Obama’s Pro-BLM Townhall Meeting

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Reminds me of the Obamacare bend-the-curve “fraud and waste” gymnastics. This idea that he personally can do something about the proliferation of late-night traffic stops, evil eye from kwiki-mart owners, et cetera, et cetera, has become a desideratum for Obama. Forget even that he doesn’t personally have much of the N The Hood experience to help simulate this authority. He might as well spend the time on Peace In The Middle East. Too bad there is no one earthbound close by to whisper in his ear that some things are not within mere mortal Presidents’ power to change much.

* Any white person who vote for the gay mulatto needs psychiatric help. We knew who he was before he was elected. Rev. Wright spelled it all out for us.

I went to a majority negro high school in Hampton, VA. It was total hell. I saw several of my friends taken away in ambulances for the sin of being white. I endured several assaults myself. But at least I had the opportunity to see reality up close and personal at a young age. I would love for the self – loathing whites preening on social media to have that opportunity.

* Notice that Obama and the NYT are framing this as minorities — not just blacks — versus, implicitly, whites. You could at least as validly divvy it up as blacks vs. nonblacks (e.g., Minnesota shooter cop Jeronimo Yanez), but then where’s the KKKrazy Glue to hold together the Coalition of the Fringes?

* It is similar to how black leaders coined the phrase ‘people of color’ to lump blacks into a huge pool of people ranging from blacks to mestizos to the Chinese. Even though many so-called people of color have more in common with whites, or at least want to live among whites, and want nothing to do with blacks at all.

If you go by housing choices it seems it is blacks vs. everyone else since all other groups will move away from blacks if they have the means.

* How Jewish is Trump’s accent? I am not very good at picking up on the distinctions between the various NE USA accents. But Trump sound a lot like Jews of his approximate age and older to me.

Here’s Gertrude Himmelfarb’s engaging in some delightful anti-feminist/pro-victorian trolling:

Aside from the accent itself, she has a Trumpian cadence to her voice. They both say words quickly, but take a lot of short pauses so the listener can catch up. Her Thatcher anecdote starting around 4 minutes is especially Trumpian, rambling but eloquent. Also like Trump, she clearly is happy and enjoying herself.

* Implicitly the Democrats are saying “hey nonblacks, if a black boy wants to attack you and beat your head into the pavement you better take it.”

I mean it is true that none of us were there besides two people, one of whom is dead. And I can’t blame his mom for wanting to believe he dindu nuffin. But Zimm got acquitted despite the best efforts of organized black supremacy, so to give her a spot at a national convention is outrageous. This is really nothing less than a declaration of war against nonblacks.

* Just as when Obama says American Muslims must do more to fight radicalism in their community, he won’t hold it against them if they don’t.

* Maybe they can get Michael Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, to lead the crowd at the Democratic convention in chanting, “burn this motherf–ker down!”

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NYT Asks If Those Five Dallas Cops Had It Coming

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* NIKOLE HANNAH-JONES. I figured she was black by the hyphenated last names she has. How pathetic and predictable. She is very light skinned and trying to find her niche in the racial grievance industry. And make it pay! As in getting’ paid!

* I’d prefer to see those yawning racial gaps between countries, rather than within one city.

* “Gaps,” “discriminatory,” “marginalized,” “community policing,” are these articles written by computer programs? If so, double check before it goes to print that “problematic” and “vibrant” are in there next time.

* Yet all five people in the living room who had sons said they would still give them “the talk” about how to react if stopped by the police.

* But I always find myself wondering, if the “the talk” is so pervasive in the black community, why is it that every single case I can think of in which a cop kills a black, the black guy seems never to have heard the talk, or never given it the slightest heed? Don’t they seem to have heard “the anti-talk” instead?

* Proud Jew Jesse Benn writes: Slain Dallas Cop Might’ve Been A White Supremacist: Still A Hero?

Ahrens was one of the five Dallas cops killed last week. While mainstream media presented him as a family man, gushed over his imposing size, his sense of humor, and otherwise went to great lengths to humanize and memorialize him as a hero, a band of international Internet sleuths came together to research something the press failed to notice: Ahrens’ affinity for imagery associated with white supremacists. Right in one of the main pictures journalists and editors were sharing with stories about Ahrens, is an Iron Cross tattooed on his finger. With this tipping them off, the Internet sleuths jumped into action and quickly turned up more evidence of Ahrens’ white supremacist leanings.

Evidence in hand, they put together a meme cataloguing it and blogged about what they’d found.

A few friends and acquaintances of mine did the legwork and discovered that slain Dallas police officer Lorne Ahrens was a proud, open white supremacist. His ring finger bore an Iron Cross tattoo, his Facebook cover photo was a massive Thor’s Hammer symbol, and his left arm was emblazoned with a “crusaders’ shield,” common to those right-wing Christians who believe that Christianity is engaged in a centuries-long war with Islam. His Facebook likes included pages which bore similar iconography–more Iron Crosses and a Confederate flag or two.

