Overturning Roe V Wade Is Thanks To Trump

A philosopher tells me: “Science tells us that the fetus feels excruciating pan when it is killed in this way. That is enough for me. The restrictions that are being imposed in the states that have them are similar to Europe. We are the outlier. Or were. In any case, this is a question for democracy—people should have input on abortion policy.”

A friend says:

Well, this is pretty one-sided — the feminists have used Roe as a fund-raising gimmick for decades, mostly by being hard line and unwilling to acknowledge that there is an issue. It is just this attitude, shared by the “educated elites” that pisses people off — and that is what this guy says, but from the other side — it is about people who don’t want to be pushed around on race, or anything else. Racial resentment is just a term that means that people don’t like the special treatment of Blacks. By the same elites. Of course these issues are all correlated. But saying it is about race is just plucking one variable out of the mix.

David Leege, emeritus professor of political science at Notre Dame, has an additional explanation for the process linking racial animosity and abortion. In an email, he wrote:
For the target populations — evangelical Protestants — whom Viguerie, Weyrich, and Falwell sought to mobilize, racial animosity and abortion attitudes are related but mainly in an indirect way, through aversion toward intellectual elites. The people perceived to be pushing government’s role in equal opportunity and racial integration were now the same as those pushing permissive abortion laws, namely, the highly educated from New England, banking, universities, the Northern cities, and elsewhere.
In short, Leege wrote, “although the policy domain may differ, the hated people are the same.”

The more interesting thing is the dispute over the effects of abortion. There is a controversial claim that it is the source of the drop in crime, the thinking being that unwanted kids cause crime. And they are Black. And of course there is Margaret Sanger and the racist view that abortion is good because it gets rid of Blacks.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Gun Control (6-23-22)

00:00 Gun rights restored, https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/06/23/us/gun-control-senate-supreme-court
19:00 National Conservatism: A Statement Of Principles, https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/national-conservatism-a-statement-of-principles/
19:40 RS: Paleocons: Still (Figuratively) Gay After All These Years, https://radixjournal.substack.com/p/paleocons-still-figuratively-gay#details
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38:00 Republicans claim election fraud in Wisconsin
43:50 How much executive function does Joe Biden have?
56:00 Democrats use Justice Department to crush their enemies
1:21:00 KMG asks: Why are they here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aVEfx_1pk4
1:37:00 Why Bill C-11—the Online Streaming Act—is bad news for Canadian YouTubers

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Why aren’t we building any new oil refineries? (6-22-22)

00:19 Why aren’t we building new oil refineries?
01:00 Tucker Carlson says Joe Biden is weak
02:40 Joe Biden gets 24% support from Hispanics
05:00 Why are so many Republican senators supporting Joe Biden?
21:00 Why aren’t we building new oil refineries?
36:00 Is Google’s AI alive?
38:00 Porn Icon Ron Jeremy languishes in jail over rape charges
1:42:00 Why aren’t we building new oil refineries?
1:50:00 Max Boot has promoted wars in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya

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Worthwhile Canadian Initiative (6-21-22)

00:20 I got so mad at my friend because his flaws reminded me of my flaws
1:10 Remember when Stephen Colbert was funny?
18:00 Why can’t Nancy Pelosi condemn attacks on churches?
24:00 Uvalde police pathetic response
49:00 How to have sex while you have Monkeypox
52:00 The world’s most boring headline, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1986/05/14/in-search-of-the-worlds-most-boring-headline/a8902389-3f17-4c61-84b3-142e23412129/
59:00 KMG on another Worthwhile Canadian Initiative, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjSOXoLo7k8
1:07:00 KMG’s 500th show
1:12:00 New book on Clarence Thomas
1:14:40 Oil refineries are making a windfall. Why do they keep closing?, https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/06/20/refineries-profit-gas-prices/
1:20:00 Tom Luongo & Halsey English on the elite crashing our world, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2qZAFYdUko&t=1189s&ab_channel=HalseyNewsNetwork
1:33:00 L33T THEORY (Explained by Nick Fuentes, refuted by Luke Ford)
1:43:00 Edward Dutton’s Wife calls me a Nutter

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The fall of porn icon Ron Jeremy (6-21-18)

People don’t understand that Ron Jeremy, like Uncle Wally, is a nice guy, down to earth, helpful, funny, just great fun to be with when he’s not raping you. People get so hung up on the rape thing, but that’s just a part of Ron.

I had dinner with Ron Jeremy (and Jasmine St. Claire) at the Rainbow Room and he never tried anything. Just a perfect gentleman. He didn’t use my vagina like his personal masturbation device.

It’s like you rape 87 women and then you’re known as the rapist, no matter your other accomplishments. Ronny almost got a masters degree in Education.

If you can’t believe in Ron Jeremy, who can you believe in? It seems that all our heroes have clay feet. Even Nick Fuentes.

We have to stop destroying our heroes. Who will our kids look up to now?

I’m so sick and tired of globalist elites tearing down authentic American heroes.

Where does this madness end? Love is love.

Most of the time, it wasn’t even rape rape, it was just rape and sometimes it was only rapey.

When you’re at the Rainbow Room and Ron Jeremy asks you if you know where the kitchen is, and you don’t want to get raped, just say no.

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