Decoding The Winning Strategy Of The Palestinians (6-25-24)

01:00 What are real moral categories vs fake moral categories (racism, imperialism, sexist)
02:00 Tucker interviews Steve Sailer,
07:00 Dooovid joins,
21:20 NYT: Israeli Military Must Draft Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Supreme Court Rules,
39:00 Elliott Blatt joins with a juicy story
1:05:00 Love removes our defenses and shows who we really are
1:24:00 Will a Hereditarian Revolution Defeat Wokism? With Noah Carl,
1:35:00 Male vs female morality
1:45:00 Revolutionary War and the Development of International Humanitarian Law,
1:48:00 The excesses of female morality (childless women with no suitable target for nurturing focus instead on hapless groups in society).
2:03:00 Men are less willing to express controversial topics around women.
Complete transcript:

Podnotes AI transcript:
Speaker 0: Good. Mate 40 here. I wanna do a block. Person, I what a real genuine moral categories and what a fraudulent fake, pseudo moral categories. So I think things like, look, respect for your parents, Right?

Sexual discipline, fidelity that these would be like loyal. Genuine moral categories as opposed to concepts such as racism and imperial and colonialism, which are pseudo moral categories. But I guess what’s a real moral category and what’s a pseudo moral category. Comes down to the nature of your hero system. So I I want a research what what are traditional moral categories.

Right? As someone on the right, I I think that those methods that are time tested. Right? That… Like, more likely to be real and genuine as opposed to the the new fan viral categories.

So that’s that’s a topic I wanna delve into it future date. What what are the real moral categories what are the false borrow categories. Alright. You might just be depressed. If you not excited about Steve Sailor at getting interviewed by Tucker Carlson.

Right? If that doesn’t excite you, then you got a depression problem. I mean, how amazing is this? Steve Sailor ends up on Tucker Acosta

Speaker 1: signed up for conferences. My… The last speech I gave in 2013 was a… Analysis of the obama versus Romney exit polls. Didn’t seem like controversial to me.

But for the next decade every time, I’d be invited to a conference in about 6 weeks later, I’d get a email allow. Turned out the Sp c or media matters went to the hotel and said that this is just d horrible. It And you might find, also that the local anti fall, the black block guys, we’re thinking about protesting and, , how that can turn into a violence. It’s so forth. So they canceled their contract.

So, , the can I just kept writing, but all suddenly the Ice started to break up maybe last year and this year, I’ve been doing traveling around the country and meeting people have been reading me for years or just started reading me? It’s it’s a lot of fun. I I appreciate it.

Speaker 2: It’s just funny though because , in a world where there are some Wack, and there are people who advocate violence, you would seem to be maybe the last person who would scare people. I mean,

Speaker 0: That could Tucker Carlson interview Steve Sailor if he was still on Fox News. No way. There just be too much pressure against Fox News advertisers.

Speaker 2: And you’re effectively an act informal academic or social scientist, your numbers guy.

Speaker 1: Yeah. I’m kinda like Bill James the baseball statistics analyst for… The social sciences in the Us. I’ve… Like, for 3 years now, I’ve been raising a stain about Alright.

What was the impact of black lives matter on black lives? And as far as I can tell, it’s got… Black lives matter during the 2 eras of triumph, after Ferguson in 2015 16, and then the big 1, during the floyd effect, the racial reckoning of the 2000 twenties. They’ve got an an incremental 15 to 20000 extra black lives murdered through… Incremental homicide versus the baseline, or just splattered on the pavement through increased traffic fatalities.

Speaker 2: But… So all killed by white cops.

Speaker 1: Now. The vast majority of black shooting on deaths is at the hands of other blacks. So there was a For example, in 2020, there was just an enormous explosion in mass shootings with at least 4 dead or wounded at black social events. This is, , we we we talk about mass shootings a lot, but as the New York Times did a big study in 2 house. And 16 and concluded that almost 75 percent of the mass shootings with at least 4 victims.

And wounded or killed, take place in black on black events typically, Saturday night at the club or a funeral. Some some of them are organized crime, very strategic like in the Tv show, the wire, but a lot is just for 1 guy. This is another guy and people pull out guns and start shooting. And, yet, that’s very little interest to to the democratic establishment, the need for what I call point of use and control, the the the Democrats tend to ob over the need for point of sun of sail gun control to keep redneck necks out in the country, the from buying rifles, legally buying rifles at Walmart. And in truth, what we’ve seen like in the 19 nineties into the 2000 tens in New York City where people like Giuliani, Bloomberg and Brad did it’s great job bringing down the murder rate.

Speaker 0: Okay. So yesterday I was talking about the battle for Pi Robertson the brawl that went on. Outside the torres Synagogue, and and I thought, my god, this community doesn’t have control of its women because they’re They’re beautiful young, attractive women like getting right into the middle of the bra, which is incredibly self destructive, dangerous thing for women to do. Women much more physically vulnerable. They they bruise easier.

They break easier. They they out just more physically vulnerable to getting punched or or shoved or or heard. And I thinking come on, we we want to protect our women. We don’t want our women. There are on the front lines.

But then I’m also thinking that this incident shows that our women don’t have a good hold of our men. So… I was just thinking out loud. Oh, man, people are gonna be outraged, hearing me say that the Jewish community doesn’t have a a good hold on its women. But Jewish women don’t have a good hold on their men that each Sex tends to have particular power influence over the other Sex in completely different ways.

So I would want women to influence their men to not gratuitous risk their lives, risk their health, risk their social standing. By, for example, , pouring out public slows that can get video tape and video tape. Again can get recorded and and played and ruins your future? If you cared about your little brother. Alright?

Would you want him to get get damaged in in a riot like this. So what 1 of the healthy things of belonging to an in group is that there should be some sense that you feel like every member of your in group is your part of your extended family. So just like you wouldn’t want your little brother getting hurt, these kind of protests, and you definitely wouldn’t want your little sister getting hurt in these protests. You also wouldn’t want your niece or nephew getting hurt in and so too, you take the same attitude towards Eddy Young who’s vulnerable and unnecessarily getting into bras, you would want to protect their well being. And so I think that’s a healthy and a productive use of strong in group identity, that you look at the people who a bit younger than you it’s like, this is my little brother.

I don’t want them getting damaged in in a senseless brawl. Right? You have far more valuable things to do than getting into senseless brawl, my young brother, and you you’d feel bad. It feel bad for them because you recognize that the type of person who would get into abroad is only someone has got nothing to lose? Someone who doesn’t have a spouse.

Doesn’t have kids. Doesn’t have a flourishing academic or educational or professional career. It doesn’t have people depending on them only someone who has so little value of his own life would throw himself needlessly into a senseless brawl. David, anything that I just saying that you wanna comment in on?

Speaker 3: Yeah. Definitely. Although, just first use you knew Steve say the right you were in professional social circles with them?

Speaker 0: I don’t know personally, but I know something never is.

Speaker 3: Okay. Maybe there’s someone else. Yeah. I like the direction you’re going. Although, you, like, I mentioned the other day because I’m doing a lot of research into psychology.

And just recently, I I did a, you your, big research and stream on. American p. And I said, like, the philosophy of America is p with the, you, main names like Charles Saunders Pearson, William James John Dewey, George Herbert Meade. And in psychology, there’s 3 main theories of identity, and we’ve discussed the, , the 1 the narrative identity at length. But the other 2 main theories of identity are role theory, and trait theory.

, what role theory is that, like, George meade that there’s society, conditions us and develop certain roles for us and our identity is based on, interaction with other people that becomes kind of rehearsed for roles. In, , like William James says a man has as many social self as there are people that recognize him. And the other theory is trait theory where just, like, identity is based on certain personality traits that a person has largely consistently, across their lifetime and narrative identity… Identity there is more recent. So I’m not sure within the academic literature, how your hero system would fit in Is that a form of role identity theory or trade theory.

Speaker 0: It has absolutely it has nothing to do with what I asked you. Asked you a very simple direct question. I was talking about the healthy use of in group identity. And seeing members of your group needlessly put themselves at risk. 1 would wish that they would make other choices and 1 would feel sad that they feel that they have so little going for them that that they would needlessly risk their their well being in in a senseless brawl.

So I ask you a very specific question and you’ve you’ve gone on about narrative of identity a great length, many times on this stream. Ask you very direct question. Was there anything I said about in group identity, taking a sense of not ownership, but a sense of care and consideration that that viewing members of your in group is a part of your extended family and I would contend that this is a healthy way to go through life, and then feeling sad that people would have so little invested in their own life that they would, needlessly risk it. There anything other that specific matter before you go off on 15 other tensions? Is there anything on that specifically that you would like to comment on?


Speaker 3: Yeah. Because I think it depends and there’s not necessarily a single way to analyze it because you could have strong in group identity, but value, certain characteristics like courage and sacrifice where the suffering of your people is diminished according to those values. So, , so if you value honor sacrifice courage, and then you see your friends suffering and dying, , say, you’re not as worried. You’re more proud that they exemplified those characteristics as opposed there could be other characteristics that you might value and, Mean, in group identity also has its limits. He was say like, okay, the Jewish people has millions of people just in Los Angeles, there’s hundreds of thousands of Jews.

And, , you might be able to mourn or identify with, like, every single jew who is a victim of antisemitism, but at some point, , in group identity has its limits to family, friends, close community to, , the maybe concentric circles. And at some point, you’re gonna have conflict between, , like, okay. Like, a distant member of the Jewish community. You don’t know, versus maybe, like a, like, a non jew, you do actually know And, , so I think it’s gonna be hard to delineate a clear answer to that.

Speaker 0: Okay. So I’m talking about people you see right in front of you people who you’re acquainted with or that better than than just at an acquaintance level, and I think a normal natural, healthy in group identity there would be feeling bad that they’re needlessly risking their own well being. Now, What about the point that anyone who is getting into a senseless brawl has nothing going on in in their life worth protecting and how sad that is?

Speaker 3: Well, I mean, what about if your hero system includes certain things like sacrifice smarter, courage, bravery, how is that gonna conflict with he was like, I would rather have my close friend die horrible death. In a case of courage and babe than him being coward and run.

Speaker 0: Well, I kept using the word senseless. So you’re not using the word senseless. So I don’t know what hero system be would glorify someone senseless throwing their life away, but you certainly wouldn’t find it within Judaism. So I’m talking very specific in judaism, you’re not gonna find body hero systems that say, hey. Throw your life away for senseless reasons.

Speaker 3: Well, of course, you would because, like,

Speaker 0: zion You would. You would. Zion isn’t with trade right senseless.

Speaker 3: Senseless. Absolutely sense senseless.

Speaker 0: Absolutely senseless. So Israelis who want to live, absolutely senseless for them to wanna live.

Speaker 3: What it’s a dispute, so you could you could argue. That zion or the war in Gaza is senseless but thing. Some Jews feel that way, others don’t. So here you have that, like, no. Like, most Jews feel that the war and Gaza is honorable, and they have more respect for the brave soldiers than for the parade, even though, like, I could argue like, no.

You’re time for nothing. Not only that you’re ruining the good reputation of judaism, and you’re not even helping the safety of judaism. I mean, but I mean, we we don’t have to debate that specific issue. But I think that you would agree it’s debatable, and then here you’re saying to hear your actually more valuing what I was mentioning, like, courage, bravery, sacrifice, than you’ll, like, safety.

Speaker 0: Well, I was very clear. I’m talking about Senseless? Senseless. And so will you just oppose anything I say because that’s just your personality. I mean, that’s fine.

I I don’t know how anyone could could defend the senseless throwing away of your own life.

Speaker 3: What because that’s subjective senseless. So that means to argue… So I’m…

Speaker 0: So to have a discussion, We have to set things up with a parameter. I use the parameter senseless. And you wanna escape that parameter. III don’t know how you would argue, but you will. If I say 2 plus 2 equals 4, you’re gonna say, well, in a different hero system, it’s really 5.

Speaker 3: Well, I, I think case and point is where we do have a lot of deaths, like, there’s been over 315. Jews who’ve been killed in the war since October seventh, and thousands have, you’ve faced the injuries, many of them g us. And it’s argue… It’s you mean, you you could say you think it’s completely clear without argument whether this war in Gaza is senseless this.

Speaker 0: I I wasn’t trying to talk about gaza. I was talking about people senseless throwing away their lives, but you weren’t you weren’t confront that issue. So whatever I…

Speaker 3: Pointing it because I… I’m saying, like, I mean, without an example? I mean just say, what’s an example

Speaker 4: I gave an example.

