Donald Trump Shot – Why Did The Secret Service Operate With Reckless Disregard? (7-14-24)

01:00 The Secret Service’s Reckless Disregard For Donald Trump’s Safety,
1:25:00 The case for forcing the mentally ill into treatment,
1:36:00 Charles Murray. The collapse of the social sciences in the West,
1:41:00 Trump ASSASSINATION Plot Details REVEALED
1:44:00 I Wish The News Media Had Given Joe Biden As Much Scrutiny As An NFL Coach,
1:51:00 Stephen J. James joins the show
1:55:00 Candor vs courtesy
2:05:00 Is Lizzo attractive?
2:26:10 Stephen J. James reflects on his recent visit to America
3:25:00 Secret Service protocol is to not fire on a shooter until he fires first?

Speaker 0: Today, May 40 here, Ben. I’ve got a lot of impressions. Particularly about the lack of performance by the secret service. They had the shooter in their sites. Right?

They at a box read the shooter In his sights, prior to the shooter taking any shots. Right? They had the killer in their sights prior to the killer taking any shot then the killer gets off 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots. The shooter pauses gets off, shot number 4 Shot number 5. Shot number 6.

Shot number 7. Shot number 8. Just from the facts as we know them, right now, so I’m speaking at 06:10AM in Los Angeles on July 14. So When when you look at the video, the secrets… The sharp shooter had the guy, in his sights, and he let the guy get up 8 shots.

Before the shop shooter responded. So I’m just curious. Why did the secret service shop shooter allow the guy to get off 8 shots at Donald Trump? Before even bothered to respond? I mean, so questions.

Alright. Why did they leave the roof wide open just hundred and 40 yards. With a clear shot to Donald Trump. Right? We we know that secret service snipers had their eyes on the shooter.

Alright? The man had a gun. People were screaming for minutes prior that there was a shooter, a guy with a gun on a roof, and why did law enforcement do nothing? Why didn’t they try to protect the president? Right?

And then why did the secret service wait for him to take shots? Right? So here’s the conservative treehouse, not gonna narrow where you can witness with your own eyes it is. The camera lens is pointing toward 2 Us secret service protective details. Snipers on the roof behind Donald Trump.

When does a spotter. Turn on the sound. You can clearly see both Us secret service spot the shooter. Do nothing. Wait for the shooter to get off his 8 shots, and then respond.

I mean, is that the protocol you allow? And this assassin to get off all his shots, and then you decide to take him out. And a

Speaker 1: a months old, and if you wanna really see something that said, take a look at what happens.

Speaker 0: So the secret servers just from this video had the shooter in their sides for at least 10 seconds. Prior to the shooter opening fire, and they did nothing. They just stayed there, did absolutely nothing, Loud the guy with a gun hundred 40 yards away from the president take 8 shots. And a little bit

Speaker 1: months old, and if you wanna really see something that said, take a

Speaker 0: look at what happens though. So, I’m just curious where did the Us secret service allowing him to get off each shot, so? You’re just looking at the facts on the ground right now. Right? It looks like the secret service was happy to allow the assassination of Donald Trump, and they andy did the bare minimum that could be expected to appear professional.

Now I do not believe for a second that the truth is what it looks to be. Alright? I do not believe for a second. That the Us secret service was in on this assassination. I just believe that the sheer depth and width of their incompetence just makes it look that way.

But I believe that incompetence usually explains these things far more than any conspiracy but just just looking at the facts where they had the shooter in their sights for many seconds prior to the shooter taking any shots. It it sure looks like they were in on the assassination. And I don’t believe that’s true for a second. I’m just saying the depth, the breadth, the width, the height, the deaths. Of their incompetence makes it look like they were in on this assassination attempt, which I do not believe for 1 second I I’m just talking about the the sheer amount of incompetence.

And and now the the Fbi is leading the way in investigating this. That the same field office that led the way in investigating Hunter Biden and essentially exon him. Maybe they’ll they’ll have as much success investigating this incident they had with the mass shooter in Las Vegas where they couldn’t figure out, way an earth he decided to open fire and slaughter over 50 people at a country music comp concert. Well, at least, they’re they’re getting close to meeting their diversity quota. So you’ve got these these tiny women trying to protect Donald Trump.

So Donald Trump is Trump is 250 pounds, and these these little women are a key part of his protection detail. And, obviously, they’re too small to be after to protect the president adequately from from getting shot. So his… I don’t often agree with Dan bun Bong, He’s often a little too for me, but here he is on Fox news just

Speaker 2: right away, dan, We gotta have Dan on tomorrow. You’re the perfect person to speak to this dan genome, take it away.

Speaker 3: Well, it’s good to see you guys again. Good to. Let’s just put out upfront that in an an uneven failure Pete as from your military experience is is not a success. I say that because the secret service spokesman seeming to take some kind of a, like, a victory lap here that they added resources, is is quite bizarre, and I can tell you and I can confirm on your airways. Absolutely on my honor and integrity that what he’s saying from a macro picture, maybe from a micro picture, Pete, in other words about that specific site.

Maybe he’s pigeon holding the truth, but the macro picture about multiple requests for a larger security footprint of Around Donald Trump due to the enhanced threat level, that is absolutely categorically false. I would never say this on your air waves on my show or anywhere else. I know it from people directly involved. I I could give you direct quotes from the failed secret service director, Kim C herself. When they were asked about Mar Lag security being enhanced.

I could tell you direct quotes where she… Not only re upped it, but mocked it saying things like I don’t secure nightclubs clubs. This happened. Now, I’m gonna tell you something. They better be very careful about what they say in the coming days, because there are people out there who know.

They… I know they know because they told me, they know absolutely that… So this

Speaker 4: is how, come on.

Speaker 5: Listen come

Speaker 4: on man.

Speaker 2: We are gonna work.

Speaker 5: For the president. There’s nobody Wants securing my husband more than Dan Bon gin.

Speaker 2: He would know. And there’s no… He’s right to point out the macro We always played you hone in game.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s have a look at more more points that Cool struck me about this story. Okay. New 40 shows Trump rally attendees is desperately shouting to law enforcement, there was someone with the gun on top of a structure, So I I am not a security M, but normally, police will shoot to kill anyone. Who is waving a gun around or aiming a gun and threatening the lives of innocent people.

Right? That’s normal police procedure. Now you simply pull out a gun and start aiming it. The the normal police response that protocol is you shouldn’t kill. But that was not the Us secret service response.

Their response was to wait for the guy to get off 8 shots. And then they decide to take him out. Normal, law enforcement protocol is to you shoot and kill the guy prior to him getting off 8 shots. And way an earth were people yelling for minutes that there was someone with a with a gun up on a roof Like, why was there no law enforcement on that roof. Right?

I’m not the world’s greatest, security expert, but even I know that you you don’t allow. A rooftop, just a hundred and 40 yards away from present with e direct line of sight and, do nothing have have no law enforcement on on top of that roof. But who gave the order for the entire secret service protective detail, ignore the elevator position with line of sight within a hundred 50 yards. Not quite countess sniper or surveillance on the exact position. That was the most obvious place from which to launch an assassination attempt.

Right? It it it’s such a stunning level of incompetence that the human mind does not want to go to that expectation. Given in mind naturally goes to the explanation that the secret service was in on the hip. And I don’t believe for a second that’s true. But that is the way that any normal human mind operates when you just look at the evidence as we have it right now.

So… The shooter shi up to the top of this building, then Army crawled to his final position on the roof over with the rifle in hand, he lined up his shot. People clearly, clearly noticing him attempting to flag cops and secret service ever would listen. Right? And law enforcement did did nothing.

Right? A a competent private security detail would have acted more effectively than the secret service here. And if you say that Donald Trump is a threat democracy, then you can’t complain about what happened. Right? If you The Democrats democrat primary line of attack on Donald Trump is that he is a threat to democracy.

Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, then you are seeking to have him kill. Right? If Donald Trump is a threat to democracy killing him is the right thing to do. Just as if abortion is murder, then killing people who perform abortions is the right thing to do. Now I don’t believe that abortion is murder, and so I don’t believe that you should kill.

People who perform abortions. Right? If you say that Donald Trump is Hitler, then you’re saying that killing him is the right thing to do, So the primary line of attack by Democrats on Donald Trump is it he’s a threat to democracy. So if the Democrats had any integrity. They would simply lament that the assassin didn’t carry out the their wishes.

Right? The secret service, the Fbi had a clear shot that would be Assassin from rooftop Vantage point. And they failed to take him out. Right? The the roof wasn’t manned.

Donald Trump got shot. Agents could move the podium for a clear exit. Agents were too short to provide cover to Donald Trump upstairs were too narrow for a escaped in a Huddle. And left on or Trump exposed to potential second and third shooter. And we had many democratic congress people introduced legislation a month ago to strip Donald Trump from his secret service protection.

So I respect these Democrats because at least they have integrity. Right? At least they have the courage of their convictions, they they want Donald Trump assassinated, and they did everything that they could to elevate the chances of Donald Trump’s assassination. So my my first question is why did the police knob sniper, not shoot the killer till this killer had squeezed off at least 8 shots. Right?

The 2 officers on the roof he’d be investigated the 1 laying down had a shot lined up, but he did not take it before the shooter had successfully fired 8 shots. Right. This led to a dead Trump supporter to in critical condition and the foreign president United States in critical conditions. So I’m just curious why this guy did not take out the shooter before the shooter killed people. Right?

You had him lined up. Many seconds before the guy starts taking any shots, but you do nothing. You allow him to get off 8 shots. Right? With the pause between shots 3 and 4, allowing him to get 8 shots off.

And then you decide to take action. So is is that secret service protocol allow assets to have have 1 free go, get get off as many shots as they can before you decide to take him out, But police the secret service is emphasizing diversity.

Speaker 6: 50 years ago today, the secret service appointed first female agents to its rank.

Speaker 7: Coming in. I I was young and excited and ready for that challenge. That’s exactly what the secret signature gave. Me. Voters popped up, and I said that’s what I wanna do, and I set my heart to it.

Speaker 8: And Gun makes it look easy, but she is the first woman to ever join the elite motor cage 4 unit.

Speaker 0: Oh, great. So that that’s what’s important. Diversity, Not actually.

Speaker 9: What do

Speaker 10: we have going

Speaker 9: on on the 20 second?

Speaker 0: Oh, man, do we really need this music? Great. So secret service emphasizes diversity, they don’t have much of a commitment to excellent. I be just string after string of secret service scandals and massive levels of incompetence going on for years. So Going on for years, but at least they’re promoting diversity.

Speaker 11: National agency with people who do a amazing things every day.

Speaker 0: Yeah. They did do amazing things every day. They make it look like they’re in on an assassination. Amazing attempt. Just absolutely amazing.

I be beautiful music wish I could play, but Nice visuals. Alright. Very impressive. We have lots of diversity. Not so much confidence, but our new country is gonna be great.

Fantastic. Just so inspiring. How much diversity we have.

Speaker 9: I house. I’m gonna work to protect the president, and then I go home and I could protect my daughter.

Speaker 0: Wow, just a really really good their job. And what is the focus for secret service director Kimberly C. Alright. Wants to have 30 percent female recruits by 20. 30.

Not, not particularly interested in protecting Donald Trump. I remember it, Jay Biden press conference last night called the shooting of Donald Trump inappropriate. Alright. So how do you get a bunch of non law enforcement spectators spotting the shooter at alerting police and yet The president of the United foreign president of the United States is left on stage for several minutes. Several minutes.

Right? And bystanders sanders are screaming at law enforcement to protect the president, but law enforcement couldn’t be bothered. But at least they’re diverse. And I think that that’s

Speaker 8: me back. What were you doing before the shooting happened? And then what did you see in here?

Speaker 12: I was just hanging stand there like everybody else waiting for Trump, and we… As Trump started, we… I noticed 2 officers that were looking for something or somebody. I was… So I was looking around myself and seen got on top of 1 of the buildings, go in between 1 building to the next and, went and told the officer.

He was up there. And when I went back to my spot, I heard that people could still see the shit… The person from where they were standing, so I checked that out, and I went and went back to tell the officer that if he came over there, he could see them. And when I turned my back when the shots, when the shots started, and then it was… It took me a second or 2 to figure out exactly what it was.

And then it was just getting out of there and helping helping some some other person out with her child, and we got out and that was that was the end of that, and I went and left and that was all

Speaker 0: into Okay. So we have multiple reports. Alright. Many reports of bystanders standards yelling for minutes about a shooter on the roof. By administration’s entire reframe these days is that Trump’s election would spend the end of the United States and the birth of a fascist dictatorship, if they actually believe that, The violence would be the reasonable approach.

Tom Elliott says we should presume the Fbi secret service if not the Biden administration were comp complacent in last night’s assassination temp. Now I don’t believe that for a second, but the level of incompetence and misplaced priorities that they show does make an ordinary human mind or without a partisan as an agenda, believe that. Right? That would be the natural inclination of the human mind. Right.

Just motor Us secret service failures, just mind boggling levels of incompetence. Alright. Huge American flag, flying over Trump’s head serves as the ideal win flag, indicating for a potential assassin wind speed and direction. Such indicators used on all military and security firing range. Right?

These indicators would be prohibited by competent security. The secret service are not competent. Potential position for an assassin you’d think would be assessed. Video evidence shows security had snipers pointing in the direction of the killer, or but left access to these elevated places on Guard. If the audience saw the assassin moving into an obvious firing position, train snipers with scope.

Something did, but they chose not to take the guy out. Right. It it it bog my Us secret service is so systematically incompetent. That the mine naturally goes towards conspiracy, which I don’t believe I just believe they’re incredibly incompetent. The And then it was tracking how the media under played this story for as long as I.

They avoided stating the obvious truth that Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt. Instead they emphasize that the secret service. Good picks Donald Trump after up after he falls that secret service take care Donald Trump after loud noises at a rally. Now, It’s understandable that the news media wouldn’t get things right in the minutes immediately after shooting when things are unclear. This is the New York Times front page.

Right. More than 6 hours after the shooting. Trump heard, but safe after a shooting. Right? That’s just a bizarre headline.

You think they’d say Trump Trump hood in a an assassination attempt. Right. The news video systematically, under play this event for minutes and then hours. Right? They they don’t use assassination attempt generally speaking until you get this news conference from a 6 hours after.

The shooting. Right. Here’s the Washington post. Trump escorted away after loud noises at a Pennsylvania rally. And if you could go back in time and tell Felt before it came to power, would you?

At near Republic, put out, recently a cover story. Placing Donald Trump’s face on a Hitler image. Right trying to persuade Americans that Donald Trump is Hitler, Trump Hitler that obviously, an act of violence and taking him out would be the right thing to do. So the new republic this morning doesn’t have any stories about this assassination. So if democracy is on the ballot, Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy that if trump wins, this would be the last American election.

Right. These are primary democratic talking points against Trump, if And they provided all the justification needed for assassination of Donald Trump. There’s no similar rhetoric by Republicans. Right? No problem Republican use that a Biden Presidency in democracy in America.

Right? The primary line of attack. Jay Biden by Republicans is the very opposite that Jay Biden is Sin use at there’s nothing in a civility charge against your biden that encourages violence. Now, sometimes conservatives do encourage violence. When Trump made the case after the 20 20 election that the vote was rigged, he removed moral constraints, for, those who believed him.

When conservatives argued that abortion his verdict, they remove or moral constraints for dealing with people who perform abortions. Right, people that like moral constraints and they marginalized people embrace any opportunity. To drop such constraints. I don’t know almost anything about the shooter, but I do know that no man is an island. Right?

The shooter operator within a context that encouraged him to do what he did. And if the context was different, he would not have done. What he did. So let’s go back see if we got Dan Bon en, talking, what do we have here?

Speaker 2: But we’ve heard even publicly points where the Trump folks have been denied or laughed at or mocked or ridiculed said, you don’t need that. And yet as you pointed out, Rachel, time time again. He is the most threatened member of the world.

Speaker 5: In the world, there’s nobody more likely to be assassinated. And by the way, representative Benny Thompson.

Speaker 0: And, Steven James says you can hear 1 the secret service women yelling. What are we doing? What are we doing? Say Hud? Around Donald Trump beneath the Podium doesn’t exactly instill confidence.

Speaker 5: Try. To, pass an act or a bill or whatever to get rid of of security of secret service 4, Donald Trump on the fact that he was a a convicted felon. They said it will, now he should have his secret service… Removed. Even though He is the most likely to be assassinated human being in the world.

Speaker 13: Well Dan, Shot Froze. We’re gonna work on getting that back up in just a moment, I think we’ll have. I think we’ll have him back in just a moment, But Alexis Mca adams was in the crowd when the shooting broke out last night. She did some excellent reporting for the channel, and she’s with us this morning Alexis.

Speaker 14: Hey. Good morning. Well first, I just wanna point out because you guys have been talking about the layout. Right, of what… Said that there were police for hours on that street.

So it’s possible school that this suspect could have parked nearby and then walked in on foot. Exactly how many weapons he had or how we got in. We’re not sure just yet.

Speaker 15: It’s Yeah.

Speaker 2: Alexis. Thank you or how he would have known that that was a spot that wasn’t covered or did he not know who no? Also something to think about. Those Trump’s thank you, Alexis. Those Trump supporters that were yelling.

He’s got a gun. Probably rushed the shop. Think about it. I mean, he’s heard

Speaker 13: 1 of them say don’t over there.

Speaker 2: Yeah. He probably rushed the shot, which may have saved the president’s life. You. It may be that Trump supporters iga id him flu the shooter caused the inch that was needed financially to save life. We’ll never know.

Speaker 5: And and pete incredible. The civility of the crowd that there was no stampede is remarkable as well.

Speaker 2: Well, we have them back. Spring dan gin back in, we’re eager to hear. It have you complete your thoughts on this, Dan. Just just continue where you left off on the reaction here.

Speaker 3: We’re So again, open security questions right now. And this is why again, I think the secret service, the the P r, Anthony Google has to be very careful about what they put out. , he says in his in his in his expo, and you can read it yourself. You don’t need to hear from me, that they deployed these extra resources and technology. Okay.

Well, which ones? It you’re telling me the best technology you have was deployed and you missed a shooter, a hundred and 30 yards. Say it was 200 yards. The secret service Cs team pete. The counters sniper team.

I’m not sure those 2 guys are secret service. We have to remember that we don’t always… When we go to New York, sometimes with high level protect, we’ll use Ny pd Asu. Counters sniper. So I’m not really sure them either way, they’d still be briefed in.

The question we have to ask is if that’s the best technology we have and we had a Cs team up there with a shooter that, , we’re trained out to a thousand yards in the secret service with the counters sniper team. How did they miss someone at at at at most you…

Speaker 0: But if you’re a law enforcement professional, Right? And you have it would be assassin in your sights. And you allow the seconds to take by, and then you allow the assassin to get off 8 shots. It’s such a huge der election of duty that the mind would naturally suspect that you’re in on this assassination attempt.

Speaker 3: The way there. It doesn’t make any sense. And and and even worse, it’s broad daylight on a white roof. So, again, open questions here. Was there forward looking at infrared deployed?

But, was there were aerial support, drones, helicopters. , something happened to, if you go back and listen to the audio. I want you to listen to this after I get off here. When Donald Trump after this tragic thing happens, you’ll see the secret service agents and, by the way, I know some of those guys personally. I want…

It takes a lot to run into bullets. Divorcing the security failure. So at least they did that part, , correctly and they knew what they were doing after the security absolutely failed. But you’re gonna hear something if you listen closely. The the guys mentions Hawk guy on the scene.

He’s talking about those 2, the black Bd u, with the tactical gear cat element, that 2 man cat element. That stands for counter assault team. That’s a secret service special weapons team, the equivalent to our swat. So they’re there they all deployed and did what had to be done after the security failed, But having…

Speaker 0: Sir another think that was striking. I was watching Cbs news at Margaret Brennan, the anchor on Cbs news last night. Kept talking about how Republicans need to lower the temperature. Right? So the Democrats and the mainstream media being repeatedly saying that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and it must be stopped by any means, they are now making the argument that Donald Trump and the Republicans really need to lower the temperature.

The rhetoric. This is what what’s Steve Stanley would say front. Right? So backlash is after your side tries to take out presidential candidate, but front to get in front of the backlash and say, oh, is the Republicans who really need to watch their rhetoric, Cnn, Cbs news very quick to condemn Donald Trump and Republicans for not taking steps after this assassination attempt to lower the rhetoric.

Speaker 3: Said that, there was no reason for them to have to do that. There’s only 1 entity out there that saved Donald Trump’s life yesterday. And it pains me to tell you guys this. And what that is? It’s Donald Trump.

