Steve Sailer: If the Latest Milwaukee Riot Isn’t Hillary’s Sister Souljah Moment, What Would be?


* Why should she? She’s leading by freaking 10 points in North Carolina and Virginia, about tied in Georgia. She doesn’t need to take any risks at all, because the American people are beyond cucked and Trump can’t [stop] saying stupid things.

* If she actually discussed hate crimes against whites, she’d be far to the right of the entire Republican party, including Trump.

* Cops need to leave the brothers alone. No matter what we doing. Part of reparations need to be we can go anywhere we want, any time we want, and do anything we want, and the man just sit there and take it. Or we burn down the city and the man has to rebuild it.

* Sister Souljah moments are from a different era when the Democrats were trying to win the nonblack vote.

* I used to think women didn’t riot. Glad to see they’re empowered enough now to join in.

* The police shooting did not cause the riot. The riot had been ongoing for weeks due to general black-take-over-the-store mentality. The riot had escalated into broken windows and random shooting-into-the-air-by-blacks-because-falling-bullets-fall-somewhere-else-and-don’t hurt-me behavior. Then, the police tried to apprehend one black with a gun.

The police are blamed because it is easier to blame them than to accept responsibility for black-mob-behavior.

* We’ve had decades now of race revenge porn movies where whitey finally gets what’s coming to him. Blacks eat that shit up and are ready to be their own heroes in getting revenge. No different than some Hamas propaganda summer camp.

* And speaking of headlines, This was a NY Times headline on the Milwaukee, uh, situation, just moments ago:

Unrest After Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Man

Yes, the headline said that the man was unarmed (I have a screenshot).

Presumably, that headline was ditched, but on the article itself the headline is now:

National Guard Deployed in Milwaukee Amid Unrest Over Fatal Police Shooting


I find that, for myself, a cup of hot milk does the trick pretty well when I suffer from unrest. I hope somebody offers this suggestion to the poor people of Milwaukee who are having such a bad time.

* Fun exercise: try to find anything about this on the NYT front page. You have to search for “mil,” and it’s many stories down under the headline “Governor Activates National Guard After Police Shooting.”

* For comparison’s sake, here’s the Daily Kos’ headline on this event:

“Unrest in Milwaukee after man is killed by the police”

* Notice these violent riots always happen in northern and Midwestern cities? I mean, there were protests in Baton Rouge and a lot of verbal abuse towards police in riot fear but nothing was burned down, and no random white people were attacked in their cars. This footage is nuts.

The deep South has way more blacks and more racial tension than people think, yet no riots on this scale in recent memory.

Half of the racial problems in the country could be solved by a little more swagger from whites. Midwesterners have to stop being so nice. They are like the nice white lady teacher who can’t control her class.

If suburban whites just start acting like rednecks and the tough ethnic whites in the Northeast, we don’t even have to do anything to improve the country, other than deporting illegals with a rap sheet and reducing legal immigration for the next decade or so. A somewhat multiracial society is not that big of a deal if you have the will to stay on top and keep things under control.


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‘Wake up, Aussies’: Far-right Pauline Hanson supporters dressed as Muslims storm church

I wonder if churches would be less refugee friendly if there were more of these events.

NEWS: A far-right nationalist group that links itself to Pauline Hanson stormed a church service on Sunday dressed in mock Muslim attire and chanting anti-Islamic slogans, leaving some members of the congregation “deeply traumatised”.

The incident, on the NSW Central Coast, reflects the emboldened attitudes of anti-Islamic groups following the political rise of the One Nation leader, and has triggered calls for the new Parliament to retain the full strength of racial discrimination laws amid a new push for the repeal of section 18c.

About 10 Party for Freedom members on Sunday disrupted the morning sermon at the Gosford Anglican Church, which is widely known for its embrace of multiculturalism, and refugees and asylum-seekers.

Party for Freedom is an anti-Islam, anti-immigration party whose Facebook page features Senator Hanson as its profile picture.

The church is nationally renowned for a sign out the front that often bears messages critical of Australia’s hardline border protection policies, such as “Hell exists, and it’s on Nauru”.

Father Rod Bower said halfway through his sermon at around 9.30am, members of Party for Freedom, dressed in mock Muslim attire, burst into the church.

“Using a loud speaker starting to abuse me in particular for the work we do … they violated our sacred space,” Father Bower said.

“It was typical rhetoric from the extreme right, vilifying Muslims and multiculturalism as a whole.

