Invasive Species

As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I believe that the Jews are God’s Chosen People, that the Torah is God’s revelation to the world, and that the purpose of Jews is to be a blessing to the world. These are my faith statements. Without looking through the eyes of faith, however, I see the world as composed of various forms of life competing for scarce resources and seeking to fulfill their genetic imperative to propagate. In other words, life is often war.

Here is an example of brutal reality from Youtube: “Like a cuckoo, the greater honeyguide lays its eggs in the nests of other birds – in this case, a bee-eater. When they hatch, the honeyguide chick mauls its foster siblings to death with a vicious bill-hook.”

American Freedom Party candidate Robert Ransdell ran for the U.S. Senate in Kentucky in 2014 with the slogan “With Jews, you lose.”

I welcome that challenge. My faith tells me that the purpose of Jews is to be a blessing to the world. If Jews aren’t a blessing to their country, then something is wrong. Jews need to look at themselves and ask, “Am I and are my people are blessing to the goyim?” Is it true that with Jews, the goyim lose? If so, then it is in the goyim’s interest to get rid of us. If we are a blessing to the goyim, then it is in the self-interest of the goyim to keep us around.”

I don’t want to make any special pleading on behalf of Jews. If Jews are an asset to their gentile country of residence, they will be blessed by that country. They will be popular and revered. If Jews are a curse, they will be cursed. Just as the normal Orthodox Jew asks, “What is good for the Jews?,” I want and expect gentiles to ask the same question. “What is good for the Germans?” “What is good for the Americans?” “What is good for the Japanese?”

Wouldn’t it be great if unpopular groups in America asked themselves if there was anything they were doing that was hurting their popularity? I suspect most Americans would prefer to live without many minority groups around them.

Every minority group should ask themselves if they are behaving themselves in a way that is a blessing to the majority population. If not, then there is no self-interested reason for the majority to keep them around.

I don’t believe there is any superior race. Different races evolved in different places. Some people are most fit for certain locations and other people for other places. Some races are great at living at high altitude, other races are great at living in the tropics, and other races thrive in the high latitudes.

I think the animal kingdom is a great analogy for how the different human sub-species relate. The introduction of cats in some places has been devastating for birds. Cats and birds usually have different interests.

Going back to the slogan, “With Jews, you lose,” I think it depends on what kind of society you want. For certain types of societies, such as a Nazi society, Jews are not a benefit. If you want a multicultural society that values excellence, then Jews are awesome.

It would be self-interested for birds to have the slogan, “With cats, birds lose.” It would be self-interested for the Japanese to not allow in much non-Japanese immigration, particularly very little Muslim and black immigration. For the Japanese and probably for Europeans as well, with blacks and Muslims you lose. You could make an argument that any gentile country that wants unity and cohesion around strong racial, national and religious identity, with multi-culti Jews you lose.

From Wikipedia:

Wild rabbits are a serious mammalian pest and invasive species in Australia causing millions of dollars of damage to crops. Rabbits in Australia are European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in the Lagomorph family.

They were introduced to Australia in the 18th century with the First Fleet and became widespread after an outbreak caused by an 1859 release. Various methods in the 20th century have been attempted to control the population. Conventional methods include shooting rabbits and destroying their warrens, but these had only limited success. In 1907, a rabbit-proof fence was built in Western Australia in an unsuccessful attempt to contain the rabbits. The myxoma virus, which causes myxomatosis, was introduced into the rabbit population in the 1950s and had the effect of severely reducing the rabbit population.

It does not make sense that the introduction of a species or sub-species into a particular environment will only have benign results. Every species will have a differing effect. The introduction of a lion into a group of deer is going to result in a lot of dead deer.

In reaction to an invasive pest, Australia mounted a rabbit holocaust but it was not successful. So they turned to chemical warfare instead and it was more effective. I wonder if there are chemical weapons that affect different groups of people differently.

I think the concept of invasive species is a good analogy for immigration. Immigrants always affect the native population, and often negatively.


