Reports Turkish troops have sealed off Incirlik US/NATO nuclear air base


TURKEY has sent police to surround the Incirlik air base it operates with the United States — and where a large stockpile of NATO nuclear weapons is held — ahead of a visit by a senior US official tomorrow.

Unconfirmed reports out of Turkey suggest all entrances to the air base have been blocked by heavy vehicles and police sent to secure its perimeter.

The unusual nigh-time move sparked rumours of a second coup attempt on Turkish social media.

The move comes less than a week after a top US Army general was accused by Turkish media of ‘leading’ the uprising against President Erdogan earlier this month.

But Turkish Minister for European Affairs has since reportedly sought to reassure media, stating the mission was just a “safety inspection”.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* This weekend Erdogan is flying supporters from Turkey to Cologne on the national airline to join a counter-demonstration against anti-Erdogan Turks living in Germany. Up to 30K people are expected on the streets of Cologne later today (Sunday). Nearly 3K local and federal police with water cannon are preparing for street clashes. The authorities also expect local far right activists to show up too. We’ll see if it makes Sunday night’s news.

* He’s flexing his muscles.

He’s giving the U.S. the middle-finger and scaring the pants off those effeminate Europeans. He knows we won’t do squat and neither will Europe because we failed the test he gave us – namely dumping all those Muzzie bums on us.

Politics abhor a vacuum and he’s filling it.

It would not be surprising if behind the scenes he’s demanding hush money from us and Germany. He has to look at the U.S. and Germany being nothing more than a bunch of fat, rich clowns given the way we do things. Do any of you think he has respect for that moldy old lunatic female in Berlin or that snide clown in the White House? He doesn’t.

Really this was bound to happen as the U.S. began to implode politically. I think he’s figured out the U.S. is run by Ivy League imbeciles.

* Thank you Mr. Sailer for keeping us abreast of this issue. I would think that the sequestering of one of our bases (even if shared, still, a base with our personnel and equipment including nukes) by the host country would qualify as leading news, but what do I know? I never went to one of those high faluting J schools. I’m sure the families of these troops want to see and hear their loved ones again, soon. Please continue.

* I’m pretty sure that in the US, if the USCIS knew that hundreds of foreign tourists were flying in from overseas to join possibly riotous demonstrations in the streets of, say, Philadelphia, that they would be refused admission upon landing and sent back. Even here in our very tolerant system, the First Amendment doesn’t apply until you are inside the border.

* Turkey is actually of some strategic importance. It’s the only way in or out of the Black Sea. And the over reaching NATO expansion has just brought more baggage. But Turkey is actually important.

* The weapons have Permissive Action Links (PALs) that prevent their use without a code, and disable the weapon if the code is not correctly entered after a certain number of attempts.

The weapons are part of the US nuclear NATO guarantee. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey provide delivery systems, and the US stores the weapons on host country bases, guarded by US personnel, with US PALs and under US command and control. If the Rooskies invade the US provides the codes and the NATO allies deliver the weapons.

The intent is to both discourage nuclear weapon development by the likes of Italy and to provide them with reassurance that the US nuclear umbrella extends to them.

The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff is on the way to Turkey. If the nukes at Incirlik are withdrawn that would be a pretty good sign that the Turks are planning on leaving NATO. Needless to say, that would be a strategic debacle for the US, and probably indicate a Russian/Turkish agreement about the Middle East that is not favorable for the US.

The Turks seizing the weapons is about half a step short of Armageddon. Maybe a quarter step.

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How long will minority groups rely upon the kindness of strangers?

Every minority group should ask if they are an asset to their country. Is it true that with Jews/blacks/Muslims/ etc, you lose or do you win?

All groups are in a competition for scarce resources and to propagate their genes. Such competition is often zero sum.

Every form of life reacts violently to that which threatens its survival.

In a free country, different groups will usually rise to the top in areas most congenial to their talents. Do majorities want to be ruled by minorities in various parts of life?

On the other hand, the ability to respect excellence is a measure of how excellent you and your society can become. If you instinctively hate an outsider who excels you, you are headed towards a miserable and mediocre life. Nobody, however, wants to be ruled by malicious outsiders working a corrupt system.

