Decoding The Significance Of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance (6-30-24)

03:00 The Biden Crisis: Deep State Theory vs. Peak State Theory,
04:00 Mark Halperin’s post debate analysis,
06:00 Dr. Jill Biden gets the blame,
31:30 Claire Khaw joins
1:24:00 Who’s running Joe Biden?
1:27:00 Trump’s relentless attacks on Biden,
1:30:00 Analyzing the body language from Thursday’s debate,
2:13:00 Michael Smerconish explains why Democrats will benefit from a contested convention.
2:23:00 The conspiracy of silence among Joe Biden’s enablers
2:38:00 If Israel is to survive, it must strike Iran now,
2:57:30 Did women in academia cause wokeness?
3:03:50 Male vs female morality according to Amy Wax, Nathan Cofnas, Noah Carl
4:20:00 Hezbollah-Israel Escalation: Prospects for War,
Who Determines The Winning Narrative?

Speaker 0: Good day. I had to do considerable soul searching after that horrifying performance by Joe Biden thursday night I I started to wonder was Elliott b right all along that Joe Biden is so cognitive impaired. That somebody else must be effectively running Joe Biden is is Joe Biden simply a tool of the deep state and then I thought come what is no way that Elliot platt is is right about. There’s surely you you’ve been right all along that there’s not a deep sea running Joe Biden because the policy pursued by the Biden administration have been aligned with Joe Biden history, and Joe Biden preferences. So no. I don’t believe that a deep state is running joe Biden, but that that possibility has to be discussed now.

Alright. It’s certainly, Appeared on Thursday night that Joe Biden does not have the cognitive capacity that 1 would expect for a president of the United States that it’s horrifying that a person who appears to have Parkinson’s. Like, he can go for 40 seconds in in public at a speech without blinking that there’s obviously something terribly wrong with Joe Biden. And like, what the hell is it? I mean, what on earth is is wrong with this man?

And is there a deep state that’s effectively running Joe Biden? So Sea Sailor is tackling this this topic? A recent blog is the president simply a powerless puppet of shadowy behind the scenes figures as deep state theorist presume or is the ban in charge of the president usually the president himself. Even though as in this case, he’s just a shell of his former self. Now, this is what I noticed when I hear from people to say, look, Jay Biden isn’t really running the the White House somebody else is that they never have a name that stands up to any sort of scrutiny.

And so who who exactly is in charge of the Biden White House if it isn’t Joe Biden. Alright let me get a a quick hit from Fox News.

Speaker 2: The book. Blood money while the powerful turn of blind eye while China kills Americans available right now. Peter, thanks very much for being here give us your reaction to Joe Biden commentary on China during that debate.

Speaker 3: Yeah. It’s it’s really pretty remarkable. I mean, look, The bottom… Is that Joe Biden and his family have received collectively tens of millions of dollars from Chinese businessman beginning really when he became vice president of the United states and that has deeply affected and shaped his approach to China. And all you have to do is look at his record and look at the wild inconsistencies that have occurred since that money began to flow.

In the 19 nineties, for example, Joe Biden led the charge on Capitol Hill in calling out the Chinese government for their involvement in the international heroin trade. He held the hearings about it. He talked vocal about it. The money started to flow when he was vice president look at fentanyl. The Chinese are the senior partners, the Mexican drug cartel are the junior partners in this poison that is killing a hundred thousand Americans a year, Joe Biden won’t talk about.

He was vocal about it with heroin in the nineties. He’s now quiet about it, and I think the money was a key factor. Look at the issue of financial regulation, , Joe Biden throughout his career, has been in favor of regulations of financial markets. He let…

Speaker 0: Okay. This is Mark Hal, who’s the premier political reporter in in the United States today. This is his post… Debate

Speaker 1: this and no way to sugar code it for anyone who’s, Trump… Not a Trump person. This says it’s something that is gonna be studied by historians. How they let him go out and do this. I don’t think we need to spend much time talking about whether he was good or not or good enough or whether Donald Trump was bad or Joe Biden had a cold.

There are tens of millions of America… And who are gonna learn through the debate itself and through news coverage, the state of Joe Biden mental capacities, which they did not know before because they don’t follow things closely. And the question is to me from people I’ve heard from. And if you if you sample Msnbc, David K was just on Barack obama’s campaign pain manager who always tries to be publicly supportive, people What passes to an opt for the Democratic party tonight is someone who says, well, this is bad for Trump is of course Biden will be replaced on the ticket. And now there’s time to do it.

And thank goodness. They got this out of the way early. That’s not good news. Obviously, I don’t think he’s going to be replaced still. I’m sure there are people on this call who think not only that he will, but that he should be.

This is a a moment where we’ll have to wait and see what happens to his fundraising, hard to imagine the mentality of someone who would write a check to Joe Biden now. Given 25 dollars, give 25000000 dollars, It’s hard to imagine.

Speaker 0: So there are all these technical procedural reasons why Joe biden will not be replaced. On the other hand, that which cannot continue eventually won’t continue. It just does not seem possible that Joe Biden will continue as candidate for a president of United States for a second term. Does not seem possible. So all the procedural, all the legal or the systematic reasons why Joe biden will continue.

Yeah. They’re they’re very strong, but that was not somebody that almost anyone would want to be president of the United States that we saw on display Thursday night.

Speaker 1: That you won’t see days of quotes. Previous incumbents who’ve had bad debates, and not nothing is bad as this, have had another debate coming up. If they could do better and as Barack Obama did as others have. He doesn’t have that. There’s not another debate for months.

Speaker 0: And was so devastating about this debate for Joe Biden is that it confirmed the worst fears? Like, I thought that my expectations for How joe Biden would form or absolutely rock bottom. And he felt he fell below even my expectations. He was even worse than I expected And this is now obviously, the biggest news story over the past 4 years, why has it attracted such relatively little media attention? It’s been a car on the part of conservatives.

So the past 4 years that Joe Biden is checked out and just not mentally there. It turns out that the car of conservatives is the far more accurate perspective than the mainstream media. Now, Some of what’s going on is that the main media tends to conduct itself like a nineteenth century Victorian and gentlemen. Right? It it it was reluctant to dip into Jay Biden is not cognitive there because it’s un subject.

And yeah, what makes Joe biden catastrophic to debate performance. So devastating is that it confirms that the widespread but officially denied. Right? The news narratives about Biden dramatic decline in cognitive ability, and the decline appears to be particularly dramatic over the past 3 months. Right?

The car insurers of Joe Biden being mentally incompetent, prove correct, and that must embarrass our political leads are just Joe Scarborough and Tom Friedman, who were assuring us that Jay Biden was all there. And It it reminds me of when I was covering California politics in 2007 on my blog and it was obvious that the mayor of Los Angeles had had a marriage that was… Over. Right? He hadn’t been wearing his wedding ring for 8 9 months, and nobody in journalism wanted to write about that.

And and why? So part of it is that, Jay Biden is a democrat and the elites in this country overwhelmingly on the side of the of the Democrats. Right? That they obviously stick to a a dominant left liberal consensus and the mainstream media had 0 can discussing whether or not Donald Trump is fit for office. Right?

It’s obvious to the the news media that Donald Trump is unfit for office. They’ve pursued every story. Showing that Donald Trump is unfit for office yet. They was so overwhelmingly reluctant to pursue the Joe Biden is unfit for office narratives. And when you put, Jill Biden, Joe Biden into Google and do an image search.

There are no devastating photos. Alright? On top of dr report for about a day was this devastating photo. Of Joe Biden piping up, Joe Biden and Joe Biden just looking like a d old man. And it just seems so cruel what Joe Biden and Biden enabler are encouraging him to do.

But I I think Joe Biden himself just primarily decided he was running again. And once 1 man decided, He was running again. There was no individual with sufficient power to stop him and all the incentives were for those with power in the democratic party to support him. And so even though it was obviously a decision that was worse for America and worse the Democratic party because of the alignment of incentives. Right?

Didn’t wanna get shut out of the whole ways of power by saying that Joe Biden shouldn’t run it again. So Joe Biden essentially decided, and then everyone else fell in line. And I think this is how much the world works. 1 person decides, and if the incentives align strongly enough, to not oppose what that 1 person decides, then what that person 1 person does, becomes effective And so you put Joe Biden Joe Biden into a Google image search, and all the photos are either neutral, or flattering and positive about Joe Biden and Joe biden. Even when you go to dr report Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Biden.

Right? All all the photos are, neutral to to flattering. Right? So Google seems to be working in overdrive to support the the Joe Biden presidency like our leads. Now they must be incredibly embarrassed to have been shielding, supporting, protecting and effectively lying for someone who is obviously, but not up to the job.

So let’s see what out

Speaker 4: Be. What’s most striking are the liberal? Media supporters of the president who are joining the panic and saying Biden should step aside. The Atlantic, a disaster for Joe Biden. Time to go, Joe.

Dropping out is Biden most patriotic option. The editor of the New Yorker, the Chicago Tribune. New York Times Columnist, Nick Christ, President Biden, it’s time to drop out. Paul K. The best president of my adult life needs to withdraw Tom Friedman.

Saying he’s Biden longtime friend. Joe Biden is a good man and a good president. He must bow out of the race. And the times at Editorial page striking the biggest blow, saying the presidential step aside because it’s reckless to hope Americans will overlook or discount, mister Biden age, and in front that they see with their own eyes. Trump by contrast looks strong and vigorous even as critics said, he made numerous false statements, but it was Biden burden to push back on those and he largely failed, for example, on Ukraine.

Speaker 5: Are Putin’s terms acceptable to you?

Speaker 6: First of all, our veterans and our soldiers can’t stand this guy.

Speaker 7: If you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine. He’s… This guy told you ukraine told Trump, do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

Speaker 4: He was trying to describe Trump telling a nato leader that if the country didn’t pay its full share, he’d tell Putin do whatever you want. And sometimes, the president just look lost.

Speaker 7: Making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the with with with the Covid. Excuse me with dealing with everything we have to do with Look, if we finally beat Medicare.

Speaker 8: Thank you, president By Biden President Trump.

Speaker 4: He’s right. He did beat Medicaid. He beat it to death. Remember, Joe Biden wanted this early debate to change the dynamic of the race. He succeeded.

In doing just that. I’m Howard Kurt this is media buzz. Spectrum

Speaker 0: So I think howard it kurt is a pretty fair centrist news media reporter. He’s been on this beat for about 30 years.

Speaker 9: But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden and it’s personally painful for a lot of people. It’s not just panic. It’s pain.

Speaker 1: It was catastrophe. Joe Biden I bore him

Speaker 4: From the moment, he opened his mouth and answering the first question he got. I think America looked and said, this man should not be reelected.

Speaker 10: President Biden at times was ina autumn.

Speaker 0: Yeah. From the first couple of seconds, and and that’s how the world works. Right? People judge you often on the first second or 2 and people decode you from the quality of your voice, and there are voice exercises that you can do, people to overcome a chord. Such as Good good Good Good.

Go go go Go Go. There are various exercises you can do so that you can still come through with a solid voice even if you’re struggling with a cold.

Speaker 10: At times was ina ticket, didn’t land a punch, didn’t counter punch, and sort of gave Donald Trump a free show.

Speaker 9: They are not hiding. Their discussions about, how they get Joe off the ticket.

Speaker 11: Biden had a terrible night. He could not land a thought. Not even in the closing statement, which is something…

Speaker 0: Yeah. Everyone who’s been fl and lying for Joe Biden deserves incredible appropriate for this. I… Back in 20 18, it was clear that Joe Biden was not cognitive up for it. He he had the same sort of glossy eyed stay much of the time back in 20 18.

And I haven’t covered this story much, because frankly, I just didn’t feel like I had anything to add. This is not primarily inertia. I don’t bring you the top 5 new stories in in the world each day. I only bring you stories where I feel like I have something to add. Or I have discovered some commentary that you might not otherwise find.

Speaker 11: Thing, that’s the easiest part. I just had this Gut feeling that I’m not ready to give up. On Joe Biden.

Speaker 1: Democrats are in full freak out mode because what they saw is finally what they have been ups.

Speaker 4: Joining us now to analyze the coverage, Robbie Suave, senior editor at R magazine. And in Los Angeles, Leslie Marshall, the radio host and news contributed? Robbie? I’m seeing a lot of criticism of the media. Why didn’t you tell us Biden was this bad?

How could you hold that back? Were you covering up for him? Is that fair?

Speaker 12: Ox It’s absolutely fair. I was just reviewing the headlines, , that are 10 days or so old a bit the choke cheap fake video narrative. Mh. That the White House tried to put out. Car Jean pierre said these were misleading edited, manipulated images, the videos we were seeing of of Biden kind of stumbling around and seeing…

And seeming out of it.

Speaker 0: That the news media paid far more attention to what it accurately described as misleading edited. Conservative video showing Jay Biden stumbling around. Right? The editing made Jay Biden actions look even worse than they were. But that was not the story because of a lack of perspective.

Right? The number 1 news story in the the world the last 4 years is that Joe Biden does not seem to have the minimal mental capacity to be president, of the United States. On the other hand, I do believe that as quite possible as we’re getting news reports this weekend that Joe Biden of seems to be competent between about 10AM. Right, it’s hard for him to get up before about 10AM until about 4PM. Now after 4PM, he’s too tired, to do his job and aside for him to get up before 10AM, I I think it’s possible that he’s been basically competent between 10AM and 4PM.

Speaker 12: And then the media had headlines that said yes, the Gop is fooling you with these videos that they’re misleading edited. That was an Nbc, the Washington post. Cnn it over and over again. Well, now we saw it for ourselves. That could that was totally spin on behalf of the White House,

Speaker 0: So you can be technically right, but wrong in the big picture and because you are so out of perspective with regard to what you’re commenting on, even though you’re technically right, you’re effectively propelling a lie. So much of the dominant news media coverage of Raj, Russia gate was technically correct. Right? You did have this official with some kind of connection to the Trump campaign having these kind of interactions sometimes inappropriate with Russian operatives, but the overall story was bogus in that Russia did not decide the 20 16 campaign or come. Anything close to it.

So if you’re technically right, but completely wrong in terms of proportion, then you’re wrong. And that’s true for much of the media coverage right. Has had as absolutely no about covering any story that would show Donald Trump as being unfit for office, but has been highly reluctant to extend the same sort of coverage to Joe Biden.

Speaker 12: It is now undeniable, and they’re no longer trying to deny it, but, yes, the media played a huge role in this cover up of Biden mental. State.

Speaker 4: Nicely as somebody has covered Joe Biden since the eighties.

Speaker 0: So is 6 hours a day of competency enough for ahead of state, date possibly. Right. By by doing less alright, you might put more more in hands of competent advisors as opposed to Jimmy Carter, who was very sharp, but who would get bogged down in the weeds. So Jimmy Con carter was apparently, , quite cognitive there 12:14 hours a day. Right?

He was probably much milder than Ronald Reagan, and and yet that didn’t lead to more effective leadership of the United States. So 6 hours a day, yeah. It could be competent enough in fact, it may be even better than being competent for 14 hours a day. But directing your competence in non friendly direction. So 1 story that’s being dramatically uncovered by the news in addition to Biden cognitive decline, is the contempt and abuse that, Jill and Joe Biden hand out to their staff and to their advisors.

That effectively, they don’t have advisors as James Carve points out, they they only have employees, employees who are highly reluctant to speak truth to them.

Speaker 1: And the private emails I’ve gotten in Techs I’ve gotten from leading democrats tonight are extraordinary.

Speaker 0: So this was released. This was conducted by Mark Hal immediately after the Thursday night presidential debate.

Speaker 1: Again their spin will be… He had a coal. , if he had a cold. I don’t know why He was working rope lines on arrival in Atlanta. Or why he’s going to eat tomorrow.

Yeah. Maybe he as a cold. But people say, well, Trump wasn’t that good, , David P. Out david axel rod once the cnn nsa after the debate well, biden Trump was very una appealing independence. So if they do replace Biden, whoever replaces can win independence.

I will tell you again, the thought that someone can get him out of off the ticket. Thought that it can get him off the ticket, Kamala Harris doesn’t expect to be the nominee. The thought that if they somehow get Kamala Harris not to be the nominee. That Gavin news some gretchen W is ready to start a presidential campaign from a standing start. Even if they inherit the entire Biden staff,

Speaker 0: And interesting comments in the chat, 1 voice teacher said within 15 seconds. Of auditioning students if they’ve got it. You can have the best most qualified staff in the world, but it’s still minor a minor when it comes to dealing with world leaders no. It’s not actually Mano Ama. Right?

Presidents don’t deal with world leaders or by themselves. Right? They have stars, Staff who are on the call in the meetings, actually who are translating. But you obviously don’t want a a world leader who is this incompetent

Speaker 1: These are these are imp abilities. Now maybe they’re less imp. Than Joe Biden continuing to be the nominee after what we all saw. But it is not so simple to say, well, of course, he can’t be the nominee, and I heard from many people.

Speaker 0: So a lot of elites in particular, believe that laws and systems and procedures run the world. And so by all the laws, all the systems, all the procedures Joe Biden is inevitably the Democratic presidential nominee in 20 24. But by by all things based in reality, out outside of procedure, Joe Biden obviously should not be the Democratic nominee for president. He should not be president of the United States right now. So sometimes perceived and law rules out of reality, for example, o j Simpson obviously committed a double murder, but he has found not guilty in a criminal trial, so systems and procedures and and Laws don’t always work out in a way that’s in accordance with reality.

All Procedures suggest that by will be the nominee. On the other hand, I just consider it unfathomable that Joe Biden will still be the nominee. For the democratic party in 30 days. I just don’t know how that will will happen when anyone because at all about the future of this country understands that he should not be president of the United States right now, little Running for another 4 years.

Speaker 1: Rank and file Democrats and the lead Democrats tonight who said. Without reservation, he can’t be a the nominee. That that’s an easy thing to say, but it is impossible to get him off the ticket and not have kamala harris nominee easily. Now, could he joe wake up tomorrow and look at the headlines and and the coverage and talk to people privately and say, I can’t go forward? Can’t rule that out.

Speaker 0: So, apparently, Joe Biden and Joe Biden feel absolutely humiliated. But Joe Biden has a long… Bull headed history. And he is not gonna wanna re his grasp on power, and I think we all know older people who hung on for way too long. They they kept driving for way too long.

Speaker 1: Out. It’s not impossible. And but it runs counter to Joe Biden belief. That he is the best person to beat Donald Trump. The kamala Harris would would be the nominee if he isn’t.

She can’t be Donald Trump and that no 1 else can be a launch a presidential campaign that would be as formidable as his. I I’ve got scores of emails and text that I would plan to read, but they’re all the piece. Did did Buy and get better later in the debate than he was early? He didn’t. Got a little better.

Did Trump have the best performance imaginable, he did not. But these things don’t matter. They don’t matter at all because what we all saw which I’ve been…

Speaker 0: Okay. So opposed to pretty much everyone else in my genre of right wing distant live streaming, I do not value loyalty to the cause, or a loyalty to other alert people who who share my basic world. As highly as pretty much everyone else. So if I disagree with someone on the dis right from the right or if it’s just not good to say something out loud, which I think is obviously true. I would…

I’ve genuinely value truth much more than loyalty. So Loyalty is a beautiful value, but there are many things more important than loyalty, sometimes such as truth. And for all those who are loyal to Joe Biden. What’s more important to you right now, your relationship to Joe Biden your loyalty to Joe Biden or what is for the good of the country? When I saw Republicans following Donald Trump’s lead of of lying about the 20 20 election results, I called that out pretty quickly, I separated it from virtually everyone on the distant right with regard to Covid in that I…

For for many months, didn’t feel sufficiently clear that our dominant elites were making big mistakes with regard to Covid. So I was in ambivalent for… I think the first year of Covid restrictions, and then gradually came around to the to the view that our our governing elites did a better than expected job with regard to Covid, Right? That… That separated me from pretty much everyone on the conservative side.

So I I value truth. By more than than loyalty.

Speaker 1: And forecasting based on talking to Democrats who’ve been spending time with is a is a man who is not just diminished from 20 20, and not just diminished from 20 22, but it’s diminished from 3 months ago. And again, if that’s the best he can do. After a week. A preparation arrested Camp David with his full staff. It’s very difficult to me.

Speaker 0: Right. Joe Biden didn’t do anything else. Yep for the week preceding this debate. He was resting up and and training for this debate, and then he turned in that performance.

Speaker 1: As American people will make the judgment that he should be president. I’ve never…

Speaker 0: So I I did a Joe Biden debate. Google image search and all the results are either neutral of ladder. And Joe Biden looked demanded, he looked completely out of it during that, that debate with Donald Trump and yet Google only suggests in its top hundred suggestions neutral or positive. Image results.

Speaker 1: We’re taken seriously the thought that he forced stopped to ticket it or choose the step down for all the reasons I’ve said today. I don’t think that can be rolled out now. And that’s a…

Speaker 0: So a major reason I haven’t talked much about Biden cognitive decline is number 1. I just haven’t felt like I had anything to add. Number 2 is just too easy. Right? There just too many other people who who were doing it.

Often with with very effective, video and with memes, and I I don’t think it really matters that might if Joe Biden is is confident or not, even if he soils himself. Alright? I I don’t think that’s particularly important for a nation’s leader. And now I’m having to confront that the most important news story in the past 4 years is something I’ve… Really talked about.

And Yeah. I find out a little embarrassing. So I’m trying to work that out.

Speaker 1: The first time I said that. Because I think it’s unpredictable and the key again will be the blind quotes, the on the record quotes and the fundraising I think you’ll see some Democrats now go back to saying what David Ig nietzsche said, what David Acts run. It said, what the congressman from Minnesota, whose name I’m currently forgetting right against it. Ben will help me. Dean Phillips said,

Speaker 0: Okay. We’ve got free speech operating on odyssey. The last watch says, it was the end of the Biden crisis actor. Is dead. I don’t believe that.

Playing a masonic humiliation ritual on the Us. This limited hangout is over, The bi figure will be used as a scape. Alright. Trump is going to be reinstalled. First His presidents don’t yield much real power directly so the election cycle is just a diversion in an attempt to reinforce the live of democracy.

All the free may play along that politics make any difference The absent scene now at president is moving towards an Ai leader who is not human and is considered infallible. Notice Biden didn’t even campaign in person, the wizard of Zion is coming soon. Right, I I don’t believe this. Right? I don’t believe that Joe Biden is dead, I didn’t believe we’ve had a J biden crisis actor.

I I don’t believe that presidents count for nothing. Right? Presidents have some significance. And, yet, it’s true. I think for 99 percent of people, 99 percent of the time, it doesn’t matter for their real life fortunes.

Whether Jay Biden or Donald Trump is president?

Speaker 1: You’re you’re going to see prominent Democrats say you shouldn’t be the. I’m I’m almost… I haven’t gotten that yet, but I think we will see that. And again, if he can’t raise money, he can’t continue to run money So I’m gonna turn it over to Greg Kelly, who I think thought he would have to correct me

Speaker 0: Alright. Let’s get some more analysis here from Fox News.

Speaker 4: Throughout denying of mean, Jen sa is on form Brett secretary, terrible debate by by. Now. You made reference to other appearances, so the day after the debate, a much more forceful president Biden was at a rally in North Carolina. Let’s show that.

Speaker 7: I don’t walk as easy that I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly than I used to. I don’t

Speaker 0: Okay. So this was done between 10AM and 4PM. Joe Biden apparently starts falling apart after 4PM.

Speaker 7: Debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth,

Speaker 4: I don’t know where that guy was, the night before. So, Robbie, I thought if Biden even turned in like a minus before. That he’d clear a really low bar he declared the winners. So there was the worst barnes history of televised

Speaker 6: the debate.

Speaker 4: In P What do you make of so many democrats saying or that he should step aside?

Speaker 12: Yeah. They’re… I mean, they’re talking about… Can’t even finish out this term of his presidency right now is being discussed because I think so many Americans. And this isn’t just, , Partisan Republicans.

This is Democrats had a, a, majority of them had expressed a concern before this debate that he was too old to serve another term. , we… We’ve all had family members, neighbors, friends who, , turn that corner in their elderly years and deserve. It respects spanish and, , good clair.

Speaker 0: What are your comments?

Speaker 13: Thank you for having me again. I was watching with great interest. And thought about the… Commentary of Caleb Mop was, probably the best. I don’t know if you’ve heard that the…

The the the the the secret time was to get rid of biden nice and early because it’s unusual apparently, to have presidential debates for the incumbent precedent, so early in in the campaign. It it’s supposed to take place in it’s September, apparently, and also neither of them have been officially nominated by their parties. And, the the plot, the the rumor is that it’s it’s it’s meant to to, , sweep the decks clean to to allow somebody like Gavin news to to become the, candidate. What what do you think about that?

Speaker 0: Yeah. It’s widely discussed. I don’t believe it’s true because the the people. Who arranged for this early debate are all Biden loyal, and they all have the most to gain by Biden running again for for president the United States. So if someone else is brought in, all the people who arranged this early debate will lose power and people in politics don’t voluntarily give up power.

So I I don’t believe it for a second.

Speaker 13: But if if he drops dead between now and the fifth of November, it means Kamala Harris. Becomes, president of America, And and that might upset a lot of people upset and alone, deeply And, I suppose I’m going with the gavin some theory because the the idea is to roll up some, possibly good looking guy with with bad morals, but, , what to single mom, democrat voters care anyway, , the the the the candidate just has to I’ll appeal to them, and that they don’t really think about foreign policy or matters of principle if they like the smile of the guy. They’ll bid for them.

Speaker 5: Yeah About

Speaker 0: the peep the people who arranged this debate. They don’t get to… Gain power if Gavin news comes in. They will lose power because these are people aligned with with Joe Biden. So I I don’t see how that helps them.

Speaker 13: But but the people who annoyed with Joe Biden. I mean, he’s not. He’s not there. So you can’t really expect any future with him, because he, , he’s not going to be around for much longer. So, , if if if I found myself in a room with Biden.

I wouldn’t even want to talk to him, I’d I’d be looking around for his mind. To have a clear, , conversation with. Because if there’s no need, , their no point even, , talking to him or or asking him anything about that, , Us foreign policy what because he wouldn’t know and and even if he did say what he meant, he would be able to enforce it. So , he… He’s kind of dead man walking.

Speaker 0: Well, I I don’t believe that the Joe Biden saw on the debate stages is the Joe Biden who operates between 10 8. At at 4PM, as someone who’s done a lot of online debates. that we’re different people when we’re under sustained attack, and And I think part of the reason that Jay Biden was so bad On Thursday night was that he was under a sustained attack by Donald Trump the whole time, when you’re performing in front of 50000000 people, right, That tends to make people more tense and less effective than if they’re operating within a a safe space. So I suspect he’s probably safe and reasonably competent between about 10AM at at 4PM. And under…

The more intense circumstances of a debate he crumbled.

Speaker 13: But but the thing is I can see that. People listened to what he was saying anymore because know with his old man voice and, , I know he was throwing statistics and facts at people, but But for somehow, that that that, , I I just… All I heard was his old man dr voice. And and and Trump was was completely at ease. He just…

, he kinda went into automatic. And all he had to do was to make sense and Yeah, met maker coherent sentences, and that that was all that was required.

Speaker 0: Yeah. So… He… His voice was so bad. His manner were so tired.

And his inability to blink. Right? The the man will go 40 seconds without blinking. Seems to indicate that there is some sort of serious cognitive impairment. And that’s just gonna…

Speaker 13: I’m not Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because… I mean, it’s thank for pointing out that, , all the Google images of it were flattering because… I I was just saying that you don’t even have to understand English to…

You you just have to look at the pitch, , other videos of these 2 ren, , And and 1 without even understanding a single word because he he looked like, some somebody, who could… Like, where the hell am I? , let me try and remember where the hell am I and what am I… , it it it was really, quite quite quite sad to look at it. I mean, I I’m my my first instinct wasn’t to feel, , a kind of precarious, embarrassment for for Americans, which is actually what a Hungarian was saying to me yesterday.

