Banned For Your Political Views

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Airbnb is apparently banning users who appear to be going to Saturday’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. They apparently are doing “background checks” including looking through linked Facebook accounts for crimethink.

This is a new and very aggressive front in the Social Justice War: targeting users because of their possible intent to go to a political event (a “signature strike”) and “unpersoning” them.

* It is getting more and more totalitarian. Eventually they will tell all companies (including employers) about anyone’s participation in a political rally, and then total excommunication will follow: you’ll no longer be able to buy food at the grocery store. It won’t be a problem because you won’t have any money, since you won’t have a job and your business will be boycotted out of existence. Your only option will be begging on the streets for food. SJWs will roam the streets searching for badthinker beggars, and will threaten anyone willing to give them food.

* As a software engineer in greater Boston for the last 35+ years, the number of female engineers I worked with in telecommunications (R&D) startups could be counted on one hand. Some were good, others were not. But the issue is usually not the capability, but the sometimes testosterone-filled environment. And I am not talking about cigars or sexist comments, only the amount of *drive* exhibited by young and smart males (I was average on all counts). It a technical design review meeting, “feelings” don’t enter into it! BUT IT’S NOT PERSONAL!

So in a way, I can understand that some women do not *like* that environment, but most move into other areas of tech where it is less masculine (or more people-oriented), e.g., IT or tech marketing, etc.

* It’s a common place observation that when a woman complains to you about problems with relatives, coworkers, or whatever she doesn’t want to hear your solutions, she just wants to unload her mood and have you validate her emotions. “Yes, yes, this is so terrible.”

You can see how this approach may be counterproductive in the corporate environment. “Our sales are down. Let’s all feel bad!”

Ironically, something of this dynamic may be happening in the celebrated witch hunt cases. SJW women complain about nasty brutes who say nasty things. SJW men come up with a solution – fire the brutes. But that’s not what the women had in mind. They just wanted to be the center of attention and gain status by using the most powerful weapon in their social circle – whining.

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Did The Evil White Man Invent The Concept Of Race?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Ancient peoples, and most people outside western civ till quite recently, did not actually have a concept of race as developed in Europe during the early modern period.

All peoples knew who they were, and who “the other” was. “The other” was anybody who wasn’t us.

What they didn’t have, generally speaking, was the idea that all of humanity was broken down into three or four or five huge groups, with each of those groups having much in common with each other and much less with those in the other groups.

IOW, the Crow Indians knew perfectly well that their enemies the Sioux and Blackfeet were not Crow, and that they were enemies. What they didn’t think of was that they were part of the same “race” as the Sioux and Blackfeet, as opposed to the white man.

They saw Blackfeet and white men and Sioux as pretty much the same thing, non-Crows. Same is true of most peoples. The Chinese used to, maybe still do, think of non-Chinese as an undifferentiated mass, with their most salient characteristic being that they were not Chinese.

Another way to look at this is that historically most people viewed the most important characteristic of a person is whether he was “us” or “them,” kind of the Jewish view of Jew or Gentile. What other characteristics the Gentile might have were comparatively unimportant. The important part was that he was not a Jew.

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Jordan B. Peterson: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)

Published on Aug 9, 2017: In this video, I talk to James Damore and another employee who wishes to remain anonymous about James’ memo regarding Google’s diversity programs and their overweening ideological basis. He was fired last night. That says everything that needs to be said.

This means that the company that is arguably in charge of more of the world’s communication than any other has now fired a promising engineer for stating a series of established scientific truths. That’s worth thinking about.

A fund-raiser for James has been established, here:

Hate facts: references (full papers linked where possible):

Sex differences in personality:
Larger/large and stable sex differences in more gender-neutral countries: (Note: these findings runs precisely and exactly contrary to social constructionist theory: thus, it’s been tested, and it’s wrong).
(Women’s) interest in things vs (men’s) interest in things:
The importance of exposure to sex-linked steroids on fetal and then lifetime development:
Exposure to prenatal testosterone and interest in things (even when the exposure is among females):
Primarily biological basis of personality sex differences:
Status and sex: males and females
To quote de Bruyn et al (first reference on status and sex, above): high status predicts more mating opportunities and, thus, increased reproductive success. “This is true for human adults in many cultures, both ‘modern’ as well as ‘primitive’ (Betzig, 1986). In fact, this theory seems to be confirmed for non-human primates (Cheney, 1983; Cowlishaw and Dunbar, 1991; Dewsbury, 1982; Gray, 1985; Maslow, 1936) and other animals from widely differing ecologies (Ellis, 1995) such as squirrels (Farentinos, 1972), cockerels (Kratzer and Craig, 1980), and cockroaches (Breed, Smith, and Gall, 1980).” Status also increases female reproductive success, via a different pathway: “For females, it is generally argued that dominance is not necessarily a path to more copulations, as it is for males. It appears that important benefits bestowed upon dominant women are access to resources and less harassment from rivals (Campbell, 2002). Thus, dominant females tend to have higher offspring survival rates, at least among simians (Pusey, Williams, and Goodall, 1997); thus, dominance among females also appears to be linked to reproductive success.”
Personality and political belief
Conscientiousness associated with conservatism; neuroticism and agreeableness with liberalism:
Occupations by gender:

My links:

Self Authoring:
Jordan Peterson Website:
Reading List:

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Watching the battle for the future of Western civilization is far more fascinating and relevant than anything else I can name. Videos like this have basically taken the place of movies and TV in my life.

* HBD differences between races are much more subtle and nuanced than differences between sexes which is why Damore was wise to focus on gender. Had he made his post all about race, he would have been toast already.

