Video of Cory Booker (D-NJ) Dancing with Shmuley Boteach on His Back in a Clown Suit

It’s naive to expect that Jews and blacks will have a lot in common. They are about as different as two peoples can be. Sure, at times, they are both cooperating members of the Coalition of the Fringe and have common interests as against the white majority, but often those interests diverge.

It’s silly to expect American blacks to identify more with Jewish Israel than with the plight of Palestinians and other Arabs and Muslims. Islam and the Nation of Islam are a good group evolutionary strategy for blacks.

Steve Sailer writes:

With Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) much talked about as a natural for a future Democratic national ticket, it’s possible that Diveroli/Botach/Boteach family history may be furnishing us with material for comic movies ripped from the headlines for decades to come.

From The Forward:

The Bromance Ends: What Split Cory Booker and Shmuley Boteach?
Nathan Guttman April 10, 2016

It was the future U.S. senator from New Jersey’s first Purim party, back at Oxford University in the 1990s. The home video shows a young Cory Booker dancing in circles and carrying on his back a bearded man dressed in a clown suit – Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Shmuley Boteach is the uncle of international arms dealer Efraim Diveroli of the Jonah Hill movie War Dogs.

But today, instead of bringing a smile to the faces of those involved, the recent re-emergence of this video has only served to worsen open wounds that have yet to heal.

“It took me back all those years. And it made me incredibly sad,” wrote Boteach in his Jerusalem Post column, stating he feels it is now harder for him to forgive Booker, the junior senator from New Jersey.

The battle waged last summer over the nuclear deal with Iran has left divisions still visible in many parts of the American Jewish and wider pro-Israel community, but nowhere more so than in its impact on the once-tight relationship between the black pol and the Jewish preacher. …

The Booker–Boteach dispute also presents a broader question for the Jewish community: Do years of support, both political and financial, of a politician entail a promise in advance that he will side with the community on key issues with broad national impact? …

Boteach prides himself on having introduced Booker to the Jewish community two and a half decades ago. It’s a role that no one denies he played.

Like I said the day I first heard about this clan:

Overall, it just sounds like a whole family full of self-starters.


* I’ve never understood this persistent misconception among much of the Unz Review commentariat that Israel directs much of the United States’ foreign policy. Jews had to hint at expanding their nuclear retaliation beyond the Middle East just so Americans would ship them some supplies via Operation Nickle Grass, to counteract Soviet support for Arab antagonists. The WASPs at Langley and Washington privately revile Jews and gleefully denounce them in polite company, which is doubly infuriating given Jewish contributions to and adoption of WASP culture, to say nothing of Western civilization. Israel is thrown under the bus when their interests don’t coincide with those of Western arms dealers, Riyadh’s whims, or American political maneuvering.

* Cory Booker can still make history by becoming the first Gay Black president.

* The racism of having a black man ridden like a horse by a white man…I can’t even. Boteach and Booker both will have to answer for this.

* So these are the people who rule over our country? Shame on us for being fools.

* What break with the Jewish community? Booker is #3 on the list of which members of Congress get the most money from pro-Israel PACs.

But it was definitely arrogant of Booker to vote against the wishes of our Overlords.

* It’s like somebody is enacting an anti-Semitic cartoon, with a Jewish man riding a Black person.

* Politicians aren’t corrupted when they reach high office.

They are corrupted at the first rung of the ladder so they’re guaranteed to be corrupt when they reach high office.

(or blackmailable – hence why so many fake “conservative” pols are homosexual or pedophiles)

(worse part of that is as homosexuality is normalized the bad guys will need to use pedophile politicians more often)

* US politicians are almost entirely bought (or blackmailed) at the national level but the military aren’t (yet) so there’s a conflict.

Military people aren’t stupid but they do like to think in straight lines so for example if a stated strategy is to produce a better outcome in a region they get confused when the tactics used seem to be designed to create permanent internal chaos.

(This is because the real strategy is to cause permanent internal chaos as that means they are no threat to Israel.)

The corrupted pols don’t care but the current military don’t like killing lots of people unless the end result is better and definitely not if the end result is deliberately worse.

They’d be fine with it if the strategy was actually aimed at making things better.

The current culture war on the military is similar to the one waged on the police 30 years ago. The bad guys are creating artificial PC hurdles so only those officers who’ll swallow anything for promotion stay on and all the decent officers are filtered out.

Eventually all the senior military officers will be as scummy as current senior police and will do whatever they are told.

(which will probably involve nukes)


underlying reason

Jews lost their homeland c. 2000 years ago and only survived as a distinct nation by developing cultural and genetic traits that allowed them to survive as a nation while living as a dispersed minority.

One of those traits was paranoia.

Paranoia is self-fulfilling.

* If Galut Jews are so infuriated with WASPs, why don’t they make aliyah like they are supposed to? Why don’t they “rise up” (aliyah) from the filth and degradation of The Nations and go home to build a real Jewish Nation with their people?

For all their whingeing you would think they never read Herzl, for goodness sakes!

I have about as much sympathy for “oppressed” Galut Jews as PM Ariel Sharon had when French Jews started complaining they weren’t safe in France: none at all.

* Been an open secret for some time that Booker really lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and merely has a PO box apartment in Newark to stay eligible. And Brooklyn has several Orthodox/Hasidic communities who like nothing better than having a mayor or senator on speed dial for a few shekels. But to his supposed greatness; only a slight less empty suit than Obama. Booker’s term in Newark made a disgusting blighted crime-ridden slum into a …disgusting blighted crime-ridden slum with a safe zone for white people to spend money at an NHL hockey arena in the middle.

* Paranoids have enemies too, and not just self-created ones.

Israel and Iran are not natural enemies- under the Shah relations were very good. But it’s hard for fundamentalist Muslims like the Shiite clerics who currently rule Iran to be friends with kufrs of any kind.

The long term solution is to get rid of theocratic rule in Iran. But Iran has the same problem as Turkey – the religiously conservative countryside keeps winning the demographic race so they can never quite make it to modernity.

