Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

When Your Friends Burn You

A woman called in Friday to Dennis Prager’s radio show and said that three friends over the past 15 years had burned her and therefore she now only has acquaintances. Dennis: “I don’t get it. Do people do bad things … Continue reading

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Are Mormons A Cult?

Dennis Prager writes: As an American, a Republican, and a fiscal and social conservative — and though I have endorsed no Republican candidate — there is one thing that would disturb me greatly if Mitt Romney were not the Republican … Continue reading

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The Former Mrs Gingrich Didn’t Keep Herself Up

Nov. 26, 1999 In his third hour, Dennis Prager talked about women who slim down and look great after a separation. He used Mrs. Gingrich as an example. She’s lost 35 pounds since splitting from Newt, has changed her hair, … Continue reading

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Is America Racist?

Dennis Prager writes: In the Republican presidential candidates’ debate on January 7, Rep. Ron Paul said: “I’m the only one up here . . . that understands [that the] true racism in this country is in the judicial system.” He … Continue reading

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Can Jewish Law Be Wrong?

Dennis Prager writes: Many years ago, one of the most respected Orthodox rabbis of our generation, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the chief rabbi of Efrat, told me the following story — and, of course gave me permission to tell it in … Continue reading

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