Demographer Pini Herman Assaulted At Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles Meeting

Pini Herman posts:

People have been asking what happened at the Members Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles this Tuesday, on June 12.

Well, I was assaulted and battered in the Sanders Board room of the Jewish Federation of Greater LA when three people surrounded me and attempted to grab my camera and then backed off when I demanded that they show anything written preventing me from recording the meeting. This was witnessed by over a hundred members, mostly Federation board, volunteers and staff who had just been herded in from another meeting and their offices, who ultimately voted to kick members out of the Federation.

The meeting was short didn’t adhere to any rules of order required in the Bylaws and debate was cut short by allotting three minutes to speakers after the serving Chair held on for ten minutes justifying the undemocratic proposal.

Over the objection of the Chair members were given legal documents showing that the Jewish Community Foundation and the Jewish Federation merged in 1962, even though they deny that to even their board members.

I think that people that the Federation herded were cowed by the scary behavior of the Federation people running the meeting and voted as they were told.

If this stands, my opinion is that the purported central Jewish address in Los Angeles, essentially no longer exists and can speak only for the private, secluded board members who appoint each other to one another’s boards and committees…

The Jewish Journal’s reporter’s coverage of meeting was spiked and our LA Jewish paper of record has been silent on this for two months.

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What Is The British National Party? (6-17-18)


For the first 60 minutes, I talk about Judaism with Claire Khaw. Then my guest is Richard Charles Edmonds. According to Wikipedia:

Richard Charles Edmonds (born 10 March 1943) is an English neo-Nazi political activist. He was the deputy chairman and national organiser of the British National Party (BNP) and has also been prominent in the National Front, during two spells of membership.

Edmonds began his political career as a member of the National Front (NF), in which he held a number of positions during John Tyndall’s chairmanship of the party. In the October 1974 general election he was NF candidate at Deptford, polling 1,731 votes (4.5%). At this time, he was a mathematics teacher at Tulse Hill Comprehensive. In his election address he said: “To young immigrants, Richard Edmonds says that they should study to the best of their abilities, for their duty and future lie in helping their compatriots to build up their own countries”. He followed Tyndall into the New National Front in 1980 and was appointed head of the youth section, editing Young Nationalist magazine.

From 1982, Edmonds held senior positions within the newly formed British National Party (BNP), eventually becoming deputy leader and also acting leader for a spell in 1986 while Tyndall was in prison for incitement to racial hatred. Edmonds took a role in funding the party, including partially funding the purchase of a new party headquarters and bookshop in Welling.[1] Edmonds ran the party’s Welling premises, living in the premises, for ten years, from 1989 to 1999. In the 1992 election he gained a 3.6% share of the vote in Bethnal Green and Stepney, the party’s best showing in that election.

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Kevin Michael Grace Book Club: David Berlinski’s The Devil’s Arithmetic (6-15-18)


Biologist Jerry Coyne: David Berlinski makes an ass of himself defending intelligent design

David Berlinski makes a pompous fool of himself again about science and evolution

Militant atheism is on the rise. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens have dominated bestseller lists with books denigrating religious belief as dangerous foolishness. And these authors are merely the leading edge of a far larger movement–one that now includes much of the scientific community.

“The attack on traditional religious thought,” writes David Berlinski in The Devil’s Delusion, “marks the consolidation in our time of science as the single system of belief in which rational men and women might place their faith, and if not their faith, then certainly their devotion.”

A secular Jew, Berlinski nonetheless delivers a biting defense of religious thought. An acclaimed author who has spent his career writing about mathematics and the sciences, he turns the scientific community’s cherished skepticism back on itself, daring to ask and answer some rather embarrassing questions:

Has anyone provided a proof of God’s inexistence?
Not even close.

Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here?
Not even close.

Have the sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life?
Not even close.

Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought?
Close enough.

Has rationalism in moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral?
Not close enough.

Has secularism in the terrible twentieth century been a force for good?
Not even close to being close.

Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy of thought and opinion within the sciences?
Close enough.

Does anything in the sciences or in their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational?
Not even ballpark.

Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt?
Dead on.

Berlinski does not dismiss the achievements of western science. The great physical theories, he observes, are among the treasures of the human race. But they do nothing to answer the questions that religion asks, and they fail to offer a coherent description of the cosmos or the methods by which it might be investigated.

This brilliant, incisive, and funny book explores the limits of science and the pretensions of those who insist it can be–indeed must be–the ultimate touchstone for understanding our world and ourselves.

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Jewish Martyrs

Chaim Amalek writes: “So you see, we Yidden have our martyrs no less than do the Christians. Yes, a Jewish man who marries some nubile young shiksa so as to disarm certain antisemitic arguments is choosing to martyr himself, and for this, he merits praise. But only in our most secret counsels.”

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Counter-Currents & The Jews

Joe* says: I tried to post a comment on counter-currents but it didn’t work. I find they often don’t post comments that are critical of anti-semitism. They have this article reviewing Mark Rudd’s book about Weather Underground, which ends with the assertion that WU just didn’t care about the war in Vietnam, that the war was “just a MacGuffin” they used to advance Jewish interests. As far as I can tell there’s no evidence for this whatsoever in the essay. In fact they mention various bits of evidence that seem to indicate Rudd’s Jewish identity was at best conflicted and ambivalent, a source of shame. But the author ignores all that and simply points out that he “was a Jew” who “identified with his Jewish background” and “was pursuing Jewish interests”. (That last phrase seems deliberately ambiguous, dishonest. Is the author saying Rudd was trying serve Jewish interests? Of course he can’t possibly prove that. Or is he saying that Rudd did things that somehow or other ended up benefiting Jews? Which is almost certainly true somehow or other, but also trivial and irrelevant to the question of whether WU was really just aiming to benefit Jews.)

Greg Johnson should have his authors state clearly what exactly they believe about Jews, and then take on the task of supporting specific claims with proper evidence. Or maybe these guys are simply deranged by their closet Nazism. They’re no longer able to objectively assess evidence. Maybe?

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