Big Jews Vs Little Jews

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Making Friends, Losing Friends, And Balance Theory

I might not have the normal person’s access to feelings. I fear getting flooded by empathy, and so I usually stay behind a hard cynical exterior, and I keep most people at arm’s length.

This will sound weird, but I haven’t felt a thing about the attacks on Israel. I think I’m still in shock and I am protecting myself by staying in analytic mode.

As I go through life, I make friends and I lose friends.

I love making friends and I hate losing friends. I admire those who keep friends. Dennis Prager, for example, says he has never lost a friend.

That astounds me. That indicts me. How do you do that? I guess you can’t change much.

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. All of my friends were Adventists. If we weren’t united by our Adventism, we wouldn’t have had much of a chance to meet each other. Isn’t this how most people meet and bond? They have something in common. But if the things we bond over disappear, does that not strain or dissolve the friendship? Stephen Turner noted in his 2021 essay, “Ideology of Anti-populism & the Administrative State”: “Unstable triads are mythogenic: making sense of their relations requires fictions, or myths, which legitimate arrangements, and these may temporarily stabilize what is inherently unstable.”

I’m constantly changing and as a result I’m constantly shedding friends. I don’t know how it could be otherwise for people who change. When you shift your job, your profession, your home, your house of worship, your gym, your book club, how could you not shift friends in the process? Many of my friends are married with kids and don’t have much spare time. If we did not share something such as a synagogue, profession, gym, or job, we wouldn’t see each other and our friendship would wither.

In 2009 and 2010, I went to kundalini yoga frequently (2-5x a week). I wanted to get my money’s worth from my annual $1,000 pass for unlimited yoga. Because I wouldn’t take teacher training and go deeper into the 3HO (Happy, Healthy, Holy) cult, I couldn’t advance most of my friendships at yoga. On the other hand, as a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I couldn’t stay at kundalini yoga as I discovered that many Orthodox rabbis declared it idolatry. Not wanting to rock the boat in my religious community, I dropped out of this yoga and I dropped some friends in the process.

This is a typical story for me. I join something, enjoy it, and then move on. In the process, I initially gain friends and then later lose them.

The less you have in common with your friends, the less of a friendship you have. When I converted to Judaism, the non-Jewish friends I grew up with generally felt I was rejecting them. When I became an Orthodox Jew, many of my non-Orthodox friendships weakened. When I had an entire social circle around Dennis Prager, and then I alienated Prager by my blogging, I lost all those friends. By all, I mean every single one (though one came back in an attenuated fashion about a decade later).

I have an online-only friend in Ricardo. For months, however, we hated each other because of disagreements over politics. The only road back for our friendship was our shared love of the Dallas Cowboys. If we didn’t have this team, we wouldn’t talk. Upon such trivial bases, some friendships endure.

According to Wikipedia:

In the psychology of motivation, balance theory is a theory of attitude change, proposed by Fritz Heider. It conceptualizes the cognitive consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance. The consistency motive is the urge to maintain one’s values and beliefs over time. Heider proposed that “sentiment” or liking relationships are balanced if the affect valence in a system multiplies out to a positive result.

In his 2015 paper, Shifting identification: A theory of apologies and pseudo-apologies, professor Joshua Bentley wrote:

People identify with each other and act collectively because they have common beliefs, goals, concerns, or enemies. For instance, people who vote for a political party or cheer for a particular sports team do so because they identify somehow with that party or team. Although people naturally strive for identification, Burke (1969) also wrote, “one need not scrutinize the concept of ‘identification’ very sharply to see, implied in it at every turn, its ironic counterpart: division” (p. 23). Identification implies division because if people were not separated from one another they would have no reason to seek identification. At the same time, when people do identify with certain groups or ideas, they inevitably reject or dissociate themselves from other groups or ideas. In the United States, for example, identifying with the Republican Party means separating oneself from the Democratic Party…

…attitudes toward people and objects influence each other. Heider proposed a model in which a person (P) and some other person (O) both hold opinions about an object, idea, or event (X). In Heider’s P–O–X model, the opinions of P and O toward X and toward each other can be either positive or negative. People feel a mental imbalance when they disagree with others whom they like or respect. Thus, people feel cognitive pressure to agree with their friends’ opinions.

