Ethnic/Racial, Religious, and Demographic Predictors of Organ Donor Registration Status

Seems like a good proxy for citizenship (a la you would expect the core of a society to be more pro-society than the fringe). From this 2017 study: “Race/ethnicity, religion, and educational attainment were significant predictors of ODRS. Non-Hispanic whites (NHWs) were most likely to be registered as donors, with no significant difference between NHWs and Asians or Pacific Islanders. Non-Catholic Christians were most likely to be registered donors, followed by Catholics, practitioners of American Indian/Native American traditional religions, and Hindus, with Buddhists the least likely to register.”

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Portrayals of public relations practitioners in film

Joshua Bentley and two other academics writes in 2014:

The public relations profession is often portrayed negatively in popular culture (Miller, 1999; Saltzman, 2011; Spicer, 1993). Television and movies have contributed to the impression that public relations practitioners are mostly dishonest, manipulative “spin-doctors” (Dennison, 2012). Public relations professionals have good reasons to care how they are portrayed in film and fiction because these portrayals are likely to affect the reputation of the profession. First, a fictional narrative can help us understand the patterns of culture in which professionals may operate because stories “instantiate and localize what is conventionally expected in a culture” and they “illustrate the troubles and the perils that the conventionally expected may produce” (Bruner, 2006, p. 232).

Narratives can also enable viewers to envision a subjunctive reality (“whatif. . .”). According to Vandermeersche, Soetaert, and Rutten (2013), films, as the most popular stories in our culture, have gained the status of authoritative sources of information. As such, films may provide valuable insight into public’s perceptions of any profession. Scull and Peltier (2007) argued that movies contain patterns of meaning that may “hold explanatory power” (p. 13). Thus, analysis of portrayal of public relations practitioners in film can reveal the patterns of how our society perceives these professionals. These portrayals may also affect the public relations practitioners’ perceptions of their own profession as individuals can use symbolic resources “to construct their own identities and define their own lifestyles” (Buckingham, 2003, p. 159).

Cultivation theory (Cohen & Weimann, 2000; Gerbner, 1998) suggests that if audiences are consistently exposed to an unflattering image of public relations over time, this image will become the mainstream perception of the profession. Some recent studies, however, have suggested that public relations portrayals may be getting better.

* Callison (2001) asked, “Do PR practitioners have a PR problem?” (p. 219). He observed that while most public relations practitioners work hard to create favorable images of clients, “the profession seldom works on its own behalf to campaign for the image of public relations itself” (p. 219). In another study Callison (2004) measured perceptions of public relations practitioners through telephone surveys and source manipulation. Although participants did not blame practitioners for being biased in favor of their organizations, Callison observed that “spokespersons who are paid to present their employers in the best possible light are not always seen as stalwarts of honesty, which often leads to motives being questioned” (p.373).

In their book on public relations in American society, Coombs and Holladay (2014) identified several wide-spread attacks on the profession, such as the public is purposely being kept uninformed and the entire field is only publicity. Authors argued that these attacks may be a result of portrayals of public relations in mass media. Many public relations practitioners agree with the fact that they need to engage in public relations campaigns to improve the image of public relations. Discussions about the role and functions of the profession (Tsetsura & Kruckeberg, 2009) and a recently launched by PRSA a national communication campaign to improve the image of the profession, to emphasize the importance of PRSA, and to elevate the status of APR, a voluntarily accreditation in public relations (Cohen, 2013) are good examples of the latest efforts to improve the image of public relations.

In short, many agree that the public has negative perceptions of public relations as a field. But why do these negative perceptions and portrayals matter?

* Because understandings of reality are socially constructed, the media can create “pictures in our heads” (Lippmann, 1922, p. 3) that shape our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Cultivation theory (Gerbner, 1998) thus holds that when people use mass media—particularly television—they are more likely to believe that media portrayals of reality correspond to actual reality.

These portrayals can feed into perceptions of public relations professionals. Cohen and Weimann (2000) explained, “According to cultivation theory, massive exposure to television’s reconstructed realities can result in perceptions of reality very different from what they might be if viewers watched less television” (p. 99). “Mainstreaming” refers to the phenomenon by which people from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives come to share similar views due to heavy media exposure (Gerbner, 1998, p. 183). For people who have no direct contact with actual public relations practitioners, media portrayals may be their only source of information about the profession. As a result, perceptions of public relations are likely to influence, and be influenced by, fictional accounts. Previous experiments showed that participants’ overall ratings of public relations dropped after non-practitioners watched movie clips featuring public relations characters (Dennison, 2012). As Cohen and Weimann (2000) noted in their discussion of cultivation theory, reconstructed realities can have an effect on how viewers see the world around them. If stereotypes of public relations practitioners exist, these stereotypes may also be reinforced by the entertainment media…

* Traditionally, any good story must involve conflict (Whitcomb, 2002). Fundamentals of narrative structure and the need for conflict in storytelling suggest, first of all, that movies and television programs will probably never provide both positive and accurate representations of the public relations profession. Representatives of professions that naturally involve conflict, such as police officers and lawyers, seem to be disproportionately represented in the entertainment media. However, even these professions are not always portrayed in flattering ways (Asimow, 1999–2000; Inciardi & Dee, 1987). Furthermore, these professions are made to look more exciting than they really are. Hence, for screenwriters to make the practice of public relations central to a story, they would probably have to make the profession of public relations seem unrealistically exciting or would need to introduce conflict that would make the portrayal at least somewhat negative.

