’m a wuss. But it still always floors me to see how well the media narrative actually works on people.

* Brits have few guns. Fewer guns means fewer homicides, all else being equal.

Fewer guns also means more burglaries and assaults, as well. An unarmed society is an impolite society.

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Did the Talking Point About “Militarized Police Forces” Get Any Cops Hurt Last Night?

Steve Sailer writes: Remember how the Sophisticated Hot Take on the first of the various Ferguson riots in 2014 was to blame it on the “militarization” of police forces? You see, all the helmets and body armor worn by police triggered the poor protesters into their undocumented shopping spree! It was, we heard, time for a Conversation about the disturbing trend toward policemen protecting themselves as soldiers do.

The Dallas police force made sure not to make that mistake last night, when they deployed for the Black Lives Matter demonstration dressed as if they were going to talk to an elementary school assembly on Bicycle Safety.

Commenter Grumpy points out:

Here’s how the San Diego police were dressed for a Trump rally:


And here’s how the Dallas police were dressed for the Black Lives Matter protest / firefight:



* The 1990s was the decade of anti-cop gangsta rap songs like Cop Killa, Fuck The Police, and 187 On An Undercover Cop just to name a few. Now those 90s gangsta rap songs have turned into actual carry out action in the decade of the 2010s.

* I see the temperature in Dallas is 36 C/97 F right now – not the right weather for wearing the sort of armour that would protect you from that kind of attack. Probably a lot of the cops would have decided it wouldn’t be worth the trouble of wearing it, if they had the choice. Another commenter makes the point that the officers at the Trump rally are only protected from assault with blunt instruments (and tear gas in some cases). But the difference in visual impact is huge. The San Diego cops’ face masks give them the look of something out of a science fiction dystopia.

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