If he moves his head and inch to the left or right. Guys, this is a really different show today. I mean, this is… It’s bad enough. We have to do this show about this topic.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Donald Trump did not Duck. And looking at the stage there? I’m speculating, but I’m pretty sure based on experience that the bun thing around the front of the stage is probably armor. Donald Trump, new to doc. I mean, most most people would.

He saved his own life. That… That’s just a fact. The evacuation did not go. Right?

I mean, the rule with the secret services cover the protect and evacuate. The other rule…

Speaker 0: Alright. So Dan Bong lamborghini here is a former secret service agent.

Speaker 3: Is maximum to the protect minimum to the problem. Why minimum to the problem? Because you don’t know that’s the only problem. It could be a distraction, There could be another person in the crowd. So if you don’t jump on to protect e, you could be looking at multiple shooters.

So at least that part, the guys there, , stepped up there, but the failure here is absolutely catastrophic. And I gotta tell you the secret service should be very careful. I could tell you and absolutely confirm. From the horse’s mouth from multiple people, not just 1, and I saw Congress from Waltz, text this out before on x. There have been repeated requests to increase the security footprint around not just the residences of Donald Trump, but the body itself, and they have been re robust.

Like I said, I can tell you actual quotes. The secret service directors completely failed and candidly should resign today, Kim Sc has failed Donald Trump, and honestly failed Joe Biden? He’s the president right now. Where’s the Dhs secretary? I mean, the…

This is re… You’re blaming it on manpower. So just to be clear, we’re a 4000000000000 dollar United States government, and we can’t fork over enough money to keep our people alive. And and then you’re sending out tweets, like, oh, this is the best technology we have. Really?

To let a sniper a hundred 50 yards away. Keep from the potential next president, shoot a piece of a z off. You… That’s your victory lap? Give me a break, man.

Speaker 5: Dan, I mean, you bring up so many amazing points, and I I just don’t even know where to begin. Except to ask you why with the secret service. Not beef up more security for the man who is most likely to be assassinated in the entire world. Why would they not deploy more resources? Why weren’t their drones over?

Is it that this woman Kimberly c, The director is incompetent? Could there be something else there? What is happening Is it D? What’s what’s going on?

Speaker 3: Well, , Rates it’s it’s my job if I’m gonna give an opinion to back it up. , opinions are like… Holes. Right? Everybody has 1.

The difference between 1 opinion over the other in a courtroom and 80 anywhere else, can you back it up? I want everyone at home, going on your phone or computer now, And I want you to look up Us secret service red ties, Donald Trump. Yeah read it. The secret service was more concerned. About protective agents around Donald Trump.

If if you think I’m making this up, go to your fit. Go to a left wing search engine. If you think I’m biased. Go to go to sc and put it, Oh, you read a story right now. They were more concerned about the color of the secret service agents ties around Donald Trump.

Given the perception that a red tie with some. I’ve got red ties. I’m a Republican. There’s nothing you do with it. I just like red ties.

They go nice with white shirts. That was… That’s an actual stall. You see. You see it right now.

I’m not crazy. This is what the secret service was concerned about. They put out , a thousand tweets about all of this D stuff. Do I know that’s related here? I don’t.

I’m just saying like, there were… You have 1 job and only 1 job. Your job is keep the body alive, no matter what. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, the president of Dj dji Beauty, it doesn’t matter. That is your job.

They absolutely. Resolute. 100 percent fail, Not a single excuse should be made, Not a single excuse.

Speaker 0: Okay. And this is not a 1 off thing. But there’s just been example, after example, after example, after example of… Us secret service incompetence over the past 10 years.

Speaker 3: Should be attempted. This should be the subject of congressional hearings and investigations. Because if they can’t do this, and this is the best technology you had then folks… There there there’s no purpose anymore. This isn’t the agency I grew up in.

It’s not. I spent 12 years of my life there, and I’m telling you some of the. I know some of those guys personally. These are good men and women. But this this was an apocalyptic security failure and don’t ever forget.

Speaker 0: And And you can have good men and women. In an incompetent organization. This this is why I’m a structural, much more than a personality focused thinker So I’ve done very little on on my live streams about Joe Biden, the person, haven’t talk much about his personality prior to the debate. Don’t talk much about Donald Trump’s personality. I don’t talk much about personality because I believe that structure is far more important than personality.

And so if you have a structure that does not put excellence as its top priority, then you get this kind of incompetence. Right? You can have great people, but you put them in a structure that does not prioritize excellence that those great people and not gonna be great. On the other hand, you could have completely mediocre people, but if they are in a structure that demands excellence. At you will tend to get excellent results.

Right? You will be more likely to get excellent results, having mediocre people in an excellent structure than if you have great people in a mediocre structure. Right it… It’s all about the structure, it’s not primarily about the personality. Anyway, that’s my bias.

And so if dan Bong is right here that there are great people that he knows who are working in in the secret service that detail Right, let let’s just say that’s true. That doesn’t matter much if you now have a structure that is not optimized for excellence, and it’s clear that the Us secret service does not point its top priority on excellence or on protection.

Speaker 3: The uneven failure is never a success. And the fact that Donald Trump didn’t die yesterday is no reason for anybody to take some kind of victory lap. And before we start sending out pla. We better look and do a hot wash on this and find out exactly how ab visible this security plan was.

Speaker 13: Well, uniquely, because you also have unique experience uniquely you’ve been able to tell today the failure is on both the ground level.

Speaker 0: So you had a woman there right next to the president, helping him down the stairs. Right. She’s trying to help AA2 hundred 50 pound man down the stairs. You shouldn’t have women as that close to the president that they they need to carry out the the president from this kind of situation They simply don’t have the physical strength. If you’re rem mobilized in a fire and you had to be carried out.

Would you like a female firefighter showing up to try to carry you out? Right? If you… Your life depended upon law enforcement carrying you out of a situation. Would you prefer a male Law enforcement officer showing up to help you out or a female law enforcement officer.

It’s so obvious.

Speaker 13: The media reaction, the advanced level and seeing what could potentially be the problem and at the organizational level in what kind of resources were given to Donald Trump over time. And as we said, you have the experience to know, Dan Bam gin. Thanks so much for being with.

Speaker 2: You’re great American Dan. Thank you.

Speaker 5: Best discuss we could have today. Thank you, Dan.

Speaker 0: Right. So let’s take a look at the the ladies at work here protecting Donald Trump. And let me know if this inspires a feeling of of confidence in you. Right it it doesn’t inspire confidence in me, 1 lady has a great deal of trouble h her weapon. They they seem pretty weak, they seem shook up.

They seem incompetent. Why? Why? Right? If the president of the United States life depended on the ability to carry him.

Downstairs, and you had 1 law enforcement officer at the task of of carrying him down the stairs. Would you prefer a female agent or a male agent. And the director of the Us secret service, Her her priority is having 30 percent female agents by 20 30. And they simply lack the the physical strength. And I’m sure there there are many roles where they may very well be better than men.

Right? I think there are a lot of areas in life. Where women generally speaking. Person for person are superior at certain tasks than men. Just as there are other situations and tasks when men generally speaking, superior to women.

Alright. 95 percent of the time when a man dates a woman, when a man’s in a relationship with a woman when a man mar a woman, he is going to be physically stronger than she is. Right? 19 times out of 20. Right.

You have a man and a woman together of approximately the same age. At 19 times out of 20. The man is going to be physically stronger. You have to help to carry a president of United States away from a dangerous situation, why on earth would you want? A a woman in that position.

It just seems incredibly reckless. Okay. Let’s have a look at something Steve Sailor road after the shooting how soon until we start hearing front lash concerns from people. Have been condemning Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy about a possible backlash by Trump supporters. We we’re gonna have a conversation about the useless of a petite lady secret service agent is shorting a 6 foot 3 250 pound candidate with her body.

Speaker 16: And Margaret, we’re getting new reporting in that says that the gunman has been neutralized by the secret service. We’re gonna bring in former D dhs official Sam, a Cbs news contributor who can, tell us what she’s been hearing Sam.

Speaker 17: Certainly, I connected with a senior government official who did indicate that the former president is safe, But I wanna talk a little bit about what is happening in real time right now. This is an intelligence and operational failure. The secret service and Fbi are deeply aware of the heightened threat environment. That Margaret was just articulating, both as it pertains to foreign terrorist organizations and individuals fired by those foreign terrorist organizations as well as domestic file an treatments with anti government sentiment. Because of that, the secret service and Fbi are consistently monitoring intelligence to try to mitigate threats and enhanced operational security.

It is clear that the intelligence picture heading into this rally was not what it needed to be, and it is also clear that the operational measures to protect the president were insufficient. Now we believe my first are telling me that this still is still in act stream. Even if the perpetrator has been neutralized, we do not know and the secret service and Fbi likely invest investigation

Speaker 0: Okay. Steven James makes a good point in the chat. The immediate news coverage of this has being pretty good. So far, they’ve done pretty well with an unfolding Jfk type of event. There’s no extra information on Apollo or telegram that’s being withheld.

Well, if you’d… Looks at the New York post or stayed on Twitter, you would have gotten the name of the shooter 2 hours before it was released by the mainstream media. And you get a lot more specific criticism of the secret service, a lot sooner and a lot sharper on x, than you have in the mainstream media. And, Mike Benz was pointing out why did take law enforcement so long to release the name of the shooter and New York post release the name the shooter at 2 hours before law enforcement. I mean, how much scrubbing was done of this shooter social media profiles?

Right, were they taking this long to release his name? So that they could pressure all the social media companies to completely scrub his public profiles. Remember with the trends shooter in Tennessee they have hid his manifesto. Right? They they don’t want to release his manifesto.

So given the overall incompetence of law enforcement with regard to protecting the president and questionable choices made by law enforcement with regard to protecting Republicans. Remember, the deputy Republican leader of the house of representatives was was shot. And the Fbi declared it. It wasn’t terrorism. Alright.

It was a guy who wanted to commit suicide by cop. Right? That is the story that the Fbi tried to put out when Republicans were shot by a arch Democrat. Who came out, drove hours an hours to a Republican sophomore game came with the sole purpose of killing as many Republicans as possible, and the Fbi argued. This was just a suicide cop.

It wasn’t terrorism. Alright. Here is a chilling Bbc interview for the guy outside the security perimeter who saw. He saw claims he saw the shooter way before.

Speaker 15: He was here you were inside the event. But you were just asked outside tell us what yes or what. So so we had a party here all day and you can see behind us. At the B Farming Greenhouse here. We had a party.

And we don’t decided

Speaker 0: This Bbc reporter is blind who is interviewing him.

Speaker 15: Hey, , when when me, Trump up there, we’re gonna walk up through the field? Stand by the trees out there into the shade, And watch the rain listen to the rally. Right? We couldn’t see them, but we could hear them, So we walked up and probably 5 to 7 minutes of Trump speaking I’m estimating here. I have no idea, .

But, We noticed the guy crawling on, , bear for and out the roof of the building beside us. 50 50 feet away from us. So we’re standing there. , we’re pointing we’re pointing at the guy, crawling up the roof,

Speaker 18: and he had a cow. Right?

Speaker 15: He had a rifle. Wanted to get clear to see him with the rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground.

We’re like, hey, man. Just die on the roof for the rifle. And the police are like oh what? ? Like, like, they didn’t know what was going on.

, we’re like, hey, right here on the roof. We can see it from right here. We see him. That is he’s crawling. And next thing ?

I’m like, I’m thinking myself I’m like, why is Trump still speaking. Why have they not porting him up the stage? I’m seeing their pointing at him for, , 2 or 3 minutes, secret service looking at us? The top of the barn, I’m pointing at that roof, just standard it like this. And next thing , 5 shots right out.

So you’ll you’re almost sudden on the shots came from on hundred percent. Hundred.

Speaker 0: So this interview was, dominating x within minutes of the assassination attempt and only hours later did this interview start hitting mainstream media. So there’s a lot of information on x hours before it was in the mainstream media. So I I think both acts and mainstream media are are useful.

Speaker 15: For sec and he he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there. We’re not there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least 3 4 minutes and he was heading…

Yet police in

Speaker 4: the secret.

Speaker 15: We were telling the police. We were pointing at them for the secret service who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time where were stand about that true That, did they see. Probably not because the roof, the way that the slope playing, he was behind where they could see. But but why

Speaker 0: So I I was following this closely on x, and there wasn’t a bunch of misinformation and terrible information on on x. Alright? Most of the post that I saw were quite useful for understanding the situation. So I I did hear, Margaret Brandon and I see see on Cbs saying, alright, don’t don’t pay attention to social media right now. But there was a lot of good information on social media.

Speaker 15: Isn’t enough speaker service on all of these words here. I mean, this is not a big place. Did you see… I mean, obviously, everyone when the shooting started everyone was very panicked. Did you see what I’m saying here at all?

Oh, yeah. Head off. Okay. Sorry. Secret service blues.

Okay. Just be careful because, we don’t quite watching. But, you you’re pretty sure they they they show up the guys. Absolutely. Understand Okay.

Yep. Did you just saw that a happening? Yep. Yep. Okay.

Yep. And did you see them go up to him afterwards or… They… Yeah. They throttle up on the roof.

I They had their guns pointed out and make sure he was dead. He was dead, And that was it. It was over. That’s incredibly. Think guy was on the roof right there.

You could see the right roof. Right down you gotta look at him? Could you… I I… No.

Other than he was in muted colors hand type clothing we saw the rifle fooling around as he was trying to crawl? I mean, we saw the…

Speaker 0: Why was there such a long delay in releasing the guy’s name? And why was there such a long delay before you had a press conference. Right? You had a press conference after to jfk assassination much more quickly. Alright?

There was always almost a 6. Hour wait for any kind of law enforcement press conference after this assassination. Cbs news already going on the offense trying to help Democrats Margaret Brennan, Tax Trump for not urging calm after we shot, then former Obama official who’s a Cbs news security correspondent tries to claim the conservatives of the real dangerous threat. So come on.

Speaker 19: And he closes with God bless American and we saw him raised his hand in the air defiant blood on his face as he left the stage.

Speaker 8: Right he is recovering from these injuries now. This was a traumatic event, no doubt. For him, but I did notice there was no call for lowering the temperature, condemning all political violence

Speaker 0: Right. So Republicans tend to be more visceral. Right? Republicans tend to be less constrained in their speech. And why would you expect someone who just being shot to make these, calls.

Right? Why would you expect that this kind of rhetoric?

Speaker 8: And really trying to… Signal to his supporters as well, not to retaliate or to have any kind of…

Speaker 0: So let’s be honest about the direction of political violence where it come from over the the past 20 years, it’s overwhelmingly come from the left. Right? Ant antifa has wreak far more havoc than the alt right? Where Right? Black lives matter and antifa for these left wing social movements directly responsible for dozens of deaths.

And indirectly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths with the dramatic increase in murder by them putting law enforcement on the defensive And and yet, the media primarily wants to hold Republicans responsible. I just read El New book on the right and her concern is showing the the alt right and the distant ride of the the people who are most dangerous with regard to committing political violence in this country.

Speaker 8: Escalation here. III just… I’m looking at these…

Speaker 4: There’s a belief

Speaker 19: in his inner circle that he’s under siege. I understand act his rap. And so there’s a lot

Speaker 8: of every subject game exact.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And if you understand then why would you… How would you expect him to put out a… Tweet urging calm. Right?

When the guy just got shot. And the mainstream media for hours after the shooting tried to play down as significance as much as possible. And when the normal for logical court direction of media rhetoric and democratic rhetoric is that Donald Trump deserves to get shot because the media and the Democrats of being engaged in making the case that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

Speaker 8: Exactly digest it from you’re saying.

Speaker 19: I mean, every single text message I I literally every single 1 from Trump sources is outraged and, shocked. And so that is certainly the mood inside the highest ranks of the Republican party speaking to Cbs news tonight.

Speaker 0: And then Margaret Brennan tries to defend herself. He’s tries it justify.

Speaker 20: And then the biggest threat that official they’re telling me tonight is in the form of re violence…

Speaker 8: That’s… You’re you’re taking me to exactly what I’ve been under scoring and is frankly, very concerning in the rhetoric we are seeing at this hour already. We are seeing summer republican and likely

Speaker 0: Right. Her primary concern is Republican rhetoric. Even though political violence in this country over the past 20 years has overwhelmingly come from the left now. The right.

Speaker 8: Lawmakers come out with statements directly drawing a line between the shooter, whose name we do not know. We do not know if he’s a lone actor or was somebody else, but drawings… Some connection to the government. We have nothing to base that on at this hour. At this hour, leading officials within

Speaker 20: the Us government. Don’t know what transpired, and it is frankly un at this moment to be soaking the flames when we know that we are setting on a cauldron of tensions. We know that tensions were already high before this incident and the counter official?

Speaker 0: Was it s the flames when the news media plays up? The argument that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Why isn’t that s the flames.

Speaker 20: The Homeland security officials that I spoken to you in the last few? Hours are deeply concerned that this event will be used as a rallying and cry to launch attacks against individuals associated with the Biden campaign and lead to brow domestic distress. So right now, the goals are to investigate the incident, both the perpetrator and the security failure?

Speaker 0: Okay. Why would the Biden administration? And why would all of those who have laid the foundation for this type of attack on Donald Trump? Why would they be exempt from the consequences of their words and actions. Right, why would they get a free pass for arguing essentially that this guy deserves to be shot.

Right? You’ve been trying to make the case for years that Donald Trump deserves to be shot. So why are you then exempt from the consequences of your words and actions.

Speaker 20: Lawyers, as well as to try to tam down any tensions that may arise coming out of it. Now. In this country, there is a first amendment. And what we’re seeing on Twitter while it is first meme protected activity. I will say again is un in the sense that we know that this kind of rhetoric…

Speaker 0: Okay. So when… All people like you make the case that Donald Trump’s say threat to democracy, that’s not un. Right? When you essentially lay the foundations for attempts at assassinated Donald Trump.

That’s not un patriotic. But when people get mad, what you’re doing, that some patriotic.

Speaker 20: Has a nexus to violence. We saw that on January sixth. We saw that in the attack against Nancy Pelosi husband and multiple other instances.

Speaker 0: Okay. So we have a woman who is leading. The Us secret service, and many Us secret service, text messages with regard to January 6 have just seriously gone missing on a while.

Speaker 16: You would know. The 28 year veteran was on the team that evacuated vice president Dick Cheney on 09:11, and she served on then vice president Biden protective detail. He named her director in mid 20 22. Amid a swirl of controversy over the agency deleting nearly all of its text messages from January 6. The agency says, that was due to a data migration.

System migrations happen. But I think for a lot of Americans, it just doesn’t pass the smell test given the timing. And the volume of messages deleted.

Speaker 11: Well, it’s unfortunate that that would be the assumption that people would make. Our integrity is everything, and there was nothing Nefarious attached to that.

Speaker 16: Their integrity has… She would know.

Speaker 0: And 1 thing that I I’ve been doing is… Relentlessly pruning my quid feed. Right? What would I get irresponsible or irrelevant tweets. I just stop stop following people.

Okay. Let’s get a little bit more here from.

Speaker 1: Failure, you’re I’ll let the experts.

Speaker 0: Sucks news.

Speaker 1: Because I was at an event, and I was gonna do my typical show last night. And all of a sudden, we hear about the assassination attempt, so I’m in the truck trying to get things together. And I thought to myself, Dave Mccormick gotta be there. He wants to be Pennsylvania Centers. He’s in Iraq West point guys probably gonna have a sense of what’s going on.

And I was struck by a few things. Number 1, he was. Number 2 is, he was able to get a give us an eye witness account. Give me and I witness account and transfer it over to the show. Of what was going on.

He said there were definitely shots because the initial report for the White House was there was an incident. I’m thinking of myself how… If you hear those pops and you see the blood, how could you say there’s an incident. Having said that, I think they’d you’re looking at a situation where I think the president came out. When he said, I gotta give credit to the crowd for hanging around not having a mass stampede.

That was something I wasn’t even thinking of. People were talking about, like, Dan gin, talking about the perimeter and it’s a failure. I’ll let the experts figure that out. I say a few things. I wanna know what that call was like with President Biden and President Trump.

Because maybe the could do a lot in this country, and I know there’s a lot of blame to go…

Speaker 0: Right. Here’s a series of thoughtful tweets by… Hey Tim Mc says I personally worked several presidential vice presidential security details. Here’s some of my thoughts on the assassination of Donald trump secret service employs a multi tiered defense in depth approach to protective missions. And inner tier offers close protection support, He’s being the agents you see it rushing in and surrounding Trump after the initial shots go off.

