You Get A Bomb & You Get A Bomb & You Get A Bomb!

00:00 Trump’s enemies get pipe bombs
03:00 New York Times Published Trump Assassination Fantasy Before Mail Bomb Scare
10:00 Megyn Kelly is OUT at NBC just 48 hours after defending blackface
32:00 Dennis Prager: What I Learned About Young People While Trying to Buy a Car
43:00 Richard Spencer has a new GF – Megan Bobonick, 29 yo, leftist, single mom, gay rights supporter, loves PETA, pursuing a PhD.
53:00 Alt Right gets it own #MeToo movement with these sordid Richard Spencer divorce revelations.
54:00 Richard’s wife, Nina, is a survivor!
58:00 Brett Stevens: Christine Blasey Ford II: The Spencer Divorce
1:00:00 Few men can stand up to their wives
1:05:00 Mexican towns rally for migrants, who try to be good guests
1:07:00 Are people who read Drudge likely terrorists?
1:14:00 Theater Thursday: Robocop (1987)
2:30:00 Vox Day
2:43:00 Mike Cernovich
2:47:00 First the Unabomber, now the humor bomber
2:48:00 Everyone in the news media gets death threats, famous people are hated, people commit these crimes for attention.

* Theater Thursday: Robocop (1987)

* NYT: Trump to Order 800 Army Troops to Help Secure the Border With Mexico, Official Says

It’s Trump’s caravan!!!!

* NYP: Megyn Kelly’s lawyer wants Ronan Farrow on hand to meet with NBC execs

* Megyn Kelly is OUT at NBC just 48 hours after defending blackface as she and the network fight over whether she will be paid out her $69M contract in full

* Everybody Hates Megyn: Daily Mail: Megyn Kelly’s staff revolts, telling HR the host has made the show a ‘toxic environment’ and they are ‘disgusted’ by her blackface remarks – as NBC reveals they will air REPEATS for the rest of the week

* Look at the pic: two-year-olds walking to America? Not bloody likely. AP: Mexican towns rally for migrants, who try to be good guests

* Richard Spencer in Divorce Proceedings with His Dugin Translator Wife

* Richard Spencer has a GF, Megan Bobonick.

* Nina Spencer attacks Anatoly Karlin for being a Jew:

Karlin is typically a Jewish name (Carlin is an Irish name). By his own account Anatoly Karlin is about 10% Ashkenazi.

Nina luxuriates in her #MeToo Moment. She’s a certified “survivor”!

Megan’s website. On her Twitter profile, Megan linked to this angry homewrecker post, possibly by Nina (Richard Spencer’s wife): “Megan Bobonick, the daughter of Jeanne and Mark Bobonick (Schererville, Indiana), is a PhD student at Lewis University in the Chicago area. Doing graduate research on politics, this year she has been contacting numerous men pertaining to her sphere of research, often engaging in flirtatious behavior with them on public social media. I can only imagine what went on in private with many of these men, considering that one of them was my friend’s husband. He was away on an extended business trip. Megan took advantage of this. Being fully aware that he was married with small children, she aggressively pursued him anyway. Half-naked selfies, secret meetings at hotels, you name it. I suppose it is not surprising that a nearly 30-year-old woman unable to find herself a husband of her own would be so desperate as to go after someone else’s man. Truly pathetic! I think my friend can do a lot better and needs to kick this cheating liar of a husband to the curb! But what boggles my mind even more is that this woman is supposed to be an objective researcher aspiring to be a university professor. Not only is her behavior immoral, but it is highly unprofessional and unethical. Megan Bobonick is better suited working on the side of the road at night where she can fully pursue her “hobby” rather than in a respectable workplace.”

Richard’s new girlfriend.

“Hi Megan! Richard liked a tweet that told him to go back to his wife.”

* NYT: My Very Personal Taste of Racism Abroad
For an African-American woman, a study-abroad program in Italy led to an eye-opening experience. “Disgusting black women” were the stinging words of one racial encounter.