* Jews need to completely assimilate or move to Israel.

You may get your wish, but paradoxically the way you do this is to kill the Jews with kindness. Back in the day, when white America was still really white America, many American Jews were down with your plan but non-Jews were not – no way were they letting their daughters marry Jews or let Jews into their universities, law firms, board rooms, etc.

Does the assimilate or leave requirement apply only to Jews or does it include Amish, Italians, Mormons, etc. Does assimilation mean that Jews have to become at least nominal Protestants or is it OK if they just become atheists? Is it enough just to have a Christmas tree or do you actually have to go to church once in awhile? Do they have to vote Republican like other white people? Are you still allowed to eat ethnic food? I’m just not clear on how your plan would work.

* The WASPs at Langley and Washington privately revile Jews and gleefully denounce them in polite company,

This might have been true in 1936 or maybe even in 1976, but old school anti-Semitic Arabist WASPs don’t even run the CIA and the State Dept. any more let alone Congress or the rest of America. If you go looking for the old WASP establishment, it’s gone, kaput, finito, extinct, as rare as white rhinos. Their 1.2 sons or daughters are living in lesbian communes in Vermont or saving the whales in the rain forest or else they have married Jews (one of FDR’s great grandsons is a rabbi). The current Supreme Court consists of 5 Catholics and 3 Jews and zero WASPs. Kerry and Albright pretended to be bona fide WASPs but were really Marranos. Aldrich Ames is serving a life sentence in Allenwood prison. The head of the CIA is a good Irish Catholic boy. Wake up boy, it’s the current year.

* I couldn’t find the “no complaining allowed” exception to the First Amendment. Does this apply only to Jews or are those of French, German, English, etc. descent also required to leave if they voice any dissatisfaction with the policies of the US government?

Herzl was not the pope of the Jews. The Jews don’t have a pope. Jews, like most other people, don’t usually leave the country of their birth for a poorer country (Israel is doing well economically but is still poorer than the US) unless conditions are really bad. A small % of the Jews of Israel arrived for ideological reasons because they bought into Zionism, but most are there because the places that they left were really shitty. Most American Jews are doing pretty well right where they are so only a few have made aliyah. Consider the Jews to be the canaries in the coal mine. If Jews really do start pulling up stakes from the US in large numbers, it won’t be a good sign. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

* Upper-crust Catholics hold an idiosyncratic jealousy and hatred of middle-class Jews, to a degree unseen even among rural Arabian populations. An ambitious Jew will find this attitude confronting them at any number of points in their professional career, albeit easily overcome.

* If the way the US government has been run for the last 50 years is not good enough for Jews, they will never be happy.

* There is no government upper tier reserved for elite WASPs where they could revile Jews as such with impunity, even if they wanted to. Jews have headed the CIA twice, and David Cohen is not even the first person of that name to be no 2 at the CIA. Wasps have disappeared from the supreme court, which is 33% Jewish. There may be some WASPs in the State department but Israel’s problems with US foriegn policy stem from Israel having been founded as an ethno state, and WASP anti-ethnostate idealism, marching on largely without actual WASPs, has passed it by.

* This quote about Booker,….”a politician with more ambition than attention span,” says a lot about him. Booker, and Obama and Hillary, start campaigning for the next step on the ladder before they have accomplished anything of note. He spent most of his term as mayor of Trenton giving speeches out of state, which led to this quote….”you can be a rock star or the mayor but you can’t be both.”

* If Booker is gay, he’s a pretty macho homo. Doesnt have any gay tells in walk, talk, or mannerisms. He looks like he could handle most guys in a fight.

* Senator Booker played two seasons at tight end for Stanford, catching 20 passes, one for a touchdown.

Here are a couple of nice plays by Booker against Notre Dame:

He was picked out as a likely First Black President a long time ago, probably with better reason than Obama.

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Another Sleepless Night

When my alarm went off at 5:35 am, I was in a dream where these dusky guys were making fun of me online and I ran into them in person and I tried desperately to connect with them and to be friends and they had such contempt for me and yet I kept trying to bond.

I think that when you have secure attachment, you are less likely to try to befriend people who have contempt for you, but when you have anxious attachment like I do, you often end up seeking connection in all sorts of inappropriate places. I have often sought friendship with people who loathed me. It’s a sickness. A friend says I’d make a good battered husband.

A couple of acquaintances remember running into me circa 1998 after they had expressed contempt for me on their website Talking Blue and they were bemused that I was trying to befriend them. I think they felt sorry for me and so they accepted a grudging friendship wherein they could maintain their contempt.

We all have to connect and attach. If we can’t do it in a healthy way with other people, we’ll do it in unhealthy ways with other people, places, things, substances, experiences.

The other day I got invited to join a football pool. “I can’t,” I said. “I’m a gambling addict. Excitement is dangerous for me. I have to lead a tranquil life.”

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What’s the Alt-Right?

Professor Thomas Maier writes:

Alt-Right leaders, unlike Neo-Nazis or KKK supporters, are intellectually and rhetorically sophisticated. Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance website, holds degrees from Yale and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. On his site, Taylor published “An Open Letter to Cuckservatives” — the Alt-Right’s insulting term for moderate conservatives — laying out his beliefs.

In the letter, Taylor denies the notion that “the things you love about America…are rooted in certain principles.” Rather, “they are rooted in certain people.” That is, white people: “Germans, Swedes, Irishmen, and Hungarians could come and contribute to the America you love,” Taylor says. “Do you really believe that a future Afro-Hispanic-Caribbean-Asiatic America will be anything like the America your ancestors built?” White nationalism is more important than inalienable rights because “Even when they violate your principles, white people build good societies. Even when they abide by your principles, non-whites usually don’t.”

