Los Angeles Times: “Trump won. Tell us how you’re feeling.”

How pathetic is that? I surfed to the Politics page at latimes.com and was confronted with that button. Well, I feel great.

For lefties, it’s all about the feelz.

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The Trump Protests

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The Way Forward

Chaim Amalek writes: What this country needs is a new political party that embraces:
1. The need for strongly defended borders and an immigration police force to expel those here illegally.
2. A measure of socialism for things like health care, old age pensions, and schooling.
3. A nationalistic outlook, putting Americans and America first.
4. High taxes (like when Eisenhower was President) on Wall Street. And high taxes on corporate CEOs who did not start their own companies.
5. A mighty military, including nukes.
6. A foreign policy that is mostly hands off and that does not bother trying to civilize other nations to our standards at gunpoint.
7. Limiting immigration into the US to emigration out of the US on a country -by-country basis.
8. Paying illegal aliens a minimum wage of $75/hour, collectible on their way out of the US, right at the border or airport jetway.
9. Pushing advanced nuclear power reactors (e.g., molten salt, thorium, etc.).
10. Fracking wherever the locals also embrace it.
11. Seeing Americans not as mere consumers, but as producers – workers, and adjusting trade policies accordingly.
12. Breaking up the great media combinations that have occurred over the last 30 years.
13. Re-establishing something like Glass-Steagall for banks.
14. Letting women figure out how to handle unwanted pregnancies on their own, in most cases.
15. Shooting heroin smugglers after a suitable speedy trial.
16. Boosting the minimum wage, banning unpaid internships at wealthy companies, and in general, offering the American worker the sort of benefits that German workers have.
The first party that organizes itself around these principles wins and replaces one of the other two.

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Who’s On Deck For The Democrats?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I wonder who the Dems will have on deck for 2020? To continue with the baseball analogy, Clinton’s lock on the Dem power structure the last few years has meant their farm system hasn’t produced much presidential talent. Sanders is obviously too old, and Kaine has proven himself hopelessly uncharismatic. Most likely the front runners will Be Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker.

* The White base (overall) did not come out for Trump any more than it came out for Romney, perhaps less in absolute numbers. From First Read:

“Trump’s popular vote total (59 million and counting) is going to be similar to Mitt Romney’s in 2012 (61 million), but Clinton’s total (and equal 59 million — she just over took Trump in the popular vote) is going to be far short of Obama’s 66 million in 2012. Those are 5-7 million Obama votes that didn’t go for Clinton. In the eight years of Obama, Democrats won big the two times he was on the ballot (2008, 2012), but they lost big the times he wasn’t on the ballot (2010, 2014, 2016).”

Clinton, the stumbling, sad, old White lady, simply couldn’t get out the same number of black votes as Obama. Absent an exciting reason to vote (a black candidate), an alarmingly large portion of blacks couldn’t care less. It will be interesting to see whether Democrats (with all those Whites in leadership positions) can adjust to that reality.

* The Clinton ‘coalition of the fringes’–blacks, Latinos, with a sprinkling of naive Millenials–clearly can’t be bothered to get off their arses and vote.

They’re the coalition of the chillin’.

* I thought I would enjoy the gnashing of the teeth of the holier-than-thou, but my Facebook feed is filled with such wailing and despair that it’s no fun at all. Many of my friends are really heartbroken, kind of like when your team loses in the final, but with such anger and such outrageous predictions of disaster… It’s just depressing. I hope they come to their senses soon.

And I hope heads will roll in media and entertainment for being so wrong and so misleading and so partisan for so long, but I haven’t seen much self-criticism, and of course I know they will hold on to their power with all their might, even in the face of manifest absurdity and ridicule. But I have new hope… Anything could happen now!

* There should be a day or two for celebration. Then it will be time to remember that the people who were defeated last night are the most spiteful, vindictive, unethical, amoral people in the history of the world. They will fight any campaign promises Trump tries to fulfill at every turn. They will do everything they can to derail his agenda. We can never trust them to act in good faith or put the interests of the country ahead of their own.

* I’d still be careful. The other side is as angry and embittered as we are euphoric. There are still many powerful forces lined up against Trump and everything that he represents.

Trump’s election is a major victory, but it is the beginning of the fight, not the end. We’re roughly at the Trenton stage of the Second American Revolution.

