Chateau: “Although my pictures suggest otherwise I’m not entirely superficial”: The female rationalization hamster on speed.



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War Dogs

Steve Sailer writes:

War Dogs’ closest comparison is to Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. But Scorsese didn’t have the courage to make the ethnic angle explicit. In his memoir, embezzler Jordan Belfort had explained the animus that motivated him:

I came to realize that the WASPs were yesterday’s news, a seriously endangered species no different than the dodo bird or spotted owl. And while it was true that they still had their little golf clubs and hunting lodges as last bastions against the invading shtetl hordes, they were nothing more than twentieth-century Little Big Horns on the verge of being overrun by savage Jews like myself…

Still, you can’t blame Scorsese. First, he is in the business of making big-budget movies with the vaguely Slavic Leonardo DiCaprio as his star. While a tremendous leading man, DiCaprio, unlike Scorsese’s former main man Robert De Niro, can’t play Jewish.

Second, although Scorsese is a living legend, he’s Italian, not Jewish. So does he really need the risk? How’s Mel Gibson’s career doing?

The Wolf’s lack of courage left an opening for Hill to move up to the alpha role in War Dogs, in which Phillips is explicit about where its antiheroes are coming from: Miami Beach. (The film even changes Diveroli’s financial backer from the Mormon he was in real life to Kevin Pollak in a yarmulke.) Unlike in The Social Network, where Aaron Sorkin rationalized Mark Zuckerberg’s chicanery by painting an implausible portrait of a 21st-century Harvard where Jews are on the outside looking in, War Dogs doesn’t offer any excuses. Jonah Hill’s Efraim Diveroli isn’t a victim of stereotypes; he is a stereotype.

Critics, however, have mostly been baffled by War Dogs, wondering why isn’t this movie an exposé of Dick Cheney? And since it’s not, what in the world is this movie about anyway?

Well, War Dogs is, as Jonah Hill said, about “hustler Jews from Miami.” That’s a topic that Phillips and Hill obviously find amusing. Jewish entertainers satirizing Jewish machers has been a staple at least since The Producers.

But to most journalists these days, the concept of making fun of Jewish business ethics is not even a thought that can be put into words, rather like how in 1984 the Declaration of Independence can only be described as “crimethink.”

A lot of people give the movies a hard time for their political biases (for example, the surplus of black computer geniuses). And yet films like War Dogs often are more frank in showing human realities than the critics who claim to summarize their lessons for us.

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Hillary Will Denounce “Alt-right” on Thursday

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Don’t assume Hillary’s people haven’t focus-grouped extensively this new ploy of hers to pick out some Emmanuel Goldsteins for voters to hate. Hillary’s people usually know what they’re doing.

* Clearly, the most unifying, utopian position is to embrace endless immigration by Third Worlders, especially Muslims.

But I wonder if her denunciation of the alt-right might backfire. A whole lot of people might hear about it, investigate, and discover a lot of what used to be called “common sense.”

* I think I started reading “Alternative Right” in 2010 a few months after Richard Spencer founded it, and coined the term. I have to say I never thought I’d see the day the Democratic candidate for President would devote a speech to denouncing his works. An incredible, wonderful achievement.

* I’m genuinely puzzled by this. Normal voters don’t spend their free time talking about politics on the internet, so they’ve never even heard of the “alt right.”

Republicans don’t go around attacking Democrats by quoting obscure left-wing blogs.

* This makes me wonder how many high level decisions are being made by Hillary Clinton. This only makes sense if you’re knowledge of the alt-right comes from a few sections of text taken out of context and forwarded to you by the young folks on her campaign? Does anyone in her organization really ‘get’ the alt-right? Who the intellectual fonders are, what the basic concepts are?

If I was running for Democratic ticket and I actually ‘got’ the alt-right, I would avoid mentioning it like the plague. I’d talk vaguely about extremists and let my auxiliaries do the dirty work, I wouldn’t mention them in a speech.

Maybe there’s a deeper understanding of politics going on here or this is part of some eleventh dimensional game of chess, but this sounds like an old woman who’s mentally stuck in the 90s taking bad advice from other old people.

But hell, what else can she campaign on? Other than co-opting Trump’s campaign to the max.

* And now we know why the media have been spilling a lot of ink about the alt-right in the last few days. They’re telling Hillary who to attack.

* The ‘alt right’ would not exist without Steve Sailer. It’s nice, even for this alienated liberal, to see him slowly gain mainstream recognition as one of the most influential political thinkers in America.

* So that was the genesis of Dave Weigel’s pieces in the WaPo. He had a head’s-up that this was coming, and was preparing the ground for the Clinton campaign.

