An Israeli Academic Enlivens The Radix Journal Discussion Of The Nazi Salute

Comments at Radix:

* It’s funny because the gesture is related to (((Hollywood))) films. The Italian fascists picked it up from (((epic))) films like 1907’s Ben Hur…




Note to Richard Spencer, when you are being interviewed by an aggressive and rude person like Roland Martin, you need to just to plow through and talk over them until they shut the hell up so you can make your point. Trump just keeps saying excuse me until the interviewer stops talking.

* I thought that Richard accounted himself as well as could be expected in such a forum. What he said was perfectly reasonable. It just needed more force and persistence to get through the hosts attempts to talk over him. Martin is obviously an affirmative-action clown; only blacks, cucks, and dimwit lefties could think that he made better points. Martin even retailed that old afrocentrist BS.

By the way, when rebutting the afrocentrist arguments, it might be a good idea to cite Mary Lefkowitz’s book “Not Out of Africa”. In addition to being a sound, scholarly, and of course correct – take town of these black-supremicist fantasies, it will force the black defender to attack the author, which will dredge up a whole bunch of baggage and create some dog-whistles that only the SPLC and ADL can hear.

I think Richard should have zeroed in on the whole “race-doesn’t-exist” line more. Clearly race does exist and is a biological category, and denying it is expressing belief in a kind of creationism. This tack might not work with Christian believers, but to liberals and the harder left, it might have some effect. Leftists need to be made to admit that they are embracing creationism. The resulting disgust it will cause in them, might make them reconsider their unthinking no-race nonsense.

* First, stay away from imagery and rhetoric associated with the Third Reich. It didn’t work well from 1933 until 1945 and it hasn’t improved with age; it’s the most toxic brand in existence. Most of our ideas can be expressed perfectly well without referencing or invoking Nazi Germany. Second, the Trump win is a respite, not a permanent victory. The best news is that the possibility of war with Russia just dropped from one in five to one in ten thousand. The potential good news is that Trump may crack down on illegals, build the wall, and reform immigration to drastically limit non-white immigration. He may also reform trade and stop the job hemorrhaging. The bad news is that the Democrats aren’t wrong on demography–the proportion of white people in the population and the electorate will continue to diminish from changes already “baked into the cake.” By 2024 it may well be impossible for a Republican to win even with Trump’s strategy. We need a stategy to create a space in North America in which whites can live without large numbers of other races that act essentially as parasites on the white body politic. Trump isn’t ready for that, but the groundwork needs to be laid.

And take heart, Richard. At most this was an error of style, not substance.

* I think most of the motivation for using Nazi imagery and symbolism, comes from the fact that it triggers jews and swipples so easily.

* Thank you for publishing this. I had been disappointed and turned off by the allusions to Nazism in your speech and by the salutes, and am glad to know there was some facetiousness involved.

I say this as someone who loves German culture, and admires much that the Nazis created, and thinks that the framing Adolf Hitler as the Devil is ridiculous. But Nazi philosophy and behavior was cynical, dishonest, and oppressive toward conscientious dissenters; and most fundamentally its gods were false – not evil things, necessarily, but not the Truth. That is not behavior I want to see my people – and especially my fellow race dissidents – emulate.

* This type is legion in The Right Stuff and Daily Stormer’s fan base. They seem to be genuinely unable to understand Nazi Germany exists as an historical set of facts independent of Hollywood or the latest media tizzy. They think anyone who has a problem with the National Socialist regime is a fool who’s been gaslighted by normies.

* When I first saw the pic (I only glanced at it) I thought it was RamZPaul, Richard Spencer and Tila Tequila and found the picture amusing and a sign that finally things are changing and no one cares anymore about the nazi taboos.

To come and realize RamZ cucked, Spencer is on the hotseat, (neither of which were in the photo) and Tequila banned from twitter were shocking to me. Then I see everyone on here (not TRS or DS but on here) acting like complete wusses is surprising and pathetic.

I wish it were my first impression, because in reality it doesn’t matter. It’s good to see the cowards and Alt-Light separate from us over this though.

* Hillary Clinton’s Reno speech and the Trump family’s occasional Pepe tweets are what made the alt-right suddenly the talk of the town. TRS and Anglin acted as tard wranglers to point the surly, stupid trolls in various directions. That served a purpose during the election but is worse than useless now.