When when I asked him if he saw the debate, and he said he he couldn’t bear to watch More than 7 minute even though he was a a conservative and should have been… I mean, was it, the wrong kind of time for him because it’s a… So early in the morning. But but he he said he couldn’t bear because it was just so cringe, I guess.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It it was painful to watch Stephen James says it’s called Sun down the syndrome and the type of alzheimer’s that comes on at. At night. So if if you… Anyone’s ever gone to work where they were sick or when they were dealing with say something devastating their personal life you understand how doing basic tasks often is just fine.

It’s when you’re asked to to stretch yourself or or to do something that isn’t completely habit or that your performance level will just fall apart. So we can often perform basic tasks even when we’re severely sleep deprived. But then when we’re asked to do something more than the the basics, then we then we fall apart.

Speaker 13: Well, blue but but that that led me to think that that even if there was somebody, , it was a… Trained lawyer completely compass his, what could he say to Trump anyway? I mean, other than to attack him, which which would actually enraged trump supporters. Like, I think he he’s on a sticky wick, even if he had all his faculties about, because it’s very hard to defend the record by, , what the hell you think you’re doing, the so many things inflation, foreign policy. I mean, I I wouldn’t like…

I mean, I’m a trade trade lawyer, but I would like to be, , in in the president’s Hoc he trying to defend my record.

Speaker 0: Yeah. About it, he doesn’t need to attract. Trump supporters, it doesn’t matter if he enraged Trump supporters. All he would need to do is to be as competent as he appeared the next day during a rally. Right?

Then he had energy, and he had a reasonably strong voice. So the the next day, he he was just fine. So it’s the circumstance of a debate and the time of the debate that shows him so strongly to disadvantage. If he just appeared as energized and as strong as he did during his rally performance on Friday, he would have been fine. But this particular situation just showed him at his worst.

Speaker 13: Yes. Yes. Did you do ever listened to kate at Mob, the owner journalist?

Speaker 0: No. I’m

Speaker 13: this Right once in

Speaker 0: a hundred times, but no.

Speaker 13: I I think… Well, I’m quite in impressed by. Commentary, But anyway, he he was still the post debate analysis of of the debate and he somehow while he got this clip of of Biden sn at Trump. It was just a teeth and everything. I think it was accusing him of being being a loser or or something like that.

And, and and the comment was that, , he was being very unprecedented, it it with that expression of of, , pure hatred and with this, , teeth showing, like like, a while down in all. And and and he just managed to catch up moment I I was half asleep. So Was so, , very grateful for for that kit, yeah. And and and it it it is okay that moments theory that that the the the the clearing the decks for for somebody, younger and more attractive than Biden to to win the next election, with which… I don’t think will work either just because, , I I guess, Gavin hasn’t really got a good track record of making, stealing, down, stealing from, a felony to a mis demeanor.

Speaker 0: But that had nothing to do, Gavin news. That was something that was passed a referendum by the voters of California. I mean, Gavin news definitely has his his problems. But, Gavin News responds to incentives. So Gavin News has moved decisively against homelessness and against the crime wave.

Speaker 1: Sweeping in

Speaker 0: California by becoming much more pro enforcement of law pro punishment and doing more to take people off the streets, even if they don’t wanna leave the streets. So I I think with both a Kamala Harris or a govern News presidency, you’d have a president who response to incentives, more than than Joe Biden who seems so checked out. So Kamala Harris had a long track record award as California’s as attorney general, cracking down on certain types of of crime. So I think they’d be bending in the wind more than Joe Biden.

Speaker 13: Alright. And and they’re talking about German talk. III did try and look up why you liked this samuel more in so much. And and I saw an article in grand. That he wrote.

But that seemed to be saying, that that’s get rid of these O. I’m sorry. I get submitting to you?

Speaker 0: Get rid of

Speaker 13: the the boomers.

Speaker 0: On the supreme… Okay. So I’m not familiar with all of Samuel mo points of view. I I just understand him primarily as a historian and I’m of the concept of human rights. And there, I I think his his work is excellent.

He is… He’s paul left Right? He’s a socialist. I don’t agree with him on politics. Is just purely as a historian of civil rights.

So someone can have an expertise in 1 area. And be clueless in another area. So he may say ridiculous things in all sorts of areas. I am emily familiar with this works as regards to the history of human rights.

Speaker 13: Right. And and and III did begin to watch that video. Where he said that human rights came after came from the Jews, he appeared to be saying in that lecture.

Speaker 0: Do you? I think you said, actually the opposite that… Human rights did not evolve as a response to the holocaust. The conventional wisdom is that notions of universal human rights developed in response to the holocaust, and his point was actually the opposite that nothing really changed with regard to conception of individual but universal human rights until the 19 seventies, in well past the the holocaust.

Speaker 13: Right. What what happened in the 19 seventies?

Speaker 0: What happened is that those seeking a utopian politics had become disillusioned with all the Utopian politics that they had tried, particularly of the Marxist variety. And so with the… The Soviet union Put down, I think of that the prague spring circa 19 68, that any possible utopian thinking aligned with communism just prove to be unsustainable. And so people were casting around seeking for some kind of utopian alternative to Marxism, all plausible bases for for Marxism had had by 19 68 being destroyed. And people chance upon human rights, and the the founder of amnesty to International said, , I don’t care.

If the human rights, Crusade makes any difference in the real world, what it does is it fulfill people’s utopian dreams. And so it became the last utopia. That was that was the argument made by Samuel Mo, and I I can’t find anything that contradicts it.

Speaker 13: Oh, so so you’re saying that that the whole idea of… Been talking about human rights and putting in in legislation what was about making… Was consolidating liberal ideas into into, what’s what? , into that attest station?

Speaker 0: No. It was about creating a… Utopian outlet. But among people who are intelligent. Alright?

1 of the downsides of being intelligent is that you enjoy spending time in an abstract world. And the more time you spend in an abstract world, at the more disconnected you’re going to get from reality. And so for people incline to utopian. Right? Almost all the attorneys are always on the left.

And so until about 19 68, is still possible to cling to some sort of socialist communist utopia. But when the Soviet Union crushed, the the prague spring, I I believe of 19 68, even someone completely removed from reality, had to give up the communist Marxist utopia. And so they were costing around, or a new utopia, and they found it in the cause of human rights because you could draw attention to the suffering of some poet or in Chile under the military dictatorship that that took over there under general Pin, and he can say isn’t it terrible what’s happening to this particular poet. And you could indulge your utopian dreams as much as you wanted without being publicly humiliated. So it it gave an outlet for those exquisite feelings that come with being aligned with Utopian vision.

Speaker 13: Right. Too. So it was part of the sex and drugs and rock and roll culture that.

Speaker 0: No. No. No. No. No.

Because sex drugs and rock and roll is is a kind of a a low Iq culture. This is part of a high iq intellectual culture that was always predisposed to the left, and by 19 68, all left wing possible utopia had been destroyed. So people intent on east sex drugs and rock and Roll lifestyle are not primarily intellectual. And intellectual were dreaming of some kind of Marxist Utopia, but by 19 68. That had proven to be un and essentially the last secular Utopia that was available to them was the cause of human rights.

And there’s no way of of empirical invalid the cause of human rights. There’s no way of humiliating someone who stands up for say, oppressed Lesbian in Bangladesh. You you have an infinite capacity to indulge your utopian desires, in the cause of human rights and nothing in reality so far is going to crush that desire. So the people, particularly who don’t have children and who don’t get to indulge their nurturing instincts by taking care of helpless infants. This is a cause that can consume them.

Speaker 13: But but but I thought the 19 68 student riots herald, opened the doorway too. Or all this human rights idea that you you’re talking about didn’t it. I mean…

Speaker 0: I I don’t think there was… I don’t think they were talking much about human rights. They were talking about a socialist revolution. And so the The student riot… Alright, they didn’t have much experience in life.

Those who were intellectual with more experience in life. Recognize recognized unlike the student left us right as of 19 68 that the Marxist vision was not possible, that it was a d dystopian rather than a utopia. So you can believe in things up until about age 30 that become much more difficult to believe in after age 30. So the human rights crusade was not driven by student rights activists. It was driven by people over the age of 30, 30 it become disillusioned with left wing politics.

Speaker 13: But what about the Vietnam war? So…

Speaker 0: That that had a an effect in that the the anti imperialist narrative supporting the Vie Kong. Became a dominant cause among intellectual on the left, and they start extending it to Palestinians to anyone who seems to be fighting against imperial, colonialism and imperial, colonialism are just highly charged majority of terms. For states that are more effective than the states that they defeated. And so it became a utopian cause to adopt the perspectives of those who are continually losing at life. The the quote quote

Speaker 13: victor. With the underdog.

Speaker 0: Right. The those who were losers. It it fulfill a nurturing instinct. And I’ve I’ve experienced it. I I had a girlfriend, who was basically homeless.

She was she was living on the couch of her sister and sleeping in her office at a volunteer job and it was so easy to take her out and to bring her home and provide a home for her and to rescue her for few weeks, it it provided a whole string of exquisite feelings. And if you’ve ever rescued someone who seems absolutely pathetic. that there are often exquisite feelings of being the nurture and taking care of someone that that may last for a few weeks. And utopian nurturing dreams of being anti imperialist, anti colonial and campaigning for human rights, That’s a way of getting those exquisite feelings on an intellectual and political basis that you can engage in for decades. Because unlike in real life where you’re bringing people home and then very quickly you have to face up to the devastating consequences of adopting someone who is stuck in some self destructive cycle.

When you keep it just purely on on a political intellectual basis, you can stay in this utopian dream for decades.

Speaker 13: Do you think this desire to be ben factor is is possibly selfish in the sense that when you are in a position to give something, you you are, well, above the data, that the status of your recipient of your generosity.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Of course, it’s… It’s selfish when you’re engaged in it to socially destructive level where you’re enabling bad behavior. So 1 of the the great things about a 12 set program such as A is the best 12 set program for dealing with the other people. And it was started largely by the women of alcoholic.

And so how do you how do you live a life where your spouse is an alcoholic? Obviously, that person’s gonna be highly destructive. And so how can you help them without enabling them, And it’s it’s a a fine line because we don’t get to control other people. Yet, we can have influence over other people. But if we just indulge our impulses to try to take over and rescue someone, that that usually leads to some pretty sick results.

And so I’ve also had considerable amounts of time in lot my life where I decide to be rescued where I desire for someone to come along and and take care of me. I I had girlfriends who had picked that up. You just want someone to take care of you. And and as I learned in 1 of my 12 set programs. That desire to rescue and that desire to be rescued.

They both come from a pretty sick place. You want people who are capable of standing on their own 2 feet to stand on their own 2 feet, and you don’t want to enable them. So for for example, in in real life, I continually have people asking me questions that they can answer for themselves through Google. And to the extent that I I answer these questions for them instead of referring them, to Google, I am enabling their their bad behavior.

Speaker 13: Really, I guess they they just want to hear it from you. But but what while you were talking, it made me think of they bo. So there is this idea of a character who was very generous, but but it it’s always said in a majority, sense like, , look look who’s the lady bo for because she would be cons despicable in her generosity and and and might not be directing a generosity in a in a socially constructive way. And and then I remembered what you said previously too, which was that, there were husbands who enable their wives, , businesses or academic Career. To to make these women happy, to make them feel themselves to be the lady bo, but but, possibly not in a very essentially constructive way.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It’s very tricky, like, where helping ends and enabling begins. It’s not easy to see the the difference, and there is a tremendous rush that 1 gets from helping other people it’s an absolute high, as much as pornography, or marijuana, or alcohol, like getting out there and rescuing someone. It does bring a a flood of, , chemicals going off in your brain that that make you feel amazing, but many things that make us feel amazing, neither good for us and nor good for other people.

Speaker 13: Yes. So so the more pathetic that person is the more you get this brush adrenaline of of being the lord or lady bo for because you Yes. Yes. IIII see that. And and that is why, , beg in India might sometimes cut off the limbs of their children to make them better.

Bankers in order to excite these feelings of generosity in in people.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Think about how many women once they get married, they cease striving. I mean, many women in particular have found it highly adaptive to their relationship to become as helpless as possible in many areas of life. Because that fulfill their husband’s need to to feel important. And so I think women tend to be more successful at deploying this manipulation strategy of helpless, but there are men who employed as well.

Generally speaking, we rightly associate masculinity with confidence in life, but helpless men such as myself at times, I’ve often gone at with women who are much more competent at life, and who would pay for everything. And I remember 1 ex girlfriend of Mine at Holly Randall said that she would usually pay for dates because she would usually date. Broke writers, but most of the men that she dated would feel embarrassed that she was paying for things, but she noted for some reason it didn’t bother the look. And and so it’s definitely fewer man proportionally than women who employ the helpless hopeless. Mode.

Right? They they’re less likely to use that type of manipulation than women, but still men in relationships with women who are more competent than them will employ the helpless hopeless mode to to gain to to gain something in their relation to to make the woman, , fulfilled in her nurturing desires. And so I’ve had relationships whereby hopelessness and helpless was initially a turn for women, but they they would, , quickly become disgusted by it.

Speaker 13: Yes. There’s is something called learned. Helpless.

Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. Isn’t there. People react to incentives to be helpless and hopeless.

Speaker 13: I mean, have you

Speaker 0: have you done that? Have you emphasized or taken on helpless as… A manipulation device?

Speaker 13: Well, I suppose… , when I don’t want to do something, I I would john say, oh, I can’t and, , hoping somebody. More confident, would do it for

Speaker 0: me. Exactly.

Speaker 13: But but but perhaps, I don’t mean to be manipulative, but I guess if it’s a man, it would be yeah, , because of that… Then it would be, , some, , Diy job or something

Speaker 0: Right. I have a I have

Speaker 13: a friend or they’re mask.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I have a I have a friend who often is is just Displaying hopelessness and helpless and asking for my help. But the friend of the show is just So often helpful to my show that I indulge it because I I’m grateful for all that she she does for the show. But it it is annoying when someone is often asking me for things that they can find themselves if they simply, scroll up through how conversations to an earlier conversation, for example.

Speaker 13: But I mean, that there is a lot of communication between people, which has been described as fat, PHAT. Have you come across that word?

Speaker 0: I don’t think I have. What does it mean?

Speaker 13: But, it it just means renault know how are you but not really wanting to… , we’re just sort making noises at each other to show. , good intention and friendliness and concern…

Speaker 0: Right. But that’s outside of what we’re talking about. We’re talking about. We’re talking about manipulation to get people to take care of us rather than standing on their own 2 feet. So bad communication.

I just looked it up. It’s just those words that serve a a pragmatic function when you are so and how are you when you don’t really care? But that’s different. The reason why. Mh.

Speaker 13: Yeah. So to the reason why why why this woman keeps asking you questions that chico could easily look up. Is to communicate with you and to show that she needs you and, , wants to, , remain communication with you and and to, , remind you of a helpless and her desire for your greater wisdom. Are are you romantically attached, could you be remotely at talk?

Speaker 0: III don’t know about that, but… I’m just thinking now when I had a relationship end? And yet, I tried to keep keep communication open by asking her for things. Was like, the relationship was over, I’d moved out But then I’d ask her for things that I’d left behind in her freezer, for example. And she’d…

We would go see the psychiatrist together, and she would tell the psychiatrist how how pathetic I was by asking her for making all these requests that were not you, not not something that she should be expected to step up and and give, and he would know. Well, I don’t think he’s really concerned about the frozen peaches in the freezer. He just wants to stay connected to you.

Speaker 13: Yes. Well, I asked suppose said that. That that might make her think , he only cares about the frozen peaches.

Speaker 0: No. No. No. No. No No.

He he pointed out, but I was just trying to stay stay in connection with her. It had absolutely nothing to do with what I was explicitly saying. It was just an attempt to stay connected, Because, I mean, after you’ve had an intense sexual relationship and you then move on and move out. It does leave a vast boyd in one’s psychology.

Speaker 13: Yes. And and and so you think or 1 things that that by remaining in contact there there is this chance of reconciliation. And then…

Speaker 0: Yeah. There’s a chance for more sex if I can only keep some sort of communication going.

Speaker 13: Yes. Yes. When it’s over it’s oo, I guess.

Speaker 0: Sometimes, but, usually, we don’t… Say what we mean and usually, we don’t mean what we say and taking taking conversations on a literal basis is, usually think that men do more than women, women are much more likely to read into the meaning of what people are saying rather than the literal words themselves.

Speaker 13: Yes. And I think the the the the problem also is we we we mustn’t irritate the person. In in our, , when we was the word subconsciously want things or or or don’t don’t really say what we mean. But but then it becomes clear when we we think about it but I I suppose that, , not your ex might think. Well, if you wants my attraction, my attention could conte, , not not.

, ask cor it in a more imaginative way rather than asking about the pears in the… Yeah.

Speaker 0: I was doing it in a very ineffective and and annoying way. And I was defaulting to my helpless mode. I think we all have several primary manipulation strategies that they used to that we used to go through in live. And particularly when we’re struggling, we we, , default to 1 or 2 particular techniques, because they’re simply easiest. Even if they’re not terribly effective, they’re what we’ve used so often in the past, and we just default to them because they’re easy, and they

Speaker 13: don’t really service. Or it it becomes a , almost instinct and and and compulsive perhaps,

Speaker 0: Yeah. Because every time you do something, it becomes that much easier to do it again. So for example, you see with Joe Biden has these tremendous layers of unnecessary tension. And each time you do something in an overly tense overly compressed way overly restricted because of all the tension you’ve got going on side of you, you’re wrapping that band of tension even tighter. Right?

Everything we do affects us. And so when you you engage in self destructive behavior, the biggest danger of that is that you make it easier to engage in similar self destructive behavior in the future.

Speaker 13: Yes. But but I think the seventies, what was a very significant period where whereby it’s, like, , all the… Ideas and practices that I think that have led to our destruction really, really began to launch themselves. Would you be?

Speaker 0: Yeah. There was… I think I I haven’t read the book, but I just heard an interview with the author. The title of the book. It was about the 19 seventies.

And the title of the book was, it seemed like nothing happened. And so many of the themes of the 19 sixth, Only became fully in the 19 seventies such as feminism and human rights.

Speaker 13: Yes. So so the pill accelerated the sex revolution.

Speaker 0: Right. And so in in… You had you had freedom for for gays. Right? You had the consistent removal of social stigma and laws restricting in particular, male or male sex during the 19 sixties, and then you had the explosion of male may male sex in the 19 seventies leading to the aids outbreak and other diseases.

So homosexuality was released from legal restraints in the 19 sixties, and then it exploded into aids in the 19 seventies.

Speaker 13: Yes. Yes. And and before I joined your your stream, that there was somebody on on Twitter with a space with a title. Saying, why is everyone in the West gay now? And my answer was, , because they they they don’t want to marry.

They don’t want to be parents of the children. And and they going want a pate maternity suit. And and there… And if there is no, stigma to being gay, then everybody will be gay. It’s like, well, I don’t wanna have sex…

I mean I don’t wanna have a child every time I I have sex So… And it would be horrifying to to think of how many children we might have. If every time we ask access we had a child. So

Speaker 0: Yeah. It’s it’s obviously easier hanging out with the same sex. Go

Speaker 13: ahead. Well, well, I’m just saying it’s it’s cheap sex. Yeah. Right? All free sex because, , if if if you do it because you want to with another person, who just wants to, no strings attached, then, then it’s really cheap, and and it…

, but the married sex is the most expensive form of sex. And and by encouraging all these marriage substitutes, our government has says basically, Well, beheaded the the institution of marriage I would argue.

Speaker 0: The the yeah. Go ahead.

Speaker 13: I Was… That there there there isn’t even any tax advantage to being married. You’re you’re not even, , that there is no financial benefit to being married. And you you you just make… You’ll just made to feel fool I get if you’re a man.

Stop the woman.

Speaker 0: I I’ve heard therapists say that, every single 1 of their homosexual male clients who who was gay, lacked a average let alone a good relationship with their father. And that’s something that I’ve noticed empirical is that all the the gay men I know did not have even average relations with their father. And so the more chaotic society becomes and the less coherent, the nuclear family, then it might make sense that sexual interactions might become more chaotic and and break boundaries as well as a a result of the lack of having a solid file figure in your life who gives you moral boundaries.

Speaker 13: Indeed, and that there’s some… Modern horror or the situation shit. Have you heard of that?

Speaker 0: Yeah. That’s where you… And I’ve done this a lot. You you hook up with the person who is easiest. I mean, there there are people I know on my street, who I could…

There are women. I know. , very near me who I could have sex with, and it would be a situation ship. It would not be women that I want to marry.

Speaker 13: But because they would be married to women.

Speaker 0: No. No. They’re they’re not married women, but they’re not women that I want to marry. Yes. But I could have sex with them if if I wanted to.

So it’d be a like, , late at night, you get horny, you call someone and you just go over just a few doors away and have a hook up.

Speaker 13: But I think that that must be the problem. And another frightening thing I heard on on on Twitter spaces was… Where somebody say that, all ruling clauses have daddy issues too, and they are they are acting up their issues through through Western foreign policy.

Speaker 0: Way. But but 1 thing I noticed about our our ruling class is that they overwhelmingly tend to be married in in a heterosexual marriage and to have children. So The highly educated in the highly successful. I noticed have overwhelmingly tend to be married and to have children and to be leading quite successful and quite traditional private lives.

Speaker 13: Yes. So this reminds me of, gavin you some, apologizing for having sex with somebody not his wife. Or his friends, his best friends, wife or something of the nature. But I suppose he has, marriage it, , it has now been made into a it it’s only a luxury that, , certain people of a certain class can afford and the rest of us have to make do with something less. That that seems to be the impression being given.

Speaker 0: Well, yeah. The the traditional hero system has has definitely been diminished. Is just interesting that our our dominant elites are so traditional in the way they lead their private lives, but so what weak in in in terms of the morality that they endorse for everyone else. So they endorse a perm reality perm progressive morality for society, while, generally leading quite traditional lives themselves.

Speaker 13: Yes. And, caleb Morgan was also suggesting that because there is no manufacturing base, the the the ruling clauses have decided, they they don’t want too many useless eaters being around and that is why they promote homosexuality and, trans and feminism because they they they really literally want us to die off because that there’s nothing there’s nothing for us to do

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I don’t believe that for a second. I I don’t believe in any theory that the elite just want us to die off. This is a template for a successful career as a pun to tell people what they wanna hear. And everyone is dissatisfied with the pros nature of authority over their lives, whether it’s in work or in government.

Right? You you can’t… Go wrong, telling people that they’re being ripped off by those who have authority over them. And and so it’s just it’s very easy to take a crack at at those in authority and point out what they’re doing wrong and what our institutions are doing wrong And well, we shouldn’t exaggerate the good things that our institutions are doing neither should we exaggerate the the bad things that our our ruling elite does, but it’s just a very appealing template. Like, everyone wants to think that they’re dissatisfaction life due to someone else.

Speaker 13: But but isn’t it true that the government doesn’t support marriage and hasn’t fought for? At around 50 years, half century.

Speaker 0: No. I I yeah. I don’t think it’s that That simple. We we have less support for for marriage by our ruling elites for heterosexual marriage than than we we did 50 years ago. So, yeah, it’s consistently declined, but anyone who wants to get married is perfectly able to get married.

It’s just that our societies become more dis. We, less cohesive. We share less of a unified here system or morality. And in all the turbulence, people just find it easier to lead a a selfish and isolated life rather than to go out there and struggle with with a world that is difficult and and challenging and just filled with be array of diversity, And and so people just increasingly stay home, play video games and and engage in solitary pursuits. Okay.

Claire, I’m gonna move on, but feel free to jump on in the chat or comments and come back later when you have additional points you wanna make?

Speaker 13: Thank you, Luke.

Speaker 0: Yep. Good to talk to you. Alright. Back to I guts you.

Speaker 12: Treatment and should not have to work so hard in their lives. I mean, that’s the kind of thing about this. It’s painful to have this person. Entering this stage in his life and and having us all being able to see now, what kind of state that that’s in. And then saying, not only is he…

Does he have the most important job in America in in the world. Right now, but we’re gonna subject into this for another 4 years. It it’s on some level, it’s beyond ideological. It’s just like you can’t do this

Speaker 4: well, , what’s fascinating to…

Speaker 0: So, yeah. Anyone who has been predicting and promoting Joe Biden as technically competent has been , running at vas khan on the American people, and principle, among those protecting and promoting Joe Biden is his wife Joe biden joe biden.

Speaker 13: It’s a

Speaker 14: great job You answered every question you knew all the. And let me ask the crowd. What did trump do? Yes.

Speaker 0: So, yeah. More than anyone, she is she is promoted this bogus narrative about

Speaker 14: space. Unimaginable tragedies. His optimism is un unwanted. His strength is un unethical, His hope is I’m. I saw in him then the same character that I see in him today.

Speaker 0: I mean, Jay biden just looks completely lost on stage. And this has been obvious before. Just this reminds me a little bit when I was reporting on the porn industry. I I knew Ran Jeremy reasonably well, and Ron Jeremy was a g and before, I even set foot and interviewed anyone in the point industry I read. The memoir of Jerry Butler, who was a a pawn star, and he talked about, ron Jeremy, , forcing himself on women, And and this was, yeah, going on when when you’d see how Run jerry me would operate.

He was just continually, , g women, and it was just taken for granted in the industry Oh, that’s just that’s just Ron Jerry, but that in the Me too era, Well, no. 10 years before the Me too era, a stream of women came forward with the narrative that Run Jeremy was Rap. And it was obvious for 15 years prior to that that Run Jeremy was Rap, but We all just took it for granted that that this is just how, , Ron operates. And so too, it’s been obvious for 6 years that Joe Biden is in substantial cognitive decline. And and yet, it has not been 1 of the even top 40 new stories over the past 4 years.

Speaker 6: When you start speaking in a language that people don’t speak, they resent that. And if you start speaking like Npr, you’re gonna lose votes. So I tell people, this 1 term that you, I I just don’t like the term communities of color. I don’t know what that.

Speaker 0: Right. This is James C.

Speaker 6: Hell it meets. I live to orleans. So I I think got 3 guys on the street corner. I said, hey, hey, Fellas how things in the community are call date. It’s a little bit talking about.

Seriously I ain’t bastard adi. Right? Cork to address people like you… Like, they address each other. And we started on this coded language and be let it get away from us.

And people… It it it it hurts. And it’s what I call coastal condensation. That we know what’s best for you. Don’t eat hamburgers.

Don’t watch football, don’t drink beer. Guess where our young male number is going. In the toilet. Alright? Because democratic messaging, I’m sorry, is too feminine.

It just is.

Speaker 15: Okay. James. Was I was I’m gonna stop you right there, but I’m gonna… But we’re gonna keep going because I wanna… I wanna quote something You said you told Donnie Doyle earlier…

Oh, actually a few weeks ago. On his podcast. I’m gonna try to leave out some of the. Here’s what here’s what you said. Unless you want me to say the words.

I mean, I, oh. Okay. So Donnie, Donny was asking you about, , shrinking mail support for Democrats. And you said, and I quote, I think democratic culture has too many preach females. It’s too much don’t eat hamburgers don’t watch football, wear a condom like man, shit.

Leave me the fuck alone. Okay? Like, Like, I got a goddamn life to lead. And then he said he, I called this cosmopolitan con condensation. James.

I get where you’re coming from.

Speaker 6: Thank you.

