Republican Convention Wraps With Trump’s Big Speech

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I’ve heard from three people (an anti-globalization democrat & two mainstream republicans) who have been glued to the TV this week that are now voting for Trump. Seeing his family has humanized him to those who previously viewed him as a one-dimensional villain. The consensus across party lines is that Ted Cruz is a weasel.

* Ivanka’s obviously a super-impressive lady, but I don’t think that she–or her brothers–have their dad’s humor or moxie. Trump makes me LOL pretty regularly, but I’ve never laughed at anything his kids have said.

* Reporters have never been able to find a single person who has spent time with Cruz who can stand him.

* I agree that his future prospects are exceedingly dim, but I thought that before last night’s speech, which really hurt him. The more you saw of him on the campaign trail, the less you liked him. I have a theory that the reason he withdrew from the race immediately after the Indiana primary was not just because of Indiana but his fear that he was going to lose Nebraska the following week where he was ostensibly favored and that would hurt his future prospects. (Nebraska had an open primary, whereas next door Kansas had a caucus a few weeks earlier, which Cruz carried handily.) He certainly lacks the charm and likeability of Mike Huckabee, who also is very religious, so it is not religion which makes Cruz unlikeable. I think Huckabee may be the best natural politician in the traditional sense than anyone I have seen. If you recall, Cruz sidled up to Trump all last fall, even adopting the same positions, and then did an abrupt 180 degree turn at that Fox debate which Trump skipped. So he wound up burning all his bridges with Trump, and the prospects of being the VP or AG or Supreme Court nominee all went up in smoke.

* I ended up favoring Ted Cruz over Donald Trump, but I was glad that Trump raised the question about whether Cruz’s father Rafael was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald.

It’s plausible that Cruz’s father really is the man photographed handing out leaflets with Oswald.

I’d like to know whether Cruz’s father ever has responded to the question.

* Trump’s (feels like) 12 kids being everywhere at the Convention subliminally speaks to Affordable Family Formation and the Blue-Metro/Red-State divide.

That they are articulate, well-behaved, successful, and can be trusted to go out alone in public doubles-down on the message in ways that Palin never could. That Trump is not an overt or, apparently any kind of, religious nut and yet has 5 kids doubles-down on the double-down. Trump has 5 successful kids because he is a positive, successful guy. Wouldn’t we all if we could afford them? Isn’t that a sub-text of MAGA: hang-up the smart phone and live life well.

More generally, I see at the local level you can categorize people by the number of their off-spring:

* Less than 1.1 kids and that person is a Progressive that wants to invite the world to take care of them when they are old (ahem, for minimum wage) and buy their house for 5-10x what they paid for it.

* Greater than 2.9 kids and that person is a True-Con that wants to build a wall to stem the flood of immigration because they look around and are rightly worried what their children’s employment opportunities are going to be, and how or where their children are going to find decent, affordable housing.

* …the big difference between the rare right-wing terrorist (Breivik or Roof) and leftist or Islamic terrorists is how rare it is for right-wing terrorists to have accomplices. One sign that a particular ideology is especially violent is the ability of a would-be terrorist to find accomplices.

* Middle Easterners tend to be very clannish. So when you fight one of them, you fight the entire clan. That’s why it’s misleading to think that terrorists are just violent individuals. The reality is that these terrorists are members of much, much larger clans. If the terrorist hates you, his clan (whether it wants to or not) gets drawn into the conflict.

Euro whites are more individualistic and not much into the idea of clan loyalty. So they’re more likely to be lone wolves.

* Because Ted Cruz won the largest delegate haul in at least 8 states, he is granted an automatic speaking slot according to RNC rules. There was nothing Trump could do to prevent Cruz from speaking if he wanted to; and since Trump either knew or guessed that Cruz would never endorse him, he decided to let him make a douchebag out of himself on international TV. It was a masterstroke given the constraints of the situation.