Richard B. Spencer of the National Policy Institute, who went to the Universities of Chicago and Virginia, is openly anti-American. In an interview last July with the New York Times he said: “America as it is currently constituted — and I don’t just mean the government; I mean America as constituted spiritually and ideologically — is the fundamental problem…I don’t support and agree with much of anything America is doing in the world.” He despises “cuckservatives” because “we’ve recognized the bankruptcy of this ideology, based on ‘free markets,’ ‘values,’ and ‘American exceptionalism.’”

In short, this new strain of reactionary thought goes beyond the garden-variety racial prejudice of yore — which certainly was bad enough — to a root-and-branch rejection of American 21st century values. The Alt-Right represents the first new philosophical competitor to liberalism, broadly defined, since the fall of Communism.

Is anyone listening to the Alt-Right? Yes: Key Alt-Right websites the American Renaissance and VDARE — named after Virginia Dare, “the first white child of English parentage born in America” — both received more web visits last November than Dissent and Ms. The National Policy Institute and its Radix Journal together had many more visits than the neoconservative policy journal National Affairs.

So the Alt-Right has an audience — and in Trump, it has a candidate. Trump’s rants about Mexican rapists charging across the southern border, his attacks on an American-born judge of Mexican descent, and his calls to ban Muslims from entering the country, are all in line with Alt-Right ideology. Accordingly, Alt-Right organizations made robocalls for Trump in the Iowa, New Hampshire and Utah primaries.

VDARE declared in July: “We are all Donald Trump Now.” And the website’s editor, Peter Brimelow, wrote on Wednesday: “Trump is the best presidential candidate on immigration that we’ve ever had. That’s not saying a lot, goodness knows — but it’s a YUGE advance.”

But VDARE isn’t the Alt-Right flavored publication most closely associated with Trump. That distinction goes to Breitbart News, whose former chair, Stephen K. Bannon, is now the Trump campaign CEO. Bannon has described Breitbart as a “platform for the Alt-Right.” The site even published a helpful “Guide to the Alt-Right” which explained that “young rebels” are drawn to the cause “for the same reason that young Baby Boomers were drawn to the New Left in the 1960s: because it promises fun, transgression, and a challenge to social norms they just don’t understand.” Those norms apparently include tolerance and the concept of racial equality.

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Hillary’s Speech On The Alt Right

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I have to guess that Trump will disavow the alt-right in the most honest way possible: by declaring that he has no idea who they are and what they stand for (and who would not believe him on that? His famous ignorance here works for him), has no more responsibility for them and their support than he has for David Duke and his, and for Hillary to bring it up is just one more smear against him, because she has no answers on the issue of immigration.

What Trump has been doing, which is quite effective, I think, is aligning himself with the ideas and people of Brexit. Brexit won, showing it has the people’s support, and also showing that it isn’t some radical, crazy idea. The elites went after Brexit with the same hysterical claims they’ve been making against Trump, and predictions of Doom. No Doom has arrived.

Brexit legitimizes his positions.

* The left has a hard time grasping the idea that there exists a bunch of internet Trolls without wealthy donors funding and organizing them. It would be hard to find someone big (rich) enough to point fingers at when taking on the aspect of the Alt-Right that drives the big shoe activists and media the most nuts. Can anyone actually see Hillary holding up some picture of a cartoon frog avatar with a bad pun for a name and calling them a public enemy? I think she will call Breitbart a hate site, give some choice quotes from there ‘bout the blacks, and focus on Trumps campaign manager running it while mean commentary happened. She could end it with a tearful recounting of the Ghostbusters black lady star being bullied and hacked though. Probably call for Trump to disavow his stained shirts on Twitter. I doubt we will see specific HBD nerds, pickup artists, discussion board dads and Trolls denounced beyond that Breitbart guy, so everyone needs to curb their enthusiasm that this is going to launch their hate career into the mainstream.

* Goodness – our sleepy little community is about to be denounced by the Democratic nominee for president. Rather exciting, no?

* That weird seizure Hillary had with her head bobbing back and forth right in front of the cameras and reporters is damning. There’s no way to disguise that as anything other than a seizure.

Anyone’s who’s on the fence about Hillary may be shoved right of by it. The bizarre duck-face expression she had during the balloon drop for her nomination, which looks like another seizure, doesn’t help. She also seems to have a nodding syndrome popping up which goes on too long to be socially appropriate.

That fact that this woman has chosen to run for the presidency knowing her own health condition, and considering the decrepit way Bill looks these days, makes them come across like two greedy, crazed, power-hungry zombies ready to rip apart and devour the gullible American public. Considering what a war-monger Hillary is, everyone outside the country better duck and run for cover, too.

* Currently on Drudge he is featuring a photo of Hillary climbing into the back of a black SUV. You will note she is using a step stool to enter the vehicle. Who needs a step up to enter a normal SUV? I could see if you put on big tires or jacked the suspension. But this is a street-type SUV. It just seems odd seeing someone using a step to get into it.

* The Five on Fox is on now and they are saying this was Hillary’s best speech and that she is correct about the alt right’s racism/bigotry. They haven’t named names on just who on the so called alt this is comprised by. But especially, Dana Perino, says she has taken shots from these groups herself, and that this will be a winning issue for Clinton. Nausea inducing stuff.

This network has officially jumped the shark.

* I don’t know who came up with #AltRightMeans but a full-time media operative could not have coordinated that better, and it’s been bouncing from first to second trend on Twitter all day. The first person I saw using it was Brett Stevens (

* Most media pieces on the alt-right get it bafflingly wrong, some conflating it with Moldbug’s monarchism, others seeing it purely as an outgrowth of GamerGate. Apparently none of these people actually spend any time reading Sailer, MPC, or Twitter and so it becomes the job of random Internet morons like me who do to write the True History of Alt-Rightism, which goes something like this:

Once upon a time many American conservative intellectuals who wrote at magazines like National Review were nationalists who believed in an America First foreign policy, low levels of immigration, and pre-Judaeo Christianity. Examples include Russell Kirk, Joe Sobran, Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, John O’Sullivan, Lawrence Auster, and (least notably) Steve Sailer. Those unpalatable members of the conservative movement were exiled from the reach of respectable opinion c. 1996 with accusations of anti-Semitism. Sailer, Brimelow, and Auster migrated to the World Wide Web where they promoted an unconstrained version of Buchananism that allowed for more discussions of topics like racial differences in intelligence and crime rates, but their audiences were small. In 2003 the germ of what would become the alt-right consisted of just three websites. All the same, through the first decade of the 21st century they picked up young converts from a strange collection of sources:

1. Readers of Pick Up Artist blogs who were similarly blunt in talking about sex differences.
2. Demographics nerds who liked using the General Social Survey to pick apart ethnic differences
3. Health and bodybuilding enthusiasts who see Americans as fat, undisciplined, and decadent.
4. A large group of men who were conservative and unreligious, but who found libertarianism unpatriotic and unmanly.

