‘Less Than a Year After Charlottesville, the Alt-Right Is Self-Destructing’

Daily Beast:

Earlier in March—after Bristow quit the movement, but before Spencer canceled his college tour—Heimbach and the TWP acted as a security force for Spencer outside a speech to a handful of people at Michigan State University. They scrapped with counterprotesters, resulting in at least a dozen arrests—including that of Greg Conte, director of operations for an alt-right group, HuffPost reported.

The physical brawl turned into a Twitter feud between Spencer and Patrick Casey, the executive director of white supremacist group Identity Evropa. Identity Evropa participated in the violent clashes at Charlottesville. But after the deadly rally, and two leadership changes (leader Nathan Damigo quit after Charlottesville, and his successor Eli Mosely quit to join a Spencer-affiliated group before it was revealed that Mosely lied about serving in the Iraq War) Identity Evropa promoted Casey to its head and attempted to rebrand itself as clean-cut.

On Twitter, two days after the TWP got in a brawl while acting as Spencer’s security force, Identity Evropa claimed to be “explicitly non-violent” and “peacefully effecting cultural change.” In a press-friendly, but largely meaningless semantic ploy, the group denied being a white supremacist organization.

Spencer interpreted the tweet as an attack. In a tweet of his own, Spencer said he was “baffled and shocked at the behavior” of Casey, and accused him of expelling Identity Evropa members who had supported Spencer during the brawl outside Michigan State University.

The spat was the latest over the alt-right’s “optics,” a divisive subject among the movement. The Unite the Right rally was so toxic for the alt-right’s image that some members started arguing that in-person protests were bad publicity for the cause.

Currently “the biggest divide is between people who believe in online activism versus real-world activism.” Beirich said. After Charlottesville, Daily Stormer founder “Andrew Anglin, for example, posted things criticizing in-real-life protests… When PayPal and Facebook started banning accounts, he was pointing out that ‘these aren’t good things for us, taking to the streets isn’t necessarily positive, the optics were bad.’”

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JF Gariepy On The History Of Internet Blood Sports


Youtube comments:

* Luke,
Huge fan! Just saw your interview of JF Gariepy. I was blown away by that first broadcast he did with Andy Warsky (with Richard Spencer, Sargon, et al.). But I, too, noticed a drop in the quality of the broadcasts after that (due to the lack of intellectual content). It was the ideas that made it interesting. In subsequent broadcasts, I noticed that it eroded into D-grade Youtubers, who narcissistically obsessed on their Twitter feeds and who was backbiting whom. It got boring.
By the way, I was blown away by your interview with JF. How you managed to make me laugh out loud at various junctures. You’re a brilliant interviewer, because you have this dead-pan delivery but you manage to work in these subtle zingers. I’ve never seen anyone with your cadence before. It works.

* You guys should do more streams together.

* These two are the types of immigrants America needs.

* I wouldn’t mind but they can stream from Quebec and Israel just fine.

* i think luke is a genius actor larping with all this jew convert stuff and the lalala and the alexander brainwash technique xD this is the most brilliant thing ever. He’s prol a trust fund billionaire who’s bored and brushing up on his acting skillz xD. there has to be more than this….

* In that first amazing broadcast with Richard Spencer, Sargon, Styxx and Mike Enoch, the person I was really impressed by was JF. I was shocked by how he seemed to intellectually dwarf the others. He seemed like the adult in the room. I’ve gone back to Andy Warski’s stream and all the subsequent broadcasts sucked, because they were less about ideas and more about stupid bickering contests between D-grade Youtubers, carping about their various Twitter feeds and who said what to whom. It’s boring as fuck. They need to get back to Ideas, and get back to booking really smart people.

* Papa JF & Luke Ford are the way forward. YouTube needs brains only.

* The demise of IRL activism is the best thing to happen for the AR. It’s the biggest win for the AR this year. Heimbach’s TWP and Spencer’s frat brigade were LARPY, premature expressions of triumphalism that any clever tactician saw as a bad move. I would suspect Greg Johnson, who I think is the real intellectual powerhouse in the AR would agree. The ideas and concerns of the AR gain greater traction every single day. The overton window is shifting and will continue to shift. And that, Mr Ford, is all that matters.

* What does being Jewish mean to you? Answer: Reverence of the Holocaust is by far the number one element affirming Jewish identity. This Poll on Jewish Identity and the overwhelming response it garnered was discussed in prior uploads of yours. What is the JQ but an acknowledgement that Jews are instrumental in the critiquing, deconstructing and subsequent vilification of White Identity. Is it not logical to attack the identity/integrity of a group who is fundamentally in opposition to you? And when their very identity is bound with a narrative that is so ridden with lies, deception and grotesque hyperbole that it can only be defended by the equally spurious penalty of- ‘Holocaust Denial Litigation’ -all you are doing is painting yourself as a legitimate and deserving target…

* Of course we get a surge of strength and power from the Roman salute, but they’re not going to admit it.