Second tier is tasked with identifying and defending against mid range threats. From the crowd, this tier is largely comprised of local and state law enforcement temporarily attached to the security detail. This is the area that I worked on. Finally, you have an extended tier which covers long distance threats. This can include counter sniper details.

People have wondered how could the counter snipers in the videos not have seen there would be sas priority of getting off of its shot what they did. This is because the area of responsibility for those counter snipers on the roof behind Trump was likely in the extended tear. Essentially they were scanning for threats a great distance well beyond the hundred and 50 meters the threat appeared in. This is evidenced by the fact that the elevated count sniper has to dramatically drop his line of sight to respond to the shooter. Secret service advanced teams would have absolutely pre of the location?

Identified the building the shooter uses of vulnerable spot in defense. Which begs the question. How is this guy still able to climb other roof, get off a shot. Right? The security breakdown occurred in the middle tier, which would include law enforcement who was supposed to be assigned to the area near the buildings, get Right?

This tier is largely dependent on local law enforcement and not the secret service. So local law enforcement. Right? Who is responsible to make sure no 1 with the gun climbed up on the roof. It’s this tier that messed up people said the witnesses saw the guy with the gun on the roof top police, but they failed to respond and failed to prevent the assassination attempt.

So how does this happen? But typically, there’s limited lines of communication through the secret service and local law enforcement Usually have 1 or 2 local law enforcement liaison who have direct communication with the secret service, which means communication on the ground between local law enforcement, Being told about the shooter of being routed through dispatch to local liaison and then to secret service, compounding the difficulty to rapidly respond is that there’s always some confusion and inefficiency, we’re more law enforcement officer agencies come together to work a detail. And Messi agencies aren’t used to working with each other. They’re not given much information. I saw what can go wrong in these scenarios firsthand when president Bush secret service detail.

Engaged local, police swat count a sniper team during the 2004 8 summit. No properly communicated the local swat teams positioned to all the secret service saw, O but heavily armed individuals with the line of sight on the president the whole thing were seconds away from being a tragic accident, there’s likely some delay in confusion with the initial reports of a person with the gun on the roof, as local cost and secret. So these agents would be trying to confirm the shoot it didn’t belong to 1 of the security support teams. When looking for blame in this massive security, Failure I’d say the answer rests with whatever detail, likely local law enforcement officers who assigned to the area near these out buildings. Okay.

Speaker 5: We’ll be watching tonight.

Speaker 1: Thanks Brian. Thanks so much, guys.

Speaker 4: You can.

Speaker 5: Justin Trump campaign detailing new security measures that will be in place while telling staffers, dangerous rhetoric…

Speaker 21: Threat to democracy because it is fueling a lot of of… Fe against the former president and his supporters. The other side says tone it down on the other side. The bottom line is that this changes this race. I know politics talking about this after this.

It’s all about digesting what happened yesterday. Talking to the Trump people. That’s what they’re doing today. The former president we’re told is in great spirits, and we should hear from him soon.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Well, he is a fighter.

Speaker 4: Well Brett Bear that now.

Speaker 2: People can check out special report live from the Rn c Milwaukee today through Thursday. Brett. Thank you very much. I wanna thank you all for being with us. Of this this 5 hours on Fox Friends.

We turn Remarkable.

Speaker 22: Yeah. We pray Golf club after surviving an assassination attempt. Good morning from Milwaukee, this is not the way we thought the week would begin, but it is…

Speaker 0: Okay. So I have some more of my… My own notes on what the heck happened here. So, yeah, I was watching Cbs News Saturday night and kept Margaret brandon and urging people to stay off social media. Right?

Don’t go to the competitors. Trump or just been shot, Cvs Sank Margaret Brennan and spare him for not telling you as followers to lower the temperature. And they’re worried about re violence from right wing. And his Cbs is at Margaret Brennan Lecturing Steve Sc, who was nearly assassinated in 20 17 by.

Speaker 8: I wonder what your message is Have you specifically instructed members In the coming hours to reign in some of the rhetoric that that I I will point out some are using online. That is somewhat inc in terms of really blaming, blaming this somehow. On the Administration. Have You asked them To refrain from That?

Speaker 23: I’ve already been very vocal within moments of the shooting that that political violence is not something anybody should tolerate, but also, I came out went further and said that we need to dial the rhetoric down, and there’s been a lot of rhetoric for the last few months and , and I think some of that, , this idea and Bob Barr even said it that Donald Trump some threat.

Speaker 0: So when people point, out or make the case or try to argue for the news media bearing some comp complexity for this type of action because the news media has been suddenly making the case for the last 8 years that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Yeah, Those people are making the news media targets. Now, why would the news media arguing that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, not receive any blow back? For what they’re doing. Right?

Once you argue that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, right, you are trying to make the case for it the assassination of Donald Trump? And why would you be free of report and Controversy and and blow back for that kind of argument.

Speaker 19: Should be noted many of Trump’s supporters on social media tonight extremely angry. Oh, it’s not not going to reflect all of the verbatim of what we’re seeing on social media from some of the Republicans around Trump. But to be clear, this is still a politically charged moment as much it as it is a crime investigation in a security mo but many people already in this country very angry at the other side, not just on a partisan red versus blue level, but we cover it all the time here at Cbs News. There’s a visceral, nature to the emotions that pour out on the campaign trail.

Speaker 8: And to that point, Bob Costa, I was just texting with Robert O’brien, the former national security adviser to Donald Trump.

Speaker 0: Right. So this is the By administration, which is responsible for the Department of Homeland Security, which is in charge of the Us secret service. Right So to the extent that there is incompetent secret service to the extent that there is incompetent protection, extended to Donald Trump. This is a result of policies and personnel put in place by Joe Biden Administration. Right?

The… Secret service doesn’t operate independently of the Biden administration. Right? The Biden administration is responsible for choosing the head of the Us secret service They are responsible for choosing the head of the Department of Homeland security. They set the standards, the policies, the protocols.

That the Department of homeland Security and the secret service follow, and they are responsible for putting a high priority on diversity as opposed to putting a high priority on efficiency. So Meghan Kelly has been putting out a lot of great shows. Here’s a conversation with Rich Larry soon time shooting.

Speaker 9: Before someone acting on, stunning pictures here, This 1 is president Trump on the ground, bloody with his hand nearby his face. Trying to recover from what could have been an assassination? Your thoughts on what we’re witnessing today.

Speaker 24: I wanna weep for my country. I it’s just it’s warp It’s it’s… There no words for how terrible this is. And how terrible more terrible could been? I mean, we were centimeter.

How far away from president Trump’s had been going off? At a rally on live, television. And these are moments Megan, the reason why, , assassination fascinating people 1 of the reasons history telescopes telescopes down to inches in seconds. Right? If Jfk driver had sped up, rather than slow down to see what was happening after the the first 1 or 2 shots, Jfk would have survived that assassination attempt.

If the rs 2

Speaker 0: Yeah. So excellence is often the between life and death. Alright. I spent 40 years of my life with poor health. But if I had encountered an excellent doctor at age 22.

Right I could have had my life back. If I wanna just persuasive made the case to me that I I should try eating meat, or that I somehow needed to ingest meat or or fish because vitamin B 12 is very hard to metabolize a lot of vegetarians are unable to properly metabolize b 12 as a result of that, yet millions Americans walk around with unnecessary fatigue, mental and physical, Right? If I had encountered such an excellent doctor, right, I would have had 30 years of my life back instead of stumbling through life in in poor health. I did encounter 1 excellent psychiatrist at age 27 who got me on a medication or restore at least 2 thirds of my life. I was able to return to 2 thirds of a normal life.

After 6 years of being bedridden because I had the good fortune of meeting a woman who had an excellent psychiatrist too she introduced me to I had to take the adventure step of moving across the country to move in with her to Orlando, Florida for the opportunity to see this guy, But excellence won’t make all the difference in the world between a a completely ruined life and a redeemed life. Between having a second chance at life and having no chance at all. And so where do you point your emphasis? You put your emphasis on excellence or do you put your emphasis on diversity equity and inclusion?

Speaker 24: Ferdinand, 1, they threw a bomb which didn’t work. If he just said, we’re we’re not doing anything else. But we had kind of Experience. Going through this whole ceremony and and Sarajevo, I don’t care. And when he was heading back, we actually, we go the hospital.

I’ll see the people heard from the bomb. If the car had not turned… Made a wrong turn down a narrow 3, couldn’t get out of that happened to be that Gabriel Prince, 1 of the assassination team standing they’re not knowing what to do. Was standing right there at that moment. He would have lived all history would’ve been different that was most the consequential assassination in world history.

But that that’s that moment of from? Pumping us fist shows what a sense of the moment. Right? We get fend bender where where your head, , goes back a little bit And… You’re kind shocked.

You don’t know what happened to your takes a little while to get your senses to know that what that moment called forward was strength and reassuring his supporters. When you’re right? How does he know, the secret service thinks to suppress neutralize. That’s why they’re picking up. How does he know?

You’re Right? He’s just… Just from being killed. How does he know? That that is an image that will live throughout American political history.

Speaker 9: Rich, I I don’t know about you, but I feel infuriated right now. I am angry over what is has been done to this man. You and I sat together in 20 15, and National reviews said, not not Trump, not this guy. Here we are all these years later. I see him so differently.

Yes. He’s got character of course. But this is This is the embodiment of strength in the face of an unbelievable onslaught, emotional financial free… With when it comes to his freedom and now his life literally with a bullet, having shot him in the head. His fist is in the air and he’s telling the crowd and all of us fight fight for your country, fight for what we’re all in this for.

Don’t let them shoot you down. Don’t let them shoot down. Your ideals. Don’t let them ruin the country. I I’ve never seen anything like this.

Speaker 24: Yeah. So high politics is about… You, it’s about policy and ideas, but a lot of it’s about emotion. And and this is a guy, in 1 reason we couldn’t stop them when we when we tried in the primaries in 20 16. He he understood a crowd.

He understood the moment. He he he got feeling and could play off of it, and this is just the the the very pinnacle of this. That that was just an epic reaction. And again, it will never… Be forgotten what you open with on, the rhetoric, who knows who the shooter was.

But but if you literally think he’s hitler. That’s what they’re telling. Right? The president of United States Incumbent is telling us that, and maybe and not so many words. What’s the proper reaction?

Just voting against them and hoping things turn out. Right? If you take it seriously? I think we’ve learned a lot of them actually don’t take it seriously. But unfortunately, a lot people do.

If you take it seriously, What do you do? If it’s existential for American democracy for a system of government our wave? What you do? Maybe you do whoever that that’s a parent shooter on the rooftop. Maybe you do what you did.

Speaker 9: There is video… I don’t know if we have it or can show it of, a shooter. Forgive. We don’t know that this is the shooter. Of, what appears to be a man lying on a rooftop nearby.

The reports online are that that’s the shooter and he’s dead. He’s motionless, and he’s lying down.

Speaker 0: Okay. He’s an analysis of the… Female out secret service agents and the quality of their work. Okay. Here we go.

So Benny Johnson tweets. Absolute humiliation for this gag female secret service agents look at the disorder. Can’t h weapons. Their gear falling to the ground, erratic fearful movements, no show of force or comp. Right, diversity equity, inclusion, secret service makes presidents less safe.

Right? It’s certainly excellence. It’s not a top priority for the biden administration the department of Homeland security or the Us secret service.

Speaker 9: We’re gonna… I’ve spoken with somebody who was at the Rally, and we’re going to have him call in, talking about the security, but it was tight as it would be for any secret service event with a former president never mind the leading contender, for the Gop nomination, which, of course, takes place next week as formal matter. And so this person in order to have a gun, rich, , anywhere near shooting range of this president Yeah. I mean, does make you wonder how he did it, whether he had help, how on Earth anybody was a shooting range of the… This man, Donald Trump from a rooftop.

All of that is gonna be investigated, but you’ve gotta say, kudos to local law enforcement or the secret service who whoever ever took this guy out because it all…

Speaker 24: Yeah. So the… , all the professionals say, and it just seems that they’re just watching as an amateur. Their reaction to this was pitch perfect. I mean, they immediately go on Trump, they’re protecting him with this their bodies was apparently moving at, putting themselves on on the line.

But there aren’t gonna be questions. , courtney Twitter who knows, think things are gonna change When gonna learn more, , as as we speak just during during this segment, probably. We’re we’re learning more. But, how is it… There there indications that people are pointing this guy on the rooftop and he got the shots off before the secret got him.

Maybe was

Speaker 0: Okay. Interesting analysis from Matthew Ig here. Let me look. I’m skeptical Donald Trump will see any political benefit from the shooting, but it’s going to be hard to tell since he was clearly on track to win anyway. And it is poised for a convention bump.

I guess long term impact is that the shooting is going to convince Democrats that the shooting rather their own decision taken days earlier, a To not bother no a candidate who can run a campaign is why Trump went by a huge amount. Yeah. Democrats have completely backed off replacing Jay Biden right now. Because this event has super ce that. The interpretation events that lets Joe Biden and his family half dozen top White House aides, Chuck Schumer and Joaquin Jeff.

Various democratic governors off the hook, for the consequences of their choices going to be very popular and very influential. Let’s get some more here for

Speaker 25: false police. She wasn’t somebody who had a criminal record from what we understand. Correct. That’s he wasn’t on your radar off.

Speaker 3: No He was not.

Speaker 25: The Fbi now and the lead of the investigation, I’ve been on the phone with sources this morning, Fbi director, Chris Ray, personally brief president Biden. In his national security team about what they know so far. Authorities are certain about 2 things, Dana. The first. This was an assassination attempt full stop.

Second. They believe this was a lone wolf attack. No 1 else is involved. They haven’t seen any evidence of that the question though, How could the suspect arm with a gun on a roof get such a clear shot of the former president? This was outside the security perimeter, but still it was close enough.

The spokesman for the secret service, telling Fox news this morning, it’s not true that the agency refused to provide Trump’s team with extra security, Anthony Go saying, quote, The assertion that a member of the former president’s security team requested additional security resources that the Us Secret Service of the Department of Homeland Security re buff, is absolutely false in fact recently, the Us Service added protective resources and capabilities to the former president’s security detail The former president and the current president are commonly subject to threats the Us secret service takes threat threats seriously, and it takes actions based on those threats as warranted. Now the f Bi knows, people have cell phone video, they may even seen this shooter long before or shortly before the shooting. What was he doing in the moments leading up to it? Half an hour an hour before the shooting they’re asking, anyone with that information to call 1 800 call Fbi. Dana Bill.

Speaker 26: Davis, thank you so much. And as we mentioned, Selena Z. She is a nationally syndicated political reporter. She was covering the rally last night when the bullets broke out. She says she felt is right past her.

And that’s her right there on the ground being shielded by the secret service. She joins us now. What you might not realize from that photograph, and if you haven’t read her…

Speaker 0: So you might be curious. I mean, what does he look like? The shooter. And there’s a frequent argument on the right. The ph is destiny and when I wanna understand a story, I I often look for photos.

Right. I I like looking at photos to try to get a read on people. New York Post was 2 hours ahead of the rest of the media, identifying the shooter and now if the New York Post is accurate here. He seemed to be way ahead of the rest of the news media with the photos of the shooter. He certainly looks deformed.

And remember, it’s socially unacceptable to investigate. Facial def or ph and it’s correlation with behavior, but we do know from the little amount of research that is being allowed to go on, that killers, murderers far more likely than the general population to have all sorts of face facial dis, that facial dis despicable highly correlates with murder. We know that d schizophrenia, highly correlates with murder, that many types of mental illness, , highly correlate with committing vast amounts of crime, but these are things that you’re not supposed to talk about in… Polite company. Right?

You’re not supposed to investigate this. And so you’ll have these prohibition like, very strong discourage of investigating the link between his and mental illness and behavior. And then you’ll have the arguments, Oh well, where is your evidence that ph is destiny? Where is your evidence that mental illness, sometimes to mental illness correlate with criminal behavior? So you discourage academic research that can provide evidence where we have some evidence already in that direction.

And it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. So play a little bit more here from fire. First.

Speaker 26: Amazing first person account in the free press this morning. She was there with her daughter who is a photographer and her son in los as well. Selena. Thank you for being with us today. You were there.

You were supposed to be interviewing the president. And Yeah shots rang out and 6 minutes into this. You said in the piece this morning that I read that your Trained as a journalist to do a 360 degree view of an observe and see what is going on, but you don’t always look for danger. I’m grateful you’re okay and grateful that you’re here with a today, Take us through what it was like in those moments.

Speaker 8: So I started… I I’m I I interviewed… I didn’t interview. I talked to president Trump, probably about 5 minutes before he went out into the stage. I was set to…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s play more from Megan Kelly’s discussion with Rich Lowry, the editor truth of the national

Speaker 24: an unavoidable who knows, but they’re gonna be a lot of questions. So it looks like the reaction was a secret service success. But I think there’d be questions about how this guy was able to get within range. And initially it seemed like, there’s some speculation maybe it to be because it’s, , when you get shot of your ear, you just… It’s not just a little blunt.

Do a a horrible event. And it seems no 1 else has hurt, but now, of course, we gotten reports of other people in the crowd tragically hurt. We’ve seen that video of the the Trump supporter who was there and is a emergency room doctor I believe was trying to say someone’s g head wound and and didn’t. So so this was a furious fascination. Attempt.

And if if if anyone comes as close to to being killed as under secret service protections, there gonna be a lot of critical questions afterwards

Speaker 9: we have that video. Again, this is of, an E doctor who was on the scene. Let’s take a listen. No. That’s exactly where Heard come from.

Speaker 24: What did you see sir?

Speaker 0: Okay. So New York Magazine. Had a a brief piece a few weeks ago about the considerable link between mental illness and crime and it’s 1 that good people are not supposed to talk about. But this is Freddie Deb bo, publishing here in New York magazine, and good on them.

Speaker 27: The liberal campaign against involuntary military care went too far.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let me try to slow this down here, I I normally listened to it at 1.75. Come on man. What hell. Okay.

I I gotta gotta figure this out and and I’ll play it at a slower speed. Right back to conversation here with Rich Lab.

Speaker 24: Going into this. Obviously, they they need to be heightened. But Truck, , there was a big thing on the January 6 commission. Oh, we didn’t want to the people to be mad or to go through. Electric detectors on January sixth.

It’s because he’s always… He wants to be out there. He wants the crowd to be big and have a good time. And I have to wait forever. And if…

Speaker 0: Right. About a secret service gets the final say. The president or a former president doesn’t get the final say on how his security is conducted. The Okay. This is very brave article in New York Magazine.

Speaker 27: To beer. The perspective of the American media, and the liberal journalists and who dominate is that these fears are wicked, bigoted, even Bourgeois. Efforts to explore root causes related to mental illness and violence in public spaces are resisted with the insistence that those problems are entirely a product of poverty and need. Attempts to use involuntary treatment to help severely treatments resistant people with mental illness are destroyed by the activist class and local nonprofit. The pursuit of safety on the subways in response to fear of random violence re told means hiding, quell, or even outright eliminating certain marginalized populations.

Black people, almost people, mentally ill people, poor people as no november last put it.

Speaker 0: So in my experience, when some random street person screams at me about how jews are responsible for most of the evil in the world. In my I experience 95 percent of the time. That’s a black person.

Speaker 27: A reporter from the times of London sniffed. Almost all the people I meet you were… Of taking the subway are people who don’t use it regularly. There is an elite message when it comes to danger on the subway. It’s embarrassing to ever be scared.

But fear of violence on the subway is in fact rational even as we must rise above that fear to embrace compassion. The gl insistence from progressive that they are never bothered by the behavior of disturbed people on subway, does not fit the facts about mental illness and violence. And if we truly care for those with severe mental illness, We must be willing to understand just how deep their problems go, and what must be done to help them and those around them. Let’s start with problems. We don’t have.

New York City is not in the middle of a crime wave. There has not been a terrible spike in violent crime in the past year, not in the subways or parks or anywhere else. It was as in the country written large, a spike in murders and gun crimes in 20 21. The reasons for this are hot debated as you’d predict, Ongoing with cops refusing to do their jobs personally. Happily for all of us, the pandemic era crime surge both rose and fell swiftly.

And we’re living through a record decline in murders. Subway crime specifically has fallen. New York remains a remarkably safe city its size by American standards, whatever our issues with crime, we do need to start from those facts or So why is there so much fear of crime in general and on the subway in particular? A si. From July of last year found that large mat of New Yorkers are deeply concerned with crime.

