I can’t imagine anyone claiming that Jordan Peterson’s teachings ruined his life

I’ve never cared about Jordan Peterson one way or another, but it seems clear to me that he has done overwhelmingly more good than harm with his public life. Thousands of men in particular felt great benefit from taking him on a substitute father figure. Who am I to begrudge that? I had decades where I yearned for a substitute father figure. If you are going to take on a guru, Jordan is better than 99% of them.

I can’t see any arguments that Jordan has wreaked mass destruction. To the extent he’s had an affect on people, it seems for the good. I don’t feel any emotional tug to any side of the arguments about Jordan. I’m sure that Jordan, like everyone else, benefits from accurate criticism.

I’ve never read any of his books nor listened to his lectures. I listened to one of his podcast interviews (Ten Ways the World is Getting Better). I watched the documentary on him. Why hate him unless it is out of jealousy of his success?

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How Much Do American Jews Care About Israel?

According to the new Pew Research Center report on American Jewry:

Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an essential or important part of what being Jewish means to them. Nearly six-in-ten say they personally feel an emotional attachment to Israel, and a similar share say they follow news about the Jewish state at least somewhat closely.

…More broadly, young U.S. Jews are less emotionally attached to Israel than older ones. As of 2020, half of Jewish adults under age 30 describe themselves as very or somewhat emotionally attached to Israel (48%), compared with two-thirds of Jews ages 65 and older.

In addition, among Jews ages 50 and older, 51% say that caring about Israel is essential to what being Jewish means to them, and an additional 37% say it is important but not essential; just 10% say that caring about Israel is not important to them. By contrast, among Jewish adults under 30, one-third say that caring about Israel is essential (35%), and one-quarter (27%) say it’s not important to what being Jewish means to them.

The same pattern – lower levels of attachment to Israel among younger Jewish adults than among older ones – also was present in the 2013 survey. Because the 2013 survey was conducted by live interviewers over the telephone and the 2020 survey was self-administered by respondents online or on a paper questionnaire, the results on some questions are not directly comparable. This includes measures of attachment to Israel, and consequently it is difficult to know whether overall levels of attachment to Israel among Jewish Americans have changed over that seven-year period.

This Pew result is out of kilter with similar surveys of American Jewry which show much lower levels of attachment to Israel.

In his book The Israel Lobby (co-authored with Stephen Walt), John J. Mearsheimer wrote:

Yet the Israel lobby is not synonymous with American Jewry, and “Jewish lobby” is not an appropriate term for describing the various individuals and groups that work to foster U.S. support for Israel. For one thing, there is significant variation among American Jews in their depth of commitment to Israel. Roughly a third of them, in fact, do not identify Israel as a particularly salient issue. In 2004, for example, a well-regarded survey found that 36 percent of Jewish Americans were either “not very” or “not at all” emotionally attached to Israel. 6 Furthermore, many American Jews who care a lot about Israel do not support the policies endorsed endorsed by the dominant organizations in the lobby, just as many gun owners do not support every policy that the NRA advocates and not all retirees favor every position endorsed by the AARP. For example, American Jews were less enthusiastic about going to war in Iraq than the population as a whole, even though key organizations in the lobby supported the war, and they are more opposed to the war today. Finally, some of the individuals and groups that are especially vocal on Israel’s behalf, such as the Christian Zionists, are not Jewish. So while American Jews are the lobby’s predominant constituency, it is more accurate to refer to this loose coalition as the Israel lobby. It is the specific political agenda that defines the lobby, not the religious or ethnic identity of those pushing it.
The attachment that many American Jews feel for Israel is not difficult to understand, and as noted in the Introduction, it resembles the attitudes of other ethnic groups that retain an affinity for other countries or peoples with similar backgrounds in foreign lands. 7 Although many Jews in the United States were ambivalent about Zionism during the movement’s early years, support grew significantly after Hitler came to power in 1933 and especially after the horrors inflicted on the Jews during World War II became widely known. 8
Relatively few Jews chose to leave the United States and move to Israel after its founding in 1948, a pattern that Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and other Israeli leaders initially criticized. Nevertheless, a strong commitment to Israel soon became an important element of identity for many American Jews. 9 The establishment of a Jewish state in historic Palestine seemed miraculous in itself, especially in the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust. Israel’s achievements in “making the desert bloom” were an obvious source of pride, and a close identification with Israel provided a new basis for community for a population that was rapidly assimilating into American society and becoming increasingly secular at the same time. As Rosenthal notes:
To equate Israel with Judaism was a comforting way to avoid the encumbrances of religion by focusing one’s Jewishness on a secular state 8,000 miles from home … Synagogues, the new mainstay of American Jewish life in the postwar era, became Israel-centered. A new class of Jewish professionals … arose in the suburbs. They soon discovered that Israel was the most effective means to counter the growing religious indifference of their constituencies. Primarily in response to Israel’s overwhelming need for financial and political support, new institutions … arose, and fundraising and lobbying increasingly defined American Jews’ relationship to Israel.

