It Was A Mistake To Give Women The Vote

Chateau: The “Calais Jungle“, a decrepit third world outpost established in Calais, France by their traitorous elite and housing disgusting “””refugees”””, has a secret to divulge. (It’s not much of a secret to enlightened Chateau guests.)

Volunteers in the Calais Jungle have been accused of sexually exploiting refugees and even child migrants.

The Independent has discovered a serious row has broken out among some unpaid charity workers at the camp in northern France, with some believing forging sexual relationships with adult refugees is natural in such circumstances, while others say it breaches all usual codes of conduct.

Wait for the twist ending.

One man who raised the alarm was later subjected to a barrage of online abuse.

Have you guessed it yet?

The man wrote: “I have heard of boys, believed to be under the age of consent, having sex with volunteers. I have heard stories of men using the prostitutes in the Jungle too.

“I have heard of volunteers having sex with multiple partners in one day, only to carry on in the same vein the following day. And I know also, that I’m only hearing a small part of a wider scale of abuse.”

Sex with underage boys? Multiple migrant partners? Maybe you’re thinking this is a homosexual meeting place.

The man added that the majority of cases in question involved female volunteers and male refugees – which he claimed risked the objectification of women volunteering in the camp.

Bleeding heart (and bleeding bush) Frenchwomen are lining up to fuck the rapefugee dregs of humanity….in a romantic setting that looks like this:


Contrast: There are White beta males at this very moment paying for dinners and nights out in glittering cities to impress unenthusiastic dates, while women make pilgrimages to the Calais Sex Camp to volunteer as eager holsters for penniless, smelly migrant meatsticks. The Crimson Pills don’t get harder to swallow than that.

PS LMFAO at this revealing betaboy blurt:

He wrote: “Female volunteers having sex enforces the view (that many have) that volunteers are here for sex. This impression objectifies women in the camp and increases the risks.”

How cucked, craven, and pusillanimous do you have to be to reinterpret women’s freely choosing raw dog refugee sex as some nebulous patriarchal assault leaving an “impression” that “objectifies women”. NO DUH IT LEAVES AN IMPRESSION. Just not the impression that this micropeen of a male thinks it leaves.

His comments prompted accusations of sexism and misogyny from female members of the group. One commented on the post: “I find this attitude incredibly patronising and paternalistic with added sexism and racism.

“There is a serious point in here among all the moralistic bullshit but I find it very off-putting. I find the assertion that women choosing to have sex encourages rape quite frankly disturbing.”

She’s right, of course, but her rightness is self-damning.

Weak beta males have a studied aversion to placing any blame for women’s ill-conceived romantic choices on women themselves. To do so, in the beta male mind, would mean having their puritanical romantic idealism dashed against the rocks of the bitter reality of primal female desire. The weak beta male suffers his morbid prostration to the pussy pedestal gladly, and is loathe to have it detached from his pursed lips. For if the day comes that his precious pussy pedestal is gone from his life, he’ll have no celibate space to retreat to for self-pitying comfort, and will be forced to deal with women as they are, not as they materialize unsullied in the brainscape of his sentimental daydreams.

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Trump Ad Winks At Alt-Right

Chateau: “Let’s face it, popularizing a cute frog as the avatar of unauthorized crimethink was a brilliant marketing coup. At once serving as a potent, open air symbol of resistance to the equalist leftoid hivemind while sabotaging the enemy leftoid agit-prop machine reduced to ponderously assessing the risk level of a cartoon frog. Win-win. Alinsky would be proud if his psy ops weren’t being used against him and his schlock troops.”

Daily Stormer: “An ad like this is not done at random. Each frame is composed carefully. They had to select the tweets being featured by hand.

It doesn’t seem like the media has caught on to this like wink at the Alt-Right yet, but our friends at TRS were quick to notice.

It’s interesting to see what’s going on regarding Trump and the Alt-Right; the Glorious Leader himself has never made any open references to us, all the while Clinton made a whole speech on the subject. Instead, he makes all these small references, with plausible deniability. These are enough to whip the Jewish media into a frenzy, however, but they look completely unhinged conspiracy theorists when reporting about it.”

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Google’s Censorship Jihad

Google has blackballed this site from its search engine since August 18.

Considering how Google has gone all out to elect Hillary Clinton, I can’t wait to see what President Trump will do against these Social Justice Warriors.

