What Happened In Turkey?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* What amazes me is how the Gulen cult became the second most powerful political force in Turkey because Gulen identified test prep centers as a crucial choke point in Turkish society.

The problem is that American politics and society are starting to get Byzantine. The American right in general, the part of it that is beyond the lamestream, suffers from the syndrome of either being too genteel or too apocalyptic; we can’t consider a middle ground. We think that our only choices are having fewer logical fallacies in our arguments than the other side and that alone will carry the day and win the cause, or we get too caught up in revolutionary fantasies. We do have a third option: Going Byzantine. Identifying crucial choke points before anyone else does, then choking away. We should find our version of the test prep centers.

For instance, take this refugee yoot quasi-rape case in Twin Falls, Idaho. The parents are at a loss for what to do, because no official authorities seem to want to help them. We know the Federal government brought these refugees here, but we can’t take them on directly because they’re too powerful and also the concept of the Federal government is too abstract for people to despise, meaning we can’t get requisite public support; besides, the Feds are where grandma gets her Social Security check. We can’t take it to the refugees themselves, because refugees are sympathetic figures, and of course the media won’t explain that they’re not really refugees, they’re opportunistic grifters; the world will be all over us like ducks on a june bug if we go after the refugees themselves, innocent defenseless yoots that had to face the ravages of war, and also, punching down.

All seems lost if we can’t do anything to the refugees or to the government that brought them here. And certainly, we can’t stop it with a logical argument.

Thankfully, there is a test prep center we can exploit. It’s the Jack Ryan strategy. Not the movie Jack Ryan, the Occidental Dissent Jack Ryan.

Where there is refugee resettlement, there is usually a business interest that is assisting the actual refugee translation. The Feds do bring them into the country, but precisely where in the country they are resettled depends on interested business partners, to give the refugees jobs. In the case of Twin Falls, Idaho, the guilty party is Chobani, the yogurt maker, which opened up a big plant there a few years ago, and surely wants slave labor. Needless to say, Chobani has a CEO, a Turk national (ironically enough) and an ethnic Kurd, who is living and working in the United States. We should dox the bastard, link him to this quasi-rape, and make his personal life a living hell. All within the bounds of the law, of course, but there are probably dozens of ways to do that. The added benefit is that nobody likes corporate CEOs, you’d have way more public support for ruining their personal lives than you would if you tried to take out after the refugees themselves or the Federal government.

Make the individuals who are profiting from immigration treason suffer personally, and things will start to get better. That’s our test prep center.

* You could argue the big winner of this failed coup was Putin. Going forward Erdogan will have to increasingly look towards the Russians as partners in order to guard his power against the intrigues of the US and EU. Turkey and Russia are natural enemies due to religion and geography but they might be able to pull off a detente for a decade or two if Putin and Erdogan push for it. It is in the interest of both men and it seems Putin in particular is heavily in favor of some sort of arrangement as part of his Eurasian project.

Incidentally, Russian media is claiming that the Turkish pilot who shot down the Su-24 last November was a key instigator of the plot against the government. It might just be noise from the Kremlin but who can be really sure?

And yes, Erdogan is corrupt but his would-be replacements were not a bunch of choir boys. Politicians are venal by nature and Middle Eastern politicians have turned the collection of bribes into a science. In this case the corrupt tyrant who avoided being deposed is likely a better prospect for stability than the corrupt army officers who opposed him. No one said the world is a nice place.

* The more clannish and low trust a society/ethnicity, the more conspiring goes on. In south east europe, we should expect to see more of it. NW Europe and Japan are exceptional in their altruism.

* This coup attempt was either a false flag staged by Erdogan or the participants were just idiotic. Mind you, they must have been just as idiotic if Erdogan staged this.

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Did the Israeli-American Stuxnet virus launch a cyber world war?

According to this documentary 35 minutes in, Israel knew it did not have the military capability to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, but they hoped that if they started the job, the Americans would step in and finish it.

From Haaretz:

A new documentary tells the story of Stuxnet, a computer virus developed, it is claimed, by Israel and the U.S. to disrupt the Iranian nuclear project. In an interview, filmmaker Alex Gibney talks about Israel’s responsibility for the revelation of the operation and its eventual spread around the world. Are we already in the midst of what Gibney calls ‘World War 3.0’?

NEW YORK – The two following assertions sound like something out of a James Bond movie: 1. We are in the midst of a new global war on a scale of the world wars of the 20th century, and, 2. The countries that have declared and launched the war refuse, in effect, to acknowledge its existence – or being held accountable for its outcome.
These notions are not some Hollywood fantasy: They underlie “Zero Days,” the new film by the Oscar-winning American documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney.
The film is based on years of in-depth research, carried out with the help and cooperation of more than 100 journalists, information security experts, senior personnel at the U.S. National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, and Israeli figures including Yuval Steinitz, the national infrastructure minister who is also responsible for the Atomic Energy Commission, and the former director of Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin.
“Zero Days” tells the constantly surprising story of the Stuxnet computer virus, which, according to Gibney and his sources, was developed by Israel and the United States during 2007-2008 in order to thwart the Iranian nuclear enterprise. Considerable information about the virus, including Israeli and U.S. involvement in its development, became public in September 2010, a few months after Stuxnet was first detected by information security firms.

In the six years that have elapsed, The New York Times, The Washington Post and other important media outlets have revealed additional details about the subject. Neither Israel nor the United States, however, has ever admitted its involvement in creating the virus, nor have they taken responsibility for its subsequent unexpected and aggressive spread around the world, in the course of which it attacked American computer networks and infrastructure facilities.

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Ta-Nehesi Coates: ‘The Near Certainty of Anti-Police Violence’

Ta-Nehesi Coates writes for The Atlantic: “By ignoring illegitimate policing, America has also failed to address the danger this illegitimacy poses to those who must do the policing.”

This reminds me of when my father was kicked out of the Seventh-Day Adventist ministry in 1980, some people said that will turn me against the church.

Yeah, I thought, I’m now against the church. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

All the media commentary about illegitimate policing has set the stage for killing of police.

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Tim Blair writes:

Melbourne, like most Australian cities, does not have a huge black population. Nevertheless, Melbourne lefties are today holding a Black Lives Matter protest rally. How are they getting around the small problem of no actual black people? Easy:

“As many as 6000 people dressed in black are expected to flood the streets of Melbourne today in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.

The event will be similar to other Black Lives Matter movement rallies that have been held around the world in the wake of police shootings in America.”

Yes. Except for the near-total absence of anyone who is, in fact, black.

UPDATE. Spot the only black person in this rally photograph. Hint: he died in 1880.

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WP: 5 reasons Pence is probably Trump’s best pick for running mate

These points echo my thoughts.

Several people on Shabbos asked me what I thought of the pick. They had never heard of Mike Pence. I said he was the opposite of Trump in many ways and was probably Trump’s best pick to win the election.

From Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post:

1. Trump needs to reassure the GOP establishment.

2. Trump needs to reassure social conservatives.

3. Trump needs the industrial Midwest.

4. Trump needs the Koch brothers.

5. Trump needs some message discipline.

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