* Ari Ben Canaan: Whites, even those who can be redpilled, hate anything that smacks of Nazism. Spencer himself said this for years. But, drunk off a Trump election that he claims to have “willed” into being, he has apparently forgotten all this.

* If you’re a Jew who believes in identity and nationalism, why do you care about the alt-right? You have a movement, it’s called Zionism. I have to question your motives for offering advice and guidance here.

* I care about the Alt Right because I grew up in a White country that I love among White people that I love steeped in a White culture and tradition that I both love and consider in part my own.

* Israel is in the Eurovision Song Contest and the European Football championship. That’s your white country. A lot of people died so YOU could move there.

* I’ll make you a deal, when your coreligionists stop attacking and slandering our activists, persecuting our people, and encouraging our displacement, then I’ll start considering your ideas.

* More concerned with them slandering, persecuting, and displacing our own people at the moment. See, for example, this multi-culti Jewish cuckoldry from the #1 liberal Jewish publication in America.

* Ethno Nationalists should have a special respect and support for other people who seek the same thing for their own kind.

* Sounds right. Although I still care a bit more about White identitarianism than I do about Samoan identitarianism, to be fair.


* It´s troubling for a WN movement when a Jew´s comment is among the best comments on the situation.

* Ari Ben Canaan: One doesn’t have to moderate to gain new followers, one just has to pursue the policy that got one followers in the first place. That was intellectual, respectable, White identitarianism that wasn’t concerned with LARPing as Nazis and ‘Children of the Sun’.

* Am I to take your username to indicate your (((ethnicity)))?

If so, then I reject anything you say on the basis that you have a conflict of interest.

None of your tribe could assess the Reich objectively. Moreover, anything your kind says it always performative — it’s tactically crafted to achieve your ends; always crafted to sound authoritative, but all actually just propaganda. (Like all those (((pundits))) who so persuasively asserted that Trump couldn’t win.)

If there’s any first step that whites need to do to take back control of their own destiny, it’s to stop listening to you. Because you cannot be trusted. And that’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s just observable fact.

* Ari: That’s all well and good. Be paranoid if you like. It won’t serve you well.

* It has served your people very, very well.

* Spencer must keep his frame now, but I suspect that deep inside he knows very well he fucked this one up on a epic scale, causing great damage for the movement and everybody who sticks his head out for this. The SPLC and ADL jerked off royally to that, having their wettest dreams come true. It was a severe lack of judgement and self-discipline on Richard’s side. Serious political leaders should at least have control about their strategies, and certainly not get carried away by any “exuberance”.

Move along now, but don’t celebrate this major mess with self congratulary “No excuses”-Hurrah-Fests. Just shut the fuck up now for a while and continue doing something useful, that will advance and improve the movement.

Stop hypno-masturbating yourselves into denying the glaringly obvious. Mindlessly screaming “cuck” at anyone who disagrees and hardcorier-than-thou-piss-contests won’t help either. Anyone who believes that sieg-heiling will win over any significant majority of normal white, decent people is simply retarded or should check his sense of reality. But I guess I forgot you got tired of winning already.

Expect a huge infiltration of the movement by provocateurs who make sure more of this happens soon. Dozens of retards and useful idiots playing the Stormfag or Tila Tequila will rush to blindly collaborate and will feel really edgy, uncucked, “ironic” or avantgarde about it and scream at everybody who disagrees again. It will be exactly those who can’t keep their mouths shut now about how cucked it is to criticise this cringeworthy slip. I predict all of this turning into a huge shit rapidly if those tendencies wont stop.

* The graphic elements of the “Nazi brand” can never be rehabilitated. This incident was three steps backwards and it was handed to Lugenpressee on a silver platter. Still, the people jumping ship ought to take a cue from the rabid leftists who never seem to grow tired: never concede, never break ranks. Lick the wounds, turn it around on them and move on.

* Yea some people said me and others were subverters trying to kill the movement. I can only speak for myself in the photo w/ Tila, I thought it was campy and funny b/c of who she is, I wouldn’t have posted it, but still I accept whatever criticism people have to throw my way, and will respond as best I can, unless it’s to accusations that I’m trying to subvert a movement I care deeply for b/c that’s just not true.

I can’t speak for the people inside the conference, but I think it stems from youthful enthusiasm. This fight is the defining event of our lives, and different people will react to that fact in different ways. When you’ve been called nazis, had your livelihood threatened, and been derided by the entire mainstream, it creates a sort of gallows humor. Older people who have been dealing with it longer of course have a more measured, careful way of handling it, but plenty of us are still developing.