By 2012 there were at least 20 Sailerclone blogs, the best of which has the stupid name “The Audacious Epigone”. These blog scribblers were not proper Alt-Right because they resented accusations of racism from the left, did not oppose interracial marriage, and generally gave the impression that they were only hobbyists whose harmless stamp collecting posed no threat to the country’s ruling ideology.

The alt-right only came into a recognizable form when this mutated version of Buchanism was adopted en masse c. 2014 by an enormous number of young men who were part of an old Internet tradition of racist trolling and general ruckus raising. If you’re an old coot who doesn’t follow this sort of thing think of the “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” Mountan Dew meme as an archtypical example:

This demographic, which consists of a large fraction of all men who watch video games and porn, was partly radicalized by the events of a gay little scandal called GamerGate, which absolutely no over the age of 40 understands. The lady creator of a low-budget non video game-game beloved by video game writers and hated by actual gamers called Depression Quest was revealed to have cheated on her boyfriend with five different men, one of whom was a writer at the Gawker affiliate Kotaku. When Internet degenerates ran to Reddit and 4chan to make fun of her they discovered that the moderators on these websites, famous as bastions of totally unrestrained free and filthy speech, had shut down all discussions of Quinn. To many gamers this reeked of a real conspiracy because Quinn was friends with a surprisingly large number of big figures at those sites. I got to this story late, and in the first week or two the media clampdown was so complete that the only place on the Internet where you could learn what had actually happened was the mega-vulgar Wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica.

The media launched a coordinated campaign that potrayed gamers as sexist lunatics (some of them WERE crazy) who were trying to keep all women out of video games, which disillusioned and infuriated them. They launched a war against gaming journalists on Twitter and elsewhere that served as a forerunner to the cuckbaiting that later got Hillary’s attention. They quickly moved away from Quinn and began making arguments against political correctness in general that cribbed heavily from Steve Sailer and in 2014 teamed up with old school white nationalists to push back against the bullshit Mike Brown media narrative when useless sinecured conservatives refused to.

Alt Rightism has moved past its polite Sailerite origins and adapted itself to the world of vulgar verbal combat found on places like Twitter. It is now a conventional white nationalist movement, the first to achieve widespread success in a century.

* Somehow my 14 y.o. daughter and her Catholic school friends have adopted Pepe the Frog as a mascot. They lean liberal, because they are 14 y.o. girls in a blue town, red county, blue state that hasn’t elected a Republican to national office for twice as long as they have been alive.

And they’re kind of pissed off that the schools have been running, and will run, Holocaust education on them every year since fourth grade, public or private. Like they’d go tattoo some Jews if the schools didn’t scold them every year. Holocaust, racism, and dystopia, oo-rah.

Pretty, young, liberal girls think Pepe is cute, funny, and rebellious.

Cranky Catholic conservative mother thinks he’s ugly and revolting.

My money is on the girls.

* Pepe the Frog wasn’t created by the alt-right. It was used by normal people and liberals before it was adopted by the alt-right. It’s 10 years old.

* One of the left’s major goals is completely silencing its (already marginalized) critics, which means increased censorship of the internet. This speech might not be designed to drum up votes for Hilary, but instead be part of their long term efforts in this direction.

* This speech means that the Alt Right’s trolling of establishment journos on Twitter has gotten to them badly. Richard Spencer has 14k followers. Trump has more than 11 million, Hillary more than 8 million. More than 100 million people will vote in this election. Why did Hillary even acknowledge the Alt Right’s existence? Probably because lots of her speechwriters, advisers, consultants and friendly journos have been trolled by the Alt Right, and it got to them. They’re angry. And people tend to talk about the things that anger them.

What could be the consequences of this anger? More censorship on big Internet platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. could “voluntarily” start putting more effort into policing speech on their sites.

* I think we are not that far from cable BNN and explicitly white programming. There is a huge market that is sitting there untapped. Once we have that, all bets are off. Even Fox is going to whither and die in that scenario, or adapt.

* Trump after being asked by Anderson Cooper about Alt-Right: “Nobody even knows what it is…there is no Alt-Right.”

Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway: “We’ve never even discussed [the alt-right] internally. It certainly isn’t part of our strategy meetings. It’s nothing that Mr. Trump says out on the stump.”

* We need to understand the MSM is part of the political class and has been for quite a while. They are also the “kingmakers” in politics as Phyllis Schfley and Pat Caddell has noted – due to their control of the media they can make or break anyone they so choose – usually anyone who reeks of nationalism and America First.

It doesn’t matter whether the print or TV news media – ideologically they are on the same page as Soros or the Koch Brothers – anti-American and pro-globalization.

The few media types that show any sort of independence are often shown the door after transgressing just like Dr. Drew, whose show was just cancelled after he made critical remarks about Hillary’s health care.

Lou Dobbs found that out as well when he was fired from CNN shortly after Obama took office.

* Trolls can have a major impact on politics but they are not as important as they think they are. Sweden has had a long history of “alt-right” internet blogs and publications stemming from the late 90s. However, most of these publications had a narrow readership of people already onboard with the message. From the late 1990s until about 2006 the most important outlets were Swedish Democratic Courier (SD-K) and National Today. The first owned by the populist Swedish Democrats and the second owned by a local far-right party.