Speaker 0: There were… Senseless bro out for outside of the Synagogue. I’ve said it about 10 times now. A very specific example, Senseless bro outside of Synagogue. That just needlessly put your own well being at risk.

I, and I I’m not gonna just keep repeating it. So maybe there are some thoughts that you’ve developed, I agree with he that.

Speaker 3: But I was saying, I don’t think I don’t think A Jews would agree that it was sent us, and I think I that there are hero systems probably among your neighbors and friends that don’t think that that was senseless.

Speaker 0: I wasn’t asking odd jews. I was asking you I ask you. David. But I I give up. I won’t ask you anymore.

Asked you 12 times and and I I can’t get a straight answer. Maybe you’ve got some reflections on your own. Maybe I’ll hear some of your points. Because I’m I’m just talking to a brick wall with regard to couple the points or it most point to me. So we’re now what, 2 days since the the Rumble on Pi Boulevard in the heart of Jewish community, Orthodox Jewish community about a block or 2 outside of Beverly Hills.

And I I know you you’ve been thinking about it. So nothing I said resonated with you today, nothing I said made any sense to you whatsoever. So why don’t you drop some thoughts on me? Have you had further reflections about what happened in Pi Robertson on… Sunday with the brawl between the pro power and the pro Israel crowds.

Speaker 3: Yeah. I mean because now at this point, it’s past is done, , have to assess… , if out, like, the definition or reg of, , senseless or various interpretations, but say, how at risk was the Jewish community? Was it a good or bad thing that Jews stood their ground? And the outcome now of the 2 perspectives of the political perspective that makes Jews look like the victim and helpless, and now, like, a lot of pressure, where, , now we need special protections, , like, now we’re gonna get, maybe more government grants to protect synagogue gag or police protection or a whole bunch of powerful people are gonna say, , sympathetic statements towards the Jews or over exaggerated the danger that we’re in, your first some sort of reasonable assessment, , eventually, like you in Metro Detroit, they have , Federation, probably in La also they have, you group of probably security experts, Id police officers, your wealthy people that have a legitimate assessment of the security needs of the Los Angeles Jewish community.


Speaker 0: Yeah. I know there are range of views. Ask you, do you have 1? I mean, you just outline, like, half a dozen different perspectives. People could take.

But is there anything that you actually believe?

Speaker 3: You might, that my view is generally towards towards legitimate group conflict of interest and that, either has to be some sort of negotiation, resolution around legitimate group conflict of interest. And here you have, , with the war in Israel, you have a case of legitimate group conflict of interest that likely could spiral into violence, you have conflict of interest where certain aspects of the American community, the American Jewish community, are pushing Israel, I mean, America, to possibly go against their best interest in supporting Israel’s action and escalate group conflict of interest that would will likely be seen with further protests, further direct action against the Jewish community let alone now where you say, like, you would call the senseless violence as in escalation. And now it’s kinda of well to wait and see are the palestinian People, gonna respond in kind with AAA typical tit for tat, or they gonna be like, okay, Like, we were wrong. We shouldn’t have protest protested a Synagogue. We got our lick and we learned our we learned our lesson we won’t do that again.

Speaker 0: Okay.

Speaker 3: That’s just my style leak. I’m not prescriptive. Right.

Speaker 0: I know that’s your style you already knew that. So, I mean, you don’t have any new thoughts about this conflict. So let’s… Just move on. You’re just saying things that we already know.

In in Israel, the Israeli supreme court ruled that the Israeli military must dropped Cora hooray Jews, any thoughts on this development.

Speaker 3: Yeah. I mean, this is… I mean, it’s not surprising. Everyone knew it was coming, and now it’s finally here. There might be some sort of bureaucratic hold ups possible.

So I mean, it’s not necessarily, like, it’s gonna happen right away, this was the whole… The the largest reason in the Supreme Court the, , Netting netanyahu plan to revamp the Supreme Court. And take away their powers. It was up there with 1 of the big 3 reasons, , to do it, which, , largely failed due to international pressure, and the protest leading into, of the war, , obviously, it could lead to the dissolution of Netting netanyahu out who’s majority but mean, it appears that they’re going to make some sort of compromise where, you, know, probably like, the number I’m hearing right now is, like, 3000 a year. Even though the Supreme Court seem to have ruled that, all of those compromises aren’t possible, it has to be all of them, it has to complete the extend and the exemption And, I mean, Israel’s is in Limbo right now, Israel’s is in a lot of trouble, and the nature of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court actually, dictate policy.

All they could do is say that the current policy is against the law, but they can’t actually force a new policy and then also, , because the ruling coalition has to enforce the law of the Supreme court. But I would expect to see some tiny level of compromise a number of thousands of cor… You, may be joining some level of cooperation within the Netanyahu coalition of actually enforcing it. But Also pushback of breaking the coalition and, Mean, I don’t know what what what’s your analysis of it?

Speaker 0: I don’t know. Just it surprised me. I it’s it’s something that I would… Intrinsically favor. That coming.

No. I didn’t know it was coming. I I think it’s it’s a great development. In the sense that I knew was gonna have to come in the next 20 years if Israel was getting to survive, but I didn’t know was coming this month. So 1

Speaker 3: that 1 of the things the supreme court was considering and eventually they were gonna rule on it, and everybody knew that the supreme court was gonna rule that the parade and we’re gonna have to be drafted. There. I mean, in that sense, people who are following didn’t have any doubt, like, any… And at some point could be any day the supreme court was gonna make this ruling.

Speaker 0: Okay. I wasn’t up to date on that. What do you think about the United States ins a draft so that people the have… To serve in the armed, forces or have to do some kind of public service for 2 years.

Speaker 3: Yeah. I mean to say no chance. I mean, I’d say, like… I definitely would oppose that and , libertarian and leaning. And I think…

I I think the Us is falling apart anyways, but let alone that there could be, consensus around a national identity, and , the fortune Israeli national identity is is really twofold. 1 is haiti where, like, the national identity is Israel’s the Jewish state, and the are the Quintessential , example of what it means to be Jewish, and the other is basically safety and security that, , Israel was created because you the holocaust or because Jews aren’t safe because of anti semitism, and therefore in order to be safe, national identity is built upon people putting in their fair share. And , so the majority Israel, that is the national identity around military service and how they see military service is I would say less so, , from some, like, you, it was basically, like, a an unfortunate condition of the reality of being a jew in the necessity for security and safety. I don’t think you would be able to find that in the Us, like, , in order to build identity or some sort of purpose, you would have to have some sense of, like, , like… Without it, we’re all gonna die, and I don’t think you’re good legitimately gonna be able to create a situation like that in the Us.

Speaker 0: Okay. David, if you got any further thoughts throw them in the in the chart, and I’ll bring you back a little later on the show. So… I’m gonna. I’m gonna move on for right now.

Speaker 3: Yeah. Got us. Thanks for having me Okay.

Speaker 0: Thanks. Thanks for coming by, David. Okay. Just heartbreaking story in foreign policy, Magazine. You wouldn’t expect heartbreaking stories in foreign policy, Magazine, but Here’s a headline.

It just it just choke me up because I’ve struggled with this. Loneliness is a national security crisis. So I often tend to have an exaggerated sense of my own importance. And when someone comes along online and kind of feeds into my exaggerated sense of importance, or someone in real life. Alright?

I am susceptible to being manipulated, and it’s not just me. It’s thousands of people have been taken in by scams online. So loneliness is a national security crisis Internet scams. Right, who do they target? They target vulnerable people, who’s vulnerable?

Lonely people. Right? I’ve I’ve been constantly lonely man at various times in my life. Right? Loneliness epidemic in the United States so bad that even federal agencies are paying attention half of adults report experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

And by the time you experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, that is a warning system. Right? For your physiology like, hey. What the heck? Something’s going on here, this is dangerous for you.

This is really bad for you. You’re in a really bad place. It’s not some trivial thing like ind indecision. Right? If you’re feeling lonely.

Right? And you become conscious that you’re feeling lonely, That’s huge. That’s dangerous. It’s a a giant warning system that your life is not on track. Right?

It’s like, hey. Pay attention. You gotta. Do something about this. And to chronically feel lonely day in and day out as most people in in marginal movements are, that’s that’s a disaster.

Right? The that this goes on, but for weeks at and month, and then years and for most of your life or all of your life, you you feel loneliness. That is terrible for you, and it’s terrible for society because you are going to be incredibly vulnerable. If if you are lonely. Alright?

You’re gonna be vulnerable to stream politics to being taken in by cults to be taken in by scams. Alright. You’re you’re a sitting docs for for something or someone who comes along and makes you feel whole. Right? And that’s how Psycho work.

Right? They come along and they make you feel great and then they hook you in with those good feelings, and they they start using and abusing you. So we’ve got a painful social problem because the more diverse we are? The less we we have in common with each other. And the less we have in common with each other, the more lonely people get.

Right And sure. The the smart 01:15 01:20 plus Iq people, They’re doing pretty well in the United States of America. Right? They’re graduating from college they’re getting married. They’re having kids.

But those who don’t have those cognitive skills, and even some, with those cognitive skills are not getting married and are lonely, are isolated and now vulnerable to courts to extremism and to scams. So This article written by a woman who specializes in matters of, online security in Natalia, into and, Natalia And. And she says, I get laughed at when I tried to explain the national security threat of loneliness to old school Bureau, like, who can blame them. Lip Med says Long walk are starting to flag toward the top of the stretch when I see young, Mexican in a gaza scarf campaigning for the local communists. I look him in the eye.

And with the raised voice, I say. Have you watched the luke for. But consider how easy it can be to company the lonely in the desperate. Right? If you’re lonely, this is a big warning signal.

There’s something’s really wrong. It’s like, yeah you’re having symptoms of a heart attack. Right? Yeah. Having, symptoms of going blind.

Right? You wanna wake up and figure out what the heck is is going on. Right. Sweet Dave. Right.

He… That’s his name among security professionals, Otherwise known as David, Franklin slater. Retired Us army the lieutenant colonel turned civilian air Force employee, charge with passing on classified information to an individual claiming to be a woman and a Ukrainian via email and other online messaging platforms. Why did he do it? Because he was lonely and a woman came along in online and gave him gave him attention?

I he told this woman you and my secret inform love. Right he wanted to feel special. You wanna feel special? Do you have a desperate yearning to feel special? I This could be so m that you start live streaming every day with your thoughts on the news.

Alright. So the person he was corresponding with made him feel like a hero, not just another retired soldier in Nebraska. Who doesn’t wanna feel like a hero. Right? We could be heroes just for what day.

Everybody wants to feel like a hero, but if you’re longing to be a hero is 7 out of 10, 8 out of 10, 9 out of 10:10 out of 10, that’s highly dysfunctional. But that is a really bad idea. Right? You’re you’re going to be making a lot of terrible decisions if you have a an intense yearning to be a hero. Damn, Gl Med says I cannot walk and listen to 40 at the same time.

I’m sorry, that the cognitive level of this show is so demanding that walking above, I think walking above 4 miles an hour, starts to interfere with one’s capacity to properly appreciate the profound insights that are given to you on the 40 show. So it’s easy to dismiss people like slater as foolish and as Horny and definitely was. But you can une his Facebook likes. Right? He was just completely washing images of una unsustainable Fantasy women to an embarrassing level.

So it would just make sense you you’d lose all common sense if approached by 1 online. So they’re got be software programs that will monitor the social media posts of your employees or those who have national security interests because If if you have national security interest and you’re lonely, you are highly vulnerable to spilling the beans. When was the last time? I had a Kebab hero sandwich at Venice Beach. I am vegetarian.

So I’ve never had a kebab sandwich, and I don’t eat in non kosher places. So sex. Alright? Someone, it’s too discord to walk into listen to 40 at the same time. So it’s not that the Iq level is too cognitive distracting is that I don’t have the smooth.

Tones of the the more accomplished national broadcasters and live streamers, where you just feel a nice rhythm as you’re listening to the host speak, and it just goes just goes with your walk instead I’m up here, then I’m down there, then they’re are long awkward po pauses, and then I’m yelling at do, and then I’m yelling at the chart, and then I’m yelling at myself, and it’s just it’s just too discord. Right? It it is not a good compliment for a walk. I listen to nothing at all. You you normally listen to nothing at all when you walk gl, Wow, I would say, 98 percent of the time when I am walking, not on shoppers.

