Krugman: What’s Trump Talking About? Life Is Swell on the Upper West Side!


* Another popular fallacy is that American can’t do anything prudent about immigration policy, such as cutting back on new immigrants, because that would enrage the old immigrants so much that they will kill us, or something. So therefore we need more and more immigrants, and then more and more and more immigrants the day after that to keep tomorrow’s immigrants from killing us.

* One of the weird things about listening to the Limbaugh show is that it features PSAs from HUD talking about how great diversity is. Unfortunately, I can’t find a link to or transcript of any of them, but here’s a message at the HUD site:

Neighborhood diversity promotes a greater sense of engagement, teaches that stereotypes are wrong and better prepares our children for the global community.”

Every single assertion in that statement is factually incorrect. Obviously, its only purpose is to humiliate us, as Dalrymple has pointed out.

* I drove a cab in NYC in the late 60s and early 70s and all the cabbies were loath to pick up blacks.

* Sailer: There were huge pro-law & order demonstrations by NYC cabbies, most of them immigrants (I would imagine) in the early 1990s to protest that they were being murdered at a rate of about 40 cabdrivers per year. Thousands would get together and drive up Park Avenue honking their horns.

It’s been forgotten because it doesn’t fit in the Narrative.

I spent a couple of weeks at 12th Street and 4th Avenue looking for a job in the summer of 1992. It was fine. Of course, you didn’t go more than a few blocks east. I can’t remember if the border was the middle of Second Avenue or the middle of First Avenue, but there wasn’t anything on the other side of interest unless you wanted to buy drugs. Alphabet City was then a wholly theoretical geographic concept, like the moons of Jupiter.

I can remember visiting Brooklyn once in 1982, eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant that was next to the Brooklyn Bridge and overlooking the skyscrapers of Wall Street across the water, and thinking this place is great, somebody could make a lot of money gentrifying Brooklyn.

One reason for Trump’s popularity among New Yorkers is he bet heavily on New York City when it was in the dumps — e.g., he started constructing a hotel on Times Square in the Taxi Driverish late 1970s.

There are a lot of similarities between Trump and New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, who was convinced in the 1970s, against the reigning conventional wisdom that New York ought to be the #1 baseball town in America.

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‘Father son bonding in Chicago’

Officials: Dad drugged student, son sexually assaulted her at ISU orientation


Father and son from Chicago face criminal charges related to the alleged sexual assault of a student in an Illinois State University residence hall during a gathering of incoming students on campus for orientation.

Shawn Childs Jr., 19, is charged with four counts of criminal sexual assault of a woman who also was on campus for orientation, which ISU calls Preview.

His father, Shawn Childs Sr., is charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver for allegedly putting ecstasy in the woman’s soda during the alleged incident that happened between 10 and 11 p.m. Tuesday at Hewett Hall in Normal.

According to a statement read Thursday in McLean County Circuit Court by First Assistant State’s Attorney Adam Ghrist, the father and son came into the residence hall with other students who were on campus to learn more about the university ahead of the start of classes in August.

The group was together in one of the dorm rooms, where students were staying during the two-day Preview that ended Thursday.

The elder Childs offered to go out and purchase alcohol for the students who were minors, and returned with alcohol from a nearby store, said Ghrist. The alleged victim told police she saw Childs Sr. put a pill in her soda that she then drank.

The alleged victim, whose hometown was not disclosed, left the gathering and returned to her room after she felt ill. She told police she was sexually assaulted by Shawn Childs Jr. who followed her into the room. In her description of the assault, the woman said the suspect raped her twice and barred her from leaving the room, Ghrist said in court.

She reported the alleged attack the following morning.

The prosecutor added that Childs Jr. admitted to police that the victim was “messed up” when the incident occurred.

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Few in the West Are Serious About Islamic Terror

Dennis Prager writes: Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States, has called for the U.S. to accept 65,000 Muslims from the Middle East. That’s six times more than President Obama has called for. She says they would be vetted — a laughable notion. How do you “vet” 65,000 Syrians and Iraqis?