Despite the fact that the pandemic crime went had rec preceded by that point. Mta poll from this past.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let me fast forward in a little bit here. Get to the good stuff

Speaker 27: about how to prevent these incidents. They’ve And we have real world examples of societies that have developed mental illness policies so lenient that they are a risk to the public. In Toronto in 20 15, a woman named Ro Bi, randomly stabbed 28 year old Rose Junior to death. She was found not responsible by reason of mental illness was allowed unsupervised excursions into the community by an Ontario review board within a few years, then was released into unsupervised living in 20 22. From stabbing summons to death to walking free in less than 7 years is, I’m willing to say not an ideal outcome.

Call me a fascist for it if you wish. But that biggest reason I’m opposed to the rampant reflex dismissal of violent actions inspired by mental illness is for the good of the mentally ill themselves. It’s now been more than 60 years since John f kennedy signed the community Mental Health Act of 19 63. Which spurred the closure of dozens of state psychiatric facilities. In 19 55, there were an estimated 559000 residents in state psychiatric facilities.

By 20 16, the number of beds in such facilities stood at 35000. Since That amounts to if you’re curious, 1 bed for more than every 9000 Americans, meaning that our state psychiatric infrastructure could never possibly accommodate our population and people with mental illness. Of course, there are and have always been those who think that number should be 0 because state facilities are car or similar nonsense. And yet, after all these decades of tearing down government run psychiatric facilities, virtually no 1 looks at the current scenario of inadequate facilities overworked to doctors and countless untreated patients and likes what they see. What’s unclear is why so many people continue to insist that we need even less government intervention and even more hurdles to involuntary treatment.

This is a good example of broad ignorance about mental health policy in this country in the past half century, even among educated people. I will frequently hear it suggested that we’re taking a more heavy handed approach to the mentally ill than we used to. When the opposite is true, thanks to policy. D institutional shutter asylum, Medicaid created direct incentives for states to push patients into barely regulated private hospitals. A supreme court ruling made the threat of violence a legal standard for involuntary treatment and the Americans with disabilities act dramatically expanded the ability of patients to challenge doctors and hospitals.

Contributing to a tentative and risk ave approach to dealing with mental illness. The current approach to mental health management on the societal level has failed. According to just about everyone’s criteria. And yet the broad public conversation continues to be ham by a refusal to contemplate the most essential reform, Lowering ring the bar that the state and medical professionals must clear to treat someone without their consent. The pendulum swung too far.

I was horrified by the vicious killing of Jordan knee, and I hope that his assailant, Daniel Penn is convicted in his mans slower case. But if we care enough for nearly to imagine over, old in which she would have survived, then we almost certainly must imagine 1 in which he was forced into care rowling N simply could not be said to lack for opportunities for care. He was in fact mandated into care by the courts. The trouble was that he was profoundly treatment resistant. A condition that reflects many of mentally ill and homeless.

I argued last year that involuntary treatment could have saved his life, but the response to that attitude. In my inbox on Twitter activist forums was ferocious. In a deeply reported and sympathetic history of Neel life published in this magazine last December, Duane Blizzard. El mentor said, when he got locked up, that could have saved him. But as an acquaintance of Knee from R Island said in the peace, we’re killing ourselves to Jerry rig what doesn’t exist.

Because it’s too much of a hot potato to talk about any kind of secure, residential, therapeutic environment. Someone who was written about mental illness for years. I’m perpetually amazed at how many people’s first reference for psychiatric treatment, is 1 flu over the C nest. A 49 year old movie based on a 62 year old model about a man who explicitly does not have mental illness but is lob anyway. Casual anti psychiatry attitudes are common in the Us.

The New York Times magazine, for example, recently published an article casting doubt on conventional treatment for schizophrenia. Based on a totally non representative handful of high functioning patients who live with the voices. Most people who live with the voices do so in a state of poverty and personal chaos rather than the tranquil life of meditation and music lessons depicted in that article. But resistance to conventional psychiatry in the American consciousness is old and durable. This despite the fact that most people who receive treatment for a psychiatric disorder eventually recover.

Anti psychiatry is embedded by an academic left hand activist class that have legit anti psychiatric ideas under the cover of autonomy and freedom for the mentally ill. The activist class rejects any notion that mental illness induces violence under typically broken social justice logic. The thinking seems to be that since the mentally ill is an identity category?

Speaker 0: Oh, man. I don’t have it on the the right right segment. Okay. We’re good. Right.

The facts are are clear that mental illness correlates with mental illness mental illness… And crime.

Speaker 27: The cracks. For 1 reason another and are non adhere to treatment are particularly at higher risk of committing grave acts of violence. Or As has been found again and again in responsible research, untreated profound mental illness is particularly significant in cases of homicide. Once more, the particular conditions of homeless people with severe mental illness in urban spaces make the risks greater. The author’s note that patients with mental illness may be more prone to violence if they do not receive adequate treatment.

Are actively experiencing delusions or have long standing paranoia. All of those factors A lack of treatment, delusions of the type associated with psychotic disorders and persistent paranoia are likely to be more common among homes New yorkers. Psychotic disorders are vastly more prevalent among the un housed, and homeless people are more likely to abuse drug. Which dramatically increases the risk violence. Large literature reviews find conclusive that illness is associated with higher levels of criminality.

A French review of studies published since 90 finds at 6 percent of murderers are schizophrenia, which is remarkable considering that less than 0.5 percent of adults in have schizophrenia, relevant to our interest here, 38 people were charged with assaulting Mta employees last year. 20 of them had a history of mental illness.

Speaker 28: Despite Michael, a political reports that Congressman Ben Thompson, the former chair of the January. 6 committee, introduced to bill to remove secret service protection for any 1 sentenced to a year or more in jail saying it would quote alleviate a conflict between the sick…

Speaker 0: And the former chair of

Speaker 28: the January sixth committee. Introduced a bill to remove secret service protection for any 1 sentence…

Speaker 0: Yeah. They find out hilarious.

Speaker 27: Of Americans suffer from mental illness. And only 1 in 20 from severe mental illness. Obviously, it’s not rational to expect any individual person with a mental illness to be violent. But it is rational to conclude that the severely mentally ill are significantly more dangerous than any random person Liberal desires to repair the image of the mentally ill. After decades of pop culture that portrays all of them as murderous man acts.

Has given way to an assumption of blame. It helps no 1, especially not mentally ill themselves. Parts of the difficulty in getting people to grapple with this reality is the rampant deployment of a strategically deceptive observation. That mentally ill are more likely to be the victims of violent crime than the perpetrators of violent crime. For example, in a 20 21 piece in the Atlantic that are at more than a half century of d institutional, did not cause a spike in homelessness among mentally ill.

Alyssa Roth writes, ta crime rhetoric or also helped enforce the persistent assumption that people with mental illness are dangerous and need to be kept off the streets to protect the rest of us, also but people with mental illness are far likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence. A New York Times piece from November 20 23, used the same language, saying, mentally ill people are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than to commit 1. That statement is in fact, true, true and meaningless. It says literally nothing. About the question of whether the mentally ill are more likely to commit acts of violence against strangers or not.

The reality is that because a small percentage of people commit the large majority of violent crimes, Members of almost any identifiable group are more likely to be the victims of violent crime than to be the perpetrators. We know that men to in a shockingly high percentage of the violent crimes in our society and using the Fbi’s crime data explorer, and consulting the national crime victim maximization survey. We can see that in the past half decade, men have committed approximately 8.5 crimes per 1000, while between 16 and 20 men per 1000 were the victims of a violent crime, We too as a sex are more likely to be the victims of violent crimes than the perpetrators, perhaps twice as likely. But would it therefore be sensible to conclude that men are not more likely to be violent than women? Of course, not.

That’s not what that statistic says. And what it does say is irrelevant. They are more likely to be victims of violence than to commit violence is meaningless for assessing risk and yet it’s voiced absolutely constantly, including, I’m afraid in the pub med publication I referenced above. Perhaps the researchers felt they needed to include that tidbit to avoid criticism or

Speaker 0: Okay. Good New York magazine article pointing out that the Med Ill commit, , dramatically more. Violent crime per capita. And so it completely makes sense that people are on guard against the mentally ill, and as not mental illness, right, creates equal correlation, equal amounts of propensity to commit violent crime. Schizophrenia has a disproportionate likelihood of committing a violent crime.

So it’s completely natural that people would be on edge about this. Right? Donald Trump gets shot. And the news media immediately goes into blaming Donald trump.

Speaker 29: Highlight this. Also George we have to point out. No matter who the shooter… What the shooters motives were. No matter who the shooter is, you are going to hear conspiracy theories going forward.

Speaker 21: No. No question about that, But as as you point of those statements from J Vance and Vi Rob, of course, president Trump and supporters have have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.

Speaker 29: Well, absolutely, George right. We were just looking back this morning as… Some of the things that former president Trump has said, he warned last March of potential death and destruction if you were charged by the Manhattan district attorney. Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful. Trump January warned a embed them in the country if the criminal charges against him sick…

Seated. And, of course, in March, he said, now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole. That’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a blood bath for the country that will be the least of it. He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context. But those are indeed his words, and you have heard it from supporters.

Well, and supporters are certainly in some parts angry, and and let’s remember January sixth. In so many ways for the campaign January 6 will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event. This is a very difficult time for this campaign. I’m sure this week, in milwaukee that president Trump will highlight this, and president Biden is gonna have to figure out how to go forward do this… Campaign and what exactly they say?

Speaker 21: Martha loretta. Thanks very much. Screen.

Speaker 0: Okay. Brett Hu. Is 1 of the first people in the mainstream media to call out Donald Trump for be… Joe Biden for being seen That’s gives.

Speaker 26: He is not. Obviously, the investigation is still ongoing. We don’t know the motive yet. We don’t have that information breath, but how do you think if at all? The conversation changes now for the presidential election.

Speaker 30: Well, I guess, we can hope and pray for some relief from this poisonous political atmosphere which we’ve been living in now for quite some time. And, , the… The… We live a kind of a kind an age of exaggeration in which everything is pushed out to its possible outer limit. Nobody’s dangerous.

They’re all Hitler. I mean, it’s… And you you see, the new republic, the left liberal political journal has a has a Trump as Hitler, you drawing on its cover in the current issue. This is the kind of thing that’s been going on for a long time. We can all hope that we can turn the temperature down, but the country is deeply divided the passions are very intense.

And my concern is it just will tam things down for a while, but but it it tends to wear off and we’re back to where we were. And, , you’re hearing this said that violence is on American. The sad truth is… Is not on American. There’s been a ton of it throughout our history, and a lot of it in recent history.

And this is another chapter in that story. A very regrettable 1 indeed. This but that’s how we are. It would be lovely if we could hope that it would change in some permanent way, but I think it’s too early to get our Absolutely.

Speaker 22: To our viewers at home, there’s a terrific piece by the Wall Street Journal. Editorial board I know you all have seen it today. Just wanna read a short paragraph from that. Americans after Saturday will be looking for stable reassuring leadership Trump’s opportunity now as to present himself as someone who can rise of the attack on his life and unite the country. He will make a mistake if he blames Demi.

For the assassination attempt, the country won civil disagreement and discourse, not civil war. Guy your take on that.

Speaker 0: Congrats

Speaker 31: Well, I think time will tell, but the early receipts are very promising. I would say on that front. The initial statements put out by the former president. Have been in my view, almost pitch perfect. Very human filled with gratitude, which I would imagine 1 must be when 1 is almost killed and survives.

And at least based on what he has said thus far, only in writing, I it has been in my estimation really well done. Now the campaign has to make some decisions here about when do they have him emerge. We saw him come down the steps. The plane in New Jersey last night, When does he actually speak in front of cameras for the first time since this happened, what does he say For important hours, of course, for our country and, we’ve talked about that at nausea, but we’re here in this building for a political convention, it is the thick of a political season, and there are political decisions to be made right now by the Trump campaign.

Speaker 26: Yes it’s quiet here today, but it won’t be tomorrow, Brit. Can you give us any sort of thoughts about how we should be thinking about or covering our, Americans watching here today can think about what to do and think about after a political assassination attempt, because I… As I believe you were in the White House press corps when Reagan was shot?

Speaker 30: I was I was on Capitol Hill.

Speaker 26: I got

Speaker 30: that day, and I… Mh. I’ll tell you. There’s a lot… I I learned a lesson that

Speaker 27: day. Okay.

Speaker 30: Early reports, we all should know this by. Early reports are often long. And there was a moment in which the the Capitol Hill Press corps, which I was a member at the time was told by the then secretary, then, press secretary Howard Baker was a majority leader at the time that that James Brady had died, and I was for some reason skeptical. And I was waiting to go on the air, and I heard, someone else say that on the air. I can’t remember who it was.

And I thought, , I’m not sure… I’m… So I gotta walk out of the shot. And not supposed to do that. And and Brit.

I was glad I did.

Speaker 22: Did ran his name house

Speaker 0: ran away.

Speaker 22: Yeah. Can I tell you, I’m thinking something quickly about the current president and Joe Biden him what he does? I think it would be smart to do an oval office statement today. Quickly.

Speaker 31: I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they do. We he waited a while for anything from the president yesterday, then we had a somewhat scatter shot response by that podium in Delaware, they sent him back to the White House last night. I would imagine something scripted is in order. Today at some point and we’ll see if they agree.

Speaker 26: And if they meet the moment. Yeah. Alright. Brit Guy. Thank you.

Speaker 22: Thank you. We’ll be right back here in Milwaukee. Mh

Speaker 0: Okay. I was watching a recent interview with Charles Murray. Yeah. Some

Speaker 32: led people enrollment in public Institute as a minimum of 10:50 percent. So… And I would I will ask only version, 1 question. How does denial on human nature and and genetics? Remind remind me listen k is in period in.

How it became dominant in the absence of pal bureau and in in the present presence of free press? This question.

Speaker 0: Or, no. Yes. Like a tool which comes to new 3.

Speaker 33: There we go.

Speaker 34: I back I’m back. I wish I had a nice. Clear answer to that. The 1 part of the answer is that the press is staffed now by members of the Cognitive Elite. Journalism in 19 50 19 40 was a working class profession a lot of journalists in those days hadn’t even gone to college, and they certainly hadn’t necessarily gone to an elite college.

And now if you take a look at the staffs of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, go through all of the big magazines. You go through the people who run the television networks. They come out of the same elite schools with the same kinds of of culture. They are full participants in what you rightly describe as using my word for it, It’s it’s a semi conspiracy.

Speaker 5: Okay.

Speaker 34: If you’re if you’ve been following what’s happened in the United States last week or so after the Joe Biden debate appearance, what you have served is the exposure of the extent to which journalists actively covered up what they knew to be true about Joe Biden mental frail. And only now after the debate exposed it, are they rushing to try to explain, , why it happened none of them are willing to say. We just covered it up, and that’s what they did. And the same thing happens with intelligence with genetics, with racial difference and the rest of it, they will not report. Now you say how did this happen in the absence of of poll bureau and forcing it.

Social pressure to be part of the urine group is extremely strong. And I think that’s it’s just in some ways, it’s probably a more effective thing to beat people over the head with, than even the Po girl, in some respects, and it has it has worked, that than the complaints that have been made about the American press and fake news, and its biases. They’re all true. That’s the best I can do. Yeah.


Speaker 0: Think so a coach size. 4 supplied from the top, but… Right? A a culture of denial of reality that that doesn’t lead to excellence. And we we have a culture of denial of of reality.

And we’re gonna.

Speaker 35: Hey guys have a lot of breaking news to bring you this morning as you likely already know, and a soccer brought you yesterday. A would be assassin, attempted to take the life of president Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, leading to horrifying scenes and 1 rally that were killed to others in critical condition. We have a lot of updates for you this morning that I wanted to bring to you including statements from Trump’s statements from Biden. We now know who the shooter has been identified as we’ve got some photos and some, , reading the tea leaves of his political history, which is confused to say the least, so bring you all of those details also, mounting questions about the state of security at this rally and how this individual was able to get these shots off, how he was able to come within inches of taking the former president’s life. So I’m gonna go through all of.

I wanna start though at the beginning.

Speaker 0: So why did it take the news media hours and hours in general to state the obvious that this was an assassination attempt for hours? Why The mainstream immediate tried to downplay this event. They tried to say, oh, secret service helps Trump off stage after loud noises. Or secret service helps Donald Trump after he falls.

Speaker 35: Getting with what unfolded at the rally of course, the this is disturbing. So just a warning before we get into any of this. I’m gonna show you the full video. It’s about a minute and 45 seconds. You can see g his ear.

This that is what caused that blood that you see ladder across his face. He has been seen in public since then.

Speaker 0: Oh, why did so many people in the news media. Feel reluctant in saying that Donald Trump got shot. Right? It seemed to be a, a great reluctance in the mainstream media and maybe they’re right. Right?

Maybe it was a bullet that hits some glass that then exploded into Donald Trump’s ear. I noticed extreme reluctance for hours in the mainstream media to say that Donald Trump was shocked. Why did the eventually media feel such a need to under play this story and then to emphasize why aren’t Trump and Republicans doing more to tone down the rhetoric? After the leader of the Republicans just got shot.

Speaker 35: Walking una aided and the officials are saying he is safe. Capturing projectile, a bullet aimed right at the former president. Very far distance. So just incredibly fortunate that with whatever security lapse has occurred here that the president was not seriously injured, horrifying, though, of course, you do have a rally, who was killed in 2 others, whose condition remains unknown who was described as being in critical condition. Let me show you next.

Some of the photo that has just emerged of people who were there at the rally before the shots ring out, who on the ground spotted, bitch this shooter. This would be assassin. And our screaming, he’s got a gun. He’s got a gun, and then you hear the chaos on ins into, as he begins to fire. Let me pull this video up for you.

So you can see what this was like on the ground just sheer your chaos, take a listen.

Speaker 0: Stay here.

Speaker 35: So, again, I know this is disturbing. This is what we know at this point, so you can hear them, say, he’s got a gun. He’s on the roof. They’re screaming, trying to get someone’s attention, and then you hear the shots ring out and we know what unfolds from there. So since this event, we have a statement, from form.

We actually have a couple of statements for from former president Trump. Let me go ahead and read you both of those and put this first 1 up on the screen. He said on drew social, I wanna thank the Us secret service and olive of law enforcement for their rapid response on the shooting that just took Americans remaining strong and determined and not from his plane can take a look at it. The Pain has suspended their advertising and a show of the the gravity of the situation, and we also know that former president Trump and current president Biden spoke yesterday evening We don’t have any details on that conversation, but let me give you a little bit of what current president Biden had to say yesterday.

Speaker 0: Okay. So why do so many conservatives have suspicion of the mainstream media 1 example as conservatives have been saying since… Out 20 18 that Joe Biden is clearly seen, and it took until about 2 weeks ago, but the rest of the media to catch up to that common sense observation. I went searching over the weekend on Google Scholar. I mean, how her scholars.

Covered what what’s a fascinating topic, Jay Biden obvious cognitive decline. And there are are no articles covering Joe Biden of obvious cognitive decline. I couldn’t find any not 1 academic article. Exploring whether Joe Biden is fit for office. Right?

I could find numerous articles making the case that Donald Trump is fit for office, could not find 1 academic article even exploring the topic of whether or not, Joe Biden is fit for office, In 20 20, the journal of Active aging released this study, and it’s put together by about 8 prestigious doctors and professors of of public health. And they say there’s no evidence available in the public record to indicate that either Joe Biden or Donald Trump is facing a major cognitive functioning challenge. Right? This is in 20 20. But it’s obvious to 100 Iq plumber that Joe biden aisle.

But you have all these prestigious doctors putting together a public report in 20 20, that there’s no evidence guys that Jay Biden or Donald Trump is facing a major cognitive functioning challenge either now or in the next 4 years. That So I’ve emailed these doctors? And none of them got back to me. I said, how could you be so obviously wrong. What what happened to your analysis?

And it’s this inability to face up to reality, this this desire to cover up that which is inconvenient that causes many people to have, considerable suspicion. About mainstream media.

Speaker 35: Is out there and this… , this is consistent with what. New York times and others are boring even though this is just somewhere random guy on Twitter. He does happen to sum it up well. So the shorter shooter is Thomas Matthew Crooks.

He is a local Pennsylvania resident. He is 20 years old. Just graduated from high school to 2 years ago. So he donated 15 in terms of political activity. He has no social media profile that anyone has been able to turn up so far, I saw some speculations.

