WSJ: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald J. Trump’s running mate, gained renown as a social and fiscal conservative whose policy positions have at times drawn him into national debates.

Dennis Prager shared this WSJ article on his Facebook wall, drawing the following comments:

* Janet Twaddle Carpenter Pence is the ONLY positive thing about Trump. Wish pence would muzzle Trump and tie his hands, lock him in an empty room, then take over the leadership.

* Barney Hadden Dennis, if he were at the top of the ticket, and Trump were sealed in a steamer trunk and dumped in the East River, Pense would have my vote in a heartbeat.

* Andrew Mihelich Conservative bona fides like caving to LGBT pressure on religious freedom. Pass.

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Which American Intellectuals Pushed For Overthrow Of Assad In Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.”

So who pushed for this disaster? People like the neoconservative Charles Krauthammer.

8/29/13 Washington Post:

Having leaked to the world, and thus to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a detailed briefing of the coming U.S. air attack on Syria — (1) the source (offshore warships and perhaps a bomber or two), (2) the weapon (cruise missiles), (3) the duration (two or three days), (4) the purpose (punishment, not “regime change”) — perhaps we should be publishing the exact time the bombs will fall, lest we disrupt dinner in Damascus.

So much for the element of surprise. Into his third year of dithering, two years after declaring Assad had to go, one year after drawing — then erasing — his own red line on chemical weapons, Barack Obama has been stirred to action.

Or more accurately, shamed into action. Which is the worst possible reason. A president doesn’t commit soldiers to a war for which he has zero enthusiasm. Nor does one go to war for demonstration purposes.

Want to send a message? Call Western Union. A Tomahawk missile is for killing. A serious instrument of war demands a serious purpose.

The purpose can be either punitive or strategic: either a spasm of conscience that will inflame our opponents yet leave not a trace, or a considered application of abundant American power to alter the strategic equation that is now heavily favoring our worst enemies in the heart of the Middle East…

Of Assad’s 20 air bases, notes retired Gen. Jack Keane, six are primary. Attack them: the runways, the fighters, the helicopters, the fuel depots, the nearby command structures. Render them inoperable.

We don’t need to take down Syria’s air defense system, as we did in Libya. To disable air power, we can use standoff systems — cruise missiles fired from ships offshore and from aircraft loaded with long-range, smart munitions that need not overfly Syrian territory.

Depriving Assad of his total control of the air and making resupply from Iran and Russia far more difficult would alter the course of the war. That is a serious purpose.

Would the American people support it? They are justifiably war-weary and want no part of this conflict.

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Who Were The Rabbis & Jewish Intellectuals Who Pushed For America To Declare War On Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.”

So who pushed for this disaster?

From September 2013:

Letter to U.S. House of Representatives

Dear Congressional Leaders,

We write you as descendants of Holocaust survivors and refugees, whose ancestors were gassed to death in concentration camps. We write you as a people who have faced persecution for many centuries, and are glad to have found a safe refuge where we can thrive in the United States. We write as a people proud of our religious and historical tradition of helping the needy and defending the weak.

The recent chemical weapons attacks on the Damascus suburbs constitute a serious crime against humanity. These attacks killed upwards of 1400 people, the majority of them innocent women and children. As a people who themselves once faced the horrors of genocide and survived, we had hoped that we would never again open our newspapers to images of mass graves filled with suffocated young children. Now that we have seen such images coming from Syria, we call upon you to act.

Intelligence assessments from the U.S., U.K. France, Israel, Turkey, the Arab League, and many other allies all show conclusively that the Assad regime was responsible for the horrific chemical attacks of August 21st. We fear that if this attack passes without a decisive response, we might open our newspapers to more images of mass graves from Syria – and elsewhere — in the near future. We have learned from our own history that inaction and silence are the greatest enablers of human atrocity.

For this reason, we call upon you with great urgency to authorize the President to use force in Syria “in connection with the use of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction,” as outlined in his August 31st draft legislation. Through this act, Congress has the capacity to save thousands of lives.

These are the Days of Awe for the Jewish people. In one of the climactic moments of our High Holiday prayers, we read “On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, who will pass and who will be created, who will live and who will die, who in his time and who before his time.” May this coming year be one of life and creation the world over, in which we cease to witness the deaths of so many innocent human beings.


Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, Founder & President, Uri L’Tzedek

Leon Wieseltier

Rabbi Avi Weiss, President-Emeritus, YCT Rabbinical School (Yeshivat Chovevei Torah)

Rabbi Yosef Blau, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University

Professor Jonathan Sarna, Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History, Brandeis University

Rabbi David Wolpe, Senior Rabbi, Sinai Temple

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President- Emeritus of the Union for Reform Judaism

Rabbi Menachem Genack, Orthodox Union

Rabbi Steven Weil, Orthodox Union

Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (KJ)

Rabbi Richard A. Block, President, Central Conference of American Rabbis

Shlomo Bolts

Rabbi Mark Dratch, Executive Vice President, RCA (Rabbinical Council of America)

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

Rabbi Jason Herman, Director, IRF (International Rabbinic Fellowship)

Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Senior Fellow, Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership

Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, writer, Temple Beth Am, Bayonne, NJ

Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Mirsky

Rabbi Barry Dolinger

Rabbi Andy Koren

Rabbi Steve Greenberg, Director, Eshel and Senior Fellow, Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership

Rabbi David Jaffe, The Kirva Institute

A year later:

Sep 17, 2014 — From Petition Creator: One year ago, we pushed for Congress to hold Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad accountable after his vicious chemical attack on his own people. As you know, he was not punished for his crimes but was allowed to continue slaughtering civilians right and left. As a result, it’s been a difficult year for Syria:– Over 150,000 more people have died– 2 freed cities have been forced back into tyranny (1 to Assad, 1 to ISIS)– A new terrorist threat the U.S. officials describe as “like nothing we’ve seen before” has emerged.This all could have been avoided if Congress had heeded our calls a year ago. But at the very least, national security considerations have created the urgency that should have already been there for humanitarian reasons.Today, Congress authorized the President to arm pro-democracy rebels in fighting the powerful terror group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, which barely existed a year ago.Tell all your friends, tell the skeptics: this is why we don’t ignore genocides.

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So Who Were The Men & Institutions Who Pushed For America To Go To War In Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.”

So who pushed for this disaster?

Urgent Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Marvin Hier, SWC Dean and Founder

Dear SWC Supporter,

As we are about to usher in the High Holidays, the United States Congress will be voting about whether we should respond to the terrible crime against humanity committed by the Assad regime in Syria. Enclosed is a letter (see below) we have just sent to each U.S. Senator and Representative urging them to vote for the President’s proposal of a limited strike against the Assad regime.

I have no doubt that Simon Wiesenthal, who spent his whole life preserving the legacy of the Holocaust would have been the first to speak out against such a crime.

Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year!

Rabbi Marvin Hier
Founder and Dean
Simon Wiesenthal Center

September 3, 2013

It was seventy-one years ago in August 1942, just a few weeks before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, that Gerhard Riegner, the World Jewish Congress representative in Switzerland informed the US and British governments of the diabolical plan to exterminate Europe’s Jews using gas. Riegner had learned of the plan from a source close to the highest Nazi officials, German industrialist Eduard Schulte. Both governments were skeptical about the information and tragically wasted precious months doing nothing about it. By 1945, six million Jews were murdered; most gassed in Nazi death camps in what became known as the Holocaust, the greatest crime in the annals of human history.

Since then every American President, British Prime Minister and other political leaders around the world have pledged again and again that they will never allow history to repeat itself.

But on August 29, 2013, when the British parliament was presented with incontrovertible evidence that the regime of Syria’s President Bashar Assad used illegal chemical weapons against his own people, murdering 1,400 innocent men, women and children, they again opted to do nothing.
Now, on September 9, it will be up to you to vote, following President Obama’s request for Congressional approval before embarking on a limited strike against the Assad regime.

On behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, we urge you to vote for the limited strike, because to do otherwise would only embolden the perpetrators and encourage them to gas more victims, while at the same time signaling the world that America’s assurances and promises mean nothing at all.
This may not be the perfect solution, but it will send a dramatic signal to the Assad regime and all others, that you will have to pay a very high price if you continue to perpetrate such crimes against humanity.

As you contemplate your vote, we ask you to reflect on the lesson taught in the Ethics of the Fathers, “In a place where there are no men (leaders), strive to be a man (leader).”
We hope you will support taking action against Assad’s crimes against humanity.

Thank you and Happy New Year,

Rabbi Marvin Hier
Founder and Dean
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Associate Dean
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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‘Power is what matters’: Alt Right leader Richard Spencer explains his admiration for Trump and Israel

From Mondoweiss:

A specter is haunting Cleveland, the specter of the Alt Right.

The Alt Right in the United States is a small but growing intellectual movement that seeks to resist the dilution of “White” people, both as a matter of biology and an imagined culture pale people share. They see the United States and Europe as the natural realm of white people. Unlike the Nazis, who argued for the extermination of other races, the Alt Right denies White Supremacy by saying they just want their culture for themselves. It’s predicated upon the notion of separating people based on appearance and ancestry.

Richard Spencer, an author and activist associated with the Alt Right movement, is one of the people lending intellectual legitimacy to the Donald Trump campaign. Spencer and his ilk envision a world where Europeans have control over their own geographic region, somewhere, and other colors of human beings are kept out by force to maintain a “monoculture” for light skinned people.

Articulate and casually dressed, they don’t look like Nazis. They look just like anybody else.

Spencer also has a complex conceptual relationship with Israel. He admires Israel as striving for a “monoculture” and its aims at racial purity but he disdains the Israel lobby. He’s much less ambivalent about the Official Republican Party Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, nominated officially Wednesday. “Trump is a peace candidate,” Spencer proclaims.