* It’s consistently impressive how mentally stimulating a conversation that is essentially about how a small friend group feel about each other can be coming from JF. The clarity of communication and fundamental explanations that don’t rely on complicated and flawed mental abstractions are like crack to me. Just hearing them helps me clear my own mind of so much mental grime that has accumulated from my own thinking as well as listening to clumsy and confused people.

* That last part with JF singing and both of them dancing had me crying.

* My new favorite couple…! Subbed, looking forward to more. Great stream gents…!

* Luke I am Alt-Right and I think your channel is fantastic, I certainly empathize with fanboying in front of an idol being alienating (this was my experience meeting KMAC and Mike Enoch @ last years NPI winter conference). I say this seriously, your channel is the most insightful autopsy of what is happening to the movement I belong and I thank you for your measured stance. You are an aryan Luke and you will always be welcome in our circles as an outsider who gives constructive criticism meant to actually offer an avenue for improvement.

KnowYourMeme: “Internet Bloodsports is a series of videos on YouTube featuring acrimonious debates regarding a variety of controversial topics, including immigration, feminism, misogyny and racism. The videos are largely associated with alt-right YouTube streamers and the internet gossip discussion forum Kiwi Farms.”

* How did you go from a post-doc at Duke to the king of internet blood sports?
* How would you describe what you bring to a debate? I’d say clarity. How do you see it?
* How would you describe your dynamic with Andy Warski?
* You retweeted Mike Enoch calling you autistic. What was that about?
* Will you let Andy Warski co-author your new book?
* What do you think about the recreational use of marijuana? porn?
* Did you read Phil Rushton’s book, Race, Evolution & Behavior?
* What do you think of the term HBD?
* What do you think of the Alt Right?
* What is your position on the JQ?
* What do you think of eugenics?
* Have internet blood sports improved on the Richard Spencer vs Sargon debate or was that the genre’s high point?
* How can the genre improve? What are the genre’s strengths and weaknesses?
* Who are the most important people in internet blood sports?
* Who underwent the most profound change during the course of a debate?
* After moderating a bunch of these debates, what have you learned?
* What’s the point of having Vee on the show?
* Anyone on the show intellectually intimidate you?
* Which guest put the most strain on @JFGariepy’s cognition? Who was most annoying? Most tantalizing? Who would he most like to court?

Yes Margaret posts Feb. 12, 2018:

Are the Kumite and Warski Live past their climax?

With so many livestreame debates between factions taking place in the arena of Internet Blood Sports, we have a great opportunity to study how online communities grow.

The three shows I will be broadly discussing are the Morning Kumite, Andy Warski Live and Baked Alaska. Both shows run a successful format of bringing together two or more beefing subjects and allowing them to debate. In recent weeks, the livestreams prove that up to four thousand people will pile in to watch and have their comments read through YouTube’s Superchat feature. Memes produced from the streams are immediately posted on Twitter and 4chan, but the memes do not have staying power on 4chan and instead continue to live on Twitch, YouTube and Twitter.

For example, one common guest on the streams is the gypsy Veeh Ro. The forced meme kick veeh is now used on Twitter in reference to the rallying cry to kick the man from the streams when he is perceived to be adding no value. Kick veeh will likely continue to be a meme among the community that watches blood sports long after blood sports are popular. After all, what’s the use in repeating a phrase unless you wanted everyone around you to know that you were there when it was in vogue?

Most of the contributors to these streams use their Christian names or show their faces. But, by far the most popular contributor is Mister Metokur who recently announced that he is likely going to be packing his channel in due to declining health. Metokur has accelerated the popularity of the show since he, unlike many of the people there to debate their beliefs, is there because it’s funny. His Twitter account acts as a lightning rod for viewers looking for third person commentary, and while the crowd demands to kick veeh they also want to invite Jim who will act the part of the thousands of watchers: Ask the questions that will get the most outrageous reactions.

So things appear to be going well. But, due to a recent announcement I believe that Blood Sports is now on the way down as a fad…

And that’s the issue. The entertainment should be produced between two opposing sides defending their dearly held beliefs for the sake of those beliefs. Without two opposing sides who care about several key topics, you miss the mark. And the audience won’t get the same rush as they did before.