* NYT: Why Has the Stock Market Been Dropping? The Expansion Heads Toward a New Phase. It’s a less bullish time for investors, but mostly good for workers and the economy.

“This is bad news for stocks and for the bottom lines of the largest companies, but good news for American workers. When you hear a phrase on a corporate call like “input costs are rising,” keep in mind that the wages you receive are one of those costs.”

* What I Learned About Young People While Trying to Buy a Car

Buddy says:

Have you and KMG ever done an episode on the Dreyfus affair? Seems like he’d have interesting stuff to say and it seems very relevant now… these mail bombs appear to be dividing people similarly. The anti-Dreyfusards did nothing wrong!

It took me time to acquire a taste for KMG cuz he has an affectation of know-it-all that offends Gen X sensibilities. But I like him now. But I also liked last night’s show. If KMG would agree to it, invite a third and sometimes wen fourth voice with the understanding that Kevin steers the macro conversation. He has good solid takes, and can prevent idiot takes. But it would be asking him to make room in the front seat for someone to sit in the middle. Just my two cents—don’t even mean it as a critique. Like I said, I’ve learned to enjoy Kevin now so no change is also fine. Godspeed.

I liked what you said in your car stream. If I were you, my goal would always be to see the viewer numbers creep up without, as you said, compromising too much on quality… so I don’t know. There’s probably a ceiling like there was for John McGlaughlin. But if you could get to 300 live viewers somehow, the money would come easier (?).

I mentioned Dreyfus because I’m fascinated by the breakdown of (so much!) accumulated credibility among the press. Isn’t it amazing to watch conservatives — even MAGA normies — just immediately reject the pipe bomb narrative? It actually kinda makes me nervous. The NPC meme too — I worry that there’s some projection happening among our guys. But the historical challenge now is to see who can re-establish that forfeited credibility.

The breakdown of the gentile mindset is kinda scary. Hearing Aurini & even Kevin & Brundle talk about Civil War makes me nervous. Maybe I should get a gun? But, you know, Jesus wouldn’t carry one.

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October Surprise: Bombs

00:00 Will America protect its border against this Central American caravan?
07:00 KMG wants polls made illegal, Luke defends them
24:00 Cory Booker accused by homosexual of bathroom misconduct
28:00 Republican gay congressmen such as Larry Craig, David Dreier, Dennis Hastert
40:00 ‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
51:00 Sex is not real, you can choose your sex, but what about your race? Do DNA prove Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee?
54:00 The rule of the coalition of the fringe (James Kuntsler)
58:00 99% of people can’t be at equilibrium when they don’t know the sexual identity of the people around them
1:01:00 Is normalizing pedophilia next?
1:08:00 Tech oligarchs allow kids to access porn, but ban people who accurately quote crime and immigration statistics
1:12:00 WEHT to Frame Game Radio?
1:16:00 Parental involvement at all-time high
1:19:00 Kids playing video games, free range kids
1:26:00 The Day John Kelly and Corey Lewandowski Squared Off Outside the Oval Office
1:30:00 Trump: ‘You know what I am? I’m a nationalist’
1:33:00 Barack Obama Is Back On The Campaign Trail And Back In A Box
1:37:00 Trump spat appears to be hitting Harley-Davidson
1:41:00 Is Netflix a Ponzi scheme?
1:50:00 Treating movies like events such as concerts
1:55:00 Z-Man column on American history:, Harry Jaffa, Leo Strauss, slavery was not unique to USA
2:00:00 Max Boot complains about being airbrushed out of conservatism, will Jennifer Rubin stop misrepresenting herself as a part of the Right?
2:04:00 Faith Goldy appears headed for a third place finish in the election for Toronto mayor
2:08:00 Why are the Finns so happy?

