Goals, Symphonies & Loneliness (7-6-23)

01:00 Three teenage girls laugh at me when I struggle with pullups
03:00 Sydney was beautiful, but I was alone
04:00 I want a bitter sweet symphony
14:00 Dennis Prager is the leader of the band, https://lukeford.net/blog/?page_id=31620
16:00 No amount of Soylent will fill the hole in my soul
24:00 Man’s Search For Meaning, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySm3_7gQ8Kw
27:30 “Nudge” Part 1: A Simple Solution For Littering, Organ Donations and Climate Change, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nudge-part-1-a-simple-solution-for-littering-organ/id1651876897?i=1000611711937
32:30 It’s not unhumble to to recognize that you have special gifts
38:00 Elliott Blatt joins to talk about teenage girls
46:00 Exercising as you get older
51:00 Goals vs symphony
58:00 Imposter syndrome
1:00:00 Where do you get the power to make your life a symphony?
1:01:40 Every Woman in the World
1:02:20 Karen Carpenter appreciation videos
1:04:00 Madonna
1:06:00 Peter Zeihan
1:10:15 Deep Left Jokkul is a Peter Zeihan fan
1:12:00 Charles Johnson
1:13:20 Colin Liddell, https://neokrat.blogspot.com/
1:15:00 Art Bell
1:17:00 The three monotheist religions emerged out of the loneliness of the desert, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert

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Decoding Peter Zeihan (7-5-23)

01:00 Deconstructing Peter Zeihan’s Creator Biz, https://youtu.be/2FJ4ykYqFNM
22:10 Chris Kanthan: Peter Zeihan is the Jim Cramer of Geopolitics, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/peter-zeihan-is-the-jim-cramer-of-geopolitics/id1640917261?i=1000611075564
34:00 Peter Zeihan vs Ian Bremmer, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Bremmer
42:00 Michael Beckley on why the U.S. will remain the world’s sole superpower, https://www.michaelbeckley.org/books
1:06:40 Peter Zeihan and the missing piece of public discourse, https://www.dailyevolver.com/2023/04/peter-zeihan-and-the-missing-piece-in-public-discourse/
1:11:30 Decoding Dave Rubin, https://www.patreon.com/DecodingTheGurus/posts

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Deconstructing Peter Zeihan’s Creator Biz

Peter Zeihan is the Jim Cramer of Geopolitics.

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What Does The Fourth Of July Holiday Celebrate? (7-4-23)

01:00 Independence Day, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(United_States)
Republic vs Democracy, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=149078
04:00 ‘Majority Minority’ America? Don’t Bet on It, https://www.wsj.com/articles/majority-minority-america-dont-bet-on-it-11612549609?mod=opinion_lead_pos5
07:00 Republic vs democracy, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=149078
09:00 The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Age_of_Entitlement:_America_Since_the_Sixties
15:00 Does America Need A Fourth Of July Seder?, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=149062
1:04:50 ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’ Review: America’s British Creed, https://www.wsj.com/articles/life-liberty-and-the-pursuit-of-happiness-review-americas-british-creed-6014b8d7?mod=books_arts_featured_pos1
1:24:00 Andrew Ridgely walked away from Wham without bitterness, https://www.smh.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/a-sharp-look-at-a-pop-band-that-parted-at-its-peak-without-resentment-20230627-p5djt9.html
1:33:00 Brion McClanahan: Mark Levin is Really Bad at History, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6oc1sYkO-w
1:42:20 David French on Christian Nationalism and the New Right, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvAzJ-nT4aM
1:49:00 Ann Coulter talks to Ryan Girdursky about immigration, Ron DeSantis, https://anncoulter.substack.com/
1:53:00 Looking forward to Chris Christie going after Trump
2:00:00 Brett Baier’s Trump interview
2:12:00 Admiral Rachel Levine is proud, https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson

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Decoding The Alexander Technique (7-4-23)

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