I am thinking about Godwin Smith’s essay on The Jewish Question back in 1892:

Mr. Arnold White, Baron Hirsch’s commissioner, says, in a plea for the Russian Jews (“The Truth about the Russian Jew,” Contemporary Review, May 1892), that “almost without exception the press throughout Europe is in Jewish hands, and is largely produced by Jewish brains;” that “international finance is captive to Jewish energy and skill;” that in England the fall of the Barings has left the house of Rothschild alone in its supremacy; and that in every line the Jews are fast becoming our masters. Wind and tide, in a money-loving age, are in favor of the financial race….

A community has a right to defend its territory and its national integrity against an invader, whether his weapon be the sword or foreclosure. In the territories of the Italian Republics the Jews might, so far as we see, have bought land and taken to farming had they pleased. But before this they had thoroughly taken to trade. Under the filling Empire they were the great slave traders, buying captives from barbarian invaders and probably acting as general brokers of spoils at the same time. They entered England in the train of the Norman conqueror. There was, no doubt, a perpetual struggle between their craft and the brute force of the feudal populations. But what moral prerogative has craft over force?

Mr. Arnold White tells the Russians that, if they would let Jewish intelligence have free course, Jews would soon fill all high employments and places of power to the exclusion of the natives, who now hold them. Russians are bidden to acquiesce and rather to rejoice in this by philosophers, who would perhaps not relish the cup if it were commended to their own lips. The law of evolution, it is said, prescribes the survival of the fittest. To which the Russian boor may reply, that if his force beats the fine intelligence of the Jew the fittest will survive and the law of evolution will be fulfilled. It was force rather than fine intelligence which decided on the field of Zama that the Latin, not the Semite, should rule the ancient and mold the modern world.

Academic Robert M. Hayden writes in 1996:

In 1934, as the guarantees of the minority treaties of the Versailles settlement proved utterly illusory and as Hitler consolidated power in Germany, C. A. Macartney, the secretary to the Minorities Committee of the League of Nations published a detailed analysis of the minority problem in Europe and came to the conclusion that “the real root of the problem lies in the philosophy of the national state as it is practiced today in central and eastern Europe. . . . It is true that the [minorities] Treaties provide in general terms for the equality of all nationals of the contracting state before the law, and as regards enjoyment of civil and political rights, and for the same treatment and security in law and fact. . . . [However], since the whole conception of the national state implies a violation of the principle of equality to the detriment of the minorities, the guarantee of equality might be construed as involving the renunciation by the state of its national character. . . . A national state and national minorities are incompatibles.'”

The “philosophy of the national state” referred to by Macartney was that the state, a territory with a government, is an expression of the sovereignty of a “nation,” a group that is in American terms defined ethnically (even religion being considered more a matter of heritage than necessarily of faith). He also noted that the new states after Versailles defined themselves constitutionally in national terms, each as the state of the single nation that forms the majority of its population. Macartney noted that when a minority exists in such a state, only three solutions are possible: the revision of frontiers to match the distribution of populations, the elimination of the minorities by emigration “perhaps through exchange of populations,” or the altering of the basis of the state, so that it is no longer a national state. He also noted that a fourth possibility could be seen in “physical slaughter,” but that “although this most effective of remedies is still in vogue in certain countries it shall not be discussed in this humane Macartney’s position was echoed almost sixty years later in my analysis…

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He Who Controls Test Prep Controls the Future

My peers at high school (I graduated in 1984) often did SAT preparation and the like. Their parents often went over with their homework. As a result, they usually got much better scores than I did. I occasionally asked my parents a question but it never occurred to them review my homework or to get me tutoring.

I would not have liked it if my parents had been more involved in my life.

They did review my report card and until 10th grade, they were rarely happy about my grades. From 10th grade on, I had a B+ average or better.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In America, you have a lot of public spirited people. For the Hillery dump to Wikileaks I suspect an honest player who got fed up with what he was seeing. Sort of like Snowden who didn’t destroy his life to empower some fraction over another. I suspect that someone just got pushed to the edge seeing too much nastyness and squealed. They were on a team and would like to win but not at the cost of seeing institutions trashed.