Alright? I am listening to something. Right. Then we got air national guard, member Jack Ta her, leaked highly classified information to impress his fellow nerds on discord. Right, He wanted them to think of him as a badass.

So you think he’d be at a normal level of connection that he would have been eager to impress his fellow nerds on… Discord to this degree? Wait. How can you be vegan and beef fa capsules? Right?

I don’t eat meat precisely because I’m not never said I was vegan on vegetarian and precisely because I am vegetarian, and I don’t take in meat through my diet. I have to supplement it by swallowing capsules. So it’s like Oh, how can you say Oral sex is not sex. Well, in the to tradition, Oral sex is not sex. There is a substantive difference between Oral sex and.

Vaginal sex. And so I tell you, I don’t eat meat. I have to swallow p organ capsules to have a decent level of health. And then to some people that sound like a contradiction and to other people, it will make Perfect safe. Sense.

Alright. Foreign intelligence praise on the lonely and the vulnerable, well not just foreign intelligence. All forms of life, prey on the vulnerable. Right? When you’re you’re looking to feed, right?

You look for the vulnerable. If you’re walking and giving off a vulnerable air. Right? You’re much more likely to get mug. Right?

We have all sorts of, attractive women who have seduced men to drain them of their national security. Interest. Now the Internet allows a… And the illusion of connection. Right?

If facilitates exploitation on a scale we have never seen before. And it doesn’t even take foreign actors. Right? We got 2 Americans going on trial for charge with giving classified information to Russia, What does a married couple have to do with loneliness and fantasy wars? Well, many married couples are terribly terribly lonely.

Remember years ago on the step at the way and the young woman next to me said, how can you do that? I said, pick your feet up? She said, no. You don’t have headphones on. Yeah.

I I would go crazy. Alright? My mind needs to be occupied. So I I can’t imagine going for a walk without listing to… Usually, I’ll listen to a book, But sometimes I listen to a podcast.

Okay. Look at the power dynamics in this marriage. Right? They were in a lopsided upside relationship with Gabriella Ellen submerged in a fantasy dream world of sacrificing everything for a distant mythical Russia, and so she pressured her spouse going along with it. Right, she thought she could simply email the Russian embassy offer them help and then trust whoever easy emails from random strangers over there.

Alright. She caught to spouse a coward for showing any hesitation about being a trader to America. Right? There wasn’t a financial motive. This was a spy fantasy con cock by a woman who wanted to feel important.

Gordon Black. South Sergeant in the Us army was arrested in Russia in May at Accused of theft. He was involved with the Russian woman in bloody v. Right? And he was nab there, he’s in the middle of a divorce.

From his American wife, found pictures of him with the Russian woman in question, and she drained him of his interest national security interests. Right? She humiliated him. So Black decided to risk it all for a Russian woman. Right?

He was incredibly lonely and is vulnerable. 40, don’t you need time to think through develop, refine your own thoughts. I do. And at the best way I, find my own thoughts is by listening to other thoughts? Or by listening to music.

Well they just hit me. Often when I’m reading the newspaper, listening to a podcast, listening to a book, then then the thoughts just start flowing in and and start making notes on my phone. So all sorts of people with access to sensitive information, right will give it away for the illusion. Of intimacy. Even music distract me from writing.

Yeah. I understand that for some people, but I I’ve had people tell me that the the quality of my work was excellent, and I was listening to music, 99 percent of the time. So I usually… I’m usually listening listening to music when I’m writing, when I’m thinking, when I’m making notes for the show when I’m preparing for the show. So it it’s just just a natural security when that national security, that’s at risk.

Alright? You are at risk. If you’re lonely, if you’ve got an intense need to be hero, you’ve got an intense need to feel special And what have we got going on here? Elliott Vlad. Do you have a juicy story for us?

Speaker 5: Yes. Hi, Luke Can you hear me?

Speaker 0: Yes. I know you can talk about this and you can talk about that and there are some perspectives on this and other than that. But you have a Juicy story for us, sir.

Speaker 5: Juicy is a strong word, but it’s a good story I believe. Last things. But it’s gonna be a somewhat of a difficult story you tell because certain details I wanna conceal because Sure. I don’t feel as though it’s appropriate to me.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. Just give the the spiritual truth. So feel free to adjust some factual details, so we get the spiritual truth.

Speaker 5: Okay. So as , we have a mutual acquaintance and He’s a bit of an under earn. But it’s very complicated, sort. It’s not like he’s an intelligence or anything. He does…

It’s not like he needs to be an under earn. Right? Highly intelligent, highly educated, highly competent. He actually earns quite a bit of money, but he lives a life that’s incredibly self sa, and it’s both instructed to him, but basically, everybody he comes in contact with. He’s the most complicated personality I’ve ever met.

And which is fitting because I met him through you. So with that backdrop in place, I need to… Now on for all the story.

Speaker 0: Joey we call Joe?

Speaker 5: Let’s call them Joe. So Joe Joe has really taken a shine to me. ? He sees me as a kw I don’t wanna say father figure, but he sees me as a sort of somewhat, I’m considerably older than he is He sees me as a somewhat of a person with a little bit of wisdom to share. And therefore, he he he respects what I have to say, and my approval of him is important to him.

So it’s not like I have dominion over him, but he does very much value my opinion and seeks it out and he likes sort of considering me a friend.

Speaker 0: He’s like deep left joker.

Speaker 5: He’s sort like deep left joker, but deepak joker is… Considerably more refined in this doctor than Joe. Yeah. Okay? So, Joe, over the months, occasionally, so I just show up my apartment, and he’s got, like a woman to show me.

Speaker 4: Great.

Speaker 5: So he brings over a woman to my apartment. And he knows that when he shows up my apartment. At the right time, I’m generally making dinner and I’ll generally, , share a little bit of the dinner that I prepared. And, , he’s sort of part of, like, the under earn sort of mind spaces like this. Poverty mindset.

Yeah. And he’s he’s sort of always like, , a free meals meal. ? Like he’s get a fucking. Yeah.

He’s getting. Eat as much as he can.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: If it’s offered to him. So this There’s a sort of une economic, incentive that sir under underlies his affinity to me. So this is all part of the background. So just so imagine, every now and again, he shows up, and he’s got this woman with him. Now this woman is generally, not exactly a attached.

what I mean? Yep. Like, Smb 3 or or below? what I mean?

Speaker 0: Yep. How how long is she?

Speaker 5: Generally, , 30 ish.

Speaker 4: Okay.

Speaker 5: Maybe a little above, maybe a little below, but But generally speaking, not attractive. Yep. Incredibly not attractive. Right?

Speaker 6: Yep.

Speaker 5: But he sort of manages to see something in her or something. And sort of, he likes to introduce these women to me because I sort of confer some sort of legitimacy on him. I’m sort of his sort of, , Wing man as it worked, a better term. , he’s he’s trying to sort of show that he knows stable people or semi stable people for and at least in his eyes, I’m somewhat

Speaker 0: My god. Wow. Right.

Speaker 7: Yeah. So so so you guys I

Speaker 5: just have to understand that this sort of dynamic just kind of has unfolded over the years without any active participation for me. And I don’t actively teeth, but I don’t actively shut it down like I ought to. Right? Because , it’s like as we’ve discussed in past, , Sort of I don’t exactly know where appropriate boundaries are. ?

And it push come to Shu, push comes to shove. I’m… , I I sort of air towards the side of lean c. And

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: I’m more exact… I’m more inclined to say yes and I’m saying No. And given my, history, , saying no is often the better course. But Yeah. We

Speaker 0: when a lot of women, I’ve dated a lot of women like, you.

Speaker 5: Really now.

Speaker 0: Right Yeah. That’s good. They don’t like say no.

Speaker 5: Okay. So let’s you So I’m gonna advance story a little bit here. So this goes on month after month, every month or so new woman. New set of, un generally, unbelievably unattractive, and dear people that I just basically never wanna see again. Right?

And then, like, 2 months ago, he shows up. And it’s got southern women. And I say, listen, I don’t want you bringing any more fucking drug addicts since my apartment. I don’t wanna need to people. I don’t wanna know these people.

They they they sat my soul. I just… It’s just not what I want to. He’s like, no. This one’s different.

She’s incredibly beautiful. And Like, really? And he… He’s like, yes. Alright.

And so I say, okay. Alright. Bring her by. So she, he comes by. And she brings us…

He brings this woman here, this absolutely stunning. I mean stunning.

Speaker 0: Wow. Wow.

Speaker 5: Like, 9 and a half plus. I Wow. Stunning. And not only that, she’s Educated.

Speaker 0: She’s

Speaker 5: she’s fluent in, like, German and French and possibly italian. And maybe even Russian. She’s got, like this galaxy brain Iq, and she’s with me, she’s in my apartment with Joe, , who basically lives in this

Speaker 0: car. Well. How this happen? How does the stack?

Speaker 5: This doesn’t happen in real life. So I’m like, I’m basically in Hell front mode. Here, like, waiting for the… Yeah. How many did, like, , say the joke is up.

. This is… This is like, just not natural. Right? This doesn’t happen in the real world.

And that… Put there again, but there enough. There she is She’s in an apartment. And we’re talking. We’re speaking a little french, I speak a little French, , not fluent, but I can speak some French and like, this is just like, and unbelievable development look.

And I’m like,

Speaker 0: yeah, Wow.

Speaker 5: So so I’m making… So I make dinner I make dinner for for Joe for her. We have a dinner. We sit down. We have we have a little wine.

You have awareness dinner, we have chi chat. We talk about, , investments and trading. Oh, I stuff. Like, intergalactic. I stuff, I’m saying,

Speaker 0: So connection.

Speaker 5: How can this really have… This doesn’t happen to people like me. Right? Alright. Look.

At my best day at my age. I’m a 6. I’m my gosh. That We’re talking about, like, a 9 class here. I mean, she’s got this look like.

She’s like, a a Baller arena ? And she has this energy, this like angelic aura about her. ?

Speaker 0: Yeah. And

Speaker 5: I’m like, this is… I wasn’t ready for this, bro. ? And so… I’m thinking, Okay.

This is 1 off. I can deal with this. I know this is… I know this ship is sailing. Right?

Like, don’t get too attached to it enjoy well here it. Right? And then I’m, like, , I’m expecting this whole thing to sort of dissolve and then I’m expecting my normal mediocrity. My my criminal media meteor code life to sort of resume its course. Right?

And then, , we say a goodbye and so forth, and I figured, , this little this little brush with greatness bound to be over with. Right? And then So a couple days later, I, like, open up the door to my apartment, and there’s like, a brown paper bag on my door. And it’s got, like, all kinds of baked goods. And

Speaker 0: I’m like.

Speaker 5: What the hell is this? Right? And and I’m like, yeah, I open up the door. , I look in this and baked goods in like. What the fuck?

How does this happen? Wow. Doug dropped off some blueberry muffins for me.

Speaker 4: My god.

Speaker 5: Can you fathom? That now. So, like, so basically, we’re talking about, like, you no. But 1 of a millions yeah. Now it’s like, 1 of the.

Like, hot women don’t drop off baked goods at my apartment. On a regular basis. what I mean? Yeah. So I’m

Speaker 0: I mean, aside from the time that I had them to live in.

Speaker 5: Okay. And so I’m like… I mean, she’s, like, 15 years younger than me at least. Right? And but, like, there’s nothing.

There’s nothing that can really come with this. But nevertheless, these thoughts start flooding my mind.

Speaker 0: Of course, you’re only human.

Speaker 5: Yeah. And, like my whole, like… So basically, my whole world is like incredibly turned down down. Right?

Speaker 0: Wow. Yeah. I would be.

Speaker 5: Like, because, , I’m in I’m in the normal low. I got a Costco and I see, like, , 400 pound woman in mobility scooters. Right? Yeah. This is what this is the sort of normal…

Is it stern and drone or something something…

Speaker 0: Yeah I’m and drunk. Yeah. That’s the normal thing. Okay. So so…

Keep keep going.

Speaker 5: Okay. So I’m like, okay. I need to be sober about this. I can’t start having, like, fannie… She’s totally moist material.

what I mean?

Speaker 0: No Yeah.

Speaker 5: Totally, like, in… Again, I’m like, How can this be? Why she married now? Right? Yeah.

Like, this is like quality at a level that’s you don’t encounter often. Right? And so I’m like, oh, god, what pressure? Like, how do I process this? How do I You, this…

It turns out she’s, like, 2 blocks away from me. Basically neighbors dude or nor neighbors. For all intents purposes. Right? And so…

And I guess… And like, these flawed. These thoughts are flooding in and, like, I’m having dreams. I’m, like, is this real? Could this be true could this be happening, , , I need to go, , Do I make a move?