He may have a discord, but, none of that has has come up. We don’t know what was going on there if such a thing even exists. Donated 15 dollars to act blew the day of Biden inauguration when he was 17, that went to a… Some sort of progressive pack that says they’re fighting to restore democracies. Very sort of, , state…

Type indications there. On the other hand, 8 months later. He registered to vote as a republican. 1 of the photos that has emerged. He’s wearing a I think I believe of had of this individual, this, would be a assassin who killed a rally or injured 2 others and shot the pro…

The former president in the United States. The So those are the images that we have, 1 of the most stunning…

Speaker 0: So the New York post was years ahead of the rest of the media pointing out that Joe Biden is seen now. There were 2 hours ahead. So rest of the media naming the shooter and then publishing his…

Speaker 35: It to come out was an eye witness that I mentioned before who had… He lives local, They wanted to come out, terms of…

Speaker 0: Okay. Here’s a former secret service agent analyzing the security

Speaker 36: heavy Pam. She’s a former secret service agent, Every Good morning. I wanna put up this map of the the farm grounds where this event was held last night, So the elevated position where the shooter was set up was about a hundred and 50 yards from the stage were former president Trump. Was speaking as a former secret service agent, are you surprised that building wasn’t better secured.

Speaker 7: So when you do a security plan, you’ve got the… The main security, Right? The security perimeter, where there’s the magnet where people are being checked as they’re entering the event. You have the out of perimeter, whereas is when you have an open rally like this, you are extremely vulnerable. I’ve done these.

They’re probably the most parameter the most anxious you’re ever gonna be as an agent because you’re trying to secure all of it. Now the adjacent buildings, you do this in urban environment you do this in a rural environment like this. You wouldn’t when you do a security plan, you lit literally put yourself on stage, and then you look out, As if you were the protect tea, what can I see and if I can see it, it can probably see you? Now at for an outer perimeter like that. Typically, you will have a local law enforcement presence.

You’ll notice those biz buildings, and Sec works with local police. Yeah. To think of the secret service like they’re the conductor of the or construct. They create the blueprint and designed for the security plan. They work with state police.

They work with local police, and then they put in resource.

Speaker 0: Alright, Molly Hemingway has an interesting tweet. She says to state the obvious Merrick Holland, the attorney general Christopher Ray, the head of the Fbi should rec preclude themselves from the investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump. There should be 0 0, Washington Dc or Fbi quarter involvement is patent absurd. To think that these people should be entrusted with this probe.

Speaker 7: This an assets.

Speaker 37: So in the typical scenario or the in the in the scenario that 1 1 wishes would have unfolded, would you have had perhaps a local official secure that roof to make sure the roof is clear, make sure nobody’s in the building and then sand there, so no 1 comes in after that clearing.

Speaker 7: So we don’t know if they did or did not do that?

Speaker 35: But that they

Speaker 9: Should have?

Speaker 7: They… I would I would presume you should have a local police presence in that area. Now could you have put somebody on that rooftop, you could have the other

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s let’s bring Steven J James. Put onto the show. Steven. Long time.

No talk. How how’s it going, man What are your thoughts?

Speaker 18: Hey, Luke. I just thought pop in. I’d been listening to you whilst I was out. I’ve been having dinner with my parents today, and I was just commenting in your check. I was actually leaving the door open for some actual, credential political comment to come in here and give some, really captivating political for, but I guess you’re you’re stuck with me, Luke.

Speaker 0: Okay. Stuck in the middle with Steven and J James.

Speaker 18: Yeah. Yeah. So look, I just on on and side. I Would would’ve loved to have heard today, B fly to come storming in here and… Yeah.

Say they have tried to assassinate my president, and I’m mad as hell and like E looks to come in and say, look, this may gifted to Donald Trump, the presidency in November, but the war is being lost in Texas. It’s turning blue, and this this is This is what I wanted, but…

Speaker 0: Well, well, B fly did tweet about this. And what he said?

Speaker 18: Did he?

Speaker 0: He said it feels fake. He said it feels fake. Alright. So many people they are so that they don’t believe that this actually occurred. And and I think that…

That’s just a sign that you’ve gone off the deep end.

Speaker 18: Yes. So let’s personalize that a bit. Where were you when you heard the news, Luke? You. What

Speaker 38: was it

Speaker 18: about 04:00 your time?

Speaker 0: It was about, 03:00, 3 03:11 my time. And III was at home.

Speaker 18: Okay. Do you think that this is 1 of those? 09:11 stroke, jfk type decade, like, if decade inflection moments, which are going to be… You’re always going to remember where you were when you heard the news.

Speaker 0: I’m not sure. Everyone saying that, but I’m not sure. III wouldn’t assess that. I would not assert that right now.

Speaker 18: Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. Because in a way, I I was ex… I know exactly where I was, it was like about 12:12 midnight here last night.

And I ended up staying up till 4AM watching it. And what was going through my mind, I’ll be absolutely brutally honest was excitement, Yeah. I was excited by it. I had did an adrenaline rush. I mean, immediately, I knew that he was safe.

Everybody did within a minute because, , it was back up on his feet, but it was exciting, and and I… I had the feeling. I am in 1 of those moments that I’ve yet to experience in my life because I don’t remember 09:11. So… And that…

That I was like, in the moment of living history

Speaker 0: you me. Yeah. And and this is what makes you great as a comment and to whatever every extent that I’m great as a acc. It’s the same thing. It is can.

We often put Can over courtesy. So the Courteous polite prestigious react is not to talk about being excited or to talk about any feelings that you’re having aside from feelings of sadness for the Republic. But that that emphasis on courtesy and having the politically correct emotion rob’s, commentary of of honesty and can and visceral truth, And so Yeah. This is where live streaming is great. So in in public commentary on on the network, you’re not supposed to talk on about people’s physical characteristics.

Right? Now not it’s supposed to talk about if someone’s ugly or in infer or, , stunning or hot, you’re not supposed to talk about these shameful emotions of being excited about these things. And this is where live streams are I think superior because when you put so much emphasis on the politically correct emotional response. You you lose so much in truth in can. That I I think you’re often giving up too much.

Speaker 18: Yeah. So I also became aware that I was wanting to be involved in the story, like I immediately screenshot like the Trump rally. I’d actually I’d actually had the Trump rally paused in another tab because they they tend to be quite boring, but I occasionally, tune in to, like, 5 or 10 minutes of them. And because it’s getting close to the election and stuff and Joe Biden perhaps dropping out, I I was interested in what is Trump actually saying. So I got it…

I got it paused in another tab, And then I was doing something else. I was gonna rewind it late fast forward it later. And then I I got like, a notification on Telegram on 1 of the channels of what had happened, watch a little video then fast forwarded it. But So I wanted my initial instinct is like, I wanted to be involved in this story somehow. So I even I who avoids, like like tweeting…

I tend to avoid tweeting about topics really that I’m not really anything to do with me anymore. I feel silly, like, sticking my beak into, like, political topics that aren’t really involving me on Twitter. But even I got caught up in the moments as screenshot 2 images of Donald Trump, and I uploaded them saying Donald Trump shot in the head. Put it out there at and I realized I even I was getting caught up in the moment. I in, like a…

There’s, like an an element of na about it. Now I wanted it. In some way to be about me too.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And again, that’s human because we’re all the the center of the universe. For ourselves.

Speaker 18: Yeah.

Speaker 0: And so that’s a normal human and and even somewhat healthy reaction in that you should be the center of your reality. Now it’s not politically correct to say this out loud, but what makes you compelling and What eric said, I’m compelling is when we articulate these very common human emotions that are not given much vent in mainstream commentary.

Speaker 18: Yeah. Yeah. Having that’s… Yeah. That’s the only worth really of alternative media isn’t it?

We come here. We’re listening to you because we want somebody who we know is a real person. To share the news with? Why aren’t we watching Meg Kelly? Do it?

We’d rather watch Meghan Kelly vic through you? For some reason because it it’s more personal. In a way we’ve built up, like, a trust with you. And we do this with with with, like a I don’t know. A half a dozen or a dozen, other people who would choose to follow on alternative media because We have, like, this personal relationship with them, and then we have trust with them, and this is very different to just absorbing in the the the news passively from from later, the d the tv screen.

Speaker 0: Right. Because we we do recognize… We we do have a suspicion that From ph is real and that it means something. Right when I’m trying to understand complicated intellectual issues I often Google the people whose thoughts I’m studying to get a look at them because I I feel like when I see photos of someone I I get a sense of their their character. And this is not part of polite discussion.

Right? This is not part of elite discussion. This is not what you say. Even on on Fox News. But I I think it’s reality.

There there is a a visceral desire to to see and to get a sense of what someone looks like, and and you don’t get that in in the mainstream media. You you note when someone looks incredibly frail or sen aisle such as Joe Biden, and that is not normally part of a discussion in Mainstream media, you you note that 1 of the secret service agents protecting Donald Trump look really good. I mean, particularly from from the back. I mean, she looked great. She looked tight and fine.

And and you can admit that on a show like this, and you don’t have to Right. There are times when you should hold back on a honest reaction. I mean, you shouldn’t go on a share like this and talking about wanting to have relations with your stepmother. But that there are areas of of public life where honesty about one’s visceral reactions is more important than obeying the laws of propriety,

Speaker 18: Yeah. I mean, I think it’s all I can offer really. I, I can’t offer some…

Speaker 0: Well, what… I I wanna go on more with you on the understand it when I I looked up I Googled can versus courtesy. And I I look… At I Googled, when is it appropriate to comment on people’s physical characteristics? Because when I was looking at the news media, and there, critiques of why the news media didn’t talk about Jay Biden obvious frail and sun civility, 1 of the the main points that the news media makes is that people in the news media feel highly uncomfortable commenting on personal characteristics that And and I just thinking about over the course of my life, how often I’ve been minded for publicly commenting on someone’s physical characteristics.

And I was just thinking, yeah. There there are many good reasons not to comment publicly on people’s personal characteristics, it can be painful and hurtful and and gus. But there’s also a lot that’s given up, and I’m thinking about someone who I was acquainted with who has had great contempt for me. He he he despise me. Zayn was Greg cried, sir.

And 1 day he was getting out of his car, and someone driving buys, yelled at him, get out of the way fat, so. And this was life changing for him. He he realized he needed to lose weight, and he lost, like 60 pounds. And he wrote… He ended up writing a best selling book on fat.

Due to someone making a rude remark. And I remember from my own life at 1 point when I was 19, I was thinking of going to Sacramento state college, And my my friend’s father said to me. Well, what? They say about Sa state. Don’t you, and I said, no.

He said, well, they say somebody has to go there. And I felt so burned by that comment, Mh that I resolved to go to a Uc school and ended up going to Ucla, which is a prestigious public, University because of that cutting comment. And so we lose a great deal when we keep sacrificing can and truth. And honesty and visceral reactions per instead politically correct public utterances. Any further thoughts on this?

Speaker 18: No Absolutely. But isn’t… This is like a fundamental thing of the left. Isn’t it that… In in a Yes.

Characteristic. What what would you call Ship… Is it a shi? Is it’s a shi? Is that…

Am I… Use that turn correctly?

Speaker 0: I I would call it a a discipline. It’s it’s philosophically, it’s the type of court discipline that developed when… Landowners owners and and knights could no longer just live on their own plot of land and their own castle, but they had to move to court. And once you moved from your own castle to court, you then have to take into account every person who may notice what you say and do. And so you have to mute your reactions.

You cannot afford to be visceral anymore. You have to be very calculating in everything you say and do. So we’ve kinda now got a democrat amortization of the court here incentive system because you and I, now if we’re self interested We have to take into account how anyone could hear what we’re saying, not just now, but in 20 years, not just here, But in any context in which we move through live, a potential date, writing public transportation going to a fast food restaurant walking down the street. Anyone may hear what we said here and then react to us, and so we we we are trying to be candid, but we you also have to have, a great deal of discipline thinking about the effects of our words, not just now. Not just on people we know, but on people we don’t know in the future whose goodwill or at least absence of hatred we badly need.

Speaker 18: Yeah. I mean, I actually was hyper aware of this, because I kept my powder dry for a long time just listening to shows. And then only elected to join in, like, with by making contact myself whilst staying pseudo anonymous, So I was I was smartly able able to keep keep that away. So obviously, I was aware of this. I have to be careful.

I don’t… I I don’t want the crazy things I’m saying online to be attached to my real world personal. Real world identity. This could be dangerous for me. But, , the…

I… I’m reminded when you when you’re saying about pete you’ve got to be really careful about people’s physics… Same things about people’s physical characteristics. But the left also deny this. At the same time, or or or even the fact that you are that you are withholding commenting on someone’s physical characteristic even that you are doing that has to be denied in a in a weird way because I I…

There’s a tiktok going around of a guy interviewing different women and asking them the question is Liz beautiful? And he does it with about half a dozen women, and they each answer. Yes. Yes. Of course, she is.

She’s gorgeous. And then on the seventh lady, he says to her. Did anybody tell you you look like Liz, and she slaps him.

Speaker 0: That that’s powerful because Liz is obviously highly obese. And not attractive. And and to say the all is beautiful is insane.

Speaker 18: But no woman will I will wolf

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 18: Because she’s o obese so ugly.

Speaker 0: Right. Because they’re much more conventional. Women much more tend to color between the lines because they’ve They’ve evolved to be much more careful in their public words.

Speaker 18: Yeah. But the first woman who got compared to Liz. Was obviously immediately visceral disgusted and shocked. How dare you compared to Liz, and that That really does just exe simplify everything that you’ve been saying. Yeah.

Speaker 0: I mean, this is… It isn’t this why we we turn to… Dis forms of discourse because you you do get a a more visceral and honest and and reactions that we can have more empathy with rather than the s, highly polished, highly disciplined pronounce that we get in in the mainstream media.

Speaker 18: Absolutely. Yes. We do. And and we occasionally want somebody to have, like all their their front, like a pulled down. We want to have the, , their pants pulled down in in front of everybody and exposed for, for like the S that they’re putting on to the world.

In many in many ways, many of us still, I think I do. I know. Listen. To people from the old blood sports era, and we’ll… Listen to hours, and hours, and hours of boring mind numbing content that they now put out just waiting in the hope for 1 of these moments, where there’ll be some kind of disagreement and argument.

There’ll be an interview where somebody pulls the pants down of somebody else and exposes them to the world.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, that… That’s the attraction with with with comedy, or, right? Is that you are? Comedy, you probably get more real talk than than any other form of entertainment.

Because, , what what makes something funny is that that real talk.

Speaker 18: Yeah. Yeah. I I also heard by the way. Just going back to the your early point about this being, like 1 of those moments that you remember. Do you remember?

Who you were dating or when you heard about 09:11?

Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. III do.

Speaker 18: So what a fling

Speaker 0: that sling? Yeah. Go ahead.

Speaker 18: A fling. I heard that this is a perfect time, Luke. To go and, like, ask a woman out for a days, for instance, because this is like a mo app I And I’ll I’ll I’ll work this 1 around to bit. It may be an explanation. I to why as to the answer to the question that you’re asking, why is the media?

Holding back in really, like, hammering home the significance of this event because it is such a moment of, like, memory creation, potential moment in people, a thought defining moment, that the the mainstream media, particular the liberal left mainstream media are hyper aware of the New York times are hyper aware of that this moment is, like, defining in people’s minds. So so much that they have to be careful with it. And so I’d heard that, like, this is a great time to go and ask a woman out on a date or whatever have cost like, she’s gonna remember this moment for the rest of her life? When you think about that?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Women women love drama. Right. Women love to be emotionally excited. So for example, women tended to be really happy during at least the early stages of Covid.

Because 1 health is what are those few areas of life where… Women are consistently more informed than men and 2, women love drama. And emotional drama. And the early days of Covid provided tremendous emotional drama and tremendous opportunities for deploying their superior levels of learning with regard to health compared to men. So they got to run things and feel dramatic.

Speaker 18: Yeah. Yeah. How did you feel watching those women, they’re, Luke, the girl bosses and I called them. A surrounding Donald Trump. Does that fill you with confidence?

Speaker 0: No. It it it doesn’t. Or I mean, there was 1 of them helping him down the stairs and, imagine if his life depended on the ability of 1 1 agent to carry him some distance. It’s… I think it’s insane to have women as law enforcement, officers where where strength is going to likely be a key part of their job or as as as firefighters.

Right? Why would you want AA5 foot 210 pound woman going into a building to carry people. Who passed out from smoke inhalation, carry them down 3 flights of stairs. So if you need physical strength for a job, I I think it’s insane to hire women, and there are other areas of life where I’m absolutely sure that on average women are better than men. So it…

It’s not like I think, , men are just the superior sex. I think men and women have have different strengths and you should be off to hire Accordingly, but because of ridiculous civil rights laws, you have to, , hire women for all sorts of jobs where men would be superior, And on the other hand, men don’t tend to wanna get into female dominated professions like kindergarten teacher.

Speaker 18: Yeah. I mean, from from from the scene that unfolded. At at the podium though, is striking to me that the 1 the the the secret service agent that got under his right arm pit, was a woman.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And an attractive 1. I mean, I…

Speaker 18: This must have been… Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nice pony ponytail too.

Speaker 0: But I wouldn’t want my life depending on her.

Speaker 18: No. And what struck me was? This this moment must have been rehearsed. They must have training. Probably, I know how often does a secret service train to get someone out of the.

Surely, this is like the number 1 training that they do, I know once a month or once a week or whatever. And and I imagine that the training would be that the the the The guy that you’ve got to protect has been incapacitated. Owning Trump is 78 years old. If that bullet and just got anywhere closer, he would have been I mobile in the, and this must have been trained for hundreds of times where a group of secret service to get that man out of the, and the woman, and III appreciate. He was okay, and he got his feet by himself and so it wasn’t that imo mobile body that had to be, , removed from the from the zone, but the the woman, it it was a woman, who took the support.

You didn’t know if he was gonna collapse on the way down those stairs.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 38: Just from the shock. Right.

Speaker 18: He’s a woman who was holding hit him in under the left arm, and it’s sure it’s everything, everything screams incompetence. Yeah.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And and I I’ll give examples from from… My own life where women were superior. So I… I’ve often been interviewed by various Tv cruise.

And when it’s a female interviewing me, I usually give a better performance. Right? III want to do a better job when I’m talking to a woman. Yeah. That attractive woman that than a man, Also.

Until recently, I had a great deal of trouble with fatigue. And I remember, I was working with the National film board of Canada and I was absolutely exhausted. I had to help them carry equipment, and I was just wiped out and a female assistant on their crew. Just took time to talk to me, and it just filled me up, like, it was just kind of caring nurturing female talk, and it just filled me up It gave me the strength. To to carry on for the rest of the day.

So there there are certainly many areas of life where where women are are superior where women will give you strength Right, emotional strength to to carry on, compared to to men. I, I’m sure there are many times when you’re doing an investigation where women will have more success getting information than if you’d sent a man out. Right? People who book guests on on cable Tv shows they’re overwhelmingly women because they just they just do the job in a much more compelling fashion. Right, Mike.

You’ve joined the chat, Mike, any commentary on what you’ve seen and heard today?

Speaker 33: Hey. Well, I just wanted to mention it was funny you you’re talking about when women are… Superior and jobs. Some years ago, Jane Good, you the the Chick hung out with the apes. Apparently leaky, was the guy who hired her, and I guess, , it would have been in the seventies or the sixties, maybe even he literally put out women wanted.

Yeah. That he didn’t want it… , he felt women were more nurturing, obviously dealing with babies and children, , they’re more patient and and whatnot that his his little job notice was women want to, he didn’t want a man to try to study the chimps for years that he he felt a woman would be more suited to the job.

Speaker 0: Right. If I’d just been shot and an attractive female secret service agent put it put her arms around me. I would be thinking, oh, does this mean I got a chance to nail her. So that way, I would not want attractive. Secret service agents or a police officers or assistance around me because what are the primary things I’m gonna be thinking about is, oh, will I get to nail her and that’s not really something that I wanna be thinking about when I’ve got a a job to do.

It would just be an unwanted distraction.

Speaker 33: Yeah. It was kinda of funny, , yesterday, well, we were watching it. I’m I’m at my brother’s house and I don’t know… For some reason, I was focused on that woman with… With her little bun.

Yeah. She had to hat, and she had to arm up, and she had her sunglasses 1? And then I’m like, why her sunglasses off and they’re back on Like, I was just… There was the 1 tall guy who had his 1 arm up was doing a good job at walking his head from from the next bullet, I guess, but but that chicken front was… I mean, she was pretty hot and, somehow was just focused on which what is she doing?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, I would just, like, take her my arms and, like, collapse on her Bo. I mean, that’s what I do if I just got shot. Stephen J is you’re a man of great discipline. You you just get shot, hot secret service agent wraps arms around you.

What would you be thinking about?

