If you hurt yourself, others will hurt you

Shakti Gawain wrote:

If you judge and criticize yourself, other will judge and criticize you.

If you hurt yourself, others will hurt you.

If you lie to yourself, others will lie to you.

If you are irresponsible to yourself, others will be irresponsible in relation to you.

If you blame yourself, others will blame you.

If you do violence to yourself emotionally, others will do violence to you emotionally or even physically.

If you don’t listen to your own feelings, no one will listen to your feelings.

If you love yourself, others will love you.

If you trust yourself, others will trust you.

If your honest with yourself, others will be honest with you.

If you are gentle and compassionate with yourself, others will treat with you with compassion.

If you appreciate yourself, others will appreciate you.

If you honor yourself, others will honor you.

If you enjoy yourself, other will enjoy you.

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Why didn’t Burning Man go to hell? (9-5-23)

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Is There A Devil?

Judaism does not believe in any supernatural power outside of God. So, no, Judaism does not believe in a devil. Dennis Prager, however, is agnostic on this question.

In his September 4, 2023 show with Julie Hartman, Dennis said: “You are blessed and cursed… All blessings come with curses… You will always have allies but you will be fighting somewhat alone. You love truth. That means you will be alone. People don’t want to be alone and the greatest price paid is truth if you don’t want to stick out. I’m speaking autobiographically. I am blessed because I have so many people in my corner but I have an equal number of people who hate my guts. It’s odd. All I’ve done in my life is preach goodness. Why am I so hated? A lot of people are not interested in goodness.”

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Decoding #BanTheADL (9-4-23)

01:00 History Speaks: Discussion on the #BantheADL movement and the support of @elonmusk and conservative influencers for it. https://twitter.com/History__Speaks/status/1698156893439467984
05:00 Nathan Cofnas on the ADL, https://quillette.com/2017/05/22/accusations-lose-bite/
08:00 Cofnas on the ADL, https://twitter.com/nathancofnas/status/1698114360176996451
50:00 FT: Trump’s status as an anti-hero is making him unstoppable, https://www.ft.com/content/a1d5af1e-8de9-4798-bbd4-1a69e4382741
51:00 Trump is funny, https://www.ft.com/content/68892c3d-f839-425e-842d-6da860483998
1:02:00 Week in Review 9-3-23 More Cognitive Architectures, Reverse Anthropomorphisms, Algorithms & Ricardo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcJ4vG-eR1E
1:04:00 The intense emotions of Alt Hyp
1:16:30 Intelligence: Past, Present, Future | Charles Murray & Helmuth Nyborg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94PSG0hfxr4
1:18:20 Is the multi-racial society doomed?
1:28:00 America is not holding you back from forming a community
1:35:30 Eric Kaufmann, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Kaufmann
1:41:00 Diversity breeding threats to democracy from the far right and the far left
1:48:20 Charles Murray On Human Diversity | Basing Social Science on Scientific Evidence, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbvZQTvw2JA
Charles Murray, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbvZQTvw2JA
Charles Murray on diversity, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbvZQTvw2JA

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The Art of Living Consciously: The Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday Life

Nathaniel Branden wrote:

In my early forties, I decided I wanted to experience a form of body therapy known as structural integration (or, more popularly, “Rolfing,” after the originator of the method, Ida Rolf). This process involves deep massage and manipulation of the muscle fasciae to realign the body in more appropriate relation to gravity, to correct imbalances caused by entrenched muscular contractions, and to open areas of blocked feeling and energy. When treatment is successful, it leads to a general freeing up of the capacity to feel, greater awareness of and sensitivity to one’s own physical processes, improved overall coordination, superior balance, and increased energy. Not everyone gains these benefits to the same degree (or at all), but for me it was very much the right treatment at the right time in my development. I felt lighter than I had in years. I experienced a general deepening of self-awareness. I felt freer emotionally. I felt as if walls within myself had dissolved. And I had more energy. I was not surprised that I felt better. What did surprise me-what I was completely unprepared for was the change in my perceptiveness concerning other people.

During this period I was leading a number of psychotherapy groups, and my clients volunteered that they could notice changes in me week by week as the Rolfing progressed. I had had very little formal training in working with the body in psychotherapy, yet I found I was now able to “read” bodies to a new and astonishing degree. Slight changes in facial expression or eye movements, shifts of posture, subtle variations in ways of standing or sitting, changes of skin color, alterations in breathing patterns all suddenly seemed to convey volumes of information to me as clearly as articulate speech. It was as if, in becoming more transparent to myself, I had shifted to a space that allowed others to become more transparent to me.

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