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Steve Sailer: Muslim Holymen Gunned Down in Queens by a Hispanic; Trump Is Blamed

Chaim Amalek writes: “Anyone remember the “Black Israelites” or “Black Hebrews”? These people have been standing on street corners in Manhattan (often around 34th and 8th Avenue) for decades, calling for the extermination of the white race and all white jews. And they are not the only ones out there calling for same. But the media would rather not touch them. Except that Trump is to blame.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* “We blame Donald Trump for this . . . Trump and his drama has created Islamophobia.”

Is the press going to take this statement literally and fact-check to see if Trump did create islamophobia? When they learn that islamophobia, if it does exists, predates Donald Trump, will they then stop covering this murder and instead focus on the false statement made by Khairul Islam?

Of course not. But when Trump suggested Obama and Hillary created ISIS, the press acted as if he had suggested both had flown to Baghdad for the constitutional convention like Franklin and Jefferson a couple hundred years prior. Therefore, the only story to cover was not whether or not Obama and Hillary’s policies had led to ISIS, but that Trump flat out lied.

Of course Hillary said earlier this year that Donald Trump was ISIS’s number one recruiter. Evidently the way she stated this did not confuse the press into thinking that Trump had flown to Baghdad, interviewed for a sales job and then joined the ranks of ISIS where he later won first prize and the Cadillac El Dorado. No they assumed Hillary was using rhetoric like they assumed those accusing Bush of Katrina and Reagan of AIDs had done.

* A high percentage of 3rd Party candidate Evan McMullin’s tweets are about how wonderful Muslims are. I think he is trying to win the Muslim vote in this country, even though they make up less than 1 percent of American voters. They are not really an important voting bloc in this country, at least not yet. Our elites want to change that.

Evan McMullin sounds like a George W. Bush “Conservative” with all of his Muslims are so freaking peaceful and awesome tweets.

* I love it how people like “Khairul Islam, 33″ get to decide “what America’s about.”

* “WCBS 880’s Stephanie Colombini reported authorities are searching for a tan-skinned man in a dark polo shirt and shorts.”

Tanned-skin? Why, that sounds almost like “brown,” except of course as it stands suggests a white guy who spent too much time at the beach.

* Gee. I thought Islamaphobia was generated via 9/11, and the multiple atrocities committed by passionate, committed muslims around the world since then. Muslim gangs harassing Christians and Jews here seems like something that would bring matters to violence eventually. New York, in particular, features some real pieces of Muslim work:

* My Islamophobia is not Trump induced. It comes from living in an English city with a large Muslim minority and a grooming gang. You are prejudiced. I am postjudiced.

* I bet he wouldn’t let anybody named Joseph Goldstein tell him what Islam is about.

* I know from Law & Order that white men commit all the crime in NY. Probably a banker or a lawyer.

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Blacks Riot In Milwaukee

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* This is another example of the “conquering of territory”. For example: black actor wins Oscar, now all blacks deserve all Oscars in perpetuity. Or else hell shall be paid.

Now if any black gets killed by any police officer – of any race, for any reason – that is justification to riot. It’s conquered territory because they are willing to deploy more force than the state.

* The future of the USA, Canada, and Western Europe:


(Ferguson 2014)

* Trump received more scrutiny and blowback for receiving the unsolicited endorsement of David Duke than Hillary or Obama will receive for their minions destroying a city.

* Not doing anything will only make it the norm, as it has now become thanks to Obama and Eric Holder’s sociopath ways. Now they’re doing it whenever they feel like it. They all think they’re in a Quentin Tarantino movie.

Bringing in the National Guard, give fair warning, and letting them shoot at will until the streets are clear would bring better long-term results.

Politically, the National Guard will always be far more popular than domestic black terrorists.

* The protesting teens burned the gas station to ‘protest’ fossil fuels, the bank to ‘protest’ the Banksters, the Kwik-E-Mart to ‘protest’ food deserts, and the hair salon to ‘protest’ racist beauty standards. They shot at the Fire Department trying to put out the gas station fire to ‘protest’ slow response times to the Community.

* This riot seems more crazy than the last few. Black women particularly are off the hook. Black Lives Matter should be officially regarded as a black cult. Almost every video I’ve watched so far, I can hear a black woman screaming like she’s the subject in a voo doc ceremony.

