The Ultimate Jewish headline: “Hillary Clinton Is a Flawed Candidate — Just Like God”

Chaim Amalek: I’ll go one up on you: “. . . Except that Hillary is Real”

“Rabbi Avraham Bronstein has served at The Hampton Synagogue and Great Neck Synagogue and is a frequent writer and speaker on contemporary issues in Jewish thought.”

He writes: “The rabbis, according to Weiss, rejected an imperial conception of a God who is always correct and rules dictatorially, in favor of a God with whom we might experience the depth and power of an intimate covenantal relationship. A month after Rosh Hashanah, we should do the same when we choose our president.”

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Was Burlington Mall Shooter Another Low-IQ Muslim Weirdo?

NEWS: A 20-year-old Turkish Muslim named Arcan Cetin has been arrested in Oak Harbor Washington for the murder of five people in the Burlington Mall Shooting.


* His twitter and two tumblrs (still online right now) indicate not a guy who follows ISIS, but just another violent low-IQ Muslim weirdo.

There are not too many posts, but they include a childhood photo of Ted Bundy, a picture of Mein Kampf, a picture of Turkish food, a picture of him posing in the mirror wearing orange brief underwear, etc.

He looks like he’s sub-80 IQ.

I wonder if talking about how we should “stop Muslim terrorism” is in a way a dog-whistle for saying we just need to not have Muslim-origin people in the country. For every real terrorists, we get 300 losers like this guy.

Having Muslims in your community simply degrades it, no matter what their personal political views.

Muslims present a double-whammy of cultural and genetic based problems for the West, excluding perhaps Malaysians and elite Indians.

We are stuck with those who are citizens and most of those who are lawful permanent residents, so yes hoping for a quick and complete assimilation is the best we can do.

There are many, many more “Muslims who are already here” who should be excluded “from the circle of American life,” in particular illegals and asylum-claiming migrants here on TPS status.

We ought to give Ethiopia $1.5 billion a year to establish a puppet government in part of Somalia we can deport people to and require to be the home of “refugees” who want to come here.

* Rush asked his listeners how they thought Trump should handle it if Hillary were to have one of her coughing fits during the debate or collapse on stage. A woman caller, who took the question very seriously, said that Trump should respond to a coughing fit by waiting patiently for it to be over, not say anything, not react facially, but just let the audience soak it in. In the event of Hillary collapsing, she said he should take command and tell the moderator to please call 911.

Rush listened attentively, then asked, “Can you foresee any circumstances in which he would be required to administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?”

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What Is Hillary’s Health Problem?

From American Thinker:

Other doctors have also pointed out how the photo-op undercut the “pneumonia” explanation. “I’m feeling great,” Hillary said three times, not something a pneumonia patient is likely to exclaim.

4. Apart from a case of “mild non-contagious pneumonia,” what felled Clinton on September 11th, wrote Bardack, was that “she became overheated and dehydrated.” Even MSM reporters questioned the “overheated” pretext. The day was partly cloudy and the temperature about 80, with a slight breeze. Dehydration is hardly less suspicious. First of all, it’s been used repeatedly for other falls. And medical science has come up with a cure for dehydration. While Marco Rubio was ridiculed for taking a swig of water in the middle his reply to the President’s 2013 State of the Union address, no one who valued his job would criticize Hillary for “re-hydrating” during an event. One would expect that someone who had experienced multiple falls and was on Coumadin would take every precaution to avoid dehydration — especially when it’s such a simple matter.

5. If Hillary’s dramatic recovery casts doubt on Bardack’s diagnosis, so does the fall itself. It was not a swoon, as one might expect, where Clinton appeared woozy, lost consciousness, and her knees buckled. Instead, she becomes stiff and immobile. She is propped up against a bollard. It’s only when the Secret Service agents attempt to propel her forward that she falls. It’s not clear she’s lost conscious; she is just frozen, unable to move.