In the general election of 2006 the Swedish Democrats received 2.93 percent (163,000 votes). The Swedish Democrats had been rapidly growing in every election at every level since they were founded in 1988. After the election they had come so far that there was no doubt they would pass the 4 percentage threshold to parliament. With 281 municipal seats (of 13,092) and 16 county seats (of 1656 seats) they had cemented their place as the largest (by far) party outside parliament. They had an enormous presence locally and nationally. Media (of all stripes) constantly published hostile articles about them which caused their support and membership to grow even stronger.

On the internet a grassroots movement who supported them began to take form. These people were not members of the Swedish Democrats, politicians, paid staff or official spokespeople for them. Many did not even share their ideas. Rather, they were mostly young provocateurs in college or angry under-unemployed graduates with too much spare time who loathed mainstream media and the political correct establishment.

From 2008 these trolls had been able to turn this independent internet Forum (in terms of membership, readership and visitors) into not only the largest internet forum in Sweden but into one of the largest for internet forums in Europe. Flashback had not only turned into a megaphone not only for the Swedish Democrats and their populism. It had presented far-right ideas which would make the Neo-Nazi blush. Most of the later positions were just provocations and irony – however it caused massive distress among the establishment as they couldn’t police anonymous writers on the internet. Soon it spilled over on the largest newspapers comment sections and in internet polls. As soon a journalist wrote an article which the trolls didn’t like they would bomb Flashback and the commentary field of that newspaper with criticism.

In 2008 a retired ethnic Swedish man living with his Turkish wife in Izmir founded Political Incorrect. He had no intention to play footsy with the Swedish Democrats. Rather, put out material he liked. Mostly about crime related to immigration but also to debunk articles written by journalists if they were related to immigration. It became a huge success and became the largest blog in Sweden. No opinion blog could even come close to the number of visitors. In 2009 most major media outlets (today non Swedish media allows commentary on their articles) shut down their commentary fields making the Political Incorrect website even more popular. In 2009 a young Swedish man who was working as a computer consultant in Czech Republic launched “Free Times”. It was less focused on crime and more focused on spreading news about domestic and international politics from a paleo-conservative/libertarian perspective. At first it was perceived as mainstream but within a year the Swedish media branded them as “fascists” after a misplaced article.

Their income fell from 200,000 dollars a year into nothing when they lost their advertising. The Political Incorrect was defunct in 2011 when he founder died. When the Swedish Democrats entered the parliament in 2010 the Political Incorrect blog and Free Times had more visitors to their webpage than Gothenburg Post and the South Swedish – the largest regional newspapers in the Sweden. They were only beaten by national newspapers; Daily News and the Swedish Daily paper and national tabloids; “The Evening paper” and The Express.

From 2011 onward there was a surge in Alternative Media with Alt-right newspapers, blogs and podcasts coming out. The mainstream media couldn’t stop it and closing down their own commentary sections didn’t help either. The Swedish Democrats became significantly more “political correct” around 2012 in hope of growing past 5.7 percent and their base. Their leaders decided that if you had written something “racist” you would be fired or lose your seat. The media saw a great opportunity and began to confront Swedish democratic politicians to force them to resign.

However, the Swedish Democrats continued to grow in support. In 2013 the second largest tabloid decided to hunt the trolls by hacking Disqus (getting millions of E-mails which hundreds of thousands they were able to track by running them with official registries, their own customers and previously hacked web-pages an). They put regular people with no societal position on their front-page to discourage people.

It also became a TV-show were regular people (unemployed, college students, retirees, teachers, social workers, nurses, medical doctors, civil servants and others) were confronted for their political views they had expressed online. The Swedish Democrats received 12.9 percent in the 2014 election and became the third largest party.

People in general (even on the left) didn’t like that regular people were confronted in their homes and at their workplaces. In 2014 the largest tabloid bought an old hack of the Flashback forum. Although they refrained from publishing names (politicians and their staffers not included) they did confront the trolls and if they worked for a living, their supervisors. Since then, mainstream media continue to confront regular people who have written online about politics.

If you have not written anything in public you may have done it in an E-mail and so they use different methods to get it. Sometimes it is done legal methods and sometimes with illegal methods. The latest have been about nurses, psychologists and medical doctors who had written critical of the immigration policy. Most of the stuff they had written was five to ten year old stuff.

For example, a young doctor had written on Flashback when he was in high school and so they confronted him and his supervisor and demanded that he would be fired. This was also the case of most of the nurses and doctors. They weren’t even working in the medical professions when they had written it. A retired chief medical doctor was confronted outside his home because he had written about IQ and race in a comment at Un-pixled a few years back. He didn’t apologize and told them to bugger off. The tabloid also said that if they did an interview they would not have to see their name and picture in the paper.

These actions of the Swedish Media have been very effective. The Free Times have abolished their commentary field and people have refrained from writing outrages comments on the internet. There has also been a sharp drop in the popularity for Free Times and Un-pixled although they are still a major force but is now competing with the two largest regional newspapers rather than with the national newspapers and tabloids as they did three years ago. Flashback has for some weird reason become enormously popular the last year. The blunt racism and trolling has largely disappeared and been replaced with a more modest tone. The last years have also more people become more outspoken. They don’t hide behind anonymous accounts in the same extent anymore.

Politically, the Swedish Democrats are still thriving. They would receive something around 20-25 percent in the coming election and become the largest or second largest party. Their membership is also constantly growing. They have the third largest membership base although still far from the Moderate Party and the Social Democrats. A growing number of the dying media outlets (in particular Gothenburg Post and Swedish Daily Paper) seem slowly come in support for an alliance between the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats.

In Norway, the populist Progress Party is in government coalition together with the Conservative Party. In Finland the True Finns are also in government and their leader is Minister of Foreign affairs. In Denmark, the Danish Peoples Party is the key supporter of the bourgeois alliance. Their former leader recently became the speaker of the house. With the recruitments from mainstream parties (and even newspapers) it seems like the Swedish Democrats is about to become mainstream after the 2018 election.