* Will Steve finally get the acknowledgement and fame he deserves for the Sailer Strategy?

Prepare to be deluged with the fallacy that this happened because “too many Americans aren’t ready for a female prez.”

Steve or Derb merit a fat book deal to write The Anatomy of the Alt Right. Steve could write under the pseudonym “They”–as in “as they say.” A suggested cover: kids in science class dissecting a frog.

I’m still stunned that My Precious tumbled into the lava. A liberal I know admits she’s slightly relieved she won’t have to listen to HRC shouting State of the Union addresses.

Will HRC’s health now deteriorate to the point that even the AP reporter standing right in front of her must acknowledge it?

When it became clear even to sympathetic moderates that BLM=DDN (“Dint Do Nuffin”), HRC missed her SSM (Sista Soldja Moment).

A mom just texted me saying, “maybe now I won’t have to talk about transgender bathrooms with my preschool kids.”

* Only question I have now is whether Jeffrey Goldberg and all the other media shills who have spent the past year sucking up to Hillary are going to get that exclusive access they have been angling for.

* Now the work begins to hold Trump’s feet to the fire.

1. Kick out illegals
2. Cut immigration 90%
3. Built the wall.
4. Defund all sanctuary cities
5. Appoint the special prosecutor for Hillary/Comey/Obama
6. Slap down new tariffs

And then, on his second day in office….

* Trump ran against BOTH parties(GOP support was lukewarm at best and very hostile from many quarters), all the newspapers, all the TV networks(even the hostiles on Fox), Wall Street, Hollywood, the entire government complex, the entire intellectual class, the richest oligarchs and corporations, all the polling data, the neocons, the military-industrial-complex, the globalist elites of all nations, and etc etc… yet he won.

Surely the most epic win in American Politics. Even more than the 48 election.

In a way, the rise of Trump is a sign of universal malaise and corruption at all levels of a society. A normal people of a normal nation should not elect someone like Trump. Most of the elite’s accusations and condemnations about him are correct. And the fact that so many Americans voted for him means that their tolerance level for sleaze, vulgarity, and crudeness has reached unprecedented levels.

BUT, the fact is that the elites are far more corrupt, sleazy, craven, hypocritical, destructive, dishonest, nasty, vicious, contemptuous, supremacist, entitled, and arrogant. They have lost the right to pass judgment on anyone.
They created all the mess around the world with unnecessary wars and with unprecedented looting of nations at home ans abroad. They destroyed the lives of millions.
They exploited the most cynical politics like the BLM movement.
They made homomania into a new religion.
And speaking of vulgarity, it was the Lib elites that filled American eyes and ears with trashy talk shows, porny music, the likes of Dunham and Cyrus, violent TV shows, tattoo fashions, etc.
It is the elites who showered praise on the likes of Emma Sulkowicz and pushed the vile narrative of the UVA rape case. For them to support Lena Dunham’s candidate while calling foul on Trump was rich coming from them.

So, US is no longer a normal country, and a man like Trump could win simply by shouting that the globo-emperor has no clothes.

Against massive corruption and collusion, only a man with own history of corruption and collusion could win. In a diseased world, the idea that the pure could win(or even exist) is no longer believable. The only believable sell was that a man like Trump has built up the immunities to withstand the diseases of the system.

* Two email responses to the election received from liberal, social justice acquaintances. I take no joy in anyone’s personal pain, but these responses seem to clearly display the moral and intellectual superiority, arrogance, conceit, and condescension that provoked rhetorically abused Americans to reject Hillary and embrace Trump.

From local Unitarian-Universalist Church

The nation is deeply divided, and in that division, wounds have been opened and new pain cast from all sides. For many, this is a time in which our values look to be repudiated by the larger culture. Come and be with one another. Light candles. Sit in the sanctuary that holds the named and unnamed joys and sorrows of our shared life.

From the Social Justice Center at my state university:

In light of the results of the election, TM is providing a space tonight to allow folks to process, heal, and grieve the implications of this election, and to also find methods of collective action. If you need a space to process your fear, anger, or sadness, join us in the Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities.