What Ted Cruz did last night was literally psychopathic. With the whole world watching, with the fate the party and the country on the line, with the future of law and order up for grabs, Ted Cruz decided to nurse a personal grudge and throw a stink bomb at the man whom we were all there to honor and support, the man who is the reason for the whole occasion. No only was this atrociously bad form, it was also cowardly to a degree that makes me queasy.

There is something deeply, disturbingly wrong with Ted Cruz which makes normal people run in the other direction. This freak and anybody who supported him (including El Rushbo) will need to be dealt with after the election is secured.

* Supposedly Trump extended an invitation to Cruz a couple of weeks ago without any conditions after failing to get him to agree to live up to his commitment to endorse the RP’s nominee at one of the debates. Apparently, Trump got an advance copy of Cruz’s speech two hours before the scheduled appearance and, despite the fact that the draft contained no endorsement, he decided to let Cruz go ahead and speak. Had he cancelled Cruz’s appearance, the odium would have fallen on Trump. Maybe that was what Cruz was counting on. Since Trump didn’t blink, Cruz probably felt he had to go through with the speech, lest the odium fall on him. Being the vain and self-centered creature he is, Cruz may have convinced himself that his “brilliant” speech-making would sway the audience and carry the day. Trump, being the very savvy judge of men and a completely unscrupulous operator (think of Chris Christie’s withering cross-examination of Senator Rubio in the NH debate, which brought out Rubio’s best robotic qualities), probably arranged for his manager Paul Manafort to organize the chorus of boos and probably figured that, if Cruz delivered the draft speech without endorsing him, Cruz would be committing political suicide. It looks like Trump figured it out perfectly and Cruz not so much.

* Trump’s “attack” consisted of retweeting side-by-side pictures of the two wives– with his wife, Melania, by the way, actually being older than Cruz’ wife, Heidi! As far as I know, the picture of Heidi Cruz used was (a) taken in public; (b) taken by a professional photographer; and (c) not digitally retouched, in any way, to make her look any worse than she actually did, at that instant. Again, Trump’s retweeting, however dubious as a campaign tactic, was in direct response to that Cruz PAC’s sending a modeling photo of Melania in the buff, long before her marriage to Trump, to married women voters in Mormon precincts of Utah, telling those married female voters that they could have Melania Trump as their next First Lady– or else vote for Ted Cruz!

In addition to that Cruz PAC’s dubious tactic, a female Cruz surrogate had appeared previously on Fox News Channel, on Neil Cavuto’s 4 p.m. (E.S.T.) show, decrying the possibility of a Trump presidency by pointing out that Melania Trump was (a) an immigrant (!); (b) a third wife; and (c) a former professional model who had posed in the nude, and thus was, according to that female surrogate for Senator Cruz, unfit to serve as the First Lady of the United States!

Even more egregious, to my own mind, than the two above-noted instances of Cruz supporters’ maligning Melania Trump, earlier this year, was what Ted Cruz’ most famous and prominent surrogate, Glenn Beck, had to say about her, last year: Beck claimed that Melania Trump had appeared in “lesbian porno videos!” How often have the mainstream media mentioned this fact, while they were condemning Trump for “attacking” poor, innocent political wife, Heidi Cruz, the Goldman Sachs banking executive?!?

Finally, I read an ABC News story about Ted Cruz, this morning, which continued to push the myth that it was Trump’s campaign that had pushed the Cruz sex-scandal story, earlier this year. Everyone who followed Twitter knew that it was Rubio supporters who were pushing the story– not Trump supporters, let alone the Trump campaign itself. In fact, it was reported that the source of the eventual story in “The National Enquirer” was neither Trump nor Roger Stone, as falsely asserted by Senator Cruz himself; it was one (or more) of the private eyes hired by Rubio surrogates to trail Cruz and his supposed women friends! When Rubio withdrew, his surrogates immediately stopped pushing the sex-scandal story, and one (or more) of their private eyes decided to repurpose their handiwork by selling it to the aforementioned tabloid. Since the owner of that tabloid is a Trump friend, Trump was blamed for what was a Rubio dirty-tricks operation.