…people use rhetoric to overcome their divisions. Relationships between people lead them to care about one another’s opinions and attitudes. People tend to prefer agreement over disagreement, and if a disagreement does arise, people may try to achieve symmetry (i.e., cognitive balance) either by coming to agreement on that issue or by changing the way they feel about each other. In some cases, people also agree to disagree, but Newcomb was skeptical of such resolutions, calling them “relatively stressful states of equilibrium” (1953, p. 401). To understand balance theory and the co-orientation process, imagine two friends who like the same song. They experience cognitive balance (at least in this respect) because their orientation toward a common object is the same. However, if one friend likes the song and the other dislikes it, each friend will experience a degree of cognitive imbalance and feel pressure to resolve the disagreement. They may attempt to change one another’s mind. If either friend is successful at this attempt, balance will be restored. If not, the friends may change their opinion of each other (e.g., they may have less respect for the other’s musical taste). The more serious a disagreement is, the more strain it puts on a relationship…

When two people identify with each other they can achieve cognitive balance by either identifying with or dissociating from a common object (another person, an idea, an action, etc.). By contrast, when one person seeks to identify with an object and the other person seeks to dissociate from that object, those two people cannot identify with each other without creating an imbalance. The tension they feel will exert pressure on them to change their identification with the object or with each other.

When Dennis Prager says he has never lost a friend, he’s either transcended the fragility of the normal human condition or he’s self-deceived or he’s lying or he’s immune to growth or some combination of these four possibilities.

I wonder if early in his life Dennis Prager realized that he could succeed with a particular shtick and then he never grew above it because the rewards of sounding profound were too profound to consider alternatives.

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The Best Of 2015

I was looking at some of my 2015 Facebook posts and I enjoyed these:

* I’m asking a representative sample of different groups, “Do you have any pictures of your sister?” and I will be charting their reactions. Which group do you think would react most negatively to such a question and what does that mean?

* I put on my CPAP, got under the covers and then started snorting and spitting when I imagined myself saying to my latin friend, “Do you have any pictures of your sisters? I’m sure they’re very pretty like you.”

* Note to self: Never ask your boss if his mother was able to find sparks with his step-dad.

* I said to this latino guy at work, “How’s your sister?” And he got all ticked off like I was about to suggest something immoral.

* I’m compiling a list of my biggest wins in 2015 and would appreciate your suggestions.

* Friend: “Dude what are you on now, your sputtering out stuff like a broken fire hydrant. It’s like your mouth is ejaculating after ODing on Viagra!”

* Friend: “If you would just treat your mouth like your penis, maybe you could finally restrain your inappropriate words.”

* It just takes more willpower than I’ve got these days to suppress the phrase “queer with AIDS” as in, “Sure, if I were a queer with AIDS, I’d be glad to help you with that.”

* The only way I find to get through prosaic tasks is by wondering which groups I would vote off the island in which order.

* I drive people crazy by making jokes when they’re in no mood for humor. Please pray for me that I learn self-restraint.

* If you can’t be a good example when you’re posting on Facebook, be a very loud warning.

* When dudes tell me they’re on paternity leave, I want to buy them a dress.

* A man was wondering what to do with his kids today. I wanted to suggest a visit to Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch.

* It’s a never-ending battle to reduce unwanted notifications from Facebook. Why would I care if I somebody posted to some stupid group that somebody joined me to?

* Readers perplexed by scriptural difficulties or social problems are encouraged to submit their inquiries in the comments.

* I long for the chastity of the 1950s when the future Mrs. John LeCarre would write in her diary: “I have decided that in future I will let D touch my breasts, but nothing more.”

* When Talmud class becomes too difficult, I drift off to fantasies that some prestigious group will invite me to speak to them about my life. Then I deliver the whole speech in my head and an hour later, Talmud class is finished.

* Friend: “My mind may not be a less corrupt or vulgar than yours. But, my FFB upbringing gave me the filters and forethought not to share what’s not acceptable with the wrong people, whereas your deep honesty makes you share EVERYTHING that goes on in your rebellious head, and separates us as people.”

* I went to the physical therapist today for my tight hamstrings.
PT: “So what do you do?”
Luke: “I teach freedom of movement.”