Today, the Cultural Center Collaborative is hosting And The Winner Is? Post-Election Debrief Lunch. They’ll have cultural comfort foods, drinks, guided meditative activities, hands-on craft activities and most importantly, community.

Finally, the following is a list of help-lines for you or anyone you know. Many also provide online chats: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Crisis Text Line, Transgender Lifeline.

Please, take care of yourselves today and moving forward. If you need any kind of support, the Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities, the Office for Violence Prevention & Victim Assistance, and many other organizations are here for you. If you witness any incidents of bias on campus, please submit a report to the Bias Incident Response Team.

* Even last night, the pundit – you know, the ones who were clueless the entire campaign – were trying to spin the election as a rejection of Hillary and not an acceptance of Trump’s ideas, i.e. we don’t need to do anything about immigration.

In fact, I watched for an hour and never heard the word immigration. They’ll never quit.

* Wash Po has an article up about “Ada” – the Clinton campaign’s super secret analytics tool which dictated campaign strategy. The plan was that today, after the campaign was over, the Clinton campaign would reveal its Wunderwaffe that made all prior analytics tools look like children’s toys and enabled Hillary to achieve a resounding victory. The best laid plans, etc.

The ignorant reporter keeps calling it an “algorithm” but clearly it was a custom software package. What it did was take all the polling and other data and run 400,000 Monte Carlo simulated elections every day to see where Hillary was winning and losing with fine granularity. Based on this, they would allocate campaign resources where needed. Ada understood that PA was a battleground and thus the heavy deployment of forces there but it completely missed Wisconsin.

The problem with any computer simulation is the old data maxim – “garbage in, garbage out”. The best software in the world is no good unless you are feeding it good data. When the pollster Shawnikra called up Farmer Bill in rural Wisconsin and aksed him who he was voting for, he was’t going to tell her the truth.

* Over at The Atlantic, as well as in the “safe space” known as “The Atlantic Discussions” they are still calling Trump and his supporters “racist, bigoted, misogynist, intolerant, uneducated, angry” and more, while relentlessly patting themselves on the back.

* Back in 2004 on a well-known message board I got on the bad side of some leftists. Some I’d trusted with my personal info posted my real name and even my street address.

Lesson learned. Don’t ever let your guard down with left-wingers. Modern liberalism really does share a lot of traits with some of the more malevolent personality disorders.

Leftists tried to silence conservatives with accusations of racism after Obama was eelected. Today they are accusing Trump and his supporters of fascism.

Leftists have no sense of fair play, no grace, no humility and no decency. We would do well to remember that.

* Weeks ago I began predicting that we would see MSM pundits crying on television late Tuesday night or in the early morning hours of Wednesday. And lo it came to pass.

The depression at my (liberal) place of work is palpable as is the gloom and bitterness emanating from MSM outlets this morning. Some places are even seeing near riots by the spoiled snowflake children of the nation’s progs.

I doubt that the reaction of Trump supporters would have been as extreme. The main reason is that Clinton supporters and other progs have marinated for their entire lives in the USA’s left-wing echo chamber. (Please pardon the mixed metaphor!) Everything they heard convinced them that a Clinton victory was a done deal and that only despicable, near sub-human dregs, clinging to guns and weird versions of Christianity, in the remotest backwaters of “fly-over country” could possibly vote for Trump. They were spared any discussion of the real issues behind this election and of the Clintons’ dangerously inept and corrupt history in the public sphere. As a result progs suffered a severe shock on election day.

Trump supporters, like myself, OTOH, cannot avoid hearing from both ends of the political spectrum; unavoidably ubiquitous Clinton propaganda twenty-four-seven from the MSM and carefully sought out doses of reality from alternative news sources. We all realized that Trump was doing much better than reported but were inured to the fact that this might not be good enough. We now thank God that it was.

* The idea that Hillary would take us down a path in which we might easily come into direct confrontation with Russia over Syria seriously concerned me.

Trump, while hyper-reactive to personal insults, seems cognizant of, and ultimately responsive to, practical consequences. I think this is just inherent to how he succeeded as a businessman.

But Hillary never seems to learn a lesson. How could Iraq, and then Libya not be major lessons for her? How could she fail to see that taking Assad down in Syria would very likely have the same unintended — but perfectly easy to predict — results?