* Professional writers have long distinguished between flat and round characters (Lee, 2005). The main characters of a story should be round characters. Typically, main characters need to have flaws. Howard (2004) observed, “A hero with no downside is not only predictable but, ultimately, boring” (p. 209). According to Whitcomb (2002), “It is essential that [the main character] grows, changes, learns something in the course of the movie” (p. 48). This change in the character over time is called the character arc (Suppa, 2006; Whitcomb, 2002).

Unlike main characters, minor characters tend to be flat. When public relations professionals are minor characters in a story, they will naturally tend to be flat, stereotypical characters (Suppa, 2006). When public relations professionals are main characters, they need to face conflict so they can grow and change. If the conflict is internal, these characters will necessarily have certain flaws. If the conflict is external, these characters will have to face some kind of antagonist (Suppa). While it may be possible to imagine a story in which the protagonist practices public relations realistically and deals with external conflict that does not involve negative portrayals of public relations, one can see why this scenario is uncommon. What is more likely is that the character’s public relations career either fades into the background of a story or becomes part of the story’s conflict. When this happens, portrayals of public relations will likely involve at least some negative elements.
To summarize, theories of narrative structure and character development in fiction and screenwriting make it unlikely that a portrayal of the public relations profession in entertainment media will ever be completely positive and realistic.

* Public relations practitioners should take pride in their work and appreciate the good they can do for society. Instead of accepting Hollywood’s negative stereotypes about public relations, practitioners should remember that they are professionals who help organizations manage communication and build mutually beneficial relationships with their publics (Coombs & Holladay, 2014; Heath & Combs, 2006). Instead of using terms like “spin” or “BS” when discussing what they do, practitioners should use words that convey a sense of value in their work.

* Movies often portray public relations practitioners embroiled in conflict with journalists or their own clients. No doubt, one reason for these portrayals is that conflict makes for good entertainment (Whitcomb, 2002). However, public relations practitioners in real life must be consummate professionals. Even when journalists or clients are difficult, public relations practitioners must respond with grace and dignity. For instance, if professionals use catchy phrases from Hollywood films, such as Thank You for Smoking, in their everyday talks, they may inadvertently reproduce negative stereotypes about the profession (Tsetsura, 2010a). In addition, clients who cannot be respected because of ethical issues may and should be dismissed, and unreasonable journalists can be circumvented with new media channels to combat negative perceptions of public relations practitioners as obsequious and money-minded.

* Treating oneself with respect means not compromising own values or standards of excellence. Public relations practitioners who carry out their responsibilities with excellence set an example for others inside and outside the field. Keeping a positive outlook, avoiding ethical compromises, and finding ways to help others through public relations matters more than how public relations is represented in Hollywood movies. Although cultivation effects might have created misconceptions about public relations in the minds of many people, those who actually get to know responsible professionals and work with professional public relations practitioners would quickly realize that the image of the profession portrayed in the movies may not be accurate. In order for the professionals to combat wide-spread attacks on public relations (Coombs & Holladay, 2014), professionals should respect their profession and themselves by practicing ethical and responsible public relations.

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Fordy University Is In Session!

00:00 Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior,
09:00 Open up the lower back and the mind will follow
21:00 An Interview with moral philosophers John Doris & Laura Niemi,
24:30 Yale Courses: Virtues & Habit,
32:00 Reputation Management,
33:00 Professor of Communications, Josh Bentley,
35:00 Representations of reliability: The rhetoric of political flip-flopping,
48:00 TJump Vs Jennifer | Pantheism Vs Atheism,
1:19:40 Dave Rubin’s Highest-Level Ideas Compilation
1:22:00 WHY CARDANO WILL 10X: The “Ethereum Killer” Cryptocurrency.,
1:26:40 Stop Being So Nice… (as an ex-Google millionaire)
1:29:40 MILLIONAIRE DESK SETUP TOUR for Working From Home (2021)
1:31:00 My Problem With YouTubers…,
1:35:00 Why I have no friends (as a millionaire),
1:37:40 No One Wants To Work Anymore… (crypto millionaires, stock daytraders, stimulus checks, onlyfans),
1:40:20 How to stop self-sabotaging yourself. (My struggle with self-sabotagers),
1:43:00 Everybody hates Doomcock,
2:08:45 How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev,
2:20:00 How Big Tech enables the mob
2:24:00 Scott Adams rates Nick Fuentes’s persuasion skills as high
2:29:00 Dr. Einat Wilf: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism,
2:33:00 Rabbi: “America’s The Place Where ALL THE ANTI-SEMITES Now Live!”,
2:48:20 Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones
2:50:40 David Pakman: Trump Announces Return to Presidency in Deranged Video
2:56:25 Vaush: Tim Calls Out ANDY NGO,
3:04:20 Sam Hyde: It’s Important To Learn How To Scam,
3:09:20 Tucker Carlson on Kamala Harris