The internet “trolling” is sort of over in the Sweden. The Swedish Democrats does not need trolls and the trolls don’t need the Swedish Democrats. Last year the Swedish Democrats kicked out their Youth League with 5000 members after a feud with their leadership. Free Times decided to take the side of the Youth League and subsequently cut their ties with the Swedish Democrats. Un-pixled and the rest of the “populist” outlets are slowly radicalizing and are not willing to speak for Swedish Democrats behalf as they did before. Politically, there seem to be a growing group who wants to see an alternative to the Swedish Democrats. You are seeing something similar in Denmark were the Danish Peoples Party are seen as to play to much politics and less of the populism which made them into the strongest political force in Denmark.

I think the same thing would happen populists would take over the GOP. At first there would be a lot of support from the trolls but then it would be fading away as time goes by. Internet trolling is one thing and serves it purpose to breakthrough but politics is something very different. Donald Trump plays politics (this is why he back down on a lot of his positions) and the Alt-right is ideologically driven. They have nothing really in common.

The trolls who supported the Swedish Democrats from 2005-2015 were a mix of libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, contra-jihadists, non-conformists and betrayed establishment voters. A lot of the “alt-right trolls” may not be onboard with the Alt-right defined by Richard Spencer or for that matter Donald Trump. I think Milo Yiannopoulos are more right than Spencer when he says that the young trolls are more of anti-establishment than driven by a certain vision for the future. They are certainly not onboard with this disturbing stuff about intermarriages and race. The trolls supported Ron Paul. He was anti-establishment and therefore they supported him.

What we all can note is that Hillary did what the Swedish elites did. She went after the alt-right media. When Hillary wins (and I think it is pretty clear that she will because Trump is backtracking on his positions and play a horrible political game) she will along the MSM go after the trolls. They will see their picture and name in the paper and they will apologize. What will happen is that more people will be more outspoken about their views. The future of politics will therefore be much more divided and decentralized than today and people will not be as afraid as before. Trolling as what we saw in the Swedish Democratic campaigns of 2006, 2010 and 2014 or in the Trump campaign will be gone. Trolling is just an insurgent method – nothing more.

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PBS: Bill Kristol’s Son-in-law Denounces “Alt-right” Nobodies Because They “Believe in Hierarchies”

Steve Sailer writes: … Continetti, like all respectable conservatives, hates the very idea of hierarchies. Look at how Continetti’s father-in-law, William Kristol, came up the hard way from the ground up without a privilege in the world, what with being the son of Irving Kristol and Gertrude Himmelfarb, getting hired by Dan Quayle, and having Rupert Murdoch give him millions to start a magazine…


The next thing these pathetic freaks will be telling you is that men and women should ease off waging the War of the Genders against each other because they are happier when they are fraternizing with the enemy.

But that’s just sick…

It’s almost as if 25 years ago Sam Francis, Joe Sobran, and Pat Buchanan noticed the Cold War had ended and therefore it was time for some new ideas.

But real Americans know that the eternal enemy is the Czar…

Why don’t Americans just shut up and do as they are told? What’s with all this critical thinking lately?

…The little people in the conservative ranks must drop all this fringe, marginal nonsense about “hierarchies” and go back to obeying their betters, like in the good old days when Bill Buckley and Bill Kristol told them what they could think and who they could read, and they didn’t have the impudence to give the Bills any lip.

When the Bills had M.J. Sobran banned, conservatives let Joe go off and die in poverty.

Now that was respect!

What’s wrong with this country today? Why don’t commoners listen to their natural superiors anymore?

…Those bastards. Why isn’t there deference anymore toward the legitimate dynasties of Conservatism Inc., the Kristol-Continettis, the Podhoretzes? Why have people stopped reading Commentary? Just because the editor is an ill-tempered idiot shouldn’t stop conservatives from doing their duty and reading his bad magazine. Look, JPod is the editor of Commentary because he’s Norman Podhoretz’s son. Doesn’t that mean anything to you people anymore?

Not letting yourself be bullied by John Podhoretz is like voting for George Washington instead of submitting to King George III.

It’s un-American.


* I knew Weigel a bit when we were both teenagers. I liked him, he’s smart and honest in a friendly aspie-awkward way. It does not surprise me he’s basically the only MSM journalist who is willing to give an honest, non-shrieking description of the alt-right. How many others have even bothered once to note our opposition to all the Bush/Clinton/Obama stupid foreign wars?

I think everyone supporting Trump needs to make the point, wherever we can, that we believe in free speech and free exchange of ideas. Hillary Clinton in her speech did not engage with the ideas of the alt-right, she simply denounced it.

One of the things Hillary did was list various politically incorrect Breitbart headlines, and ascribe them to Trump. So what, Trump is responsible now for every word on a large multi-author website that one of his employees manages?

The Islamic/left coalition runs terror operations against those whose ideas it disagrees with. The Islamic end murders Theo Van Gough, the left end murders Pim Fortyn. What Hillary wants is for Steve Bannon not to lose to her in an exchange of ideas, but be silenced and run off any respectable job.

* I got the feeling that a lot of what Weigel said on Journolist was to fit in with the “cool kids” like Ezra. You could tell even five or so years ago that he was interested in Sailer and Alt Rightish ideas, even if he doesn’t agree with them. He is smarter than the average journo for sure.

* What’s the joke Murray Rothbard used to tell…there are only 12 neoconservatives in America, and 11 of them are syndicated columnists?

* Here is my list of top neo-conservatives, ranked in official order. Yes, they are hierarchical.

