Uber asks riders to ‘reflect on gun violence’ as it pauses app for one minute

News: Last night, after this week’s deadly shootings made national news, Uber changed its app to have riders “reflect on gun violence” while using the service.

BuzzFeed first noted the changes as social media users began circulating messages from Uber early today. The company reportedly paused the app for one minute at midnight, as it asked riders “to create a moment of reflection for the Uber community.” A message said the company would donate to anti-violence groups in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis, and Dallas.

In addition to the pause in service, UberX cars viewed in the app were replaced with peace signs. Additionally, where riders usually see the countdown message showing how many minutes away a driver is, the app instead showed a “minute to reflect on gun violence.”

“As we move around our cities this weekend, let’s take a moment to think about what we can do to help,” Uber said in one message.


* Awesome if someone talented could hack Uber so their customer could have a minute pause to “reflect on black violence”.

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Black Lives Matter Protests Strand Thousands Of Motorists Around Country


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The article about the black motorist killed in Minnesota has a good illustration of differing white and NAM views on crime, and why Trump’s path to victory is on this issue more than any other, including immigration.

He was pulled over 3 to 4 times per year for the past 13 years, again and again, for driving without a driver’s license, driving without car insurance, and not having a muffler.

For the most part, NAM communities don’t think there is much wrong with driving without insurance. They regard the laws and requirements for responsible driving as annoyances and oppression by white culture.

So as America browns, this is going to be an increasing source of conflict.

As an example, in exurban San Diego County, nearly all police stops for driving without insurance were of NAMs, so courts forced the local governments to stop doing no-insurance checks a few years ago.

As badly as Trump is doing running his campaign, Hillary is running on a David Dinkins platform that the real problem here is white racism and police misconduct. If she keeps it up, she could end losing the vote of a large number of white Democrats. It is also probably inevitable that there will be one or more BLM disruptions of her events as well as her VP choice. When it happened to Sanders, it was probably the single worst moment of his campaign. She’ll look weak letting it happen, and then she’ll look worse meekly agreeing with everything they said.

* Police will, I suspect, work out ways to minimize the casualties even from kamikaze ambush attacks, but it will further militarize law enforcement. Certain situations may be deemed too dangerous to send in human officers even before shots have been fired. Reconnaissance by drone or robotic vehicle will precede police intervention in many sections of black or other dangerous neighborhoods. Human intervention will resemble small versions of the Normandy invasion. Demonstrations such as the one in Dallas will either be banned entirely, or will permitted only after sweeps of buildings along the march route.

* One thing Trump should do is replay, with relevant revision, a classic line of Reagan’s. Reagan asked, in his campaign against Carter, “Are you better or worse off than before?”

Trump should ask the question: “We hear Hillary and the Democrats talk about improving race relations. But after 8 years of a Democratic President, are race relations better or worse off than before? Hillary has gone on record promising the same policies and approach. Do you think that after four more years of the same, race relations will be better or worse off?”

* Speaking of cities of hate, Chappaqua NY, home of the Clintons, very wealthy, has been forced to accept low income (diverse) housing. The residents (who I assume are liberal) tried to block it for years with various legal maneuvers but failed ultimately. Is Chappaqua a City of Hate or will they never be a City of Hate, immunized by Hillary ? Will they be a City of Hate if the children living in the low income housing cannot keep up with the children in the heavily Jewish and Asian public school system? Will they be a City of hate if a resident of the low income housing gets in trouble with the police?

* White Dems may not be very aware of what the BLM people are doing if liberal networks are trying to hide the activity, but they’ll learn tomorrow or the day after when their commutes are disrupted by all the protesters blocking major routes. Unlike the BLM and various other Soros hirelings, most white Dems have a job.

The suburbs around the major cities of the US have the largest concentration of white Dems that you can find anywhere. Since white Dems also live a long distance away from their jobs in the city (having been forced out by violent blacks), they have a long way to drive to get to work, and they’ll be ticked off by the disruption. A lot of white liberals are happy to support blacks–until they become a target themselves. At that point, they start considering a voting alternative.

Hillary’s coddling of the BLM isn’t going to make her popular with the remaining white liberals. Many of them had already drifted away to support Bernie, and they view her as the party’s illegitimate candidate, having gained her position via special delegates alone. I can see Gary Johnson or whoever else is pro-pot getting a lot of extra votes from angry Bernie supporters. Hillary needs these voters desperately, and she can’t afford to lose them or she’ll lose the election.

The BLM people really have no common sense. They’re going to be targeting their own mealy-mouthed libtard supporters, and these are people whose backing they really need; otherwise they’d be going nowhere.

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WP: White America’s biggest nightmare: Black men who violently sow disillusionment

Men all over the world commit violent crime at a much higher rate than women. Blacks all over the world commit violent crimes at a much higher rate than whites who in turn commit violent crime at a much higher rate than East-Asians.

Disillusionment is not the issue. White America is not the issue. Universal black crime rates are the issue.

America’s race problem is a universal race problem. Whenever you have large numbers of blacks in a place, you have a lot of crime there.