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A Uses and Gratifications Study of Contemporary Christian Radio Web Sites

Josh Bentley writes in 2012:

* Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is a style of music that arose out of the Jesus Movement in the 1970s (Lochte, 2007; Woods, 1999). Musically, it has become very similar to mainstream adult contemporary or pop music, but it is distinguished by its religious lyrics (Creasman, 1996). CCM radio has become an important player in the mainstream radio market (Kelly, 2003). According to Donovan (2009), the number of CCM radio stations more than doubled from 1998 to 2008, making CCM radio the fourth most common radio format in the United States and the second most common music format behind Country. The ratings service Arbitron reported that the CCM format reached more than 16 million listeners a week in 2009 and tied for 12th out of 55 formats in nationwide market share (Radio Today, 2010).

* The uses and gratifications perspective studies media according to the functions they perform (Rubin, 2009). Simply put, uses and gratifications scholars are interested in how and why people use media. Early examples of this type of research include Herzog’s (1954) study of the reasons people listened to daytime radio serials, and Berelson’s (1954) investigation into what people missed about the newspaper during a newspaper strike. However, Katz (1959) is commonly regarded as the father of uses and gratifications research because of his editorial calling for social scientists to focus on what people ‘‘do with the media’’ instead of what ‘‘media do to people’’ (p. 2). According to Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1974), the uses and gratifications approach assumes that audience members are active in media use and select the media they believe will gratify their needs. Because there are multiple sources of gratification, media must compete for people’s attention. Furthermore, this approach assumes that people are sufficiently self-aware to be able to explain their motivations in surveys or interviews. Since the 1960s, various typologies of uses and gratifications have emerged (Severin & Tankard, 2001). Weiss (1971) held that media functions were either ‘‘fantasy-escapist or informational-educational in significance’’ (p. 312). McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972/2000) offered four types of what they called ‘‘mediaperson interactions’’ (p. 447). These included diversion, personal relationships, personal identity, and surveillance. People have been found to use television for many functions, such as learning, passing time, arousal, escape, companionship, and relaxation (Rubin, 2009). Radio also offers information, companionship, mood enhancement, and relaxation (Mendelsohn, 1964). Research into the uses and gratifications of the Internet has consistently found motivating factors such as information, convenience, communication, entertainment, and interactivity (Charney, 1996; Eighmey, 1997; King, 1998; Korgaonkar & Wolin, 1999; Lin, 1999).

* Uses and gratifications studies of CCM radio listening have found that listeners use this format for entertainment, to reinforce spiritual beliefs, and to avoid secular radio (Creasman, 1996). Using factor analysis, Woods (1999) identified three underlying gratifications that influenced CCM radio listening. The first factor, paracommunity, suggested that some listeners ‘‘vicariously celebrate shared beliefs in para-community with other believers’’ (p. 238). This factor included survey items related to spiritual guidance, fellowship, and witnessing. In other words, listeners were using CCM radio for activities more often associated with church. Wood’s second factor, content reaction, indicated that listeners were seeking something that was not ‘‘secular’’ but would be ‘‘consistent with their core values as Christians’’ (p. 238). The third factor, lifestyle management, was related to how CCM radio helped listeners ‘‘manage their emotional, physical, and spiritual lives’’ (p. 239).

* In a focus group study of college students, Hooper (2004) found that CCM listeners used the music ‘‘to further develop their spirituality, to worship God, to alter their moods, and to share their Christian faith with others’’ (p. 7). She also received several responses related to the content reaction factor in the Woods (1999) study. Many of the students wanted to avoid non-Christian music, or felt that ‘‘they should not listen to secular music’’ (Hooper, 2004, p. 8).

* Several studies have explored the uses and gratifications of radio station Web sites. Murphy (1998) surveyed users of classic rock radio Web sites and, using factor analysis, found seven underlying motivations: feels good to know the radio station; aesthetics; downloading; interaction; information; relaxation; and entertainment.

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Representations of reliability: The rhetoric of political flip-flopping

I just encountered a communications academic who’s consistently clear and fun to read — Joshua M. Bentley.

His latest paper: “This study used a qualitative analysis of political flip-flops (N = 141) to create a typology of rhetorical strategies for politicians who are perceived to have changed positions on political issues. The core purpose of such rhetoric is to achieve a representation of reliability. Politicians who appear to change positions must do so in a way that does not make them seem unreliable to their
key stakeholders. Strategies for achieving this goal fall into four primary categories: ignore, deny, justify, and repent. Within each category are more specific tactics, such as evading questions, claiming one was misquoted, arguing one is adapting to new circumstances, or explaining that one has acquired new information about an issue. Using Bitzer’s theory of the rhetorical situation, we argue that certain strategies are more appropriate than others in certain situations. We discuss the practical and ethical implications of these strategies.”

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