She seems rigidly attached to her beliefs, determined always to “do something”, and incapable of backing out of an approach that’s turning out badly. (See Merkel for another example.)

The scariest person of all in charge of the nuclear codes is someone with an ideological or political agenda who is utterly rigid. She wouldn’t back out of a confrontation with Putin because she had it in her head that she was on the right of history, and he was on the wrong side. After all, didn’t he oppose gay rights? Why back down from an irredeemable deplorable?

Ideologues kill.

* It was precious to watch Wolf Blitzer go to pieces as the results came in, practically begging John King to work his WonderWall to find pockets of resistance where the Forces of Darkness might find more last minute votes to swing things to Hillary. He was practically hysterical. King, to his credit, remained somewhat balanced and rational throughout until he finally went into hiding.

* The real goal for the Trump presidency should be to destroy the institutions that the left has marched through.

Sue the press for libel. Jail high ranking politicians like Clinton for corruption. Expose and destroy the sickos in Hollywood. All of this should be easily justifiable by enforcing existing laws that they have broken.

If he drains the swamp and exposes the ruling classes’s crimes that they surely have committed, he will have limitless political capital.

This won’t be easy though, and the establishment will fight back viciously. For the record, if anything should happen to Trump, I hereby declare that Donald Jr will be the heir to his movement, not Mike Pence.

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Los Angeles: A Vision of the Globalist Future

Matt Forney writes:

Last month, I visited Los Angeles to attend the West Coast premiere of The Red Pill. While I’d technically first visited L.A. two years ago, it was on a layover to Tokyo and I didn’t get farther than the airport. Throughout the whole trip, I was left with a feeling of cultural vertigo that I hadn’t experienced since my days of living in the Philippines. While L.A. is generally thought of as the epicenter of American culture (due to it being the headquarters of the movie and music industries), there’s nothing that’s actually American about the place. Mass immigration and consumer culture have transformed it into a featureless, claustrophobic hellscape, and if the globalist project isn’t turned back, the rest of the West will follow in its footsteps.

Anyone who thinks that Latin American immigration is a good idea because it’ll bring more taco trucks to your neighborhood should spend some time in the barrios of California. Los Angeles has been swamped with so many Mexicans and other Latinos that the city reminded me more of Manila than any American city I’ve visited. The third-world comparison is made even worse by L.A.’s maze-like sprawl of dirty, ramshackle buildings and lack of anything resembling urban planning. Moreover, since California’s Latinos are overwhelmingly culled from the helot classes, they lack even a semblance of upper-class culture, so being around them makes you feel like Wikus in District 9.

While no corner of the U.S. has remained untouched by White demographic replacement schemes, no city has deteriorated to the degree L.A. has. Despite their differences, White and Black Americans have a shared history, and run-down ghettos in Chicago and other cities feel distinctly American, dysfunctional as they may be. For that matter, because the eastern United States was settled earlier, it possesses a more concrete culture that is better able to weather demographic and cultural shocks. There are New Yorkers whose lineage stretches back to the 17th century and the original Dutch colonists of New Netherland, while Mayflower families are so entrenched in New England that they’re called “Boston Brahmins,” compared to the highest caste in India.

There’s nothing American about L.A.’s neighborhoods of swarthy gangbangers and illiterate mestizo single mothers. Riding the L.A. Metro made me feel like I was in a foreign country, albeit one where everyone with an IQ above 110 had been sent to the gulag. Even public transportation announcers speak in Spanish, and while heading back from Santa Monica (a wealthy suburb with beaches), I found MS-13 (an El Salvadorian illegal alien gang) tags inside the train. Hell, when I visited Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, it had been defaced with a sticker from the “Chicano Nation: Aztlan.” It’s a disconcerting feeling, being on your nation’s soil yet being treated like a foreigner from a distant land.

That’s where the second major aspect of globalization comes into play: strict class stratification. In Los Angeles, the beautiful people have their corner of town and the hoi polloi have theirs, and rarely do the twain meet. When I visited the city, I opted not to rent a car, because L.A. has a robust metro system (on paper) and I was sick of having to drive everywhere. After 2+ hours of a meandering train ride east to Watts (yes, that Watts), north to downtown, and finally west to Hollywood to where I was staying, I was gritting my teeth and dreaming of nuclear apocalypse.

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