We Snark About The Wrong Things

From the Chateau:

* I said in the shoutbox earlier that contemporary society encourages snark about things that should be considered sacred, and sentimentality about things that call for hard headed realism.

* It’s all part of the leftoid SWPL’s escape from any reality that would challenge their concocted religion: Equalism, and its core tenets Race and Sex Creationism. In practice, it means a complete turning of their backs on their ancestors and their heritage, and a betrayal of their descendants (what few they leave).

The good news, if there is to be any, is that the SWPL Equalism religion, founded on a falsifiable view of their relationship with the material world rather than on a transcendent view of one’s relationship with the supernatural world, won’t last very long. Factual counter-evidence too conspicuous to ignore or sarcastically dismiss will inevitably, after an initial frenetic burst of indignant piety upon confrontation, hollow out the emotional bond liberals have to their equalism religion and many will drift from the flock, harmlessly neutering themselves and the social damage they’re capable of inflicting.

For the others, those too committed to their virtue signaling and delusions about humanity to ever lapse from their pattern repudiation faith, the stone cold material world they uphold as their malleable Heaven will crush their hopes, over and over, until the will to life abandons them. Something we see already happening in the cratering birth rates of the most zealous Equalism followers.

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Two Female Tests: One Conceptual Response

From the Chateau: So what is the one guiding concept to overcome female shit tests? Is it “Agree&Amplify”? No, that’s a tactic; a very powerful tactic that can substitute for Inner Game in a pinch, but still a tactic that doesn’t offer the deep mental state you’ll need to navigate you through the thickets of the fellating market.

The guiding concept is this: SURPRISE WOMEN.

Challenge them.
Thwart them.
Provoke them.
Elude them.
Baffle them.
Deny them.
Disqualify them.
Defy their expectations.

This is how you set yourself apart from the dully bantering, endlessly appeasing mass of mediocre beta supplicants stuck in a courtship mindset that linearly follows a grooved path from desperate need to impress to stepinfetchit apologetics. Everything you want to be is NOT what most men are; namely, predictable polishers of the pussy pedestal.

Ass pic? Question her suicidal tendencies. Feminist quiz? Mock her pretensions.

The kind of men who surprise women are impudent, self-entitled, sexually privileged, ZFG Jercques Cousteau holding girthright citizenship in Vajhalla. And it’s that kind of man, any shrilly claimed protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, with whom women can’t help but fall deeply in love.

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Why Are Liberals Exhausted?

From the Chateau: Post-Nice, post-Dallas, and post-…well, pretty much every mass killing that’s happened in the last five years, I’ve been hearing a lot of comments from shitlibs bemoaning the “exhaustion” they feel over all these events, and how it’s more important that ever to keep hope alive and tell people to love each other.

This is the classic shitlib retreat to sentimentality, coupled with a gnawing sense that surrender is about to subsume them, that happens when near-daily doses of reality put the lie, bluntly and relentlessly, to their equalism religion. Liberals retreat to sentimentality when inconvenient facts are freely aired, and surge forward with snark when facts are suppressed. As a Twatter reader observes:

Leftists I know:
2009 – happy, hopeful
2013 – angry, gloating, bullying
2016 – tired, confused, afraid

Why are shitlibs exhausted? Because they’re losing their religion. Religious beliefs — and make no mistake the typical shitlib’s belief in race creationism and autonomic White perfidy is as piously felt and immune to contradicting evidence or reason as any radical muslim’s belief in the teachings of the koran — are hard to dislodge without causing extreme emotional distress.

Religious fanatics, when emotionally distressed by an uncooperative reality, double down on adherence to their beliefs. We see this happening all over the West, as shitlibs and the cucks who lap their runny effluvia come to sound more like gibbering lunatics than sensible classical liberals as the mountain of evidence discrediting their kumbaya worldview crushes them into a brainless paste.

But there’s a stage after the doubling-down. That’s exhaustion. It’s when you’ve lost that loving feeling for your Synagogue but you can’t yet let go of everything you’ve believed in since you were a wee shitlib bouncing on your libdaddy’s lap. Exhaustion, the feeling of it or the claiming of it, is how a shitlib reconciles her cognitive dissonance. No more fighting, now. No more raging against the BadWhites. Just sweet release into the long slumber of empty, nihilist, emotional vacuity. Rest your weary head on that inviting id-pillow, sing “Imagine” in a low whisper, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll wake up tomorrow to a fresh injection of ego-assuaging feelz. Usually this ego reaffirmation takes the form of the shitlib clinging to her rare outlier while ignoring overwhelmingly common instances of the opposite occurring.


Related, media shitlibs have taken to cooing stuff like “We can’t let fear and anger dictate our policies.” Newsflash, fear and anger are justified responses to endless violent attacks by enemies within. Fear and anger motivate actions to defend oneself from continuing attacks on one’s countrymen. If you aren’t fearful or angry, you’re holding a useless candlelight vigil and hoping the next truck doesn’t run over you and yours.