Google’s goal is to shut this down as quickly as possible. There is no way they can win so what we will get after the ritualistic firing is a recital of feminist dogma and then back to normal as if nothing ever happened.

The lesson for those on the right who would like to go about making change, focus on the feminists first. Once they have been deconstructed, then the other identity groups will be far more vulnerable.

* I think Sundar Pichai is a naturalized US citizen. If so, Jeff Sessions should be denaturalization proceedings against him immediately. Pichai does not believe in the First Amendment. Send him home! Let’s see if Google can find an American to do Pichai’s job.

* What we need is a Mental Nudist Colony, a place where all things can be discussed without inhibitions.

Progs focus on physical nudity, but mental nudity is more important for honesty.

After all, the Emperor has no clothes. What we need to do is undress our inhibitions and say so.

* I’m struck by how likable and decent Damore seems to be.

What parent wouldn’t be proud to have a son like this?


* How do you feel today about someday entrusting your life to a Google self-driving car?

* Given how totalitarian Google has become both ideologically and technologically we need to demand separation of Search and State.

* The Globalizers have control of the media, academia, banking, government, corporations and the military. The Globalizers in media and academia are especially showing signs of mental decay. Good! Maybe the strength they seem to have is a weakness that will soon destroy them. The various Battles of Berkeley and the Google and media nonsense that attempts to stifle free speech will ultimately destroy the Globalizers in the corporate media and the universities.

President Trump and American Patriots must keep the pressure on the mentally deranged scum in corporate America and academia. If anything, American Patriots must intensify their provocations against the evil Globalizers who are using the media and academia to attack White Core Americans.

Charge the bastards. Charge the bastards and break off the attack. Wait until the Globalizers in the corporate media and academia make a fatal mistake, and then charge them again.

* A couple of decades back, when all this identity-nonsense was in its infancy, a CEO of a large Danish engineering firm was asked by a journalist why there were so few women on his staff.

“It is against company policy to hire women”, he replied with a straight face. “We don’t hire blacks, Jews or homosexuals either. We hire engineers.”

* Damore does indeed come across as intelligent, thoughtful, and decent.

* That is his non-threatening beta schtick, which is his best strategy for success. I like that you notice it as “coming across” rather than “is”.

Its a mask. Had me fooled at first, I was thinking, wtf, this dude is as bad as the rest, but you watch him, you start getting tells.

But he is a smart guy and certainly understands that in no way can he afford a Nazi/racist/mysogynist whatever tag that allows instant/irrevocable demonization. He has to be as above reproach as the Queen, so he has to have a thoroughly SJW compliant demeanor.

You see him echoing lines he knows he has to say. He is indeed truly something of a man-child, but that is virtually endemic in his generation, bovine growth hormones or something.

My guess is he is as red-pilled in the same manner you (Whiskey) are. This guy has been all over the PUA blogs. C’mon, Systemic Biology, grad school dork?

Were I looking to discredit this guy, I’d start trying to unmask some identity of his on some pickup artist blog/forum, etc. See if he ever posted any field reports, better yet videos, etc.

Regardless of what tracks one may find, and I’m sure he’s covered them as best he can, I’ll bet he’s got some super interesting thoughts on the subject.

Notice that he could have picked other protected classes, like racial. As well as race being more toxic, my guess is that he just isn’t interested in that subject like he is in the woman stuff, he had all that material at his fingertips.

Probably his PUA stuff was first, out of frustration, which led to maybe alt-rightish views (non-triggeringly coded as “libertarian”, dude is an extremist even at that mild term), which finally led to this. He voted Trump, I’d wager.

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NYT: ‘The Political Payoff of Making Whites Feel Like a Minority’

New York Times:

The data show that race is less important to white Americans’ sense of self than to nonwhites — more white people say being white is not at all important to their identity relative to the numbers who say so in other groups. But Mr. Trump’s continued efforts to remind white Americans of their group status may increase the number of white people who think of themselves through a racial lens. It is one of the ways that his campaign and presidency may reshape public opinion and politics.

He is capitalizing both on an existing sense of threat among white voters and the opportunity to shape the way whites — because of their group membership — think of themselves.

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Silicon Valley Conformity

New York Times:

Mr. Thiel, also one of the original investors in Facebook, had given a prime-time speech supporting Mr. Trump at the Republican convention. In contrast, Mr. Hastings, a supporter of Hillary Clinton, said earlier last year that Mr. Trump, if elected, “would destroy much of what is great about America.”

Mr. Hastings, the chairman of a committee that evaluates Facebook’s board members, told Mr. Thiel in an email dated Aug. 14 that the advocacy would reflect badly on Mr. Thiel during a review of Facebook directors scheduled for the next day.

“I see our board being about great judgment, particularly in unlikely disaster where we have to pick new leaders,” Mr. Hastings wrote in the email to Mr. Thiel, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times. “I’m so mystified by your endorsement of Trump for our President, that for me it moves from ‘different judgment’ to ‘bad judgment.’ Some diversity in views is healthy, but catastrophically bad judgment (in my view) is not what anyone wants in a fellow board member.”

…Some prominent Silicon Valley figures are concerned there is too much political conformity in the tech industry. On a podcast in May, Marc Andreessen, the venture capitalist, said he knew of only two Trump supporters in Silicon Valley, Mr. Thiel and Mr. Luckey.

“What does it do to somebody when they feel like they literally can’t express themselves?” said Mr. Andreessen, a Facebook board member who backed Mrs. Clinton last year.

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