Speaker 15: But there are a lot of people who… For whom, , saying that there too many preach females might… Sound like you’re a 20 twentieth century man in a 20 first century country that has changed. So So what’s wrong with people saying, and by the way, it wasn’t.

Speaker 0: Now, James C is correct. But he is out of touch with the dominant elite. This is, I think Jonathan K, a, , a gay, feminist blow on the Washington post his interviewing.

Speaker 15: Democrat saying don’t watch football. That was Republicans. But that’s a that’s a digress. Talk talk to me and other people for whom what you said there is un maybe to some un who…

Speaker 6: I I if you think about democratic. Listen to Npr. Let read what comes out of that. Alright? And you can see it.

And I’m sorry, there are too many preach females in democratic campaign culture. Alright? And and it it and we come across to people is judgmental. And that’s not good at all. You can come across as understanding.

And and if you want… If the proof is not in the pudding look at the male number of people that identifies democrats. And you can keep talking like that But you’re… It 1 of the things that I found out, there actually people who don’t mind losing an election because it makes them feel better in superior. They nothing short winning it.

That’s what you’re about. If you don’t win, you don’t have shit. You’re just wearing around with talking points. Alright? It and you don’t you don’t win elections by telling people at their dietary habits are bad.

Or they shouldn’t be watching football and drinking beer at the same time. Not good. I’ve got news for you. Football is popular, people watch it.

Speaker 0: Alright. That’s James C, just absolutely nailing some the basic disconnects between the democratic party and your average American voter. Alright. Let’s get down to very popular theory that Jay Biden has never been running the country. Essentially, the deep state is.

Sailor tackle this is the presence of a Palace puppet of chap do we behind the scene figures as deep state theorist presume or is the man in charge of the president? Usually the president himself, even though he’s just shell of his former himself. So how I still believe the person in charge is Joe Biden, and I suspect he’s basically competent about 6 hours a day between 10AM and 4PM. So the problem with the deep state theory, they tend to act details about who and what exactly are running. The show?

Like, who are the powers behind the throne and how exactly do they enact their? Will? So you say it says, my experience power power tends to work in the modern world is that the guy nam in charge tends to be the guy really in charge. Now there are large fields in which political power is highly limited, the leftist gets elected the president of Quite a lot, , quite a Gu on a platform of radical increases in workers wages, He’ll quickly find out that international financial markets won’t be enthusiastic about playing ball? Nor is it easy to get bureaucracy to do what they don’t want to do?

In the summer of 19 14. For example, elected and hereditary leaders discovered to their surprise that the vast machinery of modern military mobilization radically curtail their freedom to maneuver adequately at the last moment, but in imp political realms such as whether or not Biden runs for reelection, peak, deep state theory suggests that the decision rests more in… Well, peak. Joe Biden theory suggests the decision far more in the hands of Joe Biden than in the deep state. So here in the New York Times, new section this weekend and some clues towards the end of this article, the White House, brushed off questions about Biden age then the debate happened.

President Biden allies no longer can wave way concerned about his capacity. After his un steady performance at Thursday night’s debate. It wasn’t just un steady performance. It was horrifying performance. Alright.

Peter Baker has covered the fast past 5 presidents reports Ever since president Biden announced last year who would run again. Those in his in circle of closed ranks a brushed off the obvious question. Nothing insisted he was not too old to seek election. Now why would they close ranks because they believe in in what they’re saying or because the incentives are such that it encourages them to say the things that they do. Then the debate happened now the days of denial of the White House are over.

Many distressed Democrats are left wondering how has it come to this. How could those closest to Joe Biden not talking him out of running? Well, have you ever tried talking president Biden out of his final ambition? So another New York times article claims that Biden is okay from roughly 10AM to 4PM, but then the sun effect hits him hard. So the week of debate prep was supposed to get him to change his internal clock, so he’d be in his good phase at 9PM, eastern daylight tie the debate.

Obviously, that didn’t work. If any of the president’s advisers us has ever addressed Biden age with him in a forthright right way, they have not acknowledged it. But the president is engaged in no organized process, Outside of his family in deciding to run for a second term. None of the advisors described a meeting or even a memo that outlined pros and cons of a reelection campaign that might have address the consequences of his age. Nun said that they have discouraged him from running, or even discussed how to address his age if he did.

He simply told him to assume, He was running unless he decided. Otherwise, So what about Joe biden or powerful handlers or it turns out, they aren’t or powerful. They’re simply there to facilitate the big guy doing what he wants, not to tell me what the really important people went to do. So Joe Biden hide them, Joe could fire them, Biden is the most powerful man in the world, and they don’t get to hang on to their jobs if they challenge him. So such a conversation would not just be painfully difficult for presidential aids, or, it would mean the end of their jobs and the end of their appearance of power.

Right there’s something very different about raising such a personal issue with the boss as opposed to a personal factors like battleground states polling or policy questions. Right? Joe Biden closest aides, admire and respect the president, and they would be close to him if they challenged him. Right? They don’t wanna hurt him.

And they don’t wanna lose their own status. Right? So Joe Biden, handlers don’t really have an independent power base. They are creatures of Jay Biden. And as soon as Jay Biden is no longer president.

Right, they are again to lose power. So Joe Biden may have moderately competent staffers, and they’re primarily distinguished by that long term proven loyalty to Joe Biden, in return for their job. Right? They they’re not gonna flip on Biden and tell him anything he doesn’t wanna hear. So it doesn’t appear that they’re…

And or does it come down from the powers the b, whom Joe biden must obey. Right? That doesn’t seem to be how it works instead it’s all very messy. Personal and uncertain. Now James Covey says people around president Biden have been with him forever, coach of the White House is different than the 1 I’d be familiar with, and they’re not gonna advance in their career if they tell him anything that he doesn’t wanna hear.

Given his age, Jay Biden has few people he sees as his peers, and he doesn’t have good relations with Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, and he would Bristol if either of those former president. Told him not to run. Right. Joe Biden knows that the people are knowing well such as Barack Obama. Don’t think he’s smart, and that is always anger him.

It’s I 1 Joe biden closest advisors is Ted Kaufman, who is 85 years of age. So Jay biden always been an ordinary knuckle head. In usually doesn’t moderate that disposition. Doctor. Joe biden doesn’t seem well that reasonable easier, either.

Right? Who would have the ability to show change Joe Biden mind. Right? It I… Who in the deep state is really running this guy.

The Joe Biden is an Ego man like Donald Trump, he’s just not any particularly entertaining ego. Let’s get a little bit more from Mark Hal and company here.

Speaker 1: That it he has to go more or less. Thank you, Greg. What I’m hearing again from folks is And I’m just as Greg talked on listening, but also going through going through more and more text from people and and and reading some summaries, of what’s being said on Msnbc. And and it’s just it’s just… , they’re doing their best to dance at it.

Mark Mc mckinnon is here.

Speaker 0: But what a few tone here in this. Mark hal conversation. So Joe Biden aids did not understand why it gave an entirely different answer on the age questions than the 1 they spent more than a week perfect defect. Alright. Biden and aids plot debate strategy for months than it all collapsed.

The game would on early debate, they prepared intensively at Camp David that but Jay Biden still ends up doing what he wants?

Speaker 1: Send me a message about his Mark, I’d love to hear. You you’re getting texts from friends are not political. Junkie, who who said, I had no idea. No idea that that’s the state he was in. And I think it’s a good point.

It’s also it’s also hard to imagine. How they how they turned the page on this. Right? How do they how do they suddenly how do they suddenly get a new narrative going. Saying he you had a cold isn’t gonna do it?

It’s not gonna do it. I wanna hear from some other folks.

Speaker 0: So, political has done a lot of excellent reporting after the debate. Notes that Thursday’s, night’s debate could not have gone worse with Jay Biden, but it wasn’t just his own doing. Of the course of the 90 minute debate, the president was repeatedly ups stage by Donald Trump, who took control from the outset by unleashing an onslaught of vectors that Biden simply could not match. Right. 1 key difference between Joe Biden and Friday rally, and the different dynamic in the Thursday night debate.

Alright? In the Friday rally, there was no Donald Trump. Right, Donald Trump had an effective strategy that emerged early on attack, attack and attack. Joe Biden again, ignore moderator specific questions to just lay into Joe Biden. Joe Biden couldn’t keep up, and he simply fell apart.

Now, normally, I don’t spend time with what body language experts say after anything. But there is 1 guy who I particularly respect because I’ve read several of his books and they’re excellent. Right? If you wanna know how to be likable, for example, re read this guy. And here he is in Political.

Joe Navarro, author of what every body is saying, next Fbi agents guide to speed reading people, and the dictionary of body language you field guide to human behavior, right, He spent 25 years as an Fbi agent. He’s published excellent books, and he says that words to easily twist the truth, but buddy language doesn’t lie. For example, He points out what’s the most honest part of somebody’s body it’s the feet. Right? The feet tell you where someone wants to go.

Body language doesn’t lie. And makes this obvious point that I think many people picked up on, Biden age was clear. From the first step he took on stage. Alright? From the time he entered the debate.

He looked old and frail. Handshake on a debate stage communicates mutual respect. Has been a tradition for as far back as we’ve had presidential debates. But no not verbal sign this election will be every bit as divisive as many fear will be. Right.

But. Enters the room first to his stiff walk with a short narrow stride immediately shows his age. So there was a time when I had these, didn’t just debilitating tension patterns, and I couldn’t move my feet more than about 6 inches. I couldn’t lift my feet more than about an inch off the ground, Had had all these spasms going on in my back, and I was disabled for about 3 days. I I was just wreck.

This is something like 20 15 or, yeah. I think 20 15 20 16. And so these are code by, muscle spasms unnecessary muscle attention, and These sides are not necessarily a cataclysmic sign mental decline, but as we age, we lose all sorts of nose that help us keep. Our balance. And if you don’t address the interference of your unnecessary muscular attention patterns.

Right? They just get worse and worse and worse. And that’s what we’re seeing with Joe Biden. Right? So we have all these nerve cells on and just below the skin that are robust when we’re young you’re able to detect the most delicate touch, the slightest change in pressure and temperature, the subtle movement of vibration, and they steadily lose sensation as we age.

The tactile messages, they send along the nervous system take longer to reach the brain. So we adapt as we age and we start walking slower and more carefully because nature is not kind. So there we have nerves along the outside edge of our feet and along the meteor plant nerve, which tends to ina the big toe that diminish diminishes we age, you lose our ability to dissent where we are walking with precision so that also forces us to slow down. And these nerves don’t always affect our cycling or swimming, but they definitely impact walking. And then Donald Trump’s tan.

Right Made Biden look hold. Alright? In comparison, To Donald Trump. Right, Joe Biden just looks so pale. And these appearances make a a big difference.

Right? Biden looked wide as a sheet next to a son Kissed Donald Trump, so humans naturally Intuit health vitality and energy in a tan face. So was another indicator that Joe Biden appeared frail. And then, Joe Biden his body language. He just looked absolutely lost.

Right. Just looked completely out of it on Thursday night. He he seemed like a statue. His lack of movement was especially striking next to Donald Trump who drew the viewer his eyes with dynamic and motions aggressive finger pointing No Trump’s got very powerful body language. When you are using your your hands, You wanna keep it within a certain range.

Right? If you… You’re waving your hand out here. Donald It looks weird. It looks like you’re fl.

But if you keep your your your hand movements just within a certain box or near and around your your face in your chest. Looks much more powerful. Donald Trump is very powerful hand movements. So he appeared had much more energetic than Joe Biden Right. Joe Biden was just filled with blank pages.

Right? As we age, our gestures become economical. Biden nonverbal communication did nothing to count the narrative that his age aegis catching up upon him. He did his verbal communication. Right?

The horse timber of his voice. Distracted people from his arguments. Right? There exercises that he he could have done that given him a a more powerful and effective voice. I mean, I I went and got voice lessons and my voice is much more effective.

I’m much more easily able to project my voice than I was prior to getting voice lessons. So if people have a chord vocal m, they should mention it to people and they should get help, there are exercises you can do. Both candidates eyelids flooded, but for very different reasons. So here is the analysis. Alright biden flooded his eyes when he made a mistake.

Common behavior. The people have a stu. But Trump, the eyelid flutter was less an expression of inward frustration than outward disdain. Trump used a fake smile is his shield. But, yeah.

Overall. J biden just completely fell apart.

Speaker 16: I think when they saw that debate, they recognize they need somebody that can be on the world stage and command respect and can deal with… Other world leaders. We live in a very dangerous time. What do you see what’s going on with Russia and Ukraine, obviously, China and Taiwan, the Middle East for his Damn. And strong support for our great Ally, Israel, which we’re not seeing from president.

Speaker 0: Okay. I heard it’s interesting analysis on Israel and predicting what’s what’s coming in bb Netanyahu speech coming up in what, few weeks, Bib Netanyahu, israel’s prime minister will be we’ll be speaking to congress, and let me play a little bit from this, this analysis.

Speaker 17: Right, It would… It’s just very tangible. She said and it’s exactly what you are saying. She said, America is trying to place Israel under the umbrella of new…

Speaker 0: So this is a gay Israeli comment used to be on the far left.

Speaker 17: Negotiations between the the real powers, Iran and the United States, down Israel to the level of Hezbollah, So Israel. Black has Israel is an American proxy. Hezbollah Ba is an Iranian proxy. The adults will reach an accommodation and the children should just get along.

Speaker 18: That’s exactly the way it works. That… That’s exactly the way it works, and the the the administration does it cleverly. Without part of the reason it doesn’t admit that it’s doing is if admitted that there would be huge outcry, including in the pro Israel community, But but if they if they are clever about the way they present it.

Speaker 0: So this is Michael Duran. I… I’m not familiar with him. But I I’ve find his commentary here compelling.

Speaker 18: Then elements of the pro Israel community will come in behind them and support and say that they’re really trying to do the right thing by… By by Israel. 1 of the amazing things about the realign. The… By by the way, this isn’t just about the negotiations with hezbollah, the realign has always included the element of elevating the Palestinian question, higher than anything else in in our in our relations with with Israel.

Speaker 0: So when we’ve had Democrats in the White House, they went it. The Palestinian question, who we had Donald Trump in the White House he didn’t care about the Palestinian question.

Speaker 18: And and elevate simultaneously attacking the could extreme right wing governments and is suggesting that there’s a way in which the United States and Israel can get along very well, and that’s if Israel will just dispense with it Right wing. What they’re really saying is settle down to you to you… To the definition of what Israel’s rights are according to the United States. We define what you what’s what’s legitimate for you to defend and not to defend, not your internal processes is. We’d we decide and then and then we wanna work with the faction in Israel that we like.

That’s that’s all part of the… Of this of this regional vision.

Speaker 17: I I wanna add 2 points to that. 1 is that you and I interviewed secretary Mike Pompeo, after he left office on these questions and asked him what is the difference between the Trump Middle Eastern policy, the Trump administration’s, Middle eastern policy and Obama’s. And and what he said, it it had 3 legs. 1, Iran is the problem and not the solution. Secondly, we need to bypass the Palestinian v.

On peace between Israel and Arab states. And third, we need to keep a a need didn’t say possible. A convincing deter military force in the region. So so

Speaker 18: that’s that’s that’s it. That’s a that’s the that’s a beautiful summary. Of what the alternative policy is.

Speaker 17: And and he was and he was right on that. And and the second thing is that we keep repeating here is that the the American administration or this administration at least is is almost completely blind as to internal Israeli politics. It is unaware that after October 7, the 2 state solution is dead in Israel, weather or…

Speaker 0: So if Joe Biden drops out gonna happen today. Alright? There there will be a conversation within the Biden family, the biden family are at camp David. So if if Biden decides to drop out because he feels too humiliated it after thursday’s debate. Right?

That decision is gonna be made today. So if Biden doesn’t drop out today, then it’s less and less likely that he will drop out.

Speaker 17: Or not, Liquid is in power and that this is not an extremist view and as, , the 2 thirds of Israel are on the stream side of, of the political spectrum, and and only a third is somehow is somehow in the middle. Of course, the picture is different. And that third is now AAA very radical faction note that even benny guns is consistently refusing to say that he would support a Palestinian states. So this means that even at the center, you can’t sell the 2 state solution to an Israeli public and expect to be elected. Now, Mike, I wanna move on to to to Netanyahu to statesman states.

Speaker 18: Right. Good.

Speaker 17: 1 1 was in the A very impressive speech which was greeted by the opposition to with with a whole lot of shouting, some… The the the chair, the the what do you call it in in America? The the chair of the

Speaker 18: the speaker?

Speaker 0: So in Israel, you often see Jewish traits in a much more concentrated form. And so 1, particularly Ash trait is verbal intensity. And and verbal violence. So Jews don’t don’t commit much criminal physical violence, but they tend to be particularly verbally intense. And if you think that, American political rhetoric is over the top, it’s it’s quite mild compared to what…

What goes on in Israel?

Speaker 17: The speaker. The speaker, a mister Amir Actually ordered some of the members of K out. After they refused to to stop shouting. But Netanyahu gave a clear speech, and he also went to the program called the Switch we should talk about 1 day because it’s a whole revolution in Israeli television. And it’s driving the mainstream media wild.

It’s a half sat half serious political show with very sharp witty pun clearly on the right, but that fact that Netanyahu is coming there. Means that he has resigned himself to the fact that in the mainstream media, they are just competing in who would be more heroic in shouting him down than about trying to understand what the prime minister’s views are, and so he made a clear line. He’s not coming to these studios. Mind you that he did a year ago. Even in the beginning of the battle of the reform.

He still would. Now he clearly doesn’t. And so I think this connects to the former subject because he was asked and he talked about the the the current state of the war and the future state of the war. So how would you sum up his position or the way he presents it.

Speaker 18: Oh, it’s directly related to what we we’re just talking about. And… But but before we do that, can can I just… Lay out what the… What the…

Israeli… The Israeli mainstream media is not talking about that at all. What they’re talking about is the hostages for prisoners deal. So let me just quickly tell you what they’re saying, because I think it’s kind of interesting and it’ll probably reverb in the United States today. The…

So on on the patriots on Sunday, Netanyahu said that he was willing to accept a partial deal. So basically, stage 1 of Biden 3 stages. The the stage the stage 1 is the the the, all the limiting hostages who are civilians, basically. I’m I may have it a little bit wrong. Stage 2 are the are the soldiers and and then and then stage 3 is the rebuilding of Gaza.

But what Hamas wants… What Biden wants is he wants stage 1 to basically in the war. Theoretically a temporary a temporary seats swap.

Speaker 0: Right. Jay biden is desperate to end the war. In Gaza, for the sake of his own reelection prospects. And let’s get something more post debate analysis here.

Speaker 1: Who will join it. Soon I help. But if you’d like to get in, ask a question or make a comment, raise your hand. I see a couple I’ll go to… Iphone.

I think I know that is potentially, but go ahead iphone on mute and tell who you are and ask a question or make your comment.

Speaker 0: And Mark Cal, the The leading political comment and and report

Speaker 1: on you today. Talk.

Speaker 0: So he’s got a subs. It used to be ahead of abc political coverage until he

Speaker 1: done. Ross.

Speaker 0: Taken down. Yes sir movement.

Speaker 19: Hello. Thank you for having this group, and I apologize if you can hear my kids playing in the background, but I just wanted to make the comment that, personally, I have felt that Biden has been too old for a really long time, and I’ve been surprised that Re every… All the strategist have been to admit that. I voted just like what was just said, I’ve voted for Biden in 20, and I planned to in this election, but now I don’t know if I can. I think that the Democrats, unfortunately, are in a situation where they can no longer cling to their old model of, making a, basically string, , kind of cobb together a campaign out of the ashes of what they used to be.

And I need to find some young candidate or candidates who can project them into the future, which will be very difficult to do, and they’ll probably lose, But this is this is where they’ve put themselves, Know? And I’m 45. So, I hope to vote for a democratic ticket, but I don’t know.

Speaker 0: So as a common comment in… I’m just seeing now the debate was funny. Tommy says this, yeah. The debate was hilarious, and there’s just a pie to a lot of political commentary that, oh, you should not find this I’m amusing. Should not see the humor in it.

This is very serious. But that there’s nothing that any 1 of us individually can do. And so seeing the human things is a great attitude when… You can’t change anything. Right?

None of us can change, whether or not Joe Biden runs for office. So you might as well get amused. I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan. And in the opening round of the playoffs, they just got decimated in in the first quarter by the green Bay packers, the game was over. And I adopted the attitude that this is just funny.

Right? Cowboys were highly favored to win the game, and they were destroyed by the under and it was obvious in the first quarter, they were gonna lose the game by a massive margin. And in in these circumstances where there’s nothing you can do about it. Dog Yeah. The the healthiest response is to just find what’s funny.

Speaker 1: Oh, if I’ll be able to put 1 together that’s worth voting for. No. Thank you. Okay. Thank you.

My friend, Scott, who’s on here. Scott. I’d love for you to make the comment. You made the chat. If you wanna unmute.

Yeah going to do that. Yeah. Obviously has been a

Speaker 20: allowed to talk about the about november november and the implications at the top of the ticket. And yeah. Obviously, there’s a lot about that, but my bigger your concern is, yeah. We seem very vulnerable right now to 4 in adversaries that over the next

Speaker 0: Okay. So why do I say that if Jay Biden is gonna drop out he’s gonna drop out today? Because today’s the day, he’s in camp david spending time with his family, and it it would just makes sense that if he makes the decision to drop out is going to be because what those closest to him say. Right. Joe Biden in particular and your sister probably have more influence over it than anyone else, So if it’s gonna happen, III would expect that it will it’ll happen today if he’s still set on running by tomorrow then.

I would not expect him to drop out.

Speaker 20: Few months may interpret tonight and jim’s this this sc that’s happening across the political class and really all across of America. As a green light to take aggressive action on the world stage, whether that’s, , China in Taiwan or Iran or Russia or who knows?

Speaker 0: Right. I’m not sure that this is a great light for Russia and China and people on the world states should take action against the United States because the United States. I operates on basis of a system. It doesn’t really need the president of the United States to being to doing, mental gymnastics Right? We have a military.

We have area commanders. We we have a a system that will snap into place if there’s any kind of international threat, right, back to the Mark Hal discussion in the immediate aftermath of thursday has to debate.

Speaker 20: So not really a question as much and more just something a thought that comes to mind, , kinda taking everything that’s happening on Cable news and Twitter and the Zoom and beyond. So, yeah. I appreciate you let me share that mark. Thank you.

Speaker 1: Yep. Yeah. I mean, Scott, the besides the specific point, you may made which I think is it’s spot on. I think you’re gonna see a lot of spin off implications of this. , president’s has gotta be the president, and it’s not just national security.

The the , again, Always go back to Haley Barber App. And politics could get better and bad gets worse and be…

Speaker 0: Right. There’s no way you could see Thursday Night’s debate and think that Joe Biden is still competent to be president in the United States. Of edi was truly a patriot, he would resign his office right away. And if stopping… Donald Trump is the number 1 priority for Democrats, and there’s no way that they can support keeping Biden on the ticket.

It just shows that their talking point that the most point thing is stop donald Trump is not something that they truly believe. So they were never supported J biden running for reelection.

Speaker 1: Because there’s not another debate for a while because Trump is gonna dominate the news with his running made selection and his contention first, it’s really hard to see Joe biden and finding it a different way to to to make news. Until his convention and obviously this. That’s a far off far far off.

Speaker 20: And, Mark, 1 I thought on that. Now anything happens on the international stage in the next 12 months, especially if Biden seen is being, like, proactive activated it is gonna be viewed through the Lens of? Is he doing this to change the calculus politically. Alright. So it’s just another layer of kind complexity.

That, yeah know, what?

Speaker 0: Right. The most devastating narrative is that which confirms people’s deepest fears about you? And so I think people’s deepest fear about Donald Trump is that he is a near and he is reckless and self destructive. And so it’s entirely possible that Donald Trump was self des distraught. He had the 20 20 election, but he threw it away because of the…

Incompetent appearance that he gave to his administration’s reaction to Covid. If he’d simply reached some kind of a stimulus deal with congress in June of 20 20, he would have been reelected because he would have gotten the the support that he needed in those swing states. But because he just came across as a bumbling buff buffet he self constructed his way out of an assured second term. Right he just had to appear, average competent with regard to Covid, and with regard to the George Floyd crisis, and he would have been reelected easily.

Speaker 20: Your president to be kind of restricted by.

Speaker 19: I’m what I wanna know.

Speaker 21: How do the Biden team. How did they not teach him to look at the tally light and look straight ahead at the camera. If they’re don’t looking at the moderator. So he looks kept looking when he started a screen, he’s looking over here and Trump is looking that way. So he’s done into the audience.

Speaker 0: Good question. And if… Chat what smart people on the left are still supporting Joe Biden Is anyone making good arguments for Joe Biden. I’m not aware of good arguments for Joe Biden right now.

Speaker 21: And I just went this lane. Like, how do they not rear him to look at the camera?

Speaker 1: Yeah. So, Michael, the thing you raised is something that… Had there’s been a normal debate where there was kind of, like, , critiques of both sides. Absolutely great point. And and and there are people who are trying to ship the blame from the president too staff and things like I think they not involved to do that mike, I’m I’m certain that they did.

Speaker 0: I suspect that Joe Biden was taught to do a lot of things that he he didn’t do because his brain froze under pressure.

Speaker 1: But it’s again, testament to his current mental capacities that he couldn’t act what he was supposed to do in a number of ways. And and just to be clear, we haven’t yet seen the Rn and C cuts, which are being produced right now if it’s worse moments. His worse moments strung together is gonna be brutal, and and that include of the shots that Michael’s is referring to where he just looks he looks lost. Looks he looks unable to to to focus. Again, if you take the totality of his performance, there were moments that were better than not.

The bad moments are not an abe operation. They’re not an R and C deep fake or cheap think. They’re what, as Greg said, we’ve all seen if we willing to say Amber is not doesn’t have clothes on. What we’ve all seen for months and what my sources have said about substantially worse in the last 3 months. Thank you, Michael.


Speaker 0: So Eddy mainstream journalist who focused Jay Biden obvious cognitive decline. Was vi verified by his fellow journalists and what people in most professions most want is the respect and approval of their peers. And so if you’re focusing Biden obvious mental decline, right, you would get disdain from your peers prior to thursday nights debate. Because there there is this re nineteenth century victoria morality, particularly when it comes to candidates left of center by the mainstream media where a ruling elites who dominant sent to left and left. Right, kind of want to protect those who share their…

Hero system

Speaker 1: for me, please.

Speaker 22: I, I understand that the style was horrible in terms of like, whether he was where he’s facing, no volume practically whispering, but the content everybody said out Work Coherent than I was expecting for Joe Biden. So I don’t… I feel like I’m missing something, and there’s so… Because I don’t see the disaster on the style. And because I thought they both had a disastrous here in their in certain comments.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Elliot Vlad is is taking a victory lap. Elliot B is now, Biden He said 5 years of nailing it now Elliot is on to his next prediction. Elliot won’t live in the past. Because, Elliot and I have disagreed for for the past 4 years.

Elliott main point is that Joe Biden is not competent enough to run anything. And so obviously, the deep state is running Joe Biden. And I disagreed, I said even in his diminished cognitive of capacity, Joe Biden was still running the show.

Speaker 1: So Again, there moments that are… What you’re saying is true, but their moments were it’s not true. There moments where is he’s lost his train to thought. And he’s… Speaking Gibberish.

Now, again, if you wanna pick Trump’s performance and not it party, you can. He’s lying. He’s speaking Gibberish he’s. He’s offend certain groups to people. Absolutely that be really realistic sick about whether that matters given the totality of president bon performance and it doesn’t.