I doubt operatives for the Republican Party hacked computers and leaked emails. Who would have directed and organized that? Trump barely influences the Pub Party. Does Ryan have a huge bureaucracy at his beck and call? Can any Pub call in CIA, FBI or NGO people and give them clandestine orders?

In places where raw power rules, like Turkey or the Middle East or the Far East, perhaps everything is subordinate to how it hurts or benefits the actor. If you live under a sort of despotism where power determines everything about your life, pursuit of even little slivers of power becomes all encompassing, requiring abandoning integrity to self interest. Not America yet. I am able to make a living and avoid legal trouble without joining any [prison] gang for survival.

* And why can’t we think and behave like this? The American right either thinks too wildly (revolutionary fantasies) or too timidly (making sure our soft spoken arguments comply with Aristotelian logic). Identifying and manipulating choke points is the sensible middle.

* There have been a few with your mindset, but it seems to have petered out over the years. Getting the alt right on board for a pragmatic long march has proven to be akin to herding cats. Many of us soldier on in our own way, but without an effective organizational framework I am not optimistic.

* The CIA has long supported Islamists as long they’re pro-US and anti-Soviet/Russia, similar tactics have been used by Israel, Mossad supported the creation of Hamas to weaken the secular/leftists PLO who was seen as a bigger threat, the Sunni terrorist organizations aren’t a threat to Israel as the secular Dictators like Saddam, Gaddaffi or Assad, I heard from a Israeli that their biggest fear was someone like the secularist Nasser uniting the Arab world against them.

* This certainly goes along with alt-right themes about the “Cathedral,” at the center of which are the elite universities. Most talk about beating the progressives at their own game surround building our own, alternative Cathedral. But that’d take generations. We abjure the black/hippy method of gaining power through outright violence and scofflawry. Cheat-prep lies in the middle ground.

It had occurred to me to game the system, because it’s obvious. But I never thought of doing so in such an organized manner. Home schooling is a start. We need also to develop pseudo-progressives, CIA-style, who can take down the Cathedral from within. Sorta like how the progressives took it over in the first place, then rolled over for a series of lesser leftists, who degenerated into the PC, zombie-morons who run it now.

* If those of you reading this and are so concerned would like to manipulate one of those choke points, here you are: Chobani yogurt. I’ve already gotten a mom and pop grocer my mother always uses and I sometimes use to take it off their shelves and cancel their distribution contract. Now, I’m working on St. Louis’s prominent big box grocer to do the same.

Why Chobani? Its Kurdish ethnic Turkish national CEO working in the United States loves to import refugees (“–”) to work in his yogurt plants. One of them is in Twin Falls, Idaho. Refugees in Twin Falls quasi-raped a five year old white girl recently.

I read in WND that the girl’s parents are at a loss for what to do. Because they don’t think they have any option. They (and we) can’t take on the Federal government who brought the refugees here, because it’s too big, powerful and abstract. We can’t do anything about the refugees themselves, because refugees are considered sympathetic downtrodden figures. Voting? Spare me. However, not all hope is lost here, because the choke point is Chobani and its CEO, because while the force of the Feds is used to bring the refugees in country, they need a business or NGO or humanitarian org partner to find a specific place within the country to settle them where they can have amenities and work. If we can do the Jack Ryan strategy (OD’s Jack Ryan, not the Clancy novels’ Jack Ryan), and make it personal against those people, make them suffer consequences and feel some sort of pain, then they’ll knock it off. Hurting Chobani’s business is an ideal way, another good way is to make its CEO’s personal life a living hell.

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How Not to Name Your Child

My parents had no idea I would convert to Orthodox Judaism when they named me “Luke Carey Ford.” They feared the other kids at school would call me “Elsie” (LC), but that never happened.

I think Luke Ford is an awesome name. I could not have come up with a better one. I had to move to LA and become a blogger with that name.

A name shapes your life.

I would have had a different life with a different name, perhaps stayed a Seventh-Day Adventist and become a pastor.

“Melvin Ford” does not inspire.

Would Donald Trump be just as Trumpian with a different name?

When I converted to Judaism, I chose “Levi Ben Avraham” because “Levi” is close to “Luke” and “Ben Avraham” means child of Abraham. I quickly learned that “Luke” marked you out in Orthodox Jewish life so I quickly adopted “Levi,” but whenever my rabbi was mad at me, he would call me “Luke.” When Orthodox Jews like me, they usually call me “Levi,” but when they don’t accept my conversion as real, they call me “Luke.”