Is this appropriate? Is this even in the realm possibly? There’s something wrong here. Like, I’m having this Allen fund. Fears about all of this.

Right? Yeah. And, like… So So, , with your chat, and so she, oh, okay. I gotta I gotta point this out.

And that… That’s she likes to drink.

Speaker 4: Okay. I mean, we all

Speaker 5: products drink I drink team

Speaker 0: You like to drink.

Speaker 4: You guys are traffic for

Speaker 0: each other.

Speaker 5: It’s funny exactly. It’s another… It’s another ass. It’s like… At the same time.

It’s kind of a red flag.

Speaker 4: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Depending on how

Speaker 0: much drinks.

Speaker 5: Right. But so, , so so so you have drinks. We chi chat and so forth and I’m enjoying this. Part of me is sort of not believing it’s happening, kind of thing, , And her… And eventually, she invites me over to…

So she lives with her mother. And she invites me over to, like, like, a, little party night, a little suarez.

Speaker 0: Nice.

Speaker 5: With me, her her mother and this other woman. No. 2… This is, like, 2 weeks ago. So we have this little dinner party.


Speaker 4: Yeah.

Speaker 5: And so you got… So you got her. Who’s… Let’s just for all type but let’s say… Let’s just use numbers here.

Yeah. You got, like, this 10. Right?

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: Then you got her mother who was obviously very attractive. I saw pictures of her wheelchair suck. She was very attractive in her day. , but, , time takes its toll. And so, char believe she’s a attached.

She’s a 2

Speaker 0: now. Day. Yeah.

Speaker 5: And then there’s this other woman who’s a friend of the mother who kinda looks like Liz.

Speaker 0: Oh my god.

Speaker 5: That’s basically a 0. Alright. So I got, like, A0A2 and a 10. Right?

Speaker 4: What the hell? That’s weird.

Speaker 5: Alright. Like, I’m at…

Speaker 0: You’ve got a nice personality. Yeah.

Speaker 5: Yeah. But I have to pretend

Speaker 0: that they’re all the same. Right? Worthy of your attention. They’re all 5. Right.

Speaker 5: So I… I’m having this in immense cognitive load that I’m trying to. Like, right Okay. I gotta give each 1 equal attention. I gotta be justice as of charming and con to each 1.

Right? But you. This glaring 10 and then you got this 2 and then fucking 0. And, like, so we’re out. , I’ve just…

The stress is a match. And it took yeah all of my social skills. To sort of just gonna remain a gentleman and be, equally attentive to to. If you have any situation like this?

Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. And and I’m… The same way. I mean, I I’m not again every pretend that I’m equally attentive, but I…

I’m not a joke. Alright? I I show some attention to the zeros. I’m a hero for the way I treat zeros. Okay.

Keep keep going,

Speaker 4: Elliot. My god. We… We’ve lost Elliot b. I mean, the story was just getting good.

What the hell? Elliot? Baby come back. He can blame it all on me. I was wrong, and I I just can’t live without you.

Elliott come back. I’m spending all my shows Oh, 0 my time. Like, doing anything I can just to get you off my mind. Elliott, are you still there? What the heck?

What the heck? But I mean, here

Speaker 0: I am. It’s it’s 05:46PM. Alright? The polls closed on the East Coast and 14 minutes, but I’m right back where I started and trying to forget you Elliott is just a waste of time. Elliott come back.

Any kind of fool could see. There’s something in everything about you. Hell come back. You can blame it all on me because I was wrong and I just can’t stream without you. Like, all day long.

I wear a mask false bra provider. I try to keep up a smile that hides a tear. I But as the sun goes down, and the end of the first hour comes up on my live stream. I get that empty feeling again, how I wish to guard that you

Speaker 4: were here and that I I could hear you. Elliott come back. Your device is not connected. You can you can blame it all on me.

Speaker 0: I was wrong, and I I just can’t stream without you. Okay, man. I curious, Okay. Fixing audio. No.

Leave the leave the hang and come back. Alright. You’re not connected. Device not connected elliott. So leave and come back.

Be even come back. Wasn’t the attractive woman supposed to have being committed to mister B acquaintance? Did that not give me except at any pause. A stiff prick has no conscience. Right.

I’m sure it says that in the palace somewhere. Okay. Elliott. Okay. Keep going Bro.

Heavy been hanging. So

Speaker 5: so we have this dinner like, and… It set gives It’s so hard to explain the dynamics. But it was both sort of enjoyable with extremely stressful. Right? So in the course of this, the mother sort of took a shine to me.


Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: And but the mother is, like… I think she’s, like, really, like, heavily at on Ss eyes.

Speaker 4: Okay.

Speaker 5: And She’s like a really flat effect. ? So… But she’s just not at all emotionally doesn’t demons at all. And, like, but she’s sort of taken a shine to me in this way.

And for somehow, we exchange text numbers and then she starts texting me all the time.

Speaker 0: So a scam. They’re running a scam.

Speaker 5: I don’t know. Like, okay. Like, it feels like… It’s so hard to explain. So I I was I was arrested and I was reluctant to even call because I didn’t have my thoughts purely for me.

Speaker 0: Oh, so this is where we’re… We’ve left things. When did? When’s the

Speaker 4: last time you heard from the hardy?

Speaker 5: Text wise? Yeah. Today.

Speaker 0: Really, what does she text you about?

Speaker 5: Oh, okay. So… So she’s fan herself a, stock trader.

Speaker 0: Oh, day trader.

Speaker 5: Day trader. Yeah. And she has this whole methodology, and she’s explained it to me. And she’s basically recruiting clients.

Speaker 0: Oh, so she thinks you have money.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Yeah. That’s certainly part of it.

Speaker 4: Okay.

Speaker 5: And so that’s definitely an angle which I believe is operating here. Mh. So she’s beth sort of affectionate it, but extremely sand standoff at the same time. Is she Russian? Lafayette.

Speaker 0: Oh, okay. So she’s an adventurous.

Speaker 5: Yeah. And the thing is is like, when you’re not in her presence, you can take rationally. Yeah. But when you’re her presence… Yeah.

Yeah. All just and leaves the room. Right? It’s sort of like… , I thought I was like this sort of,

Speaker 0: Caesar.

Speaker 5: Caesar this cold calculating purely rational animal, , who can withstand this type of onslaught, but I’ve learned that I cannot.

Speaker 0: I’m not.

Speaker 5: I’m I’m neither called no rational.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: And it was sort of… I don’t know. This all elderly… There’s gotta be, like, scams out that… Yeah.

This has to be the plot of some novel out. Somewhere. Yeah.

Speaker 0: Why would you think you have a substantial amount of money?

Speaker 5: Well, I think Joe,

Speaker 0: I’m built you up.

Speaker 5: Built me up.

Speaker 0: How I earth does she know Joe?

Speaker 5: It is okay. I’m gonna try…

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. Lying lying that’s just get to the spiritual Truth.

Speaker 5: Yeah won’t seem rational, but in my neighborhood, this 1 sort of Quasi supermarkets where everybody goes because there’s cheap wine.

Speaker 0: Oh, god.

Speaker 5: So so… And there’s cheap groceries in general, but particularly, it’s known for… So people of all economic strata shop here because they can get superb deals on wine. But other people like Joe’s who’s just cheap, like to go there because they can get good deals on groceries.

Speaker 0: Is it’s also a neighborhood where you can pick up women who are strung out on drugs and have sex with them relatively cheaply.

Speaker 5: No. And it’s a reasonable thing to ask, but you have to understand there’s sort of a 2 tier you have to understand that real, geography, and economic, neighborhoods of San Francisco to understand So everyone has this assumption that San Francisco is just strewn with needles and feces. Right? Yeah. Yeah.

It’s not exactly the case. Certain that’s very much the case of all of the tourist destinations, but the regular sort of residential neighborhoods are sort of similar to what I would imagine, like, a regular red residential neighborhood in La a would be Like. , who’s who’s to know how long this will last. But suffice to say, the name of I in in is especially it this way. I live in the in the lowest…

I live in the worst place in 1 of the best neighborhoods in San francisco. Yeah ever here. You’re were at movie. What was it about, like, the sky that lived in in Beverly Hills, but the at the… It, like, the drags of Beverly Hills.

Speaker 0: Yeah. The the slums at Beverly Hills.

Speaker 5: Slums at Pivotal Hills. I’m effectively that in San Francisco. I live in the slums of Sea cliffs. Right? It’s…

I’m in the worst part of Sea cliffs. So, like, my Jack Do lives in my neighborhood Okay. Alright. But I’m, like, I’m at the bottom of that tote. But nevertheless, it’s still sea cliff.

Speaker 0: But where would you go to meet women who are strung out on drugs and are not too expensive, like in San Francisco. God forbid.

Speaker 5: Not too expensive, where we?

Speaker 0: Or even free. Because III I’m AII know of 1 guy who likes to recreational. Have intercourse with junkie.

Speaker 5: Well, basically, any anything east of Venice

Speaker 0: Okay.

Speaker 5: Which is basically, a, a third of the city. I mean, the downtown… Is riddled with fentanyl null. And you… Among those or some…

Actually… Women that you can look around. You can see women that were, like, formally quite attractive. But any significant experience with fentanyl is going to, take the bloom off that rose. Shall we say that?

Speaker 0: And it might also reduce their pro to say no.

Speaker 5: Oh, 0, yeah. For sure. For sure. For sure.

Speaker 0: But my god. Thank you.

Speaker 5: So but this guy, Joe used to frequent those.

Speaker 0: I know.

Speaker 5: , and like, I I said, listen, I want none of those people in my apartment, like 0.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: And so he brought 1 into my apartment once. And I gave me rarely stern talking to that that was not to be repeated. And then… And he observed that until he he brings in this woman, this 10 who what happens to be my neighborhood. Nick

Speaker 0: How old earth are they together? Like any at any level?

Speaker 5: Well, okay. She, Joe had led on that he has a certain amount of capital.

Speaker 0: Oh my god. Right.

Speaker 5: So she had latched on to him. Thinking that he would be the bridge to her trading empire, Yeah. , This is… I’m piecing it all altogether now. Yeah.

Part me doesn’t wanna believe this is true, but… And that his… And then he would use me as the sort of semi wing man type of situation because he would seem to he would seem to view anybody with an apartment as being , upper crust does it work. Yeah. So it’s this really sorted triangle loop.

Speaker 0: It’s not.

Speaker 5: And and I… , and it’s just been a real struggle for me to retain my… My objectivity because I just find myself looking at my phone, like, is she texting me? Is she texting it? Oh my gosh you’re texting me?

What now. ? And so I guess this is why I wanna discuss this with you like Is this a situation you find yourself in where you’re like, something is wrong, but you wanna believe otherwise. Because it’s so…

Speaker 0: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. This is this is a type situation that will get you killed, that we’ll get you… Drained of any financial resources. This is the type of situation that will massively f up your life.

Speaker 5: Yeah. And it’s like, like, Off to the flame though I’m drawn. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like, you think your think everybody thinks they’re strong, everybody thinks they’re virtuous until they’ve tempted.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Nice.

Speaker 5: Yeah. That’s the purpose and the pudding. The rubber rate it’s the road now what I’m saying?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I just put a picture of this woman on the screen.

Speaker 5: A did? Yeah.

Speaker 0: But don’t worry. Keep keep

Speaker 5: going. Okay.

Speaker 0: I optimized the picture.

Speaker 5: Oh, I see the picture. Oh, wait. It is Oh, in Fox news. Yeah. Now she’s hotter with than that dude.

Speaker 0: Really?

Speaker 5: Oh, god. Too. It’s like unbelievable. It’s unbelievable. Like, it just doesn’t happen.

This is like a comma… Is this Haley comment. what I mean? This this should doesn’t happen people like Ne.

Speaker 4: Right. It this to me. I’m coming back here.

Speaker 5: So, anyway, there’s other dimensions to the story related. To Joe, which I would like to bring in, but they’re a little bit too, Yeah.

Speaker 0: Too close to home.