It just just a the reality, it just doesn’t matter. And it won’t matter. Yeah. , again, david bluff can say, Biden Trump turned off some voters tonight. And you can say, if you if you pay find the literal statements, if they weren’t all gibberish, but a lot of them were.

And he’s currently president. He’s that’s gonna be president for 4 more years. And he prepared for a week. He can’t have some moments of Gibberish. And have to be great on a curve and say that’s okay.

Because some of his statements weren’t gibberish even the majority of the statements weren’t gibberish. You cannot be president in the eyes of tens of millions of Americans. And I I can’t guarantee you that even the new York times in Washington Post and Cnn are gonna talk to voters over the next few days who say, as Mark mc mckinnon dead, I most considering voting biden I was leaning towards own provider. Who will now that either they’re gonna vote for. They’re not gonna provide whatever they end up doing.

And and, , never like to predict the. I will predict the fundraising and I predict public statements that are gonna come from some. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the polls changed in light of this. But for instance, the whole number of do you think Biden is has the capacity to be present, which has already been extremely bad for him. It’s hard to imagine given what the new coverage is gonna be like, that doesn’t get substantially worse.

Hey, thank you for putting this on, sorry, you guys were up on the East coast 7 in Seattle to just stay up to watch all that. You kinda went at the beginning of the, of the Zoom talking about the situation if… They were to replace them, but some of the delegates have already been selected for biden. So how does that go down as there way to move those to another candidates, say kamala or someone else and say they can’t get rid of them. I’m just having a hard time.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Is it always law and procedure and precedent that runs things or do do the facts on the ground sometimes overwhelmed precedent. So obviously, Joe Biden should not be running for reelection You shouldn’t even be serving as president in the United States. Are these compelling facts going to overwhelm precedent.

Speaker 1: I’m seen with, , economic data coming with the terminal the Middle east, all these things coming down reflection. How it’s gonna get better for at this point. But there’s no way to get rid of him. There’s no way to force him to give up his delegates. He doesn’t want to.

But if he decides he doesn’t wanna be the nominee, then it’s… There various mechanical to the dnc to ship those people to someone else. But I’ll say, again, the person who wants those delegates not biden is the person who has run with him and the person who’s the vice City Vice President. So… But if she…

If Biden says he’s not running, and she says she’s kind wants to that Gonna, there’ll be people who challenge her, but it’s gonna be very hard to beat amongst the delegates. So a little ahead of ourselves to getting that out complete. But I will tell you that is going to be difficult to given convince Joe biden, the she has a better chance of being donald trump. Gonna be difficult to convince her or not that she should not stand aside for someone else. Bill Pas.

Go ahead. What are the rules

Speaker 23: of the Democrat democratic National Committee, Mark, in terms of how do you change the rules? Of the Dnc. When it comes to the Republican National Committee, the only place you can change the rules is at the quad convention. First, you have to get it through the the rules committee of the Rn c, then through the Rn c, then through the… The the Rules committee of the National Convention and then finally, the convention.

Does the Dnc have the same kind of restriction or could they actually change the rules by a simple vote of a majority of the Dnc to say, we’re gonna institute a new rule that says,

Speaker 0: No. All all the rules right now are on the side? Of the Joe Biden running again? Right what does Nancy Pelosi?

Speaker 24: This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show, he has the stamina and the rest. And by the way, while the press and for some reason they don’t. There are a health professionals who think is that that trump has dementia that his connection.

Speaker 0: So the news media has had, 0 re with with running… Trump These stories about Donald Trump being unfit for office, but considerable dementia, considerable re until now. Exploring the story that J Biden is not capable of being president.

Speaker 24: No. His thoughts have not go together. And , like while he may be saying we’re enabler, we see Joe Biden up close, we know how att to arts to the issues, how warranty is, and I debate with him about legislation and not debate, but discuss it with him. He’s right there. So in any case, it was a bad night.

Let’s not sugar coat that. It was…

Speaker 0: Okay. So Nancy Pelosi isn’t calling on Joe Biden yet to drop out

Speaker 23: of we the Dnc in extraordinary circumstances can make the choice of our presidential nominee ourselves.

Speaker 1: Right. So until tonight? Didn’t consider this a serious question. I don’t know I know the answer. But I will tell you this.

I know enough about the rules to say that if Joe biden decides you I wanna be that I’m gonna. It’s not like they they don’t have a mechanism to let the dog gets vote for someone else. That will not be the issue. The issue of the other things I’ve raised, which is someone gonna convince him not do the nominee, what happens to kamala harris. And if and whether it’s kamala harris against 4 other people or 1 other person.

Speaker 0: Right, getting humiliated publicly just feels awful. Right? It feels so bad that it can feel know, worse than getting punched in the face. And so at a certain level of public humiliation, 1 would expect someone with any kind of hold on reality to drop drop out at this stage. Now Donald Trump has shown particular bra an ability to overcome public humiliation.

Does does Joe Biden have the same strength?

Speaker 1: Or on harris steps assigned to and it’s a wide open thing.

Speaker 0: I mean, I I’m a convert to orthodox judaism if every, , Orthodox view I ran into says, oh, I don’t accept your conversion. It would be impossible for me to go and living as an Orthodox Jew, but I never encounter that. Alright? I I get now public validation from my participation in Orthodox jewish wish life. And so If the humiliation just becomes sufficiently widespread and intense for that Joe Biden, you’d expect he would realize that he has to drop out.

Speaker 1: The mechanics of that the political ballet of that. Do they start giving speeches and doing interviews? Do they start going to, , interest groups or did they simply show up in Chicago? And and people vote in real time. No 1 can answer that question.

There’s no leader of the party. The share of the party is not strong enough to sort of leave that process in any meaningful way. So you’re asking when are now very important questions. I know enough about Dnc rules and the realities of the of a situation that it comes to that to say. I don’t think that’s going to be the issue.

He’s not it’s not like, if again, they’re not a force that. They’re gonna have be convince him not to run. And if they do, it’s not like, just because he want all the primaries, he has to be the nominee. Know, whatever the rules are, they’ll find a way. He’s not gonna be the how many of you don’t want to be.

What happens to those delegates is if they’re not buying are the harris. She’s not she’s not nominated the way he was in those primary and caucus. Right? But but she has it claimed on it, And are gonna be more loyal to her than the general population.

Speaker 0: So much of the world and much of life as we experience it is essentially decided by 1 person if there is sufficient incentives. For people with something to lose to align with that 1 person. And that seems to be how it is with Joe biden reelection. He essentially decided He wanted to run again, and then everyone on the democratic side was afraid to oppose him because that would cost… Cost them power.

And so 1 person essentially made this decision, and it doesn’t seem to be any any way for the democratic party to force him out. How does the coalition of the fringes even line on a candidate? Yeah. There isn’t an obvious candidate to replace him this this something you’d think they need to do if they’re going to force Joe Biden out. And Eli says that Kamala harris always sounds drunk.

And and think about if Kamala Harris becomes. The president of the United States. Right? Then you’re gonna get much more sustained scrutiny about her entrance into politics, which was as Willie Brown’s Mistress. Right she became Willie Brown girlfriend, and he got her her initial positions in politics.

So she entered politics by serving Willy Brown, in a variety of sexual positions. And this the news media has not touched that angle of the kamala Horror story yet. But if she becomes the candidate for for president, right, again have to confront it. And imagine what a field day, Donald Trump would have with Kamala harris.

Speaker 1: So… Don’t think I’d… With all expect to have a exert respect for your for your knowledge politics. I don’t think you’re asking the question that’s gonna beat your main. Don’t find way to do.

They’ll find a way to do it. Be it’ll be your tremendous in the sense We’ll have to know the answer, and they’ll have to figure it out. But he’s not nominee of these steps down, and they’re not gonna take it away from it because that’s impossible. Alright. Greg.

Speaker 25: Mark? When I said, I first I listened to you weekly on… I’ve subscribed to here obviously. To your newsletter Listen to you weekly on, Michael Con and shortly after a call. Weeks ago you’re discussing this kind of subject.

And I called, Michael, and Said, 1 of the most selfish ego people, I think, publicly, we’ve ever seen. Is Doctor Jill Biden. How this woman, and I know I shouldn’t comment on someone’s marriage, but it’s for the public to see? How she can allow this man to be paraded around as she has, All this time and be embarrassed is beyond… Well, it just tells you the level of ego in that White House and in Washington, Dc.

It’s it’s that’s the saddest thing for me tonight. The level of Ego that that perm, throughout Washington Dc of people that just love power so much. And for people with all respect, anyone to watch that debate I listen to Mister Axel rod afterwards saying, Trump did do so good. Trump was the same. Trump was had to find a debate.

That steve he does all the time. He did actually, he was probably pretty good. You may not like we said, but he was pretty good. Anyone to. I’ve heard people talk about Trump lies, you could do to fact check.

I’m give you do the same thing with President Biden, but nobody he does. Nobody ever fact check. President Biden, but Guarantee he lies us as much. Finally, I’ve heard some people suggestion you may have heard this that this debate this early was intentional by some the…

Speaker 0: I mean, almost all major politicians are are constantly lying. Really is is is is Donald Trump some kind of

Speaker 25: outline that so that this could be exposed. You don’t you don’t believe that obviously.

Speaker 1: No. I’m gonna spend a fair amount of my next 12 hours not that there because a lot of people assume it’s you’re The reason the debate was early was because the bond campaign knows they’re behind. And they wanted a away to prove to the base that he was gonna be the nominee, and then he could whoop the Trump. And and to and to have a change in dynamic that didn’t have to wait to the ball. It would…

And and again, there’s various ways to to prove that. The Democrats who might want test and weren’t the ones sticking the date. They didn’t they didn’t they didn’t pick the. And they didn’t go the buying campaign and they we demand. You demand an early page because we demand attacks.

That’s just not something that’s happening in the world.

Speaker 0: Right. So, yeah, there’s a popular conspiracy theory that this debate was held early inside the. Cra could get rid of Joe Biden. It’s an appealing exciting theory to hear, but there’s just no evidence for it because the people arranged, this early debate are Biden loyal who would lose power and prestige if Biden is removed.

Speaker 1: So… I I can tell you without reservation that that’s not why there was an early debate. There was an early debate because if Buying campaign wanted it. And again, they… Prepared him with the best debate prep team in the history of the country and say that with full confidence and no exaggeration, and they spent a week can’t david, and that’s what they reduced.

So there’s there’s there’s no truth to what you’re asking. On on your other point. I don’t think you should have run the first time, not just because of his mental state. I’ve written about this before. I saw him to a book of event 20 18.

And I felt bad for him that his career was over. And also, but running when your son’s addict, who couldn’t possibly benefit from being a public eye. Seem like a bad idea, even if all stuff that’s happened to under head and have it. So, there’ll be a lot of scrutiny, you’ll buy nap tonight for sure.

Speaker 0: Right. The reason that Ted Cruz isn’t running for president is because of of problems in his his personal life.

Speaker 1: As to the question of lying, I think if you if you did an actual accounting of both the quantity and quality of Lies, Donald trump lies more than Joe biden, but for instance, to tonight. Joe Biden, once again, claim that Donald Trump said, find people on both sides referring to neo Nazis. It’s just not true. It’s just not true. And, yeah, he set it up.

And if this had been a normal debate, I got that would have been back because the credit almost never back checks that. So in terms of trump’s performance, I thought he was a little bit better than the norm him. But it doesn’t matter. It’s truly meaningless how well you think donald trump into them. Okay.

Spoken to a few more folks. Charles.

Speaker 26: So what I’m thinking is what the hell happened between the of the union and now. Are your sources of saying that the

Speaker 27: past 3 months? I mean, the state of the union was the life of

Speaker 26: them and bigger we’ll ever see from that.

Speaker 1: So I’ve reported previously. That he has declined in the last few months, according to people around him. Number 1, Number 2, the state union is a set piece, reading off the talent helicopter. So And this is standing for 90 minutes. Getting questions.

Questions were not shocking. They didn’t they didn’t pull them. I think probably they bet pick. I think he was probably prepared for literally every question. But it’s harder and it’s a lot more pressure.

Right was thinking need to

Speaker 26: hit his because would’ve have been back and forth, the Trump that he’s 9 for.

Speaker 1: Yeah. I will say, I I don’t know other I don’t know anyone else to reported this, but I’m pretty confident based on my sourcing. That you were going to hear eventually that that I was writing, My sources were right. That… In the last 3 months, he has declined, physically a mentally, somewhat substantially Thank you.

We’re gonna take 1 1 or 2 more, And then I’m gonna let everyone go to sleep it. See you in the morning. Christine.

Speaker 28: Recognizing I think we’re all in a little bit of shock. On what we just saw, but, and then who’s very different Joe biden, maybe than the 1 who many of us have worked with in the past. What is your sense on how he receives bad news and how he processing. Let’s just put the claims of, , aside? Is he someone who…

Is it gonna be Jill? Who’s gonna be 1? Really delivering kind of the message to him, like are the key advisors is he someone that likes to talk about outperform or wants to move on to the next thing. I’m just curious about kind of what the next 12 to 24 hours are gonna look like. Really

Speaker 1: Great question. I think it’s unpredictable because this is, , you think about it? My politics. Obviously, you had worse personal days to say to leave. Think about his political career, which is seen a chair of disappointment.

This is this is arguably the worst day of his political career. And I don’t know how processing. Generally, 1 of the things about him that’s not very well known is he’s got a ridiculous temper. And treats people around him very badly. I don’t know they he’ll blame himself at all.

Think it probably blame his staff. And I don’t think I think I I know many of the people are random and I’ve known them for a long time. And I’ve not been able to break through and understand how it is that they’ve enabled him to run again. And how it is that they’ve labor. So strenuous to keep a press and telling the truth.

As Greg Kelly said the truth we can all see. They don’t know how they’ll feel about this. I have some indication. Not enough to report yet, but I some you that he was worse at Kent David in their prompt than he was tonight. Wow.

Speaker 28: Thanks.

Speaker 1: And and and I think he’ll be he’ll be based in the next, you, bear or 2 with a big crisis. And again, I once see happens with the fundraising and obviously the polls. Yeah.

Speaker 0: Alright. Michael Mc. He is a talk radio host. He wrote a novel about talk radio here is his perspective.

Speaker 29: It was a visual contrast that was tough for president Biden last night. The horse voice the open mouth look at the Cnn debate that did nothing to a lay voter concerns about his mental acuity in his stamina, and while Biden looked down, some Democrats told me that they are starting to look around to search for another candidate who could top, The Democratic ticket. Now joining me now is Michael Sm connor. She is the host of Cnn Sm Khan, and, of course, the Cnn political comment holder. Michael, good morning.

I’ve been looking forward to hearing your thoughts on what we saw last night.

Speaker 30: Can I pick up on what John Stewart just said, which is with all that debate preparation, you roll take? You analyze tape. It’s it’s like Nfl football preparation. I was shocked, and I just knew from the outset. They must never have shown the president what a split screen looks like.

And what he looks like. Casey, I’ve looked at myself over the years on tape with M open and looking foolish and it’s only when you analyze the tape as they should have done that you realize wait a minute, that camera’s always going

Speaker 0: Alright. We don’t tend to see ourselves accurately. That’s why we rely on other people to give us feedback, but other people aren’t gonna give us feedback if we… Are not going to hear it. Alright?

If we just tend to automatically reject our feedback, people will give up. And, Joe Biden is not someone who is open to critical feedback.

Speaker 30: Going to be beyond me, and I’m going to wanna have a particular expression on my face. I said yesterday that delivery was going to be more important than substance, and that’s exactly what came true. It’s all about the lack of delivery from president Biden and no amount of fact checking

Speaker 0: So I usually feel that within 5 seconds of somebody talking. I’ve got a pretty good read on where they’re at in life. , how how much self efficacy that they feel like they they possess and how effective they are in in life Right? You can just pick these up from the timber of someone’s voice.

Speaker 30: Of Donald Trump because I’m I’m sure that debate was littered with false hoods from Trump. But no amount of fact checking of Trump is going to compensate for the delivery that we saw from president Biden.

Speaker 29: Michael, do you think that the talk about potentially replacing Biden at the top of the ticket? And I’ve heard several people suggest… It to me privately, David Axel touched on it publicly when he was on our analysis last night. Do you think there’s any there there?

Speaker 30: There has to be there there. This was not just another incumbent, having a poor first debate, A,

Speaker 0: Yeah. The the low Iq perspective on Jay Biden debate was, well, many many incumbent presidents have had a poor debate. Not this was absolutely catastrophic. Right? It’s impossible for anyone with with a straight face and an Iq over a hundred and 10 to…

This make the case that Joe Biden should be president of the United States, Let alone in another term.

Speaker 30: Reagan A Obama, What Ai president Biden? The way, gives me no pleasure to say this. I think he’s a good man. What ai him can’t be fixed. They need to make a change.

And by Donald Trump may lose by winning because I’m convinced that there are stronger candidates, stronger opponents for Donald Trump, in the democratic field so that if it’s not Joe Biden, Trump ought to be concerned with who might be that replacement. And I’m thinking beyond vice president Kamala Harris

Speaker 29: Yeah. Who are you thinking about?

Speaker 30: I’m thinking about Gavin News. I’m thinking about Amy K shah. I’m thinking about Gretchen W… Robert Hu warned us. A Michael Con in Philadelphia.

Thursday night was not just another poor first debate performance. By an incumbent president, A Reagan in 19 84 or Obama in 20 12. They both rebounded from rust Nor was it akin to president Ford who offered a single poor response about Soviet domination of Eastern Europe or Papa bush looking at his watch In other words, this was not a 1 off. Instead, what Ai Joe Biden cannot be fixed, and eventually it comes for us all. Before the debate, I said that delivery would matter more than substance, meaning how things were said would matter more than what was said.

After the debate, others confirmed my pro notification, including the Washington Post editorial page, which wrote, this debate may not be remembered for what was said, but rather for how it was said. The part of my prediction that was wrong, was in thinking that Trump and his enabler had so lowered the expectation bar for Biden that he could easily exceed it. He didn’t. Trump littered the debate stage with False. Cnn counted 30 to Biden 9.

On any other night, that would be the takeaway. But this time, all anyone will remember is Biden be. And Rookie mistakes were made by the political veteran calling into question, not just his acuity, but his debate preparation? Was he unaware that he’d be on camera even when not speaking? Or did they tell him so only to have him forget?

In all of those closed door sessions at camp David. Did they roll any tape? Did they show him what he would look like on a split screen, Either it was a bad look that reinforced either way, it was a bad look that reinforced the concerns that have been noted in countless polls for the last year. David Was of the Cook political report tweeted this. This debate making abundantly clear that Biden insistence on running for another term.

When 66 percent of voters in our swing state polls, believe it’s likely he won’t be able to finish a second term has gravely jeopardize Democrats prospects to defeat Trump.

Speaker 0: I mean, how many people in the United States right now a glad that Joe Biden is president. Alright. 20 20 election people voted against Trump, much more than the it for Joe Biden.

Speaker 30: It was the earliest debate in our recent history for a reason. It was Team Biden idea. And run the commission on presidential debates. Why? Because he needed a reset where national and battleground polls have consistently shown him trailing Trump Biden didn’t want that narrative to cement over the summer, only to have people return in September when voting will immediately be underway, gone are the days when labor day marks the start of the fall campaign, not in an age of mail in early ballot, seen this way the debate, it was a bit of a hail Mary by Biden, and it was a battle thought according to Biden rules.

First, his insistence that there be R k junior. Left to the commission framework and timetable, Kennedy would arguably have fulfilled the requirements to get on the debate stage, and he still might for September. Second, no audience, third muted mics and to boot 2 commercial breaks providing a respite.

Speaker 0: Right. Donald Trump was served by all these rules. Just like most people are served by decreased freedom in in many parts of their life. Right? Sometimes it’s through our advantage to have more freedom, but most of us, if we get say more spare time, Right?

We will misuse much with if we get more money, we will miss use much of it if we don’t have some kind of system, locking us in place towards a a productive life.

Speaker 30: So eager was Trump to get Biden on a debate stage that he readily agreed to those terms. And in the end, that framework benefited Trump more than Biden. Trump’s speech was un as usual, but his body was measured. It is not the candidate who lurk over Hillary nor the candidate who interrupted Biden in 20 20. Biden at times was just lost.

We have a thousand trillion

Speaker 7: in America. I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent 25 percent, either 1 of those numbers.

I mean, they raised 500000000 dollars. Billion dollars, I should say, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the with with with the Covid, excuse me with dealing with everything we have to do with

Speaker 0: I mean, all of Biden supporters and enabler us all the people have been lying and saying that he’s up. To the cognitive demands of his office are just going to be pill from here on out until he quits.

Speaker 7: If We finally beat Medicare.

Speaker 8: Thank you, president, Biden.

Speaker 30: Watching President Biden, I thought of special counsel Robert Her. Who determined that Biden had classified information, knew it, shared it, but still did not recommend criminal charges, Why not? Because Her did not believe he could prove Biden requisite in intent, and that’s why he said, Biden would present himself, to the jury as a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor…

Speaker 0: Right. If a president’s gonna get every… Anything done, he has to have people who enabled him. And if if Joe Biden is going to stay in the race, he has to have people who will enable him. And if those around him refused to enable him, then Jay Biden will be more strongly incentivized to do the right thing and drop out.

Speaker 30: Memory. Those revelations went to the likelihood of success if the case were ever to be tried, and that’s a proper framework for evaluating potential wrongdoing notwithstanding that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Well, you remember the president’s supporters they how. They said it was gratuitous, But now we’ve seen what Her saw. And so has the New York Times editorial board.

They are calling president Biden to leave the race. Here’s part of what they said, quote, as it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. He understood that he needed to address long standing public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed…

Speaker 0: Look, you can’t simultaneously argue that stopping Donald Trump is the most important political. Acuity decision pacing America right now and also argue that Joe Biden should stay in the rest. Right? You can’t have both of those arguments. Right?

They cancel each other out.

Speaker 30: Did to do so as soon as possible. The truth mister Biden needs to confront now is that he failed his own test. The fact that the New York Times editorial page has asked president Biden not to run is huge. It’s the modern equivalent of Walter Cro editorial about Vietnam, which led L to recognize that he had lost Middle America. There are certain underpinning to a democratic president’s viability.

Cro kite was won for president Johnson, the New York times Editorial.

Speaker 0: Right, The favorite pun of of Joe Biden are overwhelmingly calling for him to drop out.

Speaker 30: Page is 1 for Biden and the Democratic establishment. And based on the times logic, It’s also a moment when senior democratic leaders, those in governor’s mansions and in the congress need to quit their conspiracy of silence about their president. Their obligation to their country is greater than their discomfort in calling it as it is. Here’s what I said on x last night. There’s no recovery for Joe Biden from the new York times editorial.

I doubt he’ll be the nominee. I say that with no gl. It’s just the reality of the influence. The Gray lady still holds over those Biden needs the most. Donald Trump may have just won the battle.

And lost the war. And here’s what I meant. With 51 days to go until the Democratic convention, will Joe Biden re the Democratic nomination, to a stronger candidate. Beyond Vice president Kamala Harris, the Democrats have a deep bench, Gavin news, amy K Gretchen W West moore jo Shapiro, Pete Butt judge. Polls say that America is largely disgusted with the current choice between these 2.

Well, here’s a chance for a fresher face to catch lightning in a bottle. A contested democratic national convention is nothing to defeat.

Speaker 0: No. Right. La is… Don’t don’t change the quality of your voice. Right?

Any chance, the big pharma could create throat lo that could assist Biden and Ari care junior in their. No. There’s no that is going to change the quality of their voice. There are exercises that you can do that would change the quality of your voice. There’s but there’s no logs then we’ll do it.

Alright? You need to change the point where you project from. Alright? You need to move up, in your projection point at the back of your throat to change the quality of your voice, but there’s there’s no loss It’s gonna do that.

Speaker 30: Beer. It would be a dynamic in captivating several days in American history. The person who came out of that process with the nomination? Would have enormous momentum and would be a far different candidate in turn…

Speaker 0: Alright. Mark Hal is the premier political reporter we have… Today used to be in charge of politics for Abc b. Here is the a Zoom call that he did Friday

Speaker 1: new story. And their people on this call are in the news business, it’s an important story for the country. People in this call were heartbroken and here. And their people in this call, we we’re very excited. And I want everyone to recognize that this platform as a platform for everybody’s is part of about 2 exists.

Their People who have different points of view, can come together and have extended political professionals, Democrats, Republicans who have that point of view. Their only interest is Michelle Bob Our. Then there’s the other poll that says… He had cold. Trump’s a liar, biden focus groups show that independents didn’t like trump last night.

Lots of incumbents had bad. He’ll be great. He was great at the rally after the event last night. Right at the Waffle House. They’ll be great in in under north Carolina today and at the vine Operation has the loyalty of their donors that the political class and the voters and that the polls may not drop pre specifically.

And that there’s plenty of time to recover. I’m I’m I’m I’m more in the second camp right now, than in the first half, but I don’t… I don’t doubt that the first camp could turn out to be right by Sunday. The the the the reality is that when need see what the polls to, when you see what the donors do when you see democratic politicians too. If you’re in the political orbit of Gavin news some, a governor’s shapiro governor W, governor this year today, you are hearing from donors and politicians saying, what do you think?

I don’t think any of them will make a move? I think the ball right now is in the court of Jill Biden, Joe Biden Hunter. And and then again, waiting to see. The people around Joe Biden if I have written have engaged in a conspiracy of silence to pretend this is the state of his mental acuity. And there’s nothing to believe that any of them with any influence him is gonna step forward today that I know up and say, what?

Jig is up. Then he still win this election before last night his path is very narrow. Is path was exactly 270 like. And there was another pad as of last night we have a lot of time left to try to close the gap in the sun unveiled states and put some other states in play. But after last night, I think the the the not just the horse rates pulling, which will…

I’m a certain change at least a little bit. But the question of the voters think he has the acuity to be president, is gonna be raised. There are people on this call who have received what I received, which is shocking text and emails from Democrats. Joe’s Scarborough, my friend. I’m Joe today, Joe’s wanna find and not just defender said, I have to go.

Great, man. Service the country, but he can’t be the nominee. The Show, same owner. Their coverage was, , pick a debate last night, Joe biden doing great Trump’s a big liar. Package showing sand not highlighting how poorly widened it.

And then Kristen Welch said, well, all people are talking about. Taking behind but that’s not really bad. And then they moved on to another story. 1 media company, really big disparity in they are telling american.

Speaker 0: So I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts from the bull, which is a an operation of anti Trump Republicans. And I was struck by the, of the perspectives by people like Jenna Goldberg and Crystal, Bill Crystal that they’re all saying Joe Biden has done a great… A good job as president and they support Joe Biden because he’s the only alternative to the type of authoritarianism that Donald Trump would would bring. But you can’t run anything without a significant amount of authoritarianism. So It depends where the authority authority is wielded.

But both Donald Trump or Joe Biden know whoever’s going to be present in United States gonna wield considerable authority and is going to leave themselves open for accusations of authoritarianism. So I I just consider that gonna an absurd argument for , electing a democrat because because it’s the only alternative to authoritarianism.

Speaker 1: To people that would happened last night. I’d love to do a focus group today in Wisconsin or Michigan to figure out what an actual voters. We don’t know what the ratings were yet. But make no mistake, Democratic elites are not in panic because Biden had bad debate. They’re in panic because they now have to confront with some of them had admitted before privately and some of them denied.

Does not appear to them a joe biden can win this election. Not just because the American people will say he’s not the right person because I don’t think he has the acuity.

Speaker 0: Right. There are a lot of lies that you can maintain. When it’s to your advantage for weeks, months, even years, but then 1 event will come along, and your lie just becomes unsustainable. And that’s the situation for Jay Biden enabled us today.

