What it is like to work for Kamala Harris

From a column in the Nevada Union:

While I have nothing against now-Senator Harris as she is a good orator and has done some fine things while holding elective office, I believe, however, how she treats her staff is as important as an individual’s legislative accomplishments. A person’s character is probably one of the most important attributes for someone wanting to obtain the office of President.

Presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar had drawn scrutiny for her berating treatment of her staff. This particular flaw by elected officials in dealing with common courtesy and respect toward staff is something for which most people in this country have little tolerance. Sure, the job is stressful and we’ve all dealt with an angry boss in our lives but there is another side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know.

Gregory had an eye-opening experience in Kamala Harris’ office that none of us expected. For his sake, the month could not pass quickly enough. Needless to say, he was delighted to work in Feinstein’s office for the rest of the summer.

Four short episodes I would like to share of his month-long internship for Kamala Harris:

Senator Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.

As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”

Never once during the month-long internship did Harris introduce herself to our son (as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees) and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgment was a form letter of “thanks” signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service.

Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.

I don’t know about you but this is not the workplace of someone who respects her staff.

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Post-Election Violence: Left v Right – Who’s The Bigger Threat? (8-29-24)

01:00 Elliott Blatt talks to Richard Spencer, https://x.com/RealVinBruno/status/1829236543715758425
03:00 Chat: ​​Elliott Blatt making up for being chauffeur to Jokul & his rent boys
31:00 Kamala Harris gives her first interview
41:00 Leftist Rick Perlstein: The violent threat of the Far Right after the election, https://prospect.org/politics/2024-08-28-election-story-nobody-talks-about-neiwert-qa/
46:00 My fourth day on adderall, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=153449
47:00 My third day without adderall, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=153531
48:00 I’ve produced three times as many livestream hours over the past nine months thanks to adderall
58:00 Arlington cemetery Trump controversy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62T7RCfTDwg
59:00 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss his appearance on Vincent’s show with Richard Spencer
1:03:00 People want shortcuts rather than doing the hard work
1:10:00 When Richard Spencer & Greg Conte fell out
1:22:00 Kip joins, talks about how his dad changed from 50 to 60 to 70
1:25:00 Kip says he’s a miser
1:35:00 Narcissists idealize, https://michaelgquirke.com/the-narcissistic-abuse-cycle-idealization-devaluation-rejection/
1:39:00 Luke’s narcissistic journey, https://www.lukeford.net/luke_ford/bio/l17.htm
1:49:00 Column: Another side to Kamala Harris, https://www.theunion.com/opinion/columns/terry-mcateer-another-side-to-kamala-harris/article_f79b5fff-5a50-5eed-a63b-d67d8419c3d3.html

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Right-Wing Victimhood (8-28-24)

01:00 My lack of patience for both right-wing victimhood and for the denial of right-wing victimhood
07:00 Bashing Kamala, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6X3007X_YQ
12:25 Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech aka Jimmy’s nervous breakdown reminds me of fragile Kamala
13:30 Kamala loves to drink to forget how insecure she is, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=157117
21:40 Regan Arntz-Grey – How much agency do we have?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQsOsprHGoU
23:00 Regan Arntz-Grey’s Substack, https://substack.com/@reganarntzgray/notes
35:00 “Rob [Henderson] has confused how men evaluate women for sex with how they evaluate women for marriage.” https://substack.com/@reganarntzgray/note/c-65655187
42:00 Male Psychology and the Fear of Humiliation, https://www.allcatsarefemale.com/p/sleeping-with-the-professor
56:00 Megan McCain on Tulsi Gabbard’s appeal
1:03:00 Mark Halperin changed his mind on the power of RFK and Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsements, Mark now thinks this is powerful for Trump
1:06:50 Kip joins
1:17:00 Are my politics so radical because my life is so passive?
1:19:00 Vice doco on asses in the Caribbean
1:25:00 Harris Stumps in Georgia, Trump Plots His Next Move, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J93iYh7xO7Y
1:27:00 Trump posts about Kamala Harris exchanging oral sex for political power, https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-implied-kamala-harris-exchanged-oral-sex-for-career-boosts
1:30:00 How Kamala’s spokesperson bungled an answer to Kamala changing her mind on fracking
1:31:00 How does Kamala explain her dramatic change in political positions compared to 2019?
1:34:30 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss Chuck Johnson recommending my deconstruction of Mike Benz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0B4McTxyqY
1:40:00 Is Israel a tiny country surrounded by millions of enemies or the most powerful military in the Middle East?
1:47:00 “Women don’t get the same social or romantic rewards when they bring home large salaries, and so they’re able to pursue work they find interesting, meaningful and that works with their schedule without significant costs to their mating market value.” https://substack.com/@reganarntzgray/note/c-65139991

