Economists and Merkel’s migrants

Greg Cochran writes:

Someone polled a number of prominent economists whether the influx of refugees into Germany beginning in 2015 will generate net economic benefits for German citizens over the succeeding decade.

About half said yes, a little less than than half were unsure. 2% disagreed.

As of late 2017, the job status was as following:

~20% had any job.

~largely those were low-skilled jobs

Now you have to understand that Germany is a fairly plush welfare state, one that spends a lot of money on its inhabitants. School, medical care, housing, the whole ball of wax. In order to be a net contributor, you have to have a pretty high income. Even higher, if we’re thinking of someone being a net contributor over a lifetime – you have to consider retirement and old-age costs. The occasional gaudy acts of terrorism hardly help: protection is costly. Maybe it boosts GDP like an epidemic of broken windows?

Next, your typical Syrian or Afghani immigrant doesn’t speak German and doesn’t have a lot of human capital: he isn’t a fresh graduate of a German technical high school. If typical of his home country, he has an IQ in the 80s. He finds both beer and blood sausage abhorrent – fitting in is difficult.

The birth rates are very low in Germany and the big companies would like more skilled labor. But after a year, out of a million-some refugees, less than 100 got jobs in those big German companies.

So.. On this not-terribly-difficult, not-terribly rare kind of problem, economists are worse than useless. I could put it more strongly !


* I’ve always been mystified by this nonsense, too, but whenever you ask economist like Caplan, Hanson, Cowen, Tabarrok, Easterly, etc, etc. They always come up w/ econometric papers proving immigration to be a net benefit. Anyone at Cato, Reason, Bloomberg. They all think alike. Depressingly to me, I think they are not lying; they rly believe it….

Even IQ realist economist Garrett Jones argues for more immigration. I once read that even Charles Murray believes immigration, whatever kind, is always a good thing.

Economist youngsters like Ben Southwood and Sam Bowman, who are HBD realists, also believe “free labour movements” are a net plus to GDP. Not just Poles and Chinese, Somalis and Syrians too. They will gladly show you papers by open border economists “proving” lowskilled to be a net benefit to GDP.

I never needed immigration-benefits-GDP papers or even IQ research, I can just visit my old neighbourhood and see its sorry state today…

* All of these guys accept the Von Mises argument as an axiom. That is, unless a society has reached maximum population size, more labor makes everyone richer. It’s a basic libertarian argument, that like most of libertarianism, only works in imagination land.

* According to von Mises it was a meaningless question whether immigration benefits the receiving population because he quite explicitly assumes that there is no real difference between populations.

* Von Mises was nuts. By the same logic, when a nation is attacked, it should worry just as much about casualties to the enemy as to its own forces… No country can solve its problems by importing an extra underclass.

* Prof. Heiner Rindermann? Ostracized since he honestly and scientifically answered a question about possible race differences in intelligence in a German radio interview, he is one of a few left psychometricians in Germany. When the migrant crisis hit its peak in autumn 2015, he wrote an article for the journal Focus that formally educated African Academics and engineers most likely would have an IQ around 93 according to his best estimates and numbers. That would just equal the average cognitive ability of graduates of the German Realschule (secondary high school with diploma but no qualification for higher/tertiary studies, normally completed with 16 years). Result: Everyone offended.

* Economists, like almost all academics and servants of the deep state, are mainly interested in their own economic status….Which would be harmed by telling the truth about 3d world immigration….

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Theater Thursday: The Witch: A New England Folk Tale (2015) (8-9-18)


Topics for tonight’s show:

* The Witch: A New England Folk Tale (2015)

* There will be blood.

* Steve Sailer: No Jail Time for Berkeley Bike Lock Philosopher Eric Clanton

* Heather Mac Donald: Sarah Jeong Is a Boring, Typical Product of the American Academy

* Mickey Kaus: “Illegal immig. hasn’t “continued to surge” (it’s normal …) but Trump’s utter failure to pass ANY immmig-control measures (wall/E-Verify/loophole closing) is stunning. Either he doesn’t know how to use Pres. power or chose not to.”

* Washington Post: Trump hits a wall on curbing illegal immigration.

* Heartiste: Female Xenophilia As Revenge Fantasy

* Why are modern men obsessed with self-improvement?

* Microsoft threatens

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Crime Stats

Johnny Walker writes:

During 2012-15, the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was about four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000). The rate of black-on-black crime (16.5 per 1,000) was more than five times higher than white-on-black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000). The rate of Hispanic-on-Hispanic crime (8.3 per 1,000) was about double the rate of white-on-Hispanic (4.1 per 1,000) and black-on-Hispanic (4.2 per 1,000) violent crime.

Among black victims, 63 percent of violent victimizations were committed by black offenders, 11 percent by white offenders and 7 percent by Hispanic offenders. Among white victims, 57 percent of victimizations were committed by white offenders, 15 percent by black offenders and 11 percent by Hispanic offenders.

An estimated 32.3 percent of multiracial women,
27.5 percent of American Indian/Alaska native
women, 21.2 percent of black non-Hispanic women,
20.5 percent of white non-Hispanic women, and 13.6
percent Hispanic women experienced at least one rape
victimization in their lifetime.5

We analyzed data from adolescent women participating in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Bivariate associations and logistic regression models were assessed to examine associations among race/ethnicity, forced sex, and substance use behaviors.

