Tag Archives: talk show host

The Liberal Media

From DennisPrager.com: Thursday, March 10, 2011 Radio Show 20110310 – 01 Shame Liberal Media Prager H1: The liberal media bias is in full display in Wisconsin. Can you imagine how the media would depict Tea Party Republicans rushing mob-like into … Continue reading

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The Descent Of The Unions

From DennisPrager.com: Monday, February 21, 2011 Radio Show H1: The Descent of the Unions Prager H1: We love teachers; we have contempt for the teachers union… The Daily Mail in London reports that Gaddafi has fled Libya. If it’s true, … Continue reading

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Healthcare Blues

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says about Obamacare: “This is classic liberal legislation. It feels good. We pass it. We worry about the consequences later.” “There is a childlike element to all left-wing positions. We will do good … Continue reading

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Election 2010

From DennisPrager.com: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Radio Show H1: Dennis and Daniel Webster Prager H1: Dennis talks to Daniel Webster, Republican congressional candidate. He’s running against Alan Grayson, the man George Will calls the most obnoxious man in Congress… Dennis … Continue reading

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Business Scandals Among LA Persian Jews

The Jewish Journal reports: Just over a year ago, Ezri Namvar was forced into involuntary bankruptcy and accused by investors of creating a Ponzi scheme that lost as much as $500 million that had been loaned to him

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