Invasion USA

00:00 Davis MJ Aurini discussion his ejection from Youtube
05:00 Bomb threats sent to leading Democrats including CNN
17:00 Revolutionary Spirals To Civil War 2
37:00 Why the rise in Democratic extremism?
1:00:00 One of the world top models is grossly deformed with a skin condition, the Left loves ugliness
1:02:00 Latest bomb threats look like a false flag operation, knocking Mexican caravan out of the news
2:10:00 Rodney Martin weighs in on the Richard Spencer divorce filings
3:10:00 Rodney Martin talks about the horror of civil war
3:13:00 Rodney Martin talks about the National Guard deploying around New York after the bomb packages

Panel: Davis MJ Aurini:
Halsey English:
Rodney Martin:

* Explosive devices sent to Hillary Clinton, Obama, other prominent Democrats, and CNN

* Facebook ‘could collapse’ if election scandals keep coming, author warns

* Dennis Prager: What I Learned About Young People While Trying to Buy a Car

* Revolutionary Spirals To Civil War 2

* False Flag: Motives for false-flag operations:
To create psychological support for a planned war
To pave the way for a transition to a less democratic form of government
To consolidate a government when its power is dwindling
To defame an enemy by blaming an attack on them

* Megyn Kelly Makes Tearful On-Air Apology for Blackface Comments

* When Sears Flourished, So Did Workers. At Amazon, It’s More Complicated.

Megan’s website. On her Twitter profile, Megan linked to this angry homewrecker post, possibly by Nina (Richard Spencer’s wife).

Richard’s new girlfriend.

“Hi Megan! Richard liked a tweet that told him to go back to his wife.”

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The Elections

From the thread on Steve Sailer’s blog:

* The Democrats really want to shoot themselves in the foot by making this an election about migrant rights and transgender locker rooms, but the Republicans keep trying to hand the Democrats the bread and butter issue of health care.

* Trump has managed to get the Left to come out against the flag, the national anthem, defending America’s borders, due process of law, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, Kanye West, and now being a nationalist.

Is there anything this man cannot do?

Give him a few more months and I legitimately think he could get them to come out against Mom, baseball, and apple pie.

* Actually stop migrants at the border without letting them apply for asylum?
Pull our boys out of Middle Eastern wars?
Sink the fledgling Chinese navy and destroy the bases they’ve built on neutral/contested lands?
Convince US businesses and our political allies to stop treating the Chinese as anything other than an oppressive dictatorship?
Declare Taiwan an independent nation and US ally?
Repair our relationship with Russia?
Push Merkel out of power in Europe?
Reverse the power dynamic with Saudi Arabia?
Balance the budget?
Start decreasing the national debt?

* He kept us from entering the Syrian debacle and has made a peace deal with North Korea, and has slowly drawn down our involvement everywhere.

* Sam Francis used to claim that the Dems were the evil party and the GOP the stupid party. I am beginning to think he had it backwards.

If the GOP holds the House, they will owe it to the visuals of this “caravan.” How can the Left be so stupid as not to know that these visuals would play badly in middle America?

* I’m really hoping for a Trumpian Triumph in November.

However, I’m going to call the election against both sides.

Democrats will be devastated when they don’t take control of the Senate. The smart money says that the Dems have a good chance of flipping the House, but I’m going with my belief in Trump mojo to say that they won’t. They will howl, sulk, double down on dismissing deplorables, wear pussy hats while eating pints of Rocky Road, etc.

People who voted for President Trump will be sorely disappointed that their political position will not have improved one whit. President Trump will still not have partners who will pass funding for the Wall through Congress, and there will be no movement toward solving immigration with legislation.

>>>Not one liberal or Leftist or Democrat will be convinced by anything in Steve Sailer’s columns to change sides. Not one. We’re not winning any hearts or minds.

If you’re actually using the failed “winning the hearts and minds” trope, you’re far gone, baby. That phrase went out when Iraq and Afghanistan turned into nightmares.