The first multivariable model examined the risk for forced sexual intercourse by race/ethnicity, controlling for age (Table 2). The model was significant (X2(7)=34.29, p<0.001) and demonstrated a good fit (Hosmer-Lemeshow X2(8)=4.85, p=0.773). Compared with Asians, African Americans (OR = 3.12 [95% CI 1.53, 6.35]), Caucasians (OR=2.38 [95% CI 1.20, 4.72]) and Hispanics (OR=2.45 [95% CI 1.21, 4.96]) had significantly higher odds of reporting forced sexual intercourse.

In the 2013–14 academic year, 4.2 percent of Colgate’s students were black. According to the university’s records, in that year black male students were accused of 50 percent of the sexual violations reported to the university, and they made up 40 percent of the students formally adjudicated.

During the three academic years from 2012–13 to 2014–15, black students were accused of 25 percent of the sexual misconduct reported to the university, and made up 21 percent of the students referred for formal hearings. Fifteen percent of the students found responsible for assault in those years were black. During that same three-year period, Asian students, who constituted a little more than 3 percent of Colgate’s student body in 2013, were more than 13 percent of the accused, 21 percent of those referred for hearings, and 23 percent of those found responsible. (The rest were white; no Hispanic students were accused.)

To illuminate the complexity of campus sexual assault, we collected survey data from a large population-based random sample of undergraduate students from Columbia University and Barnard College in New York City, using evidence based methods to maximize response rates and sample representativeness, and behaviorally specific measures of sexual assault to accurately capture victimization rates. This paper focuses on student experiences of different types of sexual assault victimization, as well as sociodemographic, social, and risk environment correlates.

For both women and men, the prevalence of any sexual assault was similar for all race/ethnicity groups compared to non-Hispanic White students with one exception. Asian students (women and men) were less likely to experience any sexual assault than non-Hispanic White students. For women only, differences emerged by type of assault. Asian women compared to non-Hispanic White women were less likely to experience penetrative assault (OR = 0.35, CI: 0.19–0.62), but not attempted penetrative assault (OR = 0.56, CI: 0.25–1.26), nor sexualized touching only (OR = 1.00, CI: 0.59–1.69). Black women were found to have increased odds of touching only incidents compared to non-Hispanic White women (OR = 1.99, CI: 1.05–3.74). There were no other significant racial or ethnic differences.

In California, Hispanics were arrested for forcible rate at 2.3x the Non-Hispanic White rate. Blacks were arrested at 6.3x the Non-Hispanic White rate.

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Steve Sailer: No Jail Time for Berkeley Bike Lock Philosopher Eric Clanton

News story:

Eric Clanton takes 3-year probation deal in Berkeley rally bike lock assault case

By Emilie Raguso Aug. 8, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal.

Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017. Before his arrest, Clanton had been “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube.

Wednesday, Clanton was supposed to have had his preliminary hearing, where a judge decides whether there’s enough evidence in a case for it to move ahead to trial. Instead, there was no hearing, and information about Clanton’s plea deal became available online.

According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.

Clanton’s three years of probation begin Wednesday and last through Aug. 8, 2021.

Police said, previously, that Clanton attacked at least three people with a metal U-lock during the April 15 rally in and around Civic Center Park. Court papers later revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head, according to authorities. One person received a head laceration that required five staples to fix. Another was uninjured but had a piece of a helmet broken off. A third was struck across the neck and back, police wrote.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I hope some attorney has reached out to those assaulted and is ready with a civil suit.

* Robert, Lord Crichton of Sanquhar, lost an eye when sparring with a fencing master of the name of Turner. When at the French Court some time after, the King, Henry IV, asked how he came by the injury and on being informed, inquired, “Does the fellow live?”

Eric Clanton hurt a number of people and they know who he is. Does he have anything to fear?

* Depends where in California. Getting an Alameda county jury to convict this guy is a very steep hill to climb. So he negotiated a sweet deal. Prosecutors don’t have time to waste on trying losing cases, especially in Alameda county.

* The feds can press federal charges and jail him for 10 years or more for denying civil rights with violence.

The perp was part of a far left terrorist group house and arrested with piles of weapons and drugs.

* The light sentence only makes sense if one of two things is going to occur.

1. The Feds do intend to pursue it. It is not unusual for a state to cut a sweet deal with a defendant if they have been advised by the Feds that they will also file charges.

2. He is a snitch. But a snitch only get a deal this good if he helps bring down someone with much more culpability than the snitch or he helps take down a criminal organization.

Absent one or the other, this is a legitimate miscarriage of justice. The type that should cause riots in the streets.

* Clanton was a part time community college instructor. He was fired after the riot. I doubt he owns a home. His car’s probably worth about $8,000 and he probably owes $6,000 on it.

No money.

Alameda county DA is one of the most pro criminal in the country.

* It’s been more than a year. The feds will never file violation of civil rights charges when the victim is White.

* Sessions is too busy trying to promote civil forfeiture and keep weed illegal to protect Trump’s base from political violence.

* I think I read it was a Nolo plea. So the prosecutor screwed the victims doubly. A guilty plea would make a civil suit easy, the Nolo plea means a civil trial must establish first the fact that Prof Commie committed the crime. And the trial would be held in Berkeley. Good luck with that.

* Probation can be a very strict. Some people prefer jail time just to be ‘free’ afterwards. I have no idea how strict Alameda County’s probation is but it can require drug and alcohol testing, limitations on travel ( without court permission), payments for your own supervision and community service work. Its not pleasant.

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