* I can recall the very first Republican debate (in Cleveland, of all places) last August, which was moderated by Fox. (That was the debate where Megyn Kelly famously asked Trump about all the bad things he had said about women over the years.) After the debate, where Fox did their best to torpedo Trump’s candidacy, Mr. Luntz held one of his focus groups, and they all agreed that Trump had lost the debate. Polls revealed the next day that Trump had won the debate. So much for the Luntz focus groups.

* This is one of those iSteve posts where the comment quality just craters for some reason. It’s like when you’re eating strawberries out of one of those big flats from Costco, and they’re all ripe and delicious but then you pick up that mushy one with the gray mold on it.

* The Don not only hit a grand slam home run tonight, he hit it out of the stadium, across the street, and into the parking lot, where it broke the window on Hillary’s limo.

* As far as what George Will will do should Trump win, I suggest he retire from the opining business. The man is 75, has had nothing of interest to say for the past 15 years, and ought to have put aside sufficient savings to live comfortably.

* Instead the DNC has Ivanka’s ugly step-sister, Chelsea Clinton. Can’t you picture her watching Ivanka on TV, then letting out a blood-curdling shriek, throwing herself on her bed, kicking her feet and crying into her pillow. “Mom! Don’t make me do this!!”

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Steve Sailer: Misinformed Latino Cop Tries to Shoot Harmless Latino Autist, Wounds His Black Caregiver Instead. White People at Fault.

Steve Sailer writes: There’s a push these days to take away cops’ new quasi-military toys. That was part of the early right-of-center conventional wisdom out of Ferguson in 2014: it was all the cops’ fault for dressing like orcs.

In reality, working people these days are much more safety conscious than they were, say, 40 years ago. Rendering the cops as ill-equipped as they were during the Dallas Massacre doesn’t solve much.

Instead, you have to work with the fact that cops aren’t as brave as they used to be when they’d just walk up with a knightstick and whack a perp into submission. That can get you into real trouble these days. Nonlethal violence looks bad on video, like when the LAPD, having been denied the use of a chokehold, but not wanting to shoot Rodney King, hit him a whole bunch of times to finally subdue him. That didn’t work out so well for the cops

In Tom Wolfe’s 2012 novel Back to Blood, Miami cop Nestor Camacho bravely wrestles down a Rodney King-sized black perp, but an out-of-context video winds up all over social media.

Now, cops say things like, “I’m going home tonight,” meaning: “I’m not getting myself killed over this.”

So we need to work with that reality and develop stand-off means to allow cops to deal with possibly armed suspects without shooting them.


* There is a big problem with how 911 calls are passed on and with how the police treat “man with a gun.” It was reported as “suicidal white guy with a gun” (it was a toy truck – the man was autistic and childlike). One the police arrive at the scene expecting a gun, they are primed to see one and as soon as they see one they feel justified in killing you immediately, especially if you don’t seem to be “compliant.” People are often not compliant because there is something wrong with them (mental illness, don’t speak English, etc.). The police killed Tamir Rice TWO SECONDS after they arrived on the scene, because he was “reaching for his gun.”

* This shooting is the clearest example yet of too many people getting shot by cops. This is a real problem, that has nothing to do with race. But for Obama, everything has to do with race, so instead of helping to solve it, he exacerbated a different problem.

I haven’t seen any pundit make the connection, but some of this stems from how atomized America is today. There’s little in the way of organic community institutions that can deal with stuff without calling 911, which brings cops at Def Con 1. Maybe if there were a neighborhood watch that could have taken a closer look at the autistic guy and saw he had a toy before someone called the police.

