America Will Dominate The 21st Century More Than It Dominated The 20th (2-4-21)

00:00 Why are dissident right streamers down on America?
03:00 Law as enforced vs law on the books,
08:00 The case for holding (NFL not enforcing laws against it),
15:50 “The Future of the Liberal International Order” with John Ikenberry and John Mearsheimer,
18:00 Woman does Dance Workout During Myanmar Military Coup
21:00 Roundtable on ‘Unrivaled: Why America will remain the world’s sole superpower’,
34:00 Do you want to appeal to the best in people or the worst?
39:00 Why Do People Believe In Conspiracy Theories?,
43:00 Why This Could Be an Illiberal American Century,
1:08:00 Keith Woods: WallStreetBets, Anarcho-Populism And Collapse,
1:15:40 Why our enemies support dissidents (Fuentes, Enoch, Striker, etc.) and vice versa,
1:24:00 We choose what we focus on
2:37:00 ABC Australia Day/Invasion Day Bungle
2:42:00 The internet rewired our brains,
2:59 Abide With Me,

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Gamestop and the Revenge of the Elites (2-3-21)

00:00 Babs joins
04:00 Gamestop and the elites
30:00 Deepfake Jordan Peterson audiobook,
41:00 Hunter Wallace and Matthew Heimbach join Marcus Cicero and Billy to discuss the Capitol Siege,
47:20 Nick Fuentes on buying stocks to screw the system
52:00 The Bigger Short – The Dave Portnoy Show: Dave and Eddie chat with famous short seller Marc Cohodes about the meme stock revolution.
1:07:00 Angelo John Gage says he can’t be stopped,
1:12:00 Are Private Messaging Apps the Next Misinformation Hot Spot?,
1:17:00 Matt Heimbach: Don’t expect cops to protect you
1:20:30 DJ Axle: Christopher Cantwell,
1:23:00 Bang Bus, Alt Right Edition
1:31:00 Waltzing Matilda,
1:41:20 Owen Benjamin vs Nick Fuentes,
1:46:00 David Sacks: GameStop was a warning: Elites are weaponizing censorship to keep the outsiders out,
2:03:50 Pastor Rick Wiles interviews Andrew Torba of,
2:12:45 Brother Nathaniel on Texit,
2:14:15 The Hapa Perspective: The woke “social justice” left doesn’t care about Asian men. Expose their fraud: win the culture war,
2:17:10 Texas v Pennsylvania,
2:27:50 Unpopular Opinions, Part 146: 300,000 Hong Kongers Can’t Be Wrong,
2:32:40 Philosopher John Gray on social media censorship Donald Trump,
2:38:00 Why professional athletes and Olympians struggle with life after sport,
2:52:20 Coming to terms with your emotions,
2:55:00 Robin Williams does the Australian Accent
3:20:00 Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell,
3:45:30 Andy Ngo’s new book on Antifa
3:49:00 Redbar: Mikhaila Peterson’s $600 Meat Scheme! Jordan Peterson’s Daughter Caught in Carnivore Diet Scam?
4:02:00 Owen Benjamin on Mikhaila Peterson,
4:14:45 Roosh tells Owen he wants to get married,
4:35:00 Say It With Feeling: Megastars, Media Tsars, Trailblazing TV: Memoirs of a Prime Time Warrior,
4:46:00 The Tyranny of Distance: How Distance Shaped Australian History,

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I Want My Streaming To Complement My Life

Luke talks to Babylonian Hebrew about creating live streams that work with your life rather than against it.

Luke discusses this Four Corners documentary: Why professional athletes and Olympians struggle with life after sport:

My Age of Treason debate,

Non-native eucalyptus and biodiversity,


Luke’s brief acting career in 1995/1996.

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Times: Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell

I thought this profile was fair, but the Petersons did not appreciate it.

From the Times of London:

The superstar psychologist, scourge of snowflakes, and his daughter, Mikhaila, explain how he unravelled — and their bizarre journey to find a cure…

I thought this was going to be a normal interview with Jordan Peterson. After speaking with him at length, and with his daughter for even longer, I no longer have any idea what it is. I don’t know if this is a story about drug dependency, or doctors, or Peterson family dynamics — or a parable about toxic masculinity. Whatever else it is, it’s very strange…

If his rise to fame was dramatic, what has happened since he disappeared from public view 18 months ago sounds fantastical — in his daughter’s words it is “like a horror movie”. A movie in which her father gets hooked on benzodiazepines, becomes suicidal, is hospitalised for his own safety and then diagnosed with schizophrenia. Against his doctors’ advice she flies him to Russia to be placed in an induced coma. He emerges delirious, unable to walk, and ricochets from one rehab centre to another, ending up in a Serbian clinic where he contracts Covid-19. Back home in Canada at last, from where he speaks to me earlier this month, he breaks down in floods of tears and has to leave the room. When I ask if he feels angry with himself for taking benzodiazepines, his daughter jumps in, arms waving — “Hold on, hold on!” — and tries to bring the interview to a close.

If this was a movie, its director would unquestionably be the 28-year-old Mikhaila Peterson, CEO of her father’s company. She and her Russian husband appear to have assumed full charge of his affairs, so before I am allowed to speak to him I must first talk to her. Unrecognisable from the ordinary-looking brunette from photos just a few years ago, Mikhaila today is a glossy, pouting Barbie blonde, and talks with the zealous, spiky conviction of a President Trump press spokeswoman.