6. Pictures taken of Clinton en route to the van also undermine Bardack’s explanation. In one, Hillary is being given what appears to be a finger squeeze test.

The test is a neurological exam, sometimes used also as a test for arthritis. There would be no reason to administer it to a patient suffering from pneumonia.

In the second photo, the same woman, Christine Falvo, appears to be monitoring Clinton’s pulse as they walk. Hillary has her other hand pressed against her chest, an unusual position for someone in motion, but a good way to disguise the pill-rolling tremor associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Also present in the photos, inevitably, is the bulky African-American Secret Service agent who clearly has had some medical training. When Hillary froze during a speech on August 4, it was he who rushed to her side, put his hand on her back, kept repeating, “Keep talking, keep talking,” and then shooed away the other agents. Some sites have posted pictures of him holding what appears to be a diazepam injector, used for seizures, but the images are too blurry to positively identify the object.

There is no photo of either the Secret Service medic or Falvo offering the dehydrated Hillary a bottle of water.

7. Bardack’s 2015 letter mentioned the Fresnel prism glasses Hillary wore to eliminate double vision. The 2016 letter makes no mention of the Zeiss Z1 blue lenses she was wearing on September 11th. These are used to help prevent seizures, particularly in photosensitive epilepsy, and improve motor control. They are not normally prescribed for patients with pneumonia or seasonal allergies.

8. Also unmentioned by Bardack are Hillary’s repeated coughing episodes, going back at least to January of this year. Here’s video of eight. Has Clinton had pneumonia for nine months? Or is this a symptom of a neurodegenerative problem causing pulmonary aspiration?

9. Finally, the fact that Hillary was not rushed to a hospital after the collapse and given another CT suggests that her handlers knew exactly what was going on. And it wasn’t pneumonia.

The physician who has put forward the most plausible case that Hillary is suffering from Parkinson’s disease is Dr. Ted Noel, whose videos I linked in a recent blog post.

Though there’s been no sign so far of the pill-rolling tremor or the shuffling gait characteristic of Parkinson’s, other evidence suggests Clinton is suffering from the disease, or experiencing side effects associated with the drug most commonly used to manage it, levodopa, which include disorientation and confusion and dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movements).

Examples of the latter are Clinton’s spasmodic head movements while being questioned by several reporters (attributed by Hillary to her cold chai tea) and, less dramatically, her response to the light show at the end of the Democratic convention.

Dr. Noel has a newer video out that further undercuts Bardack’s credibility. In addition to mentioning Wolf’s point about CT angiography, he carefully describes problems with the oxygen saturation levels reported by Hillary’s physician, and her use of an outdated test to manage Clinton’s hypothyroidism.

If she doesn’t have Parkinson’s, Hillary clearly has some major neurological disorder.

Bardack has already been targeted by Google reviewers. Purportedly coming from Chelsea is a one-star rating and the comment, “My mother died of Parkinson’s after she was diagnosed with pneumonia.”

Lisa Bardack will be fortunate if satiric reviews are the worst consequences for the disinformation campaign she has helped wage in Hillary’s behalf.

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Wall Street Money Going 99-1 For Hillary

FoxNews: Wall Street for Hillary?:Clinton has $48.5M in hedge fund backing, compared to Trump’s $19K

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In the mid-1990s, I freaked out the senior management of my bank by showing them several pages of FEC records showing their contributions to various (sometimes surprising) candidates. They knew this stuff was public record, but up until then they had not grasped just how easy it was to get this data. I guess the banking world has gotten over their discomfort with being affiliated with the Clintons since then.

