WP: You’re at the final exam and never attended class. It’s that dream again.

I have this recurring nightmare. I’ve had it since high school.

I’m somebody who rarely is late or misses an appointment. I once forgot a lunch with a friend back in 2001. I don’t think I’ve done that since. I do not react well when I suffer from other people’s carelessness. I have never borrowed a book or other object without returning it.

UPDATE: After writing this blog post, I had a nightmare that I showed up to a bar mitzvah on Shabbos morning wearing old shorts and a ratty t-shirt and had to say stay outside and look stupid the whole time.

Washington Post:

“I think those who have it tend to be professional and were successful students,” says Judy Willis, a neurologist and teacher who lives in Santa Barbara, Calif., and who wrote about the dream in a 2009 Psychology Today blog post. “These are people who have demanded a high performance from themselves. The recurrence of the dream correlates with times of stress and pressure, when people feel they have a challenge to achieve.’’

Gemma Marangoni Ainslie, an Austin psychoanalyst, agrees. The final exam, she says, “is likely representative of an occasion when the dreamer feels he or she will be tested or measured, and the anxiety is about not measuring up. The dreamer’s task in ‘awake life’ is to translate the final exam to a situation he or she is facing that stirs up concerns about potential failure.”

But why school? Why don’t we dream about current pressures — grant proposals that are due, impending legal briefs or oral arguments, or newspaper deadlines?

“Emotional memories and impressions made during high-stress experiences are particularly strong, and are further strengthened each time they are recalled and become the place the brain goes when the emotion is evoked,” Willis wrote in an email. “Since each new stress in the current day is ‘new,’ there is not a strong memory circuit that would hook to it in a dream. But there is that strong neural network of previous, similar ‘achievement’ stress. Since tests are the highest stressors. . . [it] makes sense as the ‘go-to’ memory when stressed about something equally high stakes in the ‘now.’ ’’

Ainslie theorizes that most of us have these dreams “as an attempt to disguise what it’s really about,” she says. “The part of yourself that is distressed wants to disguise it, and the easiest way to disguise it is to move backwards.”

Ainslie says the school dream is a common one, although it’s not the only one that reflects anxiety. “Another common one is being in a car and not being able to put the brakes on,” she says. “This one isn’t about not measuring up. It’s about not being in control, a matter of not being the driver in your life.”

Alma Bond, a retired New York psychoanalyst and writer, describes the school dream as a response to “an unconscious memory of an experience for which we were totally unprepared,” adding that it’s possible “we unconsciously remember a time when we did fail some test or other, and are afraid we will repeat the failure.”

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What Forms Of Protest Are Allowed ToThe Palestinians?

Obviously violence is not permitted. And BDS is not permitted. Encouraging boycotts of Israel is not permitted. It is a hate crime (even though it is a normal process in democracies, such as the boycott of apartheid South Africa, but hey, you can’t use that normal process against my group, because we’re powerless, because Holocaust).

For decades, Jewish organizations complained that Palestinians did not pursue their cause through peaceful means. Then the Palestinians seized on BDS but now we find out that is illegitimate. So what are Palestinians allowed to do to further their cause? Asking for a friend.

If people want to advance the interests of Palestinians as against the Jewish state, what means are allowed to them in polite society?

Obviously, I find these questions ridiculous. Just as Jews used every possible means to establish the Jewish state, I expect Palestinians and every other people to use every means they find useful to pursue their own group interests.

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Who’s The Real Donald Trump?

Steve Sailer writes: Unlike Barack Obama in 2008, for whom we had a vast public record comprised of his hundreds of scholarly and popular articles on all topics imaginable, Donald Trump is a blank screen.

Where did Trump come from? What has he been doing for the last 35 years? What have been his views on the issues of his time? Why hasn’t he shared them with the public? Why haven’t late night comedians ever made any jokes about Trump?

We’ve only been allowed to see a few carefully scripted and focus tested glimpses of Trump under the most contrived circumstances, in which every single word he allows to escape from his mouth has first been run by teams of marketers, psychologists, and lawyers.

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Ben Shapiro Shifting Towards Trump?

Vox Day writes:



Ah, so “never” for varying values of the term. Well, rats only swarm a winning ship. This is just an early sign of the coming Trumpslide. Let’s all welcome (((Ben))) aboard the #TrumpTrain!


* “Typical Jew making his living as an ideologue on the “conservative” side.”

The only one I trust is Michael Savage. He’s been beating the Nationalist drum long before it was popular. I can remember him ranting about language,borders and culture all the ay back in 2003. Whether it was popular or not he’s remained surprisingly consistent these many years.

* Dummy Ben Shapiro. He threw away a Breitbart gig for #NeverTrump. What a dummy. Didn’t it occur to him that reason Breitbart was getting all the clicks is because that’s where the voters were?

Ah well, let’s see how it goes. I hope he doesn’t turn out like other johnny-come-latelies who used be #NeverTrump such as Mark Levin. Levin will say “Vote Trump” then spend the next 3 hours bitching about him. That’s not helping, and this is war.

