Never Again

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* So how did the reference to the German logician Gottlob Frege make it past The Atlantic’s editors? They must have nodded off after the first few paragraphs.

Frege was of the opinion that the Jews were bad for Germany and should be expelled. How can we suppose his work on logic has any validity when it is the product of such a sick mind? All good scholars should turn their backs on Frege and say, Never Again.

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The Rise Of Christian Kinism

The New Republic is not happy:

For alt-right Christians, Russell Moore is the embodiment of where the religious right went wrong—by refusing to openly embrace racism. Throughout his youth, Griffin says, he felt alienated by Christians like Moore who were intent on “condemning racism.” He was only drawn back into Christianity when he married the daughter of Gordon Baum, a far-right Lutheran leader who co-founded the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “a virulently racist group.” Griffin says he joined the CCC, as well as the white nationalist League of the South, because both groups embody the elements he views as integral to his faith: They are “pro-white, pro-Christian, pro-South.”

Moore has become a popular target among alt-right Christians. The white supremacist and popular alt-right radio show host James Edwards, himself a Southern Baptist, regularly disparages Moore on his program, calling him a “cuck-Christian.” In June, after the Southern Baptist Convention banned displays of the Confederate flag, Edwards hosted Nathanael Strickland, proprietor of the Faith and Heritage blog. In a recent post, Strickland had argued that white Southerners “have faced a widespread and determined assault on our heritage, symbols, monuments, graves, and identity by secular and governmental forces,” and likened such supposed attacks to what Hitler claimed in Mein Kampf: that Germans faced “cultural extermination and ethnic cleansing.” Edwards seconded that analysis, declaring the Confederate flag “a Christian flag,” and arguing that to attack it “is to deny the sovereignty, the majesty, and the might of Lord Jesus Christ in his divine role in Southern history, culture, and life.”

Strickland recently told me that alt-right Christians see “racial differences” as “real, biological, and positive,” a view he insists is “merely a reaffirmation of traditional historical Christianity.” He argues that many on the alt-right who consider themselves atheists or pagans only lost their faith in Christianity “due to the antiwhite hatred and Marxist dogma held by the modern church.”

Strickland considers himself a “kinist,” part of the new white supremacist movement that, according to the Anti-Defamation League, “uses the Bible as one of the main texts for its beliefs,” offering a powerful validation to white supremacists for their racism and anti-Semitism. Strickland sees kinism as a successor to Christian Reconstructionism, a theocratic movement dating back to the 1960s that played a key role in the rise of Christian homeschooling. The movement’s primary goal was to implement biblical law—including public stonings—in every facet of American life.

After Trump’s victory, Edwards ferociously attacked the president-elect’s critics, Bible in hand. “The Bible says, ‘There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,’ and I want there to be that,” he said on his show. “Now is the time for retribution, and I want them to suffer. I want them to feel the righteous anger of a good and decent people. I want Trump to drive them into the sea.” He called on the “degenerates, perverts, and freaks,” and other “criminals who shilled for Hillary” to “make good on your promise to leave the country.” He added: “They can take Russell Moore with them on the way. That’s for sure. Good riddance. Please leave.”

Alt-right Christians like Edwards see their movement as part of a global battle for ethnic nationalism. Days before the election, neo-Nazis assembled at a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to show their support for Trump. Matthew Heimbach, an alt-right Christian leader who founded the Traditionalist Worker Party, told the crowd they were in a worldwide struggle for the preservation of “ethnic, cultural, and religious integrity,” a battle that has been joined by “nationalists around the world that are fighting the same enemy.” That enemy, Heimbach said, is made up of “Jewish oligarchs and the capitalists and the bankers” who “want to enslave the entire world.” He ticked off some of the movement’s international allies: President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, who has overseen a Hitler-inspired campaign of extrajudicial killings, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has displaced and slaughtered millions of his own citizens. To Heimbach, Assad “is fighting to defend his people against the globalist hydra of Saudi Arabia, of the terrorist state of Israel, and United States interests.”