Speaker 34: Yeah. I’d be… I…

Speaker 18: What I wanted to know was how does that bullet bulletproof vests go on over the Bo? This I was trying to get a look at. Yeah. I was trying to figure this out. Do they have, like, cups built into it?

Could this be more useful for reflecting the bullets?

Speaker 39: That’s

Speaker 33: blatant Game of Thrones. She had to…

Speaker 18: Yeah. Yeah. That’s built in What what what I was thinking.

Speaker 0: There’s a there’s a new blue angels documentary, which is great, and there are so many hot and great. Shaped women on this team. And so they work very closely together. And when they’re working, they’re working like 16 hours a day, and it would drive me mad, working 16 hours a day with women I’m dying to nail. I I…

It it was just be much better for my performance if I was working 16 hours a day with men because I have no interest in in having sex with men. I I just can’t imagine working in an intense setting with attractive women. It it would significantly reduce my job performance.

Speaker 18: Absolutely.

Speaker 0: Mean, I guess some guys can do it. I mean, a lot of these guys were married, so wow.

Speaker 18: I No. I don’t think a lot of guys can do it Luke. I think it’s a big problem. I think there’s a part of the problem of the workforce as well Known. John Peterson said something like about about this.

Why do women wear met? Wear makeup

Speaker 0: to work. If they’re not interested in people looking at them in a sexual fashion. Yeah. I mean, when I meet a woman. The the first thing I I think about is whether or not I wanna nail.

And and then that’s lovely. That’s not the only thing I think about. Right, III am able to be friends with women, like, I’ve had, women who are Shakespeare Scholars, who… I’m friends with And and I have, , friendly terms with a lot of professional women who I I treat with respect, and this is no longer disabling for me. I am able to work around women, 8 hours a day, women who I wanna nail, and I don’t say anything about it.

I don’t behave inappropriately, I’m I’m able to do my job, but it’s a bit of a distraction, and also, I… I’m not in a quite superior position to them. Like, if It would be a little more challenging for me if they were my assistance. Right? Rather than my my peers.

But even then I could still do it. It’s just a challenge. Because I am a man who has a visceral attraction to to beautiful young women

Speaker 33: Yeah. That’s been addressed many times. There’s actually the the seinfeld filled episode where George hires the secretary. And the 1 chick comes in, and she’s smoking hot. And he’s like, sorry.

I can’t hire you. Yeah. I looking at you. I can’t even remember my own name. Yeah.

Yeah. And then he ends up having sex with the efficient 1 that he ends up hiring, but I think it was niche she said something about men cannot be friends with attractive women.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And that’s a

Speaker 18: the women don’t even have to be attractive. Yeah. Let’s be clear. We don’t have to be able to see their face online in online groups. If a woman comes into an online.

Male space. It can be incredibly disruptive, and we never have to see your face. I’ve experienced this. 1 of the guys in a group, can just like go crazy and start by know, really believing that he has a chance with her and really like, start white knight and all this kind of stuff… The dynamic changes instantly when there is a woman amongst men.

It’s like a proverbial cat amongst the pigeons in every single case.

Speaker 0: That’s 1 thing I love about both orthodox judaism and Australian culture. So Australia has the most separation between men and women of of any first world. Nation, I believe. And also in Orthodox judaism, there are considerable separation between men and women. There very much male spaces and and female spaces.

And I I just find that so much easier. I mean, I I… And without exceptional circumstances, I just primarily wanna be around guys. Yeah. I mean too.

Speaker 18: Yeah. I think so.

Speaker 0: No It’s just it’s so much easier and more.

Speaker 18: That’s a product of maturing. Though isn’t it? Yeah. In your youth, you wanted to be around girls, you’d… If the very opposite.

Even though you knew it was bad for you. Even though you knew this… Yeah , there this… Nothing productive was gonna gonna come up there. You’d choose the female company over over like, the off.

If you could pick, you you pick the office with 3 hot girls in it rather than the office with 4 dudes in it.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Cla core anything you’ve heard that you wanna come in on?

Speaker 39: Yes. I do about, sex degradation. III really think that today yesterday, what should be the inflection point of… Feminism, the the commentary you made about the inc and the mediocrity of women. And and the fact that they They also make men stupid and say things they don’t read is is really a very urgent political problem.

And the thing is they always have that excused. , in the end, however, however much you blame them, that their on answer will be well, you shouldn’t have given us. All that power then. Should you?

Speaker 0: Yeah. And it it’s just visceral, women don’t understand because women women do have, , sexual temptation is just not nearly as strong as it is for men because how often do famous, powerful women get throw everything away for, sex with, , some attractive guy. It almost never happens like, it happens 100 times the powerful men who ruined their lives for some meaningless sexual encounter when compared to women.

Speaker 39: Yes. I mean, it it is part of feminine privilege to always have more offers or sex and you are prepared to accept. And and that is basic. Basically, the the essence of feminine privilege that I think a lot of men are, , hoping to acquire by changing their sex and having their gender affirming surgery. I I think that’s why they do it.

Didn’t know. And then they they they go and, I don’t know Stein, porn porn videos or something. I mean, I I can’t imagine my men but want to do that. , want to want to become women, other than to, , think, well, all I have to do is look the , look the pop and and officer of sex will cut my weight.

Speaker 0: Stephen James, you’re just… Back from a trip to the United States, what what surprised you? What what did you notice from your time in America?

Speaker 18: Hey, the principal takeaway that I got from coming to America. I’ve… Ask somebody else question, Lug Just lost… My phones. 1 second.

Speaker 0: Okay. Yeah. Go ahead.

Speaker 18: 1 moment.

Speaker 0: Mike, anything else you’re gonna come comment 1 1 thing that grab my attention. Go ahead, Mike.

Speaker 33: Well, I I think Claire was talking about… I mean, I think gender this for is, a real. Condition, psychological condition that, probably can’t be explained to those who do not have it, there’s even… I don’t know if any of you guys have heard of body identity integrity disorder. There’s actually a movie called Whole, AWH0LE about people who wanna be Amputee.

And they they literally, 1 guy, like, blew his own leg off with this… With a double barrel of shotgun. So I don’t I don’t think putting psychological disorders up as, , some sort of norm. Or what why why would these people do this? Why why was Bruce Jenner wanna be a woman?

I don’t know. It’s something’s is wrong in his brain, obviously. But these things happen.

Speaker 0: Another thing, I I noticed among many women is that they they love to become helpless in… If they think that’s an effective strategy for lending a man and securing a man. So they’ll get married, or they’ll get into a relationship and then all sorts of things that they were perfectly capable of doing They they now say, 0II can no longer drive. I can no longer do do this or that. And and the the helpless attracts some some men.

Steven. Yeah. You just… Steven J you just went to America what what grabbed your attention.

Speaker 18: Yeah. That thanks luke sorry about that. I’d just like to rant about Bluetooth for a second. And I hate Bluetooth. Why?

Do we still have these problems with Bluetooth? Sorry about that. The first thing of, the main takeaway that I got from America was, it’s not, oh, at least where I went. It’s not as woke as I was led to believe. Now I was in Las Vegas, and I get…

I I gather that this is like a Disneyland in the middle of the desert. But and then I I visited various places within, like, a 500 mile radius of las vegas. So rural areas kind of out, , in the in the in the west out there. But I was shocked. Certainly, in in las Vegas, there was no Lgbt stuff.

Of course, of course, it was ethnic and incredible way. But it’s a tourist hot spot. But just in terms of vocal, There was none. I saw no Lgbt nonsense. Objective beauty is still celebrated out there.

Beautiful women. I… I on display. They are used to sell products. There’s no no doubt about that they’re on billboards.

So I was… I saw no like Lgbt flags or anything like this. I was shocked by that. You… Your…

On your country, if this is anything to go by is way way way less work. Than the United Kingdom. We are far far more gone.

Speaker 39: But Stephen, didn’t you mention those? Send Lloyd, Las Vegas show goals who were a bit chu, that sort of thing.

Speaker 18: Yeah. The so or, but but this wasn’t, systemic, a systemic thing. I said on the las vegas strip, I was surprised… I was disappointed by some of the show girls who are walking around the ones. The entrepreneurs with feathers in their hair who offer you a photograph.

With them for like, 40 dollars that some of them were, like Chu, had a cellulite ass god forbid upon me, and, , there they were of various different. They weren’t the all the typical, beautiful, white show girl. He who you who you expect. But but that’s not a systemic thing. That’s just the nature of the entrepreneur on the street.

Speaker 0: No did did you notice that Americans are fatter, than people in England. I mean, that was 1 of the first things I noticed when I moved to America 19 77, but it’s no longer true, at least compared to Australia. Now Australians are every bit is obese as Americans. What about the English and Americans. They equally fat or is 1 group more obese?

Speaker 18: No. It didn’t stand out. It didn’t stand out. You’re correct. If it did, it was that I saw, like somebody who was really huge.

I I occasionally encountered a really huge person having to ride 1 of those mobility scooters. And I think wow. That is a it is a rare site, and I’ve seen it within the couple of weeks. So I think you might have more… People right on on the far end of, like, the Bell curve of obesity.

And so it stands out and we pointed it out more. But that’s all

Speaker 4: people III

Speaker 39: have to mention the lakeside, which is a shopping mall in essex where I think the the copies who became affluent and moved to would, , would would live. And I… This is years ago, But but I just have this memory of what kind of the impression of elephants, , going up and down, the shopping mall. But but this is different to wall shopping malls and, , other parts of England this is just memory of mine, and and it’s it is quite an old 1. But but I think, , part of the is the ability to eat yourself fat, and not be able to afford to go to the gym and pay your gym members it.

I I think there’s some, , economic, categorizing there.

Speaker 33: Right. I in America it’s ironic, I think they… They claim being poor makes you fatter. , and obviously, you look at people and you’re like, well, they haven’t missed a meal, but I guess the argument from the liberals is, they highly processed food that is cheaper and there as far is worse for you and makes you fatter. Mh.

As as a fat man myself, I don’t eat that greatly, but I’ve been working out to dropped 40 pounds this last year, but

Speaker 18: Congratulations.

Speaker 33: It is interesting, Luke, you said you moved to American in the seventies. As I remember, everybody was skinny in the seventies. In fact, maybe a month ago, I was scrolling through the channels in meatballs or meatball, whatever, the Bill Murray, movie was on, where they’re at, , like, a a summer camp and the the scene where they’re by the lake and all the kids are running around, and everyone is, like super skinny. Like, , we I call 70 skinny. The, like, before processed food, I guess, , before the eighties, obviously, fast food became a big thing.

But if if you looked at the American population, if you look at, like, old high school year books and stuff, , I remember as a kid, when we had 40 people in our class, there was, like, 1 fat kid.

Speaker 0: Right. Okay. I I got the point. I wanna… Sorry.

It’s a good point but I do what… Shift back to something I was talking about 30 minutes ago that there is a a struggle, and there there are competing values between Can and Courtesy. And often people saying something that is, but candid to you has the power to transform your life for the good. For example, we may not always be doing fat women a favor when we tell them how fabulous they look. And I think as a society, we have gone too far to the value of courtesy over Can, and I think in large part is because we’ve have become more diverse, less trusting, life is therefore less safe.

There are now many more things you can totally screw your life. And so when life is more insecure. We become more cautious, and so we are less willing to be candid with each other. And Joe Biden obvious civility, for example, would be something where America would have been better served if news comment and news reporters, Biden place more value on Can than on courtesy and did what apparently was very uncomfortable for for many people commenting on his personal characteristics such as the very awkward slow way that he moved and his frequent brain freezes and his his overall awkward and sense of personality. So I I think we need to move in a more visceral and and truth direction in our public comments, and this has to be, , done with with wisdom.

Right? You don’t wanna be gratuitous saying things that are true, but but needlessly hurtful for But when when it comes to anyone in public office, Right? You should not be held back by fear of commenting On. Or characteristics if those personal characteristics are very likely reflections of their ability to do their job. And so if someone is h for through life, and and the h is just getting worse as it has been for Joe Biden.

If the their brain is freezing, if they’re showing many symptoms of sun civility I think everyone would have been better off if this had been caught out more 4 years ago, but this will come at a cost. This will mean that there will be some comments that will be, hugely disco discord and and inappropriate and shocking and and pay for some people. But, Steven, I… I’d like to see a direction where mainstream commentary becomes a little bit more like live streaming, meaning paying more attention to personal characteristics that we all take notice of and which reflect on the ability of people to perform in their jobs, Stephen, any his thoughts?

Speaker 18: Yeah. Absolutely. But then Luke, and I would have no… P would we bit with there’d be no unique selling point of this format. Hey, I had a thought.

Right. Speaking of Joe Biden and his, cover… The covering up of his oncoming dementia, his personality. There’s somebody… There’s something else that has also been covered up during this press president and is covered up.

And that is Kamala Harris innate stupidity, I think, I mean… Don’t you think that in a weird way that is also and currently being covered up. And the the democrats might be in a… In a situation where, They are throwing throughout there. They’ve have decided they’ve got to throw Joe Biden under the bus, but then we’ll immediately if it ends up being Kamala Harris that they put on the ticket, go into a similar mode of completely defending and covering up how like unfit for the job she too?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, she got her side in politics as Willie Brown mistress. Willie Brown was a big deal California politics, but she started out as his girlfriend, and he appointed her to her first political positions. So she served him in a variety of positions, and then he served her by securing her a variety of positions. Mike, Any any thoughts on shifting public conversation towards more can and little less courtesy.

Speaker 33: Yeah. I I think political correctness is obviously run a mock, , talking about fat people and whatnot. I think there was a a news presenter, woman who was rather large and somebody had commented, , you should lose some weight or something, and there’s this huge blow back against them, like, how how dare you fat shame people. You

Speaker 0: know, Yeah.

Speaker 33: Well, well, back in the day, , fat shaming caused people to lose weight, , this acceptance of, obviously, unhealthy fat is is a bad thing for society. In fact, there is a, I guess, some social influencer. She was, like, , 4 or 500 pounds or something that that was her her thing was she’s 1 of these, , 600 pound life people or whatever. And she actually lost, like, 300 pounds and was proud of it. And she got blow back for being proud of losing weight, , that…

Now you’re fat shaming, fat people, because you’re celebrating losing some weight and stuff. It’s it’s quite insane. But, like, Steve was saying, America is not quite as woke as as much of the world views us, I would assume Vegas is probably 1 of our skin cities. , if you want to Birmingham, Alabama or New Orleans, you you probably would have seen, , different body types than what you’ve seen Vegas. But in, , we’re we’re Everybody’s not La in in San Francisco and New York, but

Speaker 0: Claire, Claire, any thoughts on shifting the tone of public conversation with regard to public officials, a little bit more in the direction of Can with a little less courtesy and a little less difference with regard to their personal characteristics that bear on their ability to do their jobs.

Speaker 39: Absolutely. I think we should focus on making the point that it is often better to be cruel to be kind when it is to inform somebody who needs to be formed about, , some important aspect of their life or what what they the trying to achieve because, , fundamentally, a win truth to make rational and moral decisions. If we’re not told, if we don’t know some important, , if piece of information, and then then we’re gonna get it wrong and we’re going to hurt ourselves or calls, great injustice. So, I I think we should go back to the time of, , sticks and stones, they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me if I am a man. And if if women are going to know, get all hurt and trauma have being tell her they’re not so pretty because they’re a bit chu.

Then, maybe they should, go right out a public life and back into the kitchen.

Speaker 0: Right. We we should, stop praising as beautiful, , women who are, in public. Right? Women who are choosing to be public figures like L, we should stop praising them as beautiful when they’re morbid obese. I don’t think that’s a That’s a good good idea.

And and so… Yeah, a more robust discussion, I think, of, that’s just more more real. So on this question of is ph, destiny. So if if we said 10 out of 10. Yes.

Ph is destiny, I guess my my own thought would be 5 out of 10, but I I do think that someone’s physical characteristics. Does have a profound influence on people and on their direction in life, for example, beautiful people tend to see the world, very different than the resent woke crowd. Right? I you don’t know many happy feminists. Alright?

Feminists, universally tend to be sour bitter or unpleasant people, the leading works does don’t tend to be happy people. So I’d say ph is destiny, I’d say 5 out of 10 that there’s a significant correlation, but the bold statement Ph is destiny. I think, of course, is a dramatic of overstate. It’s attention getting Stephen James. What…

How do you relate to the statement, ph is destiny?

Speaker 18: Oh, I’m gonna go out and a limb here and say, look, it’s like 9 out of 10. Oh, or, you should consider it to be 10 out of 10 until proven otherwise. Now I know that’s a rash. A bold statement making say, of course, it’s not that. Of course, there’s some…

There’s a… There’s some great people who like will surprise you. But 1 of the fun… 1 of the first most useful red pills when you break the woke paradigm, and you you you’re like, you re reform your thoughts on our side of the political aisle. 1 of the first red pills, I think is to kind of realize the, physical differences between us all us can be good, sign humidifier, can be good, warning signs of danger, of potential inappropriate nurse of potential, pitfalls in the road of potential clashes of culture coming coming up ahead in relationships.

And so there are many instances where people who have not been red pill to this paradigm end up suffering greatly for it, the ones who pay the toll without because they weren’t aware of what they were getting into. And so I think it is extremely useful to it until proven otherwise, just for your own self serving course through life to say, look, it’s 10 out of 10 until I’m gonna be proven otherwise. And yeah, you might miss out on a few interactions with people because you thought, I’m gonna steer a clear of this person because they don’t fit my ideal view of like the ideal ph, stroke character, but, you’ll you’ll save yourself a lot of hurting the long run.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And enough people with physical dis vi commit such a disproportionate amount of violent crime, it it is worth taking into Consideration, Mike, What’s your reaction to the statement because the is destiny.

Speaker 18: I’ve got run by the way. Thanks me.

Speaker 0: Yep. Cheers.

Speaker 18: Thanks Bye.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Mike, So ph for people who don’t know. It means the somebody appearance. Micah I can’t hear you. So his is esp you’re muted, so you have to unmute.

Go ahead, Mike.

Speaker 33: Right. Yeah. When when you were talking about it, reminded me of it’s probably 10 years ago, a friend of mine, his neighbor had a party on Saturday, and his neighbor, like, , worked at a oil change place or something was… , blue collar guy, and we went to the party and everybody was kinda little overweight kinda Walmart people if you will, and, , blue collar people. And then the next day, a friend of mine had a birthday party for her her boyfriend, at the beach, and we went and everybody was, like, pretty much college educated.

There’s was, like, a couple lawyers a doctor or 2 and and it was… My my buddy mentioned, do you think rich people are better looking because they’re rich or are they rich because they’re better looking. So at at the second party, like, there were no overweight people other than myself and and 1 guy. And at the first party, everybody was overweight and and fat and ugly, more or less. So what is the cause and effect?

, Is it… If you’re better looking to, , again, Seinfeld, I think Jerry 1 time said, you don’t see any good looking homeless? People. So I’m I’m not sure where the cause the effect is, but generally, wealthier people. Look better than poor people.

Speaker 4: Yeah.

Speaker 33: So obviously, with when, you have makeup and beauty and how much money they spend if if you room or the movie Toot where Dennis Soft hoffman becomes a woman and he’s like, I don’t know how women pay for all this stuff. Yeah. The… All this makeup and whatnot?

Speaker 0: Claire, what do you think of the statement his is destiny?

Speaker 39: I’m I’m gazing at the face of Ted Bundy. And I think he’s he’s actually quite a good looking guy. And I think, a few serial killers have been, actually, , like the boy next door. So I’m I’m saying it… It’s a very shallow to judge book by.

Cover, and there are more effective ways of judging a person, which is to listen enough for for what they say in whether they are liars whether they talk nonsense, whether they will correct themselves when confronted with facts and sound arguments and if they won’t, change their minds. And and you can form some kind of judgment over them, I I think it it is, I’m unfair to to say that a man is, , who is ugly is always having a lie while the woman that he is alleged to have made cry is telling the truth. And and I think this is something that that be, the battle between the sex is is is… Well it’s something that should be mindful of because, I I think a lot of men not instantly condemned because they’re old ugly and and, , kind of label with being Peter or while a crying, young woman is is automatically automatically given a benefit of the doubt.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And, Claire, when Democrat declared Donald Trump a threat to democracy, the equivalent of the ado of Hitler. And if people vote for Trump, it will be the last election in the United States. It’s are they setting the ground for events like this assassination attempt.

Speaker 39: Yes. I I was just shocked how casually, , the media, we know that there would… There was his famous comedian who, showed owed a bloody head of Trump, And and I noticed on twitter basis a Bridget spencer was was, , echoing the set sentiment as a democrat and and and obviously, , it was deliberate. They were they were creating an atmosphere where, , somebody might just be crazy, you’d have to take them over into their own hands. And, , safety the security services from having to do it with themselves, I guess.