Steve’s columns are for the intellectual/moral bolstering of our own side. Much like how all those left wing academic are for them. Do you really think that one person is swayed by Mother Jones ?

Morale is important. And intellectual arguments are important. But only for people on your own side. No one is convinced by witty arguments, baby.

As Vox Day has pointed out, they started hedging their bets a few weeks ago and have gradually wound down their “mass blue wave” predictions to “its close”. They know their polls are bogus, and this time they know that far fewer people are buying them, so they are drawing down to save some of their credibility with those dumb enough to think they have some.

Still, that’s better than 2016, when their “Hillary will win in a landslide” lies kept up to the last minute caused literal mental breakdowns on the Left when Trump won. The freakout will be more subdued this time. I can’t help but think that Kavanaugh’s confirmation caused much of the corporate media to realize the power they thought they had to destroy a man’s career is far less than before, and they are a bit depressed.

* Whats flummoxing the left is that its jewish leadership is (on paper) sympathetic to trump’s ideas, since most of his rhetoric and philosophy is lifted from zionist concepts that have been reinterpreted along american cultural lines.

This is why trump “gets away with” so much stuff. His goals are orthagonal to jewish ones, and his methods, actions, and behaviors don’t rustle hebrew jimmies. In many ways, this “threading the needle” is one of the most astonishing political balancing acts accomplished in the post ww2 era.

Thats also what’s so interesting about the “alt right”…although it is (nominally) anti jewish, it is fundamentally a jewish inspired/modeled movement, publicly lead by a guy (trump) who is sympathetic to jewish political and cultural thought.

Jews have, post ww2, been the intellectual, political, and financial leaders of the democrats.

For about the past year, though, american jews have been moving towards trumps side. They are doing this because, in many ways, Trump is”one of them”. Or at least, the closest thing there ever will be to a jewish president.

Without jews providing direction to the left, the left is flailing and floundering…Black lives matter is defunct. Metoo burned out, and mostly went after democrats. The Kavanaugh protests? Lasted 10 days, ended 15 minutes after the vote, and were self defeating. Heard anything from Robert Mueller lately? Heard anything ABOUT Mueller lately? Or Russia? Or trumps “nazi” “foot soldiers?”

Most of the stuff Sailer has railed about over the past 12 months has been expendable, “true believer” suicide bomber type bullshit…Low level leftists acting without funding, organization, coordination, or sanction. voices in the wilderness. Futile, angry, ineffective gestures of defiance. Nothing coordinated. Nothing planned.

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Buzzfeed News: White Nationalist Richard Spencer’s Wife Says In Divorce Filings That He Physically And Emotionally Abused Her

From Buzzfeed:

The wife of Richard Spencer, the white nationalist leader, has accused him of being “physically, emotionally, verbally and financially abusive” throughout their marriage, according to divorce filings in Flathead County District Court in Montana.

Nina Koupriianova, who married Spencer in August 2010 and has two young children with him, alleges that Spencer physically abused her, including instances where she was “being hit, being grabbed, being dragged around by her hair, being held down in a manner causing bruising, and being prevented from calling for help.”

Koupriianova — who went by Kouprianova in some public interviews and N.K. in the documents — “has been reluctant to call police or seek an order of protection for fear of further reprisal by” Spencer, her lawyers said in court documents. “Much of the abuse has occurred in the presence of the parties’ children.”

The documents said that Spencer’s “controversial public life” has led “his entire family to be targets of violence,” and Spencer kept a loaded weapon in his bedroom that was “accessible by children” after he was “assaulted in public” on the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

“Despite the risk to his family,” Koupriianova argued in court, “[Spencer] continues to engage in extremely polarizing public speech advocating ‘peaceful ethnic cleansing’ and a white-only ‘ethno-state’ which tends to invite passions and violence.”

“Most, if not all, of [Spencer’s] public speaking events result in violence,” the affidavit states…

The couple has been living separately since July 1, 2017, with Spencer splitting his time between Whitefish, Montana — where Spencer and Koupriianova live in separate residences — and the Washington, DC, area.