Speaker 1: To do rallies, convention, another debate if you can get 1. No 1 saying as they would if this were Barack Obama George Bush Bill Clinton, He should go out and have a press conference. He should say, yes, let’s do 10 debates. They’ll give such a great speech to the convention. No 1 is saying that.

And they’re not saying that not just because he’s not at the same level of political athlete as they were and their Brought. But because he doesn’t have the capacity to do any of those things. So we’re here from lots of folks on this call. It’s all gonna be very civil. I’ll remind everybody.

And, I wanna start with my 2 way colleague or are leader who has talk to a lot.

Speaker 0: So I remember the New York tires… Friend an op ed that Joe Biden stu is his superpower. And then you always find these these news articles about how Adhd is your superpower for athletes or if a certain people. Guess our Adhd it’s never your superpower. But Adhd makes you considerably less effective and much more volatile in life.

And a stu is not a super superpower. It means that you’ve got disabling amounts of bodily tension. Right? In reaction to a stimulus. Right?

You have a m adaptive, highly tense and necessarily constrict response that’s never a superpower. Right? Joe Biden is wrapped in so many layers of unnecessary bodily tension that they’ve become a cause just making his lives smaller and smaller and smaller and more and more constrict. Right this is never a superpower.

Speaker 1: Out of Democrats, and text, etcetera. So Lauren, I’d love to hear just what you’re hearing and what were you think.

Speaker 5: Yeah. I mean, it’s hard to… Process all of it actually because it’s been so, like, such a fire hose for the last, know, since last night. I think a couple things. Senior people, Democrats look, I I have to

Speaker 0: So a good part of where we support anything is how it makes us feel. Right, how are you gonna feel as a a democrat with Joe Biden? As your standard bearer. Right? That’s gonna feel awful.

Right? That that’s just gonna be embarrassing happen

Speaker 5: to believe that there is no viable immediate alternative in the sense that even if Biden didn’t decides even if they decide that in for the sake of the country because it’s too risky, It’s time to go, think about the profound deficit at any new candidates stepping in phases. They’re not known and there’s nobody who has the record or is known to the american people in the way that the president is, you’re starting from a huge hole.

Speaker 0: So Donald Trump has often struck me as not just self scented and self destructive, but selfish. Right? I… I often feel like he puts his own interests first ahead of the country, but Joe Biden, have you running for reelection and in the face of overwhelming evidence that he’s not up to the job, what what a supreme act of selfish?

Speaker 5: A huge deficit going into this profoundly critical action. So there… Learn Let

Speaker 1: me let me learn, let me stop you that. What about Hillary Clinton?

Speaker 5: There’s no universe in and which hillary clinton is coming. So let’s feel that, like, let’s see… Norm Michelle Obama, and, , Michelle Obama is about is like these taylor with. So let’s let’s just, like, deal in the reality. We’re really talking about the only options are some of the currency.


Speaker 0: Yeah. So when I talk to my my friends in Orthodox jewish life, they’re field with speculation that Michelle Obama is going to… Take over the democratic party. I I don’t think there’s any chance that she will be running for president.

Speaker 5: First, you mentioned before? Potentially numbers of the senate. This is not… I do not believe this is happening. Because of the practical reality of what that would take, the complexities of it.

The… The it’s just… It’s I don’t think it’s better I happen. That said, I think, look, I also get other thing. There’s a lot of this more.

Speaker 0: But, you have to have executive experience. To be taken seriously as a presidential candidate. Alright. Congressman and senators that usually run for president usually Governors, like, Eisenhower. He had executive experience arranging dj, running the Allied command against the nazis in World war 2.

Donald Trump had executive experience running various businesses, didn’t turn out to to run the very well, but he had a basis for for claiming that he was a capable executive. Michelle Obama has absolutely no basis claiming that she has executive experience.

Speaker 5: Morning. Of, I’d rather vote… I’d Take… 1 of my friends texted to me this morning. I would…

We ended Bernie over trump. I think that the the terror around… What with him?

Speaker 0: Right. If if Donald Trump was as mentally impaired as Joe Biden. Right? I’d still… Vote for him over any democrat because any Republican is going to be more supportive of law enforcement and punishing violent criminals than any democrat, and they’re also going to do more to restrict immigration than any democrat.

Speaker 5: Someone eyeing the drama this morning. Is that as much as we’re talking about your white the president biden is, like, really terrible performance. And, I think part why was so distressing for so many of us is because every single day, I have to including last night in an event before the the the debate. , I have to talk to people who say, I’m gonna vote for the president, but he’s clearly not with it. He’s clearly, , the the narrative around his acute which was so strong going into

Speaker 0: Such a gigantic difference between popular rhetoric around Joe biden and his obvious cognitive decline and elite rhetoric in the media. Which tried to modulate that perspective, it was just considered un unseen.

Speaker 5: This. And it just reinforced that. Even when people were willing to support them. And so that’s why it’s so painful and so difficult. So difficult to watch for so many of us.

But that said, like, I think that…

Speaker 0: Yeah. It it was difficult to watch, I guess, if you’re a supporter of Joe Biden. But if you’re just open to the comedy of life, right, you could then enjoy it. So if you don’t have control of an outcome such as American presidential election, I think it’s a much more adaptive added attitude to to pay attention to it to the degree that it interests you and amaze you.

Speaker 5: There is no question that Trump was terrifying last night for many Americans. His unwillingness to acknowledge that he would accept the result of the election, his total deflect on January…

Speaker 0: Yeah. I can understand why Donald Trump would terrify people. Right? His his inability to accept the obvious 20 20 election results, the role that he then played in enabling January 6. His general selfish and nihilism and self destructive, will, general naturally horrifying people.

He… He’s a man with the flaws.

Speaker 5: 46. His gas? Lighting. On issue after issue after issue. His blatant lies, which went unchecked.

And I think there’s a whole other discussion to be had at some point too about the ways in which media continues lighting and I say that as someone is part of it. Continues to fail around, you, there was no live fact checking, Cnn didn’t actually run some of the fact checks on Trump until 11:45 last night. ? So his his lives went just perpetually unchecked. And we’ve got this environment where we’ve got someone who’s a convict…

It… Regardless of what people think about it. We have a convicted felon twice and impeached, so, , libel of sexual assault, , I mean, on and on and on around Trump’s liabilities and yet today, the only conversation that we’re having is about the president’s Fitness and his terrible night last night, which was a reinforcement of everybody’s worst fears about the president. So I think the stakes feels so unbelievably high so many, even, you, regardless of political affiliation, there are as we know, , lots of republicans who are never trump. The 20 something percent in many of the primary states who voted for Nikki Haley, really because of their anxiety and their fear about what a second trump term would do.

Trump reinforce all of those fears last night, , the insane claims about post birth abortion. I mean it just goes on and on to memes today about what are black jobs. I mean, it’s just the whole thing with such a train wreck. But I think the the bottom line is there is no viable path for Democrats in any practical way to replace the president. I do not believe.

But there will be lots of continue conversations about it.

Speaker 1: Agree that. Let me thank. Let just say a few things about trial. He did lie repeatedly. He did a any questions repeatedly.

Joe biden a lot of untrue today too. Is his claiming that the president president Trump said that that nazis were very good people. He he continues to split that the Of his campaign Is not true. I think that that a lot of people. I’m not saying you haven’t learned a lot of people who don’t like, Donald Trump evaluate.

The effectiveness of his debate performances, sometimes through app prism. That is different than the way a lot of others see it. So it’s subjective.

Speaker 13: , the

Speaker 1: subjective, but a lot of people thought was very good last night.

Speaker 5: Yeah. I mean, listen, he was. I mean, I in many ways, that was Trump and his finest. I mean, he… That’s that’s that’s the essence of Trump is, And I think he’s certainly…

His people have be very happy because he’s certainly did exactly what he was supposed to do. And I think, , he was he was… , he had some real z against the president and, , there’s no question that that was what Trump did what he needed to do. The president did not. And I think that’s just sort of an objective Reality.

And, by the way, , you’re right. I mean, the president, , sometimes it sounds like missed stevens, but he made an outrageous claim at the beginning of the debate about no American soldiers having died , on his watch, and that’s just not… That’s crap. And and heartbreaking given his commitment to the military which we all know is so real in his son’s service and all of that. So, , look, this is a this is a doom scenario over democrats today.

Just think anyone debates that. And I’m missed it, Claire Castle did 4 minutes last night It’s shocking the calls that she’s getting. Yep.

Speaker 1: Again, this morning.

Speaker 5: And again, this morning. So all various moment.

Speaker 1: All I wanna say is biden the trump campaign is in a rare moment where they’re not attacking the press They’re not really doing anything Except they it all play out. But but I just warn everybody as I had since 20 15. That if if the counter 2, and again, learn about us putting this. You putting this on on the democrats who we’re trying to spin this. The counter 2, well, Biden showed his age but Trump lied.

And that’s the way that today today’s show kinda of framed it. Buying line a lot too, and and and Trump supporters and and and reluctant trump supporters. Look at the press doing

Speaker 31: that. Yeah.

Speaker 1: And say, once again, you can say Trump lied, biden showed no cognitive ability. And find lied too, but that’s not the way the press framing. And again, there’s just a backlash that which helps drop in my view.

Speaker 5: Sure thank Laurie. I’ll just say 1 last, mark. You look at reinforcement all the reasons, , we’ve done these focus groups with the double heaters. I think there’s a lot more of them this morning. , that there is a sense of despair that these are the options that the American people are facing.

And I think that just gets… That gets reinforced and what that does to voter to turnout, he’s ultimately going to be the million dollar question for this election.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Well, I wouldn’t wanna call Megan. Mccain, but I just say, pay back what warrants. All this talk about the Dnc rules about Gavin news versus Jb pittsburgh versus Other Winter. It’s all meaningless unless Jill Biden hunter biden and and, Joe biden the sister.

They’ll decide they’re gonna tell me has to get out. We can have those discussions. They’re fine. They’re interesting, but they’re immaterial because no one’s gonna

Speaker 0: Okay. Benny Morris left wing israeli his historian and he’s got an op ad here in At saying that israel’s is going to survive, they must strike Iran right now. So he says for 15 years, Netanyahu active with extreme hesitation in the face of Iran’s attacks against Israel and its interests. Right. Netanyahu who has not done what is necessary to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Right? We have now arrived at the moment of truth. The decision is necessary. Iran is on the threshold of a breakthrough to 90 percent Uranium enrichment. It seems to have the ability to produce a stockpile of nuclear weapons.

Attacks against Israel over the past 8 months by Iran and its emi series and allies provide sufficient reasons to attempt to destroy iran’s strategic capabilities. Right. The world should support such an Israeli operation, but even if the world doesn’t, Israel’s survival should be more important than possible international condemnation and sanctions. Right, a state that’s going to survive, puts its own survival number 1. Alright, Note better a moment to deliver a strategic blow against Iran, given the current e capabilities between the 2 countries.

Israel has a dramatic advantage in aerial capabilities. It has the advanced f 15 F 35 stealth aircraft. It has striking superiority. Iran’s, Air force is decidedly inferior. In the coming years, these crucial Israeli advantages or disappear.

Israel has 1 singular advantage. It possesses a nuclear arsenal, Iran only he aspire to 1. Right? Is Israel capable using conventional capabilities of badly damaging Iran’s mis drone and rocket production facilities. I don’t know, War is a realm of imp and luck, but destroying the Iranian nuclear project and Iran’s delivery capacity.

Is necessary if Israel is to survive. So growing Consensus, I think in Israel that Hezbollah must be confronted and Iran must be confronted And some more commentary here.

Speaker 18: As long as the goes good faith the negotiations are going on, it will… If the cease ceasefire will continue and biden once the Cease ceasefire to become a permanent cease ceasefire. That, of course, is well also what Hamas wants. It wants a guarantee from Israel that that will be an and into the war and a withdrawal of all the troops. Netanyahu keeps saying that he’ll accept these stages, but that but that the war will continue until its goals of defeating Hamas politically and military are are are are finished and his continuous insistence on the fact that the war will continue.

This won’t lead to the complete end of the war of the war. Is being presented by the Wayne House as sc the deal, which you supposedly agreed to. I don’t think he’s ever agreed because he’s been consistent on this every time. But when he set a partial deal on Sunday, according to to the the Israeli press today, this created a firestorm between between Washington and Jerusalem. In addition to the firestorm over the arms question.

And and the Americans insisted that he must come out. Okay. Let’s sell not his. He must

Speaker 0: of the show, Adam anything that you wanna comment on?

Speaker 32: I’m enjoying the show. Sir.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I can hear you. Go ahead.

Speaker 32: You can. Alright. So I don’t know. Luke, I was like tuning in.

Speaker 0: Thanks, Brian.

Speaker 32: And How important is this stuff?

Speaker 0: It’s not going to 99 percent chance that it’s not going to impact the the quality of 99 percent of people’s lives between. Biden Trump or whoever’s president of the United States, you should only talk about these things if they immune you or interest you. But as far as your own Advantages that there’s no reason to pay attention to it. Okay. I suddenly can’t hear you.

Speaker 32: Oh, you have a great presentation, so I enjoy the show, but I always wonder at the end of the day, am I gonna get.

Speaker 0: Keep going, I could hear you. Make make your point.

Speaker 32: First time to then, so I think I just wanted to say hello. And I would like to show and that keep going on. Thank you.

Speaker 0: Okay. Thanks. Thanks. And put any comments or questions in in the chat if, you don’t want to say anything. But, yeah, as far as as the quality of your life, you’re right.

There’s no necessity to pay attention to politics. The only reason to do it. Is for the same reason you might play chess or play pick basketball. Right, to to do it for for fun. But was there a a for comment or a further question that you wanted to make out of?

Speaker 32: Who’s running the porn industry again?

Speaker 0: Well, the porn industry is considerably declined. So it’s it’s largely ceased to be a a viable industry because most people can just get whatever they want for free. But the people who run the industry of people who are at ease with being outside of polite society. And so… You have people often with with the an ethnically italian heritage or an ethically Jewish heritage.

Who are at ease with being outside of what’s considered decent society,

Speaker 32: Alright. Size of the hat would be smaller than others.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It’s considerably diminished in size. It’s just… Overall, it’s no longer economically viable unless you’re able to establish a relationship with people who pay for. So just as like journalism is dead as an industry, unless you’re able to form such an intense connection with your your readers, or your live stream followers that they want to donate because they they want to, , be connected to something.

So too with only fans, you have you have people who wanna feel some kind of connection with these goals who are getting. And if you have a competent staff and and give people a a feeling of a a virtual relationship, then you can develop a a business model. But overall, is a business, both journalism and pornography dead.

Speaker 32: Well said. Thanks, Luke. Enjoy your show all the time.

Speaker 0: Thanks Thanks glad hear from you. Okay, Bro. Take care.

Speaker 18: Quickly, accept the deal offered by president Biden. And they’re saying that that’s what he did in his speech before the, which you just which you just lauded. Personally, I don’t see the big difference between the… Yes he came out and and and said that he accepted Biden Biden deal. I don’t see the big shift between the 2.

And I don’t see any inconsistency between what he said on Sunday, what he said on, yesterday and what he’s and saying, all along. But that’s where the press is and they’re they’re they’re hammering away on this. Personally, what I found most interest in thing about the the the both the interview and the speech is that the war aims are shifting. Thing

Speaker 0: So whatever happens in Gaza, again, it has nothing to do with the quality of life of the average American. Right? If 5000 Israelis die in a war against Gaza or 25000 Israelis die in a war against Hezbollah. Or hundred thousand people die in Gaza or a million people die in Lebanon, you’ll have nothing to do with the quality of life of your average American. And that may sound, , very sad, but that’s just the nature of reality.

Speaker 18: And it’s it’s a subtle thing. It’s a subtle thing, and it’s not official yet. But originally, the war aims did all focus on Gaza. And, of course, there… I, as far as we know, there has only been a a cabinet decision about war aims in in in in Gaza.

And the warnings are to return the hostages and destroy Hamas mil military and destroy it and to destroy it politically. Increasingly though, when netanyahu talks, he’s adding the… This this is a style issue,

Speaker 0: Right. So here is a substantial analysis of Netanyahu that you’re not getting in the mainstream media. So… If this guy is correct, It’s a perspective that we’re not gonna hear so far in New York time.

Speaker 18: So you you can you can find statements all along where he’s mentioned they ran. And mentioned hezbollah and so on. But I think now it’s becoming much more part of his, of, his standard talking points. And if you go and leave, you listen to how detailed he was in the speech about returning everybody to their home

Speaker 0: Right. So people rarely say what they mean and mean what they say, but you’re almost always giving clues about what’s really going on with you and what you really want. When you speak. But it… It’s not on a literal level.

Speaker 18: Homes in the north, which is gonna require, which is gonna require putting significant pressure on hezbollah. And he’s also talking about this as a war with Iran. And he talked about a 7. This is a 7 front war against Iran. And he said, we , this is gonna take a huge effort against Iran.

Speaker 17: I He just mentioned Mike the 7 front. Because I know this issue has been confusing a lot of of people.

Speaker 18: Oh, so some southern fronts are Gaza, the West Bank lebanon on, Syria, Iraq, Iran and the H. Is that 7?

Speaker 17: Yeah. Yeah. It’s so.

Speaker 18: Yeah. So the the… The this is, I think directly related to what you… To your analysis. About the knock on the roof.

He is he is laying the groundwork for a speech. This is I’m… I have no information. I’m just this is what I I think.

Speaker 0: So if you’re pro Israel, the 7 front nature, of the current conflict. Is going to concern you. And if your your pro Israel and Pro America. Right? It’s particularly going to concern you because how an earth is Israel going to survive such a a multi front war without massive American help.

Speaker 18: Think that The great power of the ridge of the last speech that he gave before both houses of Congress was that he explained the connection to the American public, between the nuclear deal and the and the explosion of…

Speaker 0: So the gaza appear that the United States built for hundreds of millions of dollars. Turned out to be ineffective, but maybe the primary purpose of the pier was never primarily practical. Maybe it was… It’s he signaled to Biden voters. Right?

It was an expensive virtue signaling exercise, and so perhaps to that extent. It may sway a few votes in Michigan that Biden needs to win the election. So not everything that an individual does or that a government does or a country does is on a literal basis. Right? There is a profound virtue in signaling.

Right? Your signal who you are by virtue of how you speak, how you behave, how you dress, how you conduct yourself, right throughout nature, different forms of life are constantly sending off signals, and the effective adaptive successful person also sends off signals. Right? Virtue signaling is virtuous. Right?

It’s important to signal that you’re a good person. And the the gaza peer failed on a practical basis doesn’t mean that it it failed on an ideological basis for what the Biden administration wanted to accomplish.

Speaker 18: Iranian influence all around the arab world. Doesn’t And I think… And he knows that that’s what he did in the last 1, and I think he’s gonna go do the same thing in this 1. Now he’s gonna have to be mindful, because of the need for decent relations with Washington and the and the dependency on, and the dependency on the on Israel for, armament from the United States, not to go stick his nose at his stick his thumb too deep into the eyeball of of Biden in Washington, but he’s already talking about the 7 front war against Iran and so on. So that this is part of his public rhetoric.

So when it goes to Washington, it’s not a big change. That’s what I think.

Speaker 0: Right. If we do get a war against Hezbollah in the north. It’s not gonna be a 6 day war. It’s gonna be a 1 or 2 day war. Right?

Israel will try to move with overwhelming force and and get this done within 48 hours. But Israel cannot sustain long drawn out campaigns without suffering tremendous damage to their economy into their social cohesion Right? It’s a tiny country of about 7000000 jews. Right, They they can’t afford to keep… Much of their workforce in the military fighting long running wars

Speaker 18: this going on.

Speaker 17: So 2 things about that too. First, I think there may be… This may be put in a context of a larger theme, which I think that netanyahu Netanyahu hope certainly, I hope in many Israelis hope will gradually shift.

Speaker 0: Okay. So the the greater theme it is 1 that I’ve gone into in death. And that is the rise of the lennon anti imperial model. Right? That’s that’s the larger theme.

Right? You wanna understand it, and on its intellectual level. Alright? It’s it’s the 1 that I’ve been talking about the the rise of anti imperial, anti colonialism. That underway so much of civil rights law and international humanitarian law since World war 2.

Right? The lennon communist critique against imperial was the basis for the N trials and has been a substantial part of the basis for international humanitarian law and changing the rules of law. And We find that the anti Vietnam war. Right? It launched a comprehensive attack on the way that Western countries such as the United States Fought War.

And so you have a growing consensus among western elites along with… The anti colonial anti imperial communist movements, a growing consensus that the the way the west traditionally, fights wars is immoral and illegal. And so you have popular protests and news media reports that draws attention to the violence and d dpi of these wars because of civilian suffering. Right? It was always taken for granted.

Until essentially the 19 seventies that civilians by large going to suffer the fate of their state. But now, thanks to the rise of human rights, Law international humanitarian Law, which is under underlined by a narrative. Right? Law doesn’t just emerge out of the Ether expo facto, , coming down from on top. And it emerges out of a narrative.

Right? Laws come to us on the basis of narratives. They they ride… They’re like surfers riding the wave of a narrative. And so we have increasingly dominant narrative among elites that is anti colonial and anti imperialist.

And when you take away, the majority of meaning of colonial or imperialist, it simply means states that are more effective than other states. So anti colonialism, anti imperial is a movement of losers. It’s a movement of groups that are less successful. And how consistently been losing. But this loser attitude is 1 that has taken over Western elites who dominate human rights.

Right? There there are no major right wing thinkers in the fields of human rights and international humanitarian law. This is a field dominated by feminism and dominated by lenin and a large part of the reason that we have so much work culture, right, is because of the rise of feminism. It’s revolutionized how we, , understand these moral questions.

Speaker 17: In the public consciousness of the whole democratic world is that Israel is in a forefront is in the forefront, of a war for civilization against barb. If you will, the Samuel Huntington model of a clash of civilization, civilizations and that that that we are fighting the the war against Iran is is the war of the Judeo Christian culture it’s a huge… It it’s a it it it is a momentous war. I think he’ll sound that theme, and And I

Speaker 18: I hope he doesn’t sound the theme that you just said. I hope I hope the focuses on Iran. And because

Speaker 17: I think There

Speaker 18: are plenty of there are plenty of Muslims on our side in this in in this fight. And if you say Jude judeo of Christian, and you put them outside of the…

Speaker 17: Yeah. But but I think that in his my… I don’t know tactically, you may be right and may not be a good idea to say it here, but I think that’s nevertheless the truth and the truth that he believes that that that this war is no longer just a middle eastern war. It’s a it’s a worldwide war against the Ji form of of Islam. And what we see in Europe and what we see in American campuses are are are different manifestations of the same conflict.

And and in and in this sense, I think that , there the comparisons to…

Speaker 0: Okay. So I find that that analysis there, history on mis misguided, Sam Huntington’s. Culture clash of civilizations Is not helpful. Alright. We we don’t have civilizations at world…

We have particular nation states at were, Nation states. The actors in war and in international relations, nation states and then to some degree, terrorist groups, such as A hamas. But what we have in the human rights crusade and the complete realign of the laws of war, since the 19 seventies is the import invitation of of Kindergarten values into international law. It is the trans transportation of the traditional feminine desire to nurture vulnerable infants, but it’s been trans because so many women no longer have children that they take care of. Right?

They’re either childless or they hire someone to take care of their kids. And they simply take that traditional feminist nurturing impulse, and they direct it towards groups such as the Palestinians, and various groups in Africa and other third world groups who just continually lose at life when they compete with western powers. So we’ve got kindergarten values. You’ve got a transformation of traditional female nurturing desires. And these desires have been shifted towards helpless pathetic groups such as the Palestinians,

Speaker 17: to the 19 thirties abound. And… But but I think

Speaker 0: Right. Much of work culture is simply the import invitation of kindergarten values into the academy. That’s Amy Wax analysis.

Speaker 17: That we should remember that the Jews, at least the Jewish states. In in in in this version is not…

Speaker 0: Okay. He’s not very helpful, but nathan Kaufman and noah a call did a much more thoughtful.

Speaker 33: Hey. Welcome to noah Carl.

Speaker 0: Discussions den announcing the lovely.

Speaker 33: So I think you have emphasized the role of women Yep. In work. Actually, your article and this is influential on my thinking about recent events. What was the title again?

Speaker 8: Did women in academia cause?

Speaker 33: Yeah. I recommend people should should read link to it in my my piece on the stupidity problem. It’s a very disappointing conclusion because it’s really unclear what we were gonna what the solution could possibly be. To the extent that V is simply an expression of of preferences that are disproportionately female

Speaker 8: I I Sorry I would add disproportionately female or that arise in circumstances where females are well represent even among men.

Speaker 33: Yeah. So it’s… It it ema from and then is reinforcing my female presence, and we’re not… Turning the clock on that. Like that’s an on starter.

So we’re… We have to find some way of, addressing these these issues, acknowledging that men and women are both gonna be in part of these institutions. So we have to find some way to come to an agreement, between men and women and find some kind of desirable arrangement. But there is this very strong tendency. Maybe it’s not it’s not maybe it might not be all women or or or necessarily most women, but if there’s enough of a tendency among women that there’s a very strong push in the direction of start using certain methods to address to regulate behavior that are not really consistent with the classical liberal understanding of free speech and and and so on.

Now, on my view, this is certainly… I’m I’m not saying the equality thesis and the response to the equality thesis is the only important thing that’s happened in the last like 50 years. Right? There are lots of other things that are happening. Lots of other trends that are interacting with what I say is the core of v.

But the fe of the institutions is certainly an important phenomenon that’s going on, which influences the way that Wi is expressed, that would be my view But, on your view, I think you might place more importance on fe of institutions as a cause of book is in per s.

Speaker 8: But what was me Mean I I try to emphasize my article that I didn’t actually disagree with anything you said in that regard. It was just a slightly different, degree emphasis on different factors. Mean, I, as I as I mentioned at the beginning, , I basically agree that the acceptance of racial vegetarian and is… Excuse me, environmental by leap.

Speaker 0: Right. We spend 10 times 20 times, 30 times more on educating the less gifted… Than we do on educating the gifted at with very meager results. Right? Our society would be so much better off if we spent even 10 percent what we spent on educating the less gifted if we instead pour those resources into educating the gifted, who will produce so much more for us.

And whether the focus is on spending billions and billions of dollars on performing groups or the focus on helping the Palestinians. Right, neither impulse comes from a basis of what these groups have contributed. Right? The Palestinians have not exactly contributed significant advances to humanity. Right?

It’s just… There is a particularly delicious feeling of helping the helpless and hap and hopeless. For for some people. It is a trans mutation, a mutation, AAA bizarre transformation of the nurturing impulse that 1 is traditionally expected to display towards one’s own infants and instead taking this towards low performing groups either in your own country around the world.

Speaker 8: It’s caused related to the rise of. But in the case of case of fermentation, I think it’s very important and largely exogenous or at least partly executives know, it’s an independent factor that also contributed to the motives of this final phenomenon and that , but perhaps could might have been vision by itself. To cause both the elites to abandon hereditary and cause woken. Because I think not only do women hold views or at least sort of pro views more strongly than men, but they also seem to cause men to adopt those views in their presence perhaps, , due to a desirable part of men, not to be in conflict with women or to ?

Speaker 0: You can’t overstate the into power. Of even average looking women, over men. Right? You you’ve been married for 5 years, 10 years, 20 years , some average looking woman is gonna look like a Hollywood style to you when your a sexual fantasy start on spilling, and men will continually def themselves to to indulge even the most average looking of women.

