Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Does American Need Change?

Dennis Prager writes: If you ask most supporters of Sen. Barack Obama why they so fervently want him to be elected president, they will tell you about their deep yearning for "change." And that, of course, has been the theme … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah Campaigns For John McCain?

Andrew Sullivan writes: Not the Calvin Klein fragrance, but a disturbing propaganda movie that has been sent to 28 million people in swing states in the run-up to this election. It conjures up an image of an Islamist take-over, spear-headed … Continue reading

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Joe Biden’s Uncovered Gaffes

Kirsten Powers is Mickey Kaus’s new blonde shikse of choice. He compares her to Charles Krauthammer. And she’s a liberal Democrat. I love looking at her on Fox News. She writes in the New York Post: Barack Obama‘s choice of … Continue reading

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Will White People Riot If McCain Loses?

This black columnist says it is ridiculous to worry about blacks rioting if Obama loses. After all, they are such law-abiding citizens. Why would anyone after Watts and the LA Riots worry about blacks rioting because things don’t go there … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Blurbed Bill Ayers’ Book

Bill Dyer writes: From an authoritative and comprehensive post at zomblog (don’t even think of suggesting that this is a photo-shopped fake, because you’ll just make an utter fool of yourself if you do)(h/t Ace), here is a photograph of … Continue reading

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