* I don’t trust you Jew, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Your actions managed to drag the Alt-Light kicking and screaming out of the shadows. A much needed split that helps us determine who the good guys are.

For that, you can be the last sent to Israel.

* The best thing about the alt right brand is that it acts like a WN ‘launch vehicle’ without being explicit about it. The more explicitly WN an outfit is, the more it seems to attract dumbass neo-nazi riff-raff.

* I was at the conference and had an amazing day — this is also the third NPI event I have attended. I grew up Jewish in the UK and on a diet of Monty Python humor. Back then and there, the kind of humor that was displayed at the end of conference was considered funny inside the Jewish community. It was considered funny, because it was funny.

The problem is that the culture has changed for the worse everywhere in the West. If conservatives are humorless that is part of the reason why and they have learned that jokes with racial overtones just get them into battles, so they are very cautious. I hope the alt Right never becomes like that, but one has to pick one’s battles.

Also, if run of the mill conservatives aren’t humorous, they are stand up comedians compared with the Left. And I am sure the journalists who covered this were Leftists to a fault and were just looking for something bad to say. Most of them were polite, except the NPR man, of course.

So now that NPI is famous and can turn out hundreds of people, I suppose it is in the nature of the beast that events are going to be a little less fun.

* No apologies, but no morons either. We need “normies.” Our ranks will grow only by recruiting them. Repulsing them over something as stupid as a penchant for Nazi symbolism will do nothing but ensure the alt-right becomes dead and long forgotten, along with everything we’re trying to defend.

* The problem is the neo-Nazis, neo-Fascist salute means the people doing it want to revive the movements of the first half of the 20th century that ended so badly for their nations and neighbours. No one but dumb thugs want that.

* You can try to rationalize failure and failed tactics until you’ve convinced yourself they work. But in the end that’s all you’ve really done—convinced yourself. People much smarter and more energized than you have claimed to be on the cusp of normalizing the Nazi angle for decades. They’ve all imploded under the weight of their own arrogance and vain ignorance. Your either learn from your mistakes and missteps or you don’t.

The Media doesn’t show well-rounded men and women giving reasonable arguments, insightful lectures, or handshakes and hugs. What they will go out of their way to show, however, are spitters, screamers, slobs, and Sieg-Heiling caricatures. There’s a reason The Media does the exact same thing over and over again. But you think by you doing the same thing over and over again you’re going to counter that? You think you’re going to normalize failure and contempt? That might work with a semantical attack on what “racist” actually means, but it will NEVER work with an attempt to normalize Nazis and Hitler fetishes. You are in occupied territory where the enemy controls just about every aspect of government, academia, finance and media. You do the same thing that failed miserably every single time before, and they’ll just accelerate faster and do the same thing that gave them success. Your supposed tactical brilliance somehow magically leapt over a mountain of logic and reason just to get to a place where you think your rhetoric will be safer.

In case you missed it, meet Mr. Mountain of Logic & Reason:

What you’re trying to “normalize” is FAILURE. Who wants to be a failure? Persistent and Perenial failures, that’s who doesn’t mind being a failure. That’s why you end up with a lot of malcontents, morons, socially retarded wimps, perverts and psychos. If I’m already a loser and dysfunctional outcast, then I might as well try to be a notorious loser and outcast.

You can spend hours and hours elucidating the most brilliant analysis of race, race relations and White survival. The Media can spend 1 fucking minute to neuter it with the right video clip and image. That’s the reality that controls society. They can make mistakes, lie, distort, cover things up, back up if things aren’t working and try again. Pro-White people don’t have that advantage. We have very, very little room for mistakes. Some people might only get one shot to make the right impression. That’s the world outside your door that everyone else has to live in. Not some fantasy world where meme warriors take over America and everyone is transformed into Nazi fanboys. Someone with a real job and career, a real family, and real investments in life can screw it all up very quickly if they listen to people like you. You can just go get a new screen name.

* Ari: Spencer, you may want to consider that irreverence and cheekiness can on occasion lead to severe tactical mistakes. The NPI conference was a chance for the Alt Right to tell normies what it was about on its own terms, not to tell cheeky and irreverent jokes that normies would mistake for Nazism and lunacy.

* I think this Salute thing will blow over, the Alt-Right is just that lovable and endearing.

* The Roman Empire and British Empire(and American Power) are good examples of how Inclusion can lead to the loss of the Power Mystique.