* It’s not that puzzling. The alt-right has been promoting the delegitimization of elections and the political process in anticipation of a possible Trump loss in November. In the event of a Trump loss, that will eventually entail extra-electoral and extra-political activities. Hillary is laying the groundwork for the narrative that will be deployed if and when the government feels necessary to crack down as the alt-right’s extra-electoral/political activity intensifies.

* It will be interesting to see the reaction to this speech, and how the “alt-right” gets covered by the media in general. Bringing the alt-right to greater public attention could very well backfire on the Left. Hey, one can hope!

I’m still waiting for the Left to wake up to the fact that, as guys like Rod Dreher keep trying to explain to them, the “post-religious right” is going to be a very, very different animal than what they’re used to. Most of the liberals I speak with are still under the impression that the “alt-right” is somehow part of the Koch brothers/Christian fundamentalist Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, and they’re pretty sure they can just run the same old playbook against them.

Eventually they’ll catch on, but right now it’s fun to watch them stumble around. Like neocons who are still fighting the Cold War, liberals are lunging at shadows, trying to battle the empty space where their enemy used to be — while stirring up a lot of resentment with the way they keep accidentally blowing up noncombatant bystanders.

* I will bet any amount of money that, if she does open up this can of worms, Hillary will tie Donald Trump to the “rape culture” she will accuse PUAs of having.

Remember that many men come to the Alt-Right via the red pill and pick-up blogs. It’s a good intro: men wonder why all the advice they’ve ever gotten about women hasn’t worked, start a google search, and begin to question their feminist-indoctrinated beliefs. Soon they start admitting the sexes are very different, and then they get results with women, and then they are ready to question their other deeply-held beliefs, such as those about race, culture, and the like.

Since the Left has already painted PUAs as sexist-mysognyists unpersons who are either (1) rapists or (2) losers living in their mothers basements, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for Leftists to make Trump responsible for rapes by these loser-rapists (of which there is no evidence).

Roosh got swarmed in February by no less than the Washington Post, and although he’s not folded and still going strong, damage was done.

Of course she’ll bring up the race realists. And probably her crew are working overtime to grab some links and screenshots to more inflammatory posts, posters, and such.

But don’t count out the fact that feminism is a big driver of Hillary’s campaign, so race AND sexual BadThought in the Alt Right will be attacked.

* Crooked Hildabeast most likely does not even know who Steve Sailer is. Even Alt-Right guys like Gavin McInnes and Anthony Cumia are more famous than Steve, because Gavin and Anthony are extroverts who make media appearances on Fox News and have their own podcast shows. Steve is an introvert hermit who likes to stay as low key as possible.

* We’re days away from one of America’s presidential frontrunners all but name-dropping /pol/.

As the young Canadian negro Drake would say, “what a time to be alive.”

* Crooked Hildabeast won’t call out The Unz, but she will call out Breitbart because they get way more traffic than The Unz.

Breitbart is the WWE of the Alt-Right, while The Unz is the TNA of the Alt-Right.

Breitbart is the big leagues when it comes to Alt-Right websites.

* Bear in mind that the event that triggered “Trump’s embracing the alt-right” was his recent hiring of Breitbart’s Bannon. Breitbart is likely the evil face of alt-rightism to the Buzzfeed journalist class.

Why did Weigel go with Sailer/Brimelow/Jared? Dug deeper into the old-school?

* Contra Skeegs, this could actually be a pretty deft political move. It’s a much bigger and more complex version of the reporter who asked Trump to denounce David Duke. Hillary’s speech is going to paint the alt right as a rebirth of that old racism everybody knows exists on the right. Trump will be tied to and put in a position of repudiating or embracing. His track record shows he will probably not respond well, or, if he does, the media will just spin whatever he says out of control… the whole WaPo article is part of a big set-up to entrap Trump and re-inforce the idea that he’s a racist at just the moment that he’s planning to move left on immigration. If does it, he’ll be left with no supporters on the right or in the center…

* I hope during Ms Clinton’s lecture she mentions Francis Galton, iSteve, Hbd*chick, La Griffe du Lion, Ron Unz, Greg Cochran, Kevin MacDonald, Philipe Rushton, Arthur Jensen, Hernstein and Murray, Linda Gottfredson, IQ, neoteny, regression to the mean, the cenral limit theorem, the r-K continuum, TFR, differential fertility, smart fraction theory, dysgenesis, the g factor, the Flynn effect, Beysian statistics, psychometry, hyperethnocentricism and group evolutionary theory, Pearbothham’s curve etc.