1. Dick Cheney – Official War Starter, Official Provider of Big Oil and Military Contractor Funding, Black Éminence grise

2. William Kristol – Chief of Staff, Chief of Ideological Enforcement Division (Hereditary Position, inherited from father Irving)

3. John Bolton – Chief Envoy to the Hard Right

3. Jeffrey Goldberg – Chief Envoy to Liberal Democrats

5. Robert Kagan – Chief of Kagans

6. John McCain – Official Senator

* Don’t know about the Kristol family situation, but it reminds me of David Brooks’ now-ex-wife. When he married her, she converted (from Baptist?) to Brooks’ Judaism, and, to mix metaphors, became more papal than the Pope, as the Germans put it. The full Monty of Orthodox observance, including mikvah baths (don’t know if it was the same DC synagogue where the rabbi turned out to be a peeping tom at the mikvah). Now that Brooks has kicked her to the curb, I have to wonder what her bearings are now.

Ezra Klein is I think the only straight Journolister to have *not* married a shiksa.

* I mean I’m all for equality before the law and a reasonable attempt to provide equality of opportunity.

This is the egalitarian idea that I can support. Of course the well known problem of inequality of outcomes will come to the fore. At that point it will break down because it is very difficult to divine whether the inequality of outcomes was not in some way tilted by inequality of opportunity. If you are HBD-woke then you know that we will have unequal outcomes, but that wokeness will not let you definitively understand or parse the equality of opportunity questions. The second part is that by knowing we will have unequal outcomes, regardless of whether we have starting equality, what if anything should we do to ameliorate the harsher conditions of the outcomes?

* Spencer seems to have been fairly effective at starting something. He’s been more successful at giving air to dissident (but true) ideas than any number of other young intellectuals who have gone to man the megaphone at NRO (an appropriately, tasteful and and conservatively down-sized megaphone, mind you). He’s been more effective at standing up for something that might actually be called “conservative” than, for example, Matthew Continetti.

* I don’t think that he really meant hierarchy in the sense that the left still believes that armies should not have ranks, orchestras should not have conductors, etc. – that was abandoned by pretty much everyone a long time ago (especially since the left, once it gained power, became even MORE hierarchical than the right).

Rather, he was trying to come up with a different word for “racist” and “sexist” since those words have pretty much been stripped of all meaning. So belief in “hierarchy” in his sense means opposition to the leftist meme that all humans have exactly same potential in every field of endeavor, or “anti-blank slatist”. You could say that there is a “hierarchy” of natural talent in sprinting, where West African Blacks stand at the top and Ashkenazi Jews rank near the bottom. Or, and this is where it gets dangerous, a hierarchy of talent in physics that runs the other way. Or a “sexual hierarchy” where men make better firefighters and masons than women due to upper body strength, etc. and women make better kindergarten teachers.

Now the “hierarchical” view has the advantage of actually conforming with reality, but humans often prefer fantasy to reality. If we could only believe in things that had a basis in reality, where would this leave religion? Now you could say that basing your entire political system on a religious belief that doesn’t correspond with reality is a really bad idea, but our society is not the first time this has been tried.

* “what if anything should we do to ameliorate the harsher conditions of the outcomes?”

Exactly what is already being done: handouts.

The bottom line is that a people who had not risen to a certain stage of civilization, dependent on selection pressures and technological momentum encountered only on the Eurasian landmass, were dragged into that stage by merchants. They cannot be brought up to speed for the simple fact that they have not been selected for the drives which eventuated in that civilization. They are absolute dead-weight by necessity.

Natural selection obtains or it doesn’t. If one is “HBD-woke”, one should bear well in mind that different groups means different drives, impulses, instincts, or whatever you wish to call it, from which a certain threshold of society proceeds given local conditions. The error isn’t Democratic policies; it’s assuming that there is a solution at all to the Völkerchaos other than waiting for it to collapse from the weight of its own unprecedented squandering of resources.

Note: I am not a fetishist of Western civilization. I believe it is absolutely doomed, obviously, and am much more at home among “lower” stages of society mocked by white nationalists. A people still scraping by in straw huts in the middle of some huge national preserve have it much better than we do, in my opinion. But they’re doomed too, of course.

* I can’t speak to the history of Richard Spencer, but he is much more articular and philosophically grounded than any other person I’ve read on the Alt Right (excluding Steve).

I enjoy reading/watching many of the articles on his website

Let’s cut him some slack… the guy has guts – he’s been banned in over a dozen countries for publicly speaking out for the Alt Right. I wish there were more people on the Alt Right like him.

* Of course, some of the basic themes of the alt-right or alt-* (though henceforth I’ll just use “alt-right” as the generic) movement have been kicked around, and to a good degree implemented, in previous decades and eras. Nationalism in many forms has flourished in the past, which presents many potential models.

But in fact the basic ideas of the alt-right have just begun to be worked through at this stage. There are indeed a great many incompatible approaches that have already been floated.

Among the approaches:

–Citizenism, as suggested by Steve

–Rejection of a “proposition nation” in favor of a nation built upon a specific culture

–Some form of “white nationalism” which recognizes the interests of whites as being appropriate to organize around and identify with

Even a moment’s reflection on these different approaches suggests vastly different principles and policies as outcomes.

Personally, I like the idea of citizenism. It has the most clarity, is minimally disruptive, seems most fair to all, and deals most directly with the facts on the ground in any given nation: if you’re a citizen, we all have to deal with you, and you have to deal with all of us.

* This is what intrigues me about Donald Trump. While I don’t see Trump identifying himself with Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, Joe Sobran and others of the “alt-right” (I’ve always just heard them called “paleoconservatives” to distinguish them from the “neoconservatives” who made up this discussion), and certainly not Ron Paul, it is clear Trump’s opponents in the GOP identify them with him. And it is that which they object to about Donald Trump, not his overinflated ego, his narcissism, his childish name-calling, which have repulsed most of the nation. They are not afraid of Donald Trump, the TV personality, who is perfectly at home with them in the world of the Clintons, the Giulianis, the Christies, and the others of “New York values”. They are afraid of his ideological values or goals, or rather the goals with which he identifies himself in his pursuit of election, because Trump holds no ideological values.