When a great power projects itself internationally, the world is awed by the power of its identity and unity. When Roman soldiers were mostly Roman and invaded other areas, the local folks were impressed and intimidated by Roman Power and Roman folks. Indeed, they were synonymous. Roman power was seen as powerful cuz Romans were seen as powerful, and Romans were seen as powerful cuz Roman power was seen as powerful.

Same with the British Empire. The British Military was mostly white even though it did also recruit locals like the Sikhs and other folks(though usually wisely segregated). Anyway, most locals and natives saw British Power as awesome cuz Brits were seen as awesome, and Brits were seen as awesome cuz British Power was seen as awesome. When identity and unity were the main factors of British Power, the British Empire was about white officials and white warriors of a great white power. So, the locals respected and feared white people and white power. They saw such as something special.

But what happened when the Roman Empire got inclusive and diverse? At some point, Romans began to recruit non-Roman locals for the Roman army. Gradually, these non-Romans learned to fight the Roman way. And fighting alongside the Romans, they began to realize that Romans were just human and nothing special. Indeed, they even realized that some of them, the non-Romans, were stronger and tougher than Romans. So, the Roman Power mystique was lost in the eyes of these non-Roman locals recruited into the Roman military.

With the inclusion of more and more non-Romans into the military, the Roman power expanded with more manpower, but the Roman Power Mystique began to fade. The non-Romans who fought in the Roman military came to see the Romans as just humans like any other. Once they realized this, they began to think that non-Romans could defeat the Romans if they organized the same way and used the same weapons.

That was the Roman Paradox. More inclusion and diversity made Roman Power bigger and stronger… but it led to decline in the Roman Power Mystique. After all, if a non-Roman soldier could be trained to fight just as well or even better than the Roman soldiers, what was so special about being a Roman?

So, even as Roman Empire grew and grew by taking on more local non-Roman soldiers, it lost more and more of its Roman mystique. If indeed the empire could be expanded and maintained by non-Roman soldiers in the Roman army, then there was nothing special about the Romans per se.

So, inclusion and diversity leads to increase of power in manpower and numbers, but it leads to the loss of power mystique for the core population. By the time the Roman Empire had grown very big with the recruitment of lots of non-Romans, the Core Roman polity and demography lost its mystique and prestige. If barbarian Germans and foreign Syrians could be Roman soldiers for the empire, what was so special about the Core Roman Folks?

And so, the empire began to crumble bit and bit and then totally collapsed. By the time the barbarians sacked Rome, there was no respect for the Roman folks.

But if we turn back the clock to the days of the Roman Republic, all non-Romans were in total awe of the true Romans who’d conquered them with superior organization and strategy. The non-Romans were impressed with the Power Mystique which seemed to radiate from every Roman soldier. They thought only Romans could possess Roman power and greatness.

We see the same thing with Europe and white folks. When Western Imperialism was about white soldiers conquering non-white lands, non-white folks were awed by white power. For them, white power was synonymous with white people, with white individuals. So, there was respect for white people as a whole. The natives saw white power as something unique and intrinsic to white folks with the guns and organization. So, there was fear, respect, and admiration.

But once Europeans got inclusive and allowed non-Europeans into the Western military and power structure, non-Europeans gradually came to see white folks as nothing special. After all, smarter non-whites noticed that there are plenty of less intelligent whites. And they realized that they could perform many of the white tasks just as well or even better than the white folks could. And blacks soon realized that they could beat whites in sports and fighting skills.

So, white people no longer seemed all that special to non-whites, and then White Power lost its mystique.

So, if a people want to maintain the Power Mystique, they need to keep things exclusive.

After all, all great Japanese heroes of Japanese history were Japanese. The top warriors were Japanese since Japan was all Japanese. Consider Miyamoto Musashi. And all sumo wrestlers were Japanese.

But suppose Japan had allowed bigger whites and Negroes into the nation centuries ago. Then, the top warriors and athletes would have been non-Japanese, and there would have been no Japanese Power Mystique. Japanese would have been beaten by whites and blacks in warfare & sports and beaten by Jews in business and intellect.

After Japan allowed a bunch of big Hawaiians and Mongolians into Sumo, there is no more Japanese Power Mystique in the sport. Even though everyone knew long ago that non-Japanese could beat Japanese in sumo cuz they are bigger and stronger, the exclusiveness of the sport kept its Power Mystique entirely Japanese. But that has been lost.

This is why China needs to keep it all Chinese in China.