Maybe in the Alton Sterling case, there could have been a merchant’s association or whatever to give Sterling a job sweeping up the sidewalks in front of the stores instead of selling CDs.

Maybe in the case of the black lady whose mentally ill son was shot dead by a cop for holding a screw driver, there could have been some neighbors to call to help get him to the mental hospital without killing him.

* Police are not known for elementary marksmanship skill, as this pathetic episode demonstrates. The irony is that IF he had aimed, breathed, focused on front sight, P R E S S E D the trigger, he would have killed the autistic guy. So all in all, his incompetence computed into embarrassment and minor injury, nothing else.

* “White” Hispanic is newspeak for he is the bad guy in the narrative. If they could get away with it we would have “white” Asians, “white” African-Americans, etc.

* He tried to shoot a harmless, unarmed idiot and missed shooting instead an equally harmless and unarmed bystander. This is a tough one if you are queer for cops. The guy with his hands up (the stupid violent black guy) was trying to convey useful information to the trigger happy moron who shot him.

* This seems more like a hiring standards issue to me. If the police weren’t under the cruel yoke of AA I’m sure no one would have been shot.

* Many readers might think that this is churlish in the extreme from me, but here we see a so called ‘Hispanic’ autistic adult being accompanied by a ‘professional’ black ‘caregiver’ – evidently doing the job the autistic man’s parents will not do -.

I don’t know how long the autistic man’s parents have been in the USA, but I would love to see a pure accountant’s cost/benefit analysis of the tax contributions of the parents compared to the tax expenditure on the autistic man. Remember, the likely taxpayer cost of ‘care giving’ of this type must run into tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars per annum – that is more than one full time worker, somewhere in the system, must go out to work each and every day to support the autist.
Plus we have the absurd sight of a seemingly fit, active, healthy able-bodied man not contributing to the economy in an active way, but being employed as a ‘caregiver’.

Yes, yes, I know many of you will hate me for saying all this, but just think of what the huge sums of money poured into ‘care giving’ this ‘Hispanic’ could have done for giving inpecunious talented college students financial support.

* The whole episode has a very Dave Barry sort of farcical quality about it. Basically what you’d expect in South Florida.

BLM won’t admit that the incidents they complain of are more Keystone Kops clumsiness than KKK lynchings, because that would take the wind out of their sails, but most of life is farce, not drama.

* Which cases, in this country of nearly a third of a billion residents, would you care to cite? Alton Sterling? Philando Castile? Michael Brown? How many unreasonable cases would you expect to find, in any given year, in a country this populous, considering the nature of our population? It seems to me, if police are willfully or wantonly shooting innocent-and-harmless Black men, in significant and unacceptable numbers, as claimed by Black Lives Matter and the mainstream media, inter alia, then those advocates and activists should be able to rattle off any number of clear-cut cases of willful or wanton killings of innocent-and-harmless Black men. Instead, the “martyrs” cited, mourned and canonized are overwhelmingly people like Alton Sterling. Would you like for me to detail his case, including his lengthy and telling rap sheet, leading up to his death?

* If you rear end someone, as a private citizen, you have no right to exit your car brandishing a weapon– whether you legally possess that weapon or not. If you are a private citizen, you also have no police power– meaning no authority to order the other driver, whose car you just rear ended, not to move. If you shoot him with the gun that you are illegally brandishing, based merely upon the unreasonable supposition in your own hypothetical, then you have committed a further crime– the nature of which depends upon your aim and the resulting effect of your illegal action.

When a policeman, in the course of his duties, stops a car, whether as the result of a BOLO match or a reasonable suspicion of some other violation, such as speeding, he is exercising his police powers– and the consequent duties of the driver stopped is utterly different from when he has been rear ended by a bad driver, such as you. The policeman must act reasonably, under the circumstances; but, his circumstances, as an officer of the law, are utterly different from yours, as a bad driver who approaches another driver, whom you just have rear ended.