Taken in isolation, each of Ahrens’ choices of imagery and his Facebook “likes” might be explainable. Taken in context, the band of Internet sleuths’ conclusion that “Ahrens was a proud, open white supremacist,” is hard to deny. Let’s look it over.

First, the Iron Cross. In spite of its use by the Third Reich, it isn’t an inherently a racist image. It’s popular amongst bikers, skaters, and a host of other groups in the United States. On the other hand, it remains in the Anti-Defamation League’s Hate Symbols Database and prevalent amongst white supremacists. So far there are no indications Ahrens was a biker or skateboarder.

Thor’s Hammer (Mjölnir) is in a similar boat as the Iron Cross as far as it not being an inherently racist symbol and existing in the ADL’s Hate Symbols Database. Unlike the Iron Cross, Mjölnir imagery is also used by Asatrúers–a Neopagan religious group. Regrettably, Asatrú beliefs also appeal to white supremacists, especially in prisons, as they see it as more purely white than Christianity. {snip}

Given his work in law enforcement and the ties between Asatrú and prisoners, it’s hard to believe Ahrens’ embrace of the Mjölnir was an innocent one. Beyond that, it appears he took the image from a t-shirt for sale that’s advertised with the not-so-subtle dog whistle to white supremacists: “‘Nordic Pride’ Shirt! Real Vikings will know what this means!” I’m no Viking, but I’m pretty sure I know what they mean.

Next, the Crusaders’ Shield tattoo. Again, by itself this might just be the mark of a hyper-masculine Christian, who believes his faith shields him from evil in some sort of ongoing biblical conflict. In the context of someone who publicly follows a range of Islamophobic Facebook groups and has an affinity for other white supremacist iconography, it becomes more damning. It also contradicts the argument that he picked the Mjölnir for his Facebook cover photo due to Asatrú religious beliefs, since it indicates Ahrens’ Christian faith.

His funeral service is being held at a Baptist church as well.


Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking. How dare I sully Ahrens’ good name after he’s dead. And to that I’d say if he was affiliated with white supremacy as he appears to be, his name was never good in the first place.

* NYT: “In the wake of last week’s sniper shooting that left five Dallas police officers dead, many people have lamented that it happened in this city, with a black police chief who even critics say has made inroads with the community and worked to steer his force away from its history of racism and abuse. Since Chief David O. Brown took over the department in 2010, excessive-force complaints have dropped 64 percent, and he has started de-escalation training and a successful community policing program.”

Which explains why it happened, because the DPD turned itself into, and telegraphed the message that they are, easy marks.

* The problem with this piece is it approves of collective punishment for all white policemen because of the actions of a few. What it does not allow is a collective awareness by all policemen based on personal experiences dealing with blacks’ disregard for laws and civility.

Because blacks behave badly, we must punish whites.

* It’s Saturday night and as far as I can tell by what is shown on the national tv news, all of the Nice victims were Muslims. Obviously, this was a tragedy in which a runaway truck has caused great suffering in the loyal French Muslim communities, and we should have nothing but sympathy for Muslims, the real victims in Nice, France.

Speaking of the real victims, here in Dallas, USA the media has finally managed to get the focus back on the people who matter, the black people of Dallas and their Endless Story of Suffering. Maybe if i could watch enough TV I could experience that amazing grace that could save a white wretch like me.

* It’s always “discrimination” and “policies” that somehow magically “concentrate” blacks in “deeply poor and underdeveloped neighborhoods”. Blacks have no agency, they have absolutely *nothing* to do with their being poor.

It can’t possibly be that blacks say aren’t real bright, aren’t very conscientious, aren’t very cooperative and just don’t do really well in navigating industrial civilization. And that other non-black people tend to voluntarily flee from\avoid black areas because of blacks dysfunction and especially their tendency toward crime and violence. I mean in the other communities and nations with blacks we don’t see this same pattern?

In my old age, i just get so sick of reading what are essentially political editorials promoting a sociology that has basically been thoroughly debunked by everything that’s happened in the last 50+ i’ve been alive.

Seriously we’ve done the civil rights experiment. The wave packet has collapsed. The uncertainty is gone.

* Cops really are a lot like outlaw bikers-they have all the same basic elements, and are generally from the same stratum of society. The difference is that bikers are not paid from tax revenue and are easier to avoid.

To be effective, the police have to be generally feared in the way that authority figures in general have to be feared. At one time, most kids, especially boys, feared their fathers on a certain level. They knew sufficient misbehavior would result in an ass whipping. In the military, you feared your superior officers and NCOs. In school you feared, to a certain extent, the teachers, principal, and so forth.

We’ve lost that utterly today. Kids can’t be physically punished in school no matter the magnitude of their misdeeds. Parents do not spank or hit their kids nearly at the level they did even as recently as thirty years ago from what I see around me. I routinely see young boys act in ways I would never have dared act with their fathers and in their immediate presence. And I was not raised in a particularly strict environment.