* Flippantly using Third Reich imagery or jokes works in one particular context.

When our enemies or their unwitting collaborators with religious-like seriousness put forth the Holocaust or Spielberg Nazis as a way of psychologically intimidating our people, puncturing that mind control technique with taboo-shattering humor is effective and appropriate.

It disarms our enemies because, straight off the bat, it shows their most time-proven weapon doesn’t work on us and so wrong-foots them. And it acts as a release for our own people who are still held mesmerized by such mind-control regimes. Mockery really is the best way to undermine and break the pall of a religion.

But this stance is only appropriate as a RESPONSE to their own over-the-top exaggerations.

The mistake is to think that adopting Nazi imagery is a witty or effective tool as a stand alone thing. The mistake is to think that what works as a return-fire, breaker of an illusion also works as a separate self-identifying brand.

* White Nationalism is at the heart of the Alt-Right. Identity is the core.

* Vox Day and Cernovich are lightweights. People like them are necessary too. But they don’t dig deep. Cernovich is in it for the game. He takes the style and superficial qualities of Alt Right to reach out to a wider audience. And Vox Day is more like a semi-celebrity.

Spencer could have gone this route: be the acceptable public face of Alt Right. But the danger is Bill Buckleyism. Buckley, to be acceptable, abandoned one rightist principle and theme after another. He even dropped Sobran and Buchanan and later purged Sullivan and Brimelow.

I’m glad Spencer didn’t take this route. Sure, he would be more appealing to the ‘normies’ and be more acceptable to MSM as the face of Alt Right.

But it’s a slippery slope of compromise.

This is why we need people like Cernovich and others to present what is for the time being a more acceptable face of Alt Right. People cannot be ‘red pilled’ overnight. They need to be softened up first. Instead of the castor oil of hard alt right, they need people like Cernovich as stool softener.

It’s like Sailer compared to Murray, Brooks, Douthat, and Noonan(and even Coulter).

One could argue that it was risky and reckless for Sailer to write the ‘notorious’ LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL article and others that got him essentially blacklisted from MSM. But SOMEONE had to write that stuff. Someone had to touch upon HBD without flinching and blinking first.

We need people like Brooks, Douthat, Murray, and Noonan as stool softeners, but we need the stronger ex-lax of Sailer too. Sailer may be banned from MSM but he does influence the stool softeners who read him.

Coulter got some ideas from him.

If you go for wider audience, you must soften your edge.

If you go for sharpened integrity, you lose the wider audience..

It’s like Spielberg made more money and gained a much bigger audience, but Kubrick made the more uncompromised and more provocative films.

Is there a way to be both? I guess Kurosawa came closest to fulfilling that ideal. Personal films with considerable popular appeal.

If you make a sword too hard, it cuts better but breaks easier.

If you make it too tough, it’s harder to break but it tends to dent and bend.

I hear samurai sword is special because tough metal in the interior is covered by sharp metal on the outside.

That blend of edgy and popular is difficult to achieve, esp in the age of PC.

I think maybe Norman Mailer came closest to fitting that bill since the 60s.

Mike Royko sometimes came close too. Writing funny but pushing buttons that many dared not press… though he got in trouble with the Mexicans over that.

Anyway, the path of integrity is materially and publicly less rewarding but intellectually more fulfilling. Also, there is more pride in the end.

It’s the difference between the Keatings and Roarks of the world.

* Now, I understand why so many people go the Keating route. They want some success and acceptance. They know they will be blacklisted if branded as ‘unacceptable’. Even Hispanic Rick Sanchez got axed permanently for speaking the truth about who runs the media.

I understand why Douthat can only go so far. And I understand why Murray has been trying to regain his footing after they burned him at the stake for Bell Curve. (But did the bald-headed fool have to go so far as ‘gay marriage’? I totally lost respect for him after that one.)

But the world needs some Roarks too. Their paths will be lonelier, but they stick to it out of principle and the conviction that truth shall prevail in the end.

And in the end, the principled outlast the opportunistic. It’s like Mozart outlasts Sailieri in AMADEUS even though Sailieri was the hit with the court.

Spencer is torn between Keating-ism and Roarkism. He wants to be out there as the face of the Alt Right. He wants to be the spokesman and messenger. He wants to be the Buckley of the Alt Right.

But he doesn’t want to fall into the Buckleyean-Keating trap. He wants to remain true to himself and his beliefs and visions.

