Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Barack Obama – Hothouse Flower

Joe emails: "It sends the right message to conserve in the white house. Lyndon Johnson used to go around the White House shutting off lights. Call it OCD, but it says, hey, this is not my money, and I am … Continue reading

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May A Jew Go To An AA Meeting In A Church?

Charlie Hall writes on hirhurim: Every single Jewish recovering alcoholic I have ever met who has asked a shilah on this reports the following response: 1. Yes, go to AA. There is absolutely nothing there unique to Christianity and in … Continue reading

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Why The Hubbub Bub?

I listened to Barack Obama’s inaugural address. It’s rare that I get much out of a politician’s speech but this speech was noteworthy for its utter lack of original insight. The speech contributed nothing to America and nothing to my … Continue reading

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Danielle Berrin, Barack Obama At AIPAC 2005

I can’t work out who’s cuter:

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Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood

I interview Andrew by phone Wednesday afternoon about his new website BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. I previously interviewed Andrew in 2004 about his book "Hollywood, Interrupted." Luke: "Why do this website?" Andrew: "The number one reason is that the conservative movement has completely … Continue reading

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