Speaker 8: Increase their chances of succeeding with them romantically, entirely clear. But but the idea, 1 1 convergence Man for thinking and suggest that a lot of the schiff in academia is due disproportionately to women in, , the disciplines that could be described as fake or at least much less rigorous than the traditional disciplines. I, , the the studies departments and so on And if if you got rid of the disciplines and aren’t really doing very much. It’s rigorous. You might you might see a disproportionate change in the other disciplines and at the most activist prone, people of both genders, particularly women.

Would be gone. Well of course, that’s unlikely to happen now because they’re getting such a foothold.

Speaker 0: True T writes in the chat. Just stop by, but this is Bs. Goodbye. Wow, very powerful argument augmentation just dissect the critiques here of Nathan Kaufman and Noah car. You you really stepped up t texts and you displayed it immense, , intellectual ability.

Thank you for the power of your arguments.

Speaker 8: The… And have sort of proliferate out into the administration and bureaucracy as well. That difficult to see how 1 we

Speaker 1: do that.

Speaker 33: We don’t get rid of we have it seems that there is a kind of male versus female morality. Now, so in male only institutions and female only institutions, then they can be expressed. Right, without any, conflict coming into conflict with the other 1. Now, both of these morality have different strengths and weaknesses. So the turning society into a kind of boot camp might be taking the

Speaker 8: an extreme…

Speaker 33: Negative expression of of male, nail morality, And on the female side, like, just complete disregard for truth and over feelings. And

Speaker 8: I think we have to go any wax here who who who said that women have brought the values of the Kindergarten

Speaker 1: into the

Speaker 33: academy. So in principle, some kind of… And so… In in all major philosophical traditions. So there’s a concept of yin and yang.

Right? That that they interact with each, and there’s some kind of they should be in balance, both within the individual and within society as a whole. Right? It seems Now there’s maybe more of AAA conflict between female morality and the goals of academia. Which is theoretically.

Right, just get at the truth, find the truth, debunk everyone who’s wrong. Right?

Speaker 8: Engage in opponents, arguments rather than assuming they have in a nasty motive.

Speaker 33: So this disproportionately attracts, like, people who are kind of under a spectrum autism spectrum, which just means like male brain people. Right because autism according to an influential view is just extreme male brain.

Speaker 1: Yep.

Speaker 33: Who on the other introduction, there plenty of of great, like, win in scholars who’ve made who who certainly…

Speaker 8: I can. I mean, it’s the question overlapping Be.

Speaker 33: And and also, I think women have some strengths in in certain fields, and that have, and the that they’ve been able to make contributions in certain areas. Right, and and there should, obviously, it’s good to have space for… For that. So that’s not something to be upset about. But we haven’t found a way to push back against the the excesses of female rowdy.

Speaker 8: No. Louise Perry had an interesting article recently in which she teased this out in the way that I thought was quite. Compelling. She pointed out that the… It’s it’s single single mothers who are excuse me single women who are childless, who are the most woke just terms of the statistics.

I think of what she said. And this can be understood from the perspective of their, , they’re maternal nurturing instincts, not having a suitable biological target namely their children and therefore being directed towards. , disadvantaged groups in society, and that, therefore, 1 might consider the decline in fertility to be another independent cause of woken. Let doesn’t really answer question I thought that was interesting.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I think that’s pretty solid analysis.

Speaker 18: Interesting. I wasn’t expecting this. Now and I think that the number 1 enemy me is not islam and it’s not Iran. I think the number 1 enemy is W. And the the Iran is Iran is such a threat.

Because Iran is being empowered in the Middle East by awoke American foreign policy exactly as the student ag for Palestine are being empowered by college administrators. Just like, III didn’t look at it deeply because I’m admitted those look…

Speaker 0: Right. The people educating about the Middle East. On college campuses is not our best and brightest. Right? The the dominant people who appear to benefit from affirmative action, who study the less cognitive demanding fields to have the less going for them who have them least to risk, alright?

It’s it’s dominant the the side of the losers in life.

Speaker 18: Location doing undisclosed secure things. A secure undisclosed location doing secure disclose. Thanks. But the… But I saw there was a there was an episode in in Los Angeles at the a Synagogue.

And the police basically… It looked like from the little. I didn’t look at deeply into it. But I looked at a few tweets from friends and things. And it and and and it looked like the police

Speaker 0: Okay. Hey Adam. You’re you’re back. Did you have a follow up comment or question? Oh.

Okay. If you do… You can speak up.

Speaker 18: Protecting the mask the add pro profile?

Speaker 0: Yes. Do you

Speaker 1: do you

Speaker 0: have comment. Yeah.

Speaker 32: I’m maturing a bunch of… Okay. I’m gonna just, like, change directions, but I work at T University in South Korea, and Do remember when the… Was that Brett Weinstein guy.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 32: He had evergreen University, and everybody just, like, flare up and fa out, At Evergreen University, well, the next semester, a bunch of those, like green haired people came over to our university, and we had to do that, like, when we were call, inputting our a s into the computer, we had to do es s or g and we’re recommended. Just choose whatever, wasn’t wasn’t a big deal, Well, at that time, our, population, the student enrollment had gone down. But they wanted us to just just go along with the game. And so None of us thought anything about it, but we got these I. Evergreen students, we went along with the Es g and our school just like blew up.

I’m in South Korea. Right? The population is dove. In my neighborhood right now is Africans. And I live in a small neighborhood.

I could turn this around, and I’ll show you late but it’s Africans and Vietnamese because they need to their university numbers up. Anyways, I don’t know. I just wanted to sound off and that Oh, yeah. Really the show. Thank you for

Speaker 0: Thanks thanks. Yeah. Thanks. So we’re often… If if you want to get along, alright, in life, you often have to, show defer to things that are stupid well, that make absolutely, you no sense to you.

And 1 1 reason I think the groups do this is that it win windows out the less pros social. Right? So there are many reasons to get upset at your employer or your group or your church, alright, because the the the operation of authority is often gonna have a pros element and you often are going to be asked to show defer to something that is stupid. And this windows out people who are anti social because you’re always gonna have abundant opportunities to say the ep has no closed. This is stupid.

I’m not gonna go along with with this and universities, , enforcing something that’s stupid. It’s a way of winning our people who are unwilling to just get along. Right? If you get… If you’re gonna sustain a marriage, you’re gonna have to indulge your spouse in a lot of things that gonna seem absolutely ridiculous to you.

If you’re gonna maintain strong connections with other people, it means that you and are going to refrain from object to, , various stupid texts that they have. And so when universities bring in things like Es policies, Es stands for environmental, social and governance or whatever is the the the hot new thing in education, that the new fad, it it does tend to win out the anti social because most people realize that the most effective way to go through live. Is to refrain from criticizing your employer or your particular group even if they’re promoting stupid things. So they’re always gonna be endless reasons to criticize authority and and to criticize your own group. But to be effective in life and to be pros social, you learn to go along to get along and to keep your mouth shop because it’s rarely going to be in your own best interest to speak up and and criticize something that is stupid, but is some new fad operated by your employer.

Adam, any thoughts someone what I was just talking about?

Speaker 32: I think you nailed it. Thank you for… Let me participate.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. You’re welcome. So , dead that’s self des disrupt out there just because your employer, your church, your your Synagogue, your your peer group, your spouse, your friends, your your social circle, spout off stuff that is absolute nonsense. Alright?

Every group is gonna to be spout off and and promoting nonsense at tires, if you wanna have an effective life, you have to learn to keep your mouth shut much of the time. Now, occasionally, there’ll be a time and a place to stand up. Go ahead, Adam them.

Speaker 32: Crisis king.

Speaker 0: Okay. Thanks, Bro. Good to good to hear from you. Right. Back to analysis of netanyahu.

Speaker 18: Assigned protesters who were blocking people from going to their Synagogue to just go about their normal. Their normal, ,

Speaker 1: They do.

Speaker 18: And the the… If they just enforce the law, if this of enforce a law and move those idiots away from the Synagogue and let the Jews go to go to show like they normally do. Then everything is fine. Babies are off a corner screaming and howling, but they’re not bothering anybody, But the authorities come in from and actually empower them to do this disruption. Same thing with the Black lives matter and so on.

Speaker 17: Can we start… Can we start talking, do you think about systemic antisemitism? Because apparently, apparently it’s much… It’s much more prevalent. Because I I…

I’m looking through my twitter feed as we speak with… About a an evening c that that gaze were were holding in support of Palestine. So so all these are connected and this is why I… This is why I say that it this is a fight for the future of the judeo of Christian culture. It’s a fight for our moral outlook, and And and this is…

This is the auto autoimmune disease that we are fighting through which Iran is penetrated.

Speaker 18: No, I think… So what I think is at stake. I How did you put it, quoting Bat under Sa.

Speaker 17: Instead of good. I think we…

Speaker 18: The Sa. It’s a much… It’s a much more I sorry. And then she could just be a person like share, it she have to be bunch of Sa because if he’s using Sa. Sa says.

Speaker 17: Sorry. But, there’s a there’s a I cards. that the

Speaker 13: exact Yes. Not… Yeah.

Speaker 17: There’s a actual king, but there’s also an

Speaker 18: set up a system where there is a vanguard party, just like the communist party. I’m not… You don’t… On an analogous to the communist party that that is running the show and it… And it allows you to participate in the debate according to your p identities.

And it has ranked those identities according to, , it’s ranking about which ones are most oppressed and therefore, or their their opinion is more is more valid. But it has nothing to do with the actual opinion of people who come from those categories. It’s the Vanguard party that determines which of those opinions is actually acceptable or unacceptable. And it’s doing it very much with the intention of destroying classic liberal where where the individual is the individual is the sovereign, and I’m not… I’m not sure I’m using the right political terms, but that…

That’s the key. That’s the key.

Speaker 0: Well, frequently, a group strategy is going to… Out compete the individual strategy that this man support.

Speaker 18: Difference here. And they… What they do is they create these categories. They create these organizations. They don’t create them.

They they they latch onto them, and they use them like guided missiles against their liberal against their liberal enemies. They’re doing it… Not what is… , you you can say that the Palestine cause, it… The way you originally formulated it, The Palestine cause is the global ji heads attack on Israel.

And the and and and you could… That that we we could argue about that. May… May… There there’s in some ways that makes sense.

But what I see is the the the Palestine clock cause is the way the global left is use is down Israel, and all of those people in the West who support.

Speaker 0: Right. So prior to 19 67, the global left tended to support port Israel. But after Israel was stunning successful in 19 67. Right, Israel was no longer the pluck underdog and the anti imperialist anti colonial narrative of the Be Kong was adopted by the Palestinians to make their case, and Western intellectual frequently just sw over the anti imperialist narrative of the Palestinians and Israel was accused to being a settle colonial imperialist state 8. Alright.

Israel at the time had had about 7000000 jews, but it was accused of imperial. 8

Speaker 18: port israel because all of those people line up perfectly as the enemies of identity politics as practiced by the left. Am am I making sense?

Speaker 17: Yeah Yeah. Absolutely. And I think I think it’s a topic that we that we should return to. I have a lot to say.

Speaker 18: Those at that all those problems on the campuses and they’re say… Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, qatar. And I and III reject that almost completely. Because it is the uses to which katana money is being put by the people in charge. The people in charge are not islamist.

The people in charge are giving

Speaker 0: Right, if you’re afforded more freedom or more money to to what use? Do you put those additional resources if the Palestinians are afforded? More freedom and more money to what you so they’re going to put those resources, For example, when Palestinians got… The people in gaza got to vote. They they elected hamas.

So sometimes more resources and more freedom are not conducive to your best interest or your people’s best interest. Right? Some Some people do better with more tyranny, More rules, more regulations. Right? Most people tend to do better with more rules.

Right, African Americans have had disproportionate excess success in the Us military any large corporations, whether a tremendous number of rules. Right? The the bigger the corporation that you work for, the more rules it will have. And that is… Suited for many people’s best interests, and and then a minority of people tend to thrive with fewer rules and fewer restrictions.

Speaker 18: Opening up a space to Islam, channel and in certain directions in order to weaken their domestic American enemies, which is the right.

Speaker 17: Yep. And and this is also an explanation of why the demonstrators against Netanyahu here and the demonstrators.

Speaker 18: I’d say that there… That there’s gonna be a serious escalation in the north. I’m not sure it’s gonna happen in the next couple of weeks, which is what we keep hearing. I think it’s more likely, it’s more likely to be in in in a month or 2. But these things as Adi Barr, it was…

In and Israeli. Israel israeli home today, that article you’re talking about. And I don’t know that’s… It’ll probably, it it does everything in Israeli it’s you get translated did he the English? I don’t know.

Speaker 1: Not much

Speaker 17: of it. Did you

Speaker 34: read it in English?

Speaker 18: No. Hebrew.

Speaker 17: So I don’t think I… Most things don’t get translated actually.

Speaker 18: So really good piece. Maybe I’ll maybe I’ll translate it and just… It’s stick… I’ll I’ll machine translate and it’s stick on on on on… On on on Twitter.

Speaker 17: Well worth it because 1 of the points Avi makes is that we… Look, we have an indication here the the people will either return to their homes or not return to their homes. We can sign papers. That’s… The government can do that.

But if people don’t return home, It means that the paper is going to be worthless. And and what Avi said is we have to go to war with hezbollah at 1 point or another. And actually, if the and this goes back to, many things we said about how this administration is sa its own policies. If the Americans are going to withhold weapons. This can actually push Israel to increase and enlarge its first strike on all infrastructure in Lebanon because if we begin to calculate and see that we don’t have enough ammunition and backing for a long war of attrition, then we need to do what in Hebrew, Sol su captured in the phrase bang Vi.

How would you translate Bang Vi Mike?

Speaker 18: Bang and we’re done, , 1 what it done. Basically, the big the big the the the the the the big dramatic, the… What what shock all, , the big dramatic… The big dramatic move and then it’s all over, and I just a just a build on what you’re saying. It also, the American policy also makes it…

Increases the likelihood of an expansion of the war Iran, because the the the Israelis are not gonna concede the north of their country to his ballot lot. That’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen. So, and if Iran is threatening to enter the war if israel if Israel escalate against his, then the Israelis are gonna have to think about how to take care of Iran. And if the United States is not gonna deter iran, gonna have to think about the deter it themselves.

And so at 1 thing leads leads to another. The Americans keep thinking that it they put pressure on these

Speaker 0: work Right. So I see more and more incentives for what. Israel will have to escalate not just with Hezbollah, but with Hezbollah obama’s founder Iran.

Speaker 18: Israelis, that then what’s gonna happen if is these israelis just gonna buckle. Right. Or what’s gonna happen is that…

Speaker 0: And the conventional narrative is that when Bb Netanyahu complained about a slowdown of… Deliveries of American weapons that that for no relationship to reality, but we now know that the United States has substantially slowed down delivery of weapons to Israel, which is lengthening the war in Gaza and is delaying Israel taking on Hezbollah and Iran. The

Speaker 18: the Iranians and the… And their proxies are gonna see how nice America’s been to them, and they’re gonna come with concessions to America, which has never happened, So we have this whole pattern now. It’s… It’s a very clear pattern from the beginning of the war. You you’ll, remember, I can’t remember if it was, late December or early January, but it was around about that time frame.

When Blink came to… I think it was in December. He came… Maybe it could’ve have been even November. I should…

Let me stop them just say, I don’t remember when, but you remember Blinking came and he said, was quoted in the press is saying, you don’t have months you have weeks. Right? That you your your your time is… Your time is running out. You basically have to…

Speaker 0: Glenn Green is a dis comment holder on the left to sometimes has some important perspectives, and this is 1. You think that Joe Biden cognitive state is the only thing that the top ring of the Democratic party working hand in hand with corporate media? Lies about on purpose? Or might there be other instances where this has also happened.

Speaker 18: To start winding this thing down. So clearly, the administration thought that this… They could turn this into another gaza around, like all of the previous gaza around when really public is saying, no. This is this is this 1 is… This 1 is different.

By way, And you haven’t talked about that on in the… With the patriots on on on Sunday.

Speaker 17: So. So in that framework, the the back that the chairman of the joint chiefs, Charles Brown is saying that America… That if the war in escalate with Hezbollah and with Iran, America will not be able to offer Israeli protection. How does that figure in the policy?

Speaker 18: That the this the this does worry the Israelis. It worries the Israelis. For sure. There’s no doubt about it. And and the thing that it worries them the most is they iron dome question.

They they they need they need the ammunition from the United States. The intercept, they’re made in the United States. And they need the assistance of Cent, the integrated missile defense with with Cent. They need the American navies.

Speaker 0: Right. So the Iranian missile. Attack on Israel, April thirteenth cost Iran a million or 2 dollars and various nations that got together to defend Israel. Right? That they had to spend over were a hundred million dollars in our armament to to fight off this relatively inexpensive attack by Iran.

Speaker 18: As well. That when when Iran attacked Israel on April twelfth, they It was not just it was not just Sync on. It was also extra American. It was Israeli capabilities, combined with allied capabilities, , in the, the arab militaries that helped out, and then also American, 1 of the… 1 of the ballistic missiles or several of the ballistic missiles.

I can’t remember. Were shot down by American systems coming off of American ships in the in in in the Mediterranean. Not having that is is tremendous is tremendously worrying to the Israelis. And it means the israelis might decide to they might decide to delay. The action as a result of.

I doubt that they would, but they might decide to delay as a result of that. But if they don’t… If they can’t rely on the Americans, then they’re gonna look to go take care of it themselves and they’re gonna go and they’re gonna hammer hezbollah, like you said, like you’ve… Like, like, there’s no tomorrow, and they’re gonna do it very quickly. And the and they might also they might also go in attack Iran to tell Iran that the , the send a very clear message to Iran that if you attack, We’ll we’ll take out your nuclear sites or do something worse.

Speaker 17: Something worst may be Maybe I don’t wanna open a whole discussion of what what can be attacking iran, but but just to remind our listeners. That Iran has a vulnerable economy. And and it… And if the Israel decides to wreak havoc on its oil industry, for instance, then then that could be that can be great damage.

Speaker 18: So I’d like to do… I… The I I mean, we’re we’re now talking… This is an existential war. This is not this is not the…

This is not the little regional conflict that the Americans were trying to create. They’re creating the opposite. And they don’t have already created the opposite. We already have for the first time in history. The largest ballistic missile barrage ever sent by 1 country against another, and the first time that Iran has ever attacked Israel directly like this.

This has never happened before. That is a that is a product of the American policy. So what what we’re gonna see is just the next stage of the widening of the war. Thanks to the American policy of trying to of doing… Of, so diligently working to contain it in Gaza.

Speaker 17: So So, Mike, maybe 1 day, you and I

Speaker 18: be able to just as just just to finish the thought there’s no doubt in my mind That… And I have no information, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they are actually sitting in Jerusalem and talking about whether they have the ability to d the regime in tehran on.

Speaker 17: So maybe 1 day, Mike, you and I, when we retire, would sit back, maybe we could start smoking cigar just because it’s picturesque. And lean back and say that all our work and certainly, your work of many years now has just been redundant because the United States has destroyed its own policy. They just did it themselves.

Speaker 18: Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s a that’s occurred to me, actually. Yeah, we’re…

Look at if this world revolution actually wins, and then… And we do have a vanguard party that , the that decides that, I, hey know, I already get told when I’m talking to people, including, , it’s because part of our normal discourse to say, well, Yeah. You would think that because you’re , because you’re an old white man. Right? So so whatever argument I made, whatever whatever perception I had, doesn’t count because it’s the perception.

Speaker 17: No. No No. But that’s not what I was leading At. I what I was saying is that the the appease of Iran is defeating itself because… America is driving itself to a war with Iran By…

Speaker 18: 000I misunderstood. IIII don’t all

Speaker 17: our work

Speaker 18: has the fastest for us. The… No. Fastest way to get what we want is actually, is is is actually by not getting what we want.

Speaker 17: Yeah. But but doing our work. I mean, by ruining their own policy.

Speaker 18: Yes

Speaker 17: that might happen.

Speaker 18: That that it never that it never occurred me. But the interesting thing about war is it’s full of paradoxes.

Speaker 17: Mike, we I I think we don’t have time for submarines. Maybe we should respond that for next time because it’s…

Speaker 0: So, yeah. I’d be careful about, revealing a lot of yourself online. And Brandon says, yeah. Take it from Luke. We all know everything about it.

Well, not everyone is equally situated to reveal. Private information online. Right? For for most people, it’s very much against your best interest. Right?

Not everyone’s Well, situated in life to be a live streamer and to give political and controversial opinions online. Be careful. Say…

Speaker 18: I wanna make a more 1 sentence as well summary. Really only 1 sentence.

Speaker 17: Okay? And… But we have to explain what it is. If we if we do that. So given introductory sentence to.

Speaker 18: So the bennett… The bennett government, that there was this claim that Netanyahu made decisions to to buy submarines from Germany. And and he made the decision by going around the entire, all of the career bureau all the people who are who are… Whose job it is to think about military acquisitions, and he basically made it on his own and didn’t explain it to anyone. And this is…

I know, a summary cross about, 4000000000 dollars, 3000000000 dollars or a total deal with… I don’t know the numbers, but the numbers are large. 2000000000 dollars. I don’t know. That we’re talking about in billions of dollars, and there was a suggestion that he did it to enrich a relative who was somehow, involved with the with with the deal.

All that they have apparently approved, Going by press by press statements is that normal bureaucratic procedures were not were not followed here. What Netanyahu is arguing suggesting he just… In his speech he suggested yesterday. I it’s very interesting. Is he’s…

He didn’t use these words. This is me adding to it. But what he’s signaling is that yes, I ignored the normal procedures because these are not normal threats. And we need a second strike capability against the Iran, and the submarines give us this. That’s that’s where I think that’s where I think he’s headed.

Now he’s not gonna say any of this because this is all about about secret capabilities and exactly what the submarines have. But What he’s arguing is, I’ve been focused on the real threat. We’re fighting for our lives against Iran, and that’s why I didn’t listen to the petty Bureau. Who you, who you are trying to use now to take me down. And that it’s pretty powerful argument.

I would say.

Speaker 17: Look, how far we’ve gone to accepting the authority of the deep state? Where a prime minister is accused for not doing what is under told him to do. This is this is completely ironic, But in Israel, in Israel, we have a whole culture in which, that’s by the way the name of my Hebrew podcast gatekeeper, in which the civil servants see themselves as a gatekeeper, and what is the gate and what is the fence the gate they are keeping is at the fence where politicians, wild politicians should be stopped from doing idiotic things by the responsible adults. Who are the the the civil servants. Mike, we’re out of time, and we are therefore going to go straight to the dumb mistake on the news what is your order mistake on the news for this week?

Speaker 18: I can really do my dumpster so quickly. So the the, former spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders. Brianna Joy Gray posted a video in which in which she… This this is a Harvard educated lawyer we’re talking about. Right?

And she… And and at a prominent person in progressive politics, in which she said that she she posted AAA video from a Palestinian guy who said, that the… Who’d had been detained by the Israelis apparently. And he said that the worst thing that he saw in detention were were the dogs rape Palestinians they the the Israelis had trained the dogs to rape Palestinians. And and he and she posted this and then said how come people aren’t talking about this big the, , the the latest

Speaker 17: huge story.

Speaker 18: For this huge story. And I, I just I just don’t believe that the that that the that the Israelis have trained dogs to rape Palestinians. Because do this book hard to train that

Speaker 17: there’s book cynical theories. The , the book cynical theories where they they made mock mock woke… Arguments and published them in actual academic journals.

Speaker 18: Oh, yeah. I know the guy I have the guy

Speaker 17: did. Yes, sir. So 1 of the pieces was about the rape culture in dog parks in I of

Speaker 1: 1 important 10. Right in

Speaker 17: , in know places where you you release your dogs. But this woman… I I chose this woman also for for another show of mine here in Israel. Hey, because there was a a snippet of her a video speaking to some sister of an Israeli hostage and said, and she said to Brianna, I hope that people like you would start believing rape is Israeli rape victims. On and she did people on the audio would not see.

She this with their eyes. She just rolled her eyes.

Speaker 18: She rolled her eyes.

Speaker 17: Okay. And and neck… And on… She rolled her eyes and say onto the next item, and she was fired from that show.

Speaker 0: Alright. Excellent commentary here from Mark Hal the day after Jay Biden disastrous debate this day.

Speaker 1: Other race. Except his family. And they’re no there’s not interested in that Megan.

Speaker 5: And yeah. First of Walmart, You so much for hosting this. And because I…

Speaker 0: Right. This is Megan Mccain, John Mccain s.

Speaker 5: This last night. And I’m happy to be joining all of you today. And, Warren, you, respect to you in your work, we have an entirely different view of this. I can’t remember it. Okay.

Great. The first thing is, I don’t care that Trump lies right now because I was told all week and have been quite frankly, just me personally bullied told that I have been, like disgusting person to a former friend of my deceased dad that I’m like, an person because I didn’t think the videos I was seeing a president buying more deep fakes, and Altered videos and Ai, which is something that came from a Care korean gene Pairs mouth last week. I was told it’s a it’s a fallacy that’s made up by radicals on the far right. And what we saw last night, and I know this because my dad died of a a brain cancer answer. I know what decline looks like.

Is someone that’s having some kind of cognitive decline of some kind Not a doctor, but I was a caregiver for my dad who brain cancer for 14 months. It is very bad. I had panicked panicked cognitive phone calls. From friends, family members, people who do not follow politics in the same way that we all do. They are angry at what is is now being seen as some kind of, like , cover up on the part of the Biden family, the press and his staff.

And I don’t understand if there’s a video that’s getting a lot attention of Jill on stage with him last night. Talking to him, like, he’s a child. It’s un unseen. I think, now I was like I’m gonna wake up China is gonna invade Taiwan. I think our enemies are seeing this, and there’s, , a vladimir of your putin and Kim jong Own just had a meeting and a car together making videos 2 weeks ago.

I am scared. I am upset. I Hate Trump. I think he’s an existential. Throughout to the United States America for a variety of reasons.

I think he’s just

Speaker 0: Alright. We have a New York Times reporter tweeting. There’s real anger within the Biden family and among close allies about how the president was stopped and prepared ahead of the debate. Biden himself is not doing trying to move forward. This is such spin.

Right. The Biden treat staff terribly. Alright? They’re horribly abusive. And the idea that Joe Biden a 50 year political veteran.

Right, is is going to blame his staff. Right, he has considerable debate experience. Nobody. He probably has more debate experience. And this this attempt by the Biden to blame the disaster and his staff, seems absurd.

Speaker 5: The ambassador from hell and horrible for for myself and for my 2 young girls and it would have this kind of ear power. I I don’t know what the answer is anymore, But if if democrats stay on this path, and they nominate him Trump 48 states. This is absolutely over, and I will not stand for this. I’m no longer going to be lied to. The American public are no longer gonna be lied to that everything is fine, while groceries cost 50 percent more than they did, 2 years ago.

I just… The thing I don’t understand about democrats also is, and you chose Kamala after she proves that she was an absolutely garbage candidate. She couldn’t even make it through Iowa. And I I actually… I have more respect than Think probably the average republican does.

But If she’s your choice, and, should be her being a black woman is so important for the democratic coalition.

Speaker 0: Right. If you you go with the affirmative action. Choice and the difference in incompetence is less than 1 percent then it’s not a big deal. But if you take the affirmative action choice, and the the difference in incompetence is 10 percent, 20 percent, 50 percent. Right?

That’s devastating.

Speaker 5: Why don’t you guys just give her the respect. It’s not treating her like, she’s, also mentally deficient and put her up. And the way they’re talking about her, I actually find insulting that, like, she’s just… This man who came and put a sentence together, but your vice president is so much worse. So that’s where I don’t understand where Democrats are.