An invasive species is a plant, fungus, or animal species that is not native to a specific location (an introduced species), and which has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health.[1][dubious – discuss]

One study pointed out widely divergent perceptions of the criteria for invasive species among researchers (p. 135) and concerns with the subjectivity of the term “invasive” (p. 136).[2] Some of the alternate usages of the term are below:

The term as most often used applies to introduced species (also called “non-indigenous” or “non-native”) that adversely affect the habitats and bioregions they invade economically, environmentally, or ecologically. Such invasive species may be either plants or animals and may disrupt by dominating a region, wilderness areas, particular habitats, or wildland-urban interface land from loss of natural controls (such as predators or herbivores). This includes non-native invasive plant species labeled as exotic pest plants and invasive exotics growing in native plant communities.[3] It has been used in this sense by government organizations[4][5] as well as conservation groups such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the California Native Plant Society.[2] The European Union defines “Invasive Alien Species” as those that are, firstly, outside their natural distribution area, and secondly, threaten biological diversity.[6] It is also used by land managers, botanists, researchers, horticulturalists, conservationists, and the public for noxious weeds.[7] The kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata), Andean Pampas grass (Cortaderia jubata), and yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) are examples.
An alternate usage broadens the term to include indigenous or “native” species along with non-native species, that have colonized natural areas (p. 136).[2] Deer are an example, considered to be overpopulating their native zones and adjacent suburban gardens, by some in the Northeastern and Pacific Coast regions of the United States.[citation needed]
Sometimes the term is used to describe a non-native or introduced species that has become widespread (p. 136).[2] However, not every introduced species has adverse effects on the environment. A nonadverse example is the common goldfish (Carassius auratus), which is found throughout the United States, but rarely achieves high densities (p. 136)

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What About Hillary’s Speech?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

I am currently listening to Hillary’s speech, and whoever predicted she would move to the center doesn’t understand the “coalition of the fringes” (per Sailer) as she is busy throwing meat to each part of the coalition. I don’t think she is winning any new voters tonight. Prediction: big win for Trump. Especially if Russia (or whoever) releases those 33,000 deleted emails.

BTW does anybody know what proportion of the delegates are black? Because the cameras, when they scan the audience, invariably manage to show a preponderance of whites.

* Dull speech. Now it’s up to the CNN panel to drag that lumpen pantsuit over the finish line.

* The only part I remember that sticks out is that she believes in Climate Change and is going to create millions of jobs in Green Energy, which, apparently will solve all our problems.

Strangely unaffecting speech.

She looked pretty good tonight. Has no charisma. Her voice is neither attractive nor authoritative.

Numerous attacks on Trump but they didn’t seem to draw blood.

– Trump’s speech was way better as text, although his delivery involved too much shouting.

This speech was mostly about having more school dances: the usual.

* Adelson vs Soros in a cage match to see which puppet becomes prez.

* Cankles was her usual angry reproachful self tonight. The usual terrible delivery, especially of the punchlines. The speech itself was fairly forgettable, just one of her typical campaign speeches. No one will remember it a day from now. Also a lot of platitudes (“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” Seriously?). The “join us” bit was especially weak and awful. The only thing that surprised me was the lack of pandering to BLM and minorities. It was a fairly “white” speech. Either she figures she has the minorities in the bag or she is desperate to increase her share of the white vote.

That said, she was on stage for over an hour, and looked pretty healthy. I’m not convinced about the health rumors, coughing fits, etc…Also no major gaffes or awkward moments, so I guess by her standards it was a successful speech. But it will be Michelle’s speech that everyone will remember, not hers.

As a side note, Bernie looked really nonplussed when she mentioned him, couldn’t even manage a fake smile. I guess there is only so much humiliation someone can take.

* Maybe failing the DC bar exam the summer she passed the Arkansas bar exam had something to do with her relationship with Bill? Maybe deep down she really wanted to follow Bill to Arkansas, but her feminism told her that was too womanly, so she solved the problem for herself by passing only the bar exam where Bill was headed?