Spencer has previously stated he was separated from his Russian-born wife, who also holds Canadian citizenship, as early as Nov. 22, 2016, in a Washington Post profile. He added in that article that his work was taking a “toll” on their relationship.

Koupriianova has tried to explain some of Spencer’s positions. When asked by the Observer to explain her husband’s desire to create an ethnostate, she said, “In my understanding, these comments are about a theoretic future — a dream — for people of European descent, per se, not concrete policy suggestions for contemporary United States.”

She added, “‘Ethnic cleansing’ is a very heavy, loaded term. There are some recent examples of fairly peaceful separations.”

When asked in the same interview, “Do you think that people of other races should be eradicated in order to achieve the perfect society?” She responded, “No.”

In the divorce filings, Koupriianova alleged Spencer had increased his “alcohol consumption,” which “contributes to his aggressive and erratic behavior and reduces his impulse control.” Spencer denied this.

The documents also claim that Spencer was verbally abusive to their children’s babysitter, including in front of their children, where he allegedly called the babysitter a “fucking sub-mediocre human being” and a “fucking moron.” The court filing goes on to claim both children had been adversely impacted by his behavior.

“None of the allegations of ‘abuse’ have anything to do with my children,” Spencer wrote in his own 48-page affidavit.

Spencer goes on to write that Koupriianova “obviously and litigiously, tries to rope the children into our dispute by saying they were in the room next door or they overheard abusive talk.”

Koupriianova’s 78-page affidavit includes exhibits containing text messages and emails that are meant to corroborate her claims, in addition to photos that supposedly show bruising suffered by Koupriianova. Copies of the court documents provided by the Flathead County clerk are in black and white and are overexposed.

Koupriianova said that Spencer’s favorite statement to her was, “The only language women understand is violence.” He also allegedly told her once, “I’m famous, and you are not! I’m important, and you are not!”

In January 2011, about five months after their civil wedding ceremony and three weeks before their church wedding ceremony, Koupriianova said that Spencer dragged her down the stairs by her “legs, arms and hair” and threw her on a couch, resulting in bruises.

“I was very sick with the stomach flu, could not keep food or water down, and wanted to stay in bed recovering. Mr. Spencer wanted to watch a movie downstairs and did not take ‘no’ for an answer,” she wrote. “He dragged me out of bed by my arms, legs, and hair, dragged me down the stairs, and threw me onto the couch. At that point he calmed down and turned on his movie. The incident resulted in bruises.”

Court documents.

* NYT: Stacey Abrams’s Burning of Georgia Flag With Confederate Symbol Surfaces on Eve of Debate

* U.S. top court blocks questioning of Ross in census suit

* Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Speaks At School Career Day

* Elle Mills is John Hughes for the YouTube generation. And it’s exhausting.

* Chicago Tribune: Gov. Bruce Rauner declines to use profanity from his new ad, says Illinois is ‘screwed’ if J.B. Pritzker wins

* Nina Kouprianova, Richard Spencer’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

* Elle Mills is the celebrity every YouTuber wants to be. But her fame came at a price.

* Her mother is a famewhore too.

* Should America Declare War On Mexico? Migrant caravan could prompt a wider confrontation between Mexico, US

* Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother

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Invasion USA



* AP: Ragged, growing caravan of migrants resumes march toward US

* Obama back on the campaign trail

* Patriots abandon Harley-Davidson.

* Z-Man: If the Founders were immoral men, does America have an immoral foundation?

* Why is Finland the happiest place on earth?

* Is Netflix a ponzi scheme? More

* James Kuntsler: “The correct place for the marginal is…on the margins!”

* Obama: The ex-President as effeminate, hip uncle:

* NYT: ‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration

* WP: As Trump administration eyes writing transgender people ‘out of existence,’ a reckoning for a transgender Republican

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