Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Sandra Bernhard disses Sarah Palin at Theater J

Bad language alert! Fred emails: Bernhardt is singularly without wit, talent or maturity. She is a walking embarrassment. If it weren’t for her friendship with Madonna, I can’t imagine she would have ever gotten any success whatsoever. I cringe when … Continue reading

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Shooting Sarah Palin

David Suissa writes: Gov. Sarah Palin with filmmaker Elan Frank Photo courtesy Elan Frank I was visiting with a friend and Israeli war hero the other day, a guy with great stories named Elan Frank, and all we could talk … Continue reading

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The Gibson Doctrine

Dennis Prager writes: Sarah Palin’s reputation survived her interview with ABC News’ Charlie Gibson. The same cannot be said for Charlie Gibson. On my radio show last week, I twice defended Barack Obama. Once, against those conservatives who took a … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Contempt For ABC Anchor Charles Gibson

Dennis says on his radio show today: "My contempt for Charlie Gibson is deep." "Charlie Gibson reinforced the belief that Republicans are running against Democrats and the news media. "This was not an interview. It was an attempt to get … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Shines On ABC News

Hugh Hewitt blogs: Charles Gibson threw fastballs –fair, but hard fastballs– and Sarah Palin connected on every one save the Bush Doctrine and even there she recovered nicely, demonstrating a poise that will serve her very well in the next … Continue reading

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