And while Weigel is accurate in describing the origins of today’s current “anti-intervention”, “anti-government” movement in the 2007 opening of Ron Paul’s first Presidential campaign (the December “moneybomb” timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, and hence the use of the term “Tea Party” to represent this movement), and the work of Buchanan and Sobran which laid the foundation and led people like me to Ron Paul, they are wrong to try to separate this movement from the likes of Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley. While Buckley separated himself from Sobran and Buchanan in the late 80′s and 90′s, particularly at the end of the Cold War (which he came to regret near the end of his life, in the midst of the neo-cons’ “Global War on Terror”) it was he, Reagan, and Barry Goldwater who represented everything which attracts the “alt-Right” today. It was their anti-leveling impulse, their opposition to “egalitarianism” which led all these men to oppose the Civil Rights Acts of the 60′s, not racism (and Buckley, for one, was always adamant in separating himself from the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and the like), which bound us together in what were the formative years of my political worldview. In the perpetual struggle (at least since the French and American Revolutions) between the libertarian and the egalitarian we recognized the pendulum in America had swung too far to the latter. When asked to describe myself in College Republican circles I chose not “libertarian” but “anti-egalitarian”. We were supporters of the Cold War, zealous anti-Communists, because Communism was then the most powerful form taken by egalitarianism. Most of the political left in America then, the “pinkos”, the “fellow travelers”, the socialists, the anti-anti-Communists, the Communists in everything but name only, were avowed egalitarians. We knew they were the enemy.

Today, the Goldwater-Reagan Republican, the anti-Communist, the anti-egalitarian, knows that Russia ceased to be America’s enemy when Russia ceased to be Communist. If it is excessively authoritarian (and the U.S. government is today far more authoritarian – anti-libertarian – than it was in the 60′s), suppressive of “human rights” (many of which are egalitarian inventions), well, that is par for the course among the many anti-communist foreign governments we supported during the Cold War. If we no longer support these “right wing” regimes around the world, there is neither any reason for us to oppose them. It is not for America to reform the world to our liking (or, rather, the egalitarians’ liking). It is for Americans to perfect respect for and enforcement of Americans’ liberties in our own country, and hold our example up to the rest of the world. And then we protect ourselves from foreign incursions, invasions of spirit as well as of body. Nothing more.

If the issue in the Fall campaign is not whether Donald Trump, for all that he is and says, will win or lose, but rather, should the political movement which has succeeded to that of Goldwater, Buckley, Reagan, Buchanan, and Ron Paul lose, then the imperative for their followers is not only that Hillary Clinton must lose, but that Trump, loathsome and inconsistent as he is, must win.

* White Nationalism used to be called “Americanism” and was as American as Teddy Roosevelt and FDR, who both espoused it. Americanism celebrates American culture as mostly Anglo-Celtic, with a minor key of Africans, Hispanics, and Amerindians; with big dose of Catholic and Jewish immigrants offering variations on Anglo-Celtic themes.

White Identity is not a reaction to the failed Conservatives, but the increasingly stridently anti-White identity movements of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc. Don’t want White Identity, don’t make Whites a discriminated minority with every other racial group embracing Identity spoils politics aimed directly at Whites and White Men especially.

Hillary, Bill, Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King, all created White Identity.

If King wanted White support for AA he should have made sure poor Whites were in on the party. Not just Blacks/Hispanics.

* Having a safety net creates a “moral hazard” (this is the insurance term for the risk that you’ll burn your own building down to collect the insurance). Scandinavia is an extreme example but we see the same thing in the US. Scandinavians are hard working but have an elaborate safety net so that you can stay home if you are injured, elderly, caring for a newborn, etc. Part of the social compact of the locals is “I will work hard and contribute my share whenever I can, but if I can’t then the society will take care of me.” This is exactly the kind of arrangement that you speak about in your post – society as in effect a giant extended family.

Now you introduce into that society say Somalis, who have no Calvinist tradition of hard work or loyalty to anyone beside their immediate family. And for whom life on the dole in Stockholm is far richer than they could achieve working back home. The result is that they act as parasites on their host society. They are glad to be on the receiving end of the social compact but don’t buy into the giving end at all. And this is even before you take into account that due to lower levels of skill, education, IQ, etc. they are in no position to contribute much even if they wanted to, which they don’t.

So this is how you end up with Merkel’s Boner – she sees a million able bodied young men who will prop up the German social welfare system as it fills with the aged, but the reality is that these young men will take whatever they can get – free gropes on New Year’s Eve, free everything, but contribute little.

* Defining/arguing about a standard definition of alt-right is a silly exercise. It’s not a prescriptive ideology, it’s an attitude, a perspective that is an alternative to what’s pejoratively called Conservatism, Inc., and the GOPe. The iSteve formulation of opposition to “invade the world, invite the world” policies seems the connective tissue.

The rest is an attempt to pigeon-hole folks into categories that are not politically correct, as beyond reputable discussion by the use of ad hominem. It is the same exclusionary tactic deployed by the prog-left to command the language.

* In a “multicultural” society, there will almost certainly be groups who are a net plus, and those who are a net minus, from the standpoint of need of governmental services. How do nations cope with the expectations and potential resentments these disparities create, given that the disparities are effectively intractable? Obviously, the fewer disparities and the fewer number of those caught up in them, the better.

But nations are effectively, and at best, pretty much stuck with the demographics and disparities that already exist, even if cutting down on immigration will prevent their worsening. What kind of social system suits these situations? Is a more “socialistic” society the right solution for a homogeneous one, and a more “individualistic” society the right solution for one riddled with disparities?

This problem becomes especially poignant when one considers nations like South Africa. How can that nation ever be made to work, given the parties and numbers involved?

There are really deep and genuine problems here — problems all masked by the “egalitarian” dogma of our day, which assumes that these problems will just go away when the “racism” goes away.

If we had political and philosophical and social thinkers worthy of the name, these would be the issues they would attempt to address.

We have, instead, of course, blind, sermonizing, preening poseurs.

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