Alternative To MSM Distribution

Comments at Steve Sailer:

Bittorrent has been delivering decentralized, ad-free, censorship-free media for nearly two decades. It’s rock solid, well-proven, has extensive tooling, requires virtually no investment or overhead, and doesn’t require touching anything made by Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

Want to deliver podcasts and video without having to grovel at the feet of Zuckerberg or Tim Cook? Throw up a torrent. For $100 a month in hosting fees you can independently distribute hours of video to tens of millions of people.

What’s the problem? All but a tiny sliver of high-IQ, technically savvy, anti-estabilishment nerds are too dumb or too unmotivated to care. Even if Alex Jones’ fanbase could figure out how to download a torrent, probably nobody on Alex Jones’ production team is smart enough to set it up correctly.

The Internet of the 90s was incredible because it was all libertarian maniacs, antisocial geeks, and misfit geniuses. It was as if the Wild West was settled by smartest people on the planet. Now everyone and their mother is online. The same dullards, yes-men, soccer moms, and neanderthals that ruined meatspace have made cyberspace just as intolerable.

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Trump Tightens Rules On Economic Migrants

Lot writes:

Been thinking about this more, this could be the single most significant news on immigration in Trump’s entire first term with the exception of killing the DACA amnesty.

1. Congress doesn’t have to approve, so it can actually happen.

2. Virtually no economic migrants could become citizens since nearly all will have used at least 1 government benefit such as Medicaid or an Obamacare subsidy.

3. Fewer third-world origin citizens means fewer Dem voters and fewer chain migration legal immigrants.

4. A fair number of third world origin citizens are born to US citizens abroad. To take one common example, Ahmed the American who became a citizen from a W-Era refugee or visa lottery meets Betty Burkha online in Pakistan, marries her there, and knocks her up. Under Miller’s proposal, Baby Burkha is not a US citizen because refugees like Ahmed almost all use welfare and would be barred from naturalization.

5. This rule actually favors non-welfare using immigrants by knocking the welfare immigrants out of the naturalization line and subsequent chain migration waiting list. So high income immigrants who also don’t lie about their income for the bennies win too entirely at the expense of the welfare migrants.

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When To Lie Is To Die

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The Joys Of Being Wrong

Nick Short writes:

When I first got clean, the catalyst beyond threat of discontinued financial support was certainty that I would finally be recognized for the meteoric talent that I was – that all of the reasons for which I thought I used substances would be reinterpreted and rightly understood as unappreciated genius and, once so affirmed, I would no longer indulge that self-destructive tendency born of being “misunderstood” – no wait sorry – not just misunderstood like you are – distinctively misunderstood. Quitting drugs for me, however, has actually shown its primary benefit to be that I now get to participate in life just as other people do – like a person looking to what actually is instead of constant consumption with what is not, with how they’ve been wronged, with how they are somehow simultaneously better and worse than ____, all at the same time.

Even now, despite years of practiced right-sizing and spiritual dependence, there is a part of me that continues to sustain the myth that I am somehow so special as to be immune to the conditions that dog other people, despite a consistent undercurrent of fraudulence: that I can put in a little less effort, that I am somehow shrouded in a halo sufficient to enchant those so blessed to gaze upon my angel face.

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Will Maxine Waters Chair The Committee On Financial Affairs?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* …when I was younger and worked for a House Democrat, Maxine Waters was considered a total joke by most of her own caucus – at Financial Services hearings, she repeatedly demonstrated that she didn’t have even the most rudimentary understanding of most of the issues under the committee’s jurisdiction.

Should she become chairwoman, not only should the opposition highlight her lack of knowledge repeatedly, it should also flog the fact that she lives a life (and district) completely different from her constituents and how little her influence in Congress has meant for them.

* Is there some reason why the average ISteve reader should give a damn about the Republican Party?

* The average iStever reader is probably a white American who is deeply concerned about the future of this nation. Yes, most definitely yes, they should give a damn about the Republican party. And before anyone writes “they’re just both sides of the same party”, or “the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats”, consider the following:

1) It should be abundantly clear to anyone reading this blog that the Republican party has been for some time the white party and will become even more the white party in the future. If you are a white American you really have no other choice. It’s like a homesteader who doesn’t get the choicest piece of land. You make do with what you have and try to make it as good as possible. So whatever you think of the Republicans, it’s your party now and you should get involved and try to make it better.

2) The Democrats and the media have finally shown what many have suspected. They are anti-white. Steve’s tweeting and selection of blog posts over the weekend is testament to how out in the open they are about their anti-white animus. So iSteve readers know their choice has been made for them. There is no option to iStevers for the Democrat party.

3) We have guys like Speaker Paul “Cuck” Ryan and Senators Corker and Flake quitting. These are some of the people who justify the saying that Republicans are “just as bad as the Democrats”. They are quitting because the Republican party is finally changing. It is changing into something more of us on this blog can accept. And it’s only the beginning.

4) Many neocons and nevertrumpers have left the Republican party. The cleaning continues.

5) Even big donors like the Cuck Brothers have been publicly attacked by Trump and the Republicans. So the party is changing.

The list goes on and I won’t bore you. I am sure others can add items similar to the above. The point to take is that if you are an iSteve reader you have no choice. And despite your past opinions of the GOP, there are signs that the Republican party is changing to our view. Is it there yet? No. But we have seen more movement in the past 18 months than anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. Now is not the time to stop or pause and complain. Now is the time to keep your foot on the pedal and continue with this transformation.

But here is the kicker. All of this progress we’ve seen over the past 18 months can and will be stopped if the Republicans lose the House in November. Not only must iSteve readers accept that the GOP is their party, they must actively support it this election cycle or risk having our momentum stalled or completely stopped by a Democrat House.

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