Footnote 6. Steven M. Cohen, The 2004 National Survey of American Jews , sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Department of Jewish-Zionist Education, February 24, 2005. Also see 2006 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion , conducted September 25-October 16, 2006, American Jewish Committee, October 18, 2006; Steven M. Cohen, “Poll: Attachment of U.S. Jews to Israel Falls in Past 2 Years,” Forward , March 4, 2005; and M. J. Rosenberg, “Letting Israel Sell Itself,” Weekly Opinion Column, Issue #218, Israel Policy Forum, Washington, DC, March 18, 2005. A recent report prepared for the American Jewish Committee notes that “there is a consensus among several studies that Israel is not central to young people’s Jewish identity.” Jacob B. Ukeles et al., “Young Jewish Adults in the United States Today,” American Jewish Committee, September 2006, 34. Also see Amiram Barkat, “Young American Jews Are More Ambivalent Toward Israel, Study Shows,” Ha’aretz , March 7, 2005.

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Opioid Nation

Dr. Marcia Angell writes:

The problem with these three books, and it’s a big one, is that they treat the Purdue story as though it were the whole story of the opioid epidemic. But OxyContin did not give rise to opioid addiction, although it jump-started the current epidemic. Heroin has been a common street drug ever since it was banned in 1924. Morphine has also been widely abused.

Nor would taking OxyContin off the market end the epidemic. The overwhelming majority of opioid deaths are caused not by OxyContin but by combinations of fentanyl, heroin, and cocaine, often brought in from China via Mexican cartels, and frequently taken along with benzodiazepines (such as Valium or Xanax) and alcohol. These drugs are cheaper and stronger, particularly fentanyl. Fentanyl was first synthesized in 1960, and soon became widely used as an anesthetic and powerful painkiller. It is legally manufactured and highly effective when used appropriately, often for short medical procedures such as colonoscopies. The illicit production and street use is relatively new, but it is now the main cause of most opioid-related deaths (nearly 90 percent in Massachusetts).

The steady increase in opioid deaths after OxyContin came on the market has been supplanted by a much faster increase starting around 2013, when heroin and fentanyl use increased dramatically. We now have two epidemics—the overuse of prescription drugs and the much more deadly and now largely unrelated epidemic of street drugs. By concentrating on the first, we are closing the barn door after the horse is long gone.

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How To Win The Internet (5-11-21)

Packy writes: The Meta Game here is your life and your career. The more you evolve and level up, the more opportunities you’ll have. If you build up a following, meet the right people, and get involved with the right projects, you’ll have put yourself on an entirely new trajectory.

The fun part is, if you do it right, it really can feel like a game. Don’t take it too seriously. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to jump in. The vast majority of people reading this won’t want to quit your job and make a living entirely online; that doesn’t mean you can’t play. Play on the side, learn some things, build some new hobbies and relationships. Give yourself an insurance plan if things don’t work out in your job, and a supercharger if they do. You never know when it might come in handy, or what new path you might discover.

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Rockets Over Jerusalem (5-10-21)

00:00 Dooovid joins to discuss Israel
41:10 Kenneth Brown on nationalism, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7bFDmBNBkw
46:00 Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters, https://www.wsj.com/articles/unsettled-review-theconsensus-on-climate-11619383653
50:40 Identity Politics Wins Big in the UK Elections, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq1KbhM_SPg
53:30 Rush Limbaugh – How Talk Radio Works, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELRmgJw8muw
57:30 Colin Liddell: Is Nick Fuentes Lying About His Flying Ban, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVbppPCTQgk
1:02:00 Talk: A Novel by Michael A. Smerconish, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=139199
1:09:00 Smerconish takes on Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxF_SN2-zyc
1:15:00 Australian media personality Mike Carlton writes in his 2018 autobiography about his six decade career, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=139194
1:18:00 Australian radio host and comic Richard Stubbs, https://radiogamechangers.com/richard-stubbs/
1:32:20 Richard Spencer on American downward social mobility
1:42:00 Matt Forney talks to Joseph Cotto on the future of the internet, https://rumble.com/vgl80x-matt-forney-on-vaccine-passports-chauvins-conviction-more.html
1:44:40 IS MELINDA DIVORCING BILL GATES OVER JEFFREY EPSTEIN?, https://www.bitchute.com/video/aByeE08e7jGQ/
1:49:20 Hillary Clinton fears the Philippines might become a ‘subject of China’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYbIc12rZNM
1:51:10 Matt Christman on USA v China, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izhK03bEk8k
2:02:40 Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIANLddo-ec
2:09:30 Rational optimism (Matt Ridley, Steven Pinker, Bjorn Lomborg, etc)
2:11:30 Why Hitler Lost WWII (In a Nutshell), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjgW5AWOJ2U
2:15:00 Hobby vs business
2:20:00 How A White Supremacist Infiltrated The Military, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhn2MUWy9JQ
2:26:20 Sargon of Akkad reminds you that Youtube is not a job
2:44:10 Tucker Carlson on Nicholas Wade’s essay on the origins of Covid-19

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