And I must say the speech at NPI was powerful stuff. He laid it all out.

Anyone who heard the entire speech surely knows that Spencer’s message wasn’t some neo-Nazi diatribe.

Also, I think he liberated the ‘hail’ from its Nazi references. Sure, the media gave it the usual spin, but who cares? According to the media, even Sailer is an evil ‘racist’ who is totally irredeemable.

Now if Spencer had said ‘heil’, that would have been somewhat fishy. But it is time liberate ‘hail’ and other terms from the Bastille of PC.

We will say what we like, and there is no reason why we can’t hail people we admire and root for.

And don’t think for a moment that the media would be more fail to Spencer if he hadn’t said Hail.

To the media, ‘Let the good times roll’ is ‘bring back slavery’. Media are hysterical and phony.

But you say we need to reach out to the mainstream that is still not ready for harder stuff. Okay, I agree, and that’s why we have people like Cernovich and others. But those fellas will never venture beyond what is acceptable. They never come up with original ideas. Rather, they pick some ideas from people of stronger will & vision and soften them to win over a wider audience. They are genericists, and I see the utility of having such people. But they will always be peddlers of other people’s ideas.

Spencer’s speech threw down the gauntlet that he is on the Alt Right for real. He will remain the Vision guy. He is willing to become a pariah than soften his tune for more acceptance.

Spencer should know by now that there is no going back for him. No amount of apologies, backpeddling, or pleading will do him any good. The media put the mark of Cain on him. He has a nazi sign carved on his forehead like in INGLORIOUS BASTERDS. No matter what he does, MSM will always see him as an extremist.

But there is freedom in that since one is liberated from the temptation of approval and acceptance.

To the MSM, he is a ‘white supremacist’. He should just try to be a supreme whitist.

Sometimes the pariah is the last truly free man.

Spencer’s speech and the Alt Right movement are bigger than nazi trolling, and even the Hail thing was bigger than mere ‘nazi trollimg’… just like disco was bigger than Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.

Yes, spencer and those present understood its Nazi allusions, but it was also a way to signal that it is something much bigger. Spencer’s gesture liberated the Hail from the ghetto of Nazism.
Spencer was not trying to revive or even rehabilitate Nazism. He was signaling a willingness to move forward with the Western project going back to classical times that had been ghettoized in the Nazi trap by the Narrative, according to which anything ‘white’ is Nazi. To Ron Rosenbaum, even white bread and white turkey meat is blitzkrieg.

The hail thing was made notorious by the nazis but it much bigger and has a long history… and now a long future. It is time to liberate it from its ghetto.
After Japan lost the war, US authorities banned samurai films as militarist and feudal. But Japanese soon revived it as part of their heritage and culture. Just because the crazy militarists exploited bushido and warrior culture was np reason to ghetto-ize samurai culture as mere ‘militarism’.
Likewise, why should the Hail and Roman salute forever be ghettoized within 12 yrs of nazi history?

Trump himself did something similar when he quoted Mussolini. Lion for a day than sheep for life. Even if Mussolini said it, the sentiment is universal and shouldn’t be ghettoized as ‘fascist’.
Also, ‘America First’ has pro-Nazi connotations because some ‘isolationists’ did indeed favor the Germans. But Trump liberated the slogan to have new meaning in the 21st century.

We should democratize ‘hail’ and give it new life and meaning. Hail Derbyshire. Hail Reed. Hail Mercer. Hail Coulter. Hail Dinh. Hail Roberts. Hail Sailer. Hail Saker. Hail Marolis. Hail Buchanan.

When it comes to real problems with neo-Nazism, it’s not the salute or the hail.

It is that both Macdonald and Taylor have had ties with extremists. Now, how dignified was that? Taylor gave interview to Don Black of Stormfront. And Macdonald’s site featured the writings or rantings of Lasha Darkmoon, some philistine neo-nazi freakess.

Now, I’m willing to cut both of them slack because when you’re in the wilderness, you make common cause with fellow exiles and even radical types who may be of questionable views. This was true of Jews too. As political exiles, they made common cause with anarchists, communists, and terrorists. But then, Jews still play this game in some parts. Zionists are allied with extreme Wahabi Saudis and crazy Jihadis in the Middle East. And Neocons forged an alliance with even neo-nazis in Ukraine to undermine Russian influence in the region. Whenever and wherever you don’t have the dominant power, you feel compelled to form alliances with whoever is willing to work with you on the basis of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.