Speaker 5: They’re just too sort for me to, like… Yeah. Talk about and I I don’t this

Speaker 0: is a very classy show. We don’t go for the. You, sword And I

Speaker 5: don’t want to mean the show. I don’t know if you’ve had any thoughts on when I have it’s

Speaker 0: Yeah. That… There’s… I mean, you can learn a great deal about someone about who they associate with. So that you you met her through Joe is a little bit of a warning sign.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Huge warning sign? But depending like, I’m like like, how does Joe, I I… I’m gonna use the word bipolar because Joe, most of the time, I can’t stand. Right?

I totally dislike it. I find very un. But then he has, like, 20 percent of the time or is incredibly thoughtful, engaging in charismatic.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 5: So I’d like 20 percent of Joe, and then 80 percent of Joe. I can’t stand. And, like, I don’t completely close the door. I was thinking about like, how did I wind up in this? ?

And it’s like, I’m willing… It seems like I’m willing to sacrifice 80 percent. I can’t stand. For the 20 percent that I like. And it doesn’t seem like there’s…

It’s not like I can just shut the door on the 80 percent. It’s like, I either accept everything or nothing. Right? No way, I have no control of saying, listen, I want only want this 20 percent of you, and I don’t want this other 80 percent. what I mean?

Speaker 0: Yeah. People are a package deal.

Speaker 5: And so, that’s where I am right now. Like, because, , What was it lying as a consensual actor you you talked about?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, usually, you you kinda wanna be light? Because reality is too painful, so you want you want people to tell you a story.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Well, I I wanna believe that… Do I can get the 20 percent and not have the 80 percent and that I can somehow manage the 80 percent. And if the 80 percent I don’t like, isn’t really as bad as I’m making it out to today. But when I know in my gut that it is as far.

Yeah. And and so, I guess an all boils dance self was self deception like…

Speaker 0: Well, no. I think that’s something much more important than that. And that is both Joe and this woman meeting your needs. Right? Whatever you’re doing, it’s meeting your needs.

If you’re, you’re drinking excessively. Right? That’s that’s a solution that you’re employing to a problem. So they are meeting a need that you’re not getting met through a healthy way. And if you don’t get to meet your needs in a healthy way, you’ll meet them through an unhealthy way.

So you have a need for human connection through that is not getting met. And so you are meeting that need for connection through unhealthy ways because you’re not able to meet it through healthy ways.

Speaker 5: Yeah. For sure. I mean, that that all rings true me.

Speaker 0: So these are gifts. These are gifts, like that they’re opening you up, and and they’re cracking you open, they’re they’re taking you out of your… Your leather or your well honed defenses and revealing what’s really going on inside because who we are in love is who we really are. And you’re you’re in love with this woman some of the time, and that’s revealing who you really are. And so you have an image of yourself as a Caesar, and I have an image of myself as a collected gentleman.

But when love comes along, it rips apart our defenses and shows us as the needy needy needy needy beings that we don’t wanna believe we are, but we really are, and most of the time we can fool ourselves that we’re not this needy, and we’ve we’ve developed such such developed defenses that we hide from ourselves the painful truth of how needy we are. And then occasionally, someone will come along and put it put a mirror to our soul and show the the intensity of our need and how it it will lead us off path.

Speaker 5: Yeah. That all sounds true. That’s that all sounds true. And so I don’t know. It’s I in this real life chess game now.

? And say, And this other dimensions I wish I could bring up in the stream that I just think aren’t appropriate, but

Speaker 0: there’s… But you’re thinking about managing this and what was going on is that you have, , this huge whirlpool inside that cannot be managed. You can you can be distracted from its existence mess the time and imagine that you got it manage, but it’s leaking out all the time. You’re just not seeing it. So this is just ripping off the mask and showing you something that’s there con, continually.

Daily, it’s just that you’re normally able to avoid seeing it, but now you can’t avoid seeing it. But is there all the time? You’re just not seeing it.

Speaker 5: Yeah. No. That’s that’s true. And so… I don’t have any clear thoughts.

I’m sorry.

Speaker 0: Okay. That’s fine. That’s fine. Yeah. That’s good.

Good. Wow. Great anyway.

Speaker 5: So this is this is a drama. There’s other things I’d like to talk to you privately about sometimes because… Great. It’s ultra complicated. Let’s just leave in back.

Speaker 0: Okay. This is a safe space.

Speaker 5: Okay. Thanks, Bro. Appreciate.

Speaker 0: Thanks, Bro. Okay. Bye thanks.

Speaker 5: Alright. Bye. Alright.

Speaker 0: Okay. Alright. Let’s take this show in a different direction. Right. There’s a new book out came out last year, making Endless war.

So Elliott wants to make Endless Love. We got a new book out, making Endless war the Vietnam and Arab Israeli conflicts in the history of international law. And our favorite senior lecturer in law at American at Australian Catholic University is Amanda Alexander, and she has a valuable essay here that you should show to your entire family. This is amanda Alexander, Senior lecturer in law, Australian Catholic University. Alright.

Her is court revolutionary war and the development of international humanitarian law. Right. So begins by talking about the distinction between civilians and combat. So civilian is a term that developed in the nineteenth century. That didn’t really rise to prominence until after World war 2.

So currently, the protection of civilians is the central pre preset human rights, international humanitarian law, the rules of law, and there are just a handful of dominant institutions in the these fields, 1 of them is the international committee of the Red Cross. The other 1 is Amnesty International, and the other 1 is human rights watch. So the international committee of the Red Cross lists of customary rules of international humanitarian law, Right? The principle of distinction between combat and civilians. Alright?

Do you think that’s rule 1, rule 21, rule a hundred and 1. It is rule 1. Rule 4, combat are members of armed forces. Rule 5. Civilians of those who up members of armed forces.

So 200 years ago, there was no concept of civilian. Right? Members of your enemies state or tribe, but still your enemies. Right? That is the traditional approach to this problem.

Right? So if you’re an Israeli and you got Hamas terrorists who kill 1200 of your own people. Right? You don’t just think of Hamas as your enemy. Right?

You think of the Palestinians as your enemy. Right? Men, women, children, they’re all your. That’s the normal natural human reaction Like, who’s my in group, who is the enemy of my in group and then all of them are my enemy. Alright?

That’s the normal instinct. So if you have a lot of bad experiences with Jews with gays with blacks with Puerto Ricans? You’re you’re very likely to develop a negative attitude towards those groups and you’re not gonna distinguish between civilians. And just those those members are the group that you don’t like. So rule 01:06.

I think we all know the international committee of the Red Cross list of customary rules of international humanitarian law, But just to remind you, rule 01:06 is, Combat must identify themselves before attacking to be eligible for prisoner of War status. So If you were a Jewish American, a Jewish Australian, a Jewish English, a Jewish Canadian who was captured by the Nazis. You were treated just the same as if you’re a non jewish combative fighting for for the Nazis and you were recorded, , pretty decent treatment, 99 percent of allies taken prisoner in, , normal health survived World war 2. So 2 German prisoners who were captured by the allies during World war 2, over 99 percent of them survived, they were treated decently. Because all sides to there’s conflict between the the Western allies and Nazi Germany and Mo Hitler had signed onto to the Geneva convention.

However, the Soviet Union did not sign on to the Geneva convention, so only about 10 percent, 20 percent of the prisoners taken by Nazi Germany from the Soviets or of Germans taken by the Soviets only 10:20 percent managed to survive the war as opposed to 99 percent for the allies because the Soviets did not sign onto the geneva conventions, ago, their prisoners were not accord the type of treatment demanded by the Geneva conventions. So the international committee of the Red cross list of customary rules of international humanitarian law. It reflects the provisions of the 19 77 additional protocol. 1 to the Geneva conventions. Right?

And these provisions are now considered customary and essentially universal. But when they were negotiated during the who can forget these exciting days that hal days of 19 74, 77 diplomatic conferences on the reaffirm reformation and development of National humanitarian law, applicable in arm conflict, many of these sections were highly contested. So when you get the news, you don’t hear about now 4 sorts of categories being contested and contingent instead. It’s just, oh, human rights, law says, international humanitarian law says XYZ the president says this. And the proclamation of players are treated as though people mean what they say and say what they mean.

When in reality, almost nobody means what they say, and almost nobody means. Nobody means what they say. Nobody say says what they mean. So the ambiguous definition of combat and civilians contained within the protocol. That continues to be a cause for ongoing Scholar and legal consideration.

So how did the Vietnam and Arab Israeli wars, play out here, and how did they contribute to the awkward shape of these provisions of international humanitarian law? Right? Vietnam. Right? Vietnam War served as the archetype of the contemporary complex that prompted the international committee of the Red Cross.

To draft these news laws. So with the international committee of the Red Cross began calling for new laws of armed conflict, it was concerned with military developments such as aviation that had almost wiped out the fundamental distinctions between Combat and civilians. So prior to World War 2. During the 19 twenties 19 thirties The fundamental differences between civilians and combat had essentially been removed. But now, Right?

You’ve got a tidal wave of gorilla activity, that had not been anticipated by earlier geneva conventions, and so the Vietnam War was the cons example of these concerns Right? And the Vietnam war informed the drafting by challenging traditional western understanding of the laws of armed conflict. So the revolutionary writings on People’s war put into practice in Vietnam created new language and a new paradigm for just war, and advocated the legitimacy of the very type of guerrilla Warfare that the Palestinians have been waging against the Jewish state for 5 decades now. L med says I remember the media buzz when Jimmy carter said foreign policy would be guided by human rights concerns. Yes.

So the language of the Vietnam war, the language of the The Vietnamese communist was adopted by the Palestinian movements. And so they presented their struggle as analogous to the Vietnamese people’s war. So support for the Palestinians and the Palestinian Liberation organization led to a whole series of United Nations resolutions, proclaiming the rights of national liberation movements and their fighters in legal language that would later be repeated at diplomatic conferences. And at the same time, right, there’s growing support for the Palestinian and Vietnamese resistance in the west. So wars against imperial powers are increasingly accepted as just and righteous, and the means used to oppose imperial powers.

Right? Are also regarded as just and righteous. And popular and academic and elite commentary in the west, would question the lawful of counter ins techniques that were used to combat the communist guerrilla and the Palestinians, in particular, the attacks on civilians. And these conversations, these debates are reflected in the arguments of the diplomatic Conference of 19 74 to 77 and ultimately in the provisions of the additional protocol 1, which provides all sorts of new protections for terrorists and gorilla fighters. So you’re probably wondering what the heck?

I wonder what Nathan Kaufman has to say about these lofty matters.

Speaker 7: It’s a very disappointing conclusion because it’s really unclear what we were gonna what the solution could possibly be. To the extent that V is simply an expression of of preferences that are disproportionately female.

Speaker 6: I was sorry. I add disproportionately female or that arise. In circumstances where females are well represented even among men.

Speaker 7: Yeah. So it’s… It it ema from and then is reinforcing female presence, and we’re not turning the clock on that, like, that’s an on starter. So we’re we have to find some way of, addressing these these issues, acknowledging that men and women are both gonna be in part of these institutions right. So we have to find some way to come to an agreement.

Between men and women and find some kind of desirable arrangement. But there is this very strong tendency. Maybe it’s not it’s not… Maybe it might not be all women or or or necessarily, most women, but it it’s enough of a tendency among women that there’s a very strong push in the direction of… Start using certain methods to address to to regulate behavior that are not really consistent with the classical liberal understanding of free speech and and and so on.

Now, on my view, this is certainly… And I’m I’m not saying the quality thesis and the response to the quality thesis is the only important thing that’s happened in the last like 50 years. Right? There are lots of other things that are happening, lots of other trends that are interacting with what I say is the core of v. But so the fe…

Of the institutions is certainly an important phenomenon that’s going on, which influences the way that W is expressed. That would be my view. But on your view, I think you might place more importance on fe of institutions as a cause of workers in per s.

Speaker 6: Well what, was it Mean I I try to emphasize my article that I didn’t actually disagree with anything you said in that regard. It was just a slightly different… Degree emphasis on different factors. I mean, I, know, as As I mentioned at the beginning, , I basically agree that, the acceptance racial and is excuse me racial environmental and my elite is causal related to the rise of woke. But in the case of case of fermentation, I think it’s very important and largely exogenous or at least party exogenous Know is it’s an independent factor that Also contributed to the motives with this a final phenomenon and that , but perhaps could might have been sufficient by itself to court.

Speaker 0: So I think the growth of human rights and international humanitarian law is in large part a reflection of females becoming increasingly dominant in these fields.

