LAT: ‘Los Angeles is filthy, so I started picking up trash. I sure could use some help’

Charles Fleming writes:

Long before we were urged to Make America Great Again, we were told to Keep America Beautiful. Baby boomers may remember the 1950s campaign that made littering a criminal offense, a time when offenders were targeted by Donald Duck singing “Litterbug, Shame on You.”

Did we grow up and forget the message? Or did our children never receive it? Los Angeles is filthy.

Why has Los Angeles become more filthy over the past few decades? Has the composition of LA’s population changed towards people who don’t worry about litter?

Steve Sailer writes:

The Keep America Beautiful campaign was organized by rich WASPs and corporations in 1953 to shame Americans into not littering. (The rise of non-biodegradable plastics made litter semi-permanent.) As commenters have noted, the biggest breakthrough was the 1971 “Crying Indian” TV PSA commercial that used Iron Eyes Cody to racially shame white people into not polluting their environment.

(Okay, Iron Eyes Cody was actually an Italian-American actor who specialized in playing Native Americans, but the point is that the “iconic” commercial worked.)

The more popular way to quiet correct criticism today, though, is to furiously denounce critics as racists. Any criticism of Latinos for their propensity to litter is a Stereotype demonstrating that you are full of Hate.

From a post to a martial arts site: “I tra[in] ufc at a park near my house.

There is always some kind of party/quinceanera going on. And the aftermath is trash everywhere.

I rarely see this with whites and orientals (and not much blacks around here).

Que paso, putos?”


* They are from third world countries and bring their third world manners with them.

* The Dominican Republic was the most disgusting place I’ve ever seen in my life. Bags of trash lined the sides of the road. Huge unemployment rate and these lazy fucks can’t bother to pick up their trash or even burn it.

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Hollywood Rallies Around Director James Gunn & Others Who Joke About Pedophilia

* Breitbart:

A series of old tweets by actor-comedian Michael Ian Black about child molestation are raising eyebrows after Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was fired Friday from Disney for similar jokes making light of pedophilia.
Black’s controversial tweets are filled with sexual innuendos about children, including so-called jokes about having sleepovers with young girls and having “quick” intercourse with a baby.

Below is a sample of the actor’s tweets between 2009 and 2014:

“Went to my kids’ elementary school Halloween parade. Disappointingly few “slutty girl” costumes.”

* Vox Day on Sarah Silverman and Hollywood’s Satan brigade.

* TV show Succession

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Richard Spencer says August 29, 2018 on JF Gariepy’s show: “Greg Conte’s not the person spreading this rumor. The origin of this whole thing is a basic misunderstanding and Greg and my growing apart the past three months.”

I believe that Richard and Greg had been fighting for months. They were staying together for a few weeks. On the night in question, Richard’s GF and Greg’s GF were drunk in their room. Richard brought them water. He was holding his GF’s head when Greg walked in and had a “Why the fuck are you in here alone with the girls?” moment. There was no threesome. This moment was just an excuse for Greg to completely distance himself from Richard and to damage Richard in the most severe way possible by destroying his credibility and honorable reputation.

I’m told by a knowledgeable source: “No hotel room. AirBnB entire house. And the fallout didn’t begin there, it simply ended there. Richard was in the process of leaving Alexandria, so…at Greg’s a lot. They fought nonstop. Their stupid fights over food and editing are much more humiliating. That night at the AirBnB was just the final fight, really. I think they’d been in too close of quarters for too long. The movement had a lot of blurry lines between ‘friend’ and ’employee.’ It made it so difficult to outline responsibilities and roles. Often when Greg wanted support as a friend Richard was in need of support from an employee. It was like a family business. Same complications. Richard is a dreadful manager. I don’t think he knows what goes into cultivating a work environment or ideal employee. He hates minutiae. But so did everyone around him. Everyone wanted to be a thought leader or podcaster. Nobody wanted to balance that checkbook… Most of the fights had all those issues orbiting around. I can see why Greg wanted an out and took it. It was endless… Meanwhile, this is what Richard gets for being the waterboy.”

According to the same people who claimed Richard was sleeping with the girlfriends of his followers, Richard sleeps with many of young female journalists covering him including lady journalists at Buzzfeed, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic and one Alt Lite lady streamer the night of the Charlottesville debacle (from Matt Forney’s description this week, it sounds like Faith Goldy).

In various selfies posted online, Richard appeared chummy with female journos such as Julia Ioffe and Rosa Gray. I do not know about the extent of their relationships.

Richard with Julia Ioffe.

Richard with Rosie Gray.

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LAT: ‘Researchers find no difference between kids raised by two moms and kids raised by mom and dad’

A friend says about this Los Angeles Times article:

There is really an underlying issue that very few persons discuss. We focus on adults’ right to have children and we now believe that the sexual orientation of the parent shouldn’t prevent them from becoming parents. But isn’t there another issue: Do children have any rights? Do children have a right to a mother and father? If a mother uses an anonymous sperm donor (aside from the eugenics aspect) isn’t she in fact enslaving a child who through no choice of his or hers now has either a single mom or two moms.

When gay men use a surrogate to bring their baby to birth isn’t this in effect enslaving the surrogate mother. Isn’t this something done without any consideration as to the rights of the child?

If you read this article carefully there are huge holes in it. Some of the children were not included in the final study. How many were they and what is the reason they weren’t included. It appears that some of the conclusions drawn by the researchers are based on interviews with the families. Were the children present. As Oscar Robert Lopez has pointed out there is incredible pressure on the children to stay away from saying anything even remotely negative about his or her same sex parents.

These families were all affluent. All college educated. Since they were impregnated by sperm donors genetically this probably means the male sperm was selected for physical, mental and emotional characteristics which if you believe as I do are hereditable, also skews the findings.

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Haaretz: White Nationalist Richard Spencer Backs Israel’s Contentious Nation-state Law

From Haaretz:

Amid the controversy over the Israel’s Jewish nation-state law, which the Knesset passed last week, the legislation has now received support from an American white nationalist leader – Richard Spencer.

“I have great admiration for Israel’s nation-state law. Jews are, once again, at the vanguard, rethinking politics and sovereignty for the future, showing a path forward for Europeans,” Spencer tweeted over the weekend.

The law, which has quasi-constitutional status, defines Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and asserts that “the realization of the right to national self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people.” The law also says that the state views “the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.”

“The criticism of the nation-state law has mainly taken the form of scolding Israel for not ‘balancing democracy with its identity as a Jewish state,’ Spencer tweeted. “This is simply wrong.” And he added: “The liberal media’s critique of the nation-state law as ‘undemocratic’ reveals their own mendaciousness. When they say ‘democratic,’ they don’t actually mean rule by the people; they mean a liberal, multicultural social order.”

Last summer, Spencer told Channel 2 television that Israel should respect someone like him. He called himself a “white Zionist,” saying that he wants a homeland for whites. “I care about my people. I want us to have a secure homeland for us and ourselves. Just like you [Jews] want a secure homeland in Israel.” Asked about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which had taken place just prior to the interview, and at which marchers shouted “Jews will not replace us,” Spencer told Channel 2: “Jews are vastly over-represented in what you could call ‘the establishment,’ that is, Ivy League educated people who really determine policy, and white people are being dispossessed from this country.”

Last fall at the University of Florida, Spencer, whose twitter account identifies him as co-editor of, made reference to Israel as an example of an “ethno-state” of the kind that he aspires to create in the United States.

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