Heimbach, who made headlines last March for shoving a Black Lives Matter protester at a Trump rally, also draws inspiration from the far-right Russian writer Alexandr Dugin, whose book, The Fourth Political Theory, he considers “suggested reading” for all Traditionalist Worker Party members. Dugin’s writings reinforced Heimbach’s belief, he says, that “we must reject the failed and flawed concepts of democracy, capitalism, equality of ability, and multiculturalism.” To alt-right Christians like Heimbach, democracy itself is a failed and flawed concept.

Some, in fact, believe that Trump does not go far enough in defending the faith. Strickland, for example, views Trump as merely a “civic nationalist,” not a full-blown racial and ethnic nationalist like those on the alt-right. “There are four legs supporting the table of civilization,” he says. “Blood, religion, culture, and language. Civic nationalists only acknowledge the last three of those.” In Strickland’s view, the alt-right must now become Trump’s “loyal opposition,” prodding the president even further to the right. “The alt-right’s job in the coming months and years will be to solidify nationalism’s place in the Republican Party and push the importance of the fourth leg—blood.”

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JewAmongYou Interview

JewAmongYou blog.

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Jewish Privilege


‘End Jewish Privilege’ Poster Circulates on Chicago College Campus

Anti-Semitic fliers calling for an end to “Jewish privilege” have been strewn all over the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago, according to student Eva Zeltser, who posted an image of the poster with her commentary on Tuesday.

“Ending white privilege starts with ending Jewish privilege,” the flier shouts, purporting to show with false statistics that Jews monopolize the wealth of America.

Forty-four percent of American Jews, it alleges, are in the top 1% of income earners, a gross exaggeration of the facts, claiming to base the assertion on data from a Pew study. That Pew study, on income across different religious groups, found that 46 percent of Jewish households in America make over $100,000, hardly a sum that puts one in the 1%.

A Jewish professor responds:

U. of Illinois, Chicago is a public, not a private university (e.g., U. of Chicago); and accordingly, full constitutional protection —not least the First Amendment— applies everywhere on campus. Sorry fellow Jews, lots of the Goyim don’t like us one bit. Boo hoo. Lots of us don’t like so many of them them one bit either.

I’d suggest that new posters be circulated on the UIC campus with extensive excerpts from Dr. Charles Murray’s more flaming writings, especially Bell Curve, elucidating where on the IQ scale us Ashkenazim fit, and where everybody else fits; and what that implies for the relative absolute numbers of those across the spectrum on both the left and the right tails of the curves. And regarding their likely success or not in contemporary American society.

Why not also include the official statistics from the Feds on racial breakdown of major crimes; incarceration and recidivism rates; welfare dependency and illegitimacy: the gonsa meghillah…all that stuff which the sainted Steve Sailer puts under the rubric “hate facts”?

And as icing on the cake, post extensive excerpts as well from Meir Soloveichik’s recent trashing (in Commentary Magazine) of World-Class French Public Intellectual Benard-Henri Levy’s abandonment of the “chosen people” concept as the necessary —and maybe even the sole— condition of getting the anti-semites to change their wicked ways.

Seems like giving as good as we get is a far preferable group strategy to lying on the ground, curled up in the fetal position, declaiming Oy vey Is mir; and begging the Dukes and Princes whom we so loyally serve to protect us from the Cossacks!

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This Week’s Parasha: Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1–38:20

This week’s Torah portion is Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1–38:20. Last week’s Torah portion covers Exodus 30:11–34:35. Listen.

* Chayenu on Exodus 1: “After Joseph settled his brothers and their families in Goshen, their extraordinary fertility quickly aroused the concern of Pharoah, who feared what he perceived as an imminent demographic time bomb. He lost no time in doing his best to instill the nascent Jewish people, who in any case were grateful guests in his kingdom, with feelings of patriotic loyalty to Egypt. But fearful that this would not be sufficient, he initiated a program of voluntary public service, which soon became obligatory and was subsequently transformed into outright slavery.”

The Jews reacted to this persecution by deciding to not have any more kids until they were persuaded otherwise by the women.

What is your first priority as a people? Survival, prosperity or acting morally, even if it means your own extinction?