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If We Accepted HBD…

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Steve once wrote that, if success in life is partly or mostly due to intelligence, and intelligence dependent on genes, then there is very little an individual can do to change those facts. A society that accepted these facts would stop trying to force square pegs into round holes, and stop trying to make everyone go to college and pile up debt. Instead, it would have to acknowledge that most people had little to do with the circumstances of their birth and actually embrace the needs of those people as they are.

It wouldn’t direct so much monetary and intellectual effort into creating robots to take away low-skill jobs. It wouldn’t disparage honest work towards self-improvement, towards working best within the strictures that nature has erected. It wouldn’t create a race-to-the-top, winner-take-all society that immiserates the vast majority of residents, who don’t have a hope of competing.

* But perhaps the greatest boon of accepting HBD would be not so much in our policies, but in the larger focus of our culture. We are, of course, now utterly obsessed with race. White guilt, black resentment, demands for remedies in representation in all facets of our culture are almost the defining features of modern day America. All of this is rendered unnecessary and irrational in a world that accepts HBD.

No truth of HBD, no peace, no harmony.

* Not being hosed down with industrial grade lies every day, for starters. Not being forced to pay lip service to things that are patently false. Not having to pretend that things that are not true are true. Is that not a thing of value in itself?

* Privately, most everyone lives an HBD aware life, so there would not be much change in that sphere.

In the public sphere, blank-slatism is largely an excuse for extracting and wasting public funds, so I guess we could blow that money somewhere else.

* First, expel all foreign trespassers.

Second, drastically reduce legal immigration.

Next: End affirmative action, have far less transfer-payment underclass welfare, and have no tolerance for thuggery. Clear-eyed society-wide HBD acceptance would result in zero protests against the recent police shooting of Stephon Clark and the police shooting of Alton Sterling, among other bogus cause célèbres in the news right now. And on the individual level, dangerous mental defectives like Nikolas Cruz and Jeffrey Yao would be locked away early on to prevent harm to the general public.

* If we junked affirmative action we’d get better performance from blacks because they would be doing only the kind of jobs they were qualified for which would maximize their value to the economy. Most affirmative action hires have a pernicious effect on decision making and productivity out to at least two degrees of separation in a business organization.

* I’ve been watching episodes of Forensic Files on Netflix. Every third episode features a forensic anthropologist calmly explaining why the skull with the blunt trauma on it belongs to a “Mongoloid” or a “Caucasoid.” Then they talk about cranial capacity varying among racial groups. Then they recreate an accurate facial physiognomy from the skull. They are hilariously oblivious to the current year, and surprisingly, a non-trivial number of them are young and/or female.

* Years ago, on a radio sports talk show, the host asked his producer, a young black man, what one thing he would want on a deserted island. Without hesitation the producer said…”A white girl.” The startled host asked why? The young man replied…”A white girl will always find a job and provide for me.”

* In practical terms, the only group who’s presently benefiting from race science is Jews. You have Pinker, CH Sommers and Jordan Peterson all endorsing a race-realist paper by Cofnas, who bases his claim that Jews are over-represented in left-wing intellectual movements** on the hypothesis of Jewish genetic IQ supremacy.

Where is the public endorsement by mainstream public intellectuals, like these, justifying the over-representation of whites in any prestigious field relative to Blacks or Hispanics? Virtually, nowhere to be found.

* It is now generally accepted in the field of labor economics that black-white differences in cognitive ability do more to explain black-white differences in earnings than lax policy (or lax policy enforcement) regarding “equal opportunity” or affirmative action. That is why, James Heckman has continually argued in favor of greater access to pre-school education. Unfortunately, the most common research finding with respect to pre-school education is that it does not permanently increase a student’s IQ.

* In the long run (but perhaps not the long, long run), Ezra Klein wins this debate by his refusal to engage in it. In the end, the science does not matter as this is framed fundamentally as a political and moral question. Ezra Klein’s politics and morality, like much of the West, is prefaced on a morality that society must embrace in reaction to the Holocaust.

We are always one minute from Midnight and the ultimate morality is making sure that “Never Again” does in fact, never again happen. This is an axiomatic position and it is simply not up for debate. The conversation of Sam Harris and Charles Murray had more than a whiff of eugenics about it and thus is morally unacceptable in the shadow of Auschwitz. Klein focuses on American racial history, but the morality fundamentally comes out of the post-Holocaust world. The Harris/ Murray discussion is so impossibly immoral that it cannot be allowed to take place. From a perspective of realpolitik,the milquetoast progressive, such as Ezra Klein, and Far Left Antifa equally believe that discussion of genetic differences in racial groups must be “de-platformed” from polite society because it calls into question post-WWII Western societies foundational and deeply held moral values.