* Capitalist propaganda portrays capitalism’s tendency to push disparate peoples together while weakening the hold of their traditional beliefs systems as an advantage, not a defect. Refer to Voltaire’s famous observation from the early 18th Century:

“Go into the London Stock Exchange – a more respectable place than many a court – and you will see representatives from all nations gathered together for the utility of men. Here Jew, Mohammedan and Christian deal with each other as though they were all of the same faith, and only apply the word infidel to people who go bankrupt. Here the Presbyterian trusts the Anabaptist and the Anglican accepts a promise from the Quaker. On leaving these peaceful and free assemblies some go to the Synagogue and others for a drink, this one goes to be baptized in a great bath in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that one has his son’s foreskin cut and has some Hebrew words he doesn’t understand mumbled over the child, others go to their church and await the inspiration of God with their hats on, and everybody is happy.”

* It was always in Wall Street’s best interest to buy out the dems, not the Republicans. The Republicans are already pro-Wall Street as a matter of ideology. No need to buy them out.

* Thanks for the pro-tip, Captain Obvious. No, in seriousness this is good point, but one I’ve been pondering for a couple years now and think deserves deeper analysis.

This is similar to Jewish/Israeli positioning with regard to the two major parties, which I started thinking about when I read a clunker of a NYT op-ed by a former Mossad honcho on how wonderful! Democrats are on Israel, complete with effusive praise for Jimmy Carter. I mean, sure, Carter was OK 30 years ago, but you can’t mean the same Kreepy Khristian who now runs around saying Zionism is Apartheid, can you? But surely Mr. Mossad big-wig is smart enough to know this, and so what he was doing was not trying to “win” any sort of argument (for there can be no “victory” in a two-party democracy) but simply, like any competent lobbyist, hedge his bets by flattering the more anti-Israel political party so that Israel would never lose an effective avenue of access no matter who the current occupant of the White House happened to be. A “vibrant” candidate like Hillary (corrupt and venal enough to be easily controlled, personally philo-Semitic, and holding the whip-hand in the political party to which the bulk of BDS-types ultimately conclave, with enough diversity Pokemon points for supposedly being a womyn to shut-up any upstart cishet Palestinian man) is ideal from the Israeli stand-point, and I honestly think they’d have a much warmer relationship with her than a President Trump, for fear that too-close an association with him would make Israel irredeemably toxic to progressives. I somehow suspect that if a modern von Neumann worked out the numbers on it, the current status quo of a rabidly pro-Israel, neocon Republican party getting only 30% of the Jewish vote but sizeable donations, while a much more ambivalent at the grass-roots level Democratic party getting 70% is somehow a global maximum from a game theoretic standpoint.

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Is Baseball Too White?

Are shuls too Jewish? Are churches too Christian? Is Hollywood too Jewish? Is the NBA too black?

Slate editor Josh Levin writes:

From the moment he made his debut for the Marlins, he ignored the fusty expectation that players—often young, Latino players—dial back their exuberance lest they annoy their tight-assed opponents. At age 24, he’d already started to modernize the game’s old-fashioned codes and what it meant to “play the game the right way.”

Steve Sailer notes: “So Levin got his facts backwards: rather than the tight-assed Americanos objecting to the fun-loving Latino’s natural exuberance, the Latino objected earlier to an American showing off.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Mr. Levin would no doubt scoff the suggestion, but if you follow his line of reasoning it leads to only one place:

First he approvingly cites the diminution in the percentage of white players in MLB, then he says he looks forward to a world where “everyone” acts like he assumes all the “Latino” (meaning non-white) players do.

He’s looking forward to a world with no white people.

* And people wonder why the Alt-Right is so huge.

* It is racist – it’s a racist dog whistle demeaning white Gentiles.

* So, (((Josh Levin))) thinks baseball is “too white,” eh? Then maybe he’d be happier in Israel, watching Tel Aviv play Haifa…

* I wish it was more than a small minority of non-megaphoned Jews (like me) who realized that anti-white activism is not a good thing.

* Check out Lion of the Blogosphere, Pragmatically Distributed, the Jewish Right, Spotted Toad, and the Wandering Alt Right Jew. I’ll add @MisterLomez and @jewrightwing (Joshua Seidel) on Twitter, as well as myself @Mischling4Trump

* It’s shocking how anti-white some of these journalists are.