* Didn’t Sarah Silverman almost die recently, needing a week in the hospital? Maybe they shouldn’t have shoved her out on stage so soon?

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What’s Hillary Clinton’s Record?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Here’s a small sample of her demonstrated corruption and incompetence:

(1) Failed DC bar exam;
(2) Expelled from Watergate investigation staff for lying and other unethical behavior;
(3) Involved in a series of financial scandals as Arkansas’s first “lady”;
(4) Both initiated and botched the Whitewater coverup;
(5) While Bill was governor of Arkansas he and Hillary made an under-the-table profit selling HIV tainted blood from Arkanasas prisons to Canada. Estimates of the AIDS deaths caused by this homicidal scam range from 4,000 to 10,000. Even for the Clintons this is so appalling – and the MSM coverup so thorough – that I will provide a link for the lazy:
(6) Put in charge of crafting the Clinton health insurance policy initiative then failed in a disastrous way that put off the possibilities of another Democrat bill for twenty years;
(7) Partnered with Bill in admitting Poland to NATO, starting a new round of unnecessary hostilities with Russia. [George Kennon describes this as one of the greatest diplomatic blunders of the 20th century.];
(8) Was losing NY senate election until Bill stepped in;
(9) Lost a “sure thing” presidential presidential nomination to the relatively unknown Obama;
(10) When Hillary Rodham Clinton became Secretary of State one of her legal obligations was to appoint an Inspector General for the State Department. She never did and for her entire term in office the State Department lacked an IG. This was a gross and utterly unprecedented violation of federal law. It strongly suggests that Clinton was planning illegal conduct in office before she even took her oath and was preparing mechanisms to enable her planned criminal acts.
(11) Within two weeks of becoming Secretary of State committed an epic diplomatic faux pas that caused Whitehall to publicly and officially repudiate the century long “special relation” between the UK and the USA;
(12) A bit later her incredibly stupid “reset button” gimmick publicly embarrassed Russian officials and widened the rift the Clintons had so assiduously created;
(13) Fomented, aided and abetted the so-called “Arab Spring” which has permanently destabilized much of North Africa;
(14) Fomented the overthrow of Qadafi in Libya which has turned that country into a failed anarchic mess and a haven for Islamo-fascist terrorists and helped spread terrorist movements like Boko Haram into much of central Africa;
(15) Failed utterly to protect US diplomats in Benghazi and lied through her teeth about the causes of that disaster and the role she played in it;
(16) While Secretary she violated an oath she took after being trained in how to handle classified materials, violated directly several section of the USC regarding the handling of such materials, and as a result exposed many US humint and elint intelligence sources [people may have died as a result;
(17) While Secretary her office and underlings negotiated deals with individuals and groups from which Clinton or her “foundation” had received emoluments, giving at least the appearance of pay-to-play and once again violating provisions of the USC.

Some with a necon bent might argue about the following but they are part of a frightening pattern of foreign interventions having no apparent immediate advantage to the USA and which ultimately unravel in ways that endanger both world order and the USA’s long term interests.

(a) Clinton-inspired and directed interventions in Kosovo which led to the establishment of an anarchic region on the southern flank of Europe engaged in a massive narcotics trade and serving as a reservoir and exporter of Islamofascism and terrorism
(b) While Secretary of State Clinton oversaw an engineered putsch which overthrew the legitimate and elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a corrupt, unstable, and illegitimate successor regime. As a result, and as might have been expected, Russia supported the secession of ethnically Russian parts of Ukraine from this state resulting in a simmering civil war.
(c) Perhaps not coincidentally just before this one of the Ukrainian oligarch beneficiaries of this disaster had made a donation of tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, which is basically a slush fund for Bill and Hill to pillage at will.