From the Chateau: The monopolistic social media tech giants have declared open war against “trolls”, aka memetically mischievous truth-tellers who have found the thermal exhaust ports of the globalist oligarch traitors and are happily dropping protip bombs down the shaft.

Google has really outdone themselves these past few weeks. As if their new terms of service update that would see several YouTubers lose monetization for their videos wasn’t enough, just two days ago, YouTube launched “YouTube Heroes“, a program that encourages users to mass report and flag videos for deletion. But it gets worse; Google just launched a new AI (Artificial Intelligence) program known as “Jigsaw Conversation”. The purpose of this AI is to find, delete and block comments and posts deemed as offensive. These includes comments that are “sexist, racist, transphobic, anti-immigration, Islamophobic….etc”.

The AI works by detecting keywords and terms related to offensiveness. Typing words like “Nigger, Faggot, Tranny, Kike…” etc, will get you flagged and labeled a harasser. YouTube videos, search results, emails and basically everything you do online including those words will get you in trouble. Blog posts that contain these words will not show up on Google search results (This article you’re reading right now will not appear on Google search, because I technically used those words). In short, Google just declared a war on Trolls.

The Trumpening has had the salutary effect (among others) of smoking out the anti-White Narrative enforcers. These enforcers — SpoogleFaceborgTwatter Inc — have been pushed into a conspicuous war-footing by the Realtalk Rebellion crashing their gated comboxes. The globohomogarchs see the storm rising and events swirling out of their control, driving them to desperation. War declared, they reveal their malevolent intentions and identify enemies of the global order for thoughtcrime liquidation.

But the rebellion is not so easily crushed. What has fueled the accelerating and amplifying successes of the shiv-right (and heralded the humiliating failure of the cuck class) is a taste for the fight. And not just any fight. The fight of the perennially hunted who have learned the path to victory is to hunt the hunters.

And so from the ranks of the troll berserkers of 4chan a counterattack is devised, an assault on the very heart of the Globohomo Hivemind that could end their wicked reign forever.

Since this is a war on Trolls, it sounds to reason that the greatest Trolls online, 4chan, weren’t going to take the news very well…

It was from that thread that the idea came from. If Google wants to block offensive words, then they are going to give them the most offensive word to block: GOOGLE.

The plan has already taken root on 8chan’s /pol/ board and several other 4chan boards. Every time they want to use the word “Nigger”, they’re going to use “Google” instead. Let Google block that […]

And it seems to be working so far, searching “Google rapes white woman” gives you similar results to what you’d expect when you search “Black guy rapes white woman”.

In paradigm shift parlance, this is a kill shot. From now on, it will be Chateau Heartiste policy to substitute the word “Google” as a term for the primary protected class of the Equalism Underlords: blacks.

“A gathering of googles”

“google-on-white crime”

“he a good boy, he google nothin”

“googles have a higher incidence of the MAOA violence alleles”

Likewise, “Facebook” and “Twitter” will substitute for….well, I’ll leave that as an exercise for the readers.




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Daniel Greenfield writes:

Glenn Reynolds, the popular voice behind Instapundit, advised drivers threatened by racist mob violence from the hate group Black Lives Matter to drive on rather than risk being assaulted.

Twitter, which has gleefully provided forums to numerous social justice crybully assaults and stalkings, temporarily suspended him. And the University of Tennessee has announced that it’s investigating him.

The lefty double standard is that endorsing a racist hate group that supports domestic terrorists makes you a “patriot”, but that telling people they can defend themselves when they’re attacked is “violence”.

As Reynolds wrote, “I was following the riots in Charlotte, against a background of reports of violence. Joe Bruno of WSOC9 interviewed a driver whose truck had been stopped by a mob. Trapped in her cab, she ‘feared for her life’ as her cargo was looted. Then I retweeted a report of mobs ‘stopping traffic and surrounding vehicles’ with the comment, ‘Run them down.’

“Those words can easily be taken to advocate drivers going out of their way to run down protesters. I meant no such thing, and I’m sorry it seemed I did. What I meant is that drivers who feel their lives are in danger from a violent mob should not stop their vehicles. I remember Reginald Denny, a truck driver who was beaten nearly to death by a mob during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. My tweet should have said, “Keep driving,” or “Don’t stop.”

As a flashback, here’s what happened to Reginald Denny.

Black Lives Matter. His didn’t.

Twitter is of course very enthusiastic about the Black Lives Matter rioters destroying Charlotte. But it’s rather hostile to its victims or those who would help them.

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Taking Trump Seriously

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