NYT: ‘Pandemic Fuels Surge In U.S. Guns Sales’

I don’t think the pandemic fueled gun sales. It was the violence surge initiated by BLM/Antifa that has led to this.

America did not have a surge in murders until after the George Floyd death on May 25 and accompanying protest movement. Prior to that, crime was stable.

New York Times:

“There is a breakdown in trust and a breakdown in a shared, common reality,” said Lilliana Mason, a political scientist at the University of Maryland who writes about political violence. “There is also all this social change, and social change is scary.”

…Sales did not change much under former President Donald J. Trump, but they exploded in 2020, up by 64 percent from the previous year. The single highest month last year was in June, as protests swept across the country after the murder of George Floyd.

…But while research has shown that higher gun prevalence is associated with a higher rate of gun deaths — including suicide — the question of whether a sudden surge in gun sales prompts a corresponding rise in gun violence does not have a clear answer…

Violent gun death rates in the state dropped by about half from 1989 to 2019, said David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, compared to a 13 percent drop for the nation.

Gary Kleck, a professor of criminology at Florida State University, said laws were often less effective than gun control advocates say. He said controls that targeted high-risk individuals, like mentally ill people, seemed to work better than those that sought to prevent young people from buying guns. Mass shootings, he said, were the least likely type of violence that laws would be effective against.

I suspect gun deaths dropped in California for reasons of changing demographics (fewer young people) and tougher sentences for criminals (three strikes law).

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Just Be Yourself (5-30-21)

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Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World (5-28-21)

00:00 My 55th birthday
03:00 Disunited Nations 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuwVaUntpNQ
06:00 The Inflating of Fears, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwzU9MxmGy4
09:00 Life After Trump – China, https://us11.campaign-archive.com/?u=de2bc41f8324e6955ef65e0c9&id=bba991dfd7
27:00 Emotional Energy Levels, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdga_AHBGv4
33:00 Who won the great debate? Nick Fuentes or Robert Barnes?
37:00 Whiteshift by Eric Kaufmann: A Video Review, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R6MQVW35DU
41:00 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
44:30 Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: My Story, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQr8Gu4WImg
49:00 “Sleep Disorders in Ehlers-Danlos and Related Syndromes: A Panoply of Paradoxes” – Alan Pocinki, MD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr6Iv8_NVOw
54:20 Barricade Garage: “PLEASE SATISFY MY WHITENESS”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_IYNt79XIM
57:20 Opie & Anthony Was A Place For Men, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r3P47R6sAg
59:20 Robert Barnes says Nick Fuentes hates Jews
1:00:10 Every Dr. Fauci Interview
1:01:50 Jewish matchmaking
1:04:00 The Opie & Anthony Show – Anthony “Dice” Seinfeld
1:06:45 Jewish girl prank calls her parents on Z100
1:11:00 Vaush Reacts To A MASK OFF “Pro-White Europe” Video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N9UILCQ53A
1:15:00 What if there is no such thing as character?, https://medium.com/stoicism-philosophy-as-a-way-of-life/what-if-there-is-no-such-thing-as-character-f71f02a75f02
1:19:00 Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=139670
1:24:00 Empirical approaches to moral philosophy, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-character-empirical/
1:32:00 The Accidental Superpower: The Next Generation of American Preeminence and the Coming Global Disorder, https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/your-book-review-the-accidental-superpower
1:40:20 Israel is a Giant Machine for Generating Anti-Semitism, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpurS8LyuLI
1:44:30 Fat acceptance
1:48:10 The Psychology of Israel and Palestine | Jordan B Peterson
1:55:00 Pilleater: An Introduction to Al Stankard (HAarlem VEnison), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NcKRIWrIMc
1:56:30 Tucker Carlson on the Left’s war on science

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Addicted To Livestreams

From this 2021 paper:

* Indian users spend eight hours on various live streaming platforms, which is far more than the average six-hour trend globally (Ganjoo, 2018). These trends are visible on a regular basis. Recently, an incident was reported in India regarding a 26-year-old man who sought medical help to control his heavy viewing of streaming videos. He admitted that he used to watch streaming videos on an average 12 hours a day to avoid his unemployment issue and family pressure (Ganjoo, 2018).

* Four hours or more of viewing every day is defined as heavy viewing and may interfere with real-life relationships…

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Jewish Matchmaking

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