Yes. It is sinister. It is right name. But then their resilience to the media has the power to say that black is white and vice versa. And they should be scrutinized much more carefully.

And and because, I mean, I, , you made the point so it so well, today about, , exposing feminine incompetence.

Speaker 4: Party can organize.

Speaker 39: I think this should be the inflection point, when the the beginning of the end of the Mat begins, when when, , the that that picture of of Trump being, , being helped by this woman in the pony ponytail that was very short. , I I think kind of makes a point quite well. I hope I hope more people will notice.

Speaker 0: Thanks. And, Mike, what do you think about the idea that by comparing Donald Trump to Hitler and saying that people vote for Donald Trump, but this will be the last election in the United States. Did this kind of rhetoric, set the stage for things like yesterday’s assassination attempt.

Speaker 33: Yeah. There’s obviously an interesting double standard too. Creating an atmosphere, , when right winger say something, , when Trump said, , the Mexicans are sending Rap and murderers. , some of them might be good people blah blah blah. There was a huge, backlash that, , he’s calling all Mexicans murderers or Rap.

But when the left, , pretty much calls him a Nazi, and then he gets shot at. It’s like, well, we we didn’t mean for anyone to shoot him. So I I think there is something to this idea of creating an atmosphere of hate and and whatnot. I’m a free speech guy. I I think the heck veto is a is a bad thing when, , people turned violent to keep you from saying something But there’s there’s a balance in there what is good speech and what is bad speech?

I don’t think we can outlaw all. Any of it. It’s like beauty in the eye of the behold, but the left seems the 1 have its cake and eat to.

Speaker 0: Okay. Mike, I’m gonna let you go. Did you have any final words?

Speaker 33: No. I’m good. Thank you. Thank you.

Speaker 0: Thanks for your time. Thanks for stopping. By. And Claire, I’m gonna let you go. Do you have any final words?

Speaker 39: Just 1 sentence the letter. His feminine and this must be remembered. And it is irrational and hysterical. Yeah. People are having munich

Speaker 0: Yes. Thanks, Claire. Okay. I wanna play a little bit of Mark Hal. This is from Thursday morning, new push to dump.

Speaker 4: That’s quite been saying. They are gonna urge him to to not run. That’s different from saying they think he’s convinced he can’t go forward. But there are some people now saying that he is going to be told he can’t win. And they believe people will reach the conclusion that he can’t go forward.

And there are even people saying that’s gonna happen very soon. Now, I don’t think that’s true based on what my conversations I’ve had. And again, Joe Biden woke up this morning and by 08:30, he had an Abc bowl Washington Post showing him even with Donald Trump. And by 08:30, he had the best inflation already gotten. Since he became president.

So it’s it’s it’s difficult to understand why so much is happening right now. Press conference at 06:30 goes scheduled to go to Michigan tomorrow scheduled to do a lesser whole interview on Monday, Other interviews are said to be in the works. But I will tell you that there are serious people now are Ram joe biden and and connected to congressional leadership. Whose attitude today is very similar to the attitude of 5 new cycles ago, which is this is un unfavorable. And that includes again, senior people in his campaign, no 1 has said to me, that anyone has made the case the president, no 1 has said to me that that, anyone’s going to.

Although there are indications that there are congressional leaders who might. The president is, most of what the body languages they think you’ll do fine in the press conference, that of course, we’ll watch and see that together in just a little bit. And the meeting with the senators and the senior campaign staff by every account I’ve been given, including from 2 senators we’re in the meeting. Did not go well. The the the reality is that the skeptics on Capitol Hill and in the donor class are not interested in private polling that suggests a narrow path for college victory.

What senators are saying is they can’t explain or defend the president’s mental state. And they can’t explain their previous failure to bring this up as an issue to publicly or privately. And if they considered that to be an un 10 position for hundred and 20 days of a campaign. I swung wildly during the course of the last 2 weeks but about whether I think he he would be the nominee or not. I have taught mostly that he would be because he will be the nominee unless he decides not to be.

They’re his delegates. But I would say right now, those of you including some of I right now who have told me, for quite some time that he could not survive this. It’s certainly trending that way. The other trend that it switched a little bit. There was largely trending towards if not biden an open convention.

That’s things have trending a little bit back towards the vice president. I still don’t know anyone who thinks that Joe Biden thinks that dot kamala Harris could be donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean if he got out, he wouldn’t endorse her. And what I spent a fair amount of time today as as as the congressional sources and Biden sources has started to go back to saying that they didn’t think he would be nominee the spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out who would actually run. And I think I think there’s there’s about a dozen names that have been put out there people who would run. There’s 2 kinds of…

Speaker 0: Well, Right now, after this assassination unsuccessful assassination attempt on on Donald Trump, I think fewer Democrats are going to want to oppose him in the fall. So Trump’s odds of winning the presidential election have jumped dramatically since this unsuccessful assassination attempt. So this is Mark Hal on Thursday morning.

Speaker 4: It running. And if this is open and open could mean with Tom or not. 1 kind of running is, you’re the chosen candidate of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden that you’re an anointed ticket. That’s considered the the establishment choice. That may not work, but the delegates remember are all by delegates, and they would take the nominee So 1 is if if that group or some…

Nancy pelosi maybe Jim K, if that group decides, where for ticket it or maybe just work our presidential candidate, and they can pick their. That’s it’s that’s 1 kind of running. That kind of running comes with, a great earned media. It comes with, presumably, a a persuasive argument with the delegates who our Biden delegates. Presumably it comes with the ability to raise money from their financial circles maybe help from their their veteran campaign advisors.

The other kind of running is, there isn’t there isn’t that kind of laying on hands maybe by some of those people but not away. That creates a clear favorite. And then the question is who wants you get in that race. And getting that race with Kamala harris in is different than getting in it with ad in it. I think there’s a big assumption that these people would all get in.

It’d be a challenge to figure out who is allowed to address the. Who’s on a ballot if there is a ballot. I’m not so sure based on the calls I’ve had today. I think the reality is and this is something that concerns a lot of senior people in the party. It’s easy to say, oh, gretchen W.

It’s easy to say Josh Shapiro. These people have done nothing like run for president. And there’s a concern about their ability to handle the scrutiny. And and and most people in Trump will all think it’s hilarious that these people think that they can survive the scrutiny that we come. There’s no 1 on the list.

No 1 on the list. Who strikes fear in the hearts of Mar, which is not to say they take for granted. But the the capacity to launch a campaign and not have your family destroyed is something on the minds of some of the people mentioned all the time. You could say that Gavin news is the obvious choice of what you’re looking for someone who’s been at the highest levels. Because if you say this sheer, Cooper W, West moore.

These people have not played at anything like this level. They’ve got no scrutiny. So you say well Avenue news Governor California on National Media all the time, , major league skills. But then I’d I heard you if you think that, to go watch debate with Ron Santos. Where he was not that great in my view.

He certainly didn’t blow him away. And so the reality is, you can you can play fantasy football and mix imagine 2 people and of course, 1 that people make some match the most is Shapiro and W because those 2 states are so critical. But It’s it’s having covered a lot of presidential campaigns and and observing those people and beating some of them and knowing some of them Can contain to any of them would be stronger than Joe biden, which should, of course, a lot of what joe biden thinks as well. So if Joe biden withdraws, we’ll have to see what Harris does was about to see what these Democratic leads to. To go back to the first question, we’ve seen very, clear indications, publicly and privately Pelosi very publicly, schumer and and Jeff more privately, but but clearly, in the last 24 hours, all of them have made clear, they’re not just gonna sit back and let Donald Trump run against Joe biden, his task of proving the people that he should be the Nominee who are skeptical, Very difficult because at this point, most of them from what they say.

They can’t be satisfied. Don’t care having any interviews count, he does although they’re skeptical do them. They want medical records and they want sustained performance, and that’s not happening. So I understand that there’d be no more medical transparency. There’ll be no there’ll be no more, , wide open it.

We’ll see at the press conference. Last 2 things I’ll say, and I wanna bring in a couple folks. It’s still his nomination. And as of this morning, my understanding was he was not thinking about modalities of getting it up. But as people in my life, Democrats and Republicans who told me for, , 10 days he’s gonna not even that nominee the said.

It’s all gradual until it’s sudden. So I’m not telling you he’s gonna get out of the press conference, But I could also pay based in the conversation like I adsense since about noon. It wouldn’t surprise me at this point. I don’t think he will. But it wouldn’t surprise me.

And then finally, I believe based on best information I had if there’s a good chance that. Jd Vance will be named Trump’s running made on Sunday, there’s some democrats. I don’t know why they’re saying this but sun democrats got saying the Trump will get, Biden will get out on Sunday. So if you thought you were gonna have relax on Sunday, maybe not maybe 1 of biggest news days we’ve had,

Speaker 0: Okay. Comment on Twitter. Woman says, I’m not gonna lie. This is a weird reaction. Why would you open yourself up to more potential harm after to thinking you’re rome as assassinated and then, yell, fight fight.

Fight. And and as responds, open can come out with a better example of the weaponized society than the inability to understand what drives a mainly reaction of defiance, like, that of Donald Trump’s. Right. You’re hearing from the first class made of Thomas Crooks, is Bethel, Par class mate describes the would be former president Assassin. He’s described as a loner who was bullied relentlessly in wore hunting outfits in class Okay.

Right. Let’s let’s play a little bit more here from… Mock Hal.

Speaker 40: I think personally lived through something like this. This is what I will say. Nobody has any idea what’s going on behind the scenes. This is all Pure speculation, and I think what we have seen some leaks from the highest levels, but very few. Right?

Most leaks that we’re seeing are coming out of mid level staff people, it’s not coming out of Ron clean. It’s not coming out of Steve. And unless it’s coming out of jill or Joe biden or kids or the people who are in the room. Everything we’re hearing, we should just talk up to a lot of its bullshit. And I say this as someone who, , the final days of the pom administration, there were a lot of things that were being written about how we were making decisions, their things I was advising governor to do How…

Speaker 4: Organized is very complicated. I’m pretty sure house. Jill abrams and unmute, please.

Speaker 0: I had that they york times.

Speaker 41: We have talked about. I think a lot of us feel, this is a dangerous situation for the country because the president is not fit to carry out. His duties, the the responsibilities of the office. And I’m so disgusted with the press. I, I…

Most of I’ve been speaking out on that in various places. But watching the the news conference, yeah. It was ugly, , was difficult but the press should in 1 voice demand. Okay? But, , Biden is gonna say no, but make a clear demand, for transparency about his health records, and they should be demanding to interview his doctor, and they should not stop asking king for that.

And it’s it’s unbelievable to me that there isn’t a strong cry. This is… We are the watchdog for the public king Like, where the f are we? The most important we’re… We’re dealing on this call.

Like, look, this is a great call. I love doing it, but we’re dealing in the realm of politics in Con. I’m sorry. My business is finding out the facts, and I want his health records. I want his doctor to be held accountable.

I want Joe Biden. To have to submit to an interview with a reputable medical journalist, stat news as a team of them, including Larry Alt, who, , served for, , at the times for so many years as the watchdog for the public on the health of the presidential candidates. This is just an ab application for of of of our jobs. And and the fact that the White House Press didn’t just walk out of that press conference em amaze me and disgust me.

Speaker 4: Yeah. I couldn’t agree with you more. But but what I’ll say is Written about this. Joe biden was showing signs this in 20 17. I watched a 20 minute video today.

Speaker 41: Love you. I’ll

Speaker 4: clips of clips from Joe Biden in the 20 20 campaign. Most of which he appears more out than he did on the stage of Atlanta. And I am I am a appalled and have been since 20 17. 20 19, that the president states addresses a Dead congresswoman, and there’s a few questions at the briefing. This was a national security emergency.

Speaker 41: I agree

Speaker 4: And the the Amount of scrutiny of Donald Trump. Compared to scrutiny of this of being incumbent is I’ve said this a few times lately. I think it’s a more a more serious failure than W d. It’s a more serious failure than than Russia Russia. On babies.

It may be the most serious

Speaker 41: your allies

Speaker 4: And it is a joke to watch the briefing this week. To watch these reporters, suddenly, suddenly concerned about this. We’re gonna do a whole 2 way that this we might do a month’s worth. But I couldn’t agree with more joe. And I’ll say is this is not a new problem.

This is a old problem. And the White House, intimidated and threatened reporters, more than the Trump administration ever did, and it is an outrage how little that was written about. And how intimidated they were. And I would talk to about white house reporters, and they would say, oh, yeah. A president completely out of it.

Nothing. Thank you, Jill. Jim Kennedy. He’s worked for democratic presidents and

Speaker 0: Okay. So the police sniper who apparently killed the assassin would be assassin. Have the assassin in his sights for many seconds prior to taking him out. Right? The the police sniper, had the the…

Would be assassin in his sights considerably before the… Would be assassin open the fire. So why the hell? Did the police sniper not do his job prior to the… Would be assassin getting off 8 shots.

Right? His a thoughtful perspective on Twitter? But we’ve all seen the photo by now of the sniper at taking his view off of the scope and hesitating. I would have done the same thing in that situation. I’ll explain.

Think about it. Not in Syria. You are on sniper duty at a political rally in the Us. Usually don’t have threats, whatever threats. You do have a usually an unruly bernie bro.

You’re the venue security can just throw out and secret services even need to get involved. Then you see something it looks like a gun. Better get this right. We all remember what happened at Derek She. Sticks head up looks to confirm, Imagine shooting an unarmed civilian because you thought you saw gun.

Imagine the new stories the next day. You’ve heard a fight or flight. There’s a third option freeze, You’re not in Syria or iraq. It’s not that kind of rules of engagements. What do you?

You better get this right. Then the shots confirm what you saw in you return fire. Now all this thought process happens in about 3 seconds. So if you watch the clip, it’s easy to pick about that clip now. But at the time, nobody was watching their listening to Trump’s speech that was it.

So 1 perspective way the sniper hesitate and allow the the would be as has to get off. 8 shots before it was apparently finally taken out. And remember military had a sniper with a view of Bin Laden and Us military gave a sniper stand down order. In Afghanistan. Okay.

This is from last night, Megan Kelly talking to Richard.

Speaker 24: Trust them Right? The the reason… When when does it scandal the trump supposedly want people to bring weapons and proximity the capital, Someone of telling you always jumped with a secret service. Of my people just limit in, they’ll be fine. But anyone who is out there any crowd like that No matter how secret how much secret service protection is.

You are ultimately putting your body on on the line. And we saw dramatic evidence of that this afternoon.

Speaker 9: And Rich here is the the report that I got from, this is he is the father of my friend. His name is Larry Wood, and he said that there were tens of thousands there by his estimation that he heard a single gunshot. He his wife seated farther back. Then another, a menopause and then the rapid fire that there were state police everywhere. And I asked him about the security, and he said it was tight and that they were forced to go through a magnet, and even day as an older couple, we’re not allowed to bring in his wife had a long umbrella, and she couldn’t bring it in.

Right? So they understand. It always amps up when the former president is there and an Am up even more as he inches closer and closer to becoming the nominee again. So they wouldn’t let her in with a long umbrella, so they had to be seated farther back. And then they saw what we saw, which was he appeared to get hit.

From, on the right side, from a shooter who was off off to the right, and then the crowd went… Went nuts. I mean, people started to realize that, You, he started realized he said first he thought was maybe if Fireworks. He wasn’t sure.

Speaker 0: Hey, Jeremy Cobb has an important tweet. A lot of people think there’s a conspiracy un huge democratic rhetoric about Trump created an environment for this to happen, but absent compelling evidence, the far more likely and or scary likelihood is This is just incompetence like we see in the rest of government that let the shooter get so close to the president. Our government is too stupid to form its basic tasks anymore. This because we don’t reward performance and success and we don’t punish failure, and that is more scary for the future of America than any conspiracy theory,

Speaker 9: Sure. And then they they realized it was gunshots and that they needed to get out of there. And you think about, , it’s not just Donald Trump. It’s not just this poor Trump supporter who appears been murdered today. Forget the shooter.

It’s it is the old. It is men and women who are just out there to support their country, the preferred candidate to show their love of stars and stripes days after July fourth and what they think it’s stands for by potentially voting with this man and they get scared within an inch… An inch of their lives running for their safety.

Speaker 0: So what do we know about the motives of this

Speaker 11: The chair sought 11 guys. He joined Shannon on Fox Sunday earlier, and he talked about the messaging that needs to happen after this. Listen.

Speaker 6: There is no place in politics in any way shape or form for this kind of violence for these types of actions. It’s a it’s a horrific Act. And we certainly don’t know all of the details and we’re gonna have time for investigations on it. But right now, I think everybody in America needs to stop Act they need to pause. They need to reflect on what is actually important for us in this political process going forward.

Speaker 11: So what does the message mister Secretary from your view need to be?

Speaker 0: Hey get more from Rich Lowry here with Megan Kelly.

Speaker 9: Because they showed up at a Trump Rally. That’s what that’s what they did today. That’s what Larry and his wife did today to show up at a Trump Rally in Pennsylvania the heart of the nation. Part of the heartland and probably the most critical state in this election as in in another universe, Rich, we hear every other day that Trump’s hitler, that he’s the demon. We hear from the president himself this week that it’s time to put a bull’s eye on Trump.

I’m not blaming this on Joe Biden, but I would be remiss in my duty if I did not point out that he he just on July eighth, said to you a group of democrats when he was trying to shore up about his mental acuity, quote, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye. The left… I mean, the the headlines in the New York Times, Rich. When Sarah Pal had what look like a gun site.

On certain districts prior Gabby Gif being shot, led to litigation that went on for years about whether she had been the subject of what she called the blood libel. And now you’ve got the sitting president who has been so loose with his language she called Kyle R house, a white despite the fact that there was 0 evidence for that, and none of it was was borne out in that trial, and he said it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye days ago. It’s just totally irresponsible.

Speaker 24: Yeah. So if the fair standard applies, Of course it never does. It only applies to people on on the right. President Biden we blamed for this. Somebody other people on left will be blamed for this.

They they they shouldn’t call Trump nazi, because 1 is untrue and 2 it does work people up in in way that’s extremely unhealthy and potentially dangerous. So they they should stop it, but they they never will because it’s so so useful to them, it makes them feel feel good. They like the sound of the those words coming out of their their mouths. And a lot of them have just simply lost their mind So you you’d hope there’d be returned to sanity, , on Twitter an now, all the statements. Let’s cool down the rhetoric credit.

, this gonna last a 24 hours, and then we’ll be back to the the same thing again.

Speaker 9: Here’s what they’re saying, Rich. , I I… It’s taken the president over an hour to finally put out a statement for Rockwell.

Speaker 0: Okay. This is Anthony Marcy. Who thankfully

Speaker 42: have been blessed to live in democracies or all lives. You certainly want whatever political battles and the rhetoric of the politics and the policies to be debated and then give the opportunity for the voters to vote. And whoever wins the other side has to accept that. That’s just the nature of these things. But Just wanna say before we go into the analysis, unfortunately, in the United States, this type of political violence is part of our history, unfortunately.

We can Kathy talk about abraham Linkedin, Garfield Mc kin. I could listed different people. Of course, Franklin Roosevelt was shot at after he was but I’m just wondering from your perspective, your years as a journalist, seeing a blood stain Donald Trump get up with the secret services help screaming fight, blood in his ear, an American flag over his head, the symbolism all of all this. What are your thoughts there?

Speaker 43: Like you, Anton. It it… Their first reaction is sadness and shock and obviously, for the families there. And also… I think sadness from my point of view because this historical violence is not historical in American politics.

There has been an uptick in political violence, a little heartless, and perhaps try to delve into the longer term ram ramifications of this incident. But I think we’re gonna have to do this during podcast cost, Anthony, because I think this could potentially change the race.

Speaker 42: In Trump’s favor.

Speaker 43: I think in Trump’s favor.

Speaker 0: Okay. Yeah alright. So let me

Speaker 42: let me give a historical reference, give you to react to it because obviously times have changed, Teddy Roosevelt, was shot at. He was running against which were Wilson and William Howard Ta. He had a, a shot fired at him and hit him in the chest. He had a, a steel a glass glasses case in his breast plate there, and it protected him. He finished his speech.

He said that he was as strong as a old moose and They shot like that wouldn’t stop him. The party’s name became Paul Moose. Everyone said he would go on and win the election, he lost the election. But it’s

Speaker 43: he say there is no place in America for this kind of violence. Yes. And and I… And we

Speaker 42: this morning as an op ed on him, basically saying that his past to the presidency he now, are narrowing. If you look at the polling spreads, many of the swing states are now outside of the margin of Error?