According to the Talmud, “Luke” is one of the names that marks someone as a goy.

I never correct anyone between “Luke” and “Levi.” If Orthodox Jews push me, I say I have a preference for “Levi,” but with my goyisha punim (gentile face) and goyisha mannerisms, I’m obviously a ger (convert).

by Phoenicia Hebebe Dobson-Mouawad

How not to name your child – five golden rules

Thinking of giving your baby an unusual name? Think about the effect it will have on their life, says Phoenicia Hebebe Dobson-Mouawad

My name is Phoenicia Hebebe Dobson-Mouawad. No, I’m not kidding. This is the name my parents chose for me 19 years ago and it is the reason I don’t go to Starbucks. Choosing a name for your baby can seem like a way to determine what type of parents you will become – many aim for trendy rather than traditional. However, faced with the resentment of your grownup offspring, who have endured a childhood of being embarrassed by their unusual name, you may wish you could turn back time.

My experience of living with an unusual name has been, to put it lightly, difficult. There has not been one occasion when making a new acquaintance has not resulted in a remark about it, or some degree of confusion.

… Have you heard the name before? If not, no one else will have.

Can you pronounce it without having to look it up? Because if you need to look it up, I can tell you firsthand that you will be the only person your child ever meets who has taken the time to do so.

Avoid hyphens unless both names are easily pronounceable. Dobson – that’s fine. Mouawad – more than enough effort on its own. Dobson-Mouawad – no comment.

Can a child of primary school age say it? If they look confused and say, “What?”, take that as a strong no.

Remember that your child’s name is for their happiness alone and not to prove to the world how cool and creative you are. That’s what Instagram is for. Take it from someone who knows or in 19 years’ time your child will be as fed up as I am.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I use Steve Sailer mostly because it’s easier for other people to spell than Steven Sailer.

There are other writers with almost identical names: I co-wrote a National Review article in 1997 with an academic named Stephen Seiler. And there’s a novelist named Steven Saylor who writes detective stories starring a gay detective in Ancient Rome.

* According to David Hackett Fischer, onomastic creativity in America comes from the (real) Scots-Irish, the blacks learned it from them.

* Another consideration that is increasingly relevant in the Internet age is making your name unique enough that you can track it on the Internet.

This is especially important if your surname is common.

I know a journalist who changed the spelling of his first name because one of the most famous journalists in his country already shared both his name and surname, so “making a name” for himself with that name would have been very hard to impossible.

Do not however be overly autistic and/or ideological about it. That gender-denying SJW with whom Sailer engaged with on that question reminds one, in his attitudes, of the 1920s Bolshevik freaks who gave their children names like “Iskra” and “Barrikada.” Won’t do his child any good under the Trumpenreich! 😉

If I had to summarize, keep it: Short, simple, unusual, timeless.

* If someone is named Hiram, dad was probably a Mason and hoped the son would be too.

The best research tool for this is Wolfram Alpha. It will give a graph of popularity of most any male or female given name.

It’s also worth mentioning that adults have no excuse for being too upset with a given name because they can change it. Or use a middle name. Or, if Catholic, their confirmation name. On and on.

* I’m actually happy that there are a number of people called exactly the same as I am, so that it’s a little bit more difficult to track me down. Not that it makes a big difference to intelligence services etc., but it might protect me somewhat from some lone nuts.

* Working with large numbers of Black people as I do, I have encountered some real creativity in first names: Sitting Bull (for a black Hispanic man), two Geronimos, and Lexis…my absolute favorite was Twatia (pronounced “Twasha”).

* Parents don’t name their daughters with male names to be feminist or push “gender equality” or whatever. They do it because it sounds hot. A beautiful woman with a man’s name is like a beautiful woman in a man’s shirt; the contrast of femininity is amplified. The problem is these parents who are secretly trying to create a gorgeous popular girl with their word choices, have far less influence than biology. Nobody ever leaves room for the possibility that their daughter won’t be a beauty.

So James King, when she still went by that name, was extra hot with that name. But if someone who looked like Rosie O’Donnell was named James, it would be extra pathetic. Once James King started going by Jamie King, everyone began to notice she was actually kind of average looking and had pound puppy fangs.