Ezra Klein’s verbose and slightly flustered reaction to Sam Harris reveals that Ezra Klein is simply flabbergasted that a Jewish intellectual like Sam Harris fails to endorse the post-Auschwitz morality. Sam Harris’ cold and politically obtuse rejection of accepted moral dogma is so egregious because Harris is empowering the mindset that Ezra Klein truly believes allowed the Holocaust to happen.

Sam Harris is attempting to argue the science, but in the end, this is not a scientific debate. It is a statement of morality and power. Klein wins until another morality and power system arises.

* I found Eric Turkheimer, Kathryn Paige Harden, and Richard E. Nisbett “debunking” of Charles Murray to be a pretty hilarious (should be embarrassing) example of confusing academic moral preening. They call his work junk science and then go on to agree with almost everything he claims. It seems the main point of distinction is that direct genetic evidence has not been uncovered, so junk science. No wonder journalists like Sam Harris get confused. He is right that there is little scholarly debate on most of Murray’s claims, IQ is heritable, it is genetic, IQ tests are a useful indicator of cognition, and high IQs are good indicators of success, also black people generally have lower IQs. Few scholars in the field of intelligence disagree with any of this, and those who do don’t really have much in the way of evidence. The logical inference to make here is that part of the reason Blacks have lower IQs is genetic, but some scholars want to be shown the genes before they believe. I wonder what they’ll argue after they’re shown the genes.

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The West Is A Suicide Cult

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Every era presents a new environment. The only question is which groups are best suited to excel in that environment, usually defined as increasing their population relative to other groups.

Unfortunately, people often confuse Survival of Fittest with Survival of the Best. Fittest doesn’t mean smartest or most civilized or nicest (definitely not nicest). Ironically, Africans may be the race that best suits the current environment. It’s a time of plenty and they breed big time when times are good. Europeans (and their diaspora) may be particularly ill-suited for this environment, which, ironically, we created.

Conquest can come in many forms. It can be Conan and his buddies overwhelming lessor warriors or it can be African immigrants moving into the lands of a people that no longer has the will to defend their borders.

Either way, the conquest is right from the standpoint of promoting those genes that work in the current environment and letting those genes that don’t die out.

Basically, I disagree with Steve: Invasion is good. Those who can’t or won’t defend their borders – their people – should be replaced by those who can.

(How’s that for being able to look objectively at a situation. I belong to a people being conquered, and I can’t hate it more. But I’ve spent years tying to get friends, family and neighbors to wake up to what’s happening and all I’ve got for my efforts is scorn. I’ll keep trying, but it’s tough being part of a suicide cult.)

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‘Mixture is fundamental to who we are, and we need to embrace it, not deny that it occurred.’ (Geneticist David Reich)

I’m not sure anyone denies the existence of race mixing and David’s own background is one of considerable diversity.

According to Wikipedia:

Reich grew up in Washington, D.C. His parents are novelist Tova Reich (sister of Rabbi Avi Weiss) and Walter Reich, a professor at George Washington University, who served as the first director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.[3] David Reich started out as a sociology major as an undergraduate at Harvard College, but later turned his attention to physics and medicine. After graduation, he attended University of Oxford, originally with the intent of preparing for medical school.

Reich received a BA in physics from Harvard University and a PhD in zoology from the University of Oxford, St. Catherine’s College[4]. He joined Harvard Medical School in 2003.[3] Reich is currently a geneticist and professor in the department of genetics at Harvard Medical School, and an associate of the Broad Institute, whose research studies comparing human DNA with that of chimpanzees, Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Reich’s genetics research focuses primarily on finding complex genetic patterns that cause susceptibility to common diseases among large populations, rather than finding specific genetic flaws associated with relatively rare illnesses.

Steve Sailer writes:

But now the brilliant Harvard geneticist David Reich has published a bombshell scientific book, Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past, whose revelations would have been found congenial by a smarter version of Buchanan (such as Fitzgerald himself).

Despite Reich’s occasional need to stop his otherwise lucid narrative to spew irrational rage against his fellow race-science heretics such as James D. Watson, the genome expert conclusively demolishes the post-Boasian anthropologists’ conventional wisdom.

For poorly explained reasons, Reich feels it satisfying to occasionally vilify some of his own admirers, such as Watson, New York Times genetics reporter Nicholas Wade, the late genetic anthropologist Henry Harpending, reporter Jason Hardy, physicist Gregory Cochran, and economic historian Gregory Clark. In the funniest line in the book, Reich exclaims: “Writing now, I shudder to think of Watson, or of Wade, or their forebears, behind my shoulder.”

Evidently, Reich has…issues. But a close reader of his book can enjoy his prodigious research without taking terribly seriously Reich’s prejudices.

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