Speaker 43: For Joe Biden, You mean, the Joe Biden path. To the presidency scenario. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 42: And so now, President Biden would have to win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. And Michigan, the democrats call at the blue wall, but those races are mathematically tied, and all he has to do is lose 1 of those, and he has no path to the presidency. So So what do you think happens here? Oh, I believe the Biden family is resisting the changes that the Democrats wanna make, insiders have told me has recently as last night that they’re extremely frustrated about the situation. There’s many people on the democratic side, the Democrat party that basically say, hey, if we have a different candidate, given the track record that they had this 4 years and given the of Donald Trump, they’d be 15 points ahead, this probably would have never even happened.

But, but it looks like he’s going to lose unless you tell me differently. So what are your thoughts there?

Speaker 43: Hi… I think these images helped Donald Trump, and I can see them appearing. Cynical that might sound in campaign ads going forward.

Speaker 42: Do you think that Joe Biden will leave the race or this will further dig him in? To his candidacy.

Speaker 43: I think in the short term is taken 1.

Speaker 42: I agree with you, mister Trump president Trump, is an unbelievable Show men, great political instinct Show instinct to get up and do that. I think some people were, like, why is Secret server’s actually letting them do that because it could have been other shooters and so on and so forth

Speaker 43: to I mean, I’ve been a wreck on… In a puddle of, , mess on the floor of the stage. Right? There would my instincts would have been completely gone to Hell.

Speaker 42: Yeah. Listen. Listen, Enormous creating credit courage on his part. I I will say that, his family members have to be shocked and upset because he’s in harm way. And, we’ll have to have some type of investigation related to how someone is 450 feet away from him with a gun.

Now, thankfully, it was an uni inexperienced sniper. With an Ar 15, because it experienced sniper with the right long range rifle. Unfortunately, we would have had a… We we had a tragic ending, people did die with but they would have killed a leading political figure, and this would have been another unbelievable tragedy for America. And so, I just…

Think that the narrative is now Trump’s. This is Donald Trump’s election to lose. He’s captured the narrative of people like that or dislike it It’s too bad. After they’re frame it for what it is. He’s going into the Republican convention as a wounded almost marty candidate for the right.

And so he’s there now to say, I have literally taken bullets for you people. You have to get out and you have to vote for me. Now counter dick that, counter opposed that to Joe Biden. He’s going to go to his convention, I guess a month later. M prop, miss speaking, miss speaking at the tele, maybe he’ll call.

Kamala harris Vice President Trump again. He also said, I, vice president Trump was not qualified to take over for me. Did say that I mean, that’s in the transcript of his remarks. You could see his aids win, , wanna talk about blinking, Anthony Blink, appropriately named was literally shutter and blinking when Joe Biden was doing that. So you you have to be of your democratic strategist.

You have to be sitting here saying, wow. Some of this is luck. Some of this is surfing. , Mitt Romney once said to me after the 2012, election, Cad. He said, , poly like surfing.

There’s waves that are coming in. You have your surfboard, which is your platform. Are you a good surfer on your platform, but different waves come in. , if there’s a conservative movement and a conservative rick wave and Ronald Reagan is doing a good job surfing, he gets his surfboard to the beach. I was up against a Barack obama.

Speaker 0: So Richard Hana nun comments, love him or hate him, whatever Moral failings he has, Donald Trump is a nat t alpha male. That is his appeal. He doesn’t hide from interviews. He doesn’t flinch in the face of his opponents, and his behavior after getting shot, is just part of this lifelong pattern.

Speaker 42: The wave was this sort of progressive movement away from conservatism. I flu and fell off my surfboard. What wave is hitting the beach right now. And and whether people like this or not Donald Trump is making the waves. Okay?

He’s creating the narrative, He’s framing the narrative. And whether you like it or not, Coincidence his universe, whatever, he goes into the Republican convention next week with his right ear blood, literally g by a bullet. It doesn’t even matter, Cad. If it’s g by the tele prop glass.

Speaker 43: No matter.

Speaker 42: Or the bullet. It doesn’t matter.

Speaker 39: He was hurt that we lost laptop.

Speaker 42: Yes. And I took a bullet for you guys? Are you gonna come out of vote for me? Yes or no. And now how is Joe Biden Counter?

It’s a good question. I have to think about it? I honestly don’t know. I… I would have thought he would have said, okay, I gotta come out of this race.

I’m not at age 81, given my in, given my cognition. I gotta give… I toss it up either to my vice president or open up the convention. But we’ll we’ll we’ll see if he stays in the race, he will go down in history as a guy. That really cared more about himself in the country because he he he sq a good presidency, a a good agenda, and he’s sq it as a result of his Shakespeare Ego.

Speaker 43: So for the last year, this campaign has been kind of in neutral. Right? The 2 candidates were in the same… That force field that seems to be shifting.

Speaker 42: I’ll another… I’ll add another log to the flyer and perhaps more lighter fluid, while you’re saying that, as you pointed out, Elon Musk has endorsed Mh, the president. Drop money into his pack. He obviously controls Twitter. You have 200 plus million followers at Elon as, and you can like him or dislike him, but he supported him Bill Lac, someone in my industry that hedge fund the industry, just went out and endorsed them.

And so the the assassination attempt will trigger sympathy and support for Donald Trump. And it will broaden… And and it will also create more Trump amnesia Cad k. It’ll it’ll it’ll force people to have sympathy, and they’ll forget some of the hysteria and the Mayhem that he created while president. And it in a in a way, it’ll white wash or wash over, some of his deficits if you will.

And but and, by the way, you have nobody on the other side that can make the litigation that can make the case against them. You just don’t. He’s not able to… At a debate. He couldn’t rebuttal him at a the debate he couldn’t call out his lies at a debate he couldn’t say, well, no.

You were talking about this I I res reassured manufacturing in the United States on building micro process found. I put trillions of dollars into infrastructure, but In the Us, my legislative agenda in modern history is only second to Lyndon Johnson’s, first term as president.

Speaker 43: You’ve articulated his agenda in his accomplishments. Faster.

Speaker 0: Okay. We’ve got a press conference. 2 critical. Let’s

Speaker 44: just spend time speaking. Families. And I wanna offer my prayers and the prayers of all 13000000 pennsylvania for the 2 individuals who Okay.

Speaker 0: That’s the, governor of Pennsylvania fee says anything interesting. Oh, go back to it. Alright. This is a former secret service agent analyzing the Trump security.

Speaker 7: Element is the counter sniper team. So as far as we know, we see a 2 man team from the secret service side as we were discussing prior before we started speaking. They are looking at everything. They have to cover 360 degrees. So I know a lot of folks are like how could they not see this?

I think 1 of the issues is if it is a 2 man team, think about what they are consistently covering. So local law enforcement, definitely, book… Again, we don’t know if somebody was or wasn’t position. Now. If there was no coverage there whatsoever?

That’s gonna be an issue. Why wasn’t… Why weren’t those adjacent buildings look like looked at They are very close. Yes.

Speaker 36: And if there was somebody stationed there from local law enforcement and outside the building where the shooter was, as you consider the possibilities… How could he have gotten up there?

Speaker 7: So as I look at this and again, just from a preliminary assessment without having all the details, it seems to me what I would presume before the president goes up on stage. They secure the area, if there’s communication, essentially are we good to go, is he good to get up on stage. I would presume that everything wasn’t the clear, I would think that nobody was on that rooftop. What I suspect. And again, I’m Yeah.

Suspecting that after he got up on stage, that’s when the shooter took position. There’s a little bit of a sla f at that rooftop, also some of the photos show that he’s dressed… In colors matching that rooftop and building to a camouflage bit himself, so I’m suspecting he took position after president Trump spoke then engaged.

Speaker 37: It’s easy in hindsight to say, oh, why wasn’t this done or that done and let’s just acknowledge that? As we have this conversation. But it it is interesting because they were eye witnesses who said they were actually positioned kind of out outside the rally, but we’re just listening and that they saw the gunman up with the rifle flying around, they were trying to tell some of the local officials that they saw there. Is there a way to communicate? I mean, these are split second decisions.

But for example, if there had been a state police officer outside on that outer perimeter and someone said oh There’s a guy up there with a gun? Can that message get communicated to secret service quickly? Are they all on the same comm?

Speaker 7: So really what the issue is? Person that was trying to commute…

Speaker 0: Okay. Yeah. Fox News now is cut to his news conference from Josh Shapiro. So… A Let’s see if

Speaker 38: he wants 1 here.

Speaker 21: Hey, Paul, Let’s just put you on hold for a second. The Governor Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro. He’s speaking in butter. Let’s listen in for a second here.

Speaker 44: I’ve just spent time speaking to the families, and I wanna offer my prayers and the prayers of all 13000000 pennsylvania.

Speaker 0: Okay. Who cares about his prayers? Joe Biden came out very strong. He said, the the shooting of Donald Trump was inappropriate. Matt Walsh comments.

Biden caused the attempted assassination of Donald Trump not appropriate. That’s what I say to my kids as they be the dinner table. It’s not a dummy used to describe this assassination. This is the weakest pathetic band to. Occupy the white house?

Speaker 45: The idea. The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just them Hurt of. Is just not appropriate. Everybody. Everybody must condemn it.

Everybody. I’ll keep you informed and if I…

Speaker 0: Not appropriate. Wow. Stinging words Let’s see if Joshua Shapiro has more something.

Speaker 44: She also asked that I share with all of you, the Corey died, a hero. The Corey dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally. Corey was the very best of us. May his memory be a blessing. Last night was shocking for this community and for this commonwealth.

And I know for this country. Political disagreements can never ever be addressed through violent Disagreements are okay, but we need to use a peaceful political process to settle those differences. This is a immense it, we’re all leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral clarity. We’re all leaders need to take down the temperature and rise above the hateful rhetoric that exists and search for a better, brighter future for this nation. It’s the work that I to do every day here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and that’s the work that falls to each and every American right now.

And so I ask that you join me in prayer that the 2 Pennsylvania who are in critical condition that we continue to wish for a fo

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get more analysis here from former secret service agent.

Speaker 7: Indicate, were they actually verbally speaking to someone or were they trying to get somebody’s attention. When you’re doing these rallies, you’re looking at thousands of people, how much law enforcement do you have? Have. Do you have 1 office or 1 law enforcement official to what? A thousand and are they able to get that person’s attention?

Guys at the end of the day too? And I think this is gonna come up during the hearing resources, money. This all cost something. So when you’re doing these… When you’re doing these security advances, you are negotiating.

I mean, there are times where I’ve been I need 75 agents, and it’ll come back. It’s like, what? We don’t have the resources or the funds or we need these folks to be somewhere else. Can you do it with x amount of people, and it’s not just a secret service, it’s gonna be law enforcement? Their resources are tapped as well.

Speaker 36: So heavy quickly, let’s talk about the aftermath of the shooting. And see the agents rush the stage, keep the former president on the ground. Then he stands up. What do you see in those images as he pumps his fist to the crowd exposes himself again and then moves toward the car?

Speaker 7: So if we just break this down as the shooting is happening, we hear the shots being fired. President Trump goes down. He takes cup. And it’s also very likely when you look at that banner, there’s like this banner around that stage. That tends to be some type of steel that’s there by design for an incident like this, so that’s the protect can hit the ground and take cover.

We see the agents come in now from the sides, and their job is… That’s the shift. The what’s called the shift. They come in and they are the they are the the armor. They’re the ones who are literally literally gonna come around.

That’s They’re gonna secure his body. The goal is now if any additional shots are fired. They take the impact of those shots. They bring them back down. Now you can hear them too, if you’re listening to the art audio, you can hear them talking on comps.

Is it clear, are we good to go because they wanna take him from where he’s at? And they wanna move him to the vehicles. You… Anytime you’re open and if we look at previous assassination or assassination attempts, Rage, J, just the most recent ones always outside. Right?

Always line sight issues. So they’ve got them secure. Once they hear the go, you can go. Today I’m assuming for them to get the go, somebody probably told them the threat has been neutralized. Right?

You’re not gonna move… So

Speaker 0: Hey. Let’s get some commentary here from Fox News.

Speaker 21: Good detail. You had a textbook response. Get down on top of the pro tech. Get the project out of there as quickly as possible. The Counters sniper team with…

I think it was a single shot, took out the shooter. But how in the world could the shooter have gotten to that vantage point in the first place?

Speaker 10: Well, first of all Don, I’d like to comment about Corey. Corey, you are a hero. This is a man of faith He went to church every Sunday. I… Truly believe in my heart.

Corey is now in arms of god, and I just want to offer my condolences to his family. From a law enforcement perspective, this is an epic failure by the Us Servant the advanced team typically goes in 7 to 10 days before an event and and they they survey the area. They do the side assessment. And then they do a sweep of the area, typically, , 12 hours before the event. How they did not see this roof, which was within a hundred and 30 yards of where the president would be standing is unacceptable.

And what? I want to hear, where is the head of the secret service? Where? This is a time to step up and to give Americans reassurance that you’re in charge and end their absence. Frankly, I would like to hear from Director Christopher Ray from the Fbi.

I wanna hear from the head of every single department involved in this because a former president was potentially killed. There’s not been an assassination attempt since Ronald Reagan, this is a big deal, and I have to tell you of The vi in this country is awful. It is disgusting, but I can also tell you that there is something going on in these federal agencies that I witness myself at the Fbi. John, I left the Fbi because in my opinion, they seem to be focused on the wrong things. The Us secret grid service, they are stretched thin.

I know agents there. They are working their tails off. They work, 60 days in a row. They work 12 hour days. They are exhausted.

All efforts have to be focused on helping them, giving them the proper resources, trump’s protective detail was imma. Perfect. They they they jumped on the president Trump and and saved him. But what’s going on in the upper level of leadership at these organizations. The rank can file, they’re working their tails off?

I wanna hear from the people at the top. What are you doing? What is your focus? What is the messaging that you’re sending down your agents? Are you giving them the resources that they need to do their jobs?

Are you so focused on diversity equity and inclusion that you’re not focused on actual, , task at hand. And that would be my question. I wanna hear from the heads of these organizations. If there’s a time to speak up, it is now. There was in attempted assassination of former president Trump.

I would like to hear from them right now. Hi, Paul, that

Speaker 11: brings up bigger questions about, I mean, the Rn C starts in a matter of hours, we’re gonna head into the thick of election season? We still have the Dnc. We’ve got candidates that want to rally. This brings up huge security concerns. Where do your concerns lie what needs to happen right now.

To make sure that we keep the candidates safe, We keep the country safe.

Speaker 38: So I have some sourcing telling me that they are pouring in all kinds of resources in response to this. And Sure there was plenty of resources going in there to begin with. And, , I’m going to zig a little bit while while most of us have zag me included, which is, , we don’t necessarily know that there was a political motive to this, And, , Nicole ref… Prince Str Reagan. , Hi shot Reagan because he wanted to impress actress Jody Foster.

The guy who shot John Lennon Chapman, Prince did it because he was a beatles fan. Sometimes it’s just an an attempt to become famous, and somebody is really just, , off ahead for, lack a better term. So The idea of dialing down the rhetoric and looking at this right now is a law enforcement effort is the way to go. They have a task force set up to it’s gonna be a joint federal because we have federal crimes and state crimes and they’re gonna be split. The attempt on Donald Trump is gonna be federal.

That actually go on on the side as they, make sure that they, keep the Rn state.

Speaker 0: Okay. Yeah. Susan Crab tree rides for real clear politics. Here’s why reporting on why the secret service did not shoot until after the shooter engaged. The blow back against the secret service started within the hour of the assassination attempts continued even after Trump and Others credited the agency was saving Trump’s life by quickly killing issued a crawling cross at nearby rooftop, source within the secret service community tells real clear politics that the agency Rules of engagement in this situation wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.

Those are not the rules of engagement for police. Right? Those are not the rules of engagement for security guards. Right? You don’t allow someone with a knife.

Alright, With a knife out to get within 20 feet of you. Right? You shouldn’t kill that guy before he even gets within 20 feet of you. Alright? Someone’s got a a drawn gun.

Right? Rules of engagement for police and for private security is that you shoot to kill that guy. So why the heck Does the secret service have rules of engagement that you don’t take out a a shooter who’s aiming a rifle at the present former of president of the United States. You wanna take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope saw suggested, the secret service is by nature reactive and you better be right when you do react. Secret service protocol requires an account sniper aware of a potential shooter Radio directly to intelligence division team to respond and investigate.

In this case, the investigation may be cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, So the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return. Yeah. Allowed him to get off 8 shots and then fired back. Alright. This is insane.

The secret service protocol is insane that they don’t take someone with a gun aiming at that target is seriously as private security. Secret service just does not seem up to the job that Donald Trump would have been much better off with private security. Private security would not have waited. Right? Ordinary normal level, private security.

We’re not wait for someone who’s got a drawn weapon on the person that they are… Supposed to protect. That the source of the secret service praises the counter sniper who acquired the target and responded within 3 seconds calling their performance incredible, Right. I think it’s their performance is absolutely dismal. Kinda sniper is a highly trained extremely accurate.

Look, this guy had the shooter in his sights. And he allowed him to blast away 8 shots before taking him out. Right private security wouldn’t have allowed this. Police would not have allowed this. Right.

This is this is outrageous. Right? It seems War more obvious now that Donald Trump would be much safer with private security. Then with the secret services just simply an not up to the job. Right.

They are incompetent, their their protocols, have no connection to reality. Alright. As things stands right now, Donald Trump would be far safe with private security. Then with these idiots at the secret service.

Speaker 38: Make sure that the rhetoric stays low go hoe forward as Americans mature here, but I will say this. We need answers. We need to be communicated to regularly with regular updates and press briefings because in the vacuum is where the conspiracy theories grow, and that is where the political rhetoric overheat. Let’s get a good law enforcement investigation going that’s transparent. And frankly, I am glad that representative come has already announced that he’s putting in some oversight because I trust the Fbi agents on the ground.

I trust you could service agents on the ground. What I don’t trust is there overhead in Washington. Not after seeing some… The stuff that we’ve seen relative crossfire a hurricane and the 51 people who endorse the laptop, and, Mac Angelo, leaving Doj to go for the warfare against Donald Trump at the Manhattan Da office. I’m sorry, but there’s just been too much of that for me to put my full faith in our leaders in Dc.

Who, by the way, we’re not hearing from now.

Speaker 21: Well, apparently, we’re not gonna hear from the president in about an hour. He’s scheduled to speak at 01:30. Nicole final question to you. After Ronald Reagan was shot on the t of March 19 81 outside the Washington Hilton. The secret service completely changed its security protocol.

Reagan had been walking out in the open. The secret service said no 1 president walking out in the open as he’s… Is their transitioning to the Limo. They put. They put the president undercover.

We see those tents that are outside of venues, the limo museum will pull in and the president will go in undercover. How do you expect the protocols are going to change as a result of what happened yesterday.

Speaker 10: Well while I sure hope that they changed drastically because this can never happen again in our country. Again, like we talked about the vi betrayal as an all time hospital and there are people that are taking out their frustration with political violence, and again that’s not okay. So I would say that potentially, , outdoor events, those are extremely difficult for law enforcement to oversee because, again, I… You would hope that those those buildings would be protected and that they would have done a very successful advance and not have this occur but that’s gonna be up to them to decide, but that’s why we need hear from leadership. Where are you?

We’d like to hear from you and what you have to do. Fbi is not the lead investigator on the assassination attempt. And they, , they they fit in their best from from Quan. Their Flight team, people that are, , reconstruct the scene is gonna be extremely thorough. But I’m with Paul.

Believe in the rank file agents. I was a rank file agents but the leadership. You need to step up and you need to start taking accountability and getting your agencies in order and giving them the proper resources that they need to do their job successfully and focus nothing, but the mission, of protecting American people and people like former president Trump. That is it. Nothing else should be on the forefront of their minds.

That is it. It it’s obviously on the

Speaker 11: mind of the president. We are told following his briefing this morning with Homeland Security and law enforcement officials at the White House, he and the vice president, met with them. The president will be speaking live from the Roosevelt vault room. We have just gotten this word live 01:30PM Eastern time. So about an hour from now.

We’ll carry that here live. Paul Moore on the Cole Parker. Thank you very much for joining us. And, by the, dawn, we also could get an update from the Fbi. We were told we’ll all…

We’ll be looking for all of these updates as they come in. So Meanwhile, speaker Mike Johnson says the house will conduct a full investigation to what what lead?

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s leave it there for now talk to you once later. By bye.