Is Ron Klain the real president? (12-31-21)

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Republicans Are Surging Thanks To The Culture Wars (12-30-21)

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Walkabout Guru: Decoding Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink & Life After Youtube (12-29-21)

00:00 Bullshido,
04:00 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss office work vs blue collar work
18:30 Elliott’s gambling joy
1:11:30 Some people attract tales of woe
1:18:00 Real estate websites don’t include crime data from property listings due to ‘racial bias’,
1:20:00 Phrost describes himself as “the world’s most dangeous nerd”
1:22:00 Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe,
1:47:20 Decoding Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink,
1:49:30 No audio for a minute
2:09:00 Where I disagree with the Decoding the Gurus hosts
2:18:00 Dave Rubin’s Battle of Ideas: Stefan Molyneux,

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Haredi children’s author Chaim Walder kills himself (12-28-21)

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Shabbat On Christmas (12-26-21)

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