The Commander Of The USS John S. McCain Is Puerto Rican

Here is his Navy page:

Commander Alfredo J. Sanchez is a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico in May 1997. Commander Sanchez was commissioned in May 1998 from Officer Candidate School, Pensacola, Florida.


(CNN)As search teams look for 10 American sailors missing after a Navy warship collided with a commercial tanker Monday east of Singapore — the latest in a series of similar incidents in the Pacific — the US defense brass wants answers.

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Steve Sailer: ‘The Gay Jewish Confederate Leader Without a Statue to Tear Down’

Steve Sailer writes: “In general, Jews were more welcomed in the South than in the North because Southern WASP elites saw themselves as an agrarian aristocracy and thus viewed Jews as valued mercantile complements. For example, Birmingham, Alabama had both a German Jewish country club and a Russian Jewish country club.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Maybe instead they can tear down the Touro Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island that was built by Jewish slave traders.

* Actually, the Coalition of the Right Fringe Groups should be erecting statues of what will happen to American Jews in the near future. Why? To remind them of their impending doom for assaulting our cultural sensibilities, infiltrating the media, and wreaking havoc on our political system. It would be a gas!

* The influence of the Jews in America’s westward expansion gets little attention. But their mercantile ways brought many consumer goods into the expanding frontier. The book “Pioneer Jews” by Fred Rochlan (who my father claims was a classmate of his in rural Nogales, Arizona in the 1930s) provides insight into this phenomenon.

In the Southwest there is a vein of Crypto Jews who emigrated to Mexico as part of Spain’s persecution of Jews and maintained their religion in private. Not unusual to see the first name Reuben among Hispanic families in New Mexico that trace their lineage back to the conquistadors.

Jews were also instrumental in running some of the many fine brothels throughout the mining towns of the West.

Lastly, Jewish cowboys were a feature of the cattle-centric Wild West, as noted in this contemporary campfire song :

Don’t Fiddle With Yiddle or He’ll Riddle Your Middle

* In Georgia there is a memorial honoring a man who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl, and then tried to frame a Black man for the crime.

The ADL would raise hell if anyone tried to tear down that memorial.

* Adam Smith wrote in 1776, In Wealth of Nations, the following:

“The Portugueze Jews, persecuted by the Inquisition, stripped of their fortunes, and banished to Brazil, introduced by their example some sort of order and industry among the transported felons and strumpets by whom that colony was originally peopled, and taught them the culture of the sugar-cane.”

Though this does not mean they ran the slave trade, they did introduce the ‘culture of the sugar-cane’ which was the biggest customer of the slave trade. You have to give credit where credit is due.

* High IQ people (not just Jews) have that kind of ability to land on their feet because they have valuable skills and are adaptable to new environments. Dumb Arabs move to a new country and stay on welfare for 3 generations because they can’t figure out how to adapt to something other than goat farming. Their roots are torn off and they wither. Jews are not rootless, they just have the ability to re-root in whatever soil they are transplanted.

* Judah Benjamin was a Jew money man for the Confederacy. Benjamin owned a sugar plantation and owned dozens of slaves. Benjamin has perhaps served as a role model for the Jews who now populate the ruling class of the American Empire.

Judah Benjamin was a harbinger of sorts for Jews such as money man Stephen A. Schwarzman. The New York Times did a story about the political influence that Schwarzman has as CEO of Blackstone Group. The story recounts how Schwarzman told President Trump to keep Obama’s unlawful administrative amnesty for illegal alien invaders in place.

From the New York Times:

“Mr. Schwarzman speaks with Mr. Trump as much as once a week, typically about the economy though also about social policy, including a conversation in which Mr. Schwarzman advised the president to continue shielding young undocumented immigrants from deportation, according to a person briefed on their calls.”

Schwarzman is one of the Jews who is telling President Trump to abandon White Core Americans on foreign policy, immigration policy and trade policy. White Core Americans want legal immigration reduced and illegal alien invaders deported. White Core Americans want job-killing, sovereignty-sapping trade deal scams to be stopped. White Core Americans want no more unnecessary wars in the Middle East, or anywhere else for that matter.