* CNN is featuring this now as ‘Violent protests after police shooting’ — it’s not explained why it was necessary to burn down a gas station as part of a ‘protest’ — but I guess that counts as ‘violence’.

This also happened recently in Milwaukee:

4 men accused of fatally shooting Rebecca Wood during armed robbery got away with $20

That would be 4 black men — and the victim, Rebecca Wood (who seems to have been rather troubled), is white — in searching the CNN site, I found no mention of this killing.

* I guess Black-on-Black violence amounts to nothing in the Black community … such as creating the impression that the Black areas of Milwaukee are dangerous because they are populated with large numbers of “home boys” who are armed and are disposed to kill each other and anyone else who gets in their way.

* The boredom and disregard for law an order used to mostly confine itself to black on black crime with occasional instances of “wilding” but BLM and the media have given urban blacks the green light to lash out at symbols identified with whites. We are entering a new era in which race-motivated destruction of property and violence is characterized as a justified reaction by the group least likely to adhere to cultural norms that produce relative social stability.

I am not sure how President Hilary will deal with all this – on the one hand, she has to mouth the obligatory slogans about systemic injustices and so on. However, she has never seemed to be someone who really cares about blacks or their issues and is just going through the motions in her pandering – to the point of absurdity like her comment on black radio that she carries hot sauce in her purse. She seems to be law and order in her mentality and more likely to emphasize the need to restore basic public safety rather than take the Obama approach of tacitly legitimizing BLM.

She is headed towards a blowout election and won’t owe blacks for it the way she might have if it were close.

* The Rio women’s marathon has an air of Idiocracy about it. The watering arrangements are chaotic (placing a bottle immediately before a metal post so you’ll break a wrist if you snatch it on the run, athletes having to stop) and they have sets of mist sprayers on the route to cool the athletes in the noon sun. There’s a breeze, the sprayers are on only one side of the road, and as the girls sweat past they can watch the mist spray drifting away from the road, none of it landing on the runners.

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NBC Says You Can Watch All Events Live Through Its Sports App

But the app does not work on PCs.

I don’t want to watch on a tablet or iPhone. I want to watch on my big screen computer monitor. I guess I need to get Chromecast.

By the way, because of the Olympics, I started the $25 a month Sling subscription and I am happy with the app. I can watch on my PC and wherever I go. Unfortunately, my Sling subscription does not yet authenticate access to the NBC sports app on my iPad.

Decider reviews the NBC Sports app:

The NBC Sports app on Roku employs the same random organization as the Xfinity channel guide — or least as I remember it from my cable days — with an endless scroll of channels arranged in no particular order. That isn’t a good way to figure out what to watch on TV or what’s happening in the Olympics.

There have been issues with NBC’s programming, too, and most notably with gymnastics. None of the live feeds of the men’s qualifying rounds on Saturday and women’s qualifying rounds on Sunday had audio commentary, and the Daily Dismount recap shows after both were willfully obscure about the outcomes…

The presentation has been a mess, though, and I’m not turning cartwheels about the gymnastics coverage.

The app got terrible reviews and a minute into viewing my 30 minute free without authentication, the picture froze. Somehow the commercials ran fine, but the real event froze. OK, I restarted the app and I am watching the ending of the women’s marathon. Three East African women are leading. Imagine my shock.

I’ve watch many matches of the women’s soccer even though the quality of the play is below that of Under 15 boys.

What happened to girl power? Australia’s national women’s soccer team the Matildas lose 7-0 to an under FIFTEENS boys’ side

Australia’s national women’s soccer team have suffered a devastating defeat in the lead up to the Rio Olympics – going down 7-0 to the Newcastle Jets under-15 boys side.
What is particularly concerning for the Matildas is that despite resting some regulars, they were still able to field experienced international stars including former AFC player of the year Katrina Gorry.
Despite the embarrassing defeat on Wednesday night at Valentine Sports Park in Newcastle, the Australian team will travel to Brazil as one of the gold medal favourites…

Egmond said that the Matildas are often forced to play against boys teams as trying to find quality female opposition can be difficult.
It may not be the first time that the Australian team have suffered a heavy defeat against school boys with claims that they were ‘smashed’ by an under 16 Sydney FC team last year circulating.
The social media reaction to the defeat has been condemning with many claiming that the result is not good enough for a team that is expected to challenge for a medal at the Olympics.

I’m ecstatic that Sling TV has added the NFL Network to my subscription at no extra charge.

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