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Kamala’s AI Campaign (8-27-24)

01:00 Trump Denounces Harris on Defense, a Big Week Begins | Mark Halperin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcM9LOW4mBc
04:30 Kamala’s AI campaign, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7BzFWkDwFk
14:00 Defining Kamala’s AI campaign
16:20 Who’s running Kamala’s campaign? Her sister Maya? Obama’s people?
17:30 Vox: An inside look at how the far right is mainstreaming itself, https://www.vox.com/politics/368884/online-right-l0m3z-jonathan-keeperman-interview-razib-khan
23:30 Jonathan Keeperman: becoming Lomez, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0aQXTcqaI0
26:00 Tim Walz, Kamala Harris don’t know what they stand for
31:30 Elliott Blatt joins
37:50 Jesse Waters says the generals will have their way with Kamala in the situation room
39:00 L0m3z: What is the Longhouse? https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2023/02/what-is-the-longhouse
44:00 Guardian: Revealed: US university lecturer behind far-right Twitter account and publishing house, https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/14/far-right-twitter-identity-revealed
48:50 ISRAEL’S STRIKE ON HEZBOLLAH – NOT WHAT IT SEEMS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_80JndxmU8
57:50 Mark Zuckerberg regrets going along with Biden censorship requests
1:01:00 NYT: The Bitter Fight Over the Meaning of ‘Genocide’, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/20/magazine/genocide-definition.html
1:04:30 Kip joins to discuss white despair
1:12:00 While on his scooter, Kip hit a deer at 39 mph
1:18:00 I nag Kip like a wife
1:25:00 Just a flesh wound, https://thingsthatmadeanimpression.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/dialogue-from-film-monty-python-the-holy-grail/
1:27:40 NYT: Why Is the Loneliness Epidemic so Hard to Cure?, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/27/magazine/loneliness-epidemic-cure.html
1:34:00 The Harris Interview; Trump Mulls Debate | Mark Halperin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvX58fQtkaQ
1:35:00 Why did the Democrats give the nomination to Kamala?
Kamala loves to drink, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=157117
1:36:30 Kamala’s deficits
1:37:30 After 5 easy weeks, Kamala is not ahead in the battleground states

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More Evidence That Kamala Has A Drinking Problem (8-26-24)

01:00 Kamala loves to drink, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=157117
10:00 DNC, Day Four: So She Spoke Finally, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWSFiyZ1fPU
20:00 Bryan Caplan argues that silence is better than news, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=146911
27:30 Bad News: How Woke Media Undermines Democracy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTf4JYfMuoI
30:00 How Woke Media is Undermining Democracy: IPA Encounters with Batya Ungar-Sargon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P81rbOs0pWc
31:30 Diversity Increases Daily Friction, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=157201
34:00 Kamala Harris grew up in Berkeley, CA, but doesn’t talk about it, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/25/us/politics/kamala-harris-berkeley-hometown.html
40:00 Ben Shapiro on race & IQ
45:00 Conservative media generally aims at the working class
54:30 Republicans say the FBI, Secret Service are dragging their feet investigation the Trump assassination attempt
1:01:00 Mark Zuckerberg regrets going along with Biden administration’s pressure to censor covid-related posts, https://www.wsj.com/tech/mark-zuckerberg-neutral-politics-letter-election-2024-02b86372?st=arq8kd0217vgc9m
1:07:45 Doug Emhoff’s many affairs – some still going, his ex-wife paid by Kamala campaign https://x.com/LauraLoomer/status/1828101746649886805
1:13:00 Thomas Crooks father has lawyered up. Chat: He is lawyering up because the parents of the school shooter in MI were convicted.
1:15:00 The Great Awokening and the Alt Right rose together in 2014, 2015


Podnotes Summary: There’s more evidence suggesting Kamala Harris has a drinking problem, which many have speculated about for years. This was new to me but explains her odd behavior and insecurity. She might be using alcohol as liquid courage.

Mark Halperin recommended Sean Spice’s podcast this morning, where they discussed Kamala’s alleged drinking issue with James Blair, the political director. A tweet from Blair mentioned rumors of Kamala having a serious drinking problem as her campaign heats up.

People on social media are asking if there’s credible testimony about this issue. Some sources claim to have witnessed it firsthand.

There are numerous bizarre clips of Kamala online that hint at this speculation going back years. Her erratic speeches and laughter make some believe she might be drunk during public appearances.

