Steve Sailer: The Darwinian Advantages of Sprinting vs. Endurance Running: Marcus Vick Edition

Steve Sailer writes: Speaking of Darwinian selection pressures in sprinting vs. distance running abilities, commenter “mourning in america” sends along cop body camera footage of a very serious footrace between Marcus Vick, former Virginia Tech quarterback and the younger brother of NFL star Michael Vick, and some policemen who can’t match his time in the 40. Marcus was never as fast as Michael, but his 4.47 second time in the 40 yard dash is a lot faster than the average policeman’s.

Like I was saying, sprinting ability is most useful with moderately complex ground cover into which the superior sprinter can effectively disappear. In more open terrain, the better distance runner is likely to be able to track down the tired sprinter.


* In what kind of environment would this strategy work?

So you run off into the trees…..and then what? Live in the jungle for the rest of your life? Hope that the people in the village or whatever forget about you?

It’s hard to see how the be-a-jackass-and-then-sprint-away strategy would work. The villagers would be on the lookout for the jackass, and would probably kill him the next time he showed up.

* In general, particularly in 21st century, it would be insane to run from the cops. In his case, though, since we’re talking about running, if they didn’t already know who he was, and were it not for the cameras, helicopters, etc. there is a decent chance he could’ve gotten away. Even though he had stopped and sat down, he was clearly less winded for his run than the cops, so I don’t buy into the ideas that the cops could’ve outdistanced him, particularly if he shook the trail. People here are also thinking about 1 run and done sprinters when they should be thinking about a Michael Vick type QB who has to sprint, dodge, jump, and sprint some more, again and again over the course of a few hours. Just because he’s good at sprinting, doesn’t mean he’s below “normals” at distance running. He likely excels there, too, but not as much so as he does at sprinting. Most people, probably most cops included, are gonna tire out more from a half mile or mile run than he would.

As you said earlier, a few twists and turns could be all it would take to slip away. In terms of simply looking for a black guy matching his description, probably quite a few black guys his age around town match to a first approximation for most people, and if he had any sense at all, he’d switch up his appearance at the first opportunity after a stunt like that.

* I think a lot of football and basketball players start to develop a bit of a God Complex in middle and high school, especially if they were as good as these two at their sport. For blacks its probably a double whammy as many whites are bending over backwards looking for a reason to shower praise on them.

Universities will really roll out the red carpet for talented football players, overlook all sorts of infractions, hot girls will cling to them constantly, etc. Its probably easy for them to start to feel like they can do whatever they want whenever they want, and get into all kinds of trouble.

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White supremacists using Twitter mentions to organize, recruit, and unify

Sociologist Philip Cohen writes for the Southern Policy Law Center: These are commented excerpts from a Twitter conversation I had with a bunch of Trump-supporting racists on August 15.

It started with my complaining to Jesse Singal about a table he posted, of an analysis of body camera effects on police killings. The content isn't really important.

The response from @JohnRiversToo was a pretty random, and very typical, racist tweet about how Blacks have low IQs and commit more crime.

It’s typical and racist because it takes two disparate things – which each have their own whole set of issues and debates – and uses them to draw the obvious racist conclusion they started with in the first place: Blacks are dumb and violent. (If you don’t then “refute” these assertions then you can’t handle the truth – and if you try to respond you go down a rabbit hole of racist memes.) There is no point in arguing substance with someone who starts like this.
I didn’t even realize what JRT was responding to – I assumed it was about my latest blog post, which was about civility in cross-racial interactions at Hershey Park:

“This post combines my love of vacations (context), my habit of taking pictures of people in public places (data)*, and my sociological tendency to invent big conclusions from minor events (theory). As with last year’s selfie post , I hope you don’t take from this that I don’t really love vacations.”

Anyway, didn’t matter. He has 10,000 followers, and he summoned them with a couple common memes. One shows high Asian incomes, supposed to show that “white privilege is a lie”:

And one claiming “diversity” is about White genocide.

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Women Need To Be Protected

Martin Van Creveld writes: Delicate souls that they are, women need to be protected against “’objectification” and “verbal abuse.” Women need to be protected against cunning pimps who first promise them the earth and then enslave them. Women need to be protected against photographers who promise to turn them into models but do not deliver. Women need to be protected against having their naked pics published on the Net (I hereby formally grant permission to anybody who has a pic of mine to do so; I shall even be happy to provide him or her with one).

Women need to be protected against “economic terrorism.” Women need to be protected against wicked, but charismatic and clever, men who first promise them marriage and then disappear with their, the women’s, money, or turn out to be married already, or both. Women need to be protected against male physicians, psychologists, gurus, university professors, teachers, coaches, and masseurs, all of whom, which God forbid, first cause them to become “dependent” on themselves and then try to “exploit them by having sex with them.

Women need to be protected against their own preference for convicted male criminals (as shown by the fact that such criminals tend to have more offspring than average, mostly because they have more partners). Women need to be protected against the possible consequences of their taste in dress and comportment (they are, it seems, too dumb to understand those consequences on their own). So stupid are some women that they only understand that they have been “raped” years after the event, and often after some lawyer tells them they can make money by suing. Once they do, they have to be protected from confronting their alleged attackers in court and also from having their own names revealed. Women need to be protected against “offensive” speech, including, no doubt, this essay. So numerous are the things women must be protected against that I found it impossible to put them in any kind of logical order. In short, women are seen—and, what is much worse, see themselves—as complete idiots incapable of looking after themselves.

However, there is a catch. Men are physically stronger than women. As the fact that they commit most violent crimes shows, men also tend to be considerably more aggressive and more assertive on the average. By some accounts, this is likely to remain the case not only in our world but even in one where our place is taken by computers. That is why, when the chips are down, only men can protect women against other men; also why, throughout history, countless men have died to protect women whereas the opposite has rarely ever been the case. The more protection women demand and receive, the more dependent on their protectors and the less equal and free they become.