* Why does skin pigmentation matter? We’re all God’s children. Skin pigmentation matters for the same reason insignia on computers matter — they signal a different operating system. You don’t want to try to install Window products on an Apple computer and vice versa.

* Who wrote the Torah? God or people?

*The presence of God comes with a price — divine justice. (Dennis Prager)

* When we study Torah, are we mainly studying the progression of ideas (such as monotheism) or the development of a particular people with a particular genetic code interacting with other particular peoples in particular environments? Culture is a product of genes and environment.

* One key Torah idea may be that the land of Israel demands a certain level of holiness and decency from the people living there, and if they don’t live up to this demand, the land vomits them out. Or is that an elaborate justification and propaganda for kicking out the original inhabitants to make it a Jewish homeland? Is the Torah fair to the natives of Canaan by describing them as child sacrificers? Or is this propaganda? Chaim Potok claimed this was propaganda.

* Is Jewish cohesion and love based on commonly shared ideas or on peoplehood (genetic ties aka kinship)? When you go to shul, people are not divided up, generally speaking, based on their ideas about abortion.

* This week’s parasha is about creating a place for God to dwell among the people and repeats sections of the three previous parshiot.

* From last week’s parasha, Ki Tisa, Artscroll says: “The equal participation of all of the people symbolizes that all Jews must share in achieving the national goals, that everyone should pass through the census by giving up his selfish, personal interests for the sake of the nation. One who does so gains infinite benefit, because the mission of Israel is dependent on the unity of the whole.” That the welfare of the nation is more important than the happiness of the individual, well, if the goyim talked like this, it would sound fascist and dangerous to Jews.

Artscroll: “There is great power in the unity of a nation striving toward a common goal.” Judaism prefers that men pray in a quorum (minyan) rather than alone.

* Last December in Texas, Rabbi Matt Rosenberg said to Richard Spencer: “You come here with a message of radical exclusion. My tradition teaches a message of radical inclusion, as embodied by Torah. Would you sit down and study Torah with me and learn love?”

“Do you really want radical inclusion into the State of Israel?” Spencer responded. “Jews exist precisely because you did not assimilate to the gentiles… I respect that about you. I want my people to have that same sense of themselves.”

* Ex. 34:6: 6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”

8 Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped. 9 “Lord,” he said, “if I have found favor in your eyes, then let the Lord go with us. Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance.”

10 Then the Lord said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you. 11 Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 12 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. 13 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.[a] 14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

15 “Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices. 16 And when you choose some of their daughters as wives for your sons and those daughters prostitute themselves to their gods, they will lead your sons to do the same.”

* When God tells Israel to not make peace, and not make a covenant with the people of the land, it illustrates to me that for every people, there are opposing people who are poison, just as there are invasive species that are poison for natives. Cats, for example, are poison for millions of birds. You have to push out other nations for your own nation to thrive. Israel has this problem with its millions of Arabs. If your people wants to prosper, they sometimes have to lay the hurt on other people. If Native Americans wanted to prosper, they had to resist the invasion of Europeans. If the Abos and Aztecs wanted to prosper, they had to get rid of the Europeans coming to their shores.

If you want a safe community without drug dealers and criminals and disruption, you have to keep out those likely to engage in socially destructive behavior. If you want a consistently tranquil hotel or restaurant, you need to keep out people likely to be loud and disruptive.

How does one reconcile religious tolerance with God’s command to destroy the altars of other religions? When the Allies won WWII, they forbade any resurgence of Nazism in Germany and any resurgence of fascism in Japan and changed Japan’s flag.

* Kevin Grace said, “politics, as conventionally understood, died in that bunker in Berlin when Hitler put a bullet in his brain.” What does that mean?

* Casey: My opening is from Confucius: “He who by reanimating (literally ‘warming up’) the Old can gain knowledge of the New is fit to be a teacher.”

Confucius: “Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chastisements, and they will flee from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by moral force, keep order among them by ritual and they will keep their self-respect and come to you of their own accord.”

–compare all that to Aaron smelting a golden calf and Moses chastising in Ex 32:2-4 and 32:31 (where he doesn’t quite chastise the people directly, but…)

Could Moses have been a better leader? How? More like Trump? More like… Patriarch Kirill?

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