The bottom line is, each case must be analyzed on its own facts. Black Lives Matter activists, the mainstream media, and even many of Steve’s readers, seem to think that the police have no more authority to apply potentially lethal force, in furtherance of their duties, than does any private individual, and that police shootings of members of the public should be presumed to be illicit, with the shooter required to prove otherwise. That is not how the law works– thank goodness!

* Tamir Rice.

Two very obvious words that nobody seems to want to say because they are taboo:

Ghetto lottery.

I don’t know if this is true about the Tamir Rice case specifically. But I do tend to think that that any number of ghetto mamas are deliberately having their sons of say, late pre-adolescent and early adolescent years, run around in public and play with toy guns, in the hopes that a cop will shoot and kill him and then she can cash out in a lawsuit. Think about it: Let’s say you’re L’Booshondria, and you gave birth to little N’Deshawntavious when you were 15. Twelve years later, you’re 27 and he’s 12. And it’s easy to see that N’Deshawntavious will never amount to anything; he just joined the FFA, Future Felons of America. He can’t rap, can’t ‘ball (play a sport), and doesn’t have the meddle to be a dope dealer. Ghetto black single mothers love to try to monetize their sons and guilt-trip them into being her surrogate husband and provider. So, what is L’Booshondria to do with N’Deshawntavious who has no natural money making ability in the only ghetto ways available, rap, sports or drug dealing? Easy — Cash out on his black body using the ghetto lottery; bait the police into shooting and killing him.

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‘The Religion of Peace has contributed much to the great Olympic tradition.’


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Steve Sailer: Cop Stabbed While Mob Chants “Black Lives Matter” … in London


* The internet is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways:the foreswing of instant global communication that allows good things to happen more quickly can be cancelled out in a flash by an uncontrolled backswing that cuts to the bone.

There’s an old saying that this clip verifies: “Bad news travels fast” and ” Whatever happens in America happens here ten or twenty years later”. There’s another one here in Britain that USED to be true ” Whatever happens in America happens here ten years later”.

Makes one think, no?
Riots from the excitable diversity easily spurred to rape and murder by the BLA meme has only taken a couple of weeks.
Thought for today, especially if you are White British.
Fifty years ago, when I was 17,there were hardly any Blacks or Asians in Britain and hardly any at all in Scotland,they were less than 1% (probably less still.)
I was about 4 years old before I saw a coloured man.
I remember it well, as he stabbed me- with the needle he was stitching my hand with. No local anesthetic in those days!
The next was about 3 years later, a door-to-door Pakistani brush salesman. In the early 60s, coloured bus drivers and conductors became about 5-10% coloured. . I did my recruit training at 17 with a Black Jamaican, which was very unusual. He was pleasant, quite smart, and fitted in just like anyone else who survived the cut, and better behaved than most of us!
Many of the early immigrants were well educated and aspirational, and, being a minority among a people who were generally tolerant, they minded their “p”s and “q”s. They did, or came here in a promise to, do a useful job in those days of full employment.
They caused little trouble at all, although the Indo-Paks were doing their traditional industrial scale benefit-fiddling and other frauds, and Britons were a more masculine lot in those days, They had been not yet successfully brainwashed by “educators” and the MSM into being, in to many cases, emasculated wimps ashamed of their Whiteness with a guilt over having had an Empire , and thus an apologetic knee -jerk defence to every whim of the multi-kultists.
The Left and their corporate allies had wisely never floated their multi-kulti concept publically until the late 80s, as Britons WOULD have rioted (as White working-class dock workers and others did in the 50s when London was the hub for a flood of West Indian immigrants.

In those and we had a hugely reduced crime rate compared to our post-enrichment.

Both crony capitalists and The Left connived to infest us with what we now have, the former for cheap and docile labour, the latter to deconstruct White British culture.