Schwarzman is CEO of Blackstone Group. A Blackstone is famous in Britain for writing on the English constitution. The English constitution is like the poem about the man walking up the stairs who wasn’t there. Funny to hear Judah Benjamin is also famous for writing a law book concerning commerce and trade in England.

President Trump should stop listening to Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman. President Trump should listen to a lecture on the history of Judah Benjamin instead of listening to Schwarzman.

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First They Came For The Daily Stormer

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The Mystery of L.A. Billboard Diva Angelyne’s Real Identity Is Finally Solved – And She’s Jewish

Converting to Judaism, I realized that both Judaism and Jews have much more peace with the natural passions (for things like fame, money, sex, power, influence and the like).

In Genesis 12, God tells Abraham “I will make your name great.” Fame is one of the things that the Creator of the universe promises the father of the Jewish people.

When I moved to Los Angeles in 1994, I saw all these trashy billboards for Angelyne and wondered who she was. I was told that she was much older than her pictures showed and that she was another wannabe.

Earlier this month, I read a profile of her and was not surprised to find out that she was Jewish. I would have been shocked if she was Protestant. Putting your picture on billboards for no reason other than fame is not something Protestants, even lapsed ones, tend to do.

I noticed in the porn industry that a lot of the goyim felt bad about what they were doing, but the Jews usually felt pride (they were convinced they were sexually educating people and rebelling against out-dated goyisha norms and making a ton of money and having a ball). I asked one Sephardi pornography how was business and he replied, “Thank God!” No goy would answer like that.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

“This one,” he said, pointing at a 1967 Monroe Senior High School sophomore from the San Fernando Valley, third from right, “is Angelyne.” A schoolgirl with hooded eyes and long center-parted locks, in a button-down white shirt and tie, stared out across half a century. “Also known as Renee Goldberg.”

… she’s the locally raised daughter of Holocaust survivors, a Jew who has found refuge in shiksa drag…

By her own cosmetic surgery confessions, Angelyne has had quite a bit of work done — and if the genealogist was right, that high school junior is now 66 years old.

Copies of immigration, marriage and death records pointed to a cloaked prehistory of Renee Tami Goldberg (originally Ronia Tamar Goldberg), which seems to reveal the trauma Angelyne had both emerged and escaped from. She was born in Poland on Oct. 2, 1950, the daughter of Polish Jews who’d met in the Chmielnik ghetto during World War II — they were among 500 to survive out of a population of 13,000, the rest sent to death at Treblinka. According to the documentation — obtained from the International Tracing Service, established by the Red Cross as an archive of Nazi crimes — her parents, Hendrik (aka Heniek or Henryk) Goldberg and Bronia (aka Bronis) Zernicka, endured unimaginable horrors at a series of concentration camps, first together at Skarzysko, where prisoners’ main job was to make munitions, and then apart at the 20th century’s most infamous hellscapes, including Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen.

Bronia later submitted paperwork to Yad Vashem indicating she’d lost more than 40 relatives in the Holocaust, including her father, three brothers and a sister. Shortly after liberation, she and Hendrik married in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp in Germany. They were eventually repatriated to Poland, which remained hostile to Jews after World War II. So after Goldberg’s birth, the family immigrated to Israel, remaining in an ultra-orthodox community of Hasidic Jews called Bnei Brak, east of Tel Aviv, until 1959. (A younger sister, Annette, was born in 1952.)

They boarded a ship leaving Haifa for New York and settled in L.A.’s Fairfax District. Her father worked as a tool-and-die mechanic. Then, in 1965, her 44-year-old mother died of cancer. Goldberg was 14.

The next year Hendrik (now Henry) remarried another Holocaust survivor, a seamstress divorcee named Deborah, and Goldberg acquired a younger stepsister, Norma. She and her father moved from the Westside to Panorama City, deep in the San Fernando Valley, where she’d begin high school and Henry and Deborah would run a strip-mall liquor store in nearby Van Nuys. She’d have a brief marriage to the son of a Beverly Hills executive, living in Hollywood with him. Goldberg’s paper trail ends with their divorce in 1969…

Jews had assimilated in the postwar period. Surnames Anglicized, religious observance ebbed, kosher compliance curtailed — both to better conform to their American homeland and, often, as a conscious or unconscious departure from the trauma of their European pasts. They’d arrived and imagined themselves anew.