On the day the RNC began, Spencer made no bones about it.

“Trump’s convention has been about Being and Death,” Spencer tweeted, a cryptic nod to 20th century German philosopher Martin Heidegger. “He is the greatest man in my lifetime #RNCinCLE.”

Spencer’s is one of the brighter stars in the philosophical firmament above Trump’s teeming audience, to whom Trump promises to win big. The left laughs at Trump, and perhaps imagines humor will defeat him in November. Or something. But Spencer’s bio boasts a masters from the University of Chicago. They aren’t just giving those out to anybody. Spencer is smart, sure, why not, but being smart doesn’t produce good ideas. Isaac Newton was smart but he spent half of his career tinkering around with alchemy which is total bullshit. The Alt Right is political alchemy. Huffing a brown paper bag of mercury or lead would achieve the same effect.

There is a reason you should fear men like Spencer: They lend an intellectual element to the Trump campaign, which has distinguished itself with a number of boneheaded typos. Spencer is well spoken, and a great propagandist when speaking to someone he can distract with meaningless historical analogies to Rome, which he imagines as the perfect White Empire.

Of course, he’s completely wrong about that. Romans came in all kinds of colors and languages, but the social construct that mattered back then wasn’t race, it was religion. Race only started to matter in something resembling modern way after the Transatlantic slave trade began. Many slaves in the Roman world were fair skinned. Ausonius has a whole poem about a German servant girl he really dug. The Romans had captured her in conquering a slice of Europe. Gross and creepy on Ausonius’s part, but those were gross and creepy times Spencer romanticizes.

When I mentioned Augustine of Hippo, a Christian Roman sage and one of the pillars of what’s called Western philosophy, hailed Carthage, a place in North Africa where people are sometimes tan, Spencer rejected the assertion.

“Carthage is a White area,” he said, despite its being in Africa, in modern day Libya.

The Alt Right tries hard to sound smart, but its ideas are based on shockingly little real information, no matter how intricate and highfalutin they appear to be.

Richard Spencer, and friend Nathan Damigo at right, debate with an Abraham Lincoln impersonator outside the RNC. (Photo: Wilson Dizard)
Richard Spencer, and friend Nathan Damigo at right, debate with an Abraham Lincoln impersonator outside the RNC. (Photo: Wilson Dizard)

Spencer is a confident and fairly friendly activist who has been hanging out at the RNC giving interviews to reporters who came for mass arrests and mayhem that never materialized. He also has credentials to enter the inner sanctum. He is so confident that he even told a fellow Trump supporter who disagreed with him that he was smarter than him.

“I’m smarter than you, go away,” Spencer said. The man shuffled off. I continued the interview.

Spencer and others in the Alt Right ponder intelligence from the perspective of “race” as the most important signature of human identity. Indeed, the reason I started talking to Spencer, unknown to me but very Internet famous in some circles, were just a few words that caught my ear.

“…they generally have lower average IQs, but that’s not the point…”

So then we started talking. As I do in most of these interviews I brought up Israel eventually, but before we got there, Spencer made several points that echo the Israeli right-wing worldview. Another reporter asked him about the constitutionality of some Trump proposals, like banning Muslims from the country or ending birthright citizenship.

“Who cares? The whole point is that we’ve got to survive. Whether something is constitutionally legal I could give a shit to be honest. Survival is more important than law. You can always find a lawyer that will agree with your interpretation,” he said, admitting that Trump couldn’t say the same thing. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Power is what matters,” he added.

He also takes the same tact as Israel does when it comes to prohibiting Arab and Muslim immigration to the United States. He says that the government could pay them to leave, or that “we could create the conditions to make them want to leave.”

“What if they have to go back to countries where they could be killed?” I asked.

“Tough shit,” he replied, without hesitation.

I asked him what he thought about Islam and Muslims, and if he had any Muslim friends.”No, but I know enough from reading about Islam to know that it’s at war with the West,” he said. He considers Islam a militant religion bent on global domination.

“You mean like white people,” said an African American woman passing by, whom Spencer had engaged in conversation by noting her “sassy black lady look.”

He chuckled at her quip.

In the name of defeating militant Islam, Israel is no stranger to wanting to kick out even non-Arab visitors, penning Sundanese migrant laborers in in cages in the Sinai, awaiting deportation. When it comes to Palestinians, it’s rather obvious that making life unbearable for Palestinian people is an attempt to make them want to leave on their own accord.

“I respect Israel as a homogenous ethno-state, but I hate the meddling of the Israel lobby in American politics,” he said.

Many Alt-Right types feel that the United States’ system of expensive foreign entanglements are the source of our problems abroad. Israel is one of them.

As Israel is supposed to be for the Jews, so too are the United States and Europe, ideally in Spencer’s view, supposed to be for White people. I tried to argue that Europe has lots of distinct ethnic and religious and local loyalties, and Spencer acknowledged that as a hurdle.

“White people have to come together,” he said. “Race is the most important aspect of identity.”

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