Like, it’s so important to have a black woman in Howard, but not but now the first black woman that can be president, You’re gonna, like, take her out of the knees because you think she’s bad. I don’t understand any of this, and I think this is gonna cause absolute generational damage to young voters coming up who seem to be the absolutely most

Speaker 0: Right. We we are shaped in large part by our emotions and how you gonna feel emotionally strong. As as a democrat with someone is incapacitated as Joe Biden and someone as un and incompetent is vice president Kamala Harris appears to be. Alright? Someone who got her start in politics serving as Willie Brown mistress.

Right? Where where are you gonna feel good? In in that identity as a democrat. Right? Obviously, Republicans have a lot to be embarrassed about with Donald Trump as well

Speaker 5: angry of anyone. And if I sound emotional, I just never thought in my lifetime I would watch or experience anything like this.

Speaker 0: Yeah. This is Megan Mccain. And I I think she’s coherent and I think she’s making understandable points.

Speaker 5: And I’m very angry at the Biden family, and I’m gonna say 1 more last thing and then I’ll move on, 1 of my biggest in my life, the things that I’m absolutely most proud of in my entire life accomplishments. Nobody ever saw my dad in a state. In any way where he didn’t look like the Titan and War hero and American icon that he has my family kept him private Sedona at our ranch, with nurses and doctors, I never would have allowed anyone to see him that wasn’t part of immediate family and close close friends in that kind of state. It it labor me that Jill and hunter and everyone would allow him to humiliate himself after what everyone can conclude his an incredible political career here and…

Speaker 0: Right. They they supported. Him running again. Well, what extreme selfish ness. Well what it betrayal of any loyalty to the country.

Speaker 5: American history and much… Like Dianne invites 9 before him. This is what he’s going.

Speaker 1: I

Speaker 0: mean, it’s like Fdr running again in in 19 44. The hub of 70 people who don’t wanna give up power. When the obvious right thing to do is to turn it over to someone else. Right? People tend to think they’re irr irreversible when that’s almost never.

Speaker 5: To be remembered for. Thank you. Make Megan I I agree completely about kamala. Megan again. I do.

I completely agree you. And I think there’s a kind of sexism on there that makes me Totally agree.

Speaker 1: It’s… Make Megan what’s? For you and maybe from your friends. What’s the best outcome now out for this election? You’ll want be…

Speaker 5: Place now… And and I think Don’t much like what Warren said, I think people are underestimating doug that people will can have the capacity to come to vice president Harris. And, again, I everyone… I agree. I do think there’s, like, great element of sex sexism and even, like just other weird.

I know she’s not like an incredible candidate, but this point, she’s much better than he is. I mean, I I can remember her popular among the democratic base on people realize. I mean, she feels huge rooms, Young people actually love her, black lawyers, which are so social dividing collision, are very loyal her even if it’s imperfect. I I’d be with my.

Speaker 1: The people are Joe biden believe she looks 48 states just to be clear but. I understand what you’re saying. Thank you, both. Please both you stay. There’s at least 2 polls on this call.

They didn’t raise their hands, but I’d love it if Nicholas. And… With, if you’re willing to come on camera and and answer a question. I’d love… We’re to be to do that.

So I’ll wait for a minute to see if I see you there. Alright Behind

Speaker 0: So the great thing about… Being excellent is that you’re much more connected to other people who are excellent. And the the worst thing about being incompetent is that only incompetent people by and large will hang out with you. So Mark Cochrane is at the very top of his genre, as a political comment. He’s pretty much down the middle, and he has an enormous bench of of sources who are also near the top of there for.

Speaker 27: My I’m on my other few of my camera. It doesn’t work. So…

Speaker 1: Oh, and David Brown. They’re also

Speaker 27: said place Wake. I’m sorry.

Speaker 1: He’s got David I. I didn’t know you’re were on. So thank you so Wit Air David Per and Nicholas are all on. And I’ll start with David. And again, if if either Wait or Nicholas wanna chime in, we’d love to hear for you.

David. This is a unicorn of Black swan. We never…

Speaker 0: Right. I’m running this 1.5.

Speaker 1: Had an point like, although we have seen as With Barack Obama in 20 12, we’ve seen a company credit that have of of a first debate that hurt them. Is it is it 10 point drop in the polls as possible? Or is the nature of of of the support reached the candidates Such that the fit that’s not in the card? What’s the range of how this would impact the horse race? I could impact.

I think questions about acuity, But what’s the range of possibility of about to impact the worse rates.

Speaker 27: Well, this evening and obviously was about to put this in the chap Open up anyone on this call. If you have… Specific questions do you would like us to consider. We’re gonna be putting in the pole into Field in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, this evening. I don’t know if that it gives us enough time Is partially starts to answer question mark, But don’t like this enough time to watch, , how this thing plays out I think complaining opinions are gonna adjust when we kinda figure out how the president buying campaign, , I decide a strategic pivot off of this, and, , and people see will kind of mold and kind firm as we get little farther along.

But, I don’t think you’ll see… It’s hard me to say like Said, this never having for. So I don’t think it’s gonna be 10 points as we made a national point will show that, but I think in the swing stays and states that matter. I definitely think we will see an impact in the polling. I think that sometimes you see an impact in the point that isn’t real.

Because, , it’s kinda like January 6, Republicans a lot of proposals were just horrified. Right? And you’ll answer polls when you’re filling that way politically. Right just you’ll you’ll get civic engaged. I think you may see.

Speaker 0: Right. I I know when I’m feeling down or embarrassed or humiliated, I’m much less likely to live stream. I’m usually again a livestream stream when I’m feeling good and feeling confident. I January sixth was absolute disaster for Republicans. Donald Trump’s behavior after the 20 20 election was embarrassing for Republicans, and and you just wanna go hide in those circumstances.

Now Democrats just wanna hide in the aftermath of Jay Biden disaster on Thursday night.

Speaker 27: Anything true drop the phone on by side.

Speaker 0: I mean, when I do pull ups? Alright? I noticed distinct difference in my physical strength. When I’ve been humiliated or suffered setbacks as opposed to when I’m winning at life. Right.

I feel physically stronger. But I’m winning at life, I feel physically weaker when I’m losing at life.

Speaker 27: I I think you also have 1 is maybe a little bit fake because, , if you pardon biden. You’re waking up this morning. You need to.

Speaker 0: Right, if you’re gotta get anything done, you need energy, I I have dramatically less energy when I’m humiliated, when I’m losing at life, I have… More energy when I’m triumph thing. And when I’m accurately reading reality and I’m building up my relationships with other people, the the greatest athletic source of energy in my life is my connection with other people?

Speaker 27: Reporting. I don’t know. Mean, what are you still engaged?

Speaker 0: I mean, who wants to feel connected to the Biden after Thursday night.

Speaker 27: I think you’ll see that how a false impact some of the Bowling come. But long I think it’s a real simple type of drop type thing I it’s maybe it could be couple points in Swing long term now.

Speaker 1: David, Be, of those you don’t know is Atlanta based Polls, who is my partner Lauren partner 2 way. Worked on the undecided where we do the polls in the focus. Scripts together. I’ll say, I ask you gotta either Nicholas or W wanna talk.

Speaker 9: Mark, Again.

Speaker 1: Okay. Go. That’s wit Wit aye. I’ll Also

Speaker 9: I’ll wait in just for for a second here. Groups this was really embarrassing for the country. Joe biden is making old men look bad. I have done some elderly… I’ve had some elderly clients including str thurman during his last race, and my overwhelming feeling was exactly what Meghan just said that it is distressing as a consultant.

That his team would put him in a position where he looks that bad. They ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves for allowing Joe Biden to do that pick himself.

Speaker 0: At Mickey Cal says a shop analysis here. He said, I love the Jay Biden Kamala harris campaign lashing out itself important podcast I. E. Their supporters. Right?

Shouldn’t they be apologizing for the terrible job that Jay Biden did Thursday night.

Speaker 9: That said, as far as our polling goes, I I can’t possibly predict what this is gonna do to the polling because we’ve never had anything remotely like it before. All I’ll say is that they do run campaigns in parliamentary systems in a matter of weeks, and the idea that the Democrats have no option. But to go down this road where they know they’re gonna lose 48 states, I think it’s fan. Creative minds can do a whole lot of things to make this thing at least, more competitive and give the American people a decent choice which they simply don’t have today.

Speaker 1: Thank you. Wait. Okay. Mark, how are you? Can you give me?

Yeah. Go ahead. Nicholas. Yep. Nicholas and Nicholas also Polls.

Wait is is works with Republican candidates, and clients and and and Nicholas has working more with democrats democratic including more moderate democrats. Nick, let’s go ahead.

Speaker 35: So I think very quickly Mark 2 things to look out for Polymer wise 1, more than the actual course rates jump, but I think it will move some. If you do apples to Apples, , , pick Paul, take the time C, but those margins will widen a little bit by mid to late next week, but the tell, the early leading indicator of the transformational effect base will be. Audio Id measures, an entity. And democrats an independence because the way the sequencing of this will work And I think that the… Other words, to short answer your question mark is that the hardware raised numbers will probably not change as much as intensity, excitement confidence and party Id.

And I bet you that is what the campaigns strategy and frankly the family were also.

Speaker 0: Right. Joe Biden never had a serious base of support that just loved him. Right? People. Voted for Joe Biden 20 20 because they saw him as better than Donald Trump.

Speaker 35: To look at by tuesday Wednesday.

Speaker 1: Thank you, Nicholas. So again, to me, and I I wrote this on the email last night, the the big pressure points are around the donors. Guarantee you that donor class. I know that under classes is is really great that. Elected officials, Democrats who worry that this will hurt their chances of being really likely keeping their guns.

And then some people within the administration. The ones who have been warning quietly and privately that this is a problem. I’m I’m I’m I’m not sure that they they believe Biden will lose 48 states, but they certainly, they’re people close to him to this morning question, I guess capacity to win the election. Again, not because he had a bad night he’s gonna have bad news coverage. But they don’t they didn’t see last night, the person who can win.

As I reported a month ago, Some of I put it in in some last night. His decline according to some who spent time with then has been pre prohibited for the last few weeks since 2 months since to stay the union. And there’s a concern for anyone who’s cared for an elderly relative who started to show decline. There’s a concern that rather than having any eye of the tiger and fighting back. The way Barack obama did the way go clinton did the Way George bush it.

That that he just doesn’t have that capacity. Okay. There’s a p people Wanna call in and then we’re gonna go to raise his hands. Alex Cass, Trump himself last night I’ve seen a Donald trump display empathy. What he’s seen to.

In real time for part of the debate. The Trump campaign is being very smart. I think you’re not doing much, just letting me it all play out by itself But I’m curious what you think about. If you were advising President Trump what’s the best way to consolidate the the gift that they’ve been given.

Speaker 36: 0II think right now, , when your opponent is busy hanging himself. Yep. Hung interfered, and the Trump people are certainly smart enough to do that. We are seeing a more disciplined Trump, this time. As we’ve said before, he’s playing with his money, his future, his ability to say out of jail, not not our money.

And so you’ll continue to be. I think the the mistake they’re wondering about now was it should they have accepted this debate before the Democratic convention. There was no way for them to know. They made the right call at the time, take the debate and, under any circumstances I, I was Hell of a risk Trump took. Under these conditions and it certainly played out for him, but it turned out the conditions Biden imposed, basically putting a little bit of a gag order on Trump in the debate, the the sterile environment, all those things help trump.

So the debate certainly worked out well for. What I’m surprised about here is is the if the Democrats are right in this… The the white… The Biden family, This was just a bad cold. I’m not sure that’s any better for Biden, because a lot of people are going to wonder if that’s what can knock him out this way for a debate.

How can he handle the job of the presidency in a bad day? I don’t know that there’s a good answer or for this. Even if he gives a good performance later down the road. Yeah. I I think the Biden people have about a week to either get him out of the way.

Or he’s going to be the nominee. I don’t think this is a long term process. The Biden people will consolidate support. They’ll, the polls really… I think you’re right won’t move that much.

Donald Trump is an I immutable obstacle to growing his own support here. So if they don’t, Move in a…

Speaker 0: Well, this is a different Donald Trump than we saw in the 20 20 and the 20 16 campaigns. This is a much more disciplined Donald Trump. And a much more effective, Donald Trump, and he has more competent, more effective people running his campaign this time around.

Speaker 36: Weak. To to move biden out of the way here. I don’t see that it would happen. And I think a lot of the comments on the caller are right how do you… It’s much harder in re in real life to replace him than it is in theory.

There isn’t a clear alternative. That’ll be a battle for a clear alternative. Kamala is someone who would have to be moved out of the way or she would be. So I think the odds of that Biden will be replaced are less, or lower than we might all assume. And I do share the sentiment here.

16 people work with this guy for a week. And this didn’t happen the morning before the had debate that there was some huge cognitive decline. That they put him out there. They sent him into the jungle to fight the lion naked without a spear.

Speaker 0: Now there there’s some hockey that Joe Biden severely limited cognitive capacity and his inability to work more than about 6 hours a day, It doesn’t not diminish the importance of a president of the United States. Is so with his limited capacity for work. Ability, right, is the most powerful man in the world and stock market is yet still a record highs.

Speaker 36: And ask special.

Speaker 1: Yep. Let me just a couple of things I wanna ask another question as you a play through dimensions. Chest. First of all, it’s not just his debate team. There they’re literally the most experience of debate preparations a history of America.

I said, no I’ve already had it before. He had the best vape prep. Anyone has ever had, and that’s what they produced with the week off. 2, he he worked… He did he did photo before the debate and after the debate If really had a bad cold.

That was probably an error. Blake chest on. Someone raised the chat What happens when when the worm turns the screw turns on donald trump, and any any sense to prison. So if I have long felt that that could help him or hurt and we don’t know. How does the calculus of trying get at where that helps or heard change if at all based on last night.

Trump will say this is the Desperate Democrats trying to say there Can. I guess he gets a little of a boost on that on that line, but how do you see it?

Speaker 36: The country hates both these candidates in a lot of ways. And so whoever is in the spotlight is losing. And now we’re going to go through this period where this pendulum swings back to Trump People are going to imagine, so he will be president again.

Speaker 0: Right. Best people. Like to be in the spotlight. They like to have other people’s attention, but many of us, much of the time would better off where we not in the spotlight. So much of what we want is not actually good for us.

Speaker 36: Oh, And so doubts about Trump will increase. , neither candidate can win this election. You want the election to be about the other guy. And now it’s going to be on Trump again. That’s going to a brake pedal on Biden decline.

So, yeah, I don’t… This does not help Trump. Trump was elected in 20 16 in large part because the There was almost a media blackout on coverage of Trump in 20 16, not being in the news for a while helps Trump’s. The gag orders have helped Trump. Now we’re going to…

, he’s going to win this election too early. So I still think we’re going to… Yes. I think there’ll be some movement in the polls. I think the the poster who mentioned that the party Id intensity and things like that are going to be key indicators are going to move.

But the races may… , if this… If they don’t displace Biden in a week, this race won’t be all that different in some ways in… Yep, Biden only has 11 weeks to prepare for the next debate. That may not be enough time.

But until then, if he has a couple of of of good outing. If he gives a good speech, it’s going to be incredibly hard to reverse the inertia that locks this race into a race between these 2 guys. I don’t see it happening.

Speaker 1: Yep. I’m very sure if I hope everybody really listening to Alex. I think he’s right on point as a strong case in… Similar case Learning me. That it’s too blind for people It’s it’s overlooking too many factors to say, what Is gonna be replaced.

Think Out putting a week on timeline on it. I think it’s just spot on. So it’s gonna be hard because he’s at He and we’re very skilled, are gonna be out there doing rallies doing things maybe doing an interview whatever it takes. To let this storm pass for a week. And then we’ll be on the deep stakes, Trump sentencing Republican convention.

And and, again, I have ever indication that that’s their plan to write it out, and it’s not that hard to write it out particularly absence of polls. If there were polls showing them drop 12 points of pressure iron, but we don’t gonna have that this week in away. Maybe ever. There 3 people Wanna get an opportunity to talk and we’re gonna go raise hands. You wanna talk to if think that’s something you wanna say, Mark mc mckinnon and Man Hay worth or, Tom Rogers.

If any of the 3 of you would like to unmute and say anything I’d love to hear from you. And where do you think things are, but I’ll give you AA3A second. Up to you.

Speaker 2: Mark I am unmute.

Speaker 1: Okay. Slum inform cars neighborhood Republican of the Empire state is also a doctor. Is

Speaker 0: Okay. This is from Frank Lo on Cnn. He says, swing voters don’t like Trump’s persona. But they appreciate that he’s prepared to be president. Right?

They do like Biden and personally, but they think he’s not up to the job, certainly not the next 4 years. Joe Biden performed so badly. Right, that it’s simply ec swing voters disappointment and disdain for Donald Trump. Right? If if you really want to ensure the defeat of Donald Trump is this the candidate that you want.

Joe Biden really?

Speaker 1: Been sending good messages my way. So I’m Doctor Congresswoman, what do you think?

Speaker 2: With gratitude for all the wise counsel on this call. Bill Act had an imp response to the debate last night, and it was all in for Donald trump, and you can read his prolific, host on acts to, get more, but his feeling was that, for many reasons, including policy, yeah, we we face a disaster if we continue with Joe biden obviously, But I didn’t mention him mark last night. 1 of the questions that he asked was, why is president by not blinking. And I suggested well I’ll obviously not presuming any way to make a diagnosis that he I that’s said. I I do , privately feel like this is likely the case, that he has either Parkinson’s or Louis Body dementia, which has park features, but with the added burden of rapid cognitive decline because of the, addition brain tissue that’s affected.

But I think that’s what we’re seeing. And that does make… Know, obviously, the remedy should he continue would have to become the 20 fifth amendment presume. That’s just that’s a matter obviously of his sitting in the office of the president. But I offer that thoughts to everybody.

It’s gotten that posted I. Has it’s gotten rather significant It’s head probably toward about half a million views at this point out of focusing saying, yes, what I have relative. Who suffers from this condition or suffered from this condition because it sadly is fatal within 2 to 5 years of diagnosis on average. Of but I think this is what we’re facing. And it’s a it’s a physical reality.

So it’s not it’s not, , in a neurological reality. It’s not… It has profound political implications and national security implications in all kinds of others But I do respectfully submit to all here that that’s what we’re we’re looking at.

Speaker 1: Thank Doctor.

Speaker 0: I mean, there’s something wrong with with Biden for for many reasons, including… He just doesn’t blink.

Speaker 1: Alright. Last chance Tom Rogers. You wanna say anything?

Speaker 37: I’ll jump, Mark?

Speaker 1: Good, Mark, Mckinnon.

Speaker 37: Well, I’ll just repeat what I said last night. A version of it anyway, which is… I was driving at first for the first 10 minutes and and Biden sounded, like, a 19 forties over.

Speaker 0: But, this is the guy who does the showtime weekly production on on politics. Right, very experienced political and…

Speaker 37: These radio broadcast with all this… With… He was static. And then I thought was really bad, but only got worse as soon as I turned on the television to see , picture of joe Biden that looked like Jack Nicholson in the last frame of the shining frozen and snow. I was stunned by what I saw And and the only point I’ll make here Mark it that that and has any sort of relevance I think is, I realized that I’m not a representative demographic sell at all.

But… I am a, , AAA, , a, a George Bush compassionate, Conservative Republican who’s tried desperately to to rebuild the the party, and I’m I’m a I’m I’m a, , clear neighbor Trump and of always have been.

Speaker 0: So we have an escalation on the Northern border in Israel with the the Id killing various Hezbollah activists. Kind and a a massive Israeli bombing right now in Southern Lebanon.

Speaker 37: And I go for Biden in in in 20. But I don’t know how you can be a responsible citizen after having watched last night and beau Joe, but I mean, I’m I’m gonna be able to vote Joe biden now. I I can’t as a responsible this. I’m gonna go… Don’t.

Know what I’m gonna do now. And I like… I’m just saying I know how the polling gonna be effect in the next week

Speaker 8: or dude. I’m just saying was

Speaker 37: gonna be. I think a lot of people like me. We’re just gonna say, you can’t be responsible on duff guy. He’s sick. He’s not well.

Speaker 1: Yeah. And, Katie reese, thank you, Mark Katie Reese raised a question of lot of people suddenly surprised by that. I’ve always said, biden is not as bad. Shape is Republicans claim and I was good shape Democrats argue. But, I’ve also reported that

Speaker 0: So the national front in France has had a very powerful first election round result. The… They might well win a majority of the French national assembly. Right, The equivalent of the Us House of Congress.

Speaker 1: The decline, reasonably significant increased decline. And it’s it’s gonna be an extraordinary book that someone writes might hopefully me, but somebody writes, Epic conspiracy silence between the media and the White House, and the members of congress dealt Joe Biden. That Wall street Journal story was a mis fire because it was poorly done. Of but it doesn’t mean what the essence of what they’re were reporting as false because of this. Alright.

Let’s go to your questions. Eager to hear from folks. Again, let’s try to get to as many folks as possible. And, we’re gonna start with a Paul. On unmute ahead ask your question for comment.

Speaker 38: But thank you, Mark. Many of your folks don’t know. I’m a democrat. Have been my entire life, of, was actually the Chairman of business council the Dnc from the bit. So I can map this from that box.


Speaker 1: And any don’t doing biden.

Speaker 38: I do know him not very well. Yeah as you well know, the fact that he went home every night, created a bit of a distance between him and K street. So He he was not 1 at Hung av. But, last night. And of course, you, I’ve been reading you anybody on this call knows.

You’ve been saying this for a long time. But I think both Megan Mccain, and Alex Cast just got it perfectly correct. And my question to you and group is. As , my personal feeling is is yours I believe. The only people that could move this is the family.


Speaker 0: Okay. Bill O’reilly tweets that the decision has been made that Joe Biden will quit the campaign, Democrat internal polling says he cannot recover from the debate and Fundraising is drying up. It’s over for Joe. White House doesn’t know yet how or when to make the announcement. That’s bill O’reilly.

Speaker 38: Doesn’t catch Kaufman play almost a prime minister role for the family to go to. In order to make the sale.

Speaker 1: It could he could. I think there’s a number of people I center too because a mark could run plain good. They’ve all they’ve all seen what’s happened that they have done up until now. And I’ll say again, let’s say they decide that. Let’s say I decide to go to him.

Well, first thing is he and jill have to say, yeah, You’re right. Don’t think that’s likely.

Speaker 38: I’m not Stalin jill Vale jill may not

Speaker 18: be on

Speaker 38: the same page.

Speaker 1: Well, maybe not, but I don’t think the candidate would say, yeah what I got all the delegates, I’m it back. I don’t think he would. He also believes that Kamala harris would be an obstacle. And he doesn’t think she can win. He also believes Governor Women and Governor, x and Governor why I can’t launch a presidential campaign quickly enough their totally desmond.

So So the the there there’s about 7 steps from some person like Ted Kaufman and you go to Joe Biden to the democrats have a different nominee in Chicago. And getting those steps done. III truly believe that some of those sevens steps are harder than convincing Joe Biden not to run. Really hard.

Speaker 36: You’re strategic. Alex here. Can I add 1 thing?

Speaker 1: Yes, sir.

Speaker 36: In defense of of the Biden family? In…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get some analysis.

Speaker 39: On and from places like the New York Times of all places. Okay. So donors, there is a worry now among donors apparently according to New York Times. They say a Silicon Valley donor who had planned to host an intimate fundraiser, featuring mister Biden this summer decided not to go through with the gathering because of the debate. Another major California donor left a debate watch party early and emailed the friend with a subject line, utter disaster.

Richard you and I watched it together.

Speaker 40: He did. Listen, there’s no question that the the the president had a be debate performance. That’s… I think most of us of this table can agree there. I think the question now for the democratic party, and I think for the for the for the president’s campaign is how do we get our footing back?

I think Mary Catherine is right. Ultimately, I think Joe Biden will remain the nominee, but this opens up an opportunity for the Democratic party. Under Joe Biden leadership, you’ve also seen the growth of a new generation of. That the party can showcase and talk about, here’s what we’ve been able to do. Case in point, take the case of Wes moore.

We know 6 months ago, we were talking about a bridge collapse in the closure of 1 of our major ports. Thanks to the Biden administration, thanks to the West and his and his government and his leadership in Maryland There’s tons. Right? You wanna…

Speaker 39: Shouldn’t pete Butt edge and Gretchen W amy K chart, It it I mentioned all these other people. Which kinda seem a little odd. If you wanna quiet that conversation. Don’t put their names in your email.

Speaker 41: It it’s a terrible situation. Look, the political dilemma is legitimate. We ought to be talk about it, but I say the following and I put pulp…

Speaker 0: It it just looks impossible for Jay Biden to continue at this stage.

Speaker 41: Politics off to the side. If in fact, we’re asking the question whether president Biden is up to the campaign. We have to ask the question is he up to serve as president in United States. I’ll lament the fact my political differences with him aside that it seems as if the answer is no. And I think the more this goes on, this question about the the political donors not pony up for the democratic campaign.

We also have to ask the question if the 20 fifth amendment ought to be invoked. This is not just a political problem, Shannon. The I think it’s a constitutional and health crisis.

Speaker 39: Well, you have a lot of folks who feel the same way that you do. Meanwhile, there is a meeting at Camp, David with a president, the first lady, the kids, the grandkids now we’re told that this was already on the schedule. But it turns into the question of whether or not there’s gonna be a conversation. That’s bigger than that The daily beast says this headline Joe Biden must, now step up now to help ou her husband. It’s time for Biden inner circle to do the hardest things friends, colleagues and loved ones can do, intervene, knowing it will be tremendously hurtful to the person you care about.

Is that a conversation stuff that you think the Biden family would have?

Speaker 11: I think there’s no question that this is gonna be a conversation , over the weekend. And, , there’s no question that there is an tight among Democrats, lawmakers, all of us have been hearing from Democrats all weekend about them being willing to look at these alternate candidates, having Biden step aside, , we reported that even Chuck Schumer before the debate was indicating to allies that 1 of the the pros and having the debate. So early is that it gave the Democratic party time to to find an alternate candidate if they needed to. But the reality is, it doesn’t matter what anyone is saying, except for the very few number of people who actually have influence over what Joe Biden will decide. And that’s…

Speaker 0: So the war in the north of Israel is significant escalated 18 Israeli soldiers have being hurt by Hezbollah attack.

Speaker 11: Jill Biden, It’s Valerie Biden. It’s some very close. Former aids and friends who’ve been with him for a long time, and those are the only people who are really going to persuade joe biden to take this step. I don’t think he’s going to take that sub

Speaker 0: Hey, David Rem is the editor in chief of the New Yorker. He watched Jay Biden disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump. It was the culmination of long held doubts, Saturday published a column with a headline, the reckoning of Jay Biden cohen for the president to end a reelection campaign that rem cause a national end engagement. It’s just become more and more evident. The debate was the breakthrough moment says rem Watching Thursday’s debate observing biden wonder into senseless on stage was an agonizing experience.

So more more of Joe Biden friends in the media calling on him to quit. It is bound to a obliterate, obliterate, forever all those vague and qualified descriptions from the White House about good and bad days. You watch it on the most basic level you only feel pity for the man. Forever And more importantly, fear for the country. So I just don’t see how Biden can continue.

Speaker 36: That. This is the only like Biden knows.

Speaker 1: Yeah. This is all he

Speaker 36: is. Right. This is all he has been since he had those aneurysms. And was lying 6 hours on a hotel floor before they discovered him. And since then 40 years ago, he’s rehab, and this is all there is.

I think a lot of the family and the people close to him rightly believe that if they take him out of this that’s the end of him. Okay. Well And so now do I think that’s shorts sighted and do I think that that diminishes the the importance of this to the country? Yeah. It’s…

, nevertheless, it’s a real dynamic that I think it’s going to make it very hard for them to in effect, say, okay. It’s this is not just removing him from the presidency. This

Speaker 1: is it’s

Speaker 38: like white.