* While I’m annoyed with his earlier behavior, if his apparent change of heart helps keep Clinton from being elected, I’m perfectly willing to welcome Ben Shapiro aboard for the duration of the campaign.

* Looks like he gets more retweets and likes with this new strategy. So I think he’ll stay the course for a good while.

Whatever it takes to keep crooked Hillary off the levers of power – so yeah, welcome back Mr. Shapiro.

* Who’s going to be surprised when Trump helps facilitate the rebuilding of the temple?

* His ethnicity alone should preclude him from having a public platform for his views. I guess he saw the polls and realized there wouldn’t be much audience for an anti-Trump pundit who will spend four years arguing for open borders, foreign wars and anti-racism while still pretending to be right wing. I suppose MSNBC will need token (((conservatives))) to come on and bash Trump. Otherwise, Benji may want to look into learning a respectable trade.

* Michael Savage was manning the barricades, taking heavy artillery, and keeping America’s flame alive while many on this blog were potty training. He routinely pays homage to the men he calls “Eddys,” who fought the wars and protected the country. He is unassailable in his love for America first, in my opinion.

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Excluding The High IQ

Polymath writes: “The probability of entering and remaining in an intellectually elite profession such as Physician, Judge, Professor, Scientist, Corporate Executive, etc. increases with IQ to about 133. It then falls about 1/3 by 140. By 150 IQ the probability has fallen by 97%! In other words, a significant percentage of people with IQs over 140 are being systematically and, most likely inappropriately, excluded from the population that addresses the biggest problems of our time or who are responsible for assuring the efficient operation of social, scientific, political and economic institutions. This benefits neither the excluded group nor society in general. For society, it is a horrendous waste of a very valuable resource. For the high IQ person it is a personal tragedy, commonly resulting in unrealized social, educational and productive potential.”

Vox Day comments: In other words, more than a few PhDs at elite universities are more than two standard deviations below me in IQ terms. And here I am supposed to be impressed by a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy of Language from a second-tier Midwestern university? In fact, given the ability of the Ilk and my Vile Faceless Minions to not only follow my lead in a disciplined manner but also correctly anticipate my intentions without having them explained, the evidence would tend to suggest that the mean intelligence of the regulars here is higher than the Cambridge faculty.

Based on my interactions with “intellectually elite professionals” this doesn’t shock me, although I’m a little surprised that both the mean and the ceiling as as low as they are.

So it should be no surprise that I’ve been “systematically and, most likely inappropriately, excluded” from the science fiction community, as its mean is probably around 1.5 standard deviations below the university professors. (Although in my estimation there are a few SF people with whom I have interacted who clearly have IQs over 139.) But in most instances, the intellectual gulf is simply too great.

Garth Zietsman has said, referring to people with D15IQs over 152, ‘A common experience with people in this category or higher is that they are not wanted – the masses (including the professional classes) find them an affront of some sort.’ While true, it is more likely a symptom than a cause of the exclusion. We need to understand why they are an affront.

I can tell him that. People who work very hard and spend years in order to climb to what they regard as the pinnacle of achievement actively resent those who can simply leap up to the peak. And because their knowledge is hard won, they tend to cling to it much more tenaciously than the more intelligent individual who is no more tied to one piece of information than the next. What makes it worse is that they cannot fathom that the more intelligent individuals do not think like they do.

Members of high IQ societies, especially those that require D15IQs above 145, often comment that around this IQ, qualitatively different thinking emerges. By this they mean that the 145+ D15IQ person doesn’t just do the same things, intellectually, as a lower IQ person, just faster and more accurately, but actually engages in fundamentally different intellectual processes.

I’ve been pointing this out for years, if you recall. But because I don’t think like the less intelligent, I am regularly labeled everything from stupid to racist. In my experience, the 150 IQ individual does not resent the individual with the 160 or the 175 IQ, and this may be because being above 145, we all tend to engage in similar thought processes, albeit with different capabilities. The 135 IQ individual dislikes and fears the 150+ individuals, while the 115 IQ individual either doesn’t believe the 150+ individuals exist or blithely insists that they are crazy.

That’s why I despise midwits. You simply can’t talk to them. They don’t even try to understand you, but instead move to disqualify you as fast as they can. I have much more sensible conversations with people in the 75 to 100 range than I do with most in the 105 to 120 range. The 125 to 140 crowd is okay as long as they don’t have an inferiority complex, but when they do, they’re the biggest annoyances of all.

People with D15IQs over 150 are effectively ‘The Excluded’, routinely finding their thoughts to be unconvincing in the public discourse and in productive environments. If placed in a leadership position, they will not succeed.

Now you know why I have such an allergy to being asked to lead in any way, shape, or form. In any event, this may be one of the more interesting aspects of Brainstorm (a reminder, there are 20 places left for the Wednesday session at 7:30 PM Eastern), as even those who aren’t +3SD or higher are, at least, open in principle to the wild and crazy thoughts being expressed by the higher intelligences. If we can figure out how to best harness a community of High IQ Excluded, we should be able to come up with more than a few interesting projects.

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