Speaker 6: Was both the elites to abandon hereditary and cause woken. Because I think not only do women hold views or at least, pro world views more strongly than men, But they also seem to cause men to adopt those views in their presence, perhaps, , due to a desirable part of men, not to be in conflict with women or to , increase their chances of succeeding with them romantically, very clear. But but, you, the… 1 1 can convergence I’ve man thinking and suggests that a lot of the shift in academia is due disproportionately to… Women in, , the disciplines that could be described as fake or at least much less rigorous than a tradition.


Speaker 0: So to be here of disciplines, we got international humanitarian law and human rights. Right. Back to Amanda Alexander. Big So to appreciate the changes ruled by the additional protocol 1, necessary to understand the legal position before the conferences of the 19 seventies. Right.

So the international committee, the Red Cross at various human rights activists and all the acc will claim there were long principles protecting civilians and regrettable lack of law concerning guerrilla warfare. This was a mis of the existing state of the laws of conflicts. So guerrilla wars and people’s wars or irregular wars. Right? We’re very much familiar terms in both military and legal circles from the nineteenth century.

Hey, the term gorilla dates back to the Spanish regular forces in the napoleonic wars. Like gi tactics of you being used by both regular and irregular forces, for thousands of years. At the German experience in the Franco Prussian war, the British experience in the Anglo bo war were perhaps the most pivotal in shaping the understanding of irregular war in the late nineteenth century, and these informed the attitudes of the military states of the Hague conferences in 18 99 and 19. So people at these conferences, the delegates agreed there was a strong likelihood that citizens would take optimum arms. And so for some delegates, particularly those representing Switzerland and Belgium, this was an admirable display of patriotism.

Right? The response of a British general, however it was to suggest adding an article that say to the convention should not be read is diminishing or suppressing the right, but belongs to the population of invaded country to will fulfill is duty opposing the invaders by every legitimate means. Germany and the Netherlands, however, oppose this approach, Germany acknowledged the value of patriotism, has stated that nothing prevented patriots from entering the army, From organizing themselves properly with a leader and with distinctive signs. And Germany points out an obvious point, soldiers too need to be considered soldiers men. They have a right to be treated humane.

Soldiers exhausted by fatigue after long March or a battle, and they come to rest in a village. They have a right to be sure that the peace will inhabitants of the village shall not suddenly change into furious enemies. So how do you… They How do you resolve this. Right.

26 percent of the vote countered? So we got George. Lat with a big lead over Jamal Bowman. Just because you write a war women like. That doesn’t mean you’re selling out.

Thank you, Gl Med. That’s correct. Alright. So theodore Martin presided over the second commission at the first he. Peace conference and he declared that while it is desirable that the uses of war should be defined and regulated, it would not be possible to agree on all cases.

Therefore, in case not agreed upon, Populations and the should remain under the protection and the empire principles of international law. They result from the use established between civilized nations, from the laws of humanity and the requirements of public conscience. So this leaves the door open to patriotic acts since a heroic nation is like heroes above codes, above rules and above facts. Right? So this elite some Belgium beers about the treatment of gorillas, However, practice it meant that Germany and the other Great Powers had their way in this debate.

So Mountain statements suggest that any… Fighting such as terrorism and guerrilla fighting will take place outside the law. And in the face and in opposition to the law. Killer Alright. So this is the 19 o 7 hague convention requires that legitimate bell who want to avail themselves with The protection of, hague conventions must distinguish themselves at all times, must carry arms openly, must follow a irresponsible command.

Must conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. So obviously not how their Palestinians are fought. Article equal 2 of the regulation states that members of a g force would be regarded as, they rose up before being occupied, Carried Arms openly and respected the laws and customs of war Right? They would then be accord the rights of being a prisoner of rule. Right?

However, there was no right to resistance once you’re occupied. So occupied inhabitants could not be allowed to attack the oc occupy lines of communication because without lines of communication, right, an Ami cannot exist. So any provisions that protect citizens would depend on the citizens being peaceful. As soon as citizens seems to be peaceful. Soon as the Palestinians, for example seems to be peaceful, Then it’s open season.

Right? Because if the citizens do not remain peaceful. Right? The the guarantees will lose their whole reason for existence. 19 49 Geneva conventions come along, They do little to change these requirements.

Right. If you’re a part of an organized resistant movement, you have to distinguish yourself. Right? You have to have a distinctive sign. So guerrilla warfare, regular warfare had been comprehensively considered and regulated well before the 19 seventies and the law was clear.

You’re a Combat baton, you had to distinguish yourself if you wanted to avail yourself for the protections of being a a prisoner of War under the Geneva convention. Citizen who became involved in the war outside these structures liable to be executed and the rest of the population was liable to rep. So you don’t have much protection for civilians. Right? The only clear provision is found in Article 25, the 19 49 hague convention.

It prohibits the bombardment of underfunded towns, villages dwelling or buildings, but if these places are filled with enemy fighters such as the situation in Gaza, right, you can bomb away. Right? So Tacky forces had to warn the besieged city of an impending bombardment if possible, which is how Israel is conducting this war. Article 27 encourages attackers to avoid damaging buildings dedicated to religion art science or charitable purposes, Historic monuments hospitals in places where the sick and wounded are collected. Aside from these revisions, right, civilians are exposed to the ex of war.

Is no requirement to allow civilians, non, useless mouths to leave a besieged town. Civilians can be killed by starvation by bombardment. Whole regions can be devastated if that is necessary, for military success. Once aerial war becomes a possibility is understood, it likely to be used to kill civilians. Attempts to limit the use of aerial war on civilians failed in the 19 twenties, 19 thirties, Something in the forties and again, in the 19 fifties.

So it’s generally accepted the citizens of an state, are enemies too. Right? That is the traditional way of regarding the non combat among your enemy. Right? That citizens of an enemy state are enemies too, if it’s possible to bring a war to a speedy conclusion by harming them, then it should be done so as a necessity of war.

So under these provisions, Israel’s conduct in Gaza would be considered a okay.

Speaker 6: National disciplines. I, , the the studies departments and so on and if if you God rid of the disciplines are aren’t really doing very much That’s rigorous. You might you might see a disproportionate change in the other disciplines and at the most activist prone, people have both Owners, particularly women. Would be gone. But of course, that’s something like it happened now because they’ve getting such a foothold that…

And have sort of proliferate out into the administration and bureaucracy as well that, difficulty how 1 would do that

Speaker 7: Well, we take get rid of we have to It seems that there’s a kind of male versus female morality. Now, so in male only institutions and female only institutions, then they can be expressed without any. Conflict coming into conflict with the other 1. Now, both of these modalities have different strengths and weaknesses so the turning society into a kind of boot camp, might be taking

Speaker 6: like extreme…

Speaker 7: Negative expression of of male nail morality. And on the female side, like, just complete this regard for truth and over feelings and I think we

Speaker 6: have to go any wax here who who who said that… Women have brought the values of the Kindergarten into the academy.

Speaker 4: God for forbid. Women have brought the values

Speaker 0: of the Kindergarten. Into the academy. Mike says in chat, sober bizarre, people don’t know. You have to be uniform for the rules of water to apply. Well, that’s not sure any longer Right.

That’s the main dear between soldiers and terrorists. Well, terrorists in in gaza are claiming all the protections of the uniformed soldiers. Why? How do they how do they do this? So 19 49, Geneva convention Poor drafted to provide protection for civilians?

But it does little to protect civilians during war. Right? Does not include any new constraints on aerial war, proposals against civilians scorched tactics or the starvation of civilians rather it focuses on the protection of civilians in occupied territories, main goal us to prohibit another Jewish holocaust. Right? So any protections from the 19 49 Geneva convection.

Convention for civilians completely depends upon civilians remaining passive. At once they engage in hostile activities, they lose the rights of protected persons. And even the protection offered to passive civilians, is contingent of military imperatives. An article 27 acknowledges of the parties of the conflict may take such measures of control and security With regard to protective persons as may be necessary as a result of war. So it pre prohibits mass for transfers, but it accepts that an occupying power may undertake total evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons, so demand.

And the 19 49 Geneva convention that governments may manage their own populations in the same manner. Right, it provides for parties to set up separate, neutralized zones to shelter non combat. Alright. So civilians who take part in hostilities will naturally be excluded. So protection offered the civilians by the 19 49 Geneva convention.

Depends upon a clear distinction between civilians and combat both in legal and in special terms. So this reflects a common military strategy that was then used before and after the drafting these provisions you’d separate the civilian populations from the combat that they might support, whether you separate them willingly or you separate them under their du. Right? And that’s the way people at wage war. I think about the destruction of boar farms, relocation their inhabitants into concentration camps.

1 of the most familiar examples. There are similar movements of civilians during the Spanish American war in Cuba, and in the Philippines during the American intervention, Similar approaches were taken by the Japanese in Man syria by Portugal in Angola and by Britain in Malaria and Kenya. That the aim is to separate gorillas from any support from the population. South Vietnam, president Dm, started of moving rural communities to constructed communities from 19 59 to separate the peasants from the revolutionaries. Right?

This was turned under the Americans into the strategic hamlet program. Right? You got thousands of fortified hamlet. The aim is to concentrate and shelter the population in hamlet, relocating villages when necessary, to produce villages who actively supported the South Vietnamese government and cutting off support for the communist grill from North Vietnam Now various scholars will talk about this moving and recycling a populations in camps as a technique of liberal empire. Right.

It’s a biomedical attempt to govern to domestic and to deny political agency to colonial populations. Alright. So the whole intent of these laws is to limit political military agency through both a legal and a spatial separation of civilians and combat. So despite all these experiences with regular warfare, the prevailing idea of war, The main theories, the war games the laws of war were all shaped by an ideal of orderly soldiers in uniform of subdued citizens separated and demi. However, over the course of 20 century, an alternative imagination of war and an approach to human rights law laws of war was formed.

Right? An approach that was exemplified by the war in Vietnam and that was embraced by the Palestinian movements. So this alternative model is the communist model. A revolutionary people’s war, a war, where there’s no separation between people and army, a war that una employs real tactics. Right?

This is what the Palestinians use. Right? They follow the same tactics that the North Vietnamese used. Right? So Grille Warfare is an old technique.

But now it becomes associated with revolutionary communist ideology. And 1 of the main sources for this new approach with the writings of Chairman Mao. And they… His success in China inspired revolutionaries of a communist variety all around the world. So Mao in China provides a model for revolutionary people swore that becomes referenced by a whole bunch of revolutionary movement all seek to ever overturn imperial or oppressive or right wing governments.

So you got principles from the mouse model that that are followed by revolutionaries in Malay, Be, Algeria, Rhodes and Cuba. The clearest Association Pass was with the communist movement in Vietnam. And the success of the whole Vietnamese strategy further inspired other movements, including the Palestinians. At after the 19 67 war, shattered Palestinian hopes for liberation through traditional war, Palestinian movements explicitly characterize their struggle as a revolutionary people’s war in the manner of Vietnam. The communist popular front for the liberation of Palestine, the P followed Mao teachings closely.

Butter. Right took a less rigorous more ec, well secular approach revolutionary theory, but still echo the general themes of the mouse approach. Alright. There were significant differences between the Chinese and the Vietnamese and the Palestinians and their conditions. Right is hard for people to reconcile Palestinian tactics with prevailing understanding of g war.

But by presenting the Palestinians struggle as a second Vietnam. Right, They managed to situate themselves within the global revolutionary movement that was reshaping the vision of just warfare fair. Though in time, the Palestinian arguments would strengthen and develop and become more embraced by more countries and more people all around the world. T Mao developed his model for revolutionary war in the 19 thirties. He took Marxist Lenin theory and adopted it to Chinese conditions and he would emphasize the role of the peasants in a prolonged people’s war.

So Mouse strategy had 3 phases. Right? 1, you mobilized the peasants 2, you gain their support by employing real strategies. And finally, you moved towards conventional war. So Mao stressed the first phase, the most mobilization of the people is absolutely central for victory, and that’s what Hamas has done, the Palestinians in Gaza.

Right? You can attribute Mao victories to his widespread support from the people. And you have descriptions of the war in Vietnam that go along a similar line. The war of liberation in the Vietnamese people proves that. The face of an enemy is powerful as he is cruel.

Victory is possible early by uniting the whole people within the bo of a firm and wide. National United front based on the worker peasant alliance. So Mao would introduce rules and disciplines to avoid alien the people, maintain a good even s relationship between the people and the troops. So Chairman mouse says only un troops who make the people their enemies, and who like the fish out of its native element cannot live. So Mao troops would observe the 3 main rules of discipline and the 8 points for attention.