* Call me deplorable, but it seems that Josh Levin is using Jose Fernandez’s tragic death to accuse white players of ruining baseball with their boring rules and unbearable whiteness.

* If that is what he seeks, and he wants to experience it in his lifetime, maybe he should emigrate to one of the many parts of the planet without those pesky Europeans.

* Saying that Jose Fernandez had the potential to make the Hall of Fame given his very short service time is pretty asinine.

Josh Levin’s schtick is apparently to be as insolent as possible, because he knows there won’t be any retaliation, thus Fernandez is “striking out fools” and people who don’t like acting out are “tight asses” and “both teams pretended to want to fight each other.”

In other words, he writes like someone whose experience in life is pretty much restricted to the internet.

In real life, and especially in competitive sports, you actually can send people into a rage, fury, etc. and then people actually do get hurt. And I’m pretty sure that Latin players understand this (as indeed the details of the game indicate as much.) I think the risk of violence is actually even worse in baseball because there are no outlets for aggression otherwise, as in football, basketball, soccer or hockey. Also in baseball you spend a huge amount of time required to be alert and ready to act but the entire action of a 3 hour baseball game is perhaps 20-30 minutes. This is because the pitcher sets the pace. That is bound to generate a lot of tension.

By the same token, as I have said before, MLB is a way to make a career now, there aren’t any players who are selling cars for six months of the year and then playing baseball for $10 K. It’s a big money sport. That’s why the various rulings in recent years about not sliding at the catcher or trying to target the 2B/SS on a play at second base. It’s not about making the game softer, it’s about making it safer for people trying to make careers.

As for Bautista, it looks like he’s made a career out of being “flamboyant” in this way. I can understand it for a franchise that hasn’t won anything in awhile. But it doesn’t win games or win championships, and the in your face stuff gets tiresome after a short while.

* According to Slate’s Levin; “From the moment he made his debut for the Marlins, he ignored the fusty expectation that players—often young, Latino players—dial back their exuberance lest they annoy their tight-assed opponents.”

Yeah, and it appears as though he brought the same “exuberance” to his game on the water. Anyone who “ignored the fusty expectation[s]” of long-established rules of seamanship and smashed his boat at full speed into a rock jetty at three in the morning just got b*tch-slapped by Reality.

You know, I am a boater down here in Florida and I deal with morons like Fernandez everyday on the Intracoastal. These are guys who don’t know a bowline from a bow line. Good Riddance to bad rubbish. One less idiot whose wake I have to avoid. Thank you, Darwin.

He found out the hard way that the Sea is a Harsh Mistress and a lot less accommodating of tomfoolery than Slate’s editors. There’s a reason that good skippers are so “tight-assed” and its because out on big water, the game is for keeps.

* Love his projecting some kind of aggression on the part of this baseball player. There’s been a cottage industry for almost a century of leftist writers who project all the id-based, violent, insurrectionist gestures on minorities that they themselves are too cowardly to do. Noble savage stereotypes, indeed.

* That is what makes reading Derb so frustrating. He has a strong negativity to Christianity that he is never afraid to voice. Then he goes on and on about his pessimism, much of which if you scratch below the surface has a (((Levin))) or two causing havoc, but will rarely mention it. And if he does it is always prefaced by how many Jewish friends he has.

Mr. Sailer just states the facts about the (((Levin’s))) and does not bash Christianity.

* There’s nothing I find all that bothersome about this Slate article. It’s the “journalism student at the college newspaper trying to impress his professor” writing style that’s it’s own parody. Injecting race victimhood into any and every story (even stories concerning rich and famous athletes) is the cliche of modern writers, kind of like geeky narration overdubs were part of most early 1950′s crime and noir films. Writers like this are putting their chronological postmark on everything they write, so future generations can see how unimaginative and era specific they were.

* An Hispanic Cuban pitcher dies in a boat wreck, and a Jew lectures us about black people and white people.

Ain’t that America?

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