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The Drums Of War (10-10-23)

01:00 Israel vs Hamas,
05:00 Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children died as a result of American sanctions,
10:00 What Makes A Great Pundit?,
22:00 New Yorker: Jake Sullivan’s Trial by Combat: Inside the White House’s battle to keep Ukraine in the fight,
25:00 What is your favorite Sunni civilization?
44:00 Baked Alaska is struggling, live streaming makes him sick
57:00 NBC News: Michael Benz, a conservative crusader against online censorship, appears to have a secret history as an alt-right persona,
54:00 Frame Game Radio FALLOUT,
59:00 The Halsey Question: What happened to the Halsey bucks?
1:05:00 Where can Gazans flee?
1:07:00 Frame Game portrayed himself as a Jew revealing the secrets of the Jews
1:08:00 Frame Game & Big Kat Kayla
1:09:00 The based Jew vs Norvin, the optics disaster
1:10:00 Frame Game: I’m here to help Norvin
1:11:00 Richard Spencer used Brundle to talk to Frame Game in June 2018
1:15:20 When Luke muted Brundlefly and Dooovid in June 2018 for Frame Game, and then Dooovid flamed Luke in the chat
1:20:00 The Halsey Question
1:25:00 Richard Spencer doxxed Frame Game Radio in 2018,

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Mama JF Missing

Smiling Arab writes:

Luke, I am pleased to share with you one of the most shocking discoveries of the 21st century. I won’t fuck around with you here for I believe I have, at long last, identified the origins of Big Foot.

I am a bit of an outdoorsman, Luke. For many years I was troubled by an encounter with the beast known as Sasquatch – the mighty “Swamp Ape” of southern climes, or the terrible predator of chickens and small Mexican boys, “Chupacabra.”

Some years ago, I was with some friends on a hunting expedition in the woods, maybe a mile off from the nearest trail marker. This was bear country, and we were prepared both with our firearms and by taking precautions to tie our food into the branches of a nearby oak. Yet what throws off the scent of the grizzly seems to only arouse the sensations of Sasquatch, which broke into our camp shortly before midnight on the third day of the expedition.

We had heard some mild rustling. “Perhaps a rabbit,” my friend said. “Or perhaps a crazy bitch running from her family obligations!” another chided. But broken sticks and the rustling of a large-hoofed beast in the brush made me think something larger was afoot. And approaching.

Suddenly, there I was: eye to eye with the great beast, the mighty Sasquatch! It seemed remarkably human, with a large beak with nostrils flaring until they were the size of silver dollars. It had curly brown hair, but was so covered in dirt and foul-smelling mick that I was unable to discern its shape.

But what I remember most was its call. The sound of its bellow haunts me to this day.

“ALO WAA ES JA EFF” it cried. It was a peculiar roar, as if it had swallowed its tongue or a toy which would present a hazard to a small and simple-minded person. “JA EFF!” it screamed. “ALOG JAY EFF!”

Luke, as you know I am something of a “man’s man.” I have pleased women on many continents and have kept oil painting representations of some of them. But I tell you, face-to-face with this creature, I evacuated my bowels and bladder simultaneously. I screamed like a little girl at the horror, the unscientific abomination that stood before me.

Perhaps it was the sensation of hot urine and steaming feces running down my legs that forced me back to my senses. I unholstered my sidearm kept close by at all times against the threat of bears. The beast took another step and I fired. I fired again. Five bullets I emptied into this monster. The bullets seemed to do nothing. In silent horror with my companions I watched as Sasquatch pawed through our camp, fleeing with a bottle of brandy kept for medicinal purposes and a bag of scones. Also a slinkie, a child’s toy one of my companions brought for his own amusement, but which seemed to fascinate this savage’s child-like mind.

The evening haunted me. For years I have dedicated a share of my family’s considerable fortune and exhausted our extensive network of connections to researching the truth of these creatures that have preyed upon lone backpackers and wounded travelers for centuries.

Only now, listening to the extensive video testimony of noted scholar JF Gariepy (PhD, Bitchute) did the final piece fall into place: the origins of the Beast-Man haunting North America, the story of Big Foot! Sasquatch is not a missing link, a lone survivor, a shed skin from our genetic history. No, the monsters of the woods are just one of the MANY women who abandon their families and go out to live in the wilds by themselves with no money, source of communication or supplies beyond a “small stool for sitting next to fires.” The woods are now filled with these wild creatures who departed from civilized society. Perhaps the incoherent, babbling dinosaur rawr of the Sasquatch from my own encounter was even “Mama JF” herself, during one of her “earlier survivalist adventures.” A caring mother, sensitive artist, “high IQ housewife” who has “gone to Croatan” indeed!

Thank you Luke for inadvertently making this final connection for me. I close here with the words of our distant cousin: “ALOG WAA ES JA EFF” to you, to the brave fighters for Palestine and venceremos to all lovers of knowledge and students of the devolutionary phenotype worldwide.

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