A video surfaced showing unclear statements by Harris, leading to claims she was under the influence of alcohol during the speech at Howard University. However, fact-checking revealed discrepancies between the viral video and official transcripts.

Despite these rumors, it’s important to note that enjoying drinks doesn’t necessarily mean one has a drinking problem. Yet, if true, it would explain much of her puzzling behavior over time.

Kamala Harris is often compared unfavorably to Barack Obama in terms of political impact and charisma. While Obama had audacious initiatives like healthcare reform early in his presidency, critics argue that Harris hasn’t achieved similar feats or demonstrated comparable leadership qualities.

Overall, while there’s chatter about her possibly having a drinking problem—fueled by various clips and testimonies—the truth remains uncertain without concrete evidence or acknowledgment from credible sources.

The rise of extreme views on both sides and the concept of “wokeness” are contributing factors. However, Jews aren’t the primary targets; it’s more about the working class across all races. Wearing a yarmulke in liberal cities like New York can be challenging, but I don’t see it as an immediate threat.

Liberals often focus on diversity among elites rather than addressing why there’s such a wealth gap. The question should be whether everyone has access to opportunities, not just making elites more diverse.

I’ve found that conservatives surprisingly welcome my Marxist ideas even though I’m upfront about them. This acceptance contrasts with liberals who criticize me for engaging with conservatives.

In simpler societies like Australia, ordering coffee is straightforward compared to the complex orders at Starbucks in America. Gerald Stone highlighted this simplicity when he moved from the U.S. to Australia after working in journalism here.

Media today largely ignores economic mobility issues which were once central during periods like the mid-20th century when people from different economic backgrounds shared similar interests and lifestyles.

Fox News caters primarily to those without college degrees while mainstream media focuses on elite audiences. Today’s partisan divide is less about politics and more about class differences, reflecting broader societal changes where working-class concerns have been sidelined by both political parties and most media outlets.

We can’t rely on documents to conduct effective interviews, so we depend on leaks for the truth. A whistleblower told Senator Josh Holly that Secret Service leaders instructed agents not to request extra manpower for a rally where Trump was shot. This contradicts the Secret Service director’s testimony, who denied any resource denial.

Five Secret Service agents were placed on leave after the shooting, including key security personnel at Trump’s rally. It’s unclear if this was disciplinary or for other reasons. Local police set aside radios for the Secret Service, but they weren’t picked up. As a result, when local police radioed about a man on a roof, the Secret Service missed it until shots were fired.

Congressman Mike Waltz questioned how Thomas Crooks managed such sophisticated actions and why he used encrypted apps and social media messages that might have been written by someone else. The FBI cracked two of three foreign apps Crooks used but won’t disclose contents.

The story raises concerns about competence within the Secret Service and whether Crooks acted alone. Congressman Corey Mills highlighted failures in communication and surveillance offers refused by the Secret Service during their first hearing with counter-sniper Ben Sc.

Mark Zuckerberg admitted Facebook bowed to Biden administration pressure to censor COVID-19 content in 2021—a move he regrets now—and vowed not to repeat efforts criticized as “Z bucks.”

Various stories highlight ongoing issues: Taiwan’s limited fuel reserves; Washington DC family losing custody over gender transition refusal; Tucker Carlson’s firing linked more to advertising than ratings; Kamala Harris’ controversial economic proposal; disparities in medical school admissions based on IQ scores among different races; shifts in journalism from balanced reporting toward engagement-driven content tailored for liberal elite audiences.

Journalism has shifted significantly due to digital influence and profit motives favoring extreme views—especially left-leaning ones—to drive engagement rather than balanced reporting aimed at broad readerships.

Any politician who asks for a no-fly zone will quickly face media backlash, with immediate escalation. It’s terrible. Glenn Greenwald has pointed out that despite the tragedy in Ukraine, there’s little debate in elite media about the options available to the U.S., EU, or NATO. He attributes this to the influence of war proponents.

Journalists seek dramatic stories because they boost viewership and ratings. This focus on sensationalism is appalling as it often sacrifices truthful reporting and exploits crises like Ukraine’s for their own agendas.

For example, during the Canadian truckers’ protest—a significant labor strike against vaccine mandates—the media labeled participants as fascists and Nazis based on minimal evidence. This misrepresentation shows how working-class dissent is vilified if it opposes liberal economic policies.

In contrast, Facebook recently allowed praise for Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, known for its neo-Nazi affiliations—highlighting hypocrisy in labeling groups based on convenience rather than consistent principles.

This selective outrage mirrors other social movements where symbols are adopted without deep understanding. While supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty is valid, some people’s fervent advocacy seems superficial compared to numerous global issues needing attention.

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