I don’t give cops a hard time, but I do try to act in ways that will minimize my interactions with law enforcement. I don’t do stuff that is illegal. I don’t do stuff that would lead a casual observer to think that I was doing something illegal. At the same time, I avoid certain intersections and roads with heavy police presence. I keep my vehicle licensed and tagged with insurance and working lights and muffler. I don’t drink and drive. This is true even though I fully accept that a large part of the enforcement against these things is to provide revenue to the city and state.

At the same time, I have to say we have several local cops who are people I would like to see off the force. One or two are simply stupid, and one I know for a fact is corrupt, and at least one other is a probable sociopath. There is nothing I am going to do about it, except to prudently avoid them. At the same time, if they wind up meeting a fate such as the five officers in Dallas, I’m not going to publicly celebrate, but I certainly won’t feel any sadness. The local PD will have a huge biker style funeral for them (huge cop funerals are in fact something police openly say they started doing after seeing Hells Angels and other MC’s do it) and I will stay home and far away. I won’t say a word. I’m not stupid. But I won’t miss their absence.

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10 Things Other Than Sports, Singing and Dancing That Black People Have Been Great At

Ricky Riley writes about black achievement for the Atlanta Black Star:

13.Building Civilizations

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French Incarceration Rates






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Richard Spencer – Banned In Britain

Richard Spencer writes in Radix Journal:

Like fox-hunting, Pit Bull Terriers, and psychoactive substances, Richard Bertrand Spencer is now banned in the United Kingdom.

Earlier this month, I received an official notice, packaged in an intriguing manilla envelope labeled “On Her Britannic Majesty’s Service.” The words reminded me of my favorite James Bond film . . . and gave me a foolish hope that I had just received a royal invitation for afternoon tea or perhaps been called into M’s office for an assignment.

In reality, I had been banned from yet one more European country.

That makes 27.

The good news is that 26 of these bans will be automatically lifted next year, as they resulted from my Hungarianexperience in 2014. That fall, I was arrested and declared a “National Security Threat” by the Hungarian government for the crime of attempting to host a conference. My punishment was a weekend in a (not-so-brutal) prison and a thee-year ban from the Schengen zone, the passport-less travel area in the heart of Europe.

In the case of Britain, my ban might get reviewed in three years, but ultimately there is “no statutory right of appeal.” Thus, quite a bit has to change in British political culture for me ever to set foot in the country again.

Who is responsible? None other than the then-Home Secretary and newly minted Prime Mistress, Theresa May. A “staunch conservative,” no doubt.

The woman herself is a mystery, much in the way that Angela Merkel is a mystery. Both are childless, frumpy, and lacking entirely in charisma, but then strikingly Machiavellian and effective. Certainly, Angela hasn’t maintained the German chancellorship for more than a decade by being a pushover. May, for her part, opposed Brexit and yet has benefited the most from it, more even than Nigel Farage, who made leaving the EU his life’s crusade.

During last summer’s refugee crisis, Merkel proved to be a self-loathing German of the highest order, even to the point of madness. May, on the other hand, has been hawkish on immigration and made clear that “Brexit means Brexit”; that is, there will be no second referendum under her leadership, and freedom of movement within the European Union will end.

Perhaps, as Matthew Tait suggested on a recent podcast, May’s office banned me as a way of balancing the scales of exclusion: for every 100 or so Muhammads, she’ll ban a couple of Richard Spencers, to signal she’s not “racist,” just an iron lady preventing “foreign influence.”

Her letter reads as follows,

Dear Mr Spencer
I am writing to inform you about the British government’s measures for excluding or deporting extremists under the Unacceptable Behaviour policy. The list of unacceptable behaviours covers any non-UK national whether in the UK or abroad who uses any means or medium including:

  • writing, producing, publishing or distributing material,
  • public speaking including preaching,
  • running a website,
  • using a position of responsibility such as a teacher, community or youth leader
    to express views that:
  • foment or justify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs,
  • seek to provoke others to terrorist acts,
  • foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts,
  • foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.

Quoted are some choice passages from my speeches over the past five years in which I call for a European Ethno-State:

The ideal I advocate is the creation of a white Ethno-State on the North American continent. Vis-a-vis most contemporary states that are putatively based on the “rights of man” and “democracy,” our project would be a new kind of political and social order. It would be a state for the 21 century—or 22nd: reflecting advances in communication and transportation, it would be a home for Germans, Latins, and Slavs from around the world. On one level, it would be a re-constitution of the Roman Empire. The Ethno-State would be, to borrow the title of a novel by Theodor Herzl (one of the founding fathers of Zionism), an > Altneuland> —an old, new country.”

To sum up, I am banned from the UK for thought crimes. (No other accusations were made).

Whatever one thinks about that morally or practically, the claim that I would incite “inter-community violence” has actually already been put to the test. I’ve travelled to London many times over the past decade and spoken at two public events. To my knowledge, no neighborhoods were burned down, no adolescents were kidnapped, and no bombs were set off as a result.

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