* Clinton was valedictorian of her Wellesley College class at a time when Wellesley had very high admissions and academic standards. Part of Clinton’s college success is probably due to her obviously neurotic drive to succeed but still I expect that Clinton’s IQ is somewhere at least a bit north of 130 or so,

However, things like character, judgment, emotional control, political savvy, managerial savvy, accommodation to a wide variety of viewpoints and cognitive styles, and other such attributes and skills are essential for any manager, let alone the President of the USA. Clinton has demonstrated on numerous occasions that she is utterly lacking in any of these. Judging by the outcomes of things in which she becomes involved, she is a singularly and shockingly unlucky person. I wouldn’t want a person with her track record organizing my very limited social calendar let alone managing the nation of which I am a citizen.

* She hasn’t had a press conference in over seven months. I don’t think she is no longer capable of having a free range Q&A session anymore.

Either she can’t handle it emotionally or intellectually. In either case, that makes her unfit for office.

And when her campaign manager was asked when she’d hold a press conference, he burst out laughing.

* The Democratic coalition of the fringes was baked into the election cake long before Trump threw his hat into the ring. The topics and speakers at the Democratic convention would have been approximately the same had Jeb or Marco won. This is not a reaction to Trump. One day was reserved for Hispanics, one day for Blacks and tonight will be all about WOMEN and their vaginas.

* Hillary is not very smart. What she is, and people hate about her, is arrogant and entitled in the way say, Leona Helmsley was. It is not just one thing, but all of them together: trashing Bill Clinton’s mistresses and various sexual harassment victims, possible rape victims. Her involvement in Whitewater. The Cattle Futures insider trading. The Rose Law Firm pay to play corrupt payoffs to her in exchange for Bill Clinton favors. The White House Travel firings to install cronies. The FBI files copied for enemies lists and blackmail. The Health Care fiasco. The lying about Bosnian Snipers. The lack of loyalty to Vince Foster leading to his suicide, echoed by the lack of loyalty to Amb. Stevens and the SEALs and contractors in Libya.

And the email server fiasco and Clinton Foundation shakedowns. Hillary is just not very smart — it is one thing to figure the Press will run air cover for her, and suppress any bad information (true); it is another to make various corrupt deals with Putin (various big donations by Putin-connected oligarchs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for State Dept. approval of Russian firm Rosaton buying one fifth of US Uranium production).

It is quite another to renege on those deals, prompting predictably massive disclosure of all sorts of embarrassing secrets.

Hillary was stupid and arrogant, a lethal combination. If she wanted to make dirty deals with Putin she should have kept them; and if not kept them made sure he had no way to provide evidence of her duplicity and stupidity — by keeping everything off the record in personal meetings with no recordings possible (walk and talk in corridors and outside).

Hillary has had no success whatsoever — failed at everything she’s ever led. She’s just the Leona Helmsley of US Politics, sheltered by Bill and a fawning, feminist press.

As for Merkel, she’s clearly motivated by tingles for young, dominant, and stupid Muslim men and having made sure she has no parliamentary rivals is secure from any action by her party or voters. Of course she figures most Germans will be compliant sheep, taking her imperious orders as Queen. As attacks only increase exponentially, that’s a poor bet. Surges of protests like those that undid Honecker coupled with military intervention could bounce her out like Honecker.

* Bill Clinton spent an hour detailing how much he loved Hillary. And how awesome she was. When in fact he’s spent his entire married life screwing around with weathergirls, former Miss Arkansas and b-TV actresses, various interns and secretaries, etc.

If he loved her so much and she was so awesome, why did he spend a lifetime screwing other women? The speech was laughable and provided no doubt fodder for more adventurous and hungry comedians on Youtube seeking to get a following.

Then Obama went on and on about how awesome … Obama was and is. With the message constantly drummed in … no White Men need apply.

It looks like Hillary’s strategy is: double and triple down on anti White Male hate; gin up non-White turnout, get the angry feminist vote, and use the media to shame White men into voting for them the way they shamed White men into turning out in droves for the fat lesbian feminist remake of Ghostbusters. Oh wait.

* The juxtaposition of Tim Kaine with Barack Obama last night was a reminder that most politicians are really terrible at the “my story is the nation’s story” shtick that’s been Obama’s bread-and-butter for the last twelve years.

