I was just watching ESPN and it advertised that on Friday night at 7pm PST, it will show this high school football game between the Grant Pacers and the Folsom Bulldogs.
I went to the redneck Placer High School (class of 1984). For my last two years there, we were in the same athletic league as Grant, a predominantly black school.
When we went to play at Grant, there was all sorts of racial taunting and animosity thrown our way by the black Grant students. They got up in our faces and tried to provoke fights.
There was no racial taunting or reciprocal behavior by our students.
I’m 44 years old. I have never seen a white person mistreat a black person for racial reasons. On the other hand, I’ve seen dozens of examples of blacks mistreating whites because of race.
I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. Until I was 14, all of my friends were Seventh-Day Adventists. Race had little significance in my life because religion had so much significance.
Upon turning 14 and graduating from 8th grade in the Napa Valley, I moved to Baltimore for the summer. I spent much of those three months at local libraries.
Coming out of the library one day, I held a door open for a black kid my age. He proceeded to roundly curse me out.
“What’s that for?” I asked.
He said, “I hate what your people have done to my people.”
It was the first time I had been cursed out because of my race. I’ve never forgotten it.
PS. I know whites who don’t like blacks, but I’ve never seen them mistreat anyone black. I’ve never heard about mistreating anyone black. They just don’t like the disproportionate amount of anti-social behavior (crime, welfare dependency, and poor educational, vocational and social achievement) in the black community.
When my friends complain about high real estate prices in West Los Angeles, I let them know that property on Martin Luther King Blvd, on any Martin Luther King Blvd, is a lot cheaper.
George Will writes: “Only 35 percent of black children live with two parents, which partly explains why, while only 24 percent of white eighth-graders watch four or more hours of television on an average day, 59 percent of their black peers do. (Privileged children waste their time on new social media and other very mixed blessings of computers and fancy phones.) Black children also are disproportionately handicapped by this class-based disparity: By age 4, the average child in a professional family hears about 20 million more words than the average child in a working-class family and about 35 million more than the average child in a welfare family — a child often alone with a mother who is a high school dropout.”