Do we ask them, “Do you want to kill Americans?” “Do you favor killing Muslims who leave Islam?” “Will you kill your daughter if she dates a man you don’t approve of?” “Do you want Israel to be destroyed?”

6) The European Union

Even more extreme than Hillary Clinton’s call for 65,000 Middle Eastern Muslims, Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, announced last year that Germany will accept more than 800,000 more Muslims into its borders — and, by extension, to virtually all European Union countries.

There are already about 20 million Muslims in the EU, a significant percentage of whom do not assimilate and reject Western liberal values, and among the latter, a small but significant number are what we call radicalized.

Despite this, the leader of the most powerful country in Europe calls for nearly a million more Muslims from the most radicalized Muslim region in the world — the Middle East.

It is inconceivable that this situation will long endure. Most people in the West do not share its elites’ broken moral compass.

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Free Trade With China Wasn’t Such a Great Idea for the U.S.

Noah Smith, finance professor, writes for Bloomberg:

But look at actual economics research, and you will find a very different picture. The most recent example is a paper by celebrated labor economists David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson, titled “The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade.” The study shows that increased trade with China caused severe and permanent harm to many American workers:

Adjustment in local labor markets is remarkably slow, with wages and labor-force participation rates remaining depressed and unemployment rates remaining elevated for at least a full decade after the China trade shock commences. Exposed workers experience greater job churning and reduced lifetime income. At the national level, employment has fallen in U.S. industries more exposed to import competition…but offsetting employment gains in other industries have yet to materialize.

Autor, et al. show powerful evidence that industries and regions that have been more exposed to Chinese import competition since 2000 — the year China joined the World Trade Organization — have been hit hard and have not recovered. Workers in these industries and regions don't go on to better jobs, or even similar jobs in different industries. Instead, they shuffle from low-paid job to low-paid job, never recovering the prosperity they had before Chinese competition hit. Many of them end up on welfare. This is very different from earlier decades, when workers who lost their jobs to import competition usually went into higher-productivity industries, to the benefit of almost everyone.

In other words, the public might have been wrong about free trade in the 1980s and 1990s, but things have changed. Popular opinion seems to be exactly right about the effect of trade with China — it has killed jobs and damaged the lives of many, many Americans. Economists may blithely declare that free trade is wonderful, but our best researchers have now shown that public misgivings about these smooth assurances have been completely justified.

Why are economists so willing to declare to the world that free trade is good, even after reading papers like the one by Autor et al.? Part of the problem is the definition of “good.” According to most models of trade, reducing trade barriers raises efficiency — which is to say, total gross domestic product. But efficiency says nothing about fairness, and almost any model of trade will show that some people, industries and regions lose out. If most Americans experience slight gains from lower import prices, and a few lose their livelihoods and have to go on welfare, economists call that a “good” outcome, because they are so focused on the concept of efficiency. But because the public cares about a lot more than efficiency, the job losses in industries and regions knocked out by China since 2000 have made economists seem increasingly callous and out of touch.

But this is only part of the problem. Economists are also stubbornly unwilling to question their benchmark theories, even when the evidence presents a challenge to these theories. The fact that Autor et al. find total national employment declining in response to trade with China should be cause for concern. Standard trade models, especially the simple ones taught in Econ 101, predict that this shouldn’t have happened. Autor et al. sternly rebuke the economics profession for relying too much on theory, and not enough on evidence, when it comes to the issue of trade:

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HIV infected man is paid £3 to take girls’ virginity as part of sexual cleansing ritual in Malawi


Daily Mail: A HIV infected man has told how he is paid to have sex with girls once they reach puberty in his remote village in Malawi.
Eric Aniva is paid from £3 to £5 to have sex with girls over a three-day period after their first menstruation.
If they refuse it’s believed their families or even the whole village will be cursed.
But Aniva’s job is not classed as rape – instead it is called ‘sexual cleansing’. And he is known as a ‘hyena’ rather than a sexual predator.
‘Some girls are just 12 or 13 years old, but I prefer them older,’ Aniva told the BBC.
‘All these girls find pleasure in having me as their hyena. They actually are proud and tell other people that this man is a real man, he knows how to please a woman.’

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