* The treason clause applies to “enemies” of the United States, not to geopolitical rivals. Trump’s statement, even if serious– like, say, an open letter in “The Harvard Crimson”– did not comprise conferring or negotiating with a foreign government. Even if Trump called up Putin, and directly begged him to release the illegally deleted Clinton e-mails, how would that act be contrary to the interests of the United States government, since our government was entitled to those e-mails, and has been reputedly anxious to get copies of them? Again, Donald Trump, unlike the ingenious Harvard Law School professor, Constitutional scholar, and would-be Supreme Court justice, Mr. Tribe, realizes that the server is no longer hackable, since it no longer exists, as such, and the e-mails are no longer extant on the hard drive– which presumably is no longer even housed in the disabled server, which is supposedly now in the possession of the Department of Justice itself.

* Recall how the Republicans crucified Sarah Palin by forcing her on a hostile press ready to draw blood. The lesson learned, the Democrats intentionally keep the Hildebeast from the press to ensure that no one really knows who she is and what she believes. The exposure would be too dangerous. Hillary’s exposure to the public therefore is limit to slogans and press releases vetted through focus groups and gooey encomiums from the MSM.

* I’ve met a lot of German kids over the last few years (mostly fresh out of highschool) who on their way to bright futures in German universities and training apprenticeships. There are a few critically-minded exceptions, but by and large they just don’t think that much of anything. I suspect they do fine with task-based responsibilities and following processes and rules, but they struggle to think for themselves and take a view beyond the programming they’ve been given.

I had one 19 year old male respond to my gentle chit-chat opener about the challenges of the migration crisis (circa Merkel’s boner) to the effect of: “It’s only a crisis if you choose to view it as one – otherwise it’s an opportunity.” I’m not kidding. We didn’t share many conversations after that.

The good German is a good, obedient worker drone raised in worship of German industry and reared up in a system designed to cram the state welfare teat as far down everyone’s throats as possible to keep them dependent on it and defensive of it. They’ll go on flocking to the master until they have a new one.

* I have always found that British Islanders and the Irish in particular are much more generally aware of politics and history than most ethnics groups. It is in our blood, in our ways from the pubs to the social clubs. My in-laws, for example are Eastern European and have no interest in talking politics or current events.

* We’re talking about a person who couldn’t operate a fax machine and thought it only worked with the receiver off the hook. Huma had to bail her out. Hillary also managed multiple smartphones because she thought you could only have one email account per smartphone. She also had no idea what Twitter was in 2009 and when someone was Tweeting in her name, Hillary had no idea what to do. Her underlings were tasked to figure out who it was.

Even allowing for the fact that she’s a 68 year old grandmother, and grew up with rotary phones, this is pretty appalling. I’m actually surprised the Republicans haven’t made a much bigger deal out of this. You could create quite a damaging meme just based on the fax machine alone, if you hammered it home repeatedly.

Reports were that Hillary was more upset by these revelations than anything else that came out of the State Dept. email dump, because it got to the core of her incompetence for any office higher than dog catcher. And it wasn’t something she could pin on the “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

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Never Mind the Bodies, SPLC Says: “Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group”

Steve Sailer writes: As we’ve seen from recent murder statistics, BLM activism closely correlates with subsequent increases in the number of homicides.

Never mind the dead bodies, however, because the Southern Poverty Law Center is here to define from first principles how BLM can’t be a hate group despite all the murders that happen in its wake:

Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group

Richard Cohen
July 19, 2016

Each year, the Southern Poverty Law Center, of which I am the president, compiles and publishes a census of domestic hate groups.

Our list, which is cited extensively by journalists, academics and government officials alike, provides an important barometer—not the only one, of course—to help us understand the state of hate and extremism in America.

In recent weeks, we’ve received a number of requests to name Black Lives Matter a hate group, particularly in the wake of the murders of eight police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Numerous conservative commentators have joined the chorus. There is even a petition calling for the hate group label.

In our view, these critics fundamentally misunderstand the nature of hate groups and the BLM movement.