A friend says:

Jordan Peterson is nihilism 101. There is no lesson. So had Jordan not achieved the wealth from a fatuous message delivered beautifully and got depressed, hooked on benzos while relying on his teaching/clinical job, he’d be up the creek. Just another guy who ‘failed at life.’ There is no lesson here. Some win some lose. ‘All men are deceitful’–Psalms
And I consider myself a fan of his. I enjoy his classroom lectures immensely. I do know that I lost more respect for him tweeting that Kavanaugh should voluntarily withdraw from nomination to SCOTUS because of unsubstantiated accusation, than I did for his benzo addiction/ cover up, daughter wackiness in speaking on his behalf. The latter is a personal issue, the former an issue of principle. Although to build a career on personal responsibility while getting hooked on benzos and first covering it up, might be principle issue as well.
As a nihilist though I know that we value people not on principle but on their charm/likability, as much as we then like to translate basic charm/appearance into some virtue to convince ourselves morality not likability guide us when it does not.
We don’t get attracted to the virtues of a fat chick. (Virgil)

On his blog, Jordan publishes his email to an editor of the Times:

Dear Ms. Agnew:

I reread this polite, positive, and hopeful interview request letter of today after the promised Sunday Times piece on my daughter and I was published.

I can’t help but be struck by the vast gap between what was offered and the resulting interview, which no reasonable reader could possibly consider “celebrating (!) my life and career so far” (as indicated by an overwhelming majority of the readers of this piece, at least as indicated by their public comments, already numbering in the hundreds). In consequence, I have decided to write you and ask you for your opinion on what has happened as a consequence of your invitation.

The words you chose in your invitation – for example, “hoping that he is doing better,””such an exhausting, uncompromising virus,””it must be an incredibly stressful time for you all,””when the time feels right” were couched in such markedly friendly and supportive language that I allowed myself to trust the Times to deliver the story in the manner you proposed. I believed in good faith that my life and career as well as my health would be discussed fairly and without prejudice. My editors and publishers at Penguin Random House evinced the same faith, relying on their belief in the integrity of your paper.

I do not think that it is mere thin-skinned sensitivity on my part to believe that I would have fared no worse had I discussed my affairs with an avowed enemy. And what was done to my daughter–who uprooted her husband and small daughter more than a dozen times to accompany and care for me in four countries in the last year while simultaneously dealing with her own severe health issues (skeptically described by your author) and the near death of her mother–was brutally unfair, callous and cold. Her illness, thoroughly documented over multiple years at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, resulted in the shattering and painful disintegration of her right hip and left ankle and their surgical replacement of both before she was seventeen. She had 38 joints afflicted with degenerative arthritis, suffering from one of the most severe cases of juvenile RA her attending physicians had ever encountered. Her prognosis at age eight was continual, multiple joint replacements if exactly the sort that eventually occurred. In her teenage years, she walked around on what were essentially two broken legs for more than a year while we arranged for corrective surgeries, whole her mother and I desperately searched for medical expertise across many countries. And she managed to stay in school and forged forwards unstoppably despite all that. There is simply no excuse for Aikenhead to imply that the reality of all this is somehow questionable, as she clearly did when she opened her discussion of Mikhaila’s illness with the words “according to her website.” No. Not “according to her website,” with the sly intimation of falsehood hinted at by such phrasing. Actually. In painful reality. Over many long years and immediately verifiable – or not – by a simple request to the medical authorities involved.

I am frankly stunned by the degree of sheer cruelty and spite manifested by your journalist, Decca Aitkenhead and by the degree of misrepresentation (if that’s what it was) necessary to entice me into speaking as I did with her, with no intention on my part other than to answer the questions she put to me as clearly and honestly as my deeply flawed self could manage. Given the manner in which you crafted your invitation to me, I can’t understand how you can in good conscience accept what transpired.


Dr Jordan B Peterson

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Why Do People Believe In Conspiracy Theories?

Thomas Edsall writes for the New York Times:

* “people are attracted to conspiracy theories when important psychological needs are not being met.” She identified three such needs: “the need for knowledge and certainty”; the “existential need” to “to feel safe and secure” when “powerless and scared”; and, among those high in narcissism, the “need to feel unique compared to others.”

* Conspiracy theories seduce not so much through the power of argument, but through the intensity of the passions that they stir. Underpinning conspiracy theories are feelings of resentment, indignation and disenchantment about the world. They are stories about good and evil, as much as about what is true.

* the Trump movement can be seen as populist, meaning that this movement espouses a worldview that sees society as a struggle between ‘the corrupt elites’ versus the people. This in and of itself predisposes people to conspiracy thinking. But there are also other factors. For instance, the Trump movement appears heavily fear-based, is highly nationalistic, and endorses relatively simple solutions for complex problems. All of these factors are known to feed into conspiracy thinking.

* Conspiracy theories are essentially alarm systems and coping mechanisms to help deal with foreign threat and domestic power centers. Thus, they tend to resonate when groups are suffering from loss, weakness or disunity.

* People are more likely to endorse conspiracy theories that make their political rivals look bad when they are on the losing side of politics than when they are on the winning side, regardless of ideology/partisanship.

* Throughout his presidency, Miller wrote, former President Trump pretty much governed as a “loser.” He continued to insist that he would’ve won the popular vote in 2016 had it not been for widespread election fraud. So it’s not surprising, given Trump’s rhetoric, that Republicans during the Trump presidency were more likely to endorse conspiracy theories than we’d have expected them to, given that they were on the winning side.

* QAnon followers are, in a sense, extremists both politically (e.g., wanting to overthrow the U.S. government) and psychologically (e.g., exhibiting many antisocial personality traits).

* As polarization increases, tensions between political parties and other groups rise, and people are more willing to construct and believe in fantastical ideas that either malign out-groups (e.g., “Democrats are Satan-worshipping pedophiles”) or bolster the in-group (e.g., ‘we only lost because you cheated’). Conspiracy theories, in turn, raise the temperature of polarization and make it more difficult for people from different partisan and ideological camps to have fact-based discussions about political matters, even those that are in critical need of immediate attention.

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