Yet Goldberg becoming Angelyne: That would be a feat far more radical, a leap far more extreme, out of a grim and drab past into a realm of complete fantasy. How fitting it would be for such an act to take place amid the New World shtetl of Hollywood, defined by metamorphosis and make-believe.

To many Jews, Angelyne reads distinctly gentile, the quintessential shiksa, whether by accident or intent. Her taste and status cues exist in a goyish Bermuda Triangle somewhere between Dolly Parton, Loni Anderson and Traci Lords.

But once I floated the idea of Goldberg as Angelyne to friends and colleagues who had been fascinated by her over the years and occasionally had had their own fleeting curbside run-ins, the surprisingly unsurprised reaction (particularly from the Jewish ones) was consensus and instantaneous: That makes sense. The stereotypical old-school shmatte-selling, the hardnosed negotiations, the pure all-purpose chutzpah — “I’ve known that woman,” one happily told me, as if welcoming home a long-lost relative, “all my life.”

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Is Google Working with Liberal Groups to Snuff Out Conservative Websites?

From PJ Media, click through for the links:

ProPublica came out today with the expected hit piece on Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, and others they disagree with, repeating the Southern Poverty Law Center’s smears and legitimizing the dishonest group’s hate list. In the article titled “Despite Disavowals, Leading Tech Companies Help Extremist Sites Monetize Hate,” Lauren Kirchner along with two fellow journalists activists documented the recent blacklisting of “hate websites” by tech companies and, although they didn’t come right out and say it, strongly implied that this should be the norm. They accept without question the hate designations bestowed by the SPCL and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The article leaves no doubt that ProPublica — which is working with Google, remember — wants to see more blacklisting. They will not rest until every one of the names on SPLC’s dubious 900-member hate list is purged from the Internet. Make no mistake. They are marshaling forces to pressure advertisers and tech providers to take conservative sites down. Just take a look at this list of Christian groups that made the list because they haven’t jumped on the LGBTQ bandwagon.

ProPublica explained what they’re doing with excruciating duplicity under the guise of “journalism”:

We supplemented the SPLC list with a list of top extremist websites provided to us by the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL does not publish this list and supplied it to us for research purposes. [Wasn’t that super helpful of the ADL?]

See the list of websites we investigated. Download the data.

We located websites associated with the SPLC hate groups and combined it with the ADL’s list of hate sites. [Because 917 isn’t enought — they want more scalps.] We then compared the combined SPLC/ADL lists with the Alexa’s Top Million websites and filtered our list to use only websites that had enough traffic to appear in the top million sites worldwide.

We then wrote software to automatically browse to each website and collect a list of external domains contacted by each website. In the wake of Charlottesville, some popular white nationalist websites, such as The Daily Stormer, were shut down and we removed them from our list. Others, such as Richard Spencer’s National Policy Initiative, were shut down after we finished collecting data and so we included them in our results.

In order to identify which domains loaded advertisements or provided payment forms for the hate sites, and to eliminate domains that only provided basic functionality, we checked the external domains we found on those sites against the AdBlock Easylist. This crowdsourced list is used by ad blocking software to hide ads when users are browsing the internet.

In order to verify our results, we visited every website and clicked on the payment links to determine if a working credit card form was loaded, and we visually inspected each site to ensure that the ad networks were actually delivering ads when we loaded the page.

Note what they didn’t do? They didn’t actually read the sites to verify they were “hate sites.” It continues:

We then contacted all the websites and the tech companies and asked them to verify whether our results were correct. In some cases, such as Google Custom Search, the company clarified for us that although some websites were using the technology, none were being paid for its use.

If the SPLC and ADL, with their (growing) list of “hate groups” is going to be the arbiter for approved online speech, we have reached a very scary place in this country. It will be the end of the Internet as we know it and America will be no better than totalitarian China and N. Korea.

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