I also hope she does not have another uncontrollable coughing fit, seizures, Tourettes-spectrum spaz out, vertigo/double vision, memory lapse/brain freeze, uncontrolled cackling episode, Parkinsonian tremor, catheter leak under her pantsuit or heavens forbid, start raising her voice sounding like Mrs. Bates berating Norman while refering to Trum… er.. her husband. I hope none of this happens during this very stressful– 30 minute scene plus money shot — week for her prior to next weekend’s three-day recuperation period.

* She won’t, but in preparation for this speech, any bloggers who might plausibly come up in people’s Google searches for the alt right ought to be putting up posts right now on the themes (1) what the alt-right is (2) who’s in it, and (3) how it’s different from ye ol’ slavery and apartheid.

In addition, readers and commenters ought to be ready to take to the comment threads on media outlets and leftist blogs.

Calling all alt-right bloggers… Calling all alt-right bloggers…

* Breitbart isn’t even really an alt-right site per se, but is really more representative of the populist wing of mainstream conservatism. Alt-right ideas might have filtered down into it, and Milo might have drawn attention to the alt-right, but it’s not really too different from mainstream conservatism except in tone and focus. Of course Hillary will denounce Breitbart as a white nationalist outlet, because she doesn’t know or care about the nuances and divisions within the right, and it’s just easier to smear your opponents anyways.

* It’s interesting what they’ve done over there. They basically tossed out the anti-Israel stuff and avoided any of the weird monarchy stuff and watered down /pol/ about 50%. Seems to be working for them.

* Does Hillary even look at the internet? Seriously, does she actually have any idea what’s going on? I note that many older people use the internet, but simply replicate their original MSM consumption online. They’re just reading the same lugenpresse they always did, merely in a different format. Plus they absolutely refuse to read online comments on MSM articles. Believe me I’ve tried to get older relatives to take notice of things like that and they just won’t acknowledge it means anything. (Not everyone over 65 is like this of course)

Hillary is supposed to be a connected, switched on person and I’m sure she has no end of people advising. But for herself, is the internet actually a thing at all, I suspect not.

* The usual strategy the Left and media follow is to lump together both the reasonable people and the less reasonable people, and taint the former by association with the latter. So you’ll see Steve (who’s an HBD guy but a conventional citizenist) lumped together with Jared Taylor, a white nationalist, or the KKK. And Trump lumped together with both. That’s why Weigel profiled both Sailer and Taylor.

This lets them avoid making any actual argument. The equation is Trump = Sailer = Moldbug = Taylor = KKK. Notice that they don’t have to bother addressing any of the perfectly reasonable and in fact majority views of Trump about immigration here, because Trump’s the KKK, and therefore his views on immigration are those of the KKK.

* They’re going for the kill shot. I think it was Plouffe that tweeted that Trump doesn’t only have to be defeated but soundly so his type never rises again. The Right will be allowed to exist but only on the Left’s terms.

Hillary isn’t even campaigning and she’s winning running away. Several polls came out today and none of them could be described as good for Trump. VA is out of reach. FL poll came out with Clinton up double digits. Another has him up one in Missouri and tied in SC although that one was a Dem sponsored poll.

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Do You Speak Australian?

New York Times: HONG KONG — In October 2014, Australia’s prime minister produced blank stares around the globe when he vowed to “shirt-front” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia over the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane in Ukraine, in which 28 Australian citizens had been killed.

Back home, many Australians knew exactly what Tony Abbott, who was then prime minister, was talking about: “Shirt-front” describes charging an opponent in Australian football. But those who didn’t understand Mr. Abbott had few authoritative sources to consult.

Until now.

“Shirt-front” is among the more than 6,000 new entries in an updated version of the Australian National Dictionary, released Tuesday at a ceremony at the country’s Parliament in Canberra, the capital. It was the first update since the dictionary’s inaugural edition was printed in 1988.

The new edition, which lists 16,000 idioms, was compiled by the Australian National Dictionary Center at the Australian National University. New entries include popular terms like bogan (“an uncultured and unsophisticated person”) and budgie smugglers (“a pair of closefitting male swimming briefs made of stretch fabric”).

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Trump’s Cross-Color Nationalist Appeal

Comments at

* Trump’s message isn’t white nationalist — it’s nationalist. The same America-first policies on immigration and trade would help non-white Americans too. Which is why they are the core of Trump’s appeal to blacks now (along with his emphasis on law & order).

The beauty of nationalism is that it can appeal to most of the nation on the same terms. Dems’ identity politics, in contrast, can’t: affirmative action may appeal to minorities but it turns off white men; amnesty and open borders may appeal to illegal aliens and anchor babies, but it turns off many natives and legal immigrants. Easy-on-crime policies may appeal to felons and ex-felons but won’t appeal to many law-abiding members of minority communities. And so on.

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