Washington Post: America’s suddenly rapacious appetite for theater about the slave era — whet first in 2013 by that year’s winner of the Academy Award for best picture, “12 Years A Slave,” and fed most recently by the Broadway hit “Hamilton” — will be satisfied again in October. Hollywood is scheduled to serve us “The Birth of a Nation,” Nate Parker’s biopic of Nat Turner, the slave who led what turned out to be the deadliest slave rebellion in American history.

Turner experienced a vision that God chose him to lead enslaved Africans and their progeny to freedom. He sought to do God’s work by cutting a swath to the heavens painted with the blood of every white person he and his gang encountered after nightfall on Aug. 21, 1831. By midday the next day, Turner’s gang had slaughtered upward of 60 white people in rural Virginia. White mobs responded by killing at least 200 slaves.

Turner was eventually captured. After his execution, he was skinned.

Slavery was outlawed 34 years later, or 151 years ago. White America needn’t sweat another Nat Turner, another slave revolt.

But it still must worry about the aggrieved black man.

America witnessed him late Thursday in the form of Micah Xavier Johnson. Johnson was the black, 25-year-old former soldier who went on a murderous rampage specifically against white cops, as he admitted to police negotiators. This model of the revenge story has existed since 1900, when Robert Charles, a 35-year-old black man in New Orleans, felt so wronged by racial injustice that he went on a murderous rampage against that city’s white cops. Charles’s murders included four officers; Johnson’s counted five.

Charles and Johnson, though separated by six generations, are one and the same. Just as black slave insurrectionists like Nat Turner, Gabriel Prosser and Denmark Vesey were 18th- and 19th-century white America’s biggest nightmare, Charles and Johnson are that to 20th- and 21st-century white America — black men who violently sowed their disillusionment.

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WP: Dallas gunman studied ‘shoot and move’ tactics, black nationalism

Does nationalism cause people to kill? No more than religion or other common political ideologies such as socialism.

All nationalisms contain the capacity for genocide. All nationalisms contain a victimhood and all forms of victimhood contain a nationalism.

Different groups are competing for scarce resources. While individuals may get along, in many times and places, blacks and whites are fundamentally enemies because their interests are so different.

In many times and places, Jews and gentiles are fundamentally enemies, just as Muslims and non-Muslims are often enemies.

Washington Post: DALLAS — The lone gunman and Army veteran who killed five Dallas law enforcement officers Thursday night in an apparent rage over the deaths of black people at the hands of white police had been increasingly exploring black nationalism, said acquaintances here, even as he compiled a thick journal of combat-style techniques that authorities recovered from his home.

Babu Omowale, a co-founder of the city’s People’s New Black Panther Party, said Micah Xavier Johnson had attended several meetings of the black nationalist group but had never been to the group’s armed gatherings. “We had no idea what the brother’s mentality was,” said Omowale.

“He was just someone searching for knowledge about himself, like most young people searching for how they can change this world for the best,” said Akwete Tyehimba, who met Johnson in May, when he went into her shop, Pan-African Connection — a Dallas bookshop and African-arts store where like-minded activists gather.

“We had just a very brief conversation, but he was a nice young man, like most of the other young people who were there,” Tyehimba said, and one who carried himself with strength and confidence. “He fit right in.”

…On his Facebook page, Johnson posted an image of a fist with the text “Black Power.” He also expressed interest on his Facebook page in the People’s New Black Panther Party, which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a “virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization.”

…Johnson served one tour of duty in Afghanistan between November 2013 and July 2014. While he was there, a female soldier in his unit accused Johnson of sexual harassment. She said Johnson required “mental health” help and sought a protective order against him, according to Bradford Glendening, a military lawyer who represented Johnson….

Some of Johnson’s high school friends and people who knew him from the military took to Facebook in the aftermath of the shooting to express shock and grief — and also loyalty.

“Micah was my very close friend. I refuse to remember him as anything less,” a former high school classmate, Stanlee Washington, wrote on his own Facebook page.

Hunt responded to that post, saying he would go to Johnson’s funeral: “He’s still our friend.”

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Debate brews over proposed Southwest L.A. skyscraper

The underlying issue here is race. Non-blacks are moving into this black neighborhood and would flood in if more blacks could be pushed out and black crime reduced.

Gentrification means white people are moving in (often led by gays). As property values go up, blacks are pushed out because they can’t keep up financially.

The skyscraper would be located next to the Expo Line, which more people would use if there weren’t so many low lives on it.

Los Angeles Times: Signs of gentrification have been popping up in Los Angeles neighborhoods south of the Santa Monica Freeway for several years now.

But what developers want to do at the intersection of La Cienega and Jefferson boulevards would be dramatic even by the standards of the development boom hitting the city.

There, next to an Expo Line station, they want to build a 30-story tower complex that would include upscale apartments, some with floor-to-ceiling views of the Pacific Ocean, Hollywood and downtown L.A., along amenities residents have yearned for: a supermarket, sit-down restaurants and open green space.

Some residents relish the idea of a glittering tower rising from an area of Southwest L.A. that until recently was marked by warehouses, radio transmission towers and strip shopping malls – a sign that their neighborhood has finally arrived.

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