Speaker 5: Yep. 1 of the month. I’m sorry. I mean, I. Look, I mean, I think there’s a little bit of a, like, overly dramatic take.

If you’re a president, you believe…

Speaker 0: So here is a report from the associated press. Look, Multiple committee Democratic committee members on a private call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described a feeling like they were being gas by the Biden administration, that they were being asked to ignore the diet nature of the parties predicament. And so the Biden have been trying to do everything they can to hang on. It just simply does not seem possible.

Speaker 5: He had a very successful first term and that he was a remarkably effective that he passed, , generational legislation. There was a real reason why he ran again, which was not just about, like prop up his ego. The only person who hasn’t run at second term. Is Lyndon Johnson and is on the brink of earth.

Speaker 1: Stick that’s that’s different than what do we do to him to step aside.

Speaker 5: No I understand. But I’m just saying I… I think that, like, they were legitimate, president… There were legitimate reason that the only person who’s beating, and as someone who had a remarkably successful first term. Know, that he ran that he decided to run again, which I think are completely def defensive.

The issue is is that what we’ve learned in the first few months of this campaign. Is that Americans don’t believe that his first term was especially successful. You if the if the campaign wants to know run on that and say, look at his record liberties what accomplished. Forget about 1 bad day, the problem is most of americans don’t leave that and that’s the deficit that they came into this debate with. Which is that make they fail to process to make the case over the last 3 years that he’s been affected, and so they don’t have that to meet on.

If you set it resident. He’s in a he’s in a hole because of.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Let me say, why Thing think, then we’re gonna go to Christine christine. So within the biden orbit, there are lots of people You you identified Ted Kaufman, but there lots of people who theory could go to him. The problem with that that or a problem with that is contrary to their well crafted public image. The Biden are mean spirited and dictator tutorial when it comes to their staff.

They do not broke someone coming in. You’re not gonna get a group of people wanna to.

Speaker 0: Right. You don’t get coverage of how mean and angry and, the Biden are in the way they operate. So… Jay Biden says, oh, I’m running to save democracy, but the way he operates is anything but democratic, respectful and dignified. He he treats people terribly.

So he’s flying off the handle. He and his wife treat their their advisers like, employees and treat them like crap.

Speaker 1: Do what I don’t believe. 1 brave person doing even some with the stature take hoffman is going to be the binds will never forget it. If for the first person comes forward says maybe you should read there. Because the mode therein in is all systems go. Let’s get a comm strategy.

Let’s make sure the f fl cio doesn’t endorse. Let’s threaten people who make public statements that are negative. That’s the of they’re in. That’s some of there always been.

Speaker 38: I think you’re right about that, Mark. The only caveat of that I would say would be what I would now call the the

Speaker 0: So every president dramatically ages in office. Except for 1. Donald Trump. Right? Yeah I guess he he stays young.

By watching a lot of Tv.

Speaker 38: Megan Mc mccain test. And that is from the inner heart of the family. And that’s why I think Jill biggest issue here is protecting him.

Speaker 1: That’s if that was really Yeah. If that was…

Speaker 38: Kept exactly and the name. And the leg.

Speaker 1: If that was the biggest issue issue to run let him run in 20 20 because he was no position to run that. Covid. More.

Speaker 0: So the are rioting in Israel right now even as Israel fights for its survival. And and we have 18 Id soldiers heard in Hezbollah attacks and the creative are arriving in Jerusalem protesting, being drafted, protesting being asked to do their share to defend the country that they overwhelmingly, live on welfare. Right? Now, on the other hand, 80 percent of already adult women work, which is about the same percentage of secular women down about 50 percent of men work. So about 30 points lower than secular men.

Speaker 1: Thank you. Thank you, paul Christine. Go ahead.

Speaker 28: Thanks, Mark. This has been such a thoughtful discussion this morning, but I just think it has to be said this is a leadership moment for the Democrats. Know I can imagine how overwhelming the past 12 hours have been for everyone… I’m anyone who didn’t know how serious or bad was, but we can’t accept any excuses that’s just too complicated at this point to take action. I mean, getting Apollo 13 home was complicated.

Right? But responsible people rose to the occasion and got it done. And so people are gonna have to speak up to no matter how close or far they are from the Biden Orbit. Even if the Biden family is , committed to not doing anything. And we’re also gonna have to be committed to not make a perfect.

The enemy of the good. I do think that more people would embrace Kamala harris than it’s thought right now, And I also think Americans have such a short attention span. We, that’s global. , that the idea of an 11 week campaign. It is doable.

And so, , I just think it’s time to really take this seriously. And pivot it into, , taking the action that’s needed and not just making excuses. I know it’s early if it’s critical.

Speaker 1: Christine christina, I’d love if you would to just tell people a little bit about your background.

Speaker 28: Sure. I got my start in the bush 43 administration working in a couple of positions, and I now run on demand, government in public affairs firm. So I pivoted from, kind of international work to more domestic work But, do pulp policy analysis as well as political analysis for for a wider…

Speaker 1: And if and if you would before last night were you intending to vote for?

Speaker 28: I was I was gonna go a biden. I mean, how I’ve, , when? Become 1 of those double haters, unfortunately, I I knew I was pretty much a double hate, but Biden seem to safer alternative.

Speaker 1: What about where you do?

Speaker 28: 4 years of bad policy, but you can’t have Yeah.

Speaker 1: We sorry. If he still the nominee you still vote for?

Speaker 28: No. Impossible. Impossible. Don’t know what I’m gonna do at this point. I’m really hoping that this 11 week pivot that know, happens pretty quickly so that we do have a viable alternative.

And I don’t think that’s a La la land expectation to have. We have to take this seriously.

Speaker 1: Okay. Christine, thank you so much.

Speaker 0: So anti national front, people in in France, are flying Palestinian flags. Alright? Not flying French flags, they’re flying Palestinian flags. Because they identify with helpless underdog?

Speaker 1: Doug, Was working. Go ahead.

Speaker 18: To a reader of

Speaker 26: the wide world of news. What we saw last night came as no surprise. So that if it was no surprise to us, it couldn’t have come as a surprise to the people who are preparing Biden, it couldn’t have come to a surprise to the people in his inner circle. So that what was their aim in doing that? I don’t understand why they would do that to put them in front of them unless it was, this is the evidence we need for the family to now go to him and say it’s time to go.

Speaker 1: Well, they have a vested interest in not telling the truth to each other into the public. They thought they could prepare him. They have to stay the union. Think… I mean, I think they’re in more denial than my sources have been about his decline recent decline since state view.

But they they they pushed. It wasn’t that long ago that this debate that they

Speaker 0: Right. We tend to stay in fantasy as opposed to reality as long as we can possibly maintain the fantasy. It’s when reality becomes unavoidable when it becomes more painful to stay in fantasy than in reality that we finally assigned to reality. And Biden has stayed in fantasy for years, but it may be becoming more painful state, in that delusional fantasy world than to join reality.

Speaker 1: Push for the early debate.

Speaker 0: And it’s like Republican supporting the invasion of Iraq. Right. By end of 2003, it was clear that it was a disaster, but Republicans only said it coming around to that. Perspective many, many years later. Right?

They they prefer to stay in the fantasy world. And George Bush office would say to people in the media. Well, you’re you’re in the reality community, we’re in the change the world community. But their Delusions about changing the world were blown up by the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Speaker 1: And they felt they had to have debates rather than… They could have done what I thought they were gonna do. Which is just prolong the debate of method debates with the commission. Talk it to debt and end up with no debates or 1. But they need a change in dynamic.

Remember, something someone mentioned earlier when president Obama blew the first debate, he was ahead. President biden his blowing the first debate and he was already behind at 1 path to 2 7. So when did they think they thought they could get ready, and he could do well and and that Trump would we would be exposed as not on the side of the working plans. , the the message that they went to the bay to drive. Donald Trump is all about himself and joe biden about America’s working families.

I don’t know that he said it he even once. It certainly wasn’t AAA theme thread deep. And and that that that was their intention. 1 has written a word about how to debate Bread. I have 1…

Some reason to believe it didn’t go all that well. But once they push the early debate, they did the extraordinary thing, which they got up relatively easy for. Said a week tempt doing nothing but resting and react. React, preparing arrested. They thought they could get them ready.

And they thought you do better than. But part of it is the clubs if they don’t. They they don’t want to admit themselves that this has been going on since 20 18, and he had no business running either time. Despite has lauren Directly point out I have some great successes to the Democratic agenda president. Different.

You almost lost the truck last time as everybody knows.

Speaker 26: I saw no afterwards say that, , the whole thing she was saying was Trump lies. And my first thought about Lying was that that’s baked into the Cape trump.

Speaker 1: That’s Yeah. Yes. That’s just to some extent true. But but but again, they say their focus groups that they did during the debate show that they it really turned off. , independent voters, but they’re pick that bigger problems that.

Okay. Douglas. Thank you. William Paul.

Speaker 42: Yes. Thank you. I was struck by Megan Na mccain defensive of Kamala harris. I have known her not personally, but she’s been a prosecutor Alameda accounting. I’ve been a defense attorney for 40 years there.

I’ve never liked her political campaign, but I have noticed that recently, maybe she just because she’s a prosecutor, a lawyer. When she… Her public appearances have gotten more and more authoritative when she spoke for Biden and Doha and he couldn’t make that meeting. She… , in spite of myself, I don’t like her very much, but she was very impressive.

And, I must say that, in her house that she grew up in as 3 blocks from my house. I walk my dog by her a child at home every day. And I have to say that Trump supporting, I I know some very conservative judges and prosecutors, trump supporters who work with her for years and really admire her and like her So… But still, I think that she would lose. I would think that a Witness shapiro ticket 1 way or the other would almost guarantee the blue wall.

I mean, you have a Michigan and Pennsylvania governor that would certainly have an effect on those states and on Wisconsin. I think that they ought to go in that direction, and I’ve never paid any attention to this replacement business till last night. I turned it off after 10 minutes.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It’s easy to say go with them, but it doesn’t doesn’t solve the problem of the Biden. Kamala harris, other people you’d like to be the nominee. And the flaws of those 2. I’m not I’m not against those 2, you, it’s their public officials, but they never run from National office.

It’s not like an easy thing to do And just sort of stand up and start to do it. Clay H. I’d love for you on mute and join us, please.

Speaker 34: We a singer. I was on American Idol me years ago, and I, left that, sang for about 10 years, and then went transitioned into the political sphere used my name to try to run for Congress in North Carolina. And now I’m back to singing because politics that make anybody happy, but singing apparently done.

Speaker 1: So… You didn’t you didn’t watch a debate, but how did you learn about what happened? If you don’t social media or what?

Speaker 34: Well, I got up this morning to about 500 text messages. Like I think a lot of people did. I actually went to bed a little early last night, and I was awake at 05:00. I’ve actually been been beating my political fix. By following the Uk rice over the last month the last 5 weeks if they started their campaign.

I’ve been so fascinated by their process. So I’ve been waking out Extra externally in the morning to turn on Sky News and watch what’s going on. Turned out to guy news today at 4AM, and they were talking about our debate also. And and so obviously, between that and all my text messages and all the stuff I’ve been reading so far. I’m, I’m back into it, at least for now.

And and I had a question. I know someone told, I on on the phone with my question. I’m so I’ll get to it because it’s for anybody.

Speaker 1: Yes sir.

Speaker 34: I I believe that, this is this is all whole. , I’m just as disappointed, just as frustrated as Meghan, and Alex sw that the family would let him go out like this. I sound like I a cold today too, but I don’t Only 45. But but I I do wonder because I’m am of the… I’m I’m sort of the belief that I think most people on here have been this morning that and this is not a 1 time issue.

, this is obviously or or seems to be proved to a lot of people at what we’ve been hearing from Republicans for for a long time now is that Biden targeted a decline, etcetera. A lot of democrats have brushed it off. We see last night. It looks like a lot of people are saying, wow, They were right. He is in cognitive decline.

And I agree with

Speaker 0: Alright. Edward looked back, the distinguished military analyst tweets, the designated successor Kamala Harris is spun. Because of her nervous tech that makes her laugh inappropriately, but she began pursuing the White House at Age 18. She assumed a black set of an Indian identity, she spurred Stanford for Howard University for its so. She’s a strategic planner.

Speaker 34: With what everyone else has said don’t here about if that’s the case it’s over. But I do want to just hypothetically. What if last night was just a bad night. I’m not inclined to believe that myself at this moment, but this it was pretty bad from what I’ve seen, but what if it was just a bad night. What if he was off.

Is there still… Even still… Is there any way that he can repair himself or he can they can repair this campaign after that. Because I mean, I guess, even if it was just an off night, was also probably the only night that 20000000 Americans are gonna be paying attention. It’s the only night that all the networks are gonna be airing the same thing.

It might be the only chance that either though Don’t get to make impression this. They don’t do another debate. Even if it was just a bad night as a campaign is saying, does that matter? Does that matter And I’ll jump

Speaker 1: Let me have a way. Thank you. You raised the chat for your cover, bridge over trouble water, and… Those those lyrics are appropriate for the

Speaker 34: familiar military. Yes.

Speaker 1: Look, I I look there’s there’s his convention speech. There’s a debate. He could start doing high profile interviews. There’s all sorts of ways you could try to come back from this. Most the incumbents are or candidates who failing in 1 debate Had another debate with at a fortnite.

He doesn’t have another debate for good long while. And remember, he was already behind. I don’t… IIII don’t share Megan view that this is We’re looking at 48 states necessarily. I’ll look see how things go.

Speaker 0: So many biden staffers present. And and past have moved into the shocked, shocked category. Right? The Biden infinity story, obvious to outside Observers since he began, His time as president of the United States has now moved into that. We had no idea phase.

Then, next phase will be Blame Jill Biden.

Speaker 1: I think more than more than anything he can do is he can get luck perhaps donald Trump be sentenced to prison, and and voters live an overwhelmingly negative reaction to that. Perhaps the the horse rates in the outer end states won’t change very much, and then he’s still with an failing distance of of of some some of unfortunate event that he either brings a battery just happens on his own. I think a lot of it depends on whether it if he does tell that this week, whether he’s able to make his unlock and have some some luck. And and you never know the Donald trump horrible running it. All sorts of things changes.

Speaker 34: It sounds like that’s not much that he could do that. I mean, I mean, it sounds like he could it sounds like a lot of outside.

Speaker 1: He could get a great convention speech. He could do some high profile interviews where he’s really good. There’s he could have some international successes in in in Ukraine and israel, then totally control that would be good. And then if there is another debate, he could be great that debate. If he does great next debate if there is 1, that’s gonna matter more than this 1 if he cuts it.

There are there are things he can do.

Speaker 5: I think you’re gonna see a lot of surrogate coming out, especially from within the administration in the next week, talking about his confidence talking about what he’s like the talking about his deal. Believe, we’re already floating as a video of what Kevin Par sort of speaking more about his respect for biden this last week as.

Speaker 1: And we’re

Speaker 5: gonna the problem is that people didn’t believe it’s begin with and they should have been doing that a year ago.

Speaker 1: Yeah. Alright. Lauren, thank you. Thanks for the question. I it’s.

But I just wanna say a couple more things. First of all, very grateful to you all for joining Everyone gonna ask questions and participated and and and Megan in particular, who actually proposed that Do I think doing it. Press me this morning to do it. So I’m glad you to did that and always appreciate making sharing the passion, what she’s thinking about, and Lauren, thank you for doing this with me. 2 ways a new new platform Have really announced yet.

Is all of beta. If you like this kind of conversation. If you think we’re onto to something here, love for you to be supportive. Those of you who potentially could be supportive as investors or or content partners would love to…

Speaker 0: So, yeah. Mark mark Hal is the most, must clue in connected, intelligent, most most valuable of the abs observers of American politics. Right? Let’s get a little bit on Hezbollah Israel prospects for war from the Washington institute For the city of our…

Speaker 10: Headlines concerning the potential for an his Israel Hezbollah war are alarming. Consider the past few days. The state Department in the United States has increased its travel advisory and is warning Americans to reconsider travel to Lebanon. Other countries, including Canada, Germany and Kuwait are encouraging their citizens to leave Lebanon. The Pentagon is reported to be moving an amphibious assault chip and marines into the Mediterranean, in case the Us military is called upon to assist in the evacuation of the American embassy.

Just in the last hour, reports that the Israeli Air force has targeted a building with a group of hezbollah isabella operatives, and hezbollah has fired anti tank missiles into the Western Galilee in Israel. Earlier this week during a visit to Washington, Israeli Defense minister. You have Go warned that Israel could take Lebanon back to the Stone age. And has Ebola leader, Hassan san Has used televised speeches to not only threatened dozens of critical sites deep inside and across Israel, but has even threatened to target cypress if there is war. Taken together, these developments suggest that most are planning or expecting that the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will escalate.

Despite a widely share consensus that this war will be devastating. In terms of collateral damage, harm to civilians and the weapons and tactics employed by both sides. The outcome of such a war is uncertain. So to discuss these risks, again, I’m pleased to be joined by such an esteem panel of experts, and let’s get right to at escalation cycles. What does your mapping exercise tell us about the phases of this recent conflict after October rates eighth?

And does it offer any insights for how we could escalate?

Speaker 31: Yes. Definitely. Thank, Dana, and thank you, Mad and David for joining us here. Ass yourself hello.

Speaker 0: Anyone thing can cause this water. Knock off to take off to explode. Just just 1 air missile that say kills 10:20 israeli troops. Alright. You could have a massive Israeli escalation and the wall will go on.

Speaker 31: So. But the the the phases. Part is very important in in looking at the map and understanding escalation. Because it’s not just random phases. It…

These phases, especially from Hezbollah last side because this really was merely responding and trying to restart.

Speaker 0: I think it’s fascinating that Israel is eager for war against Hezbollah. And hezbollah Ballot does not want to go to war with Israel. But, Israel’s increasingly eager to go to war with Iran. Iran does not want go to war with Israel. So israel seems to be moving onto the front foot.

Speaker 31: Established deter. But what Hezbollah trying to do from the day 1 at S. The whole idea that it was involved in this confrontation and linked lebanon az, is that because Hezbollah and Y and the Ir c, Really need to be part of the conflict, the threats, and eventually the negotiations that come with it. They want a piece of the cake that comes from resolution, and have a seat at the table. This test was the whole calculations from the beginning.

That’s why the phases has always been, linked to both the diplomacy and conflict First, it’s definitely linked to. Whatever happens, That the phase, Are also reflected and hezbollah as calculations and escalation. Every time the buffet the phases of the company then does that change, you can see that some… There’s some changes within as well

Speaker 5: about communities.

Speaker 43: Well, it’s an unprecedented situation in which communities are totally displaced, scattered across hotels, and and apartments all all over Israel, losing their community cohesion, a lot of social…

Speaker 0: I I’d imagine how the United States reacted if communities of 60000 people on the southern border had it had to be moved inland because of terror attacks.

Speaker 43: And economic implications. But the the broader area itself, like, 5 kilometers in and even deeper is a warsaw. So the soundtrack of of that is ongoing attacks on on both sides, incoming, rockets and and the Ua or drones, into Israel, our own our artillery and fighting forces inside there. That’s that’s the the daily scenery, And well, how do you get them back? I think we need the first to to take a point, , about a comparison between K, mostly desolate now, and, which was never evacuated.

They’re above this the same size and Kia Suffers almost bailey shelling. And and Hurry lives relatively safely. So hezbollah isabella chooses not to attack a fully populated town at this point, which is a very important thing. So Israel, I think now regrets the the time or the decision of,

Speaker 0: Yeah. Immediately after October 7 Israel I wanted to go to war against Hezbollah and was talked out of it by the Biden administration. And now Israeli leaders recognize recognized that was a mistake. Interesting perspective from Ax Corporation putting in a Silicon valley, Hollywood Pinch sitter like Gavin News would outreach the progressive wing of the democratic party. Biden allies have played out various scenarios.

They see little chance of anyone besides Kamala Harris winning the nomination if Biden steps down? Will the democratic party deny the nomination to the first woman the first black, the first South Asian American to be elected? Come These allies think that Kamala Harris would struggle to pour moderate and swing voters and would enhance Donald Trump’s chances of victory.

Speaker 43: October seventh. To evacuate a border area. And the the question is, okay. How do you reassure and allow them to go back safely. You need first to stop the ongoing fighting because you can’t live in Med tool when, twice a day, you get anti tank missiles, heating homes and and , buildings just out of the glue.

You need to make sure that the rad 1 units all all the near border threads are pushed away from the border area north words, so hezbollah will not be there. It’s already about 90 percent less than the opening picture of of the early war? Because Miss Took most of its forces back, fearing Ivf attacks and so on. But how do you reassure people that it’s safe to live there. So part of it where the Can deploy and already deployed heavier defensive and heavier forces on the defense settings.

But on the question of how do you stop ef frontier, which as Matt said, is connected to Gaza, actually, connected also to tehran on? And how how do you make that stop And how do you guarantee they want come back to the near Border area, saying, well, we live here. With the garrison are in our holes, and it’s legitimate to to have a military deployment in the South. That’s, a political and diplomatic problem, but, also a security, social and economic problem. So it’s a vicious vicious problem like, a, Rubik’s queue, and you need to align a lot of facets to to make it work actually, most of these, when when you look at them, it’s very difficult to align, and some people are dealing with a Rubik’s Sku decided to use a hammer.

Instead of turning it and and try to to fix it, you legitimate and, let’s say, less costly leeway.

Speaker 10: Thanks so much for that. So now that we’ve talked about how we arrived at this moment and how communities on both open credit.

Speaker 44: And if you go back to, 2006, let’s say, the last war between his, Well. There… It was… Something like Israel was hitting his vol targets in South Lebanon for about 10 days, and then it ran out of targets. And the rest of the war the next 20 days the were targets that were hit in places.

All over Overlap including places like J that were sort of, not Hezbollah ba areas. Know Hezbollah personnel no hezbollah assets, and I think what we’ve seen between 2006 and 2023 on October eighth. Was that israel really did its homework in terms of targeting, both static targets and dynamic targets. It’s done the intelligence homework. It knows individuals, high value targets.

It knows locations of, weapons, caches, depot, etcetera. And so it has spent the better part of 9 months going out, and, after key personnel. And after hezbollah assets in the south, the problem of course is that, these people and these assets are everywhere. And so, , I think just today, it was reported that that Israel had 64 sites in 1 town like that a shop. But they’ve hit all over.

The south, sporadically in in Beck, and other areas of of Lebanon, mostly, in the south,

Speaker 0: So we got Alex Thompson from I believe Ax yes. He says the Biden family meeting was prep planned for today, and it includes a photo shoot with any le. So the Biden family spent the morning not having a summit, but in hair and make up for a shoot with any le. Any

Speaker 44: wow. I’m, but increasingly further north when targets have opportunity arise, an estimated 1 and a half billion dollars of of damage done to the south of Lebanon so far, and also an estimated 70000 people who have left and not under government orders, but on their own accord, widespread damage to buildings to farmland and to secondary explosions from arms depot, that cause havoc to to the environments. So where do these people go? Once again, this is not like, 2006 of the war with israel. When Israel targeting not only Dah, the Southern Suburb beirut and South Lebanon.

So these people couldn’t go dock necessarily. So a lot of people went to other places in Lebanon on in into Syria. But in the aftermath of, Hezbollah isabella joining the war and support of Bashar Os and killing the better part of half a million people in Syria, and Syria stone about. Condition, these people are not going to Syria. They’re they’re in Lebanon, many at at relatives homes elsewhere, but also in, facilities in in Lebanon government, facilities, shelters, etcetera, and you can read about this, but with some frequency in a la bar as well as hometown newspaper, where they talk about that the government isn’t providing, , gas for generators in these facilities that the quality of life is quite poor and difficult.

And there’s a lot of gru about that. But let’s just say there… There’s a lot of, I think, dislocation and and suffering as well in Lebanon. So there’s… But unlike Israel.

There’s no pressure that we’re hearing, from hezbollah wallace constituents, to end this or to to, get them back home. We’re starting to hear the gru from other people in Lebanon, but not specifically as far as I can tell in a concerted way from this constituency,

Speaker 10: Thanks so much to both of you. So now, we’re gonna turn to what…

Speaker 0: Yeah. How how would they speak? Out against Hezbollah baller. I mean, hezbollah muller would just execute them. It’s a little bit like speaking out against him us.

Speaker 10: Success or victory look like from Hezbollah perspective. And then finally, you can share some thoughts on if there is this war, how will it compare to what we have just seen in Gaza over the past 9 months. If

Speaker 16: Those are 3 big questions. So first of all, let’s start where where you ended. The potential if there is a full scale war between… Israel and Hezbollah is for it to be something, of orders of magnitude, bigger, more dangerous than what we have seen in Gaza, that says a lot. Hassan The secretary General hezbollah has warned that if there’s 1, he’s gonna…

That hezbollah bubble will fight with no limits, with no rules. As you mentioned in your intro, the israelis have said they would, send Lebanon on back to the stone age. Several months before October seventh, there was this kind of childish 2 kids in the Sandbox thing between Israeli leaders and Hezbollah leaders were would day in day out, they would they would threaten that stone age thing. There some israeli military leaders should say it may not go on a 1 to 10 scale from 0 to 10 right away, and maybe there could be additional phases of the type that Han was discussing. Where they could, escalate, but not going too much further.

The the Us administration has been warning that the Us intelligence community is concerned that you can’t do this in in in phases That if you start something, it’ll it’ll spiral vary, very quickly, and that in part depends on how hezbollah Responds Hezbollah isabella releasing drone footage of critical infrastructure and Hai, etcetera is supposed to be, signaling in that direction. So what would victory look like for each in part depends on how they fight. For hezbollah to end of the day, victory is remaining standing. And not being destroyed, being able to point to Israel when Lebanese say, look at all the destruction that was just created on the on the on the heel of a massive economic crisis, which is why I think the overwhelming number of companies me don’t want this war, and Hezbollah is concerned about that. At the end of the day, if if everything ended today, hezbollah would have this huge.

Speaker 0: Right. So overwhelmingly, the Lebanese and Hezbollah and Iran don’t well. This war and overwhelmingly Israelis do. Propaganda, peace which they would claim as

Speaker 16: part of their victory. We’ve been telling you for a long time. We’re eventually gonna… Liberate they would say the Galilee. Now we have just cleared the galilee of Jews for whatever it is 8 months Next time, we’re gonna do it permanently.

So so long as they are not fully destroyed and they wouldn’t be in a big war. They would claim their divine victory as relative in 2006. For the Israelis, ultimately, victory is being able to push hezbollah Ba back, destroy their capabilities, enough of their rocket arsenal. So that they can repo the north. They need the people to be able to go back to their homes in sovereign Israel without threat of being shot at on a daily basis.

And I don’t think that Israel here and this war is going to be trying to destroy all He, which is good because that’s not a achievable goal. They’ll be trying to destroy enough of their fighting power. To make it so that people can go home north. This is what is really. Officials I said very clearly for the past few months.

If we can achieve that goal through diplomatic means that the Us In Germany and France have All been pushing to get his Ballot through negotiations to red deploy as it were fine. If we can’t, these israelis have said, then we’re gonna have to do this. Through other means because the people have to go home.

Speaker 10: Thanks so much for that. And I would just note here the idea of destroying much of hezbollah fighting power is very… Similar to the military objectives identified by Israel Ford’s campaign in Gaza, which has obviously proven must much more difficult than we understood in October than and the same thing on the Hamas perspective for Hamas, victory is to survive. So what what this incentive structure looks like on both sides, I think is is quite concerning bert for how…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s leave it there for today. Take care. Bye bye.