People should be careful trying to pick the name which they think at the time sounds most like a head cheerleader, because you can overshoot it. A hot name won’t fix ugly, but if you are pretty it might give you that extra psychological push to choose a life of stripping. I knew a very beautiful stripper named Honey. I did not believe that was her real name until I saw her license. Her parents overshot the mark on that one.

One simple rule: picture your kid as the fattest loser in high school. Is their name a source of added torment? Then pick something else. Pick something that works equally well for a jock as a nerd, because you don’t get to choose what your kid is.

* Is saying “Christian name” common in Germany? In the US we say “first name” with “given name” a distant second. Virtually no one would understand “Christian name” especially given how much Christianity has disappeared, although occasionally people say “christening” to mean “naming a child”.

* What this all really signifies is the rapid decomposition of the highly connotated, form-rich world of organic society, and the consequent loss of understanding of what a name actually is.

A name is fundamentally a spacial designation that marks the “place” of an individual within society. Thus, our a priori notions about how the world is ordered are mirrored in our conception of the individual and are expressed in our naming conventions. Social order supervenes on individual identity, therefore there can be no change in the social order without a parallel change in the role of the name.

A glance at the past (and at foreign cultures) reveals an adequate sampling of how names are applied in traditional societies. One commonly recurring feature is the family or clan name, the most basic marker of identity. Often this family name (corresponding to our “last” name) is expressed first, as in Chinese or Japanese. The name Sakai Hiroyuki, spoken proudly, conveys the sentiment, “I am the clan Sakai personified in the man Hiroyuki.” In cultures where the family honor is paramount, there is really no other way to identify oneself. The individual is a sort of bud or flower on the family tree. To suffer the family name to be disgraced or lost is a fate worse than death. It is the obliteration of one’s entire identity.

Closely associated with clan names is the idea of patronymic or matronymic names, which describe lineal descent. It is significantly more insular and “nuclear” than the clan name, though, and serves rather to aggrandize the parent than the entire tribe. Essentially it denotes a time horizon delimited by two generations. Johann considers himself to have discharged his duty to posterity when he sires “Johann’s son,” and little Sven Johansson is constantly admonished by his very moniker to live up to the deeds and righteousness of the mighty Johann. For this reason, patronymics are almost always used in either an affectionate or authoritative tones of voice. Their purpose is that of chain wherewith to bind another in either love or servitude, especially among the Nordics and the Slavs. Among the Semitic peoples they serve almost exclusively as parental adornments. Abdul bin Mohammed, one of a sprawling horde of sons by multiple wives, is just another jewel in Sultan Mohammad’s tiara.

From the feudal order and settled village life of the traditional West there emerged two immensely significant themes: the place-name and the trade-name, the former predominating among the aristocracy and the latter among the peasantry. We cannot overstate the symbolic importance of these developments, for an entire world is expressed thereby. It is impossible to understand a name like Comte d’Orleans if one considers it to be a mere job title; in fact it is a contemplated vision of the social order which contains several important characteristics. First, there is a place called Orleans. This is taken to be a metaphysical fact that needs no further explanation. It has perdurance, it has boundaries, it has a quality and flavor all its own; and intrinsic in the conception of such places, of which Orleans is one, is the idea that there be a man to rule and protect it, the Count. So necessary is the man to this place that he cannot be thought of without it, nor the place without him. Out of this vision grew the medieval maxim “no land without a lord,” and it is from this that we are able to truly understand King Louis XIV’s famous “L’etat, c’est moi.” Modern people take that phrase to be the very height of arrogant absurdity, but it is actually a profound and pithy expression of the metaphysical basis of all political power.

And down in the village there are the Millers, the Smiths, the Weavers, the Coopers, toiling away at their assorted tasks, perhaps presided over by a Burgermeister, while in the manor house the Count is attended by the Chancellors, Chamberlains, and Reeves. A whole organic society springs into being and is girded by these identities, which are all connected by the Great Chain of Being to the King and the Emperor, to the priest and the Pope, and to God Himself. Even the lowliest Porter or Carter has a role to play. The organic society, like the Ptolemaic universe, is driven by wheels within wheels, from the highest to the lowest. In such a world even the secular order is suffused by sacred rays. Work is a blessing, a vocation, and dishonest trade an offense against the whole civitas, to be punished harshly with the approval of onlookers. Added to this of course is the person’s “Christian name,” the name of some saint or apostle that the child receives at christening, which grafts him into Holy Church and the society formed in its image.