They’d carry out campaigns to support the government cherish the people, do good deeds for the people they made use of air possibility to engage in activity that would help the people, help them overcome economic difficulties better their own livelihoods, lighten the people’s burdens, and by their exe conduct, they would win the whole heart support of the masses, would affectionately call them our boys. And the Palestinian movement employed similar strategies. They emphasize the support of the population. This will be out greatest advantage. The masses would be a revolutionary power capable of liquid direct colonialism and occupation.

So because of this overriding need to gain the support of the population, Right? For for communists, they would overlook class differences and even engage with the petite Bourgeois class of the people. But the role of the people then would go beyond mere support. Right? There was no longer a necessary separation between civilians and combat.

And it’s possible and appropriate to be both. Those who say I am a farmer or I am a student. I can discuss litter literature, but not military arts. This is incorrect, There’s is no profound difference between the farmer and the soldier. You must have courage.

Simply leave your farms and become soldiers. The farmers is of no difference and if you have education, is so much the better. When you take your arms in hand, you become soldiers when you’re organized, you become military units. So when the un enemy comes, we fight, that when the enemy goes, we plow. Right?

So this is a complete dis of the controlled and passive population imagined by the geneva conventions. Where the civilian population is limited to peaceful pursuits. So from a revolutionary perspective, this suppressed class only deserve to be treated as slaves if they do not learn to use arms in their own defense. And for Palestinians movement, the transformation of Palestinians from refugees, Revolutionaries is regarded as is a therapeutic measure toward healing Palestinian society as a cultural renaissance. That armed struggle becomes the source of political legitimacy and national identity.

Right? It’s the new substance of the, imagined community of the Palestinians. So a people’s war is necessarily a terrorist war and a gorilla war, at least in the initial faith phase so Bezos. So revolutionary doctrine describes g tactics is the obvious weapon of the week against a more powerful opponent and you hear this rhetoric, about way do Palestinians engage terrorism because they’re weak going against the most powerful military in the Middle East. Real war allows for the mobilization the whole strength of the people against the enemy.

People’s army can wear out his opponent till it is possible eventually to transition to conventional warfare. Though grill warfare is the only way to mobilize and apply the whole strength of the people against the enemy, the only way to expand our forces in the course of the war. And deplete and weaken the enemy and gradually changed the balance of forces between the enemy and our soils, switching from gorilla to mobile warfare, and finally defeat the enemy. Back to nathan cough no cost.

Speaker 7: So in principle, some kind of… I’m sorry in in all… Major philosophical traditions, Right there’s a concept of yin and Yang. Right? That that they interact with each, and there’s some kind they should be in balance both within the individual and within society as a whole.

Right? It seems… Now there’s maybe more of AAA conflict between female morality and the goals of academia, which is theoretically. Right just get at the truth, find the truth, debunk everyone who’s wrong. Right,

Speaker 6: engaged our opponents, arguments rather than assuming they have in a nasty motives.

Speaker 7: So this disproportionately attracts like, people who are kind of under the spectrum autism spectrum, which just means like male brand people. Like because autism not according to an view is just extreme male brain. Yep. Lot. On the other hand difference, there are plenty of of great, like, win in scholars who’ve made who who certainly ought to be.

Speaker 6: I mean it’s… The question of our overlapping Be.

Speaker 7: Right. And and also, I I think women didn’t have some strengths in in certain fields, and that have and that that they’ve been able to make contributions in certain areas. And and there should, obviously, it’s good to have space for for that. So that’s not something to be upset about, but we haven’t found a way to push back against the the excesses of female morality.

Speaker 6: No. Louise Perry had an interesting article recently in which she teased this out in the way that I thought was quite compelling. She pointed out that the… It’s a single what single mothers who are excuse me single women who are childless, who are the most work, just terms of the statistics.

Speaker 4: I think

Speaker 6: of what she said. And this… Can be understood from the perspective of their, , they’re maternal nurturing instincts, not having a suitable biological target namely their children and therefore being directed towards, , disadvantaged groups in society. And that, therefore, 1 might consider the decline in fertility to be another independent cause of woken. That doesn’t really answer your question.

I just that was an interesting point. I mean, as I said before, if there was some way of making academia rigorous again, and, you, selecting each individual based on merits. It’s not obviously not excluding women. Because I women. I think you might be able to reduce a problem significantly because I think it’s it’s people who are selected from, next extreme ends of various psychological traits who who populate these activist disciplines that are doing this disproportionate of harm and sort of have of caused peep people who otherwise might hold more moderate views to be calendar into silence or or to virtue signal in in ways we would regards notorious.

But other than that, yeah, It’s a very difficult question to know what to do.

Speaker 2: I’m not sure I have any else’s void.

Speaker 7: What 1 of the reasons I was skeptical of the this theory

Speaker 5: before I read your article is because I’m so

Speaker 7: many of the people who attacking me were men. So

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get more here from Amanda, Alexander. So there’s no problem in revolutionary communist litter that g war is a problem either ethically or legally. It’s sensible is strategic. Chairman M declared, we should honestly admit the Gorilla character the red army.

We shouldn’t be ashamed of this. This gorilla character is precisely our distinguishing feature it’s our strong point. It is our means of defeating the enemy. Through Real War is more than a pragmatic strategy. Real War is heroic.

It’s romantic, as an established history. It is super human hero wisdom and bravery and self sacrifice, self sacrifice. Right, and this resonates both among sub peoples and in the west. The guerrilla fighters are justified because they’re engaged in just wars fighting against imperial and unjust aggression. So you hear a lot about the term imperial.

So what the hell does imperial doesn’t really mean. It’s the policy of extending your power. You can do it economically culturally, so it’s a fancy word. But condemning something that is just inherent to the human condition that the more fit. Right?

The more adept, Right, are going to have more power. Right? And so if you’re more fit, different groups have different gifts, And so some groups will naturally have more power than other groups. And if, this this… Back of life upsets you, you call it Nasty names.

You call it racism, imperial, colonialism. But as long as different people have different gifts as long as back the combination of different people with different gifts and different environments. Right? You’re gonna have desperate disparate outcomes, and so you’re gonna have some groups that are more mil momentarily or culturally or religiously or artistic powerful than other groups, and hence they will have an imperial influence, That’s why I wanna do an essay on false and real categories for morality. So this idea is simply because different people have different gifts.

Right? That this is somehow the the greatest evil is absurd. Right? It’s just a basic part of, morality of reality. And I think that morality should be based upon accepting reality, not denying reality.

So from the communist Gorilla Palestinian perspective, right, imperialist like, Israel, right, Bullying and en sla peoples. P their wealth and encroaching upon other sovereignty and interfering in their internal affairs. Well, if you’re more powerful, then your neighbor, your your power can’t help but have some interference in their affairs, just like, if you’re a total loser, Right? And your wife is constantly meeting men who are winners? Like, how long do you think she’s gonna be happy, stuck with you a loser.

When there may be men who are winners who are pursuing her. Well, that’s imperial. She’s using her beauty in her brains and her her wonders to tan and create influence over others. Right? She’s an imperialist.

Right? We’re all imperialist. We’re all jet. Genesis. Alright.

We all take care with who we reproduce. So as soon as you make any consideration bit about those people that you might consider of having children with. Alright, You you are practicing Eugenics. If you exercise influence over others, you are an imperialist. And if you recognize that different people have different gifts, you are a racist and a bigger and a hate.

So the imperialist from a communist perspective. Right? It’s a communist perspective that hates. The the facts of life such as different people have different gifts. But from a communist perspective, the the winner, Right?

The successful countries that influence other countries are rabbit aggressive. They are the most ferocious common enemy of the people of the world. So George Gil wrote a book called the Israel test and essentially the test boils down to… Do you resent those who excel you? If you don’t resent those who Excel you, you won’t present Israel.

If you do resent people who Excel you, in groups and nations who excel you then you’re much more likely to hate Israel. So from a coming perspective, every people in the world that wants revolution independence of peace must struggle against Us imperial and Israeli imperial. And guerrilla of fighters are trying to safeguard the freedom and independence of their people. And Palestinian movements characterized their cause as part of this global fight against imperial, analogous for the Vietnamese struggle, and they still characterized their cause this way. What, I…

I’ve been watching a lot of pro palestine videos, and they almost all use this language. They’re fighting against imperial fighting against colonialism. They’re fighting against settlers, they regard the inhabitants of the Jewish state of Israel was settlers. So I I think at a certain point, like 18 80, 90 percent of the inhabitants of what’s now the current land of Israel were arabs. The Palestinian movements, Right?

They they take on the Vietnamese narrative, and they argue that Israel, which used to be regarded as a be set heroic. Nation. Right. It’s an imperialist base nation carrying out a program of colonization and disposition. So people never emerge out of the earth.

Right? So whenever a people set up a organization and protect the sun territory, they’ve usually had to displace other persons or certainly to protect their territory from the incur of others. So The communists and the Palestinian to say, look, the whole crux of the Palestinian problem is the peace conquest and continued seizure of the entire country by military force. Well, The country was seized by a more intelligent and more effective group and the less intelligent less effective were evicted from the land. More effective people tend to seize more more of life because the strong take what they want and the week endure what they must.

So it’s this enforce disposition displacement of the bulk of the indigenous population and sub of the rest This is just awful. Right? This is the most evil thing from the communist Marxist Lenin mao perspective. As this colonization by the foreign settlers from Europe, of both the appropriate private land and the Seas national resources of the powered over overpowered people. So Now the term for over overpowered people is less effective people, people who aren’t unable to seize and protect their territory.

So what happens in nature when you got 2 subs species in the same place. Right? Inevitably 1 subs species? Right dries out the other subs species. Alright?

When you have different forms of life fighting for survival, at, some win and some don’t. And it’s the same with people. So it’s this ideology of imperial and racism bigotry is the colonialism is the greatest of evils, right and the legitimacy of terrorists and g tactics to overcome imperial. Achieves growing recognition repetition in the United Nations general assembly because you’ve got increasing numbers of d colonized nations. So you get a whole series of general assembly resolutions, studying that zion is racism, and the racism is bad, that all people have the right to self determination, except when that’s inconvenient for these people, especially those fighting alien domination.

Right? And This term, Alien domination was created to cover at the Palestinian situation. So in 19 70, Un resolution 264 nines, specifically condemns and denial of that right to the people of Palestine. Right? That right to fight for self determination.

Now, this resolution will not support the right of Jews in this space to fight for self determination. Resolution 3 01:03 19 73. Reaffirm that colonialism is a crime. Colonial peoples have the right to struggle against colonial powers, alien domination using or necessary means at their disposal and such conflicts are to be viewed as international armed conflicts and combat are to be accord the status of prisoners of war, so terrorists and gorillas and people don’t wear any insignia must be accord the status of prisoners of war. So you had this whole new understanding of imperial, meaning countries that are particularly effective.

As against countries that are ineffective, right, is now a crime to be effective. And that justifies the use of necessary means of opposition. Not only defending guerrilla warfare, but in all the debates about terrorism in the United Nations, terrorism is actually a good thing because you’re fighting against imperial. Right? Un Secretary General Kurt Bo from Austria tried to introduce an item entitled measures to prevent international terrorism in the general assembly.

Following the events at the Munich Olympics when the palestinian and terrorists killed all of the Olympic team from Israel, But this item was changed to include a study of the underlying causes of those forms of terrorism of an acts of violence. Which lie misery frustration grievance and despair, which caused some people to sacrifice lies, including their own in an attempt to affect radical change, So the discussion that en Sue… Right Pits the alternatives as state terrorism or individual terrorism. So we’ve got a growing divide between the proponents of terrorism, national liberation and the enemies of international terrorism. And so the Un sets up the Ad hoc committee for international terrorism, which reaffirm the legitimacy of terrorism, legitimacy of the struggle for self determination, national liberation.

Right? This is the intellectual bedrock and the foundation, for widespread international support for the Palestinians. The recognition of the Palestinian cause in the Un General assembly culminate in 19 74. It invites Y Ara, a terrorist to address the general assembly and passes resolution 3236 and 3237, which reiterate the Palestinians have the right to self determination, the Jews in israel don’t have that right, and grant the Palestinian liberation organization. Right?

The terrorist organization observer status at the Un. So these resolutions give more and more foundation for national liberation and terrorism. They give these These forms of terrorism Grill Warfare, while legitimacy and more legality. Now, traditional comment insist the general assembly statements with politics, not law. But there’s no clear divide between politics and law.