Snarky, juvenile language allows media shitlibs to emotionally disengage from a credible threat to one of their own. To wit, shitlibs also like to say “let’s not reduce this problem to something simplistic.” No, of course not. Complicating a rather straightforward horror show — muslim aggression against infidel White Westerners — is the rhetorical legerdemain that allows shitlibs to maintain a facsimile of faith in their Equalism ideology. What the shitlib mistakes for simplicity is to the sane mind known as clarity. More clarity, please, and don’t stop with the clarity until every last shitlib is too exhausted to fagslap the shitlord army as they’re assuming control of the main engine room.

Executive summary:

Houellebecq was right.
Powell was right.
Raspail was right.
Juvenal was right.
CH was right.
Modern liberalism is wrong.

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The Fundamental Psychosexual Difference Between Men And Women In One Photo


From the Chateau:

That’s Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Photo was taken sometime in the 1970s, I’d guess.

As a psychological experiment, its raw unapologetic essence can’t be topped for rudely revealing the fundamental psychosexual difference shaping male and female desire. Both men and women — at least normal, sexually dimorphic men and women and not bitter androgynous blobs — would feel sexually aroused by this photo.

Which really says all you need to know about the sexes. Men are aroused by the sight of a beautiful woman submitting to a dominant man administering disciplinary blows to her backside. Men imagine themselves in the role of the man in the photo, and become excited.

Women are aroused by the sight of a dominant man exerting his uncompromising power over a vulnerable woman surrendering to her punishment. Women imagine themselves in the role of the beautiful woman in the photo, and become excited.

If you could only know one thing about women, this photo, and how men and women react differently to its stimuli, is sufficient to guide you through life.

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Republican Convention Speeches

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* So I am watching the GOP convention for the first time, and Peter Thiel gets up there and gives a good common sense speech, and afterwards, all the CNN people can talk about — literally — is that he said he was gay. Just utterly clueless.

* Surely you don’t expect the CNN agitpropbots to discuss the issues Thiel raised? To borrow Thiel’s wording, are they going to talk about how the bubble economy is good for Wall Street but lousy for everybody else? Are they going to talk about Hillary’s endless and useless wars? About how fake culture wars distract from these issues? Of course not, they are going to talk about their obsession, identity politics. From the identity politics point of view — and today’s media progs don’t accept the existence of any other point of view — Thiel is a traitor to his tribe. That’s all they’re going to talk about. What else have they got?

* I know it was a good speech because the liberals are in a tizzy over it.

For the last ten months, people (myself included) worried that he’d back down on immigration when the general election came around. He did not. That we would be listening to a nominee hammer on the costs of illegals and the necessity of managing immigration in the national interest was the stuff of delusional fantasy a year ago. Trump has come through. Now he has to win.

* Trump’s speech KICKED ASS. This guy means to restore some sanity for real. Quite the opposite of his evil opposition.

At one point he even mimed a deliberate hand-to-chin smug Pepe.

* I too am disappointed in Charles Murray, especially since I am from his hometown, Newton, Iowa. He’s now 73 and maybe the fight has just gone out of him–he wants to be intellectually “respectable” there at AEI and he’s smart enough to see where racial consciousness could take him. He also has some half-Asian children, so the temptation to just close his eyes and pretend it’ll all be okay in the end is enormous. Never forget that that “blue pill” can be awfully tempting, especially if you live in rural Maryland and don’t see the consequences of racial diversity in your face everyday.

* Agreed, I haven’t been this disappointed in an intellectual since George Borjas threw Jason Richwine under the bus during a PC shakedown ginned up by Vox’s Dylan Matthews, during which Murray condemned Heritage for doing so.

* No one has been more formative in Donald Trump’s thinking on social and political matters than Michael Savage. Trump has been a big fan and listener of Savage for years and identified with his fellow Queens native. And they are a lot alike. Savage was promoting the “border, language, and culture” theme decades ago.

* It was a tremendous speech. After the Obama debacle, it is refreshing to see someone defend America so unapologetically and so forcefully. The President is, above all, a cheerleader for the country. Trump gets it.

* Miller is living the dream right now. My first real corporate job I remember the thrill I got when the big bosses started reading and considering the ambitious memos I was penning in the equivalent of the mail room. I can’t even imagine the rush I’d get from having my earnest manifestos suddenly getting plucked up and plugged verbatim by one of the most powerful people on Earth.

* Several weeks ago someone posted a link to a Steve Miller speech introducing Trump. It was one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard. Miller is an incredible public speaker. In our sad age when someone with the limited rhetorical skills of MLK is held up as an example of oratorical excellence, it’s inspiring to have heard someone like Steve Miller, who may not match the oratory of earlier US politics but can still give a speech that is lucid, logical and emotionally inspiring.

I hope Trump has this man preaching to the hustings up through and beyond November.

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