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Steve Sailer: Mexicans like keeping Mexico Mexican

Steve Sailer writes: You are often told that if you look at a map, you can see that it’s a law of nature that the United States of America must fill up with Mexicans. You almost never hear anybody suggest that the map implies that Mexico must fill up with Americans, which would seem more likely a priori.

How do the Mexicans keep the gringos from inundating Mexico? Some of its by law, some of its by violent lawlessness, but a lot is by a sort of passive-aggressive cruddiness: nobody is too sure who owns what land, the streets are dangerous to cross if you aren’t young and nimble, the hospitals are kind of inept, and so forth and so on.

Former foreign secretary Jorge Castaneda suggested that if Mexico were to try to make the country more appealing to American retirees, they’d find they had made the country better for Mexicans. But that idea hasn’t proven popular.

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Why Milwaukee Burns – Black social breakdown and anti-cop ideology put another American city to the torch

A friend says: “MacDonald writes about the rioting promoted by BLM as an attack on “White” society and civilization. I believe she is correct. The logical consequences of this are that, if this succeeds, it will force any black police officers, elected officials and perhaps even members of the military to either be considered collaborators (in the same sense that our Afghan allies are considered by the Taliban, or that Quislings were considered in the lands under Nazi occupation during WW2). This is actually much worse than the old epithet directed to Blacks as Uncle Toms, since this presumes that BLM is in fact a liberation movement, not just to empower blacks and curb perceived and actual racism, but one that seeks to overthrow the existing order since it is in their belief inherently racist and has nothing redeeming about it.”

Heather Mac Donald writes: The war on cops, ideological and sometimes lethal, may be expanding into a broader race war, in which only one side fights. The thugs who torched businesses and police cars, assaulted cops, and shot at firemen in northwestern Milwaukee on Saturday night went after “white bitches,” among other targets. (The riots were inspired by the fatal police shooting of Sylville K. Smith, a black man. Smith, who had an extensive arrest record, including for a shooting, fled from officers after a traffic stop while carrying a stolen handgun; he refused commands to drop the gun. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has activated the state’s National Guard and declared a state of emergency, but violence continued into Sunday night, with four officers injured, three squad cars damaged, and multiple businesses burned down.) The Black Lives Matter-inspired assassin who murdered five police officers in Dallas in July 2016 said that he wanted to kill white people, as well as white cops. The vitriol that officers working in urban areas now encounter on a daily basis is inflected with racism.
And if the war on cops escalates into more frequent attacks on whites and their perceived interests, the elite establishment will bear much of the blame. For the last two years, President Barack Obama has seized every opportunity to advise blacks that they are the victims of a racist criminal justice system. We should not be surprised when that belief, so constantly inflamed, erupts into violence. Even in his remarks at the memorial service for the five murdered Dallas cops, Obama had the gall to trot out his usual racial vendetta against the police, even though he was fully on notice that cops were being killed because of it:
“When African-Americans from all walks of life, from different communities across the country, voice a growing despair over what they perceive to be unequal treatment; when study after study shows that whites and people of color experience the criminal justice system differently, so that if you’re black, you’re more likely to be pulled over or searched or arrested, more likely to get longer sentences, more likely to get the death penalty for the same crime; when mothers and fathers raise their kids right and have “the talk” about how to respond if stopped by a police officer—“yes, sir,” “no, sir”—but still fear that something terrible may happen when their child walks out the door, still fear that kids being stupid and not quite doing things right might end in tragedy—when all this takes place more than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”
Obama’s indictment ignored, as usual, the astronomically higher rates of black crime that fully explain racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Meanwhile, Obama hasn’t uttered a word in condemnation of the lawless behavior in Milwaukee, two days into the events.
Hillary Clinton has been just as quick to enflame black hatred of cops and, by inevitable extension, of “white” society. She said during a January 2016 Democratic presidential debate that it was “reality” that police officers see black lives as “cheap,” adding that “there needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system.” (In fact, there is no government agency more dedicated to the proposition that black lives matter than the police; tens of thousands of black lives have been saved thanks to data-driven, proactive policing.) The July 2016 cop assassinations had no more deterrent effect on Clinton’s determination to keep anti-cop tensions at a boil than they did on President Obama. Speaking at the NAACP after the Baton Rouge assassinations, which followed the Dallas massacre, Clinton said that “we cannot rest until we root out implicit bias and stop the killings of African-Americans.” Showing herself to be as statistically challenged as Obama, she continued: “Let’s admit it, there is clear evidence that African-Americans are disproportionately killed in police incidents compared to any other group.” (Blacks are actually killed at a lower rate than their crime rates would predict. And at least four studies this year have shown that police officers are less likely to shoot blacks than whites, whether armed or unarmed.)
Last week, the Justice Department emitted yet another mendacious indictment of alleged cop racism, declaring the Baltimore Police Department guilty of a pattern or practice of systemic civil rights abuses. Baltimore officers accost and arrest blacks in Baltimore at higher rates than their proportion in the population, the Justice Department’s civil rights division wrote, carefully avoiding any notice of the crime that brings cops to black neighborhoods. The Justice Department report was ecstatically received in the media, and no doubt word of the confirmed racism of Baltimore police—and by extension, all police—trickled down into northwestern Milwaukee.
These nonstop rhetorical sorties against police officers and the criminal justice system inevitably expand into a broader indictment of the society that the criminal justice system defends. The Black Lives Matter riots of the last two years are inseparable from a hatred of what is perceived to be “white” society and civilization.

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