There’s no clear divide always between narrative and law. Right? Law always occurs within a context of narratives and of politics. Alright. So these traditional comment said, oh, this is the danger the democracy in the general assembly, It can derail the lofty traditions of international law.

Well it’s completely rewritten the traditions of international law. So those who assert the view of d states that national liberation movements reform a self defense and that insurgent leaders should be so recognized. But this is a political challenge to an existing law. So the alternative view of war has gotten a great political legitimacy, but its legal status is controversial. So the theory of the people’s war provides a stark alternative to traditional…

Laws of war. Right. So fundamental aspects of traditional laws of war, such as the status of national liberation wars, appear a problem and ethically suspect to western experts. So these conflicts shape a subtle shift in the interpretation of the laws of armed conflict in the west. And the bulk of the discussion around Israel focuses on the justice of Israeli and Palestinian claims to nation, territory and.

But there is growing dis approval of Israel’s counter ins inc, counter tactics, In particular, rep proposals against individuals or states with supporting guerrilla or terrorist actions. We got western international lawyers and states beginning to question the legality, these operations. Alright? So this is the foundation for the modern, widespread elite opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza, especially when they’re directed at civilian objects, And when these responses appear disproportionate. Right?

This is the whole foundation for the modern elite. War on Israel’s war in Gaza.

Speaker 7: I think at the time, like the the the most high profile woke critic of of me was Mark, who was on this Ji to get my paper retracted. And his allies were like, Jason Stanley, some other people like that, And there were some women too, But it’s… I felt like, at the time, and my experience the the most aggressive people seem to be to be men. But, yeah. I’m as you say, winning, like, a cancel culture, I don’t think is like a women’s thing, because necessarily.

A men were also interested in burning witches and, fighting heretics. Although, certainly win and played a big role in those things.

Speaker 6: I wouldn’t wanna suggest this is we got rid of the women, everything would be fine, and the women the only people causing problems. There’s really a lot of medical and games too.

Speaker 7: That’s statistically. Yeah. If you look at the data, there’s there’s no way to to deny. Like, there’s, you support for free speech.

Speaker 6: I don’t know you saw the this. I made a few weeks weeks ago. It was based on a recent paper by a finnish scholar where he obtained survey data on on academics and students and different discipline in in Finland, I think. And he basically gave them a, a series of questions that, ask about woke, , things like is his our disparities through to racism and another related attitudes. And he found indeed that there were sizable disparities with women in academia being substantially more likely to endorse these attitudes and men in in in in in each of the he looked at.

Speaker 7: Yeah. It’s a It’s tough.

Speaker 6: Yeah. I think we need more a better understanding of how mixed sex group dynamics play out because I mean, I’ve noticed just anecdotally that men seem less willing to express their true opinions about controversial topics, particularly where women are concerned in the presence

Speaker 2: of women. That’s not empirical evidence. That’s just my theory.

Speaker 7: Well, I’m empirical evidence. Yeah.

Speaker 0: That that rings true to me. Men are less willing to express their opinion on controversial topics where they’re a women present. Absolutely.

Speaker 7: Starts away. Right? So

Speaker 6: I mean, , reaction on Twitter will say, , this is why most societies through history have in patriarch. , you you really can’t have a a lasting civilization unless, women play a subordinate role

Speaker 2: in , major institutions. I know that’s true, but that’s what that’s what they’ll say.

Speaker 7: Well, if we leads came to accept with respect to race, and that would presumably come with… Attorneys with respect to sex differences. And most people are vaguely, or, I think even in the elites, you have to be pretty well to deny that there are sex differences.

Speaker 6: I wouldn’t even go as far as to saying that…

Speaker 0: And the question

Speaker 6: that there are or at least a.

Speaker 0: Look. Yeah Are you using Ai to put out your short videos? Yeah. Ai starts the process, but there’s a lot of it work still that I have to do. So I I have to choose which, sections so I may extend or diminish the Ai suggestions.

I will remove unnecessary words, I’ll clean out pauses and nonsense. So Ai begins the process. Right? Opus clips is the program I used to make short videos, but there… There’s a tremendous amount of work that I have to do.

Okay. Back to this terrific essay by Amanda Alexander. So the anti Vietnam war movement launch as a comprehensive attack on the way the United States is fighting the Vietnam war. Right? This attacks says that the way Us is fighting, Right, counter ins tactics that then get translated to Afghanistan in Iraq.

Right most famously under David Petra. Right, the growing elite opinion is that these counter counter terrorism, tactics are immoral and illegal. Popular protests, media reports, draw attention to the violence and d p, the war, the attacks on civilians and children, Intellectual and journalists produced inquiries into the axe, late stage trials judging the Us campaign. And so you get a substantial change in legal discourse by the start of the 19 74 to 77 diplomatic conferences. Right?

So critics of the Vietnam war would essentially echo the critiques of the communists. Did The the Vietnamese national resistance forces were on the side of right, according to growing numbers of elite. Left and dominant ins institutions in the west. Right, the the the Vie Kong are on the side of the right. They’re on the side of the law, They’re defending the principles of international law on their right to self determination, political independence.

Territorial, integrity and Nash unity, right? Similar arguments that are now made on behalf of the Palestinians. At the people of Vietnam or of gaza or Heroic. The struggle is epic, a stirring and permanent reminder of the incredible spirit of which men capable when they had dedicated to it noble ideal. While the United States or Israel, Right?

These are representatives of imperial or neo colonialism. These are universal empires of evil. These are examples of rap imperial. These are the common destroyers of peace and justice. These are the greatest threats to the world.

Right? And you get critics frequently comparing. Israel and the United States to Nazi see Germany, suggesting that both countries are unprecedented in their imperialist aggression, The course of history, there be many cruel and rap empires and systems of imperialist. Exploitation, but none before have had the power it. The disposal of the United States imperialist.

Then after 19 67, the first time you get this widespread characterization, the The Jewish state of Israel is an imperial power. A state the time about what, 6000000 people, akin to the United States and Vietnam. And this gives the Palestinian cause credibility. It’s an ethical fight. It’s a justified, It’s a holy fight.

So left wing intellectual who until 19 67 supported Israel now became supporters of the Palestinians. Right? And this was shifted because of the Vietnam War, which changed the political consciousness among western elites into a much more anti colonial communist direction. And so critics of imperial would say, the use of terrorism Grill Warfare. This is the only logical response to over bearing imperial.

Well Right? So colonialism, It it kindle the nature of the civilian population. It makes civilians rebels, This determines the characteristic of the struggle. The colonial like Israel, the United States might have the superior weapons, but the indigenous population will make use of its advantages of number. Right?

And we should not expect a resistance movement or a terrorist movement when confronting an imperialist power like Israel or the United States. They should not be expected to comply with the requirements of distinction. They should not have to show that they are combat. Right? They they don’t have to wear uniform.

And so if people’s war a war of terror A guerrilla war, this is a perfectly reasonable and justified in ethical and uplifting and wholly response to imperial. Now does lead to an obvious response. And if taking on the unity of an entire people, which holds a conventional army obey than the only anti gorilla strategy anti terrorism strategy that will work is the destruction of the enemy of entire people of the civilians of the women and children. So imperial and near colonialism, enemy will inevitably respond to a people’s war liberation with genocide. So the imperialist like Israel and the United States in this communist way of thinking, yeah, they may have the the technology.

They may have the more up to date weapons. And due to their aggressive imperial nature, they are going to be likely to… Commit genocide. And the strategic hamlet program. Right?

Which was initially thought of as a pragmatic response to a gorilla war, It becomes attacked in similar terms. Right? The people who carried out the strategic habits thought they are protecting the peasants. But they were really protecting the peasants from communism from liberation. Right?

They they wanted to separate the gorillas from their support, But this is all a, illegal fiction. Right? So you’ve got the imperialist with their d degradation, for the strategic hamlet program with their moat, their machine guns, their turret, their patrols, they use of force labor. These are nothing about concentration camps designed with genocidal intent. Now, comm will say, yeah, Counter ins is a result of a people’s war.

And just as previous international lawyers have warned, the legitimacy of the people’s war, is j posed against the illegitimate of an imperialist Nazi like regime. And so when imperialist fight with counter ins tactics. They are surely on the side of evil. They are betray all the principles in the United States p reports to a uphold or that Israel reports to a uphold, and in the name of freed and pregnant women are ripped open. It’s Every American Voter Republican or Democrat shares the guilt of these deeds, America.

The self proclaimed champion of freedom. Is out there torturing and killing women and children for the crime of wishing to go on living in their homes. And so 2 israeli critics of the policy of occupation feared that it would lead to the destruction of Israeli democratic values. And this will only lead to further resistance and rep ref. So the dominant perspective on the Israeli arab conflict is the communist, Marxist lenin.

Anti imperialist anti colonial perspective. So the immoral and ill of Us and Israel campaigns of counter ins. Right? Is is illegal now. Right?

And so you get critics starting to make technical arguments that the bombing a civilians is a breach of the laws of conflict. And it’s not true. Right? The the these arguments required some impressive interpretive work. You had critics of the United States trying to declare the use of Napa bomb illegal.

Now most Objective lawyers point out that there’s absolutely nothing in the N principles or in the laws of war to confirm that bombing of civilians is illegal, But By the end of the Vietnam War, this language is increasingly taken on by supporters of American government policy as well as critics. Now people in Israel who are trying to make the case for Israel, argue oh, the great care that Israel’s is taking to try to reduce civilian casualties. Israel’s is taking much more care than other elimination have taken to reduce civilian casualties. And so even the most pro Israel. Of supporters are taking on this language that the number 1 concern in War should be minimizing civilian casualties.

Even if that mist means risking the lives of your people’s spiders. And so there would be arguments that this is really action or this American action. Alright. It only causes remarkably small number of civilian casualties. And it was certainly not disproportionate to a military advantage.

So supporters of Israel and the United States have to fight on this communist battleground of ideas. So So the growing outrage over the Vietnamese war shows a shift in the understanding of what constitutes legitimate and lawful or war. So now you’ve got Terrorism, Guerrilla War, a people’s lawful for liberation is now considered legitimate and lawful, and the counter techniques employed against terrorism. They now it’s so illegitimate, it becomes impossible to see them as lawful for. At any attack on civilian.

Even when the civilians cannot be distinguished from combat. Becomes increasingly difficult to defend. And the limited protections that existed for civilians prior to the 19 seventies have been transformed. So now we’ve got a dramatic distinction between military and civilian objectives and the protection of civilians becomes the number 1 task when you’ve got combat going to war.

Speaker 6: Substantial minority does. I’m unlike in a case of race difference.

Speaker 7: Yeah. And if they accepted attorneys about race, then presumably, they

Speaker 5: would also… They would universally accept

Speaker 7: it with respect to sex. And then at least we could have these conversations.

Speaker 6: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Yeah. That’s true.

Speaker 7: So on my account, the fe foundation of institutions is a something happening in parallel with… But. But is a separate time with from Wi, right, perhaps we could solve growth problems with hereditary.

Speaker 6: It’s possible Yeah. It’s tony… I can’t I can’t see how it hurt. Also, what did you make of my third point which was that elites have reasons other than… The rejection of racial authoritarianism for being on the left, particularly in the Us, namely that it’s dominant.

Speaker 0: , What’s a a big problem for an open hearted cherry guy like myself. Right. There are all sorts of, , problems that that I have where I’m repeatedly doing something that I I don’t wanna do. So sometimes I’m I’m overly familiar because I’m… I’m a Aj your jo guy, and sometimes I become overly familiar with people who take offense at my and jo, and I then Kick myself.

Like, why did I do that? That was inappropriate. , these people don’t like that that jo tone that you take. But then if I share with people. This is a problem.

I always get lecture, , watch it. You should be doing that. You gotta stop that. That’s wrong. Right.

Guys. Just because someone con convince in you a problem that they keep doing. Right, telling them to stop doing it. It’s not helping them. Right?

You’re not advancing civilization, you’re not advancing the sublime and the ethical and the holy by telling them what they already know. Right. Most of our, moral problems are not a result of the lack of moral knowledge. It’s not usually the result of a lack of will. It’s a lack of efficacy.

And telling someone went to stop doing something that they keep doing, Right, You’re not doing them any favors, and then you’re not doing yourself any favors because it’s just obnoxious. And if you feel absolutely compelled to give unsolicited advice, like just do it once. Right? Don’t repeat it. If you must give unsolicited advice Just give it to a person once and then drop it.

Move on. That’s it. Take care. Bye bye.