Still, because of those associations, Macdonald and Taylor aren’t seen as ‘dignified’ figures by any stretch of the imagination by the MSM. But then, even without such associations they would be considered scandalous for their views and ideas.

Anyway, a new dawn awaits, and it calls for a different style and attitude than those held by the elders at the NPI meeting. The young turks or the young vandals of the movement will have to be savvier, nastier, more ‘radical’, and cleverer. It will have to intellectual mobile guerrilla warfare.
Fleet-footed, relentless, booby-trapped, unpredictable.

This NPI conference underscored what the younger people owe to the elders but also how a new path must be forged with new spirit and drive.

* …what the Daily Stormer, Right Stuff, troll army types don’t get: they’re not useful or helpful now. That’s just a fact, independent of who did what at the end of Spencer’s speech. A bunch of idiots trolling the media had their use during the election but not now.


Posted in Alt Right, Anti-Semitism, Nationalism, Nazi, Richard Spencer | Comments Off on An Israeli Academic Enlivens The Radix Journal Discussion Of The Nazi Salute

I Can’t Stop Watching Election Night Replays

It feels delicious watching the experts squirm as the night goes on. They were so confident of Hillary victory at the beginning, and then totally humiliated after 8pm PST.

Around 9 pm PST, Tom Brokaw says audibly: “I have to go home and take my meds.” It was painful looking at him. He was way too frail to be on the air.

Posted in America, Journalism | Comments Off on I Can’t Stop Watching Election Night Replays

Should The Alt-Right Disavow The Nazi Salute?


Many of my Jewish friends are freaked out by the Alt-Right and by the antics above. They see this behavior as evil.

I think that’s a normal and healthy reaction. These Alt-Righers are proving their anti-social and self-destructive character.

So should the Alt Right disavow the Nazi salute? Only if they want to thrive. If they are bent on self-destruction, they should keep flipping Romans.

Meaning is always determined by context. Every act takes place at a certain time and place. By flipping a Nazi salute in America in 2016, you are deliberately burning your bridges with your society. Which animals are more vulnerable? Those inside the herd or those outside the herd? Few people thrive when they burn their bridges with society.

On an abstract level, you can argue that you should not allow outsiders to determine what rituals you perform, but the wise man takes everything into account, including the views of outsiders. If the opposition is sufficiently intense, you don’t invite it unnecessarily. These salutes at NPI were self-destruction. More profoundly, they reflected a self-destruction that dominated prior to the acts.

On an abstract level, you can argue that if you are Jewish, and you can get away with it, you don’t let outsiders determine what you say and do and which rituals you perform. Similarly, if you are authentic to being Alt-Right, you don’t let outsiders determine what you say and do, and that includes the Roman salute.

From an outside perspective, many of Jewish rituals, prayers, teachings, and laws are horrifying. From a Jewish perspective, the Nazi salute is horrifying. But if you are strong in your in-group identity, be it Jewish or Alt-Right, you don’t bow to the preferences of outsiders. You might even get energy from defying outsiders. That’s how social identity works on one level. On another level, if you are doing things that the people around you find abhorrent, your life becomes ten times harder. Why inflict that on yourself when there are wiser choices?

If you believe in your religion, other religions, at best, will seem wacky and weird. Most likely, they will appear evil. If you are white or asian or black or Mexican, you most likely will feel most comfortable with your own kind and you will likely feel some discomfort around other races.

For people who believe that they view the world through a moral lens, such as the Anglo countries of America, Canada, England and Australia, anything associated with Nazism is evil, but for most of the world, Hitler is simply a guy who lost a war.

The Nazi “Heil Hitler” salute isn’t really a Nazi salute. It is a Roman salute that has been around for about 2,000 years.

People flipping “Heil Hitlers” sometimes want to commit genocide, just as some people who say “Shmai Yisrael” or “Jesus saves” or “Allahu Akhbar” want to wipe out their enemies.

Most people in America who identify as Alt-Right or neo-Nazi have no hatred for pygmies because pygmies don’t live among them. Pygmies do them no harm. Pygmies live somewhere else.

When you have diverse peoples living in the same place, that sometimes leads to thriving and at other times, it leads to conflict, hatred and often tragedy.

What would lead to the mass slaughter of Jews is when non-Jews see it as in their self-interest to be rid of Jews. For instance, many Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East see it as in their self-interest to end the Jewish state.