I’ve lived through many General Elections. Funny thing though, it’s probably incipient Altzheimer’s, but I can’t recall any party manifesto that asked Britons to vote for race-replacement by those, who, after having been given a huge amount by the nation they or their parents came to, are so easily spurred to robbery, riot and rapine.

* The irony is, of course, that if you have been watching BBC TV news bulletins regularly over the past few weeks ago, you would have been treated to the sight of some rather hysterical, over-emotional and quite frankly unprofessional, in the strictest sense of the term, BBC reporters – I won’t grace them with the term of ‘journalist’ going into quite blatantly political rants about ‘how beastly American cops are to those poor, innocent lamb-like blacks, whom those nasty big bullies of cops just love to persecute and kill for fun’.
And a general smug lecture about the horror of American society usually follows.

BBC London local news has distinguished itself lately by blaming just about everything on ‘brexit’. Apparently the Hyde Park riot was relegated to second item after a piece blaming the brexit vote on an increase in attacks on non white ethnic minorities. Interesting, as the EU has got absolutely nothing to do with them.

* I don’t understand why British police let “protesters” push them around like that. The British police seem to be the most manhandled police force in the developed world. They are faced with these big black guys to tackle and they put small white female police officers in riot gear, with no guns. American cops would have whacked their way through this crowd, but OTOH they might have been shot, so there’s that.

* During the London riots, I despaired watching fat little lady-bobbies safely and judicously waddling behind the male officers who were (eventually) allowed to charge the rioters. The highly politicised Chief Constables betray their oath to preserve Her Majesty’s peace, as it used to be quaintly put, and continue to lower physical standards in order to meet illegal but de facto diversity targets, (positive discrimination is illegal in Britain, but it is widely ignored by institutions as it would take an expensive civil suit to challenge it positive ACTION is legal, ie to discriminate in education or training where there is a perceived lack of a demographic under-represented in a particular field.This gives institutional apparatchiks a lot of wriggle room that they can use to employ a woman of an ethic in preference to an often abler candidate who is guilty of being White,. male and heterosexual.
People die of this idiocy, which extends into the fire service. Even 9/11, where in the greatest mass act of selfless courage I or anyone else has seen, the casualties were ALL male in an FD that has 50% female employees, and despite the post of firefighter being open to women since 1982, NONE of those who gave their lives on 9/11 were women.
Like I said, this kills people, men, women and children. Fires don’t discriminate.

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‘NYT: France needs to stop being France so Muslim immigrants won’ feel bad, kill French people.’


New York Times: France’s distinctiveness arises in part from the ideological strength of the idea the nation has had of itself since the French Revolution, including an assertive form of republicanism and an open distrust of all religions, beginning, historically, with Catholicism. This model has been knocked around over the years, first by decolonization, then by decades of economic hardship, the growing stigmatization of cultural differences, the fervent individualism of new generations and globalization, which has narrowed the state’s room for maneuver.

Above all, France hasn’t been able to solve the problem of economic and social exclusion. Its system, which is too protective of those people who have jobs and not open enough to those who don’t, breeds angst all around. Young people in the banlieues, marginalized and with few prospects, feel like victims. They become prime targets for jihadist propaganda, often after a stint in prison for petty crimes.

Neither Germany nor Britain faces the banlieues phenomenon, at least not on such a scale. The German town of Dinslaken, which is partly ghettoized, has become a hotbed of Islamist radicalization. The same goes for Dewsbury, in West Yorkshire, and the Molenbeek district of Brussels. But France seems to alienate many more of its citizens and residents, well beyond those who actually join the Islamic State.

One reason is that France’s vision of citizenship, which strongly insists on adherence to a few exalted political values, has seriously eroded over time. By the 1980s, the republican ideal was floundering: It had promised equal opportunity, and that now seemed to be in short supply. The French Communist Party, which had long brought dignity to disadvantaged groups by proposing to fight injustice through class struggle, also greatly weakened during that period, partly because of the demise of the Soviet Union.

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