At the present time this world no longer exists. In the modern age, the metaphysical basis for societal order is undergoing constant assault. There are today no more lords, no more priests, no more families, no more clans, no more titles—only atomized individuals and their “jobs.” The modern American space-concept is at best boringly and tritely Cartesian, our “first” and “last” names being merely the x and y coordinates that locate us, however transiently, in a boundless Euclidean plain. Nowadays “James Fowler” is just a point in the American phase-space. He does web analytics for the local hospital association. He doesn’t know a thing about raising chickens and he has no idea whether he is the son of Zebedee or the brother of Jude. The burning void that is his identity is temporarily tranquilized by Comicon and fantasy sports, but deep down inside he is forever nobody.

The “creative names” spoken of in this post represent the final stage of irony. It is the ultimate recidive of a form-filled world into arbitrariness and chaos. Throughout the Cartesian plain there are weeds growing up through the cracks. Deshawn and Shaniqua are aberrations, colorful monsters, overfed carrion birds feeding off our detritus—a bit of African animism blown off course by civilizational gales, now living as exotic interlopers in our poorly-tended parks. The process has its parallel everywhere you look these days. Nihilism and ennui are the defining characteristics of our time, from the girl with the pink dreadlocks to the guy with anime tattoos. Open borders, globalism, and political correctness are the same phenomena on a vast scale. Nobody has any identity except the freaks.

Upon all who aspire to a better future it is incumbent to change our identity by changing how we view the world, and to beseech Heaven for a superior vision. He who can believe in himself literally has a nation inside him waiting to be born. To those who find their true names belong the future.

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DEFECTIVES IN THE LAND: Disability and Immigration in the Age of Eugenics

Everything good depends upon discrimination to survive, but for those who don’t think, “discrimination” is a dirty word.

Every living thing should be expected to seek their self-interest and to try to preserve their world from invasive species. Why would birds want to allow cats in their habitat to kill them? Why would deer want to allow lions in? Why would dolphins welcome killer sharks? Why would non-Muslims want to allow Muslims in? Why would Europeans welcome a migration of Africans?

New York Times:

The aim of a state’s immigration policy has to be one that would-be immigrants ought to accept as reasonable (even if in practice they disagree with it). For example, it is legitimate for a state to admit only high-skilled immigrants if this serves its economic goals, despite the fact that this policy may be unpopular with low-skilled migrants. By contrast, it is illegitimate for a state to admit only people of a certain skin color, or to have a “temporary” migrant policy (say, for guest workers) that in actuality creates a semi-permanent two-caste system. An unfortunate policy is O.K. An unfair one is not.

Does that distinction seem as if it might get blurry in practice? The early history of immigration policy in America, as told by the historian Douglas C. Baynton in DEFECTIVES IN THE LAND: Disability and Immigration in the Age of Eugenics (University of Chicago, $35), suggests so. Traditionally, scholars have divided that history into two periods: a “selective” phase starting in 1882, which in large part (aside from the Chinese Exclusion Act) involved screening out individuals with any “defect” that would render them “likely to become a public charge”; and a “restrictive phase” starting with the passage of a ­literacy test in 1917, which marked the beginning of a series of proxy measures for keeping out whole nationalities or races. Using Miller’s principles, you might condone much of the first phase but condemn the second.

Yet Baynton, challenging the conventional historiography, argues that the selective phase of American immigration policy, despite its heavy reliance on the ­sensible-sounding “public charge” standard, was no less discriminatory. During those years, he demonstrates, immigration officials could and did customarily invoke this standard to rule out such “defectives” as women unaccompanied by male providers and members of races with supposed “predispositions” to criminality. Even those with “objective” physical impairments (as the Americans with Disabilities Act would underscore many years later) were incapable of work only if you made certain assumptions about how workplaces were to be structured. So beware “reasonable” justifications for immigration policies, Baynton warns.

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