Hatred of Jews like hatred of Muslims and hatred of Christians and hatred of blacks and hatred of every group stems from conflicts of interest. For instance, the more Christian America gets, the more vulnerable Jews and other non-Christians living in America become. The more Jewish Israel gets, the more vulnerable and the more marginalized non-Jews living in Israel become. The Japanese Japan becomes, the more vulnerable non-Japanese living in Japan become. There are no good guys and bad guys (except when looking through the eyes of faith). There are only conflicts of interest and inevitable results of social identity theory (the more you identify with your in-group, the more likely you are to despite out-groups). The stronger a white man’s white identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of non-whites. The stronger a Jew’s Jewish identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of non-Jews. The stronger a Christian’s Christian identity, the more likely he is to feel negatively towards non-Christians. I grew up a strong Christian and I was socialized to believe that non-Christians were bad, sad, and lost. I grew up in Australia and was socialized to believe that if you weren’t Australian, you were bad, sad and lost. To have some feelings of fear and hate for anyone who is not a part of your group is a universal inclination.

For Jews, for Anglos, for people outraged by the Nazis, the Roman salute is a celebration of evil. For most of the world, it’s just a salute. The Nazis are just a group that lost a war.

Looking at the world where there are good guys and bad guys requires a leap of faith. All objective morality requires a leap of faith. Without this leap of faith, there are no good guys and no bad guys in the world. There are just different forms of life struggling for survival and competing over scarce resources. That is the only objective way at looking at the world.

Are Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and the Alt-Right a bunch of Nazis? No. Only Germans can be Nazis. Are these folks nationalists? Yes. They want their form of life to survive and to prosper and to control lots of important resources.

The Alt-Right is a gateway drug to white nationalism, which by definition is racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic. This does not have to be scary for Jews and non-whites. It simply means that whites are asserting their self-interest.

In certain contexts, all groups should be xenophobic, and in other contexts, they should be more inviting. If a Jew does not have some negative sentiments towards Christianity and Islam, in some contexts, he’s an unhealthy Jew. If a Christian does not have some negative sentiments towards other religions, in some contexts, he’s not a healthy Christian. If a white man does not have some negative feelings about other races, in some contexts, he’s not healthy. If a black man does not have some negative feelings about other races, in some contexts, he’s not healthy.

Ari: And what group do you consider yourself a part of?

Luke: We are all parts of many different groups. I consider myself Orthodox Jewish, genetically Anglo-Saxon, American, Australian, a man, a Californian, etc.

Ari: “For the people that count – normal Christian Whites – it’s a creepy, at best awkward anachronism.”

Luke: I agree. But this is primarily a PR question, right? Making it primarily a moral question is arguing about faith, which is silly.

Ari: “Well, it’s a PR problem inasmuch as most people – including those the Alt Right is trying to reach – view it as a moral problem. And it’s a moral problem inasmuch as the Alt Right is morally right, and mistakes when moral stakes are high are condemnable.”

“IMO, objective facts about morality are facts about whether or not rational individuals are behaving in an evolutionarily fit way.”

I first ask, “What’s good for the Jews?” It would be weird and unhealthy if goyim didn’t first ask — what’s good for goyim?

The world is neither with us nor against us. It is just raw material in our hands.

All faith is by definition subjective. Objective analysis requires the absence of faith.

Ari: “Objectively, Kaepernick is a good person – he’s advocating for his race, which is fit. But I’m also right to view him as my enemy.”

Luke: “Totally! Much better to have friend/enemy distinction a la Carl Schmitt when it comes to politics, not good/evil. The distinction between good and evil depends upon faith in a transcendent source of morality a la religion.”

Ari: “On my view, competing programs can both be right. Take the Israel issue. Both Jews and Arabs would be *wrong* to give up the land.”

Luke: “Yes! A healthy Arab/Muslim should want to destroy the Jewish state, just as a healthy Jew will do whatever is needed to live.”

Most Israelis want all their enemies to disappear, most Arabs and Muslims want the same. It is a universal human instinct and it leads to genocide.

Ari: “One wonders about a geir constantly reminding the goyim of their reasons to be antisemitic.”

Luke: The Jewish Establishment in the diaspora is on a suicidal path and I am screaming, “Stop the Multiculti! It’s not Torah. It’s not Judaism. It’s not in the interests of Jews or of goyim.” We need to reduce our conflicts with the West, particularly the Anglo nations that have been so good for us. Jews have never had it so good as we have had it in America, England, Australia, and Canada.

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