Generally speaking, hate groups are, by our definition, those that vilify entire groups of people based on immutable characteristics such as race or ethnicity. Federal law takes a similar approach. …

Many of its harshest critics claim that Black Lives Matter’s very name is anti-white, hence the oft-repeated rejoinder “all lives matter.” This notion misses the point entirely. Black lives matter because they have been marginalized throughout our country’s history and because white lives have always mattered more in our society. As BLM puts it, the movement stands for “the simple proposition that ‘black lives also matter.’”

The backlash to BLM, in some ways, reflects a broad sense of unease among white people who worry about the cultural changes in the country and feel they are falling behind in a country that is rapidly growing more diverse in a globalizing world. We consistently see this phenomenon in surveys showing that large numbers of white people believe racial discrimination against them is as pervasive, or more so, than it is against African Americans.

Black Lives Matter is not a hate group. But the perception that it is racist illustrates the problem. …

If you weren’t so hateful hate-filled, why would BLM hate you so much?


* So race is immutable to the SPLC? I thought it was just a social construct?

It’s a good thing BLM isn’t vilifying whites or anything.

* I think the pushback is intensifying — i.e. BLM propaganda & public image consciousness — because there is a natural limit to Professional Black Guy shakedown-artisty, once other blacks start to sense that whatever theme it is this year that led to the pan-media jag of stoking the feels has begun to turn a bit counter-productive. You hear it in the recent commentary by Michael Jordan and Richard Sherman. Enthusiasm for BLM-brand self-assertion and self-publicity is on the wane; meanwhile white liberal Civil Rights Geeks are left holding the bag.

* By this standard, any group should be able to avoid the hate group label so long as their mission statement has the right verbiage. Don’t worry about what the members say or do, right?

I find it hard to believe the SPLC would play favorites here. They’re trying to stop hate, and nothing is more important.

* But the perception that [BLM] is racist illustrates the problem.

You hate me. You have a problem. I hate you. You have a problem.





Nope. No hate there, Mr. Cohen. Your eagle-eyed SPLC outfit really did your Scout’s Honor homework to nail that tough one.

* The SPLC is the most successful fund raiser on the left for a reason. They sell a very consistent product. People who give them money know that they product the are buying is always anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-native, and anti-male.

* The SPLC is a leftist group, effectively the equivalent of the imprimatur for Cultural Marxism.

As an agent of CultMarx, their goal is a world where white conservative/Christian males (WCMs) are permanently driven from power in the polis that they built. Drive us out, and Trotsky’s permanent revolution will follow.

* It gets a lot simpler when you realise that the SPLC is a hate group. That they include the JDL & Nation of Islam in their list of hate groups just for cover, so it’s not quite so obvious (and those entries have a ‘more in sorrow than in anger’ feel about them). This article makes it clear exactly who the target of their hate is.

* The irony is BLM, Obama, and his shitty crew just makes life more difficult for the significant number of black folks who are intelligent, self-possessed, and successful contributors and strivers. Imagine this guy turning on his tv and seeing that DNC shitshow. Your heart has to go out to the guy:

* Race is a social construct, a hangup, for us awful and racist Whites.

For SPLC and #BLM and the Democrats and all their sycophants, race is a deadly serious business to be used for destruction and political advantage. And business is GOOD.

* Transgenderism pulls the rug from under the ‘immutability’ argument. It’s really very simple:

1. Bruce Jenner was a man who was attracted to women.
2. Bruce Jenner became a woman who is attracted to other women.
3. Hence, her sexuality changed from heterosexual to homosexual, and therefore sexuality is not immutable.
4. Therefore, it is ok to discriminate on the basis of sexuality.

* SPLC is so obviously another bigoted anti-white tribal outfit masquerading as civil rights group. Europeans are going through the same humiliation, whites in africa have already been defeated.

* They are a money machine via the lawsuits they gin up. They do better as the US judiciary gets more liberal Obama judges appointed. State level too as graduating lawyers are more liberal-left every year.

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What is